IT is Uncomn m o-n -unlleo by any hlaimfet forn er from Sciatie Rheumnatism to become confipletely helpless fro m the disease,- in fact more helpless than a child. And what 1iavoc such pain creates in the entire systeml The effeets of a long siege of rheu- znatism is apt ta be very severe on the constitution, so that the pati- entshouldbe promptin obtaining relief thýe moment the op portun.ity resents itself. The restoration to ealth of a'rheumnatic sufferer is lik unu- to the freedona front a prison cell of an innocent tuan. In either case the bond- mgo is unnatural and uncalled for. Mr. ohn Runter, 821 Brook Street, King- ston, Ont-, was laid up for six weecke witli rheumlatism. Hie was so help- les ho cotld not leave bis rooni or dress hiumeeli. A friend advised bina te, try Dr. Hall's Ifheumnatie Ciu-e. Aftor taking the contents of the llrst bottle ho was able to move around the hoB.The second bottie cured Iirù coinfletely, and lie was able torcturn Lo his work. Mix Hunter says hewoulid iitronigiy recommend Dr. H1all's lien. inatie Cure to all who sufer with rheu- Dt. Hall's Rheumatic Cure ie x)nt up in 50 çenb~tlee cotainitng ten days' treatment, ~?os~e i~ ildruzgists and dealers in. tneedicine. The Dr. H1all Medicine Co., King. ston. Ont. le e~xce e s~yaedmonthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectuai. Ladies ask your druggist for Cookes Cotton Root Com- ni.Take no other. as all Mixtures, pille and mîta111-tione are dangerous. Priee,,No. 1, $1 per boz * No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. Nio. 1 or 2, malled en receipt of price and two 8-cent »tam-pe, The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. týVNos. 1 and 2 sold ana recemmended by &Il tresponsible Draggis tiaadea. No4. 1 and 2 sold in Bowmanviliz b y 1IaiX BOTSIAM & SON, STOTr & JUR; Orene by J. Gi FILLÂN; NeCastlo by Dit. FÂRliOomBE. DR. WOOD'S - ,Aý -r A Positive cure for ail Throat, Lung aud Brouchiai diseases. Realîng and soething la ite action. Pleasaut to tek-o, prompt and effec- tuai le ils resîuits. Mr. Chas. joiùîson,'Býear River, N.S., wrtes: "I was troiubledwoith boarsenesa and %ore throat, whiob the deetor Pro- Bouneed Bronohitis and reeonîmended me to try Dr. Wood'e Norway Pine Syrup. 1 dîd se, and after using tbrce botties 1 wvasentîrely eured."P Take e. Laxa-Llyer FPub befure retir- tng. 'Twill worIL . wilt, iyou Sleep with- eut'a gripe et Pain, eurng bulousness, eonstipation, sick headeehe and dyepep- S!A and mâle yeu fuel better le the înerning. Prîc6 25a. 011Pns 1y 15aset.s P ins a r e- fini.h.d in gold snd eunm,i prettilà Xet Tliey re snch splendid value 011" igentssllthenlnslmnstvyrvUseý tend us this ndverti ent su w Wiii forwardte Pn si em iS.lldOoldingwit eseuty'f *y relues mail, absolutey fe. poaieion Novctr e. Ilox 26, Toronto, C The crarned ti~pesi- tien in rhlch a tailor worke t-ome £ hiurd on hie kidaeys enJî bard on hie'Lack. Very few esc&aebecl.'ache, pain in the ide ced trrinary troubhes of one bled and another. ,Otentimie the first warnlinge of kidney cl / seese are noglected- t n twiIl be ail right lu a dsty or two-but sickkidlneys won't ge b wcil without help. KIEDNEY PILLS Are the bet friend of kiducys neecling sistance. Read the prou! frona a taller Wtro bas trie& them. Mr. John Robertson, nierehant taller, -Durhamn,-Ont., gives hifi experipeneas foiows: 11 ladl been aiing with my kidnoys for raore than ea>ear wben I eommenced taking Donn'a Kidney Pille, whieh I got et Me- Farlane'a drug store, and ama sineerely glad tui. 1 I d]se. '£lie wrong action cf kidneys made me oick aIl over and eaus mech nocnonveniece and pain. That le izow a thlng of the peet, becanse Doaesa Kldney Pilla cured me.- I have liedt ne trouble or incenvenience witb mny kidnoyo or back silice 1 teok these remarkable pil, andIo ye ay lie sure ths-t I gladly recoin. men thena te other sufferer%." LAXA-LI"VERrî.PILLS aër ibe ladies' favorite inedicine. Tbey do net purge, gripo, wgeaken or sioken. Tbey set neturally on thoe tomach, lin-r and Iboefs, cnring constipation, dyspepsie, aiekç h.ladaozbe and bliiouanens. Price 2U. CE1NTURYS B NIIRITÂNUE, WFIAT THE NINETEEETH CENTURM RECEIVÉD AND WHAT IT GAVE. A toig LISÉ Oretiventloikîs-TeY Addeil Eitorniouasly' te the 1Wcrld's Enterla' Ncw Çoikfionied WiVit 1 ivinilty. If one Lurns te tic varions inven- tions outhLe nineteenti ctentury thel bave se, completely. trensfurrned in- dsreadded many new eues, cieeg- cd Lihe 1modes utf'lite ut nations eec edded- enormously Lu material pros- perity and: cunvenience, as weil as iu- creased bbe meaus uf enjoymeet ai- must beyond expression, Lie hiet iE long ced incompatruble, These invn-n Lions arc otten biongit of as science iteît, but as science iset mechan- ism, but a bodly et correlated princi- pies. Tic one le lew, tic otier as illustration uf iLs vaiidity. Vie reccived Lie hurse and ox; we bequeath Lhe locomotive, tic automo- bile and bbc bicycle. Vie received Lie goose quili; xnE bequcebiticth fountain pen and Lyvpf- witer. wel reeived Lie 'scythe; we ho- qucati Lie mowing machine. Vie reeeivsed lie sickie; we bequeuth Lie ha rnester. \Ve received the sewIng and kaiL- bing needbe; -we bequcati Lie acwing end knitting machines. Vie reccived Lie iand printing pros; wne bequcati Lie cylinder press. Vie recleived (be bypeseter; wo be- qucati Lie linotype. i Vie received Lie slodge ; we bequcath the steena drill and bemmer. W,ýe recelved Lic fiinîiock musket1 ,wo bequeati aubometic.Maxima. fWe recea-ved tLie ai sbip; six weekilteLu Europe; w-e bequcati Lie steemship, six daysý te Euýrope, Vie receL-yod gunpowder; we be- que ti nitruoglycerie. Vie recciyed the baud 10cm; wne bequeati tic cotton gin ced woolen W\e rcceived thc leatier tire, bueket; wo bequcati Lie ýteam tire engine. Vie receivod wood and atone struc- tures ; wo bequetli wcnty-storied steel structures. 1 7Ve receivod Lie staircase; we ho- quetl Lhe elovator. Vie received Joinson's Dietiunary wLLh 20,000 wordq; we bequeati Lie modern dîctionary witi 240,000 words. .".e'rcceived 22000 000 speekieg Lie Englisi languege ; we bequeti 116 - 000,000. Vie rccein-ed t he painter's brusi and casel;' we bequcati litbography and pbotography. Vie recein-ed bbe loadstune; wc ho- qucati Lie eiectîu-magnet. l Vie received Lic glass eiectrie ma- Ichine ; mne bequcati Lie dynamo. Vie rcceived Lie Lallow dip; wne bc- qucati tic arcliglit and Lie incan- descent. Vie-recein-ed the teur-inci achrome- tic telescope; wo bequeati Lie tour- foot lens. Vie received Lxvo dozan members et the culai- systcm; wne bequeati 500., Vie re-ceived a million jstars; mne bc- queti 100,000,000, Vie received Lie Lieder box; w e -e quecti Lie friction match. Vie recein-ed ordiî.ary ligit; wne lie- queeth Roentgen raye. \%Ve received Lieheu ecou signal tires; we- bequeuti Lie telegrapi, tic Lele- phono and xnireless Llegrupiy. WVu recein-ed tie iveather unnn-une- ed ; we bequeati bbe weatber bur- eau. Vie receiv.ed less than twentyknowvn elmnt; ncbequcati eigbty. Vie received tic pruducts ut dis- tant ceuntries as raribies ; xne ho- qucati them. as beuntiful as home productions. Vie receivcd histury as en-enta re- mebrdand receniied ; ve bequcati tic kcinetuscupe. We rcceived the pat as silent; mne i bequeet thbbc phafngrapi, and tbe vulees efthLe deaa may ugain be tive, but une Lbing --mure engittoLu h edded. Physicai research bas broukht us Lo an apparent boundary. Tic knomvbedgc we have ufthLie nature ut maLter and outhLe ci ber eemetLm- piy that Lie former Lsa e onna ut on- orgy et the cther in Lie etier, and as Lic lutter je trictiuîniess no mochan- kAs of thce we keow and incas- Ls cumipetent Le or#inize eàfirst GUESS AGAIN Wicn dees e -man become Stress? Whbeh benand iewie. No. Wielic threedshis wa? No. Wbcn he ripe and ears? Gin-e itUp. Never, if be eau hcip iL, EGOTISM. aseea-. Isn't the-re a great deaeàv e gti 1 &mm ng acto--s ? cked tbe yuung wo Man. atorn. It impli2s the existence of oth- er energy, other modes of action and non-compulsory activity-that is, in- telligence cou trolling factors bühind ail that xve call the visible universe. There one îs coufronted wîth divin- ity. IN lSIAU lu a court-room in a Wfestern city, says an exohange, a tramp td cbargcd with stealing -a watch. Hle stouitly dezied the imipeachment, and brongbt a countercharge against bis accuser for assault comnatted with a frying-pan. The judge was lnciined to take a commc#n-sense îieyri of the case., and rcgarding the prisoner, said: W(hy did you allofw the. prosecutor,! whe is a smialler man than ycurself, to assault you without resistance ? Had you nothing in your ýhand witb which to d.efei yoursclf? Bedad, your hoenr, answered the tramip, I had. bis watch, 'but what was that against a frying-pan? CAUSES 0F DELAY. Teacher-What made you se late ? Tommy-I had to wait for nma to wrap up a bundle for me to leave> dît Mrs. Brown's.e Teachr-Surcly, it didnrt take your mother nearly an hour to d6 that. Tommy-Yes'm. YotW sec,, the Pp p-r she was wrappn' it up bad a love story ile ýt. A CHAMPTIN. iîggn-&So you think that fellow is a priz3 fighter. Hie doesn't look lilce one to me. Ilie bas no inuscular developmnent and lie is undersized and underweight. Wiggins-I know; but you just ouglit to htar him talk!1 TOlIACCO CUJLTITiRE IN GREECE. lncouraged by the, euccess witb whîch Kavaila tobacco bas been grown ia Greece the Hellenie governiment hae decided te devote Qpecial attention to tbe extension of tobacco culture La that country. Large quantities of seed wiil be preeured frora Trebizond Havana and Maryland and experts w;Îll be engaged te teaeh Greek agri- culturLst'e tbe besi. metbods of cultiva- tion. I ama suîry Lu cey thene is, answered ýSouth. Mr. Stonmin.1tonj Birees. Why, ilI Progress ontLs mnondertul Lehe- met-~ni ni lese tien uhre actors mn-b grapi hune, spaneing 5600 miles tram ti ugit tbey couid play Hamlet as Cira Le tne Cape bas becu unnoticed mnehl as I deû 1i oetlute, nul uuîy because the mnar lu e" e'.resý - --- rSeuti Afxica made semci noise, but aise beceuse thee une bas nuw reacbed e point about as fer ewey f ram ci nlization as ib le pç,ssible teý iail right, if you are too fat; andi ail wrong, if too thi.i already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or iess, is no great harrn. Too fat, consuit adoctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matterwhat cause, take Scott's Ernulsivu of Cod Liver [Ou. There are many causes of get- ing too thin; they all cone under these bwo heads: over- work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scottfe Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, ta balance yourseif with your work. You can't live on t-true-but, by it, youI can. There's a limit, however; you'Ii puy for iL. Scott's Emulsionof Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for, "ccan't eat," unless it cornes of your doing no0 work--you can't long be welI and strong, withoutt sorne sort of activity. The genuine bas thus picture on it, take 1n0 other. Iyouhave flot- tidtsend for flree sam pie, ts a-- greeable taste W Ili surprise you. Chemists, Toronto. 50c.,and $ 1.00; .al drugglestsî,. geL iu these deys. 1Au unhroken lino et poue anci wlre nw stretches a000 miles up rom Le the tewn utf Kasauge, ou the ,eact shore ot Lake rfameganyika, lu Ger- mue East Africa. JThis means that Lie backbone uftheb long job is broken, for uniy 1200 miles inter-eue betweeu Kacange and Lie southeru extremity- ut the Egyptian elegrap linhe, witi wiicb the sys- tomi wil ceeneet, and the physicai difficulties for this lest strutci are et the districts tirougli xvhich the Une bas aiready been carried. Al but 500 miles et tic remeîing 1200 too, eau bu served xith poies, appa- reLus aed supplies by water instead et their being dregged overland un the bueks of native porters. The worst part uf the lung merci is thet which bas just. been put be- bîed in the rueuntaineus., heavily wouded and malariaus tract lying be- Inn-ee Lake Tanganyika aed Salis- bury, ie Eastern Riedesia Kasanga aud dts neighborhood, however, oc- cepy a higb plateau, sleping abrnptiy Le the lake choie on tbc west, and 'ou the oacIt alne more gently te be- comie e fertile, iiundulating- country stretcbieg te the suacouest, aed Ibreugi this region the course ufthti, lino willi mn until iL mouets upwnard again t, meutthbbcEgyietiae -tele- gz Laphl. TERRIBLE RAVAGES 0F DISEASE. iThe braving et abysmax meulntn ehasms, felling -of gigantie trees, le curryieg the course ut the hune blrougi seemiegly impenetrable for- ets; brilging of exidieses svumpe, wn-ich iu Lie rainy- season become roarieg torrents, and the necesaity et xvrking le defiance utfxild beasîs and saveges bave net beun the worst ditticultiesLiaI tie me wio bave buîlt Ibis uine have lied Le fece. Tbeir teck xvas duiayed nearly e year by the comabination oft txv forces, tie terrible aed far-spreading animal dis- case, "rindlerpest," xvici extermî-- aiLes heirses sud caIlle, and tie i-arj CONSULPTIOU Powley's Liquified Ozone t- Destroys the Bacfflus Which causes the Terrible Disease. The enly way te treat consomption le te kill the germs which feed on the ceils ef the longs. Powley's Lýiquified Ozone .ioes this: cleans ont the dieeased tissue and renews the Sound bealthy toue. Ozone supplies the air celle with oxygen in a pore concentrated fo'-m. That it can cure consomption is evideneed by testimoniale. Remember every testimonial publishied for Pewley's Liqoified Ozone eau be verified. inve'stigation te lnvited. Read what Mr. Wm. Peul, of Orillia saye about it. "I teke mnueh pleasure ta recommending Ozone, 1 eau truly eay tbat it eaved my life. 1 caught a severe cold, wnich scttled on rny lunge. I 1 was se rue down that I had ne hope of recovery. Three doctors told me te make my wii. I tried everythiog recommended for consomption. 1 had taken nearly a dozen bottles of Cod 1,iver Oul, besides. spending eue hundred dollars iu doctors' bis. until at last i was adn-bcd te try Ozone. nefore I had taken two bottles my cough wae entirely cured. flefore 1 had taken Ozone two months I wags well as ever. arn, yours n-ery truly. Signed, Ci WM. PAUL", Orillla, ont. PowieY'e I.iquified Ozoue et ail druggias $i.oo large suze, 5oe. emali size, or f rom. the laboratories ef ibe OzoneceC., of Toronoe , imii ted, 4S Coîborue.St., Toronte. CAPE TU I AIRU TELEUIIÂPT THREE-FOUR 'THS 0F THE LAROÏEST LINE IN THE WORLD FINISIIED. I[neredible flard~.hiIps Endeired by tlle Construetion sI..ff-Dillaig '%Wih 5DIS- ease, Savazes vind Wlvd Jleasis-Cecil allode's GIreat Eireprilne. 1,ions, byenas, savages, trop!,- fev- ears and extraordinary difficu.ities bave, combincd forces te prevent one Of the Most siýgnificant enterprises of the nineteentb century fro-ni being coMplet!ed at tbe boginning of the twentiet.h writes a London corres- Pondent. The s1ngu.lar cenfliet began seven years ag'o and attracted the world's attention et the Urne, but was soon forgotten by alrnost every one except tbose personally iuterested. IL seens, bowever, that the strug- glu bas gOne on'stead'Ily and thiat the forces of darkness have, been fighting a losing battle. The îvork is weil al&ng toward conipletion, and in two, or et: most it thrce, years the resi- dents of any Ainerican city, te say notbing of Eo.,can, send a mes- sage fiying hu a minute aown the whole len.gtb of Africa, past the bomnes of tbe Pharohs, tbrough jung- lem which expleirers la ou r on day were te first to penetrate, and on to, the bloody battlefields of the To proe te yen atDr. Chsem 0întment le a certain iand ahuolute cure for eeehl and en-ery fores et itching, ep bleodlegand protrudn! piles, the manrfaclure& have gueranteed lt. -or, tes- timionial., in the daiiy pres and ask yeurneigh- hors what then- thiak of It.Ynxî can use it and cret reer me iey back ;f net cued. Melc ý box, t ail dealers or F A OAE OuTrno Dr5 Oh fase5s Onm wilth the Matabeles. Oddly enQugh the ne mainiy brougbt about the other, for the natives' chief reason fer rising xvac their misunderstand- ing of the white man's uiject in kilinig cattie infested xvith rinderpest but. not 'noticeably ce., The natives believed the 1white man ivas trying è to starve tbem, and in retu.-ru tbey tore down bis telegraph poles, eut bis w-ire up and- made bullets et iL, and fired them baek ut hlm. Inu tha ,t struggle r.00,000 wiorth ut the African Trans.continaental Compauy's suppliés ve-re destroyed. At eah ne et the Long string et istations that bave been opeued- Goodiiema, Geelong, UJmebabez, Fig. tree, Gweîio Que-QUe and, others as piquantly nanied-a white operator and two ,or three natives bave been Lot t, and other natives under Englisb bosýses" are constantly patroling the line, on theý lookout for breaks or inapediments, for even e cpider's web xviii spoil the connection on thc dcwy morning. Sixteen Engl.ishmen compose the construction staff, the chie!un- structor and bis assistants, who nuna- ber two; a surveyor and an assistant surveyor; a transport otticer with two assistants, an englacer and seven, xvorkmcn. There are between 200 and 600 native porters, accnrding te the stete et the marke t. Of course, the nýearer tii compietion the line becumes the fartber must- the supplies end poles bu carried frona the south. At tiret wooden polos were used, but now iron unes bave superseded thera altogethex. Tbey arc - made in sec- tions, each of whiuh eau be, carried separately, then fitted together anid plan Lod in iren shues. Except xvhen the ditticuities of the country prevent, the tueegruph une is following the course of the Cape te Cairo Railway, une ut the good peints et this arrangement being that une suries of repair stations ivilI de fer botli. SD fer the line bas cost £,000,000, and iL is tbeught that to complété it wtil cost another million, lun speak- ing et the prospects ut the telegrapli a higb officiai conneeted witb the British South Atrican Company said Le the ivriter a fcw days age:. -WILL TRANSFORM AFRIA "'I believe this la the biggest enter- prise eftne kind ever curried eut,' fer I think tbat neither lu Australie nor America did a liue se fer precede clvi- lization. The advantages ut the Cape te Ceiro tuiegrapli, iL seenas te me, lie in the tecility with whîch it wJ1l enable principal and agent te, com, mnicate with eci otlher, andl the saving iL xvill brieg about in ceble rates. Commerce in South At rica wLi benctit: greatiy by the Une. Ilere- totore cornperativeiy tew explora- tion parties have been senL out, be- cause it i-as impossible te keep la coimmunication witb thena, and a re- port trona sucb e party once in six montlis La hardly sufficient. Com,ý punies doieg business lu South and Centrai Afrira xviii be able te curry n trade ivith e smalier terce than boret otore. "I ami ne prepaed te sey thet eur cus tomers wiil save iargely in -their teleg.rapli bis as cempered with wbat tlaey are new paying for cable rates. The maintenance of the Une xviii cost lesa thau a cable, and te offset it we shall bave a large emeunt. uf local busiaess. This bas been se long the lina, as fac as opeued, and te a sur- prîsing extent. Just wbut our rate xvili be I cen net say yet, for il will depend upo>n the nogotiatiens ewith the European puwers between Euland, and Egypi,. but 1 can stete positivciy tint it xviii hbemuci becs tien thu 87 odd cents a word uow cbarged by the cabie companies." .Perheps the naost interesting tbing about tbis xvondorfui lino ut hight tbrown un the dark continent is'thet it is a one-man affair. Cccii Rbodes dreumed it, planned it, reised the monuy for Ui and geL the naust im- portant right ut wey for it outside of XAÇT COPY CFNVRAPPEIM FAC-SIMILE SI GNATURE £S ON THME OF EYEIY BOTTLE 0F Ouaston% s l t up ln ene-sis bottles cely. Iii le esot subla nbnik. Doe't ahiow anycens tessii youa seythlug else on the pies or promise tbat t le "Just as goodIf and g"will aeswsr every pu>- pus. -* Seo that youu&etO------I, We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots ta dispose of yet, and very eheap-flrst-ciass goods ut very sma]1 nrice. Oui carry a good assortment of, Ladies' Oxford,colored and black- at 81.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Binas, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Button and Blims 25c, 50e, 75e, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in priceb. We wiIl tell you what the stock is la eaeh and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles now ini stock in every uine. The publie is invited to inspeet our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawi Straps, fancy and plain:- Dresbing, the very best that can be bouglit. Oheap trash dressing is dear, it wiii ruin the boots it isa~pp1i, ed to. Repairing done in ail its branches in flrst-ciass style. F>ine work made to order, sure fit or no0 sale. Thanking my eustomers for past fa-vors and hoping for a continuance of the ume. I3eaver Block. Bowmanvilie. *DAVS Hampton General store, We l'IoId a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared to gix-e bar gains in Clot hing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good, Serge Suits to order $&.00. We have a vcry large and weii assortcd stockz to select from, in Serges. Worsteds and Tweeds, uoth Foreign and Domestie manufacture. W. are bound -to SUIT 3 ou. Groceries and Hardware. In our Grocery and Hardware Departments you wiil flnd our stock weli assort3d, bought in the best markets ut the closest priccs, and wili be sold ut the right price. Some people want quantity others quality, we can pieuse both. Hlighest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a caîL HAMPTON. Thes pile u,-oaildisasesaJ ddis cîrersersin frrnwea bert -eoieeu ey rsare n in. bomeat teao, nere oed tiod Sipd eatriherbuiing up audng rcnemring ail tho wurn out and wasted tî-osees of thto body aed restorieg- perfect 1i0alth. Prico S5U, a box, or 3 for $1.25, at ail dru-gss Five Years agorny body broke out in white çYutery pimiples, whieh grew so bad that the suf- fering~ was almost unbearable., I took doctors' medicîine and v'arlous remodieës for two years but they were of little benefit, whenever 1 got warmed up'or sweat the pimples would corne out again. A neighbor advised Burdock Blood BItters, and I amr- glad 1 followed hls advlee, f'or four bot- ties completely eured me. That was three years ago and there lias neyer been a spot or pimple on me since. JmsLashouse, Brchiin P.O., Ont, ness adlsCnan ete G- iuïii,Morphirte MUer gal. tin Su, i ucnt -r ea ness and Loss OF SLEEP. lac Sinîle Signature ef -wr-L eole,