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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1901, p. 1

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TERMS :-S1.50 PERt Âx<NtJ. OUR TOWN NEw SEiESai. BOWMAN . 'Have oee u Sthe bulk of their Spring N NEWSPRING GOODSIS Importations. e J They show a, fine lot of IDress Goodsj, f Silks,, Prints, Foulards, Mercerized Sateens, Embroideries and ail over Laces in white, cream and black. *LAIDIES SUITINGS, in ail the ,latest Smaterials,' Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, also £ Ladies' Spring Jackets and Capes and -a Sbig stock of Lace Curtains and Carpets of ail kinds fromn the cheapest up to the best ' grades. * .eNA Botter ValleAly iee~ êOouch Johnston & r7r ~ A 3 PR, FI Ive invite you ene and ail te corne in stock otf Furnitune and sec tie many useful articles that we have that will make a usef i Present. Our prices will bc made as to meet flic demand and requireinent et e, SWe are effeing a nice Rocker, golden oak( $2.25 and rnany tier lines equally, as go( and sec them, it will be a pleasure te show warerooms. mu M. DWILLIAMS -1 ,3WIN VLE. Uudertkig enTies prompt and persona ,MI" 'u& ut, Vîj USE USE RI] FUL 3 :NT Z g )IIR E. and inspect our .and inexpensive li and beautitul Slew as possible very purchaser. or alogany, at od values. Cali ryen througli our ;&lSON. il attention. Williams, Whiite, Salld Singer Sewîng Sarne style as this eut, For' Sale at T. N. BICKARD'S at HALF THER USUAL PRICE, usAn ageht whe dees nothing but seIl ScWing Macines cannot possibi y tondh u, nPrice.Fo instance: e au give yen a good Dhrop Head Sewiug fer $21.00 (twentv-eîlie); bat we are sure oftfils oniy whieu--reen stýck lests. MNUJFiCTUREIHS' ERICES ARE GOLSU, N2-.we have not cal ed MovledlIloved!l I am not going eut et the harness business as some would have yen be lieve, but have moved into corner store et block known as Bounsali's, opposite Tod's store, where sou will find a cern- plete stocketf Harness and Saddlery, Herse Blankets, Rugs and other Ues tee numerous te mention. AIse agent for McCormick Bmnder Twine. Cornet il OId fustomers and Bring your Friends. NO0. S. RUNDLE, Harness and Implement Emporium. SP RI1NG Into lino on April 1 and spend a few mronths from that date in one ot the departments et our School and prepare for a btter position in lite. Education opens the war te success. Try it. Our Schoel with a staff et Ten Teachers and finest equipment in Canada is werthy et your consideration. Write for cata- logue. No vacations. Spring term from April lst. Central Businless cllege, -TORONTO-- IV. H. SHAW, Principal. I tiesire te heartiivy thank ail tic citizens et Bewînanvilie anti vicinity, wio have se libcrally patronizeti me anti assisted inl building up sncb a goti trade. I am preparedt t furnisi Whiite anti Brown, Breadi, ReIlis Buns, etc, anti eryfhiig usualiy tounti in a firet- ciass bakeny on siorteet notice. A trial order respectfuýily soliieti. Wi1I iisit the country ns far ns Haydon Tuesdays and Fridays. on you send us a card, D W iac ony Wellington St., Bowmanville. 'IN ST 9T RELIE Y na auteed bv us- i Ar"ýý)STERLING HEAD Wat~hmakcr,~Otician and JeellerJ p- et, odrsinatr N AND OOUKTY FIRST; TUE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. .VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 27, 1901 VOL-UME XLVII No. 13. THAT OFFENDING TRE (Crowvded eu t ast'week.> A tree let fait a limb one day, And a passing man if struck dewn; Then the people said with united vý,oice "Such trees sheuld nef bc in artow'n.9 And the public heart was satisfied When men bronglit axe and satw, [good And the axe before thouglit friendAly and Had fallen by higher law. It was net vengeance upon the tree, Nor of those ef ifs kind law el 1streys; But only the feeling, as ali agre, That trees cau't be valueti with boys. Yet not one, but man y the boys toc-dayýq That are sfnicke, and fiually ile By what wc allow te abide huieue midst, TP'at ceuld be cnt, down if wcled. ' CL BOWMANVILLE, ONT. B. HLH. PORK PACKING FACTORY. KnoWing Mr. Stephen M. Clïeins, Drayton, lives in flicpart e ic couu,,.tryi where two pork-packing cnrne kisare loeated, we wrote asking hlm fetr lis speinnthe beafarts e se _pî)cki eg opeinntheem terstaneint re-g industries te the tai mers et that -setcùton and niere is bis letter in repîy wn îcli ail must admit is a very reasonable and fair presentation et the case adwe f bink his suggestions are te the eit practicai and timels: Drayton, Mardi 16, 1901, M. A. James, Esq., Bowmanvilie, Dear Sir-Yours et the l4tli ïmette hand. I will try te ansWer some et the questions. I bave'seen the articles in 'luE STATESMAN i n reterence t o starting a pork packing- uelu i3Bow- mianville and must say that I1 have thouglit your people very slwini put- fing if off se long, 1 would adviïse vyou te be sure te get capital enouglih if yen do malîe a start. 1 think yon i) eol nt do better than get a god tren)g Englislî firm te take a geod block et stock. I met the represeutative etfn ,Eu glish firm in Harriston about a ycar age. He was eut leoking atter the packing and snipping et the first, sipment et the Harriston tactory and he said his firm would take the entire oatput et the factory and make a good 'ladvance on the shipment as soon as it wason thc cars, whicli 1 thougl if wsea good arrangement and weuid be a great heip te the coînpany. The tarmers who teok stock in boti almestn n Harriston seeni satisfied Ci tI tinveýu ,st - ment is all riglit and witi proper management wili Pay well, Farmers in this section ibavq e geneP quite extcusively jute lie- rirtnad it is quite ceruimon te har ta ue sa that he bas soid $600 worth (,t i>gs tus last year and that notîing ay bttr I fbink flîcre shoald be neotouble te get hogs eneugli in your neig li wb o od te kceep a tactory ruuuing, i f yeu decide te start a factory the tarmers sliould netwait until it iiiin unnzýing order before tiey start te as more iegs but sheuld try te get a stock ready fer tlie tactery wieu it is reý-ýady for them. There shoulti be ne dirlicuiy in 3the supply etfliegs ifthte fari ers wiIl onlv do their share and keep f rein two te 6 bnoed sews, as they do np here. Some et our t armers k-eep 8 sw on 150 acres and dlaim if pays well but the majority keep trom 2 te 6 on 10 acres. Yoâ weuld be surprised te sec fthe number et hogs that is slhipÛe,,d frem Drayton every menti. I think it will be a mistake te. form a purely farmei-s' compauy as v -ou will find it difficult lu gctting enoui hcap- ital. Harristen peeple èdaim fiat it is a great help te have Engiili ceunection and capital. If there is aty otler in- formation 1 eau give yen i wiii ha pleased at any time. S. M. CLEMENS. Iu fie tinys folle îng flhe baby's bîrti tiare is offen a long up-hill struggle te necover sfrcngtli, andthei nurse busies lienscbf lunflhepreparatien ef jellies anti brofis for fie invaliti. Wien Dr. Pierce's Fgavorite ,Prescrip- tien is useti as a prepanafive f o' -fier- leoitic baby's ativent 18 practically paiuless, tiare is abundlant srnfite nurse anti uounisb fhe cii;aLti.aarapiti recovery frein flie shock anti:strain iu-. separable freon materniity. "I was peased tiiat Dtr. Piercea anazra d iy Ietter" ýwrte3s Mrs. C. -%. Young, cf 2 Couthl Ragent Street (Lee Park), Wiiket, arre, Peuna. ,tWhen 1 had those misliaps I beg u to thinil 1 would neyer have chidreil. M 1behned to amoit bre?,k aud I 1 gt"1,1a btonaceland hava su -'ieadl ie Id id noýt koow what to do,- the -us,, 1to set mýe uearn1 rrazy, and 1 used to dread 1i tc îp I fit se bad; then I began takitsg Dr. PIe'rees Fnoite Pr-escription. When baby was expeteSI took it althe titneliwas tht-ry I Si iLÎe ail the tinma, and I never get thost dizey prlauo.f hardiy aven have a ner-vous heedach anymore of our homue Iact -tv:t tasnda My ba by b alate l ,' nh i.Inwfei Weil, and weigh ni-un ac ti ab 2. p.oinds e We i verv "ratji o nnyo thanks tb Dr. ir'e'vcie" Dr. Pience'a Pleasant Pelefk e i bowels bealiy. T'HE NETROID1ST CIIUILCII. F ws paid as relief to the p)oor. The ex- p 1enseof running the 'Sabbath Sehools THE ,FINAINCIALIIEPoRIý' FoP 19àO0 1.2) was about $200o. The total indeb- SHOWS A, SUCCE55FUI L AR. tedness on the chureli property is 110w ouly $10,700. The first 13 pages of the Bowman% 111e Methodjist chuï,rcl hein7O report contains a detailed satistical for the calendar vear 190 )(a ~e~ statement et the individual giving ef printed and was distrieutod to the thÎe people to the funds, the names members of the cogeanon. Sun ibeng arranged alphabetically in fam- day. This churetih!lias had anotherfl IIes AUl ums of 25e and u!'ward are very SUCCessfUl yoear IieallUially, the Statedl in this report. On the second members and adherents hîtve kceî t up age is a portrait of the present pastor, their reputation for liberal;,itv js p. Rev. W.J. Jolliffe, B.C.L. The officers porting the sebemes of the cliurch. Thofe the variou'ý organizations are given. total amount contributed for ail pur a church directory and the last page poses was $5782,38 The total exiendi- contains the namieq ot tour members ture in ail the departmonts was $511-P.69, whio died ini 19,ü -William Allini, Mrs. leaving abaiauceeon hnnd of f9Go019 W. Windatt, Thomas D)ickinson and It IIRs been rustomary te iedluce tf lRbr rag M teeal ate debt on the ciîurch e>,eli yeair abjout. t e ear the mortg-age held b ythe Star $1000. year ne reductien ,was Lt Assurance Society for $5,466 68 Made on the debt but a new eetcjwas paid off hy meney borrowed at 4j2 lig-hting plant w-as installed at a cost ofriPeu cent trom membérs ot the congreg- neariy $60 nd the repairs and labor,1 ati0oI, 50 that the iuterest is nowv paid patyin cneuneof the nwpave'lat Ehome istend et' being sent eut et the menton he eut anwest side et the-owi crh, cssaot$20 hrowrUheeu leti îht -ig system al- $375 fer salaries. IThe pastors' movin,- seLem s tUb frem the cost iast year that expenses were $42.75. The revenue enoul wili be saved on the expondi- was ln part made up as follows (Indep- turc for lighting te pay the interest on endent et grants trom other branches) the outlay and leave a respectable sum. $1122 79, Sunday efferinirs $1720. Out over. At -the last meeting et the Quart- et the latter amouet the rninister's sai- envY Board an unanimous- invitatioin ary et $IOOû was paid. Some $80 was was cxtended te Rev.W.J.Jolliffe te ris- given teo e Twentieth. Century Fand, main the ,econcI vear and many con- $61 te the Indian Faine Fund, $73 te grat-alatery expressions were offered by the Superannuation Fund. $30 80 te the memberq. -Tbe spiritual and tom the Educatienal Society $ 318.76 te poral interests of the cengregatien are Missions b-' fhe Board, 40 by the Ep- in a liealthv and hepeful condition and wortli League and $72 by the Woînen's a geod start lias been made iu this first Missienery Society, The sum. et $37.20,} ý ear etfftie new century. TOWN COUINCIL., A special mneetinig was hlct Monday niglit te pass by laws. Tbree separate by-laws were infrotnceti; ena te enable the counceil te fake oe-r a bouse and lot owneti by Mrs. NellieB. Paddou anti givo lier sudh assistance as tic poor relief commit tee deeai îiecessanv iu lieu thereof; and eue te maise $20.000 by wav et debeutures at 4 pet cent to; mun ever a period et 20 yeans te pay for local improveinents ciiefly pavement sfiewaiks. Bof i eft flese by-iaws werc neadti inef imes anti passed. Tic etier by-law wvas te grant a bonus et $3,800 te Messrs, Graaim & Finkie te establisli a vogefable evaponater wiene fie Music Hall now stands, flic pro perty being offered for this purposa by the Trustees efthfe Mthodist dhurci for $1800 cash, At the last regular meeting etf the town ceuncil flic foliowing accounts wara passed: FINANCE COMMITTrEE. Harry Cann, Ins prcm ,,..... $ 12 50 Tickets te Beleville............ 15 80 tg Torno. ........ 10 00 Jas Elliof f. gasoline ........... 10 25 Jue Gilbert & Son, ceal...... 6 25 Nortiey M'f'g Ce, supplies ....... 1 75 Jos Fletcher, laber,........... 14 38 Dustan & Hoar, Fine dept .... 12 79 T MecCulough. Il ,.... 45 W Jordan If .... 1 00 Thos Lyle i10 Jos Flot cher 3 50 J Gale, printîng....... ...... 6 0 Heai Bros , Fine ticpt.......... 13j Hîce & Ce,.]3oads anti streets ... 3 50 && Fine dept ............ 408 69 6 4 20 W.H R. Cawker, teaiuing, ..., 19 18 MeClelian & Ce, ceil anti wood. 15 38 Eleetrie Liglit Ce, ............ 61 il F Hl Mason, stene ............. 96 37 R Wifleieîlge, teamiug ......... 30 J B Mantsn-, " 93S50 ceal i o...........1 .I5 Clerk's account............ 3 70 Total $311 24 If Sou are rouo, dysp, ptie, or nîheumatic, troubleti witl iee o plaint, gouenal flebilit-', ckg strengtl, taie Ilood's Saisaparilia. SciunsMagazinfe ton Apnil, lu adi ditien te articles et trax-el, ativenture anti rt, by Wabtoi A. WN (ekoff. Jehu Fox, 'Etiwin Lord \WetdcssudOthlers, a coîfing six client st>i, thnce tI' tlmby Lnexv wnte1d ntit-eeb%' A DRUGGIST'S FATAL ERROR. Aniother very sad avent marks tic eaniv tinys efthfe new century lu this towu. Ou Saturtiay eveniug Mn . Wmn. C. Tele, the poprlar yeuug drnggist, son et Mn. anti Mrs Levi A. W. 'robe, (lied vcrv sutidenly frein tie effeets et a dlose et hydre cyanic aciti. The uews spedrpthl niitneectmu p d.altitroughout flic town wlien the tacts became known anti crewtis congregafet inl front et tic store. Mn. T ole andtbils tather vere leaving fthe stere about 6 p. m. te go home te fea wien fhe former remembereti ha hati torgetten semae soap anti want te the ceclar fer if, lcaving ils tatien waiting lu fie store. Thinking ho was faking more fimie than nocessary, is athecr went te sec what was kaeping hlm anti feunut him standing in a dazeti condi- tion anti befona hae coid reacl i hmho feUl even on the floor. Medical help was summoned, four doctors baing ini af- tendance, but ail efforts at restonation were uuavaîling. Tic deadly drug liati dene ifs terrible werk. Veceasati lhad beau lu peor icalti ton several days anti kept a bottie oftotnic lu fie store anti if is supposet inluils hurny pick cd up a boffie et ivdro-cyanie aciti, cern- mouly knewn as prnssic aciti, in mis- faite. Mr. Tols was a gratinate et Ontario Cel!ege ef Pharmac'y anti cemmencecd business in this fown about ona y car ago wlcre ho lias been deing- a geeti irad, Hoew as a yeungmans et sterling qualiiies anti gooti habits anti eue wliem everyone respecteti. He anti lis methen liad arangeti for a slient holiday wltli friands, in Cobourg anti wcre te leave in a few davs Thc funcirai teck place yestenday fromn the residence et lis father, Clurci Street, nwer flic auspices et Florence Nig'ht- ingale Ledge, I. O O. F.,and flic Caniadian Order etWoomofettue Woild 11ev. W J. Jolifei. ,B C. L, peýster oethoieMet Iedist durci, ussistoti bv 1ev. W :OJoiliffe, cenuctedthe icser vices. The fierai tribufes wene numer- eus AUCTION SALES. S"ATUYIDS, 'MARi. Sth.-Mr. A. Hanla o î1it offen for sale b-, auction his farm u, 773 acre4i3ýhipuafeou Lot 18, Con. 7 D "rhnpgton ant d -ýjing tIec, illag, e! Eeiskieui Tliqji a ig rchance for abo s eSe i frful a ce îeserv 2 3 d, L, A. W. TOLE, Anct 112-2w', J READY FOR f3USINESS. Nnw SpPRiG Goons OPINED OUT, Our reporter called at The Masen Co's Departmental Store on Saturday looking fer store news et interest te the readers et Tam STATESMAN and was in- formed that tlic large shipment of Brit- isli Goods lately receiveti werc now tuily distributcd throughout the differ- eut departments and is being rapidly soid. Amoug thceînany attractions et their reeent importations perhapsnone are more wertby et attention and ad- iniration than their large and vanicd selectien et dress materials-high class new desiguis ilu ah wol manufactures, lieavy solid serges direct trom English manutacturers. Perlines the most, stnikiug fiing is tlie prices ùtwhich the aoods are being sold. We have ne dour)t but tliat the en.stomers et this eempau ' save a very large portion on thein purchases owirîg te this tact and net ouly Britfsi geads are jtîst new in, but theusands ef dollasà' wortli et for- cigu andi Canadian geeds have been rcccived. The tact is net disputed fiat the largest aIl-round stock lu tewu is sliowu liere andi Tbe MsnCo's iead This year ivili he more tully >pronounced et our visit a cousiderabl'o frade seemeti te be deing for the middILe et Mardi, The manager ef clothiîîg deparfmcnt iad sold six (6) worsted its that fore- noon, besides other suifs ad odd Zar- V arments. The worsfed suit with tie B. Vest is flic big,-seller wi thfi yonng. mon tis seasonana wondcrfa range is shown in Black, BIae and. Grayclay Twiil Worsfeçd, priucipally, BefliBoys' andi men% rTweedîSif are siown in very attractive patterna, andin immense quantifies. TlieirsfËov.k et clotiing alone -.-Il be ever $6000 f lis yaar when alI sprini- eiders -have arriv- cd As their deltingý sales otten run ovor $100 per day, a small stock wonld net last long. \Ve founti their liat depant. ment leoking spic and span witi new bats; in tact tliey lave scarcelv an olti hat ieft o ver. This department withitis scores et new clean white boxes con- taining their new bat stock makes a very ince appearance, indeed. The boot and sioe deparfment slows some extra values in men's andi latiles'rub- bers etfflic best qualifies. These may be queteti in flicir next uew advcrtiso- ment. The largcst siipmcuts et boots and shees have nef 3et beeîî received. Thir Grocery aepantment lias a very large anti rapid turu ever, fie sales in tuis tepant ment last vear bcîng six times tbeiî stock. This would prove tînt their stock al ways cenfains fresh, gootis. Evcrytbing poiints .te a very large usiersfor, fIe coingseason TIcwite god havebewell en cdj eDut aî pin tsarealre'ady meeting witl rapit sale. We bespeai for Thle Mason Ce an eularzed busi- ness for flic coring Spring and Sum- mer trade if the best goods at reasen- able prices are auy femptatien te buy- crs. SOLINA Neanly flffy members et Solina Divi-. si.n attemptedt t visif Enfielti Division Tuesday nîght, but iadt t retrace their sfteps witli ieav,ý iearts on account of thc great tiepth et suow. . .. Mr J. W. Brooks lut ends raising legs on a langer scale anti is erccting a mammotli build- ing for thaf punpesed ... . MI. George Milison las been quife iii ,..,Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. John Laue, Nestieton, at Mn Silas Williams'j Miss Edifh Hundie, Courtice, at Mn4. J. T. Runtile's;- Mn, and Mrs..Thos.Pascoe at Seti Darling- ton. COUNTIES' COUNC1]J NOTES. Very few reatiers have any idea et fIe amount of money fIat is paidto the Ceuntv Councillors every ycar for at- tendance aitich regnian sessions andi for acting, as commissioners and on commit tees eut ef session. Tic amounts se paid durnug tic last 17 years shows quite a variation and are as tollows: 1883 .......... $. 2,5,25 80 1884 ...............29,951 00 1885................ 2,976 60 1886.......... ...... 2,793 20 1887....... ....... 2,1767 00 1888............ >.... 2,608 60 1889,........... ..... 2j757 45 1890..... _... ........ 4,104 59 1891................. 4,766 OS 1892 ............_... 4,723 01 1893................ 6,930 43 1894................ 5,628 10 1895................ 4,568 50 1896................ 4,609 55 1897................ 2,360 25 1898................ 2,883 17 1899................. 1,882 28 Tic accounts for 1900 wvill nef be pubîislied filatter flic June sessions. Alum bakieg powclee, aie threa's menacec ta h Ith cf t he pressm a a I ý ROYAa'1- -IG 0 tCR ceC NEW Y505 ý.ýwe Mél Sve -W& -bý I*t 4wk. IM. 1 au, lý

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