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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1901, p. 2

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the days et Wintergreen. Hlere are1 next waek, and you ivili corne over and the lattera lie peaned: wo 'Il try and cheer you. Up a littie, L~ttr t Mis Ârou~ You'nl corne, won't you?" Page 1. "No, no, Myrtle, don't ask me ,Warnhýam,, Sept. 25th, 1899. please 1 sùnpîy eeuldni't go" and the Xi' Enid Ârnmour, tears, always near the surface, sprang Milbury, to her eyes. efIY dear Miss Arnou.r, o 'scnd 1'm sorry, dear," said Myrtie, lean. 1 hope you will parao scn ing over and stroking the other's intrusion, on zny part upon yonr burning temples. "I know how de- morrew but since 1 have received fno vtdyuwr oyu te. repl frm yu i anwarto y jThere was another long silence, awkwrd nta f sypaty I an-broken only by an occasional crackle flotroa untl Ixnak anattept o f the, gas in the grate and the whist. reach yen again. Believe me, the îing of the storma outside. world has been pretty dreary since *~if~ am leehr"si the day the nieurnful intelligence Enid finally, gazing abstLractedly in- reachad you at Wintergreen, and took t h ie yeu fromn me. Thare has not been a moment since we wera interruipted in 1 "-Vhat thon, deari" that pretty little nook, that 1 have I7t~Ril. ~What about hiri"- askcd Myrtie not longed for yenï with aIl my heurt, in the tone of one wlio was on the se tat miht ail~'o ho ~' edge of sacred ground. The secret Page 2.of Ralph's sudden departure haci dearest Anna, for askiag me to corne, and tay ithyou fe day. 1nover beon disclosed to hier. sand sta ithy ou a myfa ofats e "I neer told you" began Enid ; hoiç shah certinlyaval myaif f inh ivriting me a latter hie enclos- eaaniest opportunity to accept youredapg rtntosm xvaz invitation, and rush te yourbhomse tha hagevwideny tevsoeiermae wheýre yen aIwaya manage te make me se comfortable. 1 am davoted te the or engaged to, for how neaaly it carne te braaking my heart. For 1 did love exquisite littie miniature you sent hîm. Ile saemed se !ýpnly and noble me. I have had it set in the backanbrvadlesadrn f.Bt Iof my loket where 1 daily gaze at it. an brveund, thet lied vas lingB Goodbyalitie na, wil le wtlidouble it naarly killed me." you in a few days. As ever, She paused whule Ilyrtie gazad wit]j Yous lvinly, wondering eyes. "Ralph Llodgson RALPHI. fle cntb-1 t Ike l Letter te Mrs. Bates. as.Icntblèe.1kewhm years ago yen know."1 ra ge 1. Enid centinued. "I have feit ai] \Varnbam, Sept. 25th, 1899.1 the tim.e that thore is a misunder- Mby dear littie Sister,1 standing somnewhera. Oji! if tliere 1 rcally nst apolQgize for flot wasl and 1 wrote hirm sucli a crue] liavîng witen te yen soonar but bitter littie dismissal and tha next you know at Wintarraaen thora is day, lie lef t, And to think of hlm net mucli chance for scribbling and away in that herrid ivar. Last niglit thon, tee, as a niatter of fact, 1 1 saw him se plainly. 1 heerd bis don't m.lnd confessing te you that 1 voice calling me and it seemed te ran up againat an affaire du coeur wakan me. 'Enid, Enid', lie cried and .whioh lias semewhat preoccupied me. I epened rny ores and beheld sucli I arn greatly ebliged te yen- lierrid siglits. 1 seemned te see men Page 2. Iying about on 'a battlefield, wouind- love yen and dasira te make you my ed or daad. Ilorses staggered about -,vif .YekowIhebenaai threwing thair ridera te the grou.nd yen, would feel undar an obligation and trampling uipon them. At last, te me and that you would ha worried Ilirougli the clouds of srnoke and Rand about saying 'No' tu me aftar tha I saw Ralpli running towards me, HIe littlea canoeaincident. But that last shouted te me again. I tried te rua day we were together gave mie te meat hrm but was iveted te the courage. Ara my hopes fudtin spot. When hae was but n few less? I suppose you ara living witli paces frein me ha staggered and foul. your uncle's farnily now, but perhaps I tere mysaîf by a suporliomen of- you wouldn't nind iettiag me sea yen fort front where 1 stood and ran te thora. If yeeî will oaly write and hlm. I turned bis head over; his face say so, I will bc in Milhury within was gliast and pale and there xvas ferty-eight heurs and we can per- bbod on t. 1 tried te open bis ayes haps reacli an understanding, but couldn't. Soniething told me lie Yours in suspense, was hlind. I called te lim. Ha eopen- RALPH IIODGSON. ad lis lips te answer, and thon I was The second evening following, Raîpli wakened by Susie cerne te oeil me for receivcd the following note writtan' breakfast, Oh, Myrtie it was awful."1 on black bordered stationary: Myrtle was speechiess. She had Milbury, Sept. 26tt, 1899. seen littie of mental suffcring., Mr. IL Hodgsoa, Warnliam, "«I kno'c what I amn going te d." Dear sir: continuad Enîd., "One cf the physi- I am Kat a losg te understand why cans at Notley hospital la an uncle yen should have written te me as you ef mine. I arn going straiglit there did, and undar the circurnstances 1 and I will miake him lot me ho a consider ykr note littla short of an nurse. 1 cannet stand this inacti- jasat. Fr yur cndut onthevity any longer, and I simply mnust niglit of our unfertunate accident, 1 du something te halp those poor sol- &hall alway2É be truly grateful but I! dior beys." must aslr yen te consider our friend- The tears wore ia Myrtle's ayas ship at an end,. new. E nid stood up pale but catin. ENID ARMOIJR. The fcllowing nota frein Mre. Dates arrive] e.t Ralpî's liotel, but lic lid been gene 1w-e days and bofone ih feul itolise bands, macy 1long w-ary menthe lad eapeed. Aven, Sept. 30t1, 1899.1 Dean Ralpli, j'Il do Lt," shc said with dater- i mination. And se if cama about fIat -within' a montl's lime Enid's uncle ai Neiley n'es surprised one rnorning by thc an- rival cf a frey b2aning a card-"Miss SEni] Armour." V. - Tid't ven bungle things finciy9 Whcn Jack Donvney bcard from Do yen kaow, yen silL boy fIai cyen JRelpif's lips lis decision te eauim r- mixed yenr pages -aî. If seundcd rneiiatehy for Englen] an] thare te very fuaay ta eanec a proposai of! enit fer service in Africa, lie forth- manniage frorn c's,-nv brother. witi gave ont hie dacision te de like- Leny and I sicîply he'rlid over u, 3výse, ccd m e.teaic no. eeas- == ==-= ~ FURL SAILS- b.Id?" that by to,-merrow night MY revolver she wvas appointad -te attend lis cet. it N, n~ee b owi idn d lias turnod up the tues of more of A xeek passedl and Raiph wxantod I notion of cominitting hims'elf. the pigs then eny other men's la the nothing that could ho obtained for 1Strange Experien~c eof Sîa h ed twas that lie lad a bowl Party." hi"nic edec tors said his eyos xere .Jhusi ui~a Srn o 0fTheaesdsof, wc owa atoe n Y t uprotected nurse m.nd h did net ve - oftied te ch i on ite the cai onewhun- "No takers" remerked Jack as ha heard yeur veice soeo bore," lie said - b cador penalty of skinigfo esii a dclved with a husinesa-like air la the te Enid oe day, but she told hirnOmlebcres uetta e h ethi 9bttern of hiis box, for serething that a man threatened with lind- ~Jlne n i o tre hur lie w as alinist forgotten. Then lie whci rvd vnual h api9' the hou- a been placed in erder te> of big black bottles of Canadien Clu. ýfer te tIe subject again. M ,îI~IkI t h iie tts hn3 ie iotcbblsalne ecn.T "Yeu rua a >first clasa chance, rny " eosa etrfr'uI1Hnor'-nor'-oast cf the island 0f Grand oetre h opuso h apt - brave Cannck," said anether of the yo en' nd sn u a nrcg. 41 1I I~I~Canary, Johansen wns desperately iNo abody was ldingotrh bis e, 3ud, ho- Rngisirnn a epl t Raphs"Oh' its been aliloveu the world. It's II / struggling ta e ef the mainsail an, a lhp bcluig ht il fr s a ge, 3 neafr, Ei cencludnodplyta thpat ituCandaaandn good turneicaheay for toas, "f frrnng hadsone argt feinCanda, nd t'shee teAfnca It! f eav wid 'vas blowîng and tbere w-as disappea-ing and feîthw-ith disappearedl. tos,"ffrigabnsm agtand new lit lias feilowed yenhr. srn li'elihood of 'the, boat being Prsthseebdini-d," er' jfer these deliglitfuil "snipers," who sn't that wonderful." a tog111'1snl oneoyinurd "hr' swarnpei. The hnalyards Lad cressed cf Aî-chibad"Btheewsne m- -cen sit up on a troc a mile away and 'O1nitfrm adraQiwl the top, and Johansen gav-e up ln do- di'ý unensiness. Hlirau heur later, sptyour en stogii aefi e pleagte," ile said and bis langueir prwe sdnltungaon, howevcr, the iniqniry was repeated, and sptyu orta huhli eeteas repiaccd by a sudden tinge o x piwlesudnytrigaenthen Cousin Marilsa begali a searcli. She Iside of a lieuse." pectancy. Le saw four men ln the beat., One0cf ivent up etairs and called, and she went "The seoer the botter," muttered ' It's frein your sister," said Raid inte ihe kitebeneandloerdeers te th RaîpliancIenlis beatli.sebory. Theceroor ofolpthe .k.ttemegraand th tillr, wtechtwa Ralp uner is reat. sbery. he orues o Raph PA wildiy langing lack and fortli, and the haro, but ne Archihald responded te her "Conteon bybr' te '1l i met feli. otlier tbree, springing te their places, falsette, WVben sIc came back te the Bebs, oied Jack, "ahi get your glass- ti"D e ly. p ,,,)uda't y u gbe __ rapidhy toek ln the sali, ani mado ail 1,cbnw-bore Mrs. Rankia vas con- thigsfinly Deyo knwynuslysanug. The man wbe lad suddenhy tak- cocting a "ýfloat!iog island," she leeked es full?' bey that 3-o011 xe your pages upl ncnmn fJhuenscatstwe-id "Little Bocbs," shouted ail tegether ILt serned very fuainy te read a pro- EXEOUTION OF fJhne' ratstwrid pesai of rnerriage from one's own of thc great figures of Frencii îistoryI quietly on the cft thw-art swingiog bile 'Whore do yen supposa that Young tand tle glasses clinked. brother." it seems strauge that snob a valunhbo 1foot and tahking la a stîango guttural eule enu have got te?" sIe asked of lis "'Little- Bobs' ivouldn't do a thing "ho occupants aof the neigheuring relnguage. have seonmed aboutta es uothr. - i n h itigrom' te six littie Officers of the Northnu,. cots were startled b)y a e carnrlesoi aele emîtdt s er Wy satlei I itn er herandGurdsif e aw bm ow- "h, aîli on' yn kow ol en cae ror Fance and allewed te corne age,tal and muscular, with Iron.gray "No and nebedy lbas Ceea anything of ing Canadien Club, fIe ni-lit before the prim nurse fergot herseif se fer ie ihe possessIin0f an Arnerican. va ap sut ed adwieoa l o an leur. en7 nin as te tlrow vle-e~ about lier pati- The tery le a very romnatie oeeadvscp ihu ek and lda rn Mis. Raoil laid dowo the ferk with 2 a battie," reniarked sore ne-,r ent's neck and bu y lier face lne tlirows an intoresing sido ligît o h foot on bis lefi leg and dark worsted whidi. she was heathng eggs and, witha 1 ly. pilow. desperate efforts w-ich w ere mcdo by trousers, wliule oveu bis shouldors nnd a hasly direction te Ruide te look after e Af tan that the toasts carne thick But flic dociers told Baipl that loyal friende te cave 'Marie evon wîhen chest lie wore a M.Noorisb garment. things, burried inito the Sitting rom. The en [stdepi~ he afre - they výouId net aliow hLm te sea who ail chance Lad appcrently paseod. Thieboat boing have te. ail lay do-wn. inverîod bowl tlat lad held the eoap- e po atdspt h frging twsha.iemrcdi frt Fallin- asleop, the tw-o travelers nwoko suds w as on the-fleor, bcut neother trace Bmouraful refiectio.E amn Raaiilt a htldebae l o t The preseni owner, Mr. Docker, se- 10f tecid r.Pai-n olwdb flicsicaîfi of n absnt farteneterelie five monh """ w ic ^ erue snrs. O gtigCousin Martla, next w-cnt te the back tsuhbmt fer anIebgentusapr ovel-oaon a visit te Maine. Ih was ilion tel, t ey round thai the mysterlous fethîe bouse, where the a tone fq 1atn bi rins n o weter psedI S OSML.properiy of Mi's. Saràhl Chaseo0f Edgo- ernosld iapae n uei ad fahlen dewn, and steeping shouted lis fniena and nesaaltady 70 paese IofIS TOSMaLE.alinoe cdarkness that Archileld ladll ot- uahonorod. Raiph's glass was ai- A Bluneh oet com hiisa ladyheter0ayecrteofciL ifcgeL and aa Glom haersFrm hegraflddaiigliter of Captala Stephen - -K ter cgooreuiclatihone w-a waseptire" and filied quick- Yonkars Jestar. Cieugb, a noted sailor of the oarly daya -na1godMorSlI cet. Mrs. Ycast-Did yen sey your îusbandi of thc republie. No espo -e "Now beys for mine" ha slieuted, le fond cf ish? Accornpnnying the pieceo0f SIR, was -UceAoz 1Wcm padwt "Iere's tateicwoman who e les, steade Mrs. Crimsonleak-cs HeIle ites te, na exfoedeport mcdo by île IS Hie- -ý lon disatc ed e the h hird ayo nRufs * ad wearn idal~vi eie ab¶out 'cml. - torical eociety of Maine, whidli, afier sen t the chicen bouse. Just thon careful Investigation it hie I listory of MiCnl r oataspiigpac csIc lies. seelies on my eant, and Bacon-.I'd like te know wlieî fIat; h eleMad'x Cndit euie onkio braupa andpriing pae whxlien she steels-she steals tearny m-a ever did for bis itewu? îlerlesa.cniro isgnie ~frawoan cf eat ar gtadinormed ]dbert-Wby, 1 hward lic rcfnsed tea oe - iiiwt i-n cl0 gttotn - ade, and when sic swers-she Iny bis loy a drurn once. The circumustances detailed la ihis re- there w-as a board off flic cisiorri. swe-sbyme"î port fit i prfectiy with thc known and "Oh!" ekciaimied IMrs. Reokin and "Nene.nee,"cned licEnhisi- "No ani of vacýcination," rernark- 'estaiuisled hietery of the French revo- preesed lier baud te lier sido. For oe men. cd the observer of evenis and îîings, lu-n oetsoloed as if she weuid feil, "Din, cmenle aih an "il rvet acf-e gfin bd lutl atrferdt ysoea -. and Cousin Mailla put ber ara around fli dnk. mndd aph addose cf lis wife's fbref biscuite." It0o-uns fliat a fen' woeks lefore the ber. The lilct minute she was runnIing 1-he I n.teward tie cisteî:a, scrc'amiug ns sic If as~vlladancdinth ngh Clrdi-sat t boesmanpthradecili0fflihe quoen on tic scaffohd a w-ont. Wlien aie get théroslic egn wlca Jack and Ralp4,, curhed Up 10 whore yen'i-o livin g îîW plot w-as discovered te nid lier taeos-,fatclye crteovrn brd * hirbanes e aLw erssee. Gothli-Lonlesome? Well, I guosse cape. This pi-ebally basioaed bier exe- -nwnly, and Rufus and Unele Aileazo rau Jacir le b for astenieus w loop.tIclnfThere's nef c dlay passes that thora cution. French bisiory, bowevor, le ci- 1-. p justinaturne te prevcnt lber froin Jakhdbln btriu ihteiare liot a dozea luIi(I cllctors up thora] lent upnea îe dtails of the pla,lut - upni.Rfsrahcktte1c liquor, and RalpI ivas as sober as- American researcli arnng fnmuiy i-oc- \- for a roe, and thc rosi crowded ron le liad nef toudîeda drapal- Bill (fshing ila a leaky bocf)-I say, 1ords and tradit ions îîrows ailintercsî - Rufliucsera ame pooeddw-n. lr_âo theugi tle lad ont im Engicliold man, fhceemLutai le alielatic bot- ing lighi upenibis ý-,incident. ifuno caenpwilnleghf tom cf hiey hboaent t ei Englropel, and lhe men low-ered hlm ow-ilie tom o bis oat.At île turne cf îhe revolniion Captain the cistorn se burriedly thai lie spiashed brofliers home in sucli a state of Jili (rolling np bis t rousers)-Theu why1 Joseph Docker and otliers 0f Wiscas- e5eit the water aad disappeaî-ed- Hoe'-ose iarity as te put tiorn l danger of doea'i tuis water rua oui? seleereggdlaîeprnn-igsinadto tenepllnthioa binag oourtmartialed. st ewr iggdi h prad1ipn n odte opl nterp "Jck" irkeeu aili " tiîk Yeet-I jusi a orwf aîeSali mcado letw-een tînt peint and- a littho, cs lie could tondh bottom and "'ilgeksh" te-rn outRroxv." cink her roin. a or ieinteFrance. Gouverneur Morrisilion minis- -. 'c eep his mentI clear ly holding the nope. l'Ilot chatfeeo-mold oy.Arc't Crirsnbeak-Talking? ite aFirance, and otiior Ameican eym--Teylaedtcndthnasneth "Dntb olsodby rnt "Yes. I board honr say as 1 passod pathizers wiîî the royal t'cmlîy sought - opteabe-lidcrsCenethcf yen feeling w-cii?" thai sbe bcd arrived eit a conclusion." te arrange for île escape of Quoca !Ma-tlie cistcru, annd the hired man loga "I do't cana mudli, as yen have "el h lentdnccyîaOf îlerie Anîetoîetafior îhe e ct1 n f - w-orkn'tte cn fr0, feelng bres"foot. guesced doubtiess, by fils timo Jack ~sort, Sle's ielkig et"thîe king. Captain Deckor's clip, the I o n't hiai tui hcs bre,"cam fli ite- IcI hik he dctr e etasSally, wlich w-as cngagod lafli the- - Thank God!" cjaculated Unele Alonzo. coatiaued Raîpli, ignerng the interdond -esehon c Pend k- -j "Ae ye sur?" clledPc Cukai ruption. '"Yen knew I leved Enid' mellnas lie can c rnhtaoadwsto naFec lore yn miue."cle P ok *Armour, and I thought, nef ln ain, JIle-What's lic done? port under île comimand of hie son-la x-<-- ' reait a mnute.'v- Ahi, bore lie butw-ec wrot ad tldlie '"Vacoinefed me on île ight aurn, and lau-, Captalin Stophien Clougli, w-as chie- GOT!sis"asI MDCE but henI wote nd odberse, I ca't use t et all." en a t convey île queen and her cein-. ESL IIiýSI IORN aIe threw me dewn sealiard 1 didn'f j"i migit le wonce." panions la safety te a nen' country. ne tboy Lad coame. 'lhe wetier lad limogreecdUsRknfe know w-lai lieppened. If nearly! "I cen't soec how." ITlie SLIP bcd beon fî.eio-til id -l fur- moderated, and Johansen and bis con,;n cesdieus loCin atas iuC îlesane mnte ,Uawiadow lu thc drove mc crazy. If I hadn't crn T"Ie miglit have vecciaatod yen on tIe niture suitabie for ftIng up ail abodie! erelY Puzzlod over thib strange visît- second cloy i*, L t1ie2 bouse wis tlrowc outiene, i udhave, I cm sure.",nge. -Jfor île queoa, and mcîîy pensenal le- Ors, mcdo cll ihaste te crowd on evOiYoo.ndUca i iedgrlac Affor a moment lie w-cnt on. "'I If is bloliovcd that îhe truc efory of benginge of the king and quoca wore in0 mg 0f sali and got oui 0f sncb an un- ont and ecoa oiL lem. weud Lke e se hn aein I hin Goig Wchintoncndili chppe tîe cargo. A plan lad been fommed îy canuy neigbborhood. lfoosu leH's lord,ý" suIc cî-id. "h've Louand don'n cherry ire i3 as Lolbelws: w-bldh i was thiboughse couid eludo But tiai afieînoon, jusi lfr sri in. Ho w-'s as nMY rooL,dwnein sornthîng must have gene w-rong Fatlier-Did yen cîhop dew-a that cher-, fli guards and- escape. rLamarfine in 'dow o, Joliansen and lis son, w-lie lad a truiik, biding. He cii tînt Ile, hall Chat I don't understand." ry frec, George? hil eîord cf flic plot scys tînt many beon iîîing w-cil ferward, nînci] spilled the fude au Lis maw w-as tleing te Jack bl.dneo ords ef eymptiah . iIlick hini. Horehle s"' rapaty, al Georgo-Yos, fathen, if was 1.ejined la the plot, even nîunncipaîs. A cnonnd and san' iboir four sti-ange vis- br aaruhttebos, i thouliLe syrnptlizcd. Ha lad been I "And for w-l, i3-y sonp?" geontlemancf royal sympathies gainod litons again quictiy standing crouni] the, tiier o wa -shtelcbosadi "'Didn't I Lear yen sey enly Lest w-eek acs eiiepiotn onnvdt ile.T-tftIhto l f ni o entflccause cf tLe tell tîrough if baefore. Bofli lay lin hibacs atepio n otrvdt ilr w fte okbl o h a en ugdadkse thetatflic frac was onî,y an expense tea-siglugc a- isdedsee blankets witli wide open ayes that' you, sir?" sohîe qucen, licnding bier corne flow- jil and cwuag i back and forth ns and scoldod and hlessei] as lhnoei-q night. An heur ater, R.lph spoke "Yen mnay have, my hopeful." el-s luwhicI w-as conceled a noie tell- ihoiugh a signal te cmerne oactera. before in the ww-ld conu-seucf!lis exil,- caa1 Jcifayhn loudhpi ehftcIn'soî nig te eut inglier 0ff te plan, Unfortunitely île Johînneen scanned the %w-nier cre- once. HoLw-as bowling bis disaipprolatica idow-a your expeses."-Yonkers States- guard-de dtoctod if, ccd îhe secret n'asfuylicldeenliîg oi-fbdcaste1 f-t'% fbn Pan, to-niornoNy, and yen aven sec an. revealed. cf eny kiîîd could lo disco-i-red. TI'ît hal nlse a owor in the joy o Enid, again, tellluinwil Yen, fIai mac. ceetyoftiscosircyng alonafier dusk the visiter s aanheani chie teck bim acrose lier 4-noe ar' love] her an te clest." -ca-- Tc autlienbcidt cf fue caspirccy isaighi andagnîn nnomoe. spanked lia i grouosly. cao scncehy lc dwubt]. Jabskornd dal]peSne] a] w-TrEseon n more. At lest-ho île course of an 1h0ur, peu- "I wLu, ansere Jac, ai] a] SARIN Tu LO1. d flhc basic cf sovoral weii knowu re- laps-quiet and ordor w-OiC rostcred, and w-as client egein. Henniof ta isc'f coecf tlioee w-o- mancoes and ics been accnediied ta yne Death Dance. Mis. Rankin, between semilos and tears, Thc figlit nexf day was thc wldost mec w-ho ivant te put aiiisband la maiy cullioritios. 1I thmenandoe n ok 't nwl thîe restored Archbia]l prcsi] c! --e of île campaiga. The prosse gonoies the b'ack-groulid an]dniake bhllmt iay Tuaexvigilance of île anilionitios pýr-le oe ieAIcnee ledneth edir -as spyboolci] nn'surbeon an] the vatriols special cenreepen- t1r.vnedalatmpea esu5btianked. In tiececnter of fhe dancing cir- "Don't worm-y about ilaf. uMY da dens gve t apl spce nd he e- No, mdcc]! even tf0thlast tbey foarod tîci corneelie w-as a large imon kbille filhod w-tî sel] Ma Conikla; ,juot ibliI 10w mnçi,, enîf n'as tle capture cf a large l ie hc trying te make you e3romin- desponcie effort weuhd bc mado. Ia the îoiîing w-nier, hie -fýti1s waîc w-ce w-Once ut migîht hla n Il Ucî-ow-d w-îidh nitnossed the pitialia pitchoed the body cf a child w-ho Lad "By tle-w-ny," caii] Uncle Alcaze, force cf Boeens. Raiph promise] w-al nt?- Spectacle of île executien ih 15 prola- Just db]d. If w-as cookod te a jeily, "wlat's caeeof ru fus?" , taturc ti aerhns onfo i e hoSclbo 0n hote ee hie tint the quocu nurnbored as nany and bc-fore beginainig fie duco oach TIey ail lookc'i] t ecciothier call deponted birnsecf withe extravegantîy trt le cu nLv amanage -sympathizers as onemies, and bcd sceesquaw cnd] lad w-as mado te take c atlP Cohii oci]t iîi-l auLi-- nd sic wanis me fa corne tlaiing adhoroni taLon ioliicthrnkehs -îîti ~ fiogt hgucs," hoe sal].strlngn far away. . sawd ~~~menai-ci front lier guuaIif idergy for tflic caseion. wiio-tln waifin for couic f u ecnt up hlm neu' -cbiegRcod I

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