* ~HEY are not for South Africa for army pur. i~poses, and do flot need to be up to the Government standard. The class we want are those with rougli coats, bide bound, puffed legs, * Ï ' nd generally out of order, We would recom- Smend those who have horses cf this description to try a package of our Favorite Condition Powder* *which by putting the animal in a healthy condi-* * tion wiIl add very materi ally to its value and use-* Sfuiness. -(25c a IL. 5 lbs for $1.00.)* estEo OUgStorel LISTERWDINS A haPp y sotial event was ceiebrated at the "Fernsyde,1' the residence of Mrs. D. -T. Mvorris,'Horsey Street, on Good Fxiday evenfing where her second daughter, Lillian Maude and Mr. Fredevick H.Joness of QRetreat Dairy" were united in the holy bonds of wed- iock. The ceremony was performed iu the drawing room, the bridai party standing before a bank of palms, and fluage plants. The bride ivas given away by her uncle, Mtr. J. R. McBride, Toronto. Rev. W. J. Joiliffe, B. C. L., tied the nup)tial knot in the presents of about forty invited guests. The wed- ding march was played by Miss Florence Tilley. The bride was prettiiY attired inq a dress o! white organdie over white silk, with lace, in- sertion and bebe ribbon trimmings and carried a beautiful cluster of white rSes The brideimaid, Miss Helen G. Morris, assisted her sister and was dressed in white musiin with lace and and insertion trimming, and wore a goid ring set wïth pearis, the giît of tegoom, and carried a beautiful bouueto! ink ross The groom was ably usupported by Mr. Fred C. Van- stone. After congratulations Mr Geo P. Freeland took a flashight photo of the weddiing party. The company then repaired to the dining room where a tempting wedding dinner was served fromn tables nicely decorated with fragrant hyacinths and liles. Later in the evenino' the happy couffle e s ~est use, B OWMANVILLE. New Pri'nts 0 0 Best choice in town. New Prints -Best choice in the town. New Ladies' Sailors--At popular prices. tTOW~'tANIV1tT B~ APRILYJIOI 4901 F oleaim n~ - ~ #~~'-lall n re - r f a r er -pro i .. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 wirC:+eeA Ajrm 1 r~ttwtvLLtIuKoi .~fIQ2XI . rU-j' na~n 1 of 0,w h--------o! witeýroses. T-( lb do o'd ned with the otheingiet used (ï YouI ail be ieiis n2-00d thig. -oit maidis were M-issBarceC Fse ntebotoospatcs aaa,-, ~ ----- --' --- Satllrd-ay, Aprîl 27, 190 for the ereetion of abutinents for a bridge at the rear of lot 19. con. 6, Darlijuton. _Plan)s and snarew~x ouwirrntu e-cà Me- On-for very much of the mioney this year., When $25,000 is subscribed'a provisional board of directors'is to be eiected bv oquets were -Kmerfian Beauify roses. Miss Pearl Brown, Bleuheim, sister of the groom, made a pretty littie flower girl, dressed in white organdie over On1e of llaydon's estimable young ladies Miss Rhoda Hudson was receutly united in marriage with Mr. Walter Clarke, Pickerino'. We wishh lierail hariness - er, deJeased.- Nýtiiee is hereby given, pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Ohapter 129, thai ail ereditors and others haviv elaims.aais F West Durham. -r ~ve, vey an slioûld arry one o! these New Century Policies. Cost littie moiley, HARRY ëANN is the Ageent ,~ ~~ ~H W V - ~ LLLLJJL~LWLU.LLI&LLU~~ __1 Harn;to, Towh~i~~be askd ~ ~o! Bur<stoh0has-Lnaerdinto £-IGlHLiT of lie town of lornbc !ei -i AR. wlbakdfor,, nakiiug tefirst 20Mr. Arthur J. Linton or the Traders, - crniirnnit. ., M aueamý, 7».tutoforoY h'For.-ei r~ L ~ f s CI PUtt-.-- t . -Iti- - t1ttt i1ýP B i 1:_ ; V tiiý, ' i v ~rnIy honsetoakingintc~ the t t i U ,x.-ia,- j, ryCli, I ahi - F t' P4~W'~ ,-, - - iL. ~ t- L ~ r '-r -. np1cfldj~ a~- W. Ta ALLEN, BIG 20. 1YUiblsI, Utwa. athome; MkÂttLV Jas. ivis. J as.A. Werry andi son,hinnipkilien' Annis, Whitby Collegiate, at home.... at Mr. W. Werry's....There will be C %%hildren Cry for The choir was pleasantly entertained meeting Thursday ovening at the at Mr.H.Abraham's. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. church to determine whether We shall à& 0-A J. Smith have decided to attend Mt. have an anniversary .... Mrs. F. L . U%#AST eO% R Am Vernon church . ... The robin is with us VanNest bas moved ber household again betokening the delights of spring effeets te Isiington, her husband having Our inside pages contain much use! ul time. secured employmeiat there. information. ma %j. nIIUI lU It - ir , Î; -ýt.7il ec rne rpus a Goods', etc., very complete. 1 asytime if we are not sooîî enough. 14-6m HIAMPTrON. wanted soon as possible. Address TA engea a eIma Two unde oHn o! sraIro, ec,1rDio pelle ed by takim n opf MIfLBUiIN'S 1 8 2.Otario S. ,TBiLIN.ZtHEADACHw2 OWDERS. powçi@r 5c,, 3 for 100.t 10 for 2,5e Phone 17, JZ Offwmaville. @M -Ff' - - r -S-- ~ I ~ok1 [AVILI 7 ýr-, M mr 'lu vvi- Liur 0.11 L-li 9Pi"tjIýý,. fbe pý+ýI 7 (,,q,ýYnTp i -MI e ýIII -ILL- u itquil ýd (w ru mu WIPP 'M". i "M, -U"- £Lccepted. T.atpr -h' . fa 1- 1 -- - --- -- -- - - o- Ur ýel.ore tBý an 1VIIII617, V181UCCL nis iamer 1 Il V FIIII 1 IIIF11glugl