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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1901, p. 6

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DRt. L. POTTIFLB. Office and resi4laee,ChurehSt.,oppogite Trioity Elengregational ebureis, Bewmnanville. 25-6m* MISS ET17EL M'ORiRIS, '& RT TST. Instruletions gîven le PAINTING Rr 011, Watee Celer aînd China. Slcetehing andi fretcgitm nsature. IKILN on premises, tir- Ifiai 5& pricËss 51.61n. tIR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBEROP COLT0EGEOF PHYSICIANS Land Surgeons, Ontarie,Ceroer, ae, Reoidunce, Enniskillen. 74 A. B. MoLAUGHLIN, ,Vr pneiter, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Offce:- f'ukbsy Bleck, King stresS, lSowmanvllG. enyte les» at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, ROBERT YOUNCG, V. S. O %FF1CE IN WEST DUREHAM NEWS %JBloel, Where himself or his assistant willI IbefountIfrômga. m.toitp. m. Night eails ai <asîdeuca, sireetly opposite Drill Shed. Calis by telgrah r tlehon wil eceveprempt at- tant on. 171 - yr. 121 AIR WORK.-Ladies wishine hair done over, cali at Mas DxcioNs s, King iast andi Cor of Ontario St Bowmanvilllea 34 i ~JARRIAGE LICENSES,-M.- A. JAmEs., Issuar of Marîlage Liceses. ihsdence: Centre street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. B LAIR, Barristers, Slleters, Netaries, e,, Morris' Eleek, up-etairs king Street, Bewmanviile. Soliriters for t'e Ontaie Bank. P riva te] monseys loasted atiewest rates DENTISTRYi, G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S, flonor Graduate jeDentlstry of Toronto Uni. verstty. OsFICE:-Over Ceucis, Jebanston atnd tryderesan's store. Bemmanville. 18-lyr, il. 1F., IIUNTER, Br,%ARRISTER,SOLICITOR,NOTARY r Publie Cetîverasucer. leeney. Prlvate and Compaîsyl'îînds toenid ai iewest cnrs ant raies OFle S: Riing Si., oppesite Dr. Ilarnden's etali ieomsBowmanvllle. 1iimý $e50.00.0 TO LEND Wt>3,~.Y3~-J,.f .Jon godmort- rae seenty bai moderate raies et inierest, lC.McÂcolisNSliCiter,BewMnVille,Giýt 16-6m. Will be at Blackstock on thse frst Monday of each Month, at Oreo from 10 a m to 2 p. m. and at Newcastle frOM- 2 80 to 530 p. m. on the second Mond-,ay of each month,. OuFFicR-TeImperane St., Bowman- 'sillerear of Higginbotham 's dru- Store. 0. IIARNDEN, L.D. <Jaduatee ftise Royal Collage of Dental Sus geens, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposlte Express Sltea. VITALI/RU AIR ONTAI BANK' L enti1nue te do&aGenerai Banklng Basinesai notnauivllle Ageey. - DEPOSITS jeeeived ln Savings Bank Dupai tm,aat and bitoresi aleowed ai curreisi rates. Notieeloofi ~ihdrawsl iet tecessary. Ah deposits patyable tndemod EXIIA.NGE C e-phi a d selS and DI ou i ssrueS pcEnep St a ites and Caad, ase GeliSilvren %cited Sixtes GrcenbaakJs 1ixigbi and seld totle aaf Catîada. Telegrapli Tranisfe-r!s 11isefor lange or sesai ome on ail parts or of paymeut. For otlier uxtictlars cau aýte banle.- A. J. MCCLELLÂN, GEO. McGILL, Accoueteant Maniager WANTE D.-ME Ie every locality theengis Canada te Intreduce oui, gondis, ackirg up slsosv carfis on trecs, fencas, along reaisanSal e uspieussus places, aise dislriisoting smaîl aflverising nater. Commission or salary $W000 par meuih anS expenses eeite exceed 8$2.50 par day. Stead y empleYmeist te ueS, isoneàet, itellable mess. 1\o expérience needfafl. Write fer fulil partlClars. Empire Medicine Co., Lorndon, Ont. if r's 1elp" and Içwye are swîedled." 1 ýend Us a rougis ske tch or sodel et yeuein-I Ivention orimprevement anîd wesilltetlyenî Sfrecoeue opinion as8 towe ber its, prebablyJ pateniable..Rected applications bave fe a b11eesi sîîccesfntyrosacutefi y isys. Wel Aenducifuliyequ, ped ffice.eMnra f cac-lt 1 isa xvo rit1etGâ'stýfiusgers. Pis lite-giving pexver-il ls tisa breaib et tise Almmgity. Rie douaisieu-tiso, gex'rumssisb,1ii tee cpon iiSchni Canetýul net te abusit. Wis" i ha- contes a ,Clnisinn dnîy telutecana et oun hLechýis, te net lisx,'hLoa eu- deuce txx'ad lngevity? Agae, Inmk,1tisat patclre- ligion is -nlfrýiand Uetolngevity, lu tisa tettisa ii i,; a proest l galasi al tise dissipatien1s wxhch injure anS Sýe- etney tise heuiih. BaS maes anti xx'- mien live a very siientItle. Tiseir sins kihle thoean. I knoxx' hua'dneds, otgood eli meou, bul I do nlot kaoxx- a hait dozens baS olS meni. Wis y ? TSeyI dle net gt t ol,. ph ! ho-x' mnny pre- ple wae havie knessu sho have net ivaS eut haiftheir Says teacae et thsoir dissipatiensa anS indulgences, Nowv, praoctieni religioni leanpretesi i againsi al dissipation et uny tinS. "But," yen say,«"al proflesseurs et ne- ligion hsaxve tailens,professons et ne- ligion ha-va got drunt, profesgons et nligicLi havie mieuppreprma ted trus3t' fuaide, professeuors et religion have ai-' acenSeS." Yes, yee, but ih'ýy iisexv aay thair religion L-<tere tisey diS 15cirmbtreaity. Tberearan aged pe- pie la tiia ion o t-day xa'io weuLd have beau SenS txvety-tiva yeane ago but ton tise detencea anlth ie equl- peise et religion. OS! if tifsreligion ls a pretestai uginsi ail terme etf dis- sipation, tisea, it ig, nu illustrious friand et iongcoity. My exi nýgist Iaguin: "WiiSý long lite xiii I mnListie Agin:- religion is a trionS et long-' t-vity in tise tact tisatith taites ,ihe j xvrry eut et aur temporalitias. fit le inet wonkthtiikilie meu; it ise -rny. Wiseu a mace beemas a genusai Chrisianuha ma kes river te GoS ecit onle affections, bat his famiiy, isis Lus- mnesS, is reputation, hie bodye, bis mind, bis soul-c-venyibing. isn- Sustioas ha xiii be, but nover wer- rying, seeuse G(ld le uxecsgiug lxi' affaira. JIow eau hai xx'rry abiu busin ess xheu, in ancwer te hie prny- are, GoS telle hlm xx'isa te buyaienuS xvi'en te sali, anS if ha gain tisai Le hast, anS, if Ise bosei tisaijis esi. Sup- pose yen baS a sapenssaturniel gs heur -vho caSse ha anS c-alS: "Sir, I xvwant yen toec6ah ou me in every ex- geuey ; I ams your fast friand; I could tail bucit on $20,000,000; I cou foeesea a panicu ten yars; I heidtise controlling etocke in isirtý et tise haut meneinsy institutions et New York; wbenevan yon' ara in any treuble cal o n me, aý,l Iwiib isclp yenu; yen cat' biave sexy meuey, anS yeu(n hae rmy influence, be-e ls my isand î-a aI]e Sgc fori."- Roxv mach xx oulS p on vorny v ubout business ? WLy, yoU wonld say: " l'Il do tise- beý3t I cari. Look st youar tongue-. is it coated? ,Thenyyou have a bad fte in our-mouth every4 morninig. Your appetite> is poor,1 and food dis- tresses you. You have l are, often dizzy. Yolur stomach is weak and your boweis are always constipated. There's an old and re- liable cure: ~. Don't take a cathprte dose and then stop. et- ter takie a- laxative dose each night, just enough to cause one good free move-< ment the day following. You feel better the very next day. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, yourý headaches pass away, your tongue clears up, your liver acts well, and your bowels no longer give you trouble. Puice, 23cents. Ail drtsgglsts. Ilbare inn Ays's 'alPs ton 85 years, anS I consslder them the hast taende One pil Soecs me more qgood tisa blai a box et auy othar kSlnd 1 hiave aven treadI" MlI N. E.TALBOT, MarcsSO 558. Âringten, lase. YOUNG fiGIBL'5 GOWN. plainu tablier anti is laid la stitchati plaite nt' tiseridas andi bacîs. Tisa bodice Sas e tigisi back anS n short basque, wisieliîla eleegniet in utxo pints lu front, andtheis otiga le fiesisad xit s atellecorS. Tise cellier s revers are ot bine pannle, sylti au npr"ý'î-aIniof etluxeuil lace, antia a nsd of peanu Inhlceaupplications pasuase' Se'a'etise outstide ofthtie tîgitsi sîeves. Tiesa c t «(reant cet-ais is plnýeitîand hus a onrjýonûd corselet anS two Lane e bineepa;r,es., tise boiteus being gelS. The, coiller 's tso et bIne panne. Tise Latisl covenai -rtta drapa.ry of blue panne anS is tnînaied rtitis Christmas nrs antiho!. ly leav-a e"nS barries. RAILWAY SFEED. Wisea traveli-ng ona u ralvay yeu eaui tell isex fasitisae train is geing by tise feiiexvlngm methof-: Thea taie- grapis posis alongn ruilxvaylina ara placeS 35 ttis il. Se if' os mul- tipiy tisa numbnet peste passeS lu a minuta hy ixve, tise restait gives yes tise nusihur etfnmiles peur heur ai vihisch' mcta. t sgoîcg. A statue etof miti lake isashacu areete - hy pblcsubseriptien la Bnidgexvter, xviere hawaa borns. il Constipation, or inaetivily ef tise bowels, is prehabiy tisa causa cf more dictreýs anS suffaning ihan any other ongaule darangancant. Once tise boesn are censtipaied, tise klduxeys becoe clegged, tisa user teepid, anS tise siosu- acis anS wisele digestive syslem cein- pleiely interfured xlth. Tise boad aches, tisera is Sizziness, weaknass anSdinss of vision, pains lu tise bace, sScl anSIlimbs, rixe ac- cumiulation oet wind anS, gasoen tise steusacis, paisns andi fulîneas la tisa re- gion e! tise stomachi, 4ad Seprassien anS despeudeacie et spirits. Constipation eauneyéer be cureS hie tise use et enlie ands îrillar 'teaken- ing unS deiilitflulpg p.nratives. Dr. Chaseas llaei-Liver P'ills ne-t enlie cause tise naturSi' action efthtie bewele, hIt se strangthen anS invigerate tiserntas te enable 'ihemsite ns-gtxarly pertersuisoertunctieusu witbout thea ald et madicinos. Oas piI a tiese, 25 Cents a box, ai ail deniers. 18 ofttn a waruing tisai he liver lai torpid er lnactlx-e. Molre serions j troubles may fellosl. Fer a prompt, Re i l n I S n tv , u a i- ii efficient cure of Headache andSi Religion liSanative, 1raLjveta1e ly enWhile tiey roure th iserr1t full, regniar ac tion o! tise bemels, A APatcis frein WnVashhigten says: 'and thon l'IldoponS upon my friend's they de net gipe or paie, do net erosty fr th res.', ow, ore irritateeorindeîna the internai organs, -Rer. Dr. Talsunge prenchaýd frosu gel'oiYfrtsers" " but have a posiýtive ioule offet, 25c. tise follewing text_;"Wýiih, long lite tisan tisai is promised te every Chris- at ail dgits or by mail of ihil aiC i.-sl, c.1. tan ibusinsess rman. GoS arys te hlm: C ,Ho eLxel as I saiytyhasu Psam XC 16. I onu ix x-York, and London andStS. My design ibis nrrîg is te shoxw Petersurg, nd Pckn, anS Ansi muia to yen that practical religion is the aud Califo.rnia- are mine ; 1 eau fora- friend of longev-ity; and I prove it, sece a pansec a million ýyears ; I Lave fins, frmi te fat tht itmakesi litise rc..ourcee et tiseunuiversel anS ocncdsubncs undhspl tirs, font isetacttist imaIs1iai your faset friand ; wise en ugarvlal isubuctunSbspl tise Cars et our pisysical bonush a in business trouble, or aisy oesr anS agonized fuace inssards tise ieavens pesitivi Christian dnLy. Wisetis, trule, eaul on me, and 1 xiii hear, and said: I take the sias ansd tise ser- xxe aoali keep early or laie hoar'ý, wxs-and I1xiii help ; Sera rs my baud in rows efthtie ages jute my ossu henni. pledgaeto omnipotent Ieieac. am tise expiation. Witnes earih,and tiser we shall taIe foced digesti'ble or 0lw. machis tisai mani divarance "- heaven, an e1.1athexiio. indigestible, 1whether tisere shall bc ry ? 'Not mac-h." Oh!1 norvens and 'Accepi tisai auacrifice and quit user- thorongis or isnmpicte matication tevenisis people of tise world try this ryiug. Take tise renie, tisa inspira-. almigity sedative ; Yeu sii! liva tien, tise lengevity eft tiis tisougisi. are questionS very oatt S"fcrred tote tcîxxenîy-five years longer undar ius Rligion es sunsiine; tisati js isalrh4y. realm. otf'ahmsicality; tut tise Chrits- scoetiigpewer. It Le net bohioral tisai Religien Le fresis air anS pure wa- tian man lifts ethisxhIp- proh:-,m et yen svanî, or morphine tisai yeun waut; ter ; tisey are healthy. Religion li heath nto th acoutaLýý ndtise it L is e gospel of îeugevity. Wiýwarmntis; tisai isoalh. Ask altisa diieui Hme satuc "ountablive long lita xvI satisfy tisea." S'cote, sud they wtll tellyen tisai divie. a sysi "Go Ses gveaanc Again: Practical religion is a trionS a quiet conscience and pleans ai antic- tisis blady, anS hhaga called iii the tea- et loevity. ie tise tact tisati re- ipatieus are hygenie. Il otter yenuper- pie efthtie Holy Gist, audito doface its meveus aclicerrodiâg cane about future foot -pence uew, evenryriig hereafter altars, orte anar it-q.vall, or crum- eitne Everyrmnuwant Co know whie an filipthte blow ands irradisite rilege,1' Ha seS Godes cal'grapisy ln te kneise ai wiset depet% it Le ýgeing toe s cpuchre. Tis mornng I. open axery paga-anatenx._i and pisysin- stop ; if yo e tiu beard a sip yen tise doer on tise tetistilde tiesa spai-1 109cal 1 10 aYg "od iasgivn m waut te lcnew iste wisat isarbeur it chr,,- Yen have Leen accustomed te le a l. îerfle any fer"o b eisas g s ,me~ g ing to rua, eu d if yen sshonld tell'v lku a tia so g a s eu ts e a x-enenti ied te nole ures." me yen. have ne intezest in wisat isetftise grave. I sowxVo tisa unden Tisai arn wsxith thirty-six curions te ha yenr future deetiny, I svenid, insu d ftÉgae;th otm a a hOues, xielded by tonty-six curiens as pelito a xvay as I kneex how, tell on out, and tise long roes wlth Muscleg, and ail uadr ths rina'sYen I diS net believe prou. B efore î1weh lts phhecrearlthibussa yeur telegnnpisy-tisreeSure fî had tis auter settlaul w usreteenceSedlttas eea iruhae IlnrdanS fite my future existence, tise qucestion heven.Glcry be tie God fer tis,Ls re- poundu of bleod rnusing tiseengistise slmosi vrne uemi avîdim t, rnb:cund religion! hxiihv isoarini aioinvlii a t,aedau y e m *kyola ilongave 'nrev,,y heur-tisa heurt is twan- Tise asxieties yen xvould'have a baSup- , iis xx or mjo ol I lngi te-four heure Lý,-ating eue hîudred 0on tiia ubjeci, ,Put tegetiser xvenld ih, wrd.and ini tisa sind te comne tisoiund tmes-dnrag ii xsetyi make a isùatyrdom. Thsis is a samie Yeu will have eternasl longevity. "Witis tt-Dsandtim'ý3.durng tc tent etofaxvtlunuhealus. Tisera are people long litfe iii 1 sast3y'tiea." four Leurs oxercoming neisiancea wlso fret tisemeelves t e Setis'for fear amounting te 22?5,000,15) poueds et Sying. I waat , ibis moruing te xxveghi-SurLr.g tise sassm tm tis tai-the tise ain off Veur nerves anSd01 VEI tllî'TY IRARts, lang tnciu lutity-ue~sea soghedstise-depreseten off yenr eeul, anSd îr.iteo' eciuSrpIa1be erb luns tkig ifiiy-."Vr- gsedsmake isso or, ibrea axperimeosis. iEx- millions of tuotîtee fertiseir cisildi-en srhile el air, and al ibis îneChnnim net panimaunt tisa fiirat: Wisce u'ogo ont ytest by a fsiek chuS snfiertiîg nSryo1l nioeamgl;ty than delicaetanu eS ly ofl thiis svorld, ih Secs net usake asie wslstisetpain of cuttlng ietheed ai citesanS ualu ckeS cd domolîiseS. Thei Lirîg.. ffareuee x ietiser in ibis syrid yen foet btetfMes. W'tîslows' Soiethï,ng Syenp havebeenigoo orbador hldan Teetbiiig. Il mlli relieve tise poor tianna anyqi te is ai, ,If Ihurt hv eugo rbS rwisetisar little ssilrer at once. Dseend upon it,tnolisera, yen helieved igisi ong, Yen will theele es o mitake aboutit. h curas Diarrtisua my nerves, i hurt mi hraiu, if I.go atralgisi to glory. "Imposusible,,, reguletesithe stomiacisanS iels, cures Wiofl hut nYOfayph tiac aultie. v, 1 yeu sq "my emo ene swe'îî Cole 0tenSs the gusmi, reducea %inflammation, issar!nny u tli3~physial - ay~ cemea sace astons aid i agy tetisa misle systera. insuit Goed anS Iconl for ire reti- auay raIýgien tanches tisaitisaeLad Mi.r'Winslows' Sovîblu g Syrnp for ciildre and tise good caunot iive tegether teiti'et euPesn o thlsaâeleitand 1bepmai utcs" Tise cure et ail yonr çisy- ferever ; yen gise me ne eomfort t in ysîiae anSOnurs tes ldgtiseanlcedst raa@ sicl treei-nrs-usrmrscuar, bhe, tisat experlani." "Expaniment thLe »Yse lc abottînle S hy atil deggisr ite' ,gis brin Celular tî',eues-for ail tii second : Wisenu eîhave ibis xvenld, nettIlewirnS. lesureaid asktor Mri. SVîs Ye cm, 5S.u SoutiiîgSyrup Yen rusnai ee lroughis aiereqaisition yn xili -go jute an intormodinaesamie 'ahane yen eau tet fixeS np andSpre- xx'issn tise vorld la ou tire. Smoking p nre for isenvan. «"Imposesibsle," 1 yen yonr nervous sysîCa ntlaiefigeits, sny, "as thsa trac talletis, se ht muet FASH ION NOTES. hunsiug ouitisae 1coaîiug ot youn lie, anuS Icanrmo pusipene te an sun- .stusuch iWthS xinelu ogwooded anS tersuadiata state tisat reformation IChnn&es in Ha!ird raasing-aterials iwhiih ouogit te bave beeu affectaS in For IEveslng Wear. strychnineS, x-lking s.hrougis snowf- I iis stato." Experiment tisa tiird: ITise ce il et Ilise Iair is merna ess bigis tianks xxilS tim shoes te make your T Sera Le ne ftaae 'aorlS, xviena n etisa» fenmerly, beîssg arrangeS neaner tise fet lookit S1ciene, pincisa-d ai tisa xs'ai.deus, tisai is tise last et huart.DO eeti bac ofethtie bend tison tIse top, anS the untit) yenare :nigis caï t w xvnd>nnyaotxi eoaet ei ufefulness inlfront stirreunding tisa neiher paritxxoriitihave aSanîen state et heiug; yen xiii net fc s asapl nine emeS 1ie nnytbieg, grean- fSeeauyihingamplempns iele," lyou aye ieg albout sicit Seustacisa anS palpita- d a5,hritImosile"lls me aytrom tise hean. tiens efthtie henni, xvhich yutik"tisera Ssiehigta elsm ht riFer bail gemus ail transparent, soft, came from: God w en thisinký fom denatS ls net tise appenujix, but the 1floatiug affects area songisi, and mousse- tisa dcxii: 7 Yen are na Christian. pretace ; tisera Le isometisig tisai telle liue de soie, erepe ide chine, lace, net, Whatright as ny tanoýranywo-me tisai su this aide etftisa grave 1 ltie aed liberty gauzes are ln grant re- iatenigisi isus nstemass or aneHy Or ly gai shtaSe, anS 1 wlll go en fer- quasi. Tisese delicute fabries are sprin- essute atae iS' tmpl et c Hly van-my poîvan te tinki sys ' Fer- kldaSnd embrelilered mith jewals andS Cho'-t ? Wsati ls thecar 1? WTiy, il lseavenr;' my afteetions aay ' Fnrayer ;' eas-tesvrglepeti- tise xývisp3ring gauIlary et tise Saman titl-t.l ivr od epal it seu Whi L tie eeî t j tia ay capacitie toenejey on auffar, 'For- cii ucpnngles, niinestonles, crystals and esul vaty G ee staed, s theule-vr.'" iWeil, yo e datntme bin my ebociosusfetail sorts. oevaeepinGof oti teise eatna eSlen- t urea oxpeninsants. I hava oaly oue Tise illusratien given ioday shows a Santal is tis- bedy tisai GoS names, hie mnate saeunSifye Seea mfor a youeg girl. it Is et pari- oxx-n aitriieuiesalten Sitteressi partseinta t I am axhanested., A mJ gisty iu~le dots, anS tiesasitnt as e is esueinei jeGode Oa, nakoi seltJeuac oye. Hie inirnaihi odanue day, tise kies filleS witis ferked car Rs nxieiusc"-itLeGod am.ligistuingus anS tise cariS nisakiug jWith Tise unhslsiery if tise ui.ilniust heav- see.- USES OF MUOX. Tise valuie et muc bas beau mach dîscussati by etrang adv'ol- rntes anS streng epponestg, Lothis parties epenking frosu exmsrionca. Thi.s ilsbecause etftise murl, or blackt Sepeait lu sxvnmpý, or ai tise bote et aqmali ponde, Sas ,been anS ever' xill ba variable in qualiy, anS punieLe - causaetftise man.urr lanxviieh it xvas useS or tisa sou on xviichis h xvns put.ï A anuck may centalu mueS vege- table natter tisa rasuit eotplants tisai have gnoxvn anS didStisera, la ivisseiscase ih eheuilSba valuable, Le-- cause efth iS humus in. it anS tise nitre- gan tisai relis fromi deay, nuli wali as tor tis e cisanicai affect h xiii have ini lighiesslag. up or anakiag peesis tise heavy anS compact soul, or it mny havis muciso et is xasitng frens tisa surfacp- or snrreundissg higisor land, wisich msay havie been ivel manuned. te aSS to tisevaine et tise muck, or muci Ssass at maka it poarer. But ih Le eft tat xviiois j full et vagetable mauter tisai wa wo'tlS speak nawx, as it h tise moat valuah'la xvieu npropaerlyuseS, yet an clamant et dang-er xvisu nettireated as ishaulti ha. If it hisu een. xater so'aked eiost efthtie season, tise v'aga- 1 tablaeanuiter xiii Se but ittie deay.. cd, anSdixiii be. se acid lanis char- acier wxvisou i t ttaleu eout tisauticno vegetateun xviii atari eu it, or grow x heure it is-used treely. h i2 a valu- ablue aissoirbenit t use la tise stables, isog yards assai tiser places wiscva, tisera e inee et6fan absorbenit if placeS 'undaur caver xvhen dry iustisa fail; aise vaînubla te mix xith mass- sireftren ponîltri heusas, alts anS, aveu te maix xiiifisis. Sema have aSvLseaStise use et lime ta correct tise affects et acid lu ht, but tise seasean- ig ofet tsxuanS trasi, xvhicis on ba iseipedin lu s work by tisraxvLag tise Seap ove-r lu sumuner anS per- haps lu tisa laie fail again le profit- able. Tise muck tisai centaine mucis ssadislaivrtis but littia, anS will net reay trouble la gcttiug it ont anS isndlissg it. FEEDING FOR BUTTER FAT. A fat animai centalas witiu ite ewu bodSy tise maternai tour craaing Sent. If tise teoS given le uset sut- ticient fer thLs plurpesa, h ea, teeS upusu or abseris anS assimilais tise fat et its oxvn body, i f tisa digestiv-e organs ara in candition. But xvien mere hlitLenet needad, ht bas tise same poweur toicouv'ert tis efat ijute tise butter fat efthtie muek. Tise fat wibl produce mut xith merrar fat ha it tisa n*thte eau eexv wisessbath ara recaîilg rations net sutticiantinl quantity or n b heur requireieat.9 iu qxuiiiy, but se xiiibose flesh ini Seing se.' Whess we put fat on a cow we are teeding fatit e ia milk tisat xvilte2sehoxvnxvhenss s Le os short ratiens, and wsa neyer eblaituedti tisaixvsceuidmneuse tise butter fat la tise mullu inauy oteti xvay sales xve aS a coxa bati xvelnkasot ftten when glxing milS. In tisai casa fat-peesducissg teeS will show is rea-,unsienlutise mue if'the animai eau digest it. If se cannot i mu~st pasul att la in %&meothe&r xvay. Tise etten-tpaoted, tes9t et faediug tallow teü a cexa, assdi indiag tisaiiser nmilît SaS na mare fatluni,dSecs net preve anytisig. Tis a cw Lenet a miueat-.eatiag animal, and we have nuo reasekn te alise--I;3e tisai se xvouid miake ane more tallew or bnttaîrýat if se xvas givian ssci, lard or casier oil lu Saur tcd. But gîvlia heur fat- pratiucing teeS that ase onu digest anti assimihat i juto eSar sysiaun, anS tisa fat mjuet go te, mLt, flash or tub- ae nai wh -n l ieur et tisa latter suafi cas ,dralv uspsin i te atbI hýi t t tisa muti. THE -NEXT SEASON'S WNORK. Tise planis tor th,- work fer naît ,ycear sseýulS hý alua atxe tio n- sideratien haeirstisa Surry etfxverk begLnli. One et tisaftIre t tiing.el te siudy is te learsi tis ecrop3 tisaiara hast adaptea te eifferenitfields, anS scarcaly leesý important is te lea.rn tise probable demande o thtis marktt Do net ha i haste te plant largale et tiiu se ic s ceamati te salI ai tise higist pnricas and puy tise greatesi profit ai ysan. Tisera are se maay wSe 2ýde tisaitisat tisera may tee us oversupplie anS le'v pricuas tisa mexi yaar. Anid in plannng tie xvark it is iveil, if tiselaneit ha intreduced loto tis ystent by tise net et LreathLng, unS tisai aillepidemie Eliseseare Suc e tiste nentanin and graduaI accuunlation et wnsta mat- trie in tise Iysien tor weni et suffi- cLent exygen. Impure air dees cause s 1ikuass antiSents, Le Baye, but only Ly' preventieg tLe systaun trem elian- tuatrug irts osn poisons. RHis motivaelin experimetieg xvas te set peopla tiitig andti t put be- fore tisera sirossg purent ettisheorect- uesaofet s:essu theco-le.Haeisas e- I ceiraS suny lattons teens protessienal mouncmmeeding Lins fer tise stand eLe al tei aud beaning eut hies position 'Dy thisel owu expaniencea. Dr. Roceans intendS fonmiug a nation- al neseintion et anii-coutagieuists,aud te- tlsicisarpoea lia is ioxviuu conrea- p>ndeeexvitb Mn. EvaneD. Bluie, secretare et tise ,Assi-Yactinaiion Leaugne, xxbom Sa hopas te enlLst mn tise ilxv mevemnt. Tise egan'za- blu , tise dSecisunproposes, xviiilisgie sa-n i inmcdiaic-y. eun.-ng inanciai isackin- anSdxxagîng cegetiuaianS persýistent xvar upon vaceination, quer- anime, anS ail ofisen aîeîods noxv nuedtour tise pnavtc.niion et centagion i nSinfection. Ib is saiS tisai ih"-ro aura abcut saeiity texvue laEnglanU wiuis a populin lies et 20,P509 nS upx anS, lu seblis Prasl,'yterinism la essireiy rînrepresenited. Fluteten ri t tease townis coatain ecisanpopulation ex- Iceisg50,000. Lord lRose' iclescopc, xx'iei xvcs tise IpriSe et tie sa aeraiial xxeld a jgýessernidun ago, is ne longcr loeua Iupl a s unique. Otiseýr cesrn-ca'usn- airuntani.s bavas beau sumle aïil -re xviii soloïn. ha lu rSn Ox- fond. j8 If yen hbave tiis awfu 1 dîsease ynare 1 agrutlCmloeyct0;tevi svMptoms Tou n -2O 5,tic h o'aaSie tdangIeria omte eamnt Dnth@t t îînth ee lai, as t 1inr i4îi ýý ',worse. If yoen have sorettisroat, atcheuo ogeo 12,nt, s'a Ic .'a nis, hIr ai.gut blotehes oct body. i tehing sidn, o r other _ th~a'att'dis ar 'tll~n n, W, ie a Written uvaranieîo cure yeu byorLT EST M t £HU~I'2ltL ~..T 'Nýi' w e Mrcriry or Potassium, and Yu~ Cave'. Ecei t . as ul y',CseeDî. eldberg Personally, ivho has 18 iom8 c_, ids]andi e sso ' foathe vaious cellege, hospitala andi Stateshio ~eeoriginal tE etmoniais c'ai. be seen at our orEca e; $50000 roward f'os y iWe auot sow; satreu£ua.utof'patients wepublieli enly the initials. I arn imýpvLni veryéday. uctice if 1 eut or scratch myself thse sore v-111 Ieal up. hpeyOsill nteftrestmting me as lonq as there is a sien. ocf tse rîght asedîcine for thse disaqe. I f al se thankfunito yo fer the geeiyen 1'u-e dore sme;,1 was -_ perfect wreck whon i came to yen, and was on the ver go otauli ide. Te enake a suce thng 1 would like te continme a while longer, e that it wîil net return. Very respectfully youtre, Mrs. L. S. CASE NO. 248,083. May 31 1899. Iamn happyý te .say that your medicines helped =y trouble more tnanany thing I ever teck. î.G CASE NO. S12,001. Oct. 15, 1891. Your treatrnont has holped me wonderfully. ' A . 1D. CASE 1UO. 248,116. Nov, 18, 1899 1 have confidence in yen as a doctor, fer yen hielped me more than any oesena as and 1 bel tisat yen curefi me. nt. F. M. OUR LATEST METHOD TREATMENT Blood PosnIhoiNroa mpotency, Varicce le, StrictureI1 CURES Kdney, Illafider, Lis er, Stoma h, male and deotal T roubles' CONSULTATION FRflE Cail onl or write for biaelc for home treatment. BOOK, FRB. Hurs9asu to8 p t. Ssî:daya l)?aM.to3pe. 291 WOODWARD AVIE 4)qgIsn iSe wIl tire. Tis ernaera tàkes a picture 2 x? u 1 Th.c .tnît conote 0of t box Dry risSes, 1 Pkg. Hypo., 1. Pricting 5irnee, 2 DevrelQpig Trays, 1 pkge. Derelop.r, 1 pkg. Raby Pape.', 1 i'Is. Slvr aper, snd fit Directions Write for i ôs s le2 l ie, retu'auth. nae, and sec ,end your CseraL, tel CatIt, posilt lsýE Ï PItetCeoX<,I'50 Toronetoe. 1 amn prepared to do ail kil'ji3 1 of bicycle repairing. OlU vheels thoroughlly renovated and newly - -.. - ~ enamelled. New wheels made to order. A il w or k guarassteed. Get your wheel in IIUw so as to avoid the rush. Grinding of al W.FISHLEIGH, Market Square, Bo-ï%manvi1le, ttr1e eadc sîia lier,boy ait chareo. 'lie are9 2eto<e.IeiST rs -.Vj IoEAGLE()'r agrntsSayedesud9'Ie mileshnt exmi t t eradubya yu x presffceand i fend pcrfetlysailaey GEtI N aGLe BYCEthpyute th xrs Nos, 45 511 an 51 Chages. T e pesargsartedanw i 80 e 75 cens ereah 00mies N etrcrg fr1adEs Bcyl.E orY0EKIW 1EEGEBCCE Tteyar te igiee Sad abel iad; e iyce asa euerrp thion nhre 1cyct bas be morewidly dverise bythe akes; ig fcenrits wtb hst icyle csctle dingxpreel witl Den.n Tirs. Higisî of rameMen's20. 2 an2iead i' 20nd p22 i.-en sell ack. Kiacuns.Whel sllsîytted 8.0 exa$2800. prseT. W. BO'IYGDE & 01SOD L ~eccreAseney at ore. 188 BICYCLE aMetu e. MasresL not ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gn ppeydoein ateadbek maethe anexue -rtm -and For ersfs Nob5,50aned51Chepr hexres lselcharee ly st 75e SP1IIUaethDig M adUe INwIe mdno e tter recttnes e no tis1le e- moe idlyaderisd y hemaer; igfaouits eyh s icycle luthe neadimpure1itha rAter 50 yeurs$' axperiene I think it je hast te 5maw manura eut anti apuroS it as tast as,'maSo, xuriies n suscarub-, oer. 1 have ShaS batter creip3 furnt land wisera manune hmd beau aprend oni a foot et snexv isaun ouaajoiniug lanSdxvhere tise mansira xxas net eprenad u-nuil sprhrsg. Wiscre tise av- arage taurmaur mates Sus greaiesi mis- take ha i n nt suving liasiidg. Wa ara telS thai liquilde are ricear la plant feeStisun soidsa nS yei 75 peur ce-nt et tis a tum-.y bei a, IlliquiS go te wsynte anS then we-ider xviy thair farune groxv pierer evere yenr. Fer saviag tise liquide neihiag xvill equai jswnnip mucie, as rvit ilsmsnk up more tisas six tunes ane' mucSas saxxdasi air býcan. lt ia seless ha ils mxv etale, anS shoulîd tedu.- in thic tabi, Snwn te tise higis lande anS spread txvfe t deep saions it viii frece. Iu tise apring i whib ho a fine <met unS wihll ceaie up ie ossa uit I 1xveuld have it if I SaS teax-v it tive miles. A. boaS et it senteS x viii liquida is kf us anscis value as a ionS et tiaha bst lta- hie manse. STARTLING SIVIALLPOX EXPLOIT Ort. loderii» atsSasSdiiIea of llrovlîsg SIisTItry. Dr. M. J. Roermund, of Appleon, Vis., soe tinte aga cengisi oui a emalîpex patient anS cevened bis banda wkh theisavirus, Fer twe tinys he tiS is besite ospread au epidemie et gmallpox, miuging treele wltS iss patients anS in scciety. Ris .purpoee was te demestsiata tise falslty ot tise meSheal tiseorias etf contagion, anS infecion. Tise local iseniti autisorities in censternation ceizad him anS put hlm iin quarantine. but struaga tea sue net a single case Seveleped. D)r . ttdermund sues that lha bas

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