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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1901, p. 8

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Be pre:ared and k::p on hand a bttof REAU 0F WITCH HAZEL, the best remedy for The most popular remedy lu the market for Coughs, Oolds, Bronehitis or La Grippe. Try a bottlecf our COMPOUND SYIRUP HYPOPHOS- PEIITE te toue np the system af ter the ravages of la grippe. Ail the popular medicines lu stock at lowest prices. Quality is never doubted at our store. J.i HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Druggists, Bowmnville. SOur Goods Speak For Themselves. We oniy ask you to corne and go through j ur store, We buy the nattiest Furniture on the market, made in hest woods and we seil at close ~prces. If you intend furnishing a home, see 4Four hune s and get our prices, andi compai e with .'the goods of any city store if you wïsh. If you contem plate a f ancy chair or any piece of Fur'- niture for the lloliday season, see oui' display, the lrgest and prettiest evershown in town. KEEP YOUR. BYE ON OUR. DISPLAY WINDOW. DOWMAî-sVrr-rïu.riurnriture and Undertakzing. Bî1MDERLL W1NE Farmers, buy youn Binder Twine from tise Farmers Co-eperative Co., Brantford, Best Twine lotets per lb. Pa'rui Wunuv.y agent fer Northi and E'- Darlingten, Tyrone. 6 tt hEL B OS If -you are looking for sumy.ething g oo d îi cauued goods - Toma- toes,,Coru, Peas, Bc.ans,' etc,-give us a caUl. utiy our TEAS anld CO FEE~ GOC>D VALUE. BOWMANI~VLLE, MAR. 27, 1901. Visiturs. Mi. and Mrs. Tantoî aund Mr A Iezzleood, Oshawa, at Mir J. E. D.ýer's recently;' Mn. and Miss Morris of Oshawa, at Mn. J. Stark's; Miss L. VcCullecli at Tyrene; Mr. Albert N'id- dery at Torento whero lie sccui-ed a situation.., Mr. and Mrs. Firikie and fnmily, Oshawa, have moved into Jas. Parr'a liouse,.... Mr. Fred. Griffin bas purcbasod Mn. Wm. Tondiff's farm.- AMm . WGnilliu represonts the C. O. C. Fnieucis at Hamilton. ...Miss Lulu Van- Nost is îitiusg at Brtesîde ... .Mr. W Ormiston reatized $6.00 for four ' hero- bred yearlings at the stock sale at Ot tawa ...-. Two beys formeriy of this viciuity, B. Gf. Powell, Torointo, and George Abrahiam, Deieau, Mau , bave enlistu'd and gomme te South Africa. ... Mr. J. E. Dyer visîted Belleville last week . . .. Tie concert given here hy Mr. Stubbs,J-'otorboro, was wetl patrcuized, To NniRVcUS WOIEN-MrS, D. W, Cronsbery, of 168 Richmond Street, Torouto,says :-"My daughten's nerves {wn o s exlsausted and she ivas se weak and dobilitated that she iad te give up wcrk and was aimost a victim Af IIpvuaQ T1edLI ,r ..las Nerve Food proved au excellent romiedy ___________________lu.inrestoring her te bealîli aud strongth. Af tom bavinig u sed four boxes sho is at work again hcalthy and happy. 5Oc, a S box, at ail dealers. NoNE WT 0N VILLE. TelophoneNo57 Mr. Geo. Oveus lias taken to himseif a lite partncr lu Miss Loua Burloy. - - Mn. Lerne Paltoerson was recont guest HR 1 % P 1l of Miss Lensie hteeman, Port Graniby.. ..Mr James Buley, Zion, is moving *'~o C~st o~ O~sr~midw'into Mrs. Dickoey's lieuse .,.. Miss' May Kimbail, aud Miss Louise Steeman, ,~. Port Granby, are visitino- friends hero ...the baud conicert'5rîiesday oven- in g ivas a geod cnowd, a good pogram ~'~s' l'li~ and Mr. Hughes marie a gecd chair- man.ý The boys deserve credit for the fine music, The string baud pia yed ~ woll toc. Mr. Simneon Porteous' comic c ~~le ~ songs toek well, Miss Lousie Sloeman . ~ gave two recitatiens that delighted al ~~ Miss Lillian auJ Edua Edwards sang Saduet aud the sîngtng hi' M4essrs Brit- ton asnd Siarpe and MXisses Bitton Ire îploascd ali -Irés. M olman's neadiug was weil received. The band boysgave S a dialozue, "lThat ianlPat." "God SSave the iKin-" clos J a grand enter- ,a,]ment_. .iss May Brownu, Port - - Granhy, is guost et Miss M. Couvey Lîi' Tcfsi, T I-Mn. Geo. Cum- iminzs, LBarrie. uni, eue cf lie hest ,mj c.5I wito :-"~mor -,om's I suffered from -W 7îlndnov dijseas e br o u, o by r a ilreoa d lite, The dco eýe1it "mailnoad l, idev," but-i- -3r ' -,rs p~ ra ~ , ~nentrlif A àfidrec'ciumniended gran £eîdsî.. ompletelv cured -~ ~ ~~'~i1~ ~ mi, putting n cîrd te 'dreadtui pa~Si ns in litlac 1ar gratlY s1re-ti usabesmmu'edy Oinig the kideys I 'awieli fisu PATENT to-day tlienks te Dr C~e"Ono put a dose, 25 cents a box, KIRBY. A very pleasant event took place on Mouday evening, Mardi 18th, at the residence cf Mr. H. L, Powers, Kirby, it being the 6tb anversar *v of their wedding day. About ninety guests ivere present and partook of the gonuine hospitality. Aithougl I r. Powers bias reached the age cf 85, bis estimable partuor only one year younger, tbey are bale and hearty, and live to grow more higbly esteemed by ail wbo kuow tbem, This ivas fully attested by the many short and earuest addreFsses made by a number cf prominent guests. Tea was sorved about 6-80 p. m., and about 9 p.m 11ev. T. W. Leggott callod the company to order and aiter singing Old Coronation and a short prayer by the pastor, Reeve Brown, au old esideut and neiglicor of about ixty yeams ac- ? aintance,opened witb a short address, ollowed by about a dozen otbers who, spoke in the higbest ternis and mvealed several amusing and stîrring incidents cf years gone byv. Several letters were read frein friends at a distance ivbo were not able to bu present. OId anld Faded Garffldlts Made to Look as Good' as New By Use of DÎaffond Dyes, AMrs. William Surgent, Pletrolia, Ont, says: "Your D)iamond Dyes stne the bestlI ave ever used, and tliey have doue splendid work for me., In a short time Diamond Dyes saved me ten dollars, so tbat I tbînk tlrey deserve a good word. My friends, te wbom I have sbown my dyod goods,say that Diamond Dyes make old tbîngs look like new. The richest womau in our town, after seein g my work, lias become a user cf your Dyes. 1 thank you for sucli valuable money-savers as Diamioud Dyes." Mrs. Thos. Hyndman, Mashanm, Que., savs: "I baie been using Diamond Dyes for many years 'and find tbem most satisfactory iurenewing the colons cf my chldren's clothes. Foi hrilliancy and fastness, Diamond Dses canuet be excelled." ORONO. Mrs.-Wm. Joues visited frieuds at Btbany receutly ..Mr. T. Thoruton lias bad la grippe .... Mns, John J, Gil. fillan, and Miss Bertha Joues visited ut Bethanv recently,. .. Mr. and Mrs. F. W., Williamson werc receut guests cf Mn, Gec Stephens.,. ..Mn. and Mrs. S. CuttellI,visited at Mnl.W .Brownscombe s Port Hope recently...Mrs. W. Searle is seriously ilîl. ... Mr. Thos Smith lias had la grippe .... Mliss Lizzie Broad leaves sbortly for the Northwest terri- tory, to reside witli lier brother ... . Mn. S. B. Dobson, Oshawa, is seriouslv 11t and net expected to survive... Mn, R Coatbam of our town, lias fallen hein to a large fortune, by the death cf a sister at Tarrytown, ou tise Hudson River, N. Y. the John Cooper 'family, the motlier cf wliom ivas a sister cf Mn. Coatbam's will aise sirare in the fortune wbiclr is estimated at,$60,000, . ., Frane'iis Potts, a former resident of this town- shîip. died snddenly at bis home near ManverslStation, Saturday, Mardi 16. Deceased was enjeving geo'i healtli wben taken with erysipelas and lived onl'y two dnys. Ile was in bis 65th vcar. Mr. R. Stutt and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rolfe aud soii, attended the funeral. THE BEST FRIEND 0F THE MVOTHER, WIFE AND DAUGIITER. p AIN E'S ELBERYf The Great Spring MIedicine That Restores Aîing Feniales to Perfect Health, MRS. ADAMSON, SAYS çi1 Can Never Say Toc Much ia Favor of Paine's Celery Compound."1 Oneocf tise oldest and best edited montlily magazines publislied in Arn erica. in a recont îeading article de. clames that more than lialf the revenue et physiciaus is dorived frein the treat. number ef physiciants ivit eut leneficial resuits. I procured six botties of Paine's Celery Coumpuud which was strouglv recommended te mne, and afttr a short time 1 found tbat uew lite- and bealtb ceming that I se long wished fer Twr. vears have nassed and 1 bave net bad a return cf m v old troubles and 1 caunenver saY tee much in favor cf Paiue's Celery Compound.". "Give Hlm an Inch, He'11 2Take an Ett" Let the smatlest microbe gain todgment in your body' and your 'who1e system 'will be diseased. rlhe microbe is mnicroscopic. But the germs bec.ome inches and then ell.s of Pain. Hood's Sarsaparifla destroy's tht microbe, pre'eents the pain, purifies the brood and effects a Permanent cvre, Run D)Own-"I hd seee hea- aches and my constitution ýwas generltfy rua dîo'un. Hâd read about Hood's Sai'- sapartta, frit J if, and affer asing tqm>o botites 'was enirety cured.' Miss ffary Flannigan, ffianning Ave., 2"orno, Ont. COURTICE. Great symnpathv is feit for Mr. Jos. Penfound and estimable family in the deatb of wife and mother who passed peacel'uliy away on Monday evening in her 63rd year. Deceased was a most worthy lady, enjoying the respect of a verv extensive circle of friends and ac- quaintances. She had been in poor health for some time and -about two weeks ago, paralYsis seized ber and she ge aduallv sunk tilt death came to, ber relief. T1he funeral will take place Tbursday at 1 80 p. m to Bowmanville cemeter .... Messrs- W. S. and Esli Oke, Ebenezer, have returned from a pleasaut visit with their brother Cecii and other frieuds în Deseronto .. .. The "Comonwelth"on which Me, Luther Courtice crossed the Atlantic reached Liverpool last Frida . ... 11ev. J H1. Oke, Goodwood, visîted friends bore recently . ,. Mr, Walter I. Osborne had a splendid stock sale considering the bad weatbe.... Our farmers are taking a deep interest in PHB STATESMAN pûrk packing articles. .. Mr. A. J. Gay is the new chairman cf this Pollng' Sub- Division elected at the Convention Saturday. MAPLE GHOVE. Mr. Chas4, Sniowdenhlas returned from a visit witb friends near Sarnia.... Mr. J. D Stevens is visitino' friends at Vir- ginia.... Mr. Truman Power had a suc- cessful corn husking bee last week.,. Mr. S, C. Rundle -is somewhat recover- ed from bis recent illness .... .The elec- trical storm Mondav niglit struck tbe new barn of Mr. W. J Collacott setting it on lire and completlv destroyed it with valuable contents consisting cf eigbt or ten tons bay, a quantitv cf straw, 300 bushels wheat, 400 bushels cats, 8 buabels lo ver seed and some im plements., Mr. Collacott released 18 head ocf cattie from the cellar stable but 4 ewes and lambs, 4 pigs, a fat cow, a thoro bred cciv and caîf were burned. The lîg'btning' struck one end of the barn, and threw pieces cf a beach beami about 100 teet into the fieIld and passed down mbt cel- 1er hilling a dog and two cows. The fire made rapid headway and in less than f-e nutesý it ivas impossible te get near the b)uuidin. The straw stack at south cf baru ,d silo and contents at north were aiso burned A number of neigbbors ivere prourptly on fiand and succeeded in saving pig house, and thfi horse and implement barn. The barn was built in 1899 and ivas a model structure. The total loss will be over $2000.. Insurance on building $600; on contents $850 in Maple Leaf Co. McClure's Magazine for April ivili be a notable number. Timeliniess, literarv worth, historical researches, analysis cf character, studies in natural bistory, and life next to the soul, iu the metrop- olis, lu tbe Orient, ail thesc and more will distinguisb the forthcoming issue, and it will ho adorned hroughout with illustrations contributed by the best artists and reproduced with the, ex- treme cf skill in art process, ENNISIiILLEN. Leave yourorder for Downey's Bread and Pastry at the Peopfle's store. Mr. iEzra Stevens accompanied onv bis sister Mis Rhoda Stevens lias returned to Holland, Man.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ridi Harper, son and daugbter, Utica, were guests of Mr. Jas Mountjoy. . . , Mr. T. Craig who bas been on a trip to Colfax, Ill., lias retnrned bringing bis little daugliter Mary wbo bas been visiting there ..,.. Mr -j oshua Branton and fam ily bave nmoved to tbe Swain farm wbere he wlll be foreman for Mr. J. A. Werry .. ., Mr. Stubbs' views and phonograph concert Saturday niglit was ivel at- tended and mucli appreciated .. ..Th manv friends cf Rev. S. C. Rorke and family in this vicinity exteud sympathv on thse death cf Miss Rorke. ....Tbiq community ivas gyreatlv sbocked Satur- trust that 1 ou imay cast vour every cane upon Him -.ho) bas promiised to sustain ail that b mut hins, rememberîng tliat ths cnth ?, nt eur abidcinz rlace and we tee, enelog will bo crossing the dakrivýer, adi etrul- love Him we ina; ~er te Grnd Comanrei on higli. Signed onbe'Alf f ise Uuc Cîîs. ILLJA5iS, C. C HNIJ. WERRY, Recorder, NEWCASTLE. Miss Olive Walton was guest cf MisE Maude Clemeuce, Sunday. Have ne equal as a prompt and posi- tive cure for sick headache, bilicusuess, constipation, pain in the side, and ail] liver troubles. Camter's Little Livex Pitis. Try them. Pleased te seo Miss Gertie Pearce oui again after ber roceut illuess. Do flot suifer from swck headachE auy longer. it is net nocessary. Car tem's Little Liver Pis wiIl cure ycu Dose, eue littie pl1. Small price Small dose. Small piti. Miss Ada Allun is guest eftlber cousir Miss Annie Allun, Bowmanville. Mr. Chas. Smith cf Jimes, Ohio, says [have used evemy remody for sich headache 1 cculd. bear cf for the pasi fifteen years, but Carter's Lit tle Livei Pilis did me more good than ail thE rest. Mrs. G. Gordon and Mrs L. A. Find. lav, Pickering. visited relatives liero. TIse Ladies' Favorite, Laxa-Livei Pils are the ladies' favorite medicine. Tbev cure Constipation, Sick Hoadach-, Biliousuess and Dyspepsia ivithouti griping, purging or sickening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson entertain- ed a largo numbor et frîends Monday bevening-. If you or your frionds ivish te crossQ the Atlantie quickly, M. A. James ean beck you for a speedly voyage. The White Star liuer "jýceanîc" made ber last trip in 6 days 9 minutes. Mr. Frect Quick, Belleville, attendod the funeral cf the late Mrs.Hutchinson, 1Wednesday. 1 Wauted-99 Young Men to buy marriag liessfc M A. James, IImaville can turuisb the hest class et ladies for wives, New Ontario lias plenty of fanms-free grants. Tbe young people enjeyed tbemselves veny pleasantly at Mr, Wý Boweu's, Friday ovoning. The first trial cf Dr. Woed's Norway Pino Syrup will satisf y an.yone that the luug lîeating virtuos of the pino treo bas now beau refiued inte au effective and convenient cougli modicine. Soid by ail dealers on a guaranteaot0 satis- faction. Price 25 cents. We cengratulate Our genial P. M Warden Riekard on bis unanîmeus nomination Satum-day hy tbe Liherals for the Legislative Assembly. May lie Win. ASSIST NATURE-Ycu bave heen told te 'hitch your wagon te a star"ý-that Nature will assi8t you. Tliat's aIl riglit. Thene are times, however, when yen sbould assisýt nature, and the sprng is eue cf these times. Nature is now undertaklng to cleause your system-if you take Heod's Sarsaparilla the undon- takiug will ho successfut, and your complexion bniglit and clear. The death, occurod Sunday aliter a brief illness, cf Richard Vancea. one cf the oidest and best kuown resideuts of this place, For some years past de- ceased had lived retired. Ho !caves a widcw, two sens, Charles H. aud Fred. R. Varcoe ofT Loronto, and eue daught- or, Mrs. Cliarles Tamblyn, Chicago. REIARMKABLE PERMANENCY. Some Medicines OuIy Relieve For a Short ¶'ime, DOdd('s uidney Pii Cures Stay Cured-the Case of Mr, Qilchrist, of Port nope, Proves This. Port Hope, Ont., Mar. 25 (Special).- Away back iin 1896, Mn.- Chas.ý Gilcii ist Ex-Chiot Constable of this town, was suffering witlî Diabetes. Ho was in very had shape, aud nover oxpected to bo well again He ivas cuned by Dodd's Kidney Pis lu Mardi cf that year, but some tbeught that the disease would returu. Fivo years bave elapsed. and Mr. Gilchrist is stilt orîjoyiîîg healtli On April 24, 1896, lie irote ,-"I have been a sufferor for ton vears with Dia- botes and Kidnoy disco*ders. My urine wars of a damk, bricky colon, and the pain wiîile pa.ssing ivas somcthiug, awful, I bave been tneated, by tIhe doctors, and have used almogt evemy medicine advertiesed, but could get ne relief. Lately 1 bave been vorv bad. The pain iu my baclàwas dmeadful. 1 coutd, net sit in a chair withont baviug a cushion at the small cf my back. 1 heard of Dodd's Kidney Pilîs ant decid ed te try once more fer a cune., They cure me completely, and I can beartilv recemmond them te anivono." On Julv 2, 1900, be writos:-'I1 am vemy well, and have boer) se since the spning cf '96. Mv urine is a natural healthy color. There is ne pain IL' My back. I am suire I would have bean in Mv grave ncw, but for Dodd's Kidney PuIs. They cemtainly savedj my lite, There is ne medicine like them, " and te this letton ho adds "1ai that I say about Dodd's Kiduey Pilîs is the truth. If tlîey weme not geod, I would ucv say tas collectons tor the enbp.lvn 'In ezcellent msiemýnrv 9e li'rS iutercested! manv etfbU is tr shaîi cdeteýs of pioce lf~ îl P,---rosrNma r ed the funerai services, THE MASO Go. BOWMAN VILLE IIow Spring Goods Arrïing. Case after case of New Spring Clothing has arrived and more to follow and we shall handie more New Clothing this year than ail Iheý other stores combined, and what is even more important we shah l the best makers' goods and our prices wilI be the lowest, quality cone sidered. Our New flats Are Here. We are agents for Christie's ce le- brated make and we are shiow'n nc assortmnent of their gooda. We have the latest styles in both Fedoras and Stiffs lu both black and colored. Our values this year are fully better than ever before, Dry Goods Dept We have opened ont a nice assort- ment of Ladies' Suits; one of the styles is shown-see eut. This lot for style and value excel any of our previons ,pur- eha ses. Ollr Specials Thiis Weeko i2 pairs only Cotton Blankets, gol5d size, regular $1.00 for . . . 75e.' 12 pairs only, Cotton Blaulkets, large size, regular $1.25 for ..$1.00 Remuants, of Dress Goods, some of olir best qualities at IIALF PRICE. Prints, neat patternls, special value at Se. Grocery Departifent 5 bbls. Mcintosh Rolled Oats just reeeived and the prices has sine6 advanced. New Maple Syrup, Fresh Butter and Engs. We have Dried kpples. Potato3s, etc.; we handie large quantities. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o ,,7 Ladies who want te give a dainty Easter luncheon will fiud heip in the April Delineator. The eight -v Eastem gamments foresliadow the favorite styles for spring and summer wear. This nuimber i, especially strng in its pic- turing cf the uew tabnics and cf uow designs in fabrie for summer ivear. The Buttemicle Publishiug Company, 7-17 W I3tli St., New York City. TYRONE. Piossod te hear Mr. Editen your scribe's humble efforts at weildiug the p ou are aponeciated by I'Tyrone Old Boys" who are absent frm home seeking their fortunes iu otîsor Iccalities ... . unr gorîlal cousus commis- sioner, Mmr. Sam. Poilard, is uow huai' pmepaing West Durham tweutv-eigbt cousus eaumeraters for their duties in Aprit. Mr. Rieti. Davey will take the cousus iu this poiling division ...-. Mr. Frank Wilbur beaves this week for another soason's sailiug- on the upper lakes ...Mr. William Brout slipped and fell on the frozen grouud Friday receiving sligbt injuries ...*Mm. Ott'o Sauders retnrned Saturday f r o in Guelphi Agniculturai College whore lie bas been loarning butter aud cheese makiug He iuteuds te leave soon te take a position in Pool ccunty. ... . The ever prudent euergetic Tyronese bave already taken lime by the forelock and begunopertieus iii spring hontseclean- in, rlir pruniug, etc. We oniy' need the arrivai cf our littie teatiered fniends, Robin Bedbreast, to fuliy con- vince the most doubttut the tima bas roally come wlien, "Nature scon un springs best ciarms S bail riso evived fmom wiutor's grave Expaud tbe burstiug bud again And hid the flewers rebiecm." Witeo feiling trees on Friday, Mm. Jas. Morris nar'rowly escaped serious in- juries by boing struck with a falling treo acnoss bis iowen limbs. Fortunate- ly he roceived nctbing more than a tow bruises. . .. Our former'highly esteemed pastor 11ev. A. C. Wilson, Pickering, wîll preachili Tyrone churcli Easten Sunday.... Mrs. Richard Feston, Bow- manville, lias been visiting hem dauglit- er Mrs. A. W. Anuis ..lad our first electrie storm of the season Suuday mernug.1ev.J. J. Rae, Oshawa, will lecture bore Easter Mouday on "Men Wiom I lave Met.", New. D oun't think our Vapo~ Cresolne is sensething mew, fer ài ir't. For more tîman twenty years, it bas been extensively used for al l orms of branchial and throat ýtrouble. Mrs, Bailington Boothi said of il, years age, that "No famnily ivhere there are young cbuld- nen should hocivitiseut Vapo-Creso- lene," XYou bneathe-iv the vapor, it gees ail thoui7,h the erorschial tubes, sOothiug, heaiing, curing. lt's Ttc cpoiz'rccdLoip ".20s'ould 1asta lUce in o' s,,il,.c Yrm, ,Q, For «ale byV Stett & Jury, Bewmanviile.~ NEWPOUNJILAND. NEWFOUNDLAND ix 1900:ý A TREA-- Or TEEIFGEoGRAPHT, NATURAL l4-. SOURCES ANDS IlsTons OP THE ISLAN D, EMBRACING, AN ACCOUNT OrPiCN AND PRnsENT LARGE MATERIAL MOEvn MENT, ByREv M. lARVEY, L.L.D., F. R, S. C. EIECGANTLY ILLUSTRATED WITI N MAPS AND IALP-TONE ENGRAV- iNss. NEw YoRa: TuE SOUTI-1PUa- LISEING COMPANY. Newfoundland is au island wittî anr area et 42,000 square miles, 1I".ing off the Amemican Continent, opposite Sydney, CapeBretcn,from wbicli is separated by Cabot Strait, the distance across wiiich, at this point, is but ninetythroo miles, The ccast is rock-bound, at many points presouting bold clifts hundreda, cf foot in beigit. In this respect it ro- sembles Norwav wbich bas led to ià. designation cf the "'American Nonway.c Tihe luterior is diversfied hy bis, Mountains, plains, forests, nivers and lakes. The forests censist cbiefiy cf tir, spmuce, pine and bircli. There a>ra, gecd agnicultunal lands, as yet littie tilled. Tho population et the Colenv was 21,000 at the date Of the las-tl reusus, ton, yoars age. The inhabitanV 1--efl engaLyed in ccd, lobster aniSeaifl- cries, the animual revenue from ail cf wbhici is $7,000,000ý The population is aimest exclusivelv confined te th(e coast, cwing te the iuaccessihility cf the interior for lack of reads. This-, barrier has iu largo measuro been, evercome by the receut compfletion et a transinsular railwav oxtonding across the island, a distancè ef 5d8 miles. AsM a result, diversified industries are de- veieping. The lands are being cieamed and cultivated, tho forests are beinge invaded and the timber Fr undergeiing2" manufacture into lumber and wood,- pulp. The minerai resounces cf tie islanci have devoloped into large proportions. This is true cf iren cre and copp,-r, Tho former exists in vast doposits under mcst peculian and oconomie con- ditions, wbile the Tilt Cove coppor mine is oeeof tie mpst romairka hie known. It bias been worked for many years and is a source of large and iucneasing- revenue. Thore are mauv deposits c)f other mineraIs, as, well as «cf graite, mar bie and siatos cf .great variety v exteut. The ciief cty et the islaiid is" St. John's, the capital, with a population cf 30,000. It !S a place cOf largcom- mercial iupertance and lie ïuocf, theý best harbors lu the worid., The city is Weil located, bas tise pnrest adms abundaut w a t eri' Fr ot1ed foýr its churclies, its cat11edrais arýÏsd t co and for tise iudustrv and sýciai order of its people. Itias just completed an admirable eiectnic street raiiway sys- tom, bias unden construction a lar,ý-e modemrlie tel, and is thus adding te it.- antique iuto3rest trie m(ist approveý.d modern features. The winteî- climate et Newfoundiaud is net svere, wl Y uth~e ummners are deiightful, the therm "',meter rareiy mrsking uver 8, e 'ri tiri st secekingm trecreatior. assd hie sliHà. >f-ýîSdit a igt ccnigeuial rosent, iv ;ï,the sportsma essits s !ulr ios ier n wedssuqui-te i 'uîatfs n ganle It is a c-harmsîr pae evîi and its maiffoid attrsd.tioni are tast giviug it faine in alf parts of thse word.jf -s 2

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