Wîien Love Was Blind. Can yQvý keep up a ittile longer V' I'11 try ---" but the w-ords were eb'oked by tte rush and siap et a fiero- ( er, aogrier wave than usual. Lt threatenied tu ovorpower and crush the-dt-urdZe swvimmer and bis proclous burden. Ralph Hcodgson Lad often withstood the rush of twenty men upon the coi- legs campus. Hie had met the vIcions attacks of mad oppone-,nts in hockey games. DBut a battis with the ele- monts wes Of a sterner sort. Tsosuall grew quic.kly te a storm, and the littie'lake wvas iashod ta a migbty fury. Abead, a etraggling sky lins 'was ail but lcst in the black, dense cluuds. 'A 1quarter of a mile behind a canbe hwas heing tossed upon the - water like a dried leaf in a hurricane. The remnants of a lady's bat Lad long aincýe disappeared. iHe, battiod çn. Lt oould not be far .loiw tu shore and willing hande from the villate of summer cottages would be near b'y ta pick them up. Tlhe wind increased, if that were possible. Eacli gorge and ravine, apening in the higb, steep banks belcbed forth the iwidest f ury. The swimmor's strnke becamo eb'orter and quioker. lis breatbLi balted. "Jus t a minute longer, Miss Arm- Our, and we'll be safe," he cnied. Thore was no response. He feit ber grip tigbten convulsively, and ho knew ole wvas insensible. Then there came a great roarinig lu bis own sars. Thon ta brief mct2ent of acute sensibility. S4ccnes of childhaod, pictures of mother and dea n ce flitted, paat in paner- amna. Thon ail was biank. M Narr4owý esqcape, Ralpb, aid boy," rnied Jack DcoWney and he gripped the band of bis bed-,ridden friond next mOrning. " Perhaps it will teach you tao go paddIing an this death-trap cf a lake 'wben cid Adams sys the sky looký. bcd. Adams invariahly knows. Yen, foliow hie advice always and ecn won't haye ta nepeat iast nigbt's experience iu many a day." The temnporary invalid was gazing iaoguidly at tbe ceiling. Suddenly ho tnrned bis gaza full upon bis friond. How'ý; Miss Armour ?" he inquired, "Oh, don't WOTry about ber, She's got ber tennis suit on airoady, and Insiste upýn playing ber match in the tournaluent." "Say, she's a hricir, isn't she ?" ox- claim4id Ralpb with entbnsiasm. "Y s, cM j," assontod Jack, and gazed eut cf the window, wbile bis eys t-wikled. "-Yen sbauld have seau ber wbon %ve g1et dumpad eut iast nigbt. Thore ivaa ne fioundering or screaniing or any cf that âily buainesz. She grah- bed the sida cf the cance, and cltbougb she cannuct swinm, sbe managed to sup- port hersoif untiLI get rid cf my coat and bobts as boat 1 eould. Thon eihe did exact1y as 1 trld ber and we started feir shore. I tbought it was ail off, thouglih, when the xvheole start- cd buzzing lu my brain-box " ho con- cluded, with irroverent slang, ocncid- oriog the danger ho bcd jus5t passed thrcnugh. Lt ivas two days bof ors Ralph "found bis pins" again, as ho jocuiarly de- scribed being in bed. The ordeal bcd shbocked bis nervos somoewbat, cnd Jack ]Dcwney, wbo bcd been a bouse surgeon, and xvas getting ready to go ta a German bospital, and ,vha was therefene qualified ta ho a medicai ad- visýII as well as a bosom f niend, coun- selod seme cars and a gcod r est. How- ever, it wvas' wcrth wbile staying in bed two days. te recoive two celle frem Enifi Armour, who came the first day te, express ber gratitude-- A ne- ceipt for ber life," Jack cailed it-and the second time ýwLth no ostensible -purp-o;5e. There conifi be but anseosqec tu an incident cf snob a romantic tnrn. [Everyboeiy .9aîd it wculd ho s match and for once evorybody was right. lEverybcdy included the ma- infrequently waýs an absýeatee. Hie Companions5 excbauged significant glances and muttered ruefuily, "Eaid Airmions again, always wi th ber, loaks bad." "Mone power ta bim, hope ho wins ber. fiýhe'e the finiest girl in the land," breaks La- loyal Jack Downey. iJack bad kt»oxvn Enîd formey yeas-s, sud g'osp xvisponed tisst Ou- pi, ha,! net decl tea gently Nvith bim. FEl-w-oves-, iftise watoeres-e tnonbled hy undercuns-ents l aecomeotis on tise sus-face. i Fin-ally the day came-tise onenbfui day. Tlcy etas-te,!ofatt lis tase edew lud iedsinu, ipis sud Miss Armons-- ho had isct earniod ta cali ber Eni,! yet. Raipis casris,!1w-o books, a maga- zine-as "spane man," 'ho expiaiud- lavisled ber parasol. Lalpis thouphl ho had noves- heheid any living heiug lacS sa freas and ravisbing. la hait au bous- tbcy fannd a de- ligittuni np. [Lthtie truti w-es-e kachuvu Ralpis bcd speut hait na day lenoking fer tise spot, but, of course, bLieir cemlung upon il lo-,!ay w-ce quibe by accident. Il overloake,! lie shoot of w-don thet had ehmot cdaims,! thein lires9. Bablu,!, in lise distance nase dLînm naenïtams,;.. Tise day was pont oct. ies-o and tbere e fieocy cloud bedock- cd this preatslu ie dome fs-cm whidi shone a sun tempes-e,!by e fsw- cool nights. A ligisl breeze sprang fs-cm tise waer. TIse air was pure sud frosb. B y Jove, l'il bave ta maSs a break nuouw as-nover," thougist Ralpis, as ho fille,! bis hungs w-lUi'czone. 1 "Is't il lovehy," es-led Miss Asrn-- "A isbedy netsk,i A babbling breok," - se rille,! asiis er caveel suad mol- LOW- notes. Rolpi was moieeroius. Ho gaze,! ecreeýs tise laite., "A penny ton yanr tisongisîs, Mon- ksieur de la Sobessides," she less,!. ',Do you es thut canas ont tisasel" ho said, witbbut s-oviu.p bis gaze. Misýs Armons- replied fftismatively aud uuccuscieusly hocasme sosions lu symnpathy viltiste sîrngo-e-cüa- lunre'e evident montai condition. " Yen sec a salitary figure in il V" " Yes," che cnsw-ered. 'TisaI le Kaplia Wcnch. Have you beas-,!of hlm 1" "No ; tell me." Kasisa Wcua's gsandfather was chiot cf e trihe et the Iroaquois and iaas a rnîgity warsries-. Ail tise bigis spirite and ambitions et bis ancostos- flo%a tlubbc eins cof Kasha Wonai, lut tise patise of bis people bave fali- on lu enil places. end Kasisa Woneis is sad. Many yeassaga Kasisa Wonah luved c maiden-.the fais-est cf tise Isib2s, sud tisereon bauge e tale." "Dîd't ho maxryber ï," askod tise lis tenuer. Wisy P, Iteipis ara sent, He bs-oke a txi lu a dczan piecos an,! ceore,nos-vous about proceeding. "Wisy xre'lyen bell me lise story?" sies se,! seprcvngly, sud tbisimu- lating tlie peut of e ciil,! aie whlm- pered, " Baby aants to ho emoaso,!. Tel ber a siohhey, aon't '00, daddy 1" Realpi smsiled! nagnsly sud .ctliigaz- ing aItishe boatmcn iegan ta spoak. Ecsa Wc-nai s arcsc s-et untes-. Ho khe\v bettes- than anycue whrs te eacbei ig fish, and w-les-e reame,! thie hearîest hueks. Oua cisilh Decern- ber àeay ho trempe,!tithes-oes5t avis hie ltrsty rifle. Twioe bcd he raises, a. moese, but 51w-cys b ooa fr ew-ay. LHe w-es beocsing disgusedeansd bliugisb cf rcltusning ta camp anhea suddealy bis quick, Indicu cars boas smebbiug tlike n moan. Ho ceas-aie,! but caw notbuag. Lisemenwasropeate,! and jumping up ou a great failen plus ho behel, ou tise ps-ounu, a rnaid, lyiug slîft snd appareutly dec!. Ha cps-ag le ber sidBan~d f ound a shot-w-euud La ber ebouldes-, evidently a cts-ay bal fsem cerne buntsrncn's pua. The xveuad aas ualserions, but sc ha,! lest mucis biood au,!was now Lnsen- sibie. He place,! bis ips ta tise wouud feir a marnent, tissu drsesed !l'as best ho coul,!. Taking the girl lu bis as-ms be cars-led ber Ibreugi tise miles et tes-est ta bis homo, sud tises-o aitb tIse aI,! et bis iother,nused ber hack la lite and beaitis, "As tise deys passe,!, ho iearaned te But ho noes- liigerg, sud lu a few- minutes w-e w-l ses hlm comiag becS." Mies Armons- jumpe,! ta ber foot an,! vig]o'sousiy pake,!aa ctray hock et hais- lIet place. " Ses hors, Ms-. Iodgccu," ehe exciaime, w-iis mek pebulauce, "my pisyslcia's instruclieugý are tisaI 1 muet nover len te mes-hi, tales aud I1I uil nos-vey ungeutlemaniy'cf yu sein, irla lfýiot me in bisis w-ey. neekties. 1 LIE SUPPOSÉà. Ms-s. WIVggles-Whal ae-cthese esphore et -influence",bithatthe dip- hamablass enChinealreep talkiug about? Ms-s. Wqaggles-Well, I da't kuaw- tes- SUre. DO Vyen suppose tbey eaU mean cannon balle f 1 Yen de't kacan w-baltishe coaSequuOces might ho." «I humbly hegpyour gracions me- jeety's pas-don," sald Ralpis, f alling in with ber humer, sud tise conversa- Lio escoevons,!are cf tise auimation sud gaiety whidi clias-acterize,! their te te- a-totos. Natwitisteuding tises-e contines, te ho a certain restreint about tise man- nes- af bath, a rosIs-aint which bad noever existe,!beoe. Attes- a f cxv minutez Miss As-mous- ecene ps-soc- c-upied. les- eyes rivets,! themnsclves te n, point on tisecs-chulie cnes-hy tise miasataine, w-bre a lue figure was pulinig e cauce up on tise beach. Sise spore ioarly. "«dW Kasha Wbuch noves- sesk tise mai,! cgaiu Tises-o migist have beeu eorne reasan ft es-rondisppearance,yeu kuow-. She perbaps iovsd bim-evon thenýgis ho dl, cave ber 1f e,",she dtam- rnered sud lrnmediatehy ber face bc- cama suffused ailb blueses. "Eni,!," ho cried, sud graspod ber baud. Tise nuise cf a cloue bounding deavu the higis banli te the watr's edge. sud tise sound of foobýstepe apps-cacbtng quickhy startie,! and lutors-upte,! tbem. Jack Dewney's Icil figure cppearad f iorn behin,! a clnunp et trese. 1Lu 55s baud ho haro a yellow, envelope. " muet hep your pardon, Mies Asrn-- eus-, sud yauns, toe, Ialpis, old boy." as ho sai tise looki cf vexation ou bis frieud's cokstenanco, "but a tels- gram.carne for Miss Armons- shartly et tes- yau loftI Ibis mornlng, sud I have been oearchingal aven for yen oves- sunce. Hope it's notising sesions," ho added, as, bat iu ban,!, ho delivored tise ennelopo ta ber possession. Miss Anmour nervously tes-eoaftthie ondesud pahed ascsc heued aI tise onteulse. Sisohanded il ta talpis wha rea,!: LsiJihry, Ont_, Aug. 26,,1899. Miss EnS As-mous-, Wiatergreen, Yens- mother i, vos-y ill. Yen bcd botter cuisse. huche Jas. Te be Contuued, OPINIONS ABOUT WOMEN, Nature la in 'oarnesl wbea ahe makos a -was-an.-Oliver Wendel Hloimni. Wbat Le civilization? 1 answer, bthe power et pao,! wemen.-Emessn. A -,vomaui finds il a muais casier teck tu do an evil tisan a vistuons deed-Plautus. Woucen are tee imaginative and sensitive ta have neuch logie.-Mad- amo Du Deffand!. Pools thisaIluw-amentrust; fan lu tiseir speech is deabh, bell ia Ibeis- Tise moset beautitul abject lu tise w-old, it wil ho aliow-od, l a heanti- fui som.-Macaulcy. Tises-e are three things a w-ee ma w-i nul trust-tise xind, tise sua- chine et an April day and a w-ama's pligiste,! faitb.-So.utisey. A w-emcn, tise mare eus-tous she le about ber face, le caaurnnly tise mono cas-elese about bon hume.-Ben Jon- son. Trust ual a avoman wheul she weeps, for il bs bes- nature ta w-csp wheu she w-alse ber w-ll.-Scs-ales. Ho tisaI taese a wite takes case.- Franklin. Wernan le tthe ongan ef the dcvii- Varennes. Wbat w-an destros le w-ntten in iseaven.-Chbaucsee. Woman le e cbas-miup creature avio changes ber boast as ecsily as e Is dauebar glaves.-Balzac. If the mon ha,! te do the famihy wasiie they woui,! seno begin ta csis-Sil. This is net ans- editonial opin. ion, but tise murmus-ed utterauce of cnes-w-osko,! Ms-., Blcnk. "Rigist you are, muder," sel,! a masculine voice bebin,!lber; "they xnculd shirk tisaI atrociouq',aud destruclivie subbtug quickly enouphi by us.ing Peanhine, arbicis duess ay ailistise ue,!of snob bos-sýew-esk as thal yen are iu- dulgiug lu." "Wisy da't yaýu break aw-ay fs-cm yens- aid scap? habits ?- Ibea yens- avsekly wahtnb grind aonid become alrnoel a pleasurabie exorcise." "O0liasse berd-hearle,! men i"-tisus Ms-s. B. ejaculdIe,!. But she loch the iintan,! oveS-afte-w-as-d uped Pearline. A COMPLIMENT. Tise Old Ma-Yens- lave fer my edy for tise club s-oct et tus-alps. To tise avis have glace structures tisai are no longes- profitable ta tbem and w-be arce eekbnig a ncav field et au- tos-piisa, otisor essentiel conditions ho- ing tavcrablhe, a successtui isosticultur-I ist says uaisositatlngly, "Go andtasoce regel,%blesunde- glass." Same peeple say tisat patate bugs !lare beecs ted an parie greenuntil tbcy isuve heome almoet immune ta its af- fects and tisat It takes More tisan wo as muieli te kiUl thern as il did once. APPLES FOR EVERY TASTE. Apple Souffle.-Bake six les-go tas-t appies nutil! tendes-, ses-eps ont the pnlp and leat until smoatis. Alloa n e lablospoca flue engar for eci apple, adid tise gs-atsd s-lad cf oe and tise julesetf1w-o lemous. Bel attise avites of 1w-e eggs ss-iff and add slow-iy ta tise apple pnhp, cugar sud lemon jule. -Pour hnala aastison pudding disis sud isake 15 minutes. Serre w-bile w-as-m. ,Apple Puddigig No. 1-Take ans cup bs-ed crumss, tavo cupe tas-t appies, choppe,! fine, haIt cupsuges-, ene ten- spoon cinnaman, aud two taislespconc bu 'tter. ,FUhise pudding disi witli- ternate layeseof apple and bs-ccd es-umis, aiti scuges, cissuemon sud bits of butter helweosu. Tise upper layes- ssoni,! hocrumbe. Pans- aven the w-bols hait cup sw-eet cs-emi. Lay aVer tise tep a plats tisat fils pss-foctly, sud isake tisree-ques-tessoe an hans-. tison uncaver aed broavu. Ses-vo plein os- w-us cern cnd suigas- os- eboiled sauce. Apple- Pudding No. t2-Fill a pud- ding disi os- broc,! lin haIt futill et tas-t applos, slico,! as for pies, cpsi-la Mle antissuiger, e litho atinnaman aud bits et huttes-, andCaves- the top w-lth a hakiug powdss- biscuit cruel, made et ne anud n hait cupe flous-, oas and a hiaiftetaspaons baking poarder. cas teaspeon huttes- and -caler, os- miik onougis b make e asf t dougis. Beke Lu s quick ovon, tus-n ont ou a plat- les- os- plate end ses-voeaith cs-eam aud sugs-as-ora bas-d sauce. 'Apple Pudding No. 1B-Fmll a pud- ding disis hait full cf chics,! apples. Sw-seten and pans- oves- it the tollow- ing battes-: baîf cup sugas-, oe ta- hiespoon butte-, coeegg weh hostau, haIt cup rnilk os- w-aes-, 1w-ascaut teaspoons halking pow-.des-, flous- ta mnake n stsift as cs-diua-y cako. Ses-vo with cresrn , abelle,!saueos- cthin isailsd custard. Apple Flost.-Beat tise w-bites of tbres eggs stiff, sud fous- tablespoons fine engas-. Beat imb il gs-cdually eue plat steavefi pplo sauce, arbicis bas been s-uhied Ibrougi s clonsd is tisoroulgily cal,!. Beat with au egg hostos- until il w-i stand cloue. Sos--vs wils s boiled custard made of oas plut mihk, lise yalks of ths-ee eggs sud ane- lisird cup suýgar fieavrase,! wilbaîf tepocu lemea axIs-set. Apple Friltere.-Teke two eggs,isect- erg ligisi, oas cnp saveet milk, a pincis of sait, one tnp fleur into w-hich bas iseen sifted 1 teaspoan haking poan- dos-; cs- rsiow-ly sud edd eogh mare flous- ta make a stiff bettes- Poel, coeeasd quarte-1w-e las-go tas-t ap- pies an,!cs- Ie itothe bettes-. Drap oe spean aI e tinta lu a kettîsetofbot fat. Dyraiu ou hrawu papes-, and serve - medialely wils meple syrnp. Frie,! Apples.-Tseoas-o au excel- lent breakfast disis. Wasis sud wips ceersai apples aud! Suice in medium-siz- ed eiees. fs-y lu bel huttes- lii rowu aed sprinkie cugas- ses- tbem. Apple Dumplings.-ýIake c shbort isaking pawdes- biscuit cruel, s-ol h i suýd cnt las-go enongi ta canes- me- ,!ium-sizs,! applos w-bicisharoeissen peeled, cored sud bbc canities f îlled wvili sugas-, cinuaman, and bits cf buttes-. fýearn and ces-vse -,itiscrecrn aud sugas-. Creamed Apples.-Use any good,tes-t apples for Ibisý purs-e, lucheas, Sucw appleis os- Greeningeý are ist, ced se- lect those et e uni-fos-m size. Wasb aund re-mave thse Ces-e, f11 the canities w-iti w-bite super n,! ake unuil w-eh doue, tison cool. iWiip 1w-o cupes sole cs-sam, add 1w-a tablespeons fins su- gar and baif toaspecu leo e ascol. WXVisn the apples «rs-o ad place luna largo glass disis sud peur tisee-cern ores- an,! around bisem, Apple Jelly.-Ps-e, quarte- sud cors oight gocd-sizod, tes-t apples, Mai,!eu's Bilusis and Ducisese are gaad vanioties. Place lu a pos-celcia ketîle sud pour or-tisem sous pInt isailing waIes-, caves- sud, cook slow-iy ntil tendes-, skim ont cnd'acid te tise w-a- tes-oeepon,! rsulale,!sugas-, li- until dicealrod, tison'sdid tise applos sud caok until tise syrup avilI jeil. Peur Ibis mixture ilaIesmel,! and w-boa coud serve antis ax-pped cs-em. Apple Salad.-Take six oesegistetar apples, psrod, cas-ed au,cul in vos-y tain slieos, tour tshieepoons fine su- -gar, one - tird Aspo-o-- - lu-namo - -- -c-d AN INFORMAL INVITE. Mns. Geedant-Poon man! Corne te my house, acroilýs the w ay th2re, thi,% eveuiug nd yen chahl havxe a good dinner. Harvyard Iee-o Ocf yo-un. guest l isaprpoL t you i ýThat'cs rath- or short ntc;I'm f'd I can't get my u~i ~f~suit 91u t hn Uulauudry in tinte, choie lace for ýyears witbont wach- n1g. Many people believe that lt le ruine,! by coap and water, and xviii keep carne cherisised lengtb for years cnd-yeas-s, turning yellow witb age sud rotting w'itb thse duet it bas c- cumuiatod until it really dreps tc pieces. If a bath tub has part of itseon- amel warn off it is bard ta keep clean. It le vcry easy, bowever, ta s-e- enamel su oid tub at eligbt expenso. Scris it tiret w itb n ctreng solution of soda iu watos-.,*Wben perfectiy dry epply the tiret coat of enamnel. Allow Ibis taxa days lu wisicb ta dry, and tison put en the second coat. After ds-ying for tweuty-four heurs fuIll he tub xxstb celfi wate- and lei this stand six heurs. Empty, dry tisosougbly and cdd tihe third Loat of peint. ýTses-e ares-e ersaI Ways, ta clea au enamelled tub. COethat le easy end quick le ta peur came benzine on n cloth, scous- tise'bath-tub avoîl witis this, and then rvash with wates- and seap. A'nother nmetisod is ta take a beaped tahiespeauful of kitchen sait, wet it xvith turpeatine and scour tise isatbtuis with thîs. ýTis'- s-b careful- ly xvlth a dlean elotis. Caution je necded in ts-ying this plan ta sec that the sait and turpeutine mixture 'is used. Old proses-vo jars wbich bhave lest their coerss, os- Wbose edges have lic cbipped 50 that the caves-s wilh net fit tigistly, msy still ho utilizod for holding pickles. NVben the jar s- lefi- ed pacte a pieceocf parcient tightly over the top to excînde air and insecte sud sot it away lu a cool eloset or sta-es-oom. Ia cieaning and polishing s piano, go oves- the woodwes-k with a cloth wet witb coal cil, iscing generauis witb the cil wisene thse woad wor s-k ersy much soiled. Lot this s-smala two os- tisree heure; this fie ta satten tise dis-t. Thon wsh itb ecap and we- tes- aid a soft tlatis, being cas-eful net ta lot any water tou-is the wos-ks lu- cide the piano. UIse a good whitaeor c white Castile ),oap. Wipe dry with e cof t clatis, hinen os- chamois leathe-. BRITISH TELEc3RAPHERS PRAISED). Especiaily Goed %vork Datte by Theurnit5the Fieli Il iSouili Ais-es. Bs-itish telegraphers. have s-ecently receired a good many compliments. The King bas thaaked tisem for the ses-vices they s-eudes-ed at Osborne and et Windsor during the lest -ýiless cf Queea Victoria, and the Ges-man Em- pes-or bas decos-ated Chas-les Mulleug, the opes-ator who was cent fs-rn Lan- dau ta work the cable laid te-npor- arily fs-arn the lapes-ici yacht laohsn- zollern tatishas-e. The crocs bestowed on Mullens is c haudsome piece o' vos-k. On the fs-ont is the lapes-l monogs-am. W.R., sus- monnted by s Cs-own, and ou the isack1 le an inscription setting forth tisat the' recipieut bcd rendes-e, ses-vice ta tise State. 'If Ms-. Mullens sheuld oves- cas-e to settie dowu la Ges-msny the cras a'iiioutitle hlm. la draw a mad- est pension. Equally gs-atifyi-ng ta the telegrapis- ess the empisatie testimany ta tho I excellence af thei- w-os-k dus-îng tise w-ar lu Souths Afnica. Field Mas-hai Lord Robers-t, lu the full despatches juet published ln the officiel Landan Gazette, sas-s tisat, despite tise enos- moue difficulties of tise cantry Ira- vosed, bis, teleg-spsess almost always manage,! to keep him in communica- tion wdll ail bis scattered fonces la thse eaemy's country. flou. Bulle-ws-ites5 of thei- techule- ai knowledge, tiseir unwcas-yng per- coverance and thei-iigis state of cf- ficiency. adding " cli offices-s, noa-com- missione,! officeseasd men cf tise Telegrapis Departmont have doueexo- I ceptionally w-eh. The oniy feultI bave te find with tbem. bac beau that tsey bave been sometimes- teoanex- îmus ta koep theis- lins np and have incus-nod undue risk." Gen. Sir George White declaes tbst the ses-vice ef the telegraphers dus-lug the historie siege "w-as cf tise hsghest, valus and tonduced gs-eatlyl ta tiese ucecaful defence cf Lady-1 emnitis." The use whicis Gen. Baden I Powell made of bis email baud of telegnaphors iýs by this time ps-e ly w-ellkuewn. Ahi bis outlying fotas sud loakout poste et Mafeking w-es-e 1conaeoted w-lti headquarters, and ho w-as thus able ta receivo s-eports snd issue os-des-s for ail pars-teof the de-!, fonce iastantalieoussy. S;gnalingag a s-educed te a fins art sud maintainsd by helicgs-aph lamp sud fleg. Mega- pisanes w-es-e aiea made and used ia outlyiag tronchbes and poste, and phonophos-es, cttecheýd taas-dines-y ts-legraph liues, -es-e: used on the as- mared ts-ains wbich ueed te balhis- the Boess- so mucb. Gen. Baen Powell thus sumes upi his appreciatian cf the ces-vices et the, geliant telegrapisers: "Thei- dutiesý T-HEORY AND PRACTICE. Au Lnneeessnry Evil - Cweating Gs-nin-Sewns lsty There bas been rnucb complant this feul cf an "Invasion" of the Colos-ado patate iseetle. The "huge" have strip-, ped the tomnate vines iu the gardons1 aud have enton tomnatoos ad potatos1 wiseunen vines.s-emelued for tbsm. Tbey iseloag ta tise second os- third bs-ced, andi I arn quite cure that any snchb bs-ad lu sLze tisat le realiy ba-nu- t ni te es-cps is wbdlly uenecessary ansd le possible ouiy hecause many ta-mescanse enrobess ln their- motbod cf figistiug tise fis-st bnood. Tise bectios tisai appea-la tis pring depocit their oggs ia May and June. The younig, after a tea xveeks et teeding, go liet flhc ground and la about tan daye cmos-go as bcetles, s-eady ta begia tise wcrk et prcducing another brood. If tise fis-st bs-ood le fought effective- ly, tise slene inter brood ta damnage es-eps la August and Septembe-. Tise beotîcestisat coma ont oethtie graund lu mideumme- do net scatter mucli te oise- fields, but deposit tiseir eggs on tise vines about tbam. It is tise beetios that appean in the sps-lng that soek eut uew fields avierevos- thoy may ha found. At lenet tisis l the s-nie in aIl locelities w-hors an early crop le gs-ew that fus-nisises hs-eodiag gs-ouud for the second hrocd. Lt le my experionce tisat if the young efthtie fis-st lot cf heethes ho killed no second lot rnay ho feured thet yens-. Tise trouble simply le tisat meet gnawors do net kili cli tise younig. They do net appiytise poison until mny cf tisa young bave scattered orer tise cutis-e potato top, and thon some es- cape, go into tise gs-cund and lay tise foundaticu for enother bs-ced. Tise gs-ower et 20 acres ot petatees eau kili tise young as offectivcIy as tise grower cf a gardon patois. Tise secs-et le te ap-, ply the assoute wýitiscorne sticky dilu- ont ta tisa Md ofet eoi plant beose auy, et tise young icare tise bud. Tise mix- ture sould be sts-eng. Lt romaine whes-e tise youmsg corne witisiu a day etten hetchiag, and it his as test au .hey appear iu tise iud. Wisou grain is net plump, as was tise oce tiss-ughaut mucis cf tise great Oiao valhey thsis year, tisere le a distinct gain tramn sweatiug it in rnew or stacir bo- foe ths-asiig. Tises-e is an ehd ho lie t ameng termes-s tisat tise grain beceises more piump bu tise rnw. I1csaouid net like toasaccrt tisat tisis l cons-oct, yet wo do know tisat tisa sw-eating brigist- ans tise grain and mnakes il mos-e at- tractive. Shisnieled graine are oftn bleacised, and atten six w-cokela tise miow tisoy carne ont much brighter. Tise imprevement lu appeasance iselpe ta el c hIeescsp te local aihils fluetdo flot use tise tester, and oren witistise teste- it may grade botter ounacout et tise portectly dry condition. Tise asoisînre nla-lii tbsasised carly tram the shock causes ilto test 10wos thani it wonld arben pcrtcctly dry. Wison timclhilsleeeded w-itb tise xx-isat, 1 bolliestîat it i betcd te lt tise secd falbhiisd isie drill lices in- se co f la front cf tisem. Many term- Os tus-n tise tinetiy seed eps-tetso- w-ard, sotliat tise drill boss may cover tisa seed,aud lib tis way e bettcn stand ot plants may ho gai in a dry fail, but tee maay ofthtie plants cerne on the rîdges beixaeca tise littie drille and per- 5sh lalcr an. Tiese ene place for tise tisuetlsy plent le in tise furroar axitis tise visent plant, as it ltis teus psectod by tisa ridge a n chi side, says n Las-m and 12iroside w rite-, train was-bccitems of tas-m tiseory and ps-notice tise fore goingas-e gheanod. We tirk tisera je ne bette- lime tc set apple os- penn trees, grapex mes and tise bush truite tisan in tise feul if tise w-e s-kl properi3 donc. We wsonild eul back the tops considos-ably, tisat tisey rnay net dry ont, and set tisernilu good sal, but usiug ne menus-e fround tiscm and rmaiing tise en-tis n bitl ibgior nons- tise plants tisan nway tram tisem, se tisat no0 xater avili stand as-auna tbem, and we csaoud expeet ta find thsem ail aive and growing tise ncxt spring, s-oady ta make aew w-ccd tisat season nd te propane for na Žuit cs-op or fruit huds ln the fahl ift tiey w-ena aid encugis. We sbcnld ual cane baxr late bu tise tahi tise w-cmk w-es doue; in tact, tiik tise late tise bette-, as ve avant no new groartsta start that seson. Ihis bolde equaiiy. truc w-itb YOUNG MEAT. Tend1emcy to Finish 0« Cattle et a9ý Eariy Age, There le anu udoubýUd demand for, prime yauog beef and mutton made, ready for the market under conditions that will produce ricb, red, tender meat suitablo for the cansumers cf choice goods, enys C. W. Jonce iu The Amer. !ean Cuitivator. This ment je difficuit ta seurs lu any market, and it is ai-1 ways high pricod, for customers wbd eau secure !I are wiling te pýay extra, for it. This meat cannot bo raisel' without attention to what le needed,.K Ia the case cf beef the cattie are net' yoi-ng calvs-c, but animais that are, brought ta mnturity rapidly and finish- cd cff pes-fectly. Old cattie finished cf1, after their third or fourth yent' do net, pr-oduce as desirablo ment as fthc year' and a baîf animai brougbt te maturity4, under goofi feeding and cane. TbQ propos- tîme ta finish off cattie for theý fancy market le from 1 te 2 yens-s oitt The nenrer wve eau get te the former' the botter, provided the animai bast reachod full maturity and weighs about ns muclh as it oves- will. ItR is a ques-, tien cf foeding and breeding, se thaý the animai grows smaothly and rapidlj& fs-rn the time cf its bis-th ta the ýday i~ le sold for the fancy mar-ket. t Experience bas sbcwu tbat the most. profitable age ta finish off cettle is froMný 20 ta 24 imonths. That epplios ta tbcQ average animai and breeder and le aý ps-etty safe riais te go hy, but it is pas-1, cible te finish off very fine cattle in 1Sý or aven 15 manths and obtein for thena larger profits then thase wbich reacbý, maturity laer. Lt le ail a question ot, bs-eed and bs-eeding. Animais selectedj for this faucy warlé shauld bc witbout biemish and indicae a strong, vigorous' constitution fs-arn the stas-t. If theZ possees these monits, they wlll prove satisfacto-y et ail times. They need, good cas-a from the stert and shou]d bc ailowed te suck the mnothers until they as-e ready for weaning, and thon the.e- should ha fod as hibenaliy as tbey canj stand cf bigbly ccnceuts-ated food. We as-e net lockîug beod the year and ai baîf perîod, and, ne miatter w bat gr-avej recuits fos-ced feeding may bave later- in lifo, the animale selectsd for thiffj pus-pose sbould bave it.- The flesh i l sure thon ta ho rich and tender. Whep, suckîng, the mothens must aise ho fed libes-nlly on ricb, concentratod foode.- The wbole question cf whotber cattle naised ln thîs w-ny will ho profitable de ponds largoly upon the mar-ket one oaa coud thorn te. Tboy canot hoc lassed with os-dioary cattie, but muet seak a special mar-ket whsro fancy stock is la, domanfi. Ian narly avresy largo city, there are butchons wba make a special-~ ty cf secus-ing fine beef cattie. They- have n inDocf custemens wbo demand botter ment than eau ho found iu the os-dinas-y cattle yards. One must put., himefifnl touchwith this side cf the.' muarket ta make the meet of sucb ai specialty. An Ideal Cheviot. The Earl ie an ideal Cheviet ramn cwnod by Professer C. S. Plumb cf - TE BARTS. ILafayette, Lad. The accomnpanylng Il-, lustreticu gives a correct idea cf the proper Cheviet boad. fletter Thun Gold Mines. We read lu the old books tbousands cf years old ef the golden does and of the sheep's foot that turne ail it touch- os into goid, says The Sheep Breeder, And corne cf us mnay tbiak fluetht therè- is nothing cIse la the warld but gai,! that le worth the trouble te get and' tbat the sbeop's foot story is oauly aO Bort cf fake te amuse people with. But the tacts are that the profits from tbe, Tises-cas-o many bits cf kSuecdgc Ihat behp ta maSo heusew-onk casier CON VIVIAL RECORD. au,! more qnickiy peror-ns,, au,! tise Isouseavfûite leuulyanaxions t ta pt hIiecided Thirty Thou%«Inud -fiesnud sncb information. Wbeu you bave a- Sux ilcudret Thansand SisSes. vos-y dis-Iy cas-pet tisaI yen w-sh ta lA. cingular aid man bag dis,! et Vi- dlean, tees- oh,!nes-papsns into small auna, in bis sevenly-lisird year,-avilis bile an,! coak bhem ilu are-Wien ls euelnc eu iems '- sel man ou record. Fs-cm hie tavouty- tisoy are taSsa ouIts-nb tisern hetavean sersulis yeas- ho kepî accus-ste acceunt tise bauds until tisey tam ile round et aIl ho hougist and vhatselh pal,! for ballesud scelles- tism oves-tise cas-- il. Lunlise 27 Vears ofe hie convivial lita] pe.Tissupire it a thbo-egh s w-ep- ha con-cuMed 28,786 plasses cf beos-. Tis gave ap dsiakiag in hie tif Iy- iug, sud Itl viilook fsesis and cean ftoustis ysas-,but hoc ontinue,! tas-coke again. -conslantly, aveu dusiag bis lasI deSk- If cool bas been ;spilie, ounlise car- noe, saising lise numbes- cf hie cigare pot, canes- tise týpoI aitb sait, let it ta 628,713, os- auavrs-gaet 13,667 n yods-. Of tise avisle numbers- ere 43,- romain ton minutes thon saa-op il off, 500 w-es-s giron ta hlm; ho bougst lise Oae spplication w-i usnaliy romovere sctfor e12,500O or aaut lava cents oves-y trae cf black. apiece. Evsy bnseecps-bascepriere, - A POSSIBLE SECOND. tiese cose cf dosposalion ccused hy - Ohido'hoohisxcire!le tise occesionai obstiaacy cf lise dan-- O o' cfoisi xli h hie bolier. Tise avales-lutise oulcide youug bride, ise's.msroiy au oid fiamo vesel naccuntbly efues t bol»cf mine. vesel nnccaulabl refsea e hoI deed, c-s-ed ber cge,! and aealthy Wiseu this bcppens, f111 tise saucepan husissu,!. l'Il warrs-culyc ds-eam cf with strng sait waber,su,! il aili 'hie tendes- cdnences yLet. bell muci s soonr. 1 No, sc ,repiýe,!aii a fes--aivaylook Itbis a vos-y p-ocat istake ta keep net 3-t.