TIIE VACANT BEAT IN WE52T Hughes, Kingstor; ard Mre. Scott, wff of 1IWPAFl~TNPT1T1 - S OR D choo,; bMrs. (Dr.) McAMpine, Lindsay; G &L ALIEND N4EITIIER CANDIDATE WILL SIT IN TITE Mrs Rtobert Jobb, and Mr$, Jaxne8Beycock A COLOINIAL OFFICE SCI¶EME TO ~PRIMENT SESSION. Blacksteck; and Mrs. James McDonald, 0EUCTTETAE One of the- best krnown men in Tuesdîay i ït, a motion was made i onthe daÏ Ist, a lAgnoldmboftuLindsony -Importn e einents; or eNtu East Durham cony etDohmctl on casu e 'l ave tli& to pay ihetir la-,t respects to ond whom they 'u", Cesreciatl e-.1ra Scrsi Eas Duha contyisS teveîiap ifromul-tl i, jdgeneht on teUi, leh idknowa so log. The azeci hnîand aud rraises PO~iffly s ified Ozone ewce 0. Taylor, Charlecote, Ontario. lm ayobjection to tna Pettîon f.'mily have the sYmPathY Of ail in thoir Bad aeg Hs sféio gi tTono lin!th ctfeabeenyment. A happy conjunctiton of effort on Hi sfern s i Liberal ûoroent Beith, because, .----- the part of M~r. Cù.abaSn rlan, as the from rheuma- fil t, Beilli was the sole candidate 1P[1TP IVT1f2fC~3A!T ..flead. of thic Colonial Office, and of tism ti the back nomnsntei, owing to hlla opponsnt'a do ±J.IL.iII l.JUIILiJl i .Ie 111 iiney Msr Je eptr&Cm / (lumnbago) f or Pobit not being pâld il' castl Or legal - ny, w hîC as resulted. in Utheu.- four wte edr, or in the aiternative for corru ' RER STATESMEN ARE ANXIOUSLY Disease ta1smntftene lmprad- yers raoctîcel suffiient te vold the election 1tbiheto h o meilIi t ~known to evey-Ti pemlayoetinugetîî WATCHIING THAT COUNTRY. Thelwonderful way that 1'owley's Lîquifled reet West lindia Mail Service betweenl Dody in the Thoruton was not a Proper PartY tut Ooe theaigcrs tap he nea a Engl.and and Jamaica, bids fair to Castorla iS Dr.swauel Pitchcer's prescrpto fr nnt coutity. It vas petition, as ho could nlot be uuasted 'ffliat lie Possession or Gibraltar lieans mostw*onderful preparation. You asould ne' dra w ou thse da-wn of a niew era f andi Cljdren. Lt contains neithier Opliu, orhnnr ' until he wan ds'clarcd entîtled to the Tise StroniqsIolit tIolDe Streisgtlieacd - Continue the old fashioned inedicine metheci. with th-, greatest nat. McPbersion, for the motion, Spastsss iternat. Trouble. You shonld talce a treatment which klls di tithe chequered. Commercial career of othier )Narcetie substance. It is a Wamessbttt MR. S. 0. TAYLOR. fifflcuity, and nrged that thse Election Act contern' Now that Repnuicanism bas thse up- germs'ut yu iseaszoe. That tAreant sqis w h sIa0 ia etIdes h for Paregorie,,Drops, Soothing Syraps niCstr01 onywith aonzig ain htpedx*iio in legal proceeingsar a nainthse Britishi states- lysIiufe zn.Ths rocI5l 1 cent inauguration or£ the nev service thtpas xcilo e ad San vell kn3own citizen of ILindsay, ont. if yeni neoto aoaa osn.ItisPesat sgaateI h Ill y agt o n uz ng or r s a d hat if tihe ippeai wers heard th is m on are keeping an a xions eye on doubt iis testimonial y n should write t in I n v n ntionamom nt.Of is P e a t. I s g r n ee s th l y y a s' u e b lie st don upo or roseterrm one of thse candidates mlght ait ai that onraslihn tnigt e will aisswer your questions cheerfnlly. late years these ugar planter-q of thse MilÜions of Mothers. Castoria destrosWrm sc from a chair, and walking vas thea prîsent session of Parliament. btincountryasointinryoent Some tme agolI trainïed myseif; colS d e inWest Ind.ieS hv eneprecn 1CsFeverisliness. Castoria prevent mtngSu simply torture; neither the skill of Aylesworth, K. C., opposed -the Mo- bwingo eouioaymvmn and very soon I had disease cf tihe bladdee vhayeliard. times owing lreyLats physiciansj, nrCheurdustiicures iDalyafec Geaariar, hih avam and ai.C 1Wi oedte Colly ar tnsow(glralyttthorrd cre 1relola ndWideole The om)rt refnsmad to nuire thse order the power that controla thse key te un and prenouoced incurable. you irces-. system of European bountiel on lieut Tectliing troubles, cures Constipationan Fatlcy quantîties of patent medicines he asked feir. Anotiser appeai goes over thse Mediterranean-Gibraitar. 1 mended your remedy, "'Ozone.,' which 1atne sugar. Many of tliem have turnied. ataasniae h od euae h tmc took, gave him any relief until he teto eMay session. The danger which ling42t arnse re- trîed. Ozone acted et once in a vigorons nman their attention te fruit cultiva- Csol sialtsteForgl ]3riiahinteest wa~50 er on ait miy urinai-y urgas and i seon i-e- tien as an auxiliary to, cane-raising. andi Bowels, givin2g Iealthy andi naturlbep atr tried Dr. HaIl's Rheumatic Cure. garding Biihitret ae10celved benifit. 1tam glad ho say I an uow abo~ e cryn aiiis fo steCudrnsPncateMiirsFin After taking the first few doses of PAN-AMERIC4.N EXPOSITION, frii u eoeteBiii luecrd salm omrsmtrsaenal this wonderful medicine heobtaîn- BPAO of Commons lest week that Mr. Bai- gene. I am rneie from pain and cau worl Jamacca te Great lrîtai, bowever, ,~ four romied t invetigae an aseaily and teel pbysically litre a new man. W, werc not in any senso adequate to a Castoria. t4--- Ca i. ed relief, and, continuing the fu rmsdtineigeang use yeur remedy for ail !l1s te any oftour farnily large expert fruit tradfe front the e"castoria te an excellent medicîe er " arîjeswllaatdtcbre tretmnt a omlee urewM i! y 1 to November 1, 1901. tounding overaiglit on tise part cf Wesedwewond oosfaroo fited I V effcte. H ha tit ben rouled Those planning a trip to.Buffalo and the Governmeat ln constructing thse could net have youýr rmedy iu aur hcus iaiises of tise Indiee. Recognizing ie eiie.Mthee aeIeeacltlmettI -cneditasue-otoayre Peffercetepoîtonths ea Hearou ad ocs t irirl-thtie.veyrepctuîy uuspssibIilitieýM inlierent in tise fru it of its gond effect upn their chiidren." scription Luowntm P.ý%n-.merian itxosltfn thisyear ew, babour nd doc a. GC.rOlethe ,meL weyllesectful H.oA. PO m. G.C. MeGD., o(etl 0as,.N..A. with an ache or pain since and soî 2ksarneet otiei ar > TO.NOLD,-Iindsay,lOnt, trade as ýe ircdiumn for rehalilitatingj speaks n praie~orth terms on e of tise popular aide trips offered by GIBJIALTAR'S WEAKŽfESS. i owley'sr.igutfied Ozone is$1.eo a laÏr-e bel, their moribuaci. prosperity, Mr. Chsam- T E F CS E SO A U E 0 the medicine whicli restored hin tise Grand Trunk Rtatlray te the most Gibson l3owles called attention',toetne, soc. smail size Ail druggiste, or fi-rn tf1i ennin, with tisat quickness et pur- T E F C SIIL IN to heath-Dr Halls Rhematicbeantîfnl and heal istol sommer resorts t#e tact that tise site of tise new' laboratories of the Ozone Ce., ot, Ireot,ilcpto.frwcsleiscnakle to healh-Dr. Hlls Rhematic ituated lI the "f1ligtlands of Ontario" docksais the aame aa existed at thse ted, 48 Coîborue St,, Toi-ente. etnfowhcbcirmakl, ____________________________coned e i sdea of subsrdîzînga Cure. Ic~lcated 10100 Leest bove &A lve!, a few period of short-rneaciey id___________________nuw fast direct line et mail steam- -' Dr. Hall's Riseumatie Cure la put up in sû hous rua from .Bufirlo. Geod isote] filet with the presnt range guns ail cent boules, centainiug te daym' trealînent. accommodation, uaîfcsnt saatise shipping asgembled in thse har-sns'T1nr~rTm v- ers te tise West Iadiel.e For sale by ail druggists and dealers l CiQ-, Iin -11 !II~IS fIW-î 2nedicirie. Tise Dr. Hall Medicine Ce., kinE. perfect Immunlty tred, H[ay F'ever; a bour and tise docksa themselvee ce FOauu I.TH CuN±îuUS.A.ERSuIuHENUGRL UN .on. Ont,.________ place wh&re ilealtis and Pleazuré go be ressdered heiples by a few, lyddite Hnei oeý bu hï h isand In hand. Tise Highliands of sheIll from tise land, which couldHecit ore abu tatis CotonRoo CMP Out0,arlo Recludo thse followInig weîî neither lie repelled nor returned. WHO IS TO GIVE THEBI INFORMA- steamer Port Mirant lut t Bristol ru- Qeo'u ottn ~ot ompu~d Irse n nd opuar iatlct:-"os. Heu advised Liat flicworks and bar- , TION AND WHOM IT IS ABOUT. cently for Kingston, Jamaica, on thseAP AR ON VE Y WP EI Is sueeessfully used montbly by ovrer koka Lakes" "Lake o! Bas" " Ma- oinauguralkrun et tise Impenia direct Ï"tyour druggist for-Coaies Cotten Let Cr. uetawan River," "130,000 Islands oethtie ftrm land, attack and would have tise ed, Btut lise Terni Ceeu.dl ian II l. lhici, ilb otigtyou vl miT teae ng eros.i mxrîe, plo. Goraglan Bey,,,-aata ae"wlb otihl nwl m acaiene ileroas.ail ite, .o. 1Lakesrprotection of tise Mediterrenean fluet, elue le l Hjurlty. u antnu.byfrnesemr. box-, Ne.la, 10 degreestrn ,$per box. el. and the region aronnd "Lak,9s SirntO s :v as tise guns cf tise rock. b anand yfu o taes 1 or 2,mailedon receipt of prceand twos-eent and CouchichlnR." Illlnstrated de- Mr.-Balfour lias offered Mr. Bowles Tise instructions te the census en- It isop:'d, ad not without a gooi____________________________ tanips. Tise Cook- Conpany Windeor,-Ont IýVNos. 1 and 2 saad ead reeommended ji fioariptive publ3catlens, ma.p&ansd aIl ln- n poeition on a special commission umeratorz are as followsi: Every par-- show ot reason, tisat within a short responisible DruZZtsts in Canada, formation cals be iad Irae. by applyleg te wvhichs wil l e appointed te consider son wiose liebituelhoerplcetim, itiis adutetenw Nos Ian 2 cî i Bemavile y l . Ln. JUPY, C. P. & T. Agent, tise metter. i ab-ode 18 in an eaurnerator's district srie ieewl pigu nts SOTaAM & SONe, Sri-r & JUar; OronO by J. wennvlle. PAIN IS UNSETTLED. in any part efthtie Dominion is te baIdee geteprttaei rit Fonnce;Newaata b Da FÂ5CeMAgen.Ct, îTorn isrct.asngr But te touclh upon tise foundation entered i lic theciedule, i-respective whicis will fan into fresis litetu y ) - - Aent Toeno.for ail this precen lion, Donna Chris- y "Picturegque Par-Amsrîcain ROute uine, tltrough' ne feul cf lier Own, ut age, $ex, or condition, taken ia or- tng uînberx- et commerce ivhich, et la-te te Buffà'o.' , - is lield responaible by tise Spanisis dexr rm tisa bead. et the tarally. Tise years lias ail toc qadly languisud populationlwe be grouub foiseoulied ne adontrel.w fier iosition, ash îwemnil unC . $ oll noth t tntis. e lfositi, las purpos es under tiheIedsç et families, new servvi ii c ntr nisengishaovis o e o ad i e ryf oohe-f st fle rs i o d tv r m l rc i Tis aesti Soo e tseBemasileben retl wakne b nt niyhusalioldsannd institutiong. Tis tdead ttseea adie(hapfig io arrfyetanod vasso efrtme o! Las gOodlrdadbak -~~ laTh lisGentSooe t f0 beBix-aeflthe Ibasof tise colonîeig te America,oet tiese farnilies, 1Louseisolda or imati- et fruit, lass iemiilc-sO.u caryaif oad ordovantBfLasis'ed audrittd frn 10 :î follGi Clbte oplcre osi; si. 23 rd, s bu t by tise aýsent te tise marriage tutions ara requiraci. te furnisi tise tieun of tien vuintiesd et fruit havinged an hâciîo7; olvle2; *%,v2ý euthey f tise Princess of tise Asturias,, heir- anurnerator ith aIl tise 1articuîars, a ouei acotr. ro tse9 $2.50, worth $2.0to $3.50., Children"s Button n ie 5,5e 19; Freeboru 18; Coiins il; Jtffxe 8. s.Plesuýnptlve, tote vgei. a, uty rn thsoee7tiec, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' andYoh'tocrepn Ifea 8~ih;isshoo ou atchold ciief of staff of Do-n Caries. Thie Lan cases wisere tise membere of tise West ]indes xiii bu inipertud under l rcs bid:lee ssd25l 8' , Li hwtise Iepublicans have nmassed f tiy re tm raiyabsent frein tise ne w Orde iniina is rtis- ewlîeîowa is tc :a:hard ar h blrds; - Bsnett20; ttorsiseal 18; MeKsy egi n r o lsl lic ierhm ruulpaee bd o rist hcste Britisiser~ eaowedtit baue eko. Ltst prn sylsowu 18; Hoast14; Fleachrn 14; Battrte ivl.l t isthe extrem e R epublic ns Oet tejir a rnes and record as alould e ha ve b e cmte d t e u e a so k n w e dory un e Tise p be is n vi te to n p e u t c ; Iboe Nth Shoot n ath9 3sokinEle.Thdo bi aBags, SatcheiÈ 18; MK-îy 6; Jc±roer 14; Lunuty 1,1 war tise wliole world noticed tise ly as possible iwitli tise ganleral con- pineapples, but, beside-q tiese, tisey Shawl Straps, fanc-v and plain ; Dres.-iug, tiseveyesthteub Thoe hoisveusd 13;Lve Pill SeS Pummer I io 7fnIendaisip tisat existed betîveen ception ofthtie de jure sýystern et on- are pronsise. otiser varieties, which, bgt ha rs rsigi er twl u Ths hhveuehaaLie il le Bewmaovilie Gan Club w.0 repte. France andi Spain, tise latter lookiug urneraîlon. itsu elc~u n oplri h OUgiu eptai rsigi er twI i iebosi sapl gay they hava ne equel for relievinig and aented ai lise Toiote Gan Club Tourna, te thea Frenchs Republic, aven more tog eiiu n oua nfi curing Constliation, Sîck Head- maiston risi), 27 and 23, liy Wen. Mois. lisan Austria, for diplomatie assist- 1 NAME TO BE GIVEN. United States,' and other parts of tie ed to. rs world, are cemparati-velv littie known Repairin- doue in all bts branches iunlrs-elasssye iewr Ollhe, BllIoU!UsOBB, Dyspepsia, liesc, wl e scurell several efthtie best ance anci sytnpathSr, Lotli et xhicis Regarding torma et entry, tise Cl-us- lu tise Britishs isic5. For instance, md oodr uefto osl. Tsuigm utîeafrps Coated Tongue, Foui Breeth, P£ - -'sereceived. Now, sisould lise Ruta an n uraeo hpr ~eat BrnWatr Bashor pulicna t Sain hecrne alrng ienanm an ~uaam etuaos pr-il i preposeci.tebbri-g over sucisrare lavors and hopiug for a continnance of tise îame. Ila. Br1 W te Bas o enougistetoisr e ie country iale son sheuld ha entered la full, but if and luscieus things,. as tise grap3 fruit, In aOis roenty tiedat he iviiontise sisddo'ck, tis e uatai-c applo, and 4 ,J Liy dseaso or dîsorder of tise stomacis, Cut Lee -i aee l rieS Te udiiiotise arma of France, lempted by fle tise purson lies a middlernaine itwiil tise Mange. liver or bowels. CouthcoNav d o.Ts ua hance et recevering Gibraltar,whi0clleouly ncce"seey te write tise initial At tiesealue time-and this, afterÀ Mrs. Geerge Williams, Fairfielci Plains, seek vo deeeleient in meav o ixtise Fre-nchswould use as a deeoy,1,i tepmayojcsug t On. rtsasolw:"steerOLscoeltgfe odîmeant la tÎmanfr e utnda ehiould Portugal foîlowtise-ex-of t*l.uLadescribing tise place ot birth al i iepia-yejo ogs e Beaver Block. Powmanvilîe. Oanyt. xras a s fée follw:"stsrasaie s oemeti !i~fSmei o edin e attamac ly Mi-. Ohambulain-tise substiueo icnesforerd frsle n rt, ample et Spain, tlissa auniled I saiian t xiii be only namassai-y te givetiapoeetanic iibencugd ticuar e gt tse enuiu, s tey er ur ae basau ae);aonneî0g tisbdes zu issu- Europe. Tisue Britaini's anxiely re- Enn rnce, Germany. United comumercial sense, xiii savP tish pes nytising else for regulatingthuliowels soi-ciai i;VE oa thle ielioner te dances wlis gcunrring Gilirallarvris and correctiîîg steeacis disorduers."' keKe.Bvnnileeuas edis ase- . ~ -Statesý,witiout giving tisaemae ub- c1 yfri u-tsriPOvrs- Lexa-Livai- Pilis are pirely vegetable; ninii e tiise lot, fer wt.en &ha Pr-iscea ialitdiiiosYcuaes rsttu.ICn-m nt.Fo islpr u- eaisu gli-J, diysoncarryi o itarigUCa e' ut tiseienan 'A fl' siitiser gripe, weeken nor sicken, ai-e easy ed Coboeurg, Mîrî. (Col.) Cubîitisud Mro . dian-lioma, tise naine efthtie Province ized busin -sglike way, a fruit coin- Ge ner te take andi prompt to act. L-scotube, wifa et ax-Mayor 1Lisoombe, o erio,-lilb given, aud it xill ý -y lies reen toTrmad, wîth, a capital ___..-baillshnre ofdnnci-eg sUishlm. haipranoefo wstsr nr ta quarter of a mlio..,yw SOLID We5vetl5ileselli-e importana. te. knsonNivhn racapi cf aAnethser adrantage wiicli will a tr fiCm. . Munng, n folof emsinyeeiy0l.ýuLrI cfýý%vI , h thr.owiesg bute doser ~.OLfl ter f in W.0.irise is now eoeaîs of lg tisa races, only tise pure white tedis tise natira peeople-et tishe\West We "bjld a vaster stock us n Sas bè1)en,"'ýIndarassaipprd onyihisie ,e Sa.toWis, uwoi ü oielit16 f hid gd1 a n saiel, pr'ttiy Eat, Brd St., Si. Piul, aneloing a elip. swits t o-e on hy sare1ca shelei et l u e epPinsi I Minap0s ice, cfxiiili eclssed e hi - f a escn Indies witis tisuse in tisa notiser bt give bargains in Clothing, Dry Good, Groccriesa d U r w r eeereudedieeelyeeded theet.~ Maris 15,givn~ n aconn o!bisre.try. Mrs. A. L. Jones oethtie Eider-, set orugn-orn Ili etomîra-Dempster Comnpany lins arrangeda 'get lii i eminaieroprlateeer tirkbamneetbe. tien 10 Canada 'xviii lie entereci, and if l blning ever native 0 ratue te aens', eed bisîeeutt ~ .e.,....... psysru in ma,.ur country tisaistise luioens, wio may;ie ed'uceted, at lew, iui5olidaoidRingcvel aetoe i g. mEt ihe world's record aI pints and ex-.Uitadci ngdom, colonies or dupenci ael.ts niestu Get- Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge ust re 80 b» ie.ilnïaslely te,., cst wr sMi. Mno aWilliam'.a EMULSION, fCd« iver muer itain. -lreeiasoedtckoSectfo Ly i-eteritl, eb-Noveetel (Ceo.- o, teir .As Muso t -ofCo Leectisa a n ihthese Bt e have a very lreand wx l asotri Serges Boex 16, Teronoto, cea, o.falti- c! Curling, hlie s eaprend cf Mh il a en.ntrlzdo codd--- Ou? lis hou aatualizOForLIBErRTYî BELL.--Worsteds and Tweeds, uotis Foreign and Domesticmn cue W Tise Eirl cfAberdeen cutributes te There are ohr; why ' Tisef otzefshpWalel bc, dumireng' lisSUT 3ou tise cur-cnt lisse etfTTe Outl-tok a otArs g îhutes, tisa racial or tribl The Prince are Woleso SUIT g ou serles of pleeueteut porsonal reinînlaceu. SCOTT'S? relation la! tracud thi-ougi tis a teier, vist te, Philadelpisia in 1860, resoueciG o eisan irw ae coa o! Qieen Victoria, recalliag tise air- TheemLiedty l l ist os irtio xhuli ilis nd Ha 2riactancea of lier viit 1te te prelent thgoe n wSOT 'SdA- er ca5tbCtakelfotoani aantriseit ell tros tdrtInep Juour Grocery and Hardware Departiments yowifdorstc ersgraucifther la 1857, and-eisting I' nearly 3o years old ; it IS racial sense, as tilera are ne races et now occupies lanlise Amemican puoplc's well assortiad, bougrht intise best markets aitishe CloI peuad i aneadetuas whis laîpi-ses tise reader b intelligent pceopile lJ.an B o t switi an appreclatio-à eftise Q-esn's ulsed eyr i apaus, Ciinese, and negro are pi-o- hearta. bu sold attise rigisi prîce. Somle people xvant quaiyotesqliy JIml asni hiatr ($3 ayear. lover the world; andi approved par racial terins, but in tisa casa ot Some ironical citizen conceived tise Ne cau please botS. THE OUTLO'IK COMPNa-Y, 287 Foui-li Indiens tis a nemofetis trijoas sucis idea eftlaking the prince lui ladepon- ilighest price paid in cash for producu. GiveUSaai camo on My shocelders and ai-ms. memher cf the Presisylo-leccis8csathees I e i n gen ne us of-; rec the Cihrich e! England, pr-tstant, bu-s., .T. Degeneis, Menti-cal, Que., wri-ies:] They xviii bud OUmacrci "Oui- eexi door neiglibor-, seeiug tle saniaiSer l inai-iel, Seing knowisanii-athspntrdoit ak onn t esan1dîdihte Mattends tlketieQhee.Oa eraeI ufea Cnliyxvi kdie're lodan iv ouvm1n èondition I o-es in, toid me te take 1.B.B. speeted tbi-euýhout tise Connty et Dunihemnîe other. 31 te Api-il 1. Uies"oliserwisa in- i-onble. 1 consulteS several pbysiciaee5 anSd ~ormybloci aciI lci50 Ton rene-as t hr smlyhave tizon Iif you have - net struciec, tise enumerators wil coin --- useS theer prescr-iptionis ithout euee.se Ienergy. oue t isa tom ete ouc litsap-Ita pDsitieus aofpreminanra lu varions parts tried 't, send for freen,,e an Madey, Apr-il 1, andi xoi-k sew Dean's Pills advaitiseS, se procured n lex Price, 5oc, e L'nd that some o the boaveryadaysaexcn&tStirdays.t Tea heurso Dery few e.eryday eanSpt SayumaSs. aec lhptetandcoi-emboxaor thi-tee boxes peareel andciail tiseiest wecre getiingtnis aIofCLnd, eIî aihm nvYfwsanple, us agreaboxi, a or voleani xviv e amler Leega wonra- oue, casessic vste oonoanyIlrataste will surpris and a balf. for $1.25, au rgt andi iy tise ime I lad tise nearly ail t dsinlutish -e of hait a ceniury. Be- t .ect t ie diad 5d Mrs J. .Griffith, Montague Enrld9e, Pli.!., gaso9viib geeuur xas notat eliil te Se sce. idese ler hiscilnd, 'elarge f mly et Uer 3 b~ y ChpeovcibiM-r Busidcsi this, n luadaceu, fi-osa n-iais 1 canean,î S'o e ugliters eus e' ee. COT bWert -n lo aiis reeteatsher c Ic-a1cerseu ae wiitS:Aou cxmeth aeI uiaiahsntonrcitio Se scae u ,lcaiisLiti Iamdsoianiseug t ist- lr Muoric eillJt10nci~ipvdThe!e ni-e JeuceL. ilgbe., Ti-nt;'o.":Chemista, croo lp is'a- eodc n ,,~p1ra îptcrpta ets crhywt ak u ai ai.Itoseepieb h .Mi goluet~ ,. ohn ieelhu, Nexunvale: Co. Ssme-e the. invorcaýs as 'attlary,' cii- "Pa -ýt o, f5i-ty ,iréibox ef Dean' PilUs anS a ankr n iali te say u Ceiitd.- - - - . tue-a~~~~ii stary sp-c ui oaits ~S. Ceirvdlye.Beiiw 1 tha,'t tley ecoi-aneaanSdI avenet IraSany Toron-ýtc, Ont. Huhe, . . iusa; udCap,, Soc0. ansd $ioo ; ah rg.l er fîe rw ie e.TroeAnSBfae cg imCe-ni iG