lità TEBMS .--1.5O PER xum OUR TOWN AND COUlqTY FIRST ; TUE WORLD ANTIERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr Nzw SERizs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AteRIL 10, 1901, VOLUMEXL INo1. j C ohunstoil & Cryderifail FATAL GUlq ACCIDENT. Cîtizens of this tôwil were terribly shocked on Good FridaY when the news upread that Thomas G Martyn, voung- est son of Mr. and Ms onB. IlUartyn, was seriously w0unded by the cien tai dîschargre of his gn Shortly before noon lie Ieft hîs home with a shot gun to go down to the fiat SOUth of the family residence. fde laid the gun on bank and started to buaibida.temporary FARMERS MAKE A START. 9 ardays' was flot a good day for a Iamr'meeting-the roacts were very bad-but a goodly number attendeci the meeting in the tnwn hall to hear the report of the deieg-ation who had been to Western Ontario inspectiug some modern pork packing factories. Messrs. Baker and James reported very favorabiy of the Palmerston and Har- riston institutions and both gave pretty THE EVAPORATOR BY-LAW. NEW FAIR GROUNDS. The by law proposing to assist Mr. The committee frorn the Agricuiturai R. J . Graham, the present Mayor of Society to act with a committee fromn Believille, and Mr. James R. Finkie, the town council havin.-together select- the welknown fruit exporter, to the ed a most desirable site for the new ci- extent of $3,800 to establish an evapor- hibition grounds, a scheme bas been ,iting manufactory in what is now published for raising the money to meet known as the music hall for the purpose the neces8arY expenditure for fencing, of evaporating vegetables of ail kzinds putting the grounds in order and erect- "excepting apples,", is to be voted on ing thereon the necessary buildings. on Mondy April 29th. This is one of This community bas 2'ood reasons tn f