Litti ivrPus veliUst Bear Signature of Y jry V àaU anS ar CA~JLR8V, E 11w CUR- e Tçoî J rLIzEZ SiATOI weSvtqoeatfr ,O l -ýcotth a ine, re1ii ture.ioths nist frogrnt tics, o! licolors. lînsti adverti.cinent andiemUfr trtsooe . ;and tti sb; a . .' .. oeaof aeul'sk ed in a veivetlined box. <rito c dy a fion ofrStoIt. w, ~ - fl tfier tu Spio.toono l 11113 n îtJut.,,ie. lieAar quickly evadeti- Tic Lihomals bant lc upper liand agalu anti fore- _______ad blne, in 1821, to renow bis promise Consu mptilves Need not Lo observe fthe constitution, but tice Leae TeirOwnHom i Hly Alliance's representative, tié 1France e!fflic restoreti Bounbonssentr to be Cured. < un unîny lu 1823 aoross fie Pyrentees, ri. ioun. verflirew the Liberals anti rosforcd Th 1c l ySit jFerdinati fo.absolu te power. Just lic- 01 Treatment is Offeroeti U Ab>- fore bis tienf liehoreoiked tic Salle colutoly Free. jlaw, fins giving fie flironetfa ils infant tiaugliter, Isaliell IIl. lu 1833, A consideratien not te lie overlooked suigoftt'iea cr l io in tic tneafment of concumptives is the expense la quest of heaibi. Somne of outr ier lne, andtiis be-un tie C-ri- ruedical n-in are rcxv advisinig fIels - 1sf isiags, whicli have occurreti ut1 patients teo go long distances in tie lape infenvais lui Spain even since. Isahella tiat change of air will de tbern gooti. A lot of sole-,un nonsense is lieing said, anti was driven ont lu 1868, anti thon, iun writtea, about change cf climate, and t if rapiti succession, camne a nilifan-iy diu-c- .inluence on tie patient. "Stick te low fatorship, andthti restoraflon, iu 1875, altitudes", says oe.e "Go tIe mountains",c!flice Bourbons ia tie person o! Is- says another. How is a poor perplexed blll's son, Alfonzo ýXII.,,tfie ather suifferer wih soi-e longs, te decide amongcffcpesnboKnAiaz tiese different aufboities ? Tic fart is,, o h rsetbyKnAfnoXlIr . people die of consomrption ia ail climafes.i ;rîey recever from it boa, in ail climates, 1 if they are treafeti praperly. The only Thie present distuebucuce uiny resuif, positive cure for lie disease is ta kili thein anay oae o! seven-al tiags. 'Tie gernis liat produce if. This la accomn- Qecan Ragent, Mrî nia Chrîstina, an os- plisîed nation tIe Slocuni sysfeni o!fi treafment. Tic diseuse must lare noth. women, bat au Auirtlan,,anti ing ta feed oit. TIat is fhe pinciple hafeti on fiat ureouni, nay bectiivea andelying flic Sbocuns system. Yen can 'ont. 'flrents te do f is l'ai- offten try if at your lame. Inamtesoe fidet fieu POSITIVELY FREE !yo-irs ugr)ofo!leron -band, Ai! Unzo Ton or pour sek frind, cao have 2 PtE rourse XII. lui tînt et epeially as flic Df Trsatme-ît. Sl*uplY Write la TUsaiT. A- hLOCUtM tlHssICAa Co, Llmited, 179 King Et. West, Toron- lffeKing la frail pliyoically flic te, glVing Post office and express office sddress, aid dv lie nihtbcc, iprrvu nwhich tise free inedlcina (The Siocurit Cue)5 Ti n-tlisgi prornptly sent.1 would give a ciance f0 fie Repul- Whou witiig for tiiam aiways mention thls rnsobfiCalt.'lcReu- paper. Mnortth alss.TeRpb Pensons lu Can"ada, s6aing SlOcum's free Offer 1lu Ecuns declure fiat tiey are euson- Ameican papeno TIlt ploase zend fol sample& te ou ClioTornto iaisoratories, bly sure fa ge'i contrai of affaira, _______ -- rivlÎle fieCanili,-ts whlo bave a rep- Sreseaitative on a qîiasi-represcatativc.I JA T G H - an Prince Charles cf Bourhon hri ' fae eP:uhed weded the Iic:s of flic Ast uri. fo aeling - a fo2irdo,-y ago hic wastheimmedeefe cause von con coco tiofines thi it Mdid niti r artia ,hv Allernnon a y setting ta wrk aiouso mlal usthi-oad-e,,teentcnand ive olliforrd the5'ieeds. o! profitting y flic situation. If is $elelu, rtulnWnesîi mîcdivegaâne ae e an od tit tte ti! affairs, anti nay leuti îniînocdiniOe keeSuipi C.,Jliratcc -te a convulsion cruel mgît bci'fatal _______________________- futflicpreseuot dynasfy. 'flou woulti came flic deluge. r Always rzreila. For mnny'years f li Frenchi have Alwa's te ~beau consitieing tfIe-!easilility o! crossiag tf-_ Sahiara in a lialloaon, but tins for beck f oxperienco ilong-- ýj distance uciai rides anti the tii!ficuify o! obfainiog per!ectly gas-figif SLEN bailoo mtenial tf0 bine for so long a brip, bave preventeti ifs execution. are sold everywlaerzeiLtl h ai eoCu a ae r5. M. FERRY &ce., WINDSOR, ONT- up fIe suliject lu cunest. Ia view o! thecangy wiih wvhiei fbis club coatinets ah tts work,andtihfe pnitie - j ~maudfestet in 4h.feir performiances by Princes Table s scb niemberi us Couat De la Vaulxj andt Couaft Castillon de St. Victor, 1 Are what you -want for ail fciras or Itic e con, blitteduto h li f omale troubles; an Infafliblereme,iftcdufo!flnt- - dydlîrovenedbyafaomostfernale mate sur-rescf fie scbcmre. OnIe speciaist; guaraliteefi as a positive cane; wili posiirely estabilihthe or tlie most important faertors la sucri normalfneti '0s"se 'ymathyb uadcrtakings, ifli c uessany moaoy, i ven 50,000 ladies; for sale ut drg- giss, on snt on nccipf 0f pice $1,0. rsont s uo diffirutties ia Frunc', Aetna Drug Go, Wi'nd6ors Ont.Caf. j xx re flore ure iel men alwavs 'l' tii ol ndeiorn- oe oxO Iver Sloei 3','oroeho in hov10 cars.0011 its irtiiso- nient ad meli endtie. oiabsoluîtely fre., The NOT TI ME. Bly stars! ejaiulated the leader of the choir, happening la when the quarrel was at its beiglit. Tbere seems fo le tro-,uble iiia teair. Not at' ail, siic, sa;id theoprno br, ey s snapping. Th"le trouleý is la11 Uie 2bazzi , ready tao e ncourage fis panficulan fori-o! sport. -Tic plan, is to stant froni flbes, on th-. eoasf nen Tuais, anti go over Giatiames f0 Tiniluktu on fIhe Niger, bccanse if las boen oh- serirci tfite prevailiteg widsarsue NOTES AND COMJIENTS. To outsiders tflic hief interest irn tic present Spanish situation lies lu the fact tînt ainicot anything cati iap- pen as a resuit o! if. Madridi bas of- feu bad martial law it'thîn fhe mem- onry of pensons still ia mitdle ago. 'fhe Enhabitant.s o!f tat city lare seon more flan one ditator before Wcy- 1cr assunieti that noie tenfafirely la fthe prosoent case. Just now, howerer, Spain is tireateneti wifh penils fi-r sevenal directions. The industrial dis- fui bancos which lave brn1 eun iu flic past few years have heen mnIrc than usually acuto lunflic past tw-elVe monflis. E;trikes are untio way in muany places in fie Ikingdoma, andtihti troops bave more flan once 1-lic<ail- cd ouf laefthc p-st nionfli faavent or suppress disontieî. Part of Spain's business dislccation is duc fa tic loss o! ber colonieri lu 1898, w hlich.>fur- nîshet a munket for tic sale o! mucd of ber comniodifies. 'The bos oftie colonies furnishos unother danger by removing f1e outief for flic turbu- lent spirits o!fIe kingdom, la higîs and low station. Tiiese are ut home now, and their preseace linfiies cf popular furmoil is alivrys a menace to fhe cxistiag rogme, wlatever if happons te lie. Spaie's polit les ia the pat bundreti yoans bas boen as kalcidoscopc- anti drmnafie as aaything wiich France con show ia fIat finie. Bonaparte's 1lirother, Josephi, usurped fie flirone for eeveral ycurs la the early part lof ftle nineteenth %century, Sbxtting ouf botI fiealidicateti King Charles IV., and lis sou Ferdinandi VIL, and when Ferdinandi,was nestorein i 1814 he Nvas conipelîrd hy an ciemeat o! tic arniy and flic populace f0 uccept the constitution o! 1812, wiiie, un- Itely's census, , chiShows tînt caine anti alloflier narcotics. If ils ina fiee fruost ceuse of: fIe terni a lemn- fiat country bas 53,000,000 inihabit- Oerance meticine, aaiLs at fhe presout finiec, suggcýsfs a cone1nrison -witb flic Latin nation A constant SuffAPQI'E ,)n tie of 1er sitie o!fie Alps., When IIIliall ben a constant cufférer froin nOmmie :IeLtfcnidl ut ftle Cougressa£vi Vien- diseate for fiveeyears,12 write, J. A. Steorts, ofYan. lu-enous, Clay Ca., West rIirgioia, "landl for six un rcerrc f0 ta1~ j ntlis previoos to, takiîîg pour medicine I was nacon-tcnatuouol eere aly ioi nt of loy roono. Oould ioct waik or stand, lis micrely a geograplical expres.sion as Othere ivas sncb pain suid drawiiî n l et aide sud isearnug deln weight iun megion lof uterus, noane o! thleIniaguafes ut that gaf 1- accosupantedithi soreness. 1 sofiéed con- oring ventured fa say fIat flic terniabsaatly with teadaclie, pain ln bock, souoldens, armo sud ehest;hlail alpitation, nervous prostra- w-us nef desciiptive. Ini flicgenoral 1tion, constipation, Idizzeturs, n'ging lu cars; coulti not sleep, andl breatiîing vras so diffleoit ai allofntent o!f thesocraps o!flice peu- timesr I could nt lie down. Word ffai to de- imoula authfat; comgresd flic country mni s ufnoowe xcct o o avc.Ina short tinte I receverd a kii i eter w li his untertfia -sw'ay o! Victor fr-m. vonit elliig lue 1i would 'tc gneatty brue- itd if îlot rutirriv curril, b p bhe useof an, Itinanue III fa-ay -irasdivioti p ieirce's Favorite Preicr iption. Whiseni 1lad aken !ý,Éoraore parts flan the Gani o! one botti ofithe 'Prescripticn,'1 iogether with Dr. juta tlîOc j ierces Pleosait iPellets sud bbc local Irealment Cuesar's dayd orxfIe Polanti o!flie -whicenycîadrisrd, I csld walk (witb tise sop- hic ! tc prfiici bytIcgret l- ~rt cf a eaue), ithe drawiug su ad pain in ida sud tine o th patitulaby he rea in_ carng dowu veight werrnoct so, bail, andiwbea teruafional rebbons Fredenlikthfe I lad taken thrce botIetaof icW medicine the peiis worm îegtilated, ft výas inet na nervoos, Greof o!Pussia, Maria Tberesa vof icui sleep weli, andil îlepoi. ia side sud bear- - iog down lîsilvaiisheil. I hou1ertokcu csix bot- Austia, anti Cathexine IL. of Iussia, let cf 'Favorite Prescription, bwc cf 1'Golden Ausnialu Iat<Ilrison ot Ie ar 1 MIlleal 1fiscery ud fouir s'aie cf 'Pellets,' Alusria n tat dvison gt te lag- andlncy brotis better aSt ibisitimo thon ltb las or part o! Ifaly, Senteo! ift it entf0bren lu five e ars. "WVitli grateffilisokali for youî- kinti advice, ic he ttie stafe o! Sardinia, which anti wiltrobet iiolira" foriedtheflicucoleus o!f thepreacut Dr. Pience's Pleas- kiugdunt o! Italy under Sardlaia's ant Pollets arc a [royal lbeuse o! Savoy, andtheflc rst o!, 1 niost-effective laxa flic fragmnents mireareteamuedtfa fthe.Thev cure bilions- Pope andt the e ft fy princeliags wbo, ilaes'ant i sck lieu wemc dnivon out during Bonaparte's' ache. cyclonlo days Lunflicfinst decade and a hlI!o!flice nineteenfli century. Adt fhe beginning o!flice niacteent h century France, in bler presentfer- - .- riforial liraits, lui. 26,000,000 immli- tunts, 'fa-day, 100) years btor, lier - pobpulation is0f iy 38,500,000, and xc- mranalmost staticuury !rom .decado ' ta dcrado. A century ugo Franco led ah tIe cou.atrieo£ o!Europa la popu- lation excopf Russia, andi if was f ar __________________ more hoenogenteous and power!ul f lani Rus5sia. Af htintfirae Sardinia, with 1 lnan-y's. Industnially anti finan- thc sections whil were under Au«-. c'allY ItalY is îmmeasurably poorer fnian mrule, flic 9tates whicl were Ithlan France. Ifs taxation beurs untier fie Pape, andtfhase wîicia 'ere I with a oushing iviglit an ils people. goye-rueti Ùy dukes anti kinglets or Forixnany years past if lae blicou i- wene eut up infa Bonupars ty preseuf cd toelbe on fle verge, o!nan- replies, lhad a population lan flic tional bankruptcy, iargely f lrough uggmegate af les fan 12,000ü,000. Dur- f lhe drain ou ifs rcaoùurces w'hich nier- ing fie fronîled finies wlien fie 1lership lanftletriple alliance ontails. ladaries cof Sartilala andtihflicrest This is probabiy tflic ee!cauýe vof o! fhe 5tates vhicl nowe comapriýe ficthc great exteuf ta wlicl anarcbismn kîugdem of Ituiy wcre clangeti crery feu years by rebellions la whioh potty tiespots crere driven (rat, liy canqueas liy oblier litfie, despDts or by týome o! fhile igger neiglhars, or liy con- claves o!f the loly Alliance, the growtb vof flic frrifony coinprisi-ng flic presout Ifuly cias uaturally slow. But allf lis Condition o!fncrtI u ty anti stagnation gave way te, ex- pansion -wien, as a mesuIt o!flie ne- cretions Iota-cen 1859 anti 1870, tic libtle lciagdoni o! Surdinia spreuti ont unti citif-covereAth fe entire, Italian peunsula andtihfecadjacent islantiS, withli omae as flhc capital. - - r lu 1aSi flic kingtiom o! Italy lad 28,000,000 peoplo. If las tItis acIdeti 7,000,000 ta ifs popultion in fcmenfy years. Iu fiat finie, if b sfsimafed0 ut leasf 5,000,000 pensonsibave cmi- grufod. fron t Ifly. Addiug f lese 5,- D00,000 ta flic increase ut homo, flore lanflirt generni direction. 'flic dis- lus licou aîmost aS great an ulisoluta tance is about 1.437 miles, anti oison- grawfli amug fhe Itulians ini fIe rvations prove fiat for-flirre monflis past fweaty yenrs a-5 flore lias been the cinti blocis pretby constantyameag th ic Foa inla 'abenury, for cxci tuis stretdli o! country ut a anu tIcthenuntbee a!ftilmc-hoh ceti- o! eigiteen miles anu iur. A free grata as compare n- .-c n:. A lalloo-t ought te cross th* Sahara thfe present matcel igrax i ,-hItaly Desert in about eighly houes. T'fli vil lec raof o!Freri' La popula-. Ioagest nerorteti lalloon trip mias tien by 1910. I ifc11liab.-up mirifl matie by De la Vaulu ant Castillon tice GreutiintiL4y 193) or 1935. Ifs St. Victor. They mretfrai Punis - Irti 4utc ne :ýgreator ovea flan Ger- is di!fuseti among ifSl people. Never- theless fliero lia5 boon a growthlinl weutl ns -trou as lu population ia Italy ln thc pasft cedecades. That country, froi1870 fa ftle presont finie, bus been ruieti wvitli n fuir de-. grrea! wistion, whioî, if coutinueti for unef 1cr third o! a century, prom- ises ta molea Itaiy oue o! tic mozt prospeous o! Enrapeun fitates. FOR OVER Flf1 y vYEARS. Mro.Winsiow's SoobigSyrop lias beanu med by millions ef mothera for their chiltinen whie teerhiug. If dbtonbed at nieht anti brokea of yor reronb a aid dehtidsniieriîîg and cryiog witli flicpaîn of centliogteelli coud ai once and get a b )ttuc of 1,5 s. Winsiows' Soothing Syrup far Chidrea Testhicg. Il wili reltero tle poor ltle suffener atnr-e. Depenu poirt i mefers, Ilcre lana mitane abotit. Itecorsa iiartoea regolates the atomacli anti büwels, cures Wind Colle, cofleas the gains, redores inflammation, andi gires fane sud eoengy bo tlie wmvlee systoni. Mns. Wlaalows' Soolhlug Synîîp for children reethliug la pleasant te ttc taste andl la fli p e scripio cf oeeof thse oldeot anti lest tentais ýhlys1ilas antinunrses bu tise Uitedi States rire 25e a btile. Saiti ty ail dntiggist,3 blina gb out bthe woîld. lBe soi-e andi ak for 5lrî. W x~ suriraiSoatling Syrulo ta Kiew ia bussia, a distance o! 1,313 miles, ia fhirty-six bours. If is still a rery important ques- tien -abother a balron cenulic kept oip feir n'-atly four days nt a strefel. This question came up la relation ta Andreu North Poie trip. Thie cf- frets o! the sa's rays must lie orer- came hýy other means flia fiat o! fhrowing out ballast or letfing eut gos. Tibican 'ocaccomplisheti parti- ally by attaching a nuneber a!ftdrag ropes, as Andreo titi, lu bis case, li,,wcvor. flicscieme faileti beuse a 1large part o! tie nopce einteadedti f take w'as accidontally fongotten anti lu-ff idhinti. The metioti pursueti is îas folio as: Xili balloon is se, hearily 1-aledti tit a pant o!fltic rope drags on fiicgrcunti. Wieu flieheatiug o! tic blooa's gases causes it f0 risc, it raises a part o!fie ropos fnom tic earth and thon becomes as mur-h hcavien as ifs buoyancy las ineceaseti. If flic lulloon bas a tcadency to foul if rtduces its wcight liecause part o! flic nope tIra lies on the grounti. Friction, o! course, camesi into play niso but in a suliordinate dcgree. Ifs greatecsof ict will ho te prevent too greut a irelocity. In this -vay flic entire bllast ou bourd the bublon cun lic ntiiized te counteract flic dif- fusion of guses tinougli tic blloon naetrial. 'Tlicrate o! specti wiill e diminisied ly, friction about six anti twvo-tliirdrt miles an loýur, so fiat flic entitre tista-nî.o Ocrtss thc Dosent o! Sathara w-HiI require for transit naot 130 heurs. If flic wind fuils, flanc w iii, of course, bce great danger. 'fli Von Zeppelin ainsbip miglif le uscti with utivanfage, as if oaa make about fwenfty-!ivc mnilEýs laan heur ilaa caine, andtihti entire distance coulti flîca le ceveneti untien favorable con- diticais in fwo duy3 and a bai!. On the oteflin aud, if the wind blow aotciglifeen1 miles an heur, oanly thiriy-LwD borns woulti lc requireti. The Feint of RIS lVao'nn. "1Yen ai't acqualuteti areuint bere muaI, ha yan?" askodfth e onaineer o! fIa maon liorseliack. "I recloent u1 Idcn't baliove I'd go down ftle trail fIat ruas past Alie Gore's slndk If i wab yen., Abe ad his boss stale lasf weel-." "But Ibis lsn't bis herse,"P "'Yon do't seeni te untieratanti. 1 ain't accusin you e! stenlin is boss. I'm simply latimatin te yon fIat at present Abe bappans te le iti neeti o! a. boss purty liati.1 wouldt' go dio-wu that rond If I was yen."1 PRIVATION. M.S bllvecu nxt Deubte Sait'. Efiicui. M&o s. N mr nh ar-Iigo care as,"Inotice," sald Uncle Allen Spunits, tirz rigl rsonfli rgli, re s a couplae! our learneti professons p o as hu ci mc, lIai.have found the secret o! pnolonging lIz. Nuili lfm2'Ira ycu lfa. If la simply to hava plenty of finI os tsait la fIe aystem. If tbat's true, andi ILs XCin i-VJ thfby c a't I'm nef sayiog if lsn'f, Lot's wl!e affrd u o!tI'i irdualulpiano tngiIte lie ilve today, wili," cou- plurstie-ne.uleoris ft L;iug les:- -tinucti Unela Allen reflectlvely, 1"I be- sosy budloIive shI laont. 'VOTiSU la ont ieautiful (715y. Wushington la o1,lueostioi.ubly fie mosf beaufiful aity lainlte iorld. Ifs publia, buildings are- upoii a seule af mnagnificence noyer iftewipfed iii aoy EnnoPoa'n capital. Ifs pail system is e! oflie most suaiptuodýs dlinrecten. No ofben city la the cxorld lias sa nmany splendid monumeuts. Ifs stî-cets arc flic most perfect t-ver knomva lanîncieuf or modelaflirnas. Tlîeugb ebh go ondeulitedly had a mentl forec ast o! irbat was lu store for fia, capittal whiecb lie laid out If is probable fothateccii fie Faf ler o! BIs Contry buildeti botter flan ho knew. .eft Al te HIM Vnlet. An Englisb noblemin necently lia qucathietibis catirae etate, fthc taxable valuation o! which w-as nie tha l 50,- 000 la thc eqoivalent a! Ancenîcan mon ey, te a vralet whio bcd served bita laag, and w-cil. Anilic made filsl tt bis sole axecufon.. Amthe fiinanuer- tible complainte e!f lad o!fastn anti flcInyl tîme ,li etmire fuis us a not'ablde ex;anîplce o!ati-,,ng attar-li, ment1bef-vee)n maýsteýr ait"au la the -wonst kind of peoty. Howover rîi a woinan nîay lie, if lier beailh la "p oor"Il he is poor indeed. Sic lias ne uppetite for footi andthflc dloicest tiishes cunnot tcnpf lier. She furas andt osses flinougli n restiess niglif ou a ranch whicb mîglîf wroo an cnuipress te sitimber. Sic lias no, atrenili for honsebolti canes, no el lilit i1 sociel blessure. She sifs 'Ipenketi nu a glistcrng grief wearing a golden sorrow." SlIc is a irife anti motion, flot siclias no bappiaess ia citien relation. Sic knows lien lnsland's life is set iu tune and tinte ta fthc miner inic of lier owssinîiscry. If lier chilti lau!gis on, crics lier non-es qîîlver witli pain. SAsk sudh a womnau if she would lîke to licell trou;blieronhosbhd's ceamatie, lien cliilti's pîanmufe. Ceuldti flre lie but one answcr? Sudh a Nvvenian ugct veil if she will. Al lien symptonis indlicate a diseaseti condition o!f thc delleate wemianly on- guani. Cane fiat condition andtihfe wouîan will le liffeti up ta fie full en-. joyniont o! eaflih. Ilu niuety-eigbt cases ouf of every hua-. dreti Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription aili cure womnanly diseuses, wiil restore fthc wonuanly belfl. If lias curedt tns cf thousautis o! wonien inony o!, whem lad licou giron up by physicians anti frientis. If is esseafially a medicine for -woman's ilîs. Ift ries eufeliig drzins. It hlui îîtiuatien anti ulcerafloyt. It cures female wcakaess anti bearing clown pains. If trauquilizes flche nves, ne- Stoes lcapetite anti gives refresliing "Favorite Prescription" diffens from alniost ail otlicn nediciaca put up for woman's use in fiat i conaans neoalco- Thnan net Sure. It'll lic donc o«vax A DANGEROTU FAD. Th' Wco-lpecker-Whit do yoi thinLe o! fbI9SFýelî ce fa-I iý 1hc Bu-j y-lTes a f.:a-ul- Thei finie tht a amui 11boy sp:iakietisanie on my feu if came ncarly bîing thie deafli o! me.> WHAT 'fIIY LEFT 11151 r Blootuer, to raggod urcbln,-Yoluf parents left you gomnefýh'm cirea they dieti, didthfiy net? Ulrhn-Oli, yes, fin. Eliren-Aidti mhat tidti bry 1eaT« yen, My littie mun? IUrciu-An orpian, air. WIIEIfE 111KVL[VE. 'fcvonfiy-sîx per' cent c! thcee- lire population a!flic cwrnîtilives un-s demU Pnitili scxy, r, per cen'ýt undoer RuiU mle, 6 unuer lrendh andi T' - ne stnned tue Porter. Où ne occasion Simns Reeves, the :aians tenor, was stranded nt a coun- d'Y uncionwaiingfor a train. It was coiti anti miserabie, andi the singer was naturally flotli the best of tem- pers. While chewing flie cud of disap-. _________________ poiltment an oid raiway porter who recognized i hm from tbe publsheti per- PHYSICAL PAIN. traits entered the waitilg room. "Gooti evening, Mr. Sims Reeves," hle So iteo tI acnto saiti. I oe Af tecath Mon. Ofre "Good evening, my man," replied the àaoao é batlbad' revc vecalist, getfing ready the esar cination offeces the otbcr day a taîl, P tip.But he mn soght or nfcssrya.strong lookiug man lay sfretcbed ona tion Buthe an ison o Ifra table lielpicss, while the policeman wbo tionrater hantip. was an1 special post in the office stood "They fell me you earn a lieap of over hlm with a ote f ammonia. w "!"emremred M.Re. The inmonia wns oxtraordinarily "Ohd!"et," ursed tr.heper, "vo strong, but the policeman lield it close "Andyet" prsud te prte, 1vouto the maii's nostrils without drawing don't worlt bard. Not so bard as 1 do, jfroin hlm iany more forcible sigu of dis- for instance. But I dessay you earn coirfort than a sliglit saiffing andt urn- p'raps ten times wbat I do-eh?" igothhed "Wliat do yon earn?" asked theig0ffi ltïd singer."Tlîat's a pretty example," saiti one sEgte ingsa te f the mcii who was ivaing, hare "Eihten sillngsa wek il Iearmcd, to have himseif scratcbed, "of year round," said the porter. flic' c omparati ve inabilîty of a man Simis beeves opiened bis chesf. "Do, fe stand pliysical pain. 1 men the ro, ml-dlo," he sang, thse iast note lie. - ablt s opre ia oa' inabialtrasgcompreop oinea woma s crea unga rngig tp aa."Thre,~'endurance, Wliefher it is becauso a and a manl; tliere's yonr year's salary gene." woman is more used f0 enduring poi the gr Tbeamzet rulay ua gzet wn-or wiietber she's so consfructed, wif b â t deringly at the singer for a full min- a îess sensitive physical organîsm, that iathel ute. Thûn, as thougli bis thouglits s better able te stand if it is la dry, f wera "far too deep for words," lie si- isrligfc hfawmacnedr shapel leafly resumeti bis prosala occupation.* without a murmur wliat ivouîd- offen MraIL not oniy draiv a cry from a ma, but MSE Not Strong Enougla. would acfually cause hlm te lose con- cura At one of the clubs fthe other day 1 sciounss. andbe two members were argning about will iI "Now that man lis nsely had bis a= SCalp< power. scratcbed -wItib a needie, and yef le hoewt The conceifeti man, wbo was ln the keeleti over like a stock sheep. 1 dare Bore I habit of boring ail preserit wtl bis j ay flhnt la a liruising figlit wîf h a pair irritat polinfless tales, said fliat bis willirwas af savoen ounce gloves hie wonld stand fOoet, stronger than bis frîend's.1 up iifltfli best of flicm, but the more of bal "You are wrong fliere,"1 sald flie quiet soble sorts of pains, sucli as that iags, ma, "anti I wîll prove If ln this way: irhich, la vaccination, Is caused by FleP Yen go anti stand in that corner, and scraiechiag tlirougl the enter cuticlo aai I will will you f0 come out of if. Yon directiy clown f0etlie smali blood vos- suggce will against me, and 1 bet you that I sels anti the surface of flic ferres, 15 niotît wiil bave yen from thant corner before somefhing tînttfaInes lis sfrength ail lie con 1[bave commandeti you a second time" e ut o! hlm." The man lad, indoed, bain,2 The smart oae fooli the bofand put fainfeti away. moitic himseif ln the corner. The quiet man Mauy porsoas, part icnlariy fliose of to ho saiti a eommanfing voice: higli struag ovgnuisms, are tIns affect- tci "Come ont of fliat corner V' cd by pain in at way ultogother la-. the Bi The other grinneti and shoelr bis commnensurate wifh tlhe actuall "hurt." fhe Br beud. The quiet man sut clown and A buinp on the bond, a squeezing o! a Con Iocod ut hlm sfeadlly. Five minutes finger la a door, causes a ncî-vous re- selles t passed, and fhe man o! wviil said, witb action whicb maltes fbem faunt or cuitÂ( a sneer: "Hacln't yen botter give if up? evea takcs aivay cousclousniess for a A six I do't feel any influence at ail, anti 1 moment,.ovn can't stand bore ail the eveuing."1 "People -of this sort," saidth fe dec- oht "There Is ne hurry," said the quiet tor la flic vaccination office, "are macle 6%., lea man, "anti I bava a very comfortabie faint-of'tentimos puroiy flirougli fleur set Thora is ne fime limit except imagilàatica. Tiîey can't coatroliti.- thant yen are to come ont before I asIc Involîîntarily, even thougli tbey hava you twice, and as 1 do't intenti te asicthfliwill' te go flirougli an ordeai, their P- yen again until this day week 1 tbinic nerveus systemn reacts against if, and you will feci flie Influence befere ti5ey falot away. A patient, for in- thon." *Stanîceî, ny faint tihe flrst timie a bit The smart one came ont loeking vcer of cotton soitked inl an afitisounic wasb fooiis.-London King. is flîrusf up bis D ose. Theoeperation doesn't rcally 'butr' nt ail, but fIe She MWaited. feelinig is a aew, unpieasant and curn-j Even a Scotchmuu cannot always lie ous anc. Witbout slininkinig fromif i humerons, if lie would, 11e ther ut al, flic patient flads hiniself Sud- people, however, lie Is sometimes tienly growin.g falt 1115 lîigb sfrung f1anny witbout meaniag ta lie. TIe nervous system bans Involuntaffly ne-' Scott! sl-Am erican thlnis, that tbe acted. message sent by a young man la "la these vaccination faintlugs, liow- io Pceblesshire te bis waiting bride mayj ever, a slow circulation or a tendency have lcept lien frora worrying ever bis r te vertige that lu ordinury conditions - uonapper-auce, but fliaf she must iftfer ilwoulti net lie nefltidmayblie iccause. ail bave receiveti if wifl i-mixeti feel I bave lad big policemen, apparently i î ings, In fthe tip of gooti luflianti witbout aftuere. Thli bride eleet livet iIna villnge somei nerve la their bodies, 90 ta gptŽfik, top- faicj distance from tlic home of William, flic!pie over at fCe flrst scratch o!flic hi y brldegî'oom. The wedding was te lie ut 1aaed le." The. lier homo. On thie ereufful day flic young ma startoti for flic station, but nensarknble Apache âiarkman. on the way met flic village grocer, wbo Evci'y oaa who goos te flic Arizona talked se catertaiaingly fliat William penltentlany Is intereste the li Gatling missed bis train. guns wlîlcb are placed on flic guarti Naturnily lio wnsla wliat Is ltnown stands annunged t i t nervuls aleng tlie 3îrs as a "state of rmmd." Somefhing must top e!fflic wnlls. Thliargest andi pria- pîonai be donc and donc nt once. Se lie sent rcipal gua Is la charge of a young Mcxl-- fthc foliewing telcgram: caa who boasf s of is Apache blooi. it Von't marry tili I corne, Wî nei. His natcd us flie hast mun-smnin witli talli If tlie bride abact knew ber William, a (laflig gua lanflic Unitedi Staftos. cirer she pnobably kacîr how le f eit wben lie GnîlMCoi0 i ntt tts Ic sent flic message anti forgave the mca - army -says fliat bis munaipaion o!flice telepb tai confusion whîcb resulteti la what compiicatedl weapoîî and fis nccuracy - f roc she must bave looketi upon as a ncad- of!.alia are slmply marvelous. doesn' îcss requcst. The Toung Mexican lins an excellant iag ti tedfo aîget practice oeontflicGila jnover When She Laugbed. mnut fiai s just aboya flie prison. A fin la~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e lsvlm onIlnTry1m'oasix miàes lu diametar placeti ut a- cn bsouelî ! om lewhaTersol sa- distance of 700 yards lie will bit four husSri Isflod, rainglorious and gnumpy acier tios n t o! feive ithi at ligeaunlir onies wlio compiaincdti lat flic nefed Eng- Wr aI snmmoei ii ooafi in Ilsh ctres cotinully aughd inona500 shots a minuta, the possibilitf a e! sW Iîsl acres cotinali lagbe luonaconvict'a escape Ib f00 sinaîl ta caîcu- Ohw of bis Most Important scones. Ha lad ltiIr not flic courage ta tell ber bis objec- A recent test of the marksmanshipins tiens, se hae wrote ber a let fer o! heurt- ithsyug pale uar aet broken cemplaint, la wbihiehosaid: wnîî 100 'r - 4- -11 4ý,matie. From blidatiaStoneWal1 t ýak the hands on retiringiln astrong, hot, my lather of CUTICIJRA SOA?. Dry, anoint freeiy with Cuticura Qintreent, great ai cure and purest of emoliients. adUini49gthe niglit, oi4 ioose kid gloves, Sthe finger ends cut off and air isoles cut * paima, For red, rough, chapped hands. fissured, itching, feverish palms, with )eiess nails, and painful fingerends, thos truent ta simpiy wonideîfil. ILLIONS 0F PEOPLE! CUTIcuRA. SoAtr assIsted by Cuti-. Ointment for proserving, purifying., beautifylng the si, for c leau -sing the of crusts, scales, and dand .ruif, and 3o,pping of fa1iing bair, for soft ening Lningf., and 'soothing red, roitzli, and1 liaitds, for baby rashes, îtchings and tions, andi for ail the pupse f the tbath, and nursery. MKilions of fl uýs& CUTrrcusR OÂP ini tlieforM lihs for annoyîng inflammations, chaf. and excoriations, or too froe or offen- perspiration, in the form 0of washes cerative Weiknesses, and for mnany ,ie autiseptic purposes wbhichrieadily est themselves to womeu, esp)eciaily ors. No other rnedicaied soap is to ompired witi ifer preserving, pur.. and beautifying the skln, scalp, andi bauds. No other foreign.or do- c toilef coap, however expensive, le ecoinpared 'with if for ail thetir- of the toilt, bath, and nursery, ?hus alnens in OŽon SOAr at ONE ?Ricic BEST skinand complexion soap, ana BRso toilet and baby soap intl ho orld. mplete Treatuient for Iivery! humour.- ertA 50AP, toe leanas the mkin of ciiuels and s ad soften tt iiekened cutirie, surd CUTI. 1tSINENT, to instantiy aiiay itcbLýng, in. natîou. and irritation, and soothe 1usd heai. ENGLI SET 18 often soffioient te cure the ,es 2kin,18CaIP, and biood humour, witli los: , tihen ai elge f ala. afon.~ ~ ~ oir. oxa.a .(0..propa.. Botn. "SUck ons hieFonce" IfYen use P'age Fence you villkliee it, but not be atucit lite ithe geat1eman lCciipic. rTihePage IPence le wOVf lsree ory, from coiled wire mode by orcea &a ae"stnrs.g ao tisai u-,d inotiser fonces. Cia ,ear'a pricen, they are loirer tan 1-t yCar. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. (Ltd.) WALI<ERVILLE. ONTr. VERLY Pi-ýRTICULAR. t.Morse had nev'er used a tole. vuntil lier busbandl ad one put, the hGliuse. 50f lthâlie migbt with lier from bis office wheia. lie ivishlo. Io just iove, to talk tlirough th« >onc! Mrs. Morse declared, after, adcays' exporienco. The tima. a't seem. i aif as long from morn-. tiil niglit as it usad. tu wlien rheard from you., ýglad of that, My dear, said hýr ,ad pleasantl. V've thougît or twîee, from theý numbcr ofý s 1 hd to ring beforo getting any 2r, that you didn't enjoy it. ne, G(eorge,- sais1 littie yMrs. earnestly, but you kn ow go me, swhen yen ring me Up 1'm -busy, xn y housework witli my û14 ion, and of course, knowing bow, iular you are, 1 always like toi nmy skirt and put on a clean n bcfore 1 begin to talk to you; yen sece QUITE TIEE REVERSE. emint w-o lad last nîght, rerÈ1ark«. tnew hoarder, was overdone. i Iit wo;n'tlbu to-night, repiie4 Di stager. ne Ngi Cure for Rtcd, kough Hands,' Itchig, Pailms and ?aInful, Finger Ends