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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1901, p. 4

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Swill assume charge of Tole's Drug Store this (Wednes- day) morning, when it will be RO-Opollod for Bllsnoss. I I BOWMANVILLIE. From Portiand. Sicilian (uew). ............... ..Mar. 27 Noon 1'arisian....... ........ .... April 3 Numdian..... ........ .......... 20 RATES OF PASSAGE- Second Cabin $35,8$37.50 and 840. Third lass $25 aud $26. For tiekets and overy information ap- Ply to M.A. JAMES, Allan Line Agent. Bowmnanville. Dsance has N o LIii*t. If you have leleplione Ser- vice, any distance up to 1500 miles rnay bc bridged in a few seconds. Trains May be over- taken, messages already ton the way anticipated,. and the very sun outstripped. The Bell Telepholle Companly of Canada. N-Ew XV ALLPAPERIÇ. O ur n ew season's shipments have arrived. For higli standard of design and lowness of price they'have neyer before been equalled. We h a v e imnported largely and are already selling largely. C all and see;them before the choice things are gone or wvrite for samples. W. T. ALLEN, 11 BIG 20., 31i Iliners. 1The Palladiall Statesmlan, 1 iO VMAN VILLE. MAR. 27, 19011 CHAT WITH SUBSORIBERS. This is tho last number o!f'THE SrATmA,. before April 1, the date ors whicls we are supposed to stop accent ing one dollar for payrnent for THE STATESISAN fer 1901 and charge $150, thse regular advertising price. We intended calling attention to this matter eariier i tise month but isa'ie been f00 busy, so have decided to give c ur suis- scribers who' have not paid their sub seription yet another 15 days' grace and will accept 81 up te Tuesdav April 16. Af ter tisat date the rate will posi- tively be $1 50 a year. We iwaut every- bodv ta understand this fact and nlot te blamo usl if they are cbs rged tise higiser prîce. [f anv subscriber is not in a position te pay just now and will informa us when ho ivîili pay we will gladly wait op, hlm wilthîut iucreasing tise price. But ail who eau pay should do so at once as îvo would rather accept a dollar now than charge $1 50 later et). As our subscribers can testify, wo seldom dua for subseriptions tlîrough these columus. We detest dunning for money evory week of thse vear. We do aur part in publishing the best tocal paper lu these couities and most o! our subseribers do their part by pying their subseriptions promptly. Under such conditions it is a decided pleasuro ta do business. Sometîmes we know dollars are scarce and it Is not cenvenient to square up for thse paper ani tise famiiy, do net wiis te do without it. We eu always meet sucis cases satisfactory to ail concerned if told o! tise circumstan ces, WVe have nover crowdecl an honest' man for.paynîcnt and nover iutend to. Fortunateb, our subscribers ara mostly prompt payers and we have net much reason te complain. Indeod, we doubt if any country newspaper publisher has a fluer P-ass of patrons tissu ours, and wo feel proud of thom and so, long as they do tiseir duty te us as în tise past wo always shah,. And whiie we hold our patrons in sucS iigh esteem, wo flatter ourself that we likewise eajoy the confidence and good-will e! our readers. This fact to us is very on- cauraging. Ourzeaders may not be aware that THE STATESMAN papeor costs us this year more than double tise price paid for it last year, owing chie! ly to tise advance lu tise price o! paper and the combine that effeet our business. On our large weekly circulation tisis beo comes a sorlous consideration on our montisly pay day. We realized tissfact very forcibly too wheu we had 10 plank down more than twice as mucis cash ou Jau. 3sit as we had been paying each mentis end bof ore. Iu auy case it takes a large amount of money 10 mun a big uewspaper establishsment and as we do a straight cash business ail tise year round and year lu and year out, we do, not always find ilteao easy to finance tise business. But wheu our subseribers and patrons pay promptly il is a great assistance and we do nlot thonu require to lie awake nigists scheraing how to meet our paper, ink and type bills. Now this is quite a 'Little chat about our business and we shall now expeet to See tise "slow"'dollars come rollîng in at a lively rate before tise middle of April, Good day! Wgest Durhiamf Liborals MR. RIOKARD THE CHOICE. A splendidly aflcnded and very enthus. îastîc Liserai conv ention and annual meeting was isld on Saturday wlien tise unanimons choice of a candidate 10 con- test West Durhsam lu tise LiseraI inleresis in tise nexi Provincial élection was Mr. William Richard, W arden of tisese United Counties, Newcastle. Only one ballot was taken xitisout any nomination and tise resuli nas tisai over tise necessary îwo-tiirds vofed for Mr. Ricisara. His nomination xvas lisen made unanîmous by a standing vote, tise popular choice being accentuated by a rousing cheer. Mr. Richard xvas not present aitishe con- vention, so, a resolution was passed e- quesling flic executîve to n'ait on him ai iii convenîcuce and tender tise nomina- tion and gel iis reply. ELECIION 0F OFFICERS: Tise lection of officers took place with tise following resulis. Hlouerary Piesideiiý- D. B. Simpson, K. C.. Presideni-Aibert E Clemeus, Tyrene. Sereay-M. A. James, Bowmanvilie, Treasurer-Jno. McMrry, i3owmanville. VICs-PREStussrs ANI) CHAîssîE. 13,wmANvILLE-J H 1(ydd. Chairmeu-N W, -J N Meliougail, W Canu; W W-J MeMurtry, Harry Cann;S W -Arthsur Gllert,H H Hamley. NsýwCASTLs-Weliigtoil Foster, Ciaren- John iJglow, J Fisiser. DARLINGTOs- S Pelard. Cisairmen -J D Hoar. R. Woodley, Jno Snowden, J L Joisus. H J Werry, A J Gay, J Hesilie, CLARKES - Geo H Linion. Chisîimen - W Meadows, S Henry, W T Jacksoi,-Geo Merder, Andnew Pollard,J W1ý Cornis,Tiss Heniderson, Isaac B Stark, J bLitowe. CAs VWRIGH-STRobt Pisilp. Cisairmen- Wes- leY Mounitjoy, J3fM Joistmon, A B ryderman, Jilo laile. Tise following résolutions were unani- mously adopled : Moîed isy D B. Simupson, aud second- cd isy Di J. C. Mitchell :"Tisaitise Libc ais cf VWest Durisam iviisio give expression to tiseir sorrow sud sense of iess in tise deatis of their Qiiecu Eloquent voices have spolz crisud cloquent pens have n'ritcni of ber, tbey bnid nol power te do iser jutice. Sise nas tisecoie who was beyond tise pow crs cf iman f0 proper- iy define, iser noiitiy cf mmnd, lier grandeur cf purpcse We dare nof afieîptiti. Withbioxved headsxve simply mouru. We tengralulate our great King Edward VII1 on bis acccssiau tte t rone cf tise grealesi Empire tise world lias ever 1unowu. He was an ubane Prince, dran ing to him tise love and respect cf his friends. Tisat ise wil aile wilis wisdom and prudence is assuned. We n'sishlmin long life and isnppiness, "Gcd save lise Kîiig." Mexedby Joisn McLaugisuin and second- ed isy H- Ellicît, Jr, 'T hat tise Liserais cf Viý est Durisaso desire fu express liseir isearty appreval cf tise conduci cf affairs cf lise Dominion cf Canada isy tise Gov- erument of Sir Wilîfrid Laurier and con- gratulate tise people upon tiseir success in again entrusîing te tiis Goverument tise intereste of tise Dominion foi a ne, termi. Mox-ed by Thomas Baker, Couuiy Councillor, and second isy Robent Piilp, Cartwright, "Tisaitise Liberais cf West Durham have n atcised xitistise keeniesi interest and admiration cf the affairs, cf the Piovince cf Ontario by its cen' Gov- eruiment led by ccir old friend tise Hou- orable Geo. Rî- oss Vi e knew him and watcised him as a privare uember in tise House cf Commous, as eue of tise Cabinet cf tisat great constiiutionai Premier sud statesman Sir Oliver Mowat, isaving tise most difficuli portfolio to isandle,tisat o! linister of Education. He n'as a success in ail tisese positions. Tise subsequent position naturailyfollowed oni tise retîremeut cf tise Hon. A. S Hardy,_ and lie lias prcvcd eq-aai te tise occasion. Wle admire iim as a man and as an ad. mi nisinator, and we have every confidence in im as cur Premier." Mr N W, Powell, lise Liberai candi- date in Easf York whiere ise made sucis a brave fight againsi Mr. W. F. MacLean, addressed tise convention in lise absence o! Hon. J. R Straîton wison'as unavoid- ably absent. Mr. Roneil spoke bere on a former occusion and n'as favorabiy te- memisered isy many present He was entliusiasiicaliy received anud spokr- fon un bout on tise refcri introduced by tise severai Liberal Administrations of Ont- ario, paying a fitting tribute to eacis premier in passing, and said tise Liserais cf this Province wili go into tise confest witli Hon, Geo W. Ross as Premier witis as mucis confidence as under any o! his illustrions predecessons. Liiseralism isas stood for pragress in tise paît 25 years and tise present Goverument is exemplify- ing tise triumph of LiseraI principhes in tiseir legislation to a marked degu ee. Tise depariment cf Agriculture was firsi esîablised b-v a Liserai Administra- tion aud tise finit man latitls isead was a Liberai. Tise ;%odei Farm was anotiser institution fa lise credit of tise Liberais and wisaî lad beeuî doue 10 promote dairyiug in Canada n'as tise result of their n'ise legisialion Before closing liii ex- cellent address lie referred to tise explor- Tmitators do not dame ta eproduce the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Cisase, which are found an evemy box of hie genuine remedies. Dr. Chase' Nerve Foodi. ONE -LAXA-LIVER PILL every night for thirty days miskes n eophete cure ofbtlUousne., afd const1ation. That la luet 3 5conte teobce 0 HLast week was 'a busy week for us. We opened up and marked off al our new Dress Goods and we are very7 proud of our new stock. Inu it you will find ail the new weaves in ail the new shades. In Black Goods our stock shows Che viots, Corkscrew Weave, Violo, Baritz, Poplinette, British Cloth, Silk Warp Eudora (especially ,.,uital)le for mourning) and Cashlmeres. DUR VALUJES ARE IMMENSE. Enough said. New H-ais aind eapse We are paying special attentioni to our Miýen's Furnishing Department this d 'pring and are able to show ail the newest styles, both in English and American Bloclks, that the market produces. Special values in Men's Stiff Hats at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 each. Altour Dnew Cap s are in Hstock. Pleased to show you them. * N~ew tIoti One special in Clothing for two weeks is 30 New Suits, ail sizes,in Grey and Brown mixtures, regular $7.00 to $8.50, for . - $5 H Only 40 pairs Men's Tweed Pants, ail sizes, regular price $1.008 and $1.25, to clear p&r pair au - 83Cw H Fresh Maple Syrup, fiee rich flavor. Honey Syrup, the finest goods made ~ii for 15c per quart. Fancy Lemons, Naval Oranges, Valencia Oranges. We ~ZI are open to buy any quantity of niee green Apples, good size and free from worms and rot,.- New Seed Grains for sale:-SPRING RYE, GOOSE WHIEAT, BARLEY and OATS. - U J1 tiseir resources. Tise resuit when made 1Tise Marcis Canadian Magasine i s a public wîhl surprise tise people of tise Do- memorial issue wiîis several new pic- minion. He prcdictcd fise triumphant tures of Tbe Queen, isandsome plates retîrn of tise Ross Government when tise of tise new King and tise new Queen. eleciions corne and isoped to sece good old Dr 1'arkin wriies of "Victoria and tise West Durhsam represented by a stauncis Victorien Age." Hon. G. W. Ross, supporter of Liberal principles. His te- Premier o! Ontario, summarizes in a marks were frequently applauded. short article tise Growtis o! tise'Britishs Ciseers were given for tise Laurier and> Empire." Prof. Clarkse, D.C.L, writes RossGovernmenîs and a rousing big one o! "Tise Datiso! tise Queeu," Arthur forMr.WiliamRickard-al cheer tisai H.A. Colquheun of *Tis8 Queen's Prine augurs vicîory if lie can bc induced to Ministers" and Rfthard T. Lancefield accept tise nomination, o! "Tise Prince of Weles' Visit to Can- ada, Fvery article, stery and poem ln THE CLOVER CATCH., tise number is written bv a Canadian, Nexit tiste feeding o! stock ou tise farm as a mea ns o! mainteining its ierfility, lisere la no one question o! greater interest and importation ta tise farmers o! Ontarioanad tise Eastern Provinces than tise clover crop. On tisis, more than on any other crop, depend tise necessary sslppiy o! vege- table malter te keep tise saifl ise best1 condition for feeding plent life and conserving moisture suffidi eut te enable tise land te produce good crops of grain or rools. On ligisi or loemy land, tise difficulty o! securing a catch o! clover is net generalv experieuced, but farmers la many sections, o! Ontario especialiy, iaviugelay and clay loam souls te deal witis, are fiuding it a very serious difficuity. and lu view of tise great importance of tise crop and tise higis price of tise seed at present pro- vailing, tise able article appearing e@se- whGre lu this issue, contributed by Mr. A. MeNbejUl, dealing wtis tise best meanas, et insuring a successful catch, is worthy o! careful ,cansideration. Tise f ailure to secure end isoid a catch o! clover ieads directiv 10 impoverisisment o! the soul, aud each failure makes tise situa- tion more serions, as tise eleme;nts necessary for tise protection o! tise young plant et-e depielod by every grain crop thet le grawîî, se that unless speciel precautions are taken.' it i only from an uuusuaily favorable seeson, by reasan of frequont reins, thet relief can ho hoped for. Wisere feul wheet le grawn. a succese- fui catch, by sowinz tise clover seed early iu tise spring, is generaliy assured and il wiil be -wise, wiserever other cir cumstanees warrant if, ta seed down with tiset crap, even thaugi tise pros- pect for tise wheet, fram tise depreda- tiens of tise 1-ession fly, mey net ho very promising. A claver is o! greater value than a wheat crop, since il pot only feeds tise stock, but feed tise, land aiso. Whiere seeding must be doe witis spriug grain crops, every sugges- lion caiculated to reuder it a eertainty should receive careful cousideration, and te tisis end we shall be pleased to publisistise experience and methode a! aur fermer readers who have had suc- cess in overcoming tise difficuity we have here outiined,-FarmersAd vocate Children Cry fo1r CASTORà-% Children Cry for CASTOR lA Thse ladies' favorite. Laxa-Liver Pis are the ladie's favorite medicine. Thev cure Constipation, Sick iloadache, Biliousness and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening, A PLEASANT SURPRISE, As Mr. and Mrs. Geo. llerrington are leaving shortly for their new home near Brighston, their Preshyterian frientîs surprised them on Tuesday night by taking possession o! their home. Order being called by Mr. Jno McLaughlin, cisairman. who with a few remarks kindly informed thcm of tise object of their gathering and called upon Rev, R- M. Phalen, B., A., who read a very complimentary addross acknowlodging Mrs. lleryington's valuable service to tise church as organist and Mr. H's valuable service as choir leader and supporter of tise cisurch's înterest, and a handsome Pair of easy chairs were pre- seuted to tisem ivith hosts o! good wishes. Mr. IHerrington made a suitable rep]vy lu a f ew well chosen words and request- « ed ail to enjoy themsalves. Speeches were made by Rov. R. Phalen, Messrs. Jno, McLaughlin, S. J. Hlenry, W. J. Stacey, Thos. MeLaughlin and ailiers. An excellent supper being served, music, gamos and social intercourse filled in a very pleasant evenin- .Thse address was sîgned by Jno. Mciaugh- lin, S., J, Henry, Jas. Thompson, com- mittee. Auy one troubled with Bouls, Pimples, Rashes, Festeeing Sores, or any Chronie or Malignaut 5kin Disease, should use Burdock Blood Bitters externally and taise internally. It will cure when others fail, EEwLDS' Are now arriving at Mur- doch's. Look for advertise- ment wi xt week. Leave orders for Seed or "'Gem" Wire Fence at Murdoch>s. Tus CANADIAN SrATESssAN is pubiisised every Wednesday merntng aitishe office 26 STATES- MAU Block, Kiug Street, Bowvmauviiic, Ont., by M. A. JAMSî, Liditor, and Proprietor. Subscrip- tien $1i5s per annum. or $100 if pat0 strtçtly tii Advance. Advertýisiug raies, transient adver- fising, feu. cents per fine. Onrt insertion, five dents ver Ue escis subsequeut insertion. Con- tract ra tesuon application. Property to Rent. The two-sterey biick residepce witistsable aud one-quarter acre of land on nôntis sîde of Cisn,-cisSt , Bowmanville, at present occnpied by Mrs. Colville, is for, rent-possession on tise ,si May next Aise eue-LlS acre of land wlth good orcisard sud small fruits-sîtuale badk of iomestead glud froutiug on Welliiueon Street. Foi- tenms or furîlier particulans write JOH-N McGILL, i2 4w 32 St. Mary St., Toronto. The Best and Most Praetical Faria and Family Paper Publislîed. Believiog that very one of onr readers should have at least on1e good agriculinrai aud family journal. we have perfected arrangements whereby %veecau send that practical and lu- structive journal, FARM AND HOME. FÂRM AND IlOME is ,pubished semi-moitbly, thus giving you 24 numbers a year, the ivhole mnaîug a volume of over 500 pages, tceming wîth ail the latest and muai reltable information that ex- perieneaud science eau supply, No botter proof of lis popularity eau hc offered than ils enormous circula.tion, whi0h extends int every state, each nnmber bieng read by no less ihan a million readers. We give TaE STATES MAS, WVIKKLY GLOBE, or any other dollar paper sud FAsi suadHo, ail one ypar for $2. Address AI. A. JAMEs, Bownianville, Ont. rNO~C8ta Creditors. In t/he 1Vatte-, of t/te Estate of CHABLES HO WARD GILBERT late of thte township of Darlingtosî in thte Jounty of Dur/tantJarmer's son, deccased Notice is hereby given pursuant f0 "Tise _eisd Statutes of Ontario" 1897, Chapier 129, tha± ail crlditors sud others havlng elaims agaiust thse estate of the saldt CHARLES HOWARD GILBERT, who djed on or about the 21sft day oq Jauuary, 1901, are required onor before thse FIIiST DAY 0F APRIL, 1901, to seud hy mail prepaid or deliver to Messrs. simpson & Blair 0f the town of Bowmanville, solicitors for fthe Torouto General Trusts Cor- flo, tis'te admioflitrators of thse property of lbe salit deceased tiseir christian namnes and surnames, addresses sud descriptions, tise full parfieulars of their claims, the siatement of their accounts and the nature of tise seeurities (if any) iseld by them. 1And furiher lake notice that affer'such last meniioned date thse satd administrafors wil proceed f0 distribute the asseis of the de- ceased among the parties entifled tiserefo, hav- Iug regard ouly f0 the claims of whleh tisey shall tisn have notice; and the salid adminis- trators wîll notbe lhable for saîd assef s or any part fisereof tG auy person or persons of. wh ose elaims notice shall not have beeu received by them aitihe tine of 800h distribution. Daied tise uis day of Marchs, 1901. j SIMPSON & BLAIR, Solicitors for tise Toronto fGenieral Trusts Corporation, ad- ministrators of tise proerfy of j10-4w Charles Howard Glbert, deceased. Wehave a new Websters Internlatio- 'that we offer -at $ 10, cash,- Arc You Ilsllrod ? New Combination-Health and( Accident-issued by the Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co. Every business, yes. every man should carry one of these New Century Policies. Cost littie money. HARRY CANN is the Agent in Bowmianville. Lady of the house looking into the ernpty flour barrel said-"O0. 1. C. U. R. M. T." "Well, 1 arn glad as now I can get ail rny Bread, Buns, Cakes ai Pies at Luttrell's and save ail the bother of baking myseif." King 13t., Bowrnanville, Telephone 97. Drags on but spring us nigli and with spring cornes thoughts of new Wall Paper, Window Shades, ' tain Poles, Pictures, Mirrors and Frarnes. 1 have an unsurpassed stock to suit ail tastes and circiimstances. You will be surprised at my Wali Paper. ThogWho have seen the stock say "A rnost splendid as- sortrnent and so cheap." Sarnple books of two factories, for anything extra special. If you wish it y' ou ean control a pattern. My usual stock of Stationery, Books, School Supplies, P a n c y Qoods, etc., very complete. Tvbu ook Spring lIilnory Openillg Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 28th, 29th and 3th, 1901. Grand dispiay of artistic M-àillinery at the ContrailVmllrnory Parlors On the above days when al interested iu Mifinery wifl be warmly welcomert,

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