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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1901, p. 2

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Litti ier is &ac Fac-Simille Wrapper Below. il., T LI El, L 1c yeeE âgFONTREORPN IboR VO EECMPLEXIO CURE RICK i-EADAQHE, . FREEZ OP AL RING- wîith Sicautfule 7pai.,,owin the rzinbow, ' e, ienedfor-lel, Cabinet Photogr!.hg or <Iseen VIctoria a ]oc. eacTh le are -~~ -. retuente moit. andses ~ ethie soperb Opel ai à. ecpId TU Mtge, ourWIlc'te anti eccont 5 hatiskeyiess wind, American - cm olier i l", te i , ký - ý cbe. Mail hie etvertise- * s e-S'dil e ttnlre e, shece. tit'c e mont anti your Wicll e Cet ;u, abso1:ck1y frec. The lxC..Bx -1, Toronto. Princess Tablets Are what you want for ail f orms cf Z- f emalo troubles; an infailible rom, dy discovered by a foromnost f emale peais; goaranteoti as a potitive cure; wtill positiveiy osiiablish the normal fonctions; oseti monthly by over 50,000 ladies; for sale ai dr-ag. gists, or sent on rocelpt of prîce $1.00.JO Aena Deug Co, Windor, Ont, Ca&ne c , Ostextsibly, cli tise Powerqirpo senteti et Peki-inciuting ev-ou Rus-- sia-hiave agreet te refrain fmcm amyv b; ucili(5. 7unir Sabnt Poto - iliceiturthen dismemiber mentofteMd i, ve~îei;vete ue-die Kingdomt. I is difficuit tecoci-- Tise aî-gicetietitliae- avettov ittS.11outhte Cm te elle aiit tis agreement tise negta ..Stiene; titi wicsenti, ptint.tbts j taids.iee ick tuel sttu, meuh tio:.n3 noporteti te ha- carniet on isyth - rmn ded ele, tour, mnt i cotendsanti gen.uias eiaisCicie Mnitrai St.Petersburg, lever m.0ec'.n, fou; vrerteti, It i taingtsibv i ia ia accrais anti roeII su ad wt îtoenegotitos hthvi iwwa 111l lOsC ton y are THE îso U1., lBex ï5-J ¶'OITO.o. vuild ctantamrount te a cession cf -tise ,,paciou3* andi pepuleus Province cf' Mancisunia tetise Czar, lu returnu foi- snob an acquisition, Russic. couldi i4'eleclnbe tif li o f course, attend to Iencan s' ai 'VwStPeSor seîogcaimn to peonniany iudemurity. Sucb1 i-t, ce oc --Lancci on hem part, howv-er, wouid,, pcsctatsatctdoo mauniiestly, upseit the planai cf hum ah-- Oie,ofaiieiics. ia; s Iii lies. u vslti entoer alineat cvi-1 etiertisement nstiw,iii 1r is t eardthie Seeds. SeIl C c-. ro.,- urlsuthemeîevotlîe j table thse application cf tise poliiyoyf Cilbeni, otl,crS tittug va smmbrmn te tise Chinese ton- Iiiaetdisiiitni.eed5SUsIVy Cec, TorontoC,1an, itories sentisef tise Great Wall.1 __________Wby? Becausehem alhies, lu calculai--i .9 tiseir respective daimqS fer in- Jemnity, waiithave te b,-gin by esti- AS EASY AS TYPEWRITlNGx. maîing tise mouey velue cf Maucisuria,' - - s-, av-ich, if we may jucige frer tise ac- eelcgi-eph Iessage, SentUrapidl; lay Means tuai revuieo f Newciswang cloue, orFa Keylcearas. weuhd ho vemy great. Evidenth'Y' tise Au exhaustive, eut successful test aggregate of tise foreign demantis, if computod accomding te sncb c stand-- of a printing tehegnapis 'las jusi beca ard, woui altogetiser exceeti Ciin'sI corapetet in Omaha, Neis., aviichis L ability te pay in meney, anti vouit destinedtot revohutionize ahh existiug have to be liquidaiet by territorial meiliots cf transmission of messages. concessionS. Tise appanatus consiste cf a sonder antid' eceivor, oponcueti iy eîecîriciîy. Tise ,eeislcon etieto ble ta fimat le flot uînlike the keyboard, cf wouhd ho causeti hy Russua's rup ture af lienir ut ielte rsmiee er compact aitislbe-r allies, and by the carniage anfi phaten, Au cponator tier separato agreementa-vith Chinel maniulaes he eybard andtise cry quite i. retumu ortise este-b-- mesage :risipuats eisor an ire lisisment et tise Czâm's ascentiaucy in mn esagedle tran eradie ao eaineMancui. Tie iinmediate lostility amly teire istneaniioftmi--ttise Japenese cemîti cuiy hoe vetetý ahly Piive . t i o u e mcii c 1 f paper b.icthe by th c abandon uent f Core teth ol receoivden. oneqen Electnicai expe-i*enle-,is umecesaryMiaoanitscnopetuxps- for the operator anti theme is ne telo - tien etftise Japanes, anti Rusuans on! graph alpisa-bet to ear0c. An.vome who jtise Asiati maland waoulti router, - cenepeate atypevniter te capable i aeninevitehie ai an senrv Cday. XLil cf sondiag e message. Tise noe,iigduirl oioewe rteMn is, cutematio, the euhy attention e- tostumreews'hrts a- qatlreti Seinig tisai tiseolle cf paper chun dynasty weuiti survive tise dis,-- are suppliet ai-len eedet andth ie e- -icredut vhicis vs'uit attacis o tei in tise ceiven koptinl workiag enter. eyes cf ius Chinese snhoj'cts atter ies Sacis lotton l nade by a certain samentier efthtie country wisence it 1 motion of oee et mine fiiîgems oeS fia- cm1isnt cm1evu ie ger being9 susceptible te four mc- , cm hudbeoekon h tiens trou as muîny jgrades cf carm..ut, 1V-est egions cof Mididle cnt Sui eth suppiLeti by sicrage batteries, et China, wviich comprehenti more than cubter ont cf th ise eTisas 36 sepan-taotsrse ie .pn' ouain aie motions 'ane obtaimed, eue fore ash- -b wontid jusothe apresd uaionbe- tuier cf tise alphabet, elgisi for tise ýo' utyâpeedalk c figures met clneady containet in tise trayal ettiseir intemests to us' for-- l'items cf tise alpisabet, eue tomrlise ocir, andtihie paînietio uprmsin g, peuicti eut one for tise spacing. aviicis, iithacnie, bas beau coufineti te In tise test mad t haectise ien- a tcsv nortiscmrn provinces, avould ,tien te ue" e one-thonsand--raile ine, quîokiy extend. over tisa v-bol' cf tiseï1 but a rush of businuess compelleîî th, Mididle Kin-dom. Te coes av-us us" Use cf the Omaha--Rensas City îoop, unaniraeus me.-isiauce oi Chine to dis-J cemprising 434 miles etfaine. Addcd Imemiarmeni av-uidtatx ail thea miili-1-- te ihis wcs resisiauce nepresetin, 12j tary resonmce.s of tiseWetr nations c 3niie1e, making aittl of 5541gmile, A for matiy yeams. Outrrent cf 24 volte Wa enat i iret, but waes iiîreasedtot 85 volts, whon There la but eue pmctical isoiutio- messages were sent ai, full speoti, A efthtie Ciineite proble-n. Tisai is ioý Ëccent lengc--tistaee test Will1 h be b conipassot liy athering nigomousiyr mati e ntse lnei viuleaietoe cagreemenite oaveid amy funtiser xv~il--e-u ----- Im utilation of tie Diiddl' Risgd em , -A pretty stOrY le tedd about Lady anti by maki-ng tise tomants for pe-1 Reboue enitisaavay n wisssh is.' on- -u iitry indemnity as mederete o-- veyet seven tmuoke of olnfertai for j ilble, in viexv- etChuna's ncstricteil t(hse slliers troem Cip' Toatvu te ability te pay. Tiseseav-hie,b; avertid Biconfutei aia mut cittcui un.,*Or deet, tal er so iS are2 NIOTES O4ND COMJIENTS. Aitisough the fist- anaivercary cf tise Boxer outbreak is net fer dis-- tant, it le stihi impossible te predici hew seon tise. chiot Pcwers xiii Le able to reedjust tisir relations ilis China. It Le reporteti, inudeed, bY tise Londson MLoruîng L'est ihat Mm.hRocks- bsill, tise ccting American Minisier, b elieves that a settiement cf tise main peints Lu controvemey eau ho effectet wtthin iwe menthe, Sir Robsert Hart, on 'the other baud, considere tisai tisemo are formidable obstacles te lic sunmounteti. It je easy enflugisýý identify tise tifficultios whicisho b as in mint. They are, obviously, coll-- necteti witiste aggregate ameunt ef tise ludeminiiies to bc exacieti anti ivitis tise inethode cs f payment te be enferceti. According te a tclegmam froar Pekin sou" of tise Englisis mis- .iotns have refugedti t acoetpi ny maoney compensation for emamge in-- eurret by ihear, andtihie American Imissionary societies have decluncdti t accept indeinmity fer murtiret mis- stonries, it ti,wel l no-v tisai by asîegssments leviet upen villages and local officiais some missionaries have more tisan reimburseti themselves. anti tiscir converts for losses experieucoti. la sncb cases, cf course, tisore -would ho, ne equitabie cdaim for any fur- tiser iudemnity. Sncb motiratien is tictatet, fireat, by a recognition of China's priaient disabilities freon a fimaucial p>oint of view, anti, secontly, by tise tetermun- atiori that China shah net suffer ter- ritora limutilation, providet seshowd a disposition te maire amy pecuniery sacrifice in lier pkïx'er. Aceordinai te Sir Rchent Hart, hem pewcer extends np further than te furnisb security for tise intereet anti sLuhing umd Lu-- jcident te a forcîgn 10cm notet ceeti- i ng $300,000,000. Accemdung te eue report froni Pour, thse aggregttte lui- dcmmity will ev-en feul short oi tisai amnnt, previdedth ie rest cf tisecl-- lies shall show vthicaselves as reason- nbeisie ~ tise' intendt tebh. Un- sappi]y, there Le ne cetaity tisat ibis xiii a tise case. On, tisecu-- trary, tise Italians anti Speniarta, avise have taken,- but an insigmificant part lu the eson cf tise Pekin legatiions anti in tise restoration ef order lu tise Province of Chihl, are saidt te h ex- orbitant in tiscir demande. Tise at- justinient cf tise varions pecuniary clalut-e aouit lxi iikely, itrefere, te i.nvolve considenable tieiay, even if ail the Pc vers tvere bonestly desirous of mreliex ing Chine froa tise necessity cf satisfying hem crediterti wiiis terri-- tory insisad o f raoney.,, ON Tif ~ el£ mjnxitress of threseoas xithi- There's many a succeseful business siso cen to-day.- mcanxvho site la his ciy cifice anti lete - bis mild slip back te bis boyboot ticys on tise fare. 1Hew gooti IL feu te live u eue way or amotiser, tise numbor What ant eppotitee h bd! How gooti of Bris',is 1erotrs permmeieniiy under eveythng ast Fl ow soutdisiesleep the colere miuet ho increaset. Tisai wae 1 How egcrly ho rose 'vutiste sun potulete is mow almost uniyersaîîy anti racet i wth iim, ibrougistise long day Ani 10W e' c uccsefl mm.accepteti as the bot rock of Britishs But lie cent leep. Hoetioesn'î enjcy crmy reformu. If sucis an increase of his foot. 1Hie stenechis te wki, hebis te standing army caumot lie brougisi mrves are shaken, ant ieho nemocro ises about by recmuiting, it muet ho efieci-- with tise sun te race eageriy agaisti hira Hie viîeliîv le iow andi now a nd egai et by recourse te cens-cripiion lu semae his hocri séeois telunge lu hie breesi form. Tishe rtiis edidesiluBritishs as if it-coultibrakleese. Tisais tise cre, but theme are divers kintis of price lho bas pat for succes, opîoymîtcysrie oeo The iiechief cf the whole business. secmusr iiaysrie 3reo tisati ie isuys 'tabiets" cof eue sert or -wisich, amo fer les omemeus than eus- enlotiser to teitit bis tiigestion, ant inl- ors, h les sait, for instance, tiasai t- dugsin brou-sites anti cuber mrve piy by puttimg tise Militia Ballot acc ouiinini, jsi n oitismeitogthe, nto force, sucis a numbar cf mon cuti wonters wisylho sceme te ho getting ngslitrne meryfo sht werse. lg' etandealfo shr Tise wliîle trouble with sncb cammnpaioda, thatinlutise evomi cf nation-- generalhy lies lu wliai is cahotd a Ilweaki1t 1ai danger Engiauti culti, witbhout amy stomacs, Tise food lho cats tees îlot J ilouriis hlm boceuise h i only pentially difficulty clupply tise equisite force. tilgestet anti assimilatet. No macacinLÉ appeare tisai in tiseUitedi King- ho stongor tholite tomacc, because t tom about 280,000 youtiss cmuuaily at-- le ia tisa stomaclu anti aliîetiorgane cf -tain tioir taventietis ý car. Suppose digestion anti nutrition tisai strengthis le mate frein tise footd-a-icic e aten.. 20,000 cf these, or one lu 14, 'shoulti ho Dr. Pierce's Golden Metical Discov- taken for foreigu service, wiii a por- ory cures diseeses cf the etomecis anti tien cf tise remaintier ebouiti ho train-- oiSon organis cf digestion anti nutrition. I d for short periots for home service It mstores tise strengmis et theibody i tise oly wey sirenguis cen lie reiored Iouiy te lie cliet oui ou messe iu by fod which le pefectly digests-t ana. times et national emcmgecy ; t leoi-- eseimilateti, -hen tise disease t temach dent tisai sucis e draft wouid ho -a caisisaieiogas ecrt ds-e. more pin pnick or surface scratch ec.It le a isoot-iakina, boty-iuihti- iug medilci n nennci s ceooti is matie comparedti vistise 233,000 per ennuni front foot 1anthie ibody le hault up by- taken lu France oui of a population bicod t, ie mt e stimulant, containing cracher than tisaicf tise Unitedi Ring- oLiciter aicohol or amy otiser narcotie. dora. [uter sucis circumetauces, the NO OTHER DOOTOR FOR ME. burton of eblfigitory personel eerv- "hIast spring, cari5, 1 wrote yoîî my feelings ide vould h be rely perceptible tetise anti couittion," 0550s Mr. A. J. Vaoderwater, 873 West Divsion Street, cliceugo, ini., teangyou lisuge mcjomityfth pepe ativiseti me te ake Dr. Pieices Golden1 edicai fte epe Discovery (a fiw botties), andtC-n write yooý how 1 feu.It,1ain ha,,-pv te edyl i getiiato6 fée! fine, Iu ahil have ,taken six bottles, Zte Ail the exporte who have tiscuss- 'iîiscovory'1 anti four or five vins cf the lbine et this subjeet, are agreedti ta, isow- 'Poiles.' v-ey have dore tue wonitia cf gooti, Ail my friaîods say: 'Vanderwater, bobo ucli aven disiastefeul conscription, aven in vou are looking. wl:t in e iscutiibayou ts beeiî doing?' ICiiCtehe',o lcndotrlr ildeet torm, May ho, t l is e ailtisDr,iE. V pirrce, QÎ rP-uýcO N. y, - vil ' n"- lias get tepay Chysay, 1yon i1a ccli e-îu ,o' Y, pic tsa ngau g p andy bot 1 took lits 'Go'ien Mdical Dlseove.riy for hien secunity. As Major Count and Ii ttle - Peillts.1,-rie "lnedicinles l'ave -srongîti Cite greai change intnie, Ërôin aslow Gleiciscu pointet ont theotoiSonday, niopo of a innthat coîrid hardi; crawl, tiretiwe anti sick ail thse tiîu, and coniti do ne work - we as yei, the porsousi wramgie ft a iýn who cal, work, sieep, est, and feci beixvsen Lord Wolseley anti Lord fine, andt hat tr iecsglaail seing ewa 1 anm vory hankfulthat 1vrote to Dr, pjer, Lansdowne was undreait cf, the Mis 1'Goldense Mdical Discovr ' anti bis lutile liver 'Pellfets, tave aluiosi matie a new mia epenking oi Secretanies of Stute, cnt cf me, 1IeelYoung asI did t tbit-ty yesrs. tise vilificatien cf ibis ou'tisai Gener-- Ne oCther doctor for nue, oui; nr, Peerce." ai, or iseati of Departint, le so mach RAU I1EN UP HOPE. labor xxasteci. If e thomougis anti III wll i xnrsloy tinke Cc 1rou for the riflnfr c h rts m liiiy etivice ey(u bat giýe onme in regard to rifleor ofteBtshA y imy case," wies MisCaunie J. Wharton, of is te ho carniet oui, ht muet ho bogun Duavant, Spotai ivaiî iCo., Virginia. 'ý Wheu 1 lvtutoio yen lest 1piu was lu a terribil attise bottera insteat of tise top. state of bealili. Mati ut-eu up ail hope of evel-i bin engtcta'-. I si ht n y foodti a h tetinte cuti P ree:--ti cour as tan -gar, I would lia-7e àTht' Pennsylvamia Raihax ay bas ai- bad sti, heatiache ecrc other week; in tact, tie ulcnrlo h atmr n'Y lis i nover feu duier, andti was peifectly tîeim oto fii etmr liroken deun ul'der tee tra!nOfc lOeiog suy footd anti Ohio Railavay. ccnstaiiy. 1I ind re2d a F-eaCtdesti*yfur M l' Lgsauobspo bocks of» uhat youu moi nhatida u e for The Lechiga e iltr hspo othere, se 1 urete Yooil dgeloomadvice, hibitet the manufacture cf oleomer- Boglit tue botCies f Golden ,%ie icai fl§leôv- !eclue o mtt utr et;' ont the fil o h fois fil t h, gamieclueit mtt utr Wheîs 1 lid sen lit tik oCies the Thse total United States postai ne- 11OiCii~ep a e1rely 8 OPPed ant i Y ienti Iceipte for February ci tbe 30 largesi 'chie lauch better. 1 believeeyour medicines are poofis scvncassffr 1 luat wat yenhavesait cf tise. psofcsso aeesso m1 Icarcfully readlthe iscrol ijiet me Ruda te 20 pcm cent. citail alwaygpil egoiwJ ~ -ICeis ouots eSo tts medi J Plscovery' ubenO un i hraes a chance. Chre oisntecale fte Itv:oo npubl s- ,h isusi yen hiak ih worth Firsi National Banke ai Miles City, hieIl mig'tt Ilîioce sme ne ieelse to Ciy Michigan, te missing, anti bis llOuois 'our meicias ;uho as ai«er-ing as I titi. h sa byte testimonials cf ouiîerî hat 1 was arlee 4O,000 short, dnist tory it, I ahal oixs-aya rolyilpenyour M.Ccpe-elsgîon5,O0'Je ativice anti feet ae o donas you ti r: h tdtel néte. tr,épise hâhofit funts aJlc Dr Paiem iscasesheandî't Pe ue con-exisîing l isé1, u nteresîs cf tise e-- ~tiatin, iccaues uticeseqenca. ployes cf tise Carnnogie Company, either inattentive to notorious fact.s or are secretiy okerishing designs i-I consistent with the motives they pro-I Pess. Noew that the loeuse of Lords lias listened to harsh recrimination on the part of Lord Wolseley, formerly coin- mander--in--Cief of the Forces, and Lord Lansdowne, lately Secretary of Stato for War, the conduot of the British War Off ice is5 likeiy tu be made the subject cf a drastie iuiry. No one disputes that iglaring blunders have been made during the prosecu- tion of the war i ýouth Africa. These were 'due, acccrding to Lord Wolise- ley, te the War Secretary's failure to heed timeiy warning-s, and to pro-- vide the funds needed for the prompt despatoli cf an adequate body cf troops te the scene cf hostilities. Lord Lansdowne, on his part, isists that ne sucb admonitions ,were given, and that Lord Wolseley liad at bis dis-- posai resourcesj fully commensuratel with the exigencies cf the contest. The remedy for the shortcomiiigs, ivhieh, unquestionably, have occurred would ho, in Lord Wolseley's opin- ion, te give the Commander--in-Chief absolute control cf the army, the functions cf the WVar Secretary being practically restric-ted te furnishing the necessary funds. That is a state cf things, ho-wýever, wbich, as Lord SalLsbury peinted eut, could scarOc!y exist undor a Parliamaentary form cf governinent, for thse War Seretary, being obliged te apply te the flouse cf Cemmnons for luoney and being re- sponsiblo thereto for the use cf it, moust needs exercise a large measure cf centrol over the application cf military appropriations. It is truc that an adjustment of things aeemingly irreconcilable niigbt ho effectot, if the Britishs fouse cf Commons would edopt the expotiient te wbich tise German Impeniàl Gev- ormmnt lias beti rocourse. Tise Relish- etag, it will he rememberei, hba re- peatedly agreeti te fix tise aunuat ap-- propriations fer militamy purposos for seven yearsc in atvance, turing wisicb septenulal poriodth ie military experts belougimg te the Hleadquarters Staff bave exclusive eutbority ever al mattors relating te, the arÀ--y, anti are undor nobligation te rentier ae mn- ning account te the Legisiature. Sncb a concession, liowover, le unlikely te ho matie by tise Britishis louse of Coin-- meus, whieh Le acuteiy jealons cf is power ever tise purse, and, especially, cf its power te compal a dishaudinent cf th-, standing army by a r.efus5ai te reneiv the cunual Mutiny act. Nor can suoisanuabdication of legisiative control bc describei as indiepensible. Tbo fondamental objection te tise preseut Britisis mîlitary systein is net tisai authority le dîvitiot, but tisat tise total number of soltiierai availabie at a givon juncture te, net ouly mc- latively, but ebsolutely, diepropor- tioncdti thie neode cf a Nvorlti-wtie empire. Some figures ou t his point xiii prove instructive. Franco, wbicli bas a population cf 88,517,975, bas a xver army cf 4,300,000 men ; or, in otis- or worde, 112 seldiere, per 1,000 cf pop- ulation. Germany, witis 52,279,000 în- habitants, lias eaivar army cf 3ýM0'000 tise oquivelent cf 61 soldierai par 1,000 of population. Russie lbas 128,932,173 inisabitants, anti an army cf 3,500,00d on a ivar footing; that le te say, se bas 27 eultirs par 1,000 cf popula- tien. Tise British Empire, on the cili- ar liant, witb 886,235,193 unhabtants, bas a war army cf only 9000,000, ini- ciuding 230,000 Clenials anti Natives ; i short, selias but 2 1-3 soldiers per 1,000 cf population. Sncb le, ai pro-- sont, the utmoet bount cf the Britishs Empire's mIitary esourcos, aithougis uiuoty yers ago, whon tlie empire wav e be than haîf as big as t le noxv, andtihie population cf tise Britishi Isles. numberoti euly 18,000,000, tisore wemo froma 318,r000 te 363,000 wisite monI actueily under arme, besides over 400,- Ù00 mou of the auxiliary forces. Witb-- in ibose ninety years tise miitery powv- or cf Englant'e Continental neigihors bas boom vestly increased, anti, tisere-- fore, se is now, immensoly[ weaker lu compamison witis mcem than she was et the date monuienoti. Nom eau t ho saidthiat tise difference le offset by tise supemirity cf England's fleet. Oun tise ccntrary, Englanti coulti proclaim F O U R- - i;-'a N EW GRAiNiP LZ Claimedtot yield 80 te 100 bushels of icher foodtihan Corn, bettes Siring a uerancs s 4 tens of <icet glay per acre. Spehtziz teest tescribeti as a ccmbinatiem ot Wbeat, Rye anti Bans-v5 anti fer fatterusng Caille, Pouhtry, Herseis, Sbeep, Pige, etc., le eqSich teoSon rgrins. Heatis similan te two-reweti Baniey. le net easily lnureti by tise weatiser anti wiil preduce enormous creps on peur soif, (Sow l linebels pcr acre.) Every fermer sseuiti try ht. Pound 25c.; 3 Ibe. 60e., by mailpsit'i. Peck (14 ibs.) 80c.; 4 Bus. (28 IbOs) I$p.40; Buehel (56 lbs.) $2,50, liy fueigisiet pur- ehaeen'e expeuse. NEW WHEAT S&MERICI&N BILUE STEM. The heaviest yielding wheat of the North- wecstern States. Fret' fremra mut. Miliers pay more for ht than an; otiser sert. Heuts bl a nt beautiful groin of a tierk ambon ebate. Evcry bashel eewn ibis scason wil e requiret mcxi year for seet ut higis price. Pound 20.; 3 ibse. 50e., pesipait. By treigisi, ai pumoisasen'a expense - Peck 60c, busel $2,00; 2 buseis et $1.90. êtteri Butis oeach 18 cents. Remit cash. with order, W e . ITORONTO. SLJGAR - The only truc seed of ibis Famene Iioot-Growa in Demmarir- ean bc procured direct frora ns. Recom- mended by tise ieatiing agniculturiete eft tiis country as tise best Fi ee for ahi purposes. For Cattie, Mir, Sheep, Bogs and Poultry. h tis aii- kncwm f-cet that tise fameus DanishBao is frein pige ted iargeiy on thie Sogen Beeýt. (irows wcil ont cf tise grount anti cen lie --- arvesiet as easily as amy Mangel crop. A ~vonderftul yielder. Ts-y car New Dae-'oh g,-owî seed, tcsted for psrity and germ- NEW CORN NORTHERN PROLIFIC. Ripons In 90 days and yields surpris- - ngly large quantitios of Cern on such C eruail cebs, The bentitiful rich golden colered grain is ci emootis even ese trou tht' hut t e ti op can. WViiset oxeep- plant, ai hetiser ton grain on fer ensilage. Try it, anti you williec pleaset. Lb. 20c.;8 lbe. -c 50e., pspa t B reigisi, ai pnrciasem'sexo- pes-Pc 5c;4Bus. 90c.;Bus.$1.50. Cotton Bags, ecd 18 centa. Remit cash with order. WM, RENNIE, TRNO ÂLLABUT II MJBIB.E -recently,e waasmucli improssed wt boom toue by Capi. George J3. Leavitt BOSTON MEDICAL MAN SAYS THEY of tise whaler Nowvport. Ho nekot ARE REALLY LIFE-SAVERS. bu fer au account of isieoxperionce. é--ý Capt. Leavîtt's repiy les in part as fleeters Are on the, Wraîîg Trecit - Dr. foiloWs: Page Pîropouds tihe Theory Tuhat "Tise firsi. cf tise amputations simce BecillilAre scaveimg-erà Feasing b eie ean wtrngo Hr sa lecyed Natter. tesisbgn-itrn nHr Dr. Charles, E. Page, of Boston, hal eclel's Island, ivaq on a man l&u-'.ng- preouned the sîartîing tiseery tmg te the Mary D. Hume., Edf hie that bacilli are net tise causes of ~Irigbi foot %vas taken'off, tise instru- ecase, but are naturel aida teoi S cure, meute usoti bei.g e batelier ismif e eud "The longer I consider tiese ubject, a isachi saw. It wae the first attempt lie says, "the more tborougbly am I! cf tise-kinti Ùp ibereï anti putting ise couvinced-oi f tise prectical accuracy pain1ne horirxbc a cf the poisition that ini evcry istancee ut, of our limo, was a slow proeees. cf isese orraierI senii aycf "We placedthtie bettie undor hie of dseas, o rater Ishold. y oc oe anti after h lie d taen a whiff sickness, wbich shoulti always lxb-- xe oit si.hl i o ce hniy garti'eti as Natures nraensi ef curinogTis was kepi up fer baîf an heur diiecase, tise ge-calleti gerni. is actually i witisout any effect. WVe thon matie e the Prctinct or recuit, anti not tise papor coe, put lu corne asto cause, ano, that tise gerni tbeairy a~seturateti witis chioroforni eut tise man wvent right off. It was e square ai pxresent Ireiti te enether instance iu cut acrese the foot. lt tumueti cut Miedicine cf tise cart befetre tise herse. wqli] but the big tee, or tise boue tise "Mcro-or ganisas arc feunti every- big toe grexve on, was a long tinie wbere. Myriade of theui enter car licaliug. bgcurc vstku " My non i otac vstkn bodies atet ccl breath isîtbout deung off the righit arm of Mr. West, the gers. Theïr legtimate avorle le te îimwas amputateti a few incises bo- dlean eout tise serexe oef oenv bodies!. low the shoulder, cleaning off ail Wherver hereis dcay r deom-the isurut flesis. In pjutting a lîga- Whsrvcrthee i dcey r dcom1 înre ou tise large artem5c, gut was pesing mattor tiscre lufe-cavergi are useti. The smeli vains were toucised erigaged inl their basinecai cf neutre- witli caustié. 'Later I1lied to make lizatien, sanîtetion andi puriîjca- a second eperation, this timd leying tien. t e~~~~~~pen tee entire sneuttier, and takinîr ILO5OPOLUEÇTCE eut tbe boue te within an inch of the assisteti by Cuticura Ointnient, for preeerv- NA~iTJRE'S PHYSICIANS. joint. inlg, purifying,beautlfying the skin foreleaus. 'Tibey feast upon. the effete animal "Iedoforma was the only antiseptie ing tte scalp0 'fc8ot8, sCales, anc1 dandruif, und ttc toppingf falling bair, for softeffing, and vegetable matter. They neyer in- that 1. had lu ail my surgery. After 'whitenlng, anti soot lng reti rough, andi sore juretheheathy ani ae-te nturl -perations as these 1 used hlands,forlsabyrashes,itl ings, antei g , _jurenthe hcfth dis ae tThe atre a- eaîeor rphine whicbever I anti for ail the urPoses ofte toilet, bath, friedisof he dseaed.TheyareNa-happeneti to have 'on hand, tu dead- cunkSOAF in thc forin of batta fer anoeving ture's pbysician.s, cnnistantly emploiyed en the pain. Ail the subjects we trIain, n maioI n x oens, lu pevctin dccnrpsin ani w-rn-hav svokeden aveturnd et wiI.or tee free or offensive perspiration, in the in pevetin deompo an Ivln-havewored n hve trrid ot wllà form of wastes fer ulcerative weaknesses, eut Mattel from clcgging the machin- I bave net studieti medicine ner liat andi for many sanafrive antiseptic purposeo 1 seen anything of thse kinti done whIch roadily soggest themeselves to woEa cry cf the animal organisin. The bu- until I was compelicdti t do it while anti mothers. No cter mnec! lcted soap -e te be comparotiwitb it forperving, puifying mari mouth, thycat, stomacli, intes- at Herschel Island" and bcantlfying the ski,6 scalp, air, d tilles and lungs are inhabiteti by mil- -----lIliands. No other foroign'or demestlo toild t,4 soan, however expensive, is te bc conpared liens of these lîttie 5,anitarians. STAIN UPON CHIIISTENDOM. wit it'or ail the porposes of the tollet, bath, and nursery. Thus Il combines in ONE SOAP "Professoi- Jace'bi says it May hc at ONn PfincE, the BEST skin anti complexion possible that Ive wil l barai t t poison Excesc by Ile Ailleil Troops In ChIna coap, anti the BEST toilet anti baby soap la andi extermiate the so-calied germs <onfrluîi<î,ho world. Complete Trentment for Every Hueuor. but ini doing So we may kili the pa- The foeigu ministers at Pekin CcTICoseA BOAP, to rice ltte skin of croate andi tien. hae pepard aiistcf igh hin sceaies and sofien the tbickened cudee, CUTICCRAt tien: hve pepaed lis ofhighChiese OINTI5ENT, to instantly allay itehing, inflamma. -At a meeting cf thse British Mcedi- officiais whose execution thcy- de- tien, and irritation, and seotte andI teai, tand Ce!. IIZ REsoaVasr, tC ool anti ticanse te blond. cal .Associatio«i the prcsident's ad-Ç manti as a punishment for their coin- A SINGLE SET isoftensofficientto cure te Mos I tertnring, diafiguring, andI humiliating skin, 'lress ini the dection on "State Mcdi-I plicity in the Boxer outrages and occlp, anti blond humours, with los of haïr, cinle" w delivered bl Dr. George! the attack on the legations. 0f ths e l y.1c,£isc .BtýhDmt "2 hTe Wilsen, W-ho sechke with great frank- expotiioncy cf this demand, in cor- house c51 bdOn. E. C POTe..eU. -mC.s... neése on thie relatiný4cf hacterial re- tain instances, there may ho, somo _____________________U. __S.__A. seaxcb and methetis cf treatment, te dout ; but cf its subsnattial justice, <_ preveutive meIi eH begîns by say- assuming tbat the officiais diti what R p A C ing that Pasteur's preventive inlocu- they are reputedti t have- donc, there - Wegivcahand8comeopen Ilations are baseti on exrrraiand are Ca1 a .e, i'nlisitcd tise cutoeeof iliegica iductions nWbiic te n tot i eqguestion. - , le for teuing onl2t. - ]eau Lever Movent-nt orvicy ene cf thero.. pe h ttmtisbin ae o ee1!g MI o 2 woeî "The few disease--tevelcping mie-- te distribute rosponsibility and te 1Ï~ 8sed at 1k.napaIage. Eaebipaec- reNte which hacteriodegistai have dis- exact penalty fer those crimes, i gcnanapcddleeft covredasscIiatd wth umn ds- ' noit fragrant relIles of ail csoora ccx ecd asociatti ~ith lninandYen aferno m Tisen e Watoncea case, andi wbich they can isolate and noither the fereign ministers at Yetën on byern tingtis lue at e. a cultivate, arctos f ueculosig, Pekin uer the powers which they -Mal usCis atvertsemenC adwe wii forwaîdth' e eeds. anti f ubrSelS tem, retuen ltse mono;, andi we guera;ecefe.ýv diphtheria, enterîc fever- choiera a ýropresent can effort te ho indiffer e f youcWatcb t.Icte. W ite ce ta;, s te m.t plagne, 'but these,' continues Dr. eut te certain other crimes, stili ecseMi eTcet Wýilson, 'are fetunti asseciateti witb te- - ________ cayoti tissues, ant it is epan te argu- moe inexcusable and atrocious., ment whether, instead cf being label- The first reports cf exccsses, by ment, the perpetrators of those ledl the uncenlditioneti causes cf those the alliet troupe, seemed impossible crimes, whicb are a disgrace te civl- discaseg, they rnay net ho performing te belie ve, hut they have heen con- lization andi ta Chisitianity deserve a boni gn function in changing tise fre y e1ay însest oit ili more. decayeti tissene, into barmless pro- Iimdb o ay inse ob tincts, just ae varieus kinds of nmicro- any longer questioneti. The work KING EDWARD'S HANDS. erganisms are necessary te change hegan at Taku last Juan, wben three filtis anti ail deeti erganjo matter in-huiidred coolies, who isad becu cru- An expert obaracter reater âtatesl te barmlcas matter.' ployeti lu loading sblps and bati neyer that the liant cf King Edward VII, ie "Thte bacterioiogist se dominateÉ, l itteti a finger against a fereigner, al trut-hfui index te thse character anti tht' public press that -,vceimost 80em wýitisOut a single shot being fired inIItniniac ucnVooi' uc te live in a bacilius-strickcn word reLurn. and se far as prýeventive moteilci.e is Tise capture of Tieutsin, tihe march iser. It ia emali anti aristocratie in itd concerneti bacterioiogy bas rathor lot'l from Tientsin te Pekin, thse occupa- forin; net womanlelh, but sbewing an Us on falso linos in assuining tisat the tien of Pekin, the expedtion o nsa amn rpootion teit discase developing microbe cf any1 PaOtIAg, and thse se-callet "punitive sa iroyo rprini t disease le. the cause cf that disease." expeditiens" lu varions directions bomy -btructure. The texture of the - --4 -frein Pekin have been attendeti by .5kin la fine anti soft, a sign of a na- SURGERY ON WHALE SHIPS, wbolosaie rubhery, outrage anti ture net inclinedti t intense mental no- morter. Tis west cime coifit-tivity, yet by neoinean-9 weak lu mon- ted hy tise Boxers, tise worst crimes Iligieuit 0;.eratlen. s onieftlees Perfermed' imagineti as cenimittet by tbem last taiity. The King cf Eugland'si bantig b; ime('~ptnn! summoer, when iL xvas hlievet that are very whsite. Thse palmes are eof t Soine reinarkable surgery' bas beenj the fomeiguers at Pekin lied falien anird ecloesisewing a warîn, 1ev. into tiseir bauds, have boom duplicateti perforruet by captains cf the wesling at a score cf places in -the province ing anti equabie nature. Tise palm tap- sbips lu the Arotic Ocean. Acci- o f Pechili; but' the victime wero un- ores4ihtly, anti tise f ingers are ful dçnts sornetimos happen on board the armet Chinese mcen anti ielples wo- at tise base anti taper at tise tIpe'.Tise xvha lors, anti as thora is rerely a 'men anti chiltren, andtihie criminels finger nails reveal pisyâiceti tendînoies medical manin l the fleet, the cap tein were men, wlio wore tise unien cf te beart trouble or apoplexy. The ne;w, thse allet powers, î Kiug's bande betokon a maun net oas- is oblige t t treat tise injureti mon,. It ie impossible t e roathtie detailet il vexot. Guitiet ouly by commen ceuse, seme narratives of thoe occurrences withi- of these captains have manegedti t o ut a tismili of liorrer. Tisat When ail classes, cf accident Osu rail- periorin even amputations. witli suc- cusatieus are true unfortunately ways arc takean into account, only adulte of ne douht. Tisose wiso one' passe-nger waas killcd. lest yoar lu cees. WheuSurgeen Cal c ts make theni are abeolutely tmustwor- 7,139,948 passenger jcurneys, and only moenue cutter l3oar xvcs in Alaska thy. If the Boxers deserve punilsi- cnt i-n 514,740 injar-ei. Jl l'impies, Blackheads. Red Rough, OiIy Skin àAVINEOB Il.

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