WOLE WEEK 0F BARQAMIS For $1.50 we- will k~ you supplied with sl :eep pec- -l1es for 10 years ai . S Eyes tested free and every a pair of Spectacles guaranteed ai to be finest quality lenses Cail and see a larger stock c<l of Spectacles than you have î ever seen before; (probably ru mnore than ail other stores inc titis counaty combined.) h When we fit you with glasses 110 n guess work about Of ~e guarantee saisfaction. yO< Let us explain our plan to Co yoi. h 'Special Bargains 0 I l This -Week. e Wehave a lot of odda and ends Weworth from lOc to $1.00. 11ba Vote for the By-Law, Strainen pails at Nicholls.' See Cawken &, Tait's advt this week. Notes and Ccrnments are on an in- de page. Miss Lillian MeLean, Toronto, spent caster at home. The latest styles in neckties and col- rs at M. Mayer's. 12 Ozone. an invigonating sping tonic. et it at "'To1e's drug store. Miss Ida Stephens is visiting friends LPort Hope and Welcome. If you want a stylish Hat or Cap caul ýM. Mayer's le lias the latest. 12 Mrs, J. A. Johnston is visiting lier ýusin;Mrs. Chas. Ward, Cobourg. Spring cornes, Grass grows, Water -us. Nicholls s3lls tinware cheap. Mr. Richard Jones, Bishop Ridley ,ollege, St. Catharines, spent Easter at lme. The Ma-son Co. have the best range dwash goods they over had. Now is our chance. Miss Ethel Y. King, St. Margaret's ,ollege, Toronto, is spending Easter ilidays at home. Wc have a large stock of Quantered ak Funniture in Antique and Golden ruisles. L. Morris. Violet Toilet Ammonia a delightfully -freshing toilet an d bath preparation tTole's dnug store. Mr. and Mrs. W. . 11 eliyar and )aby,andMis-%AmyHarnshear,Cobourep, 'Vote for the By-Law. Miller's Grip Powders culre. 'SoId at Tole's drug store. Shoe dressing 6c. a bottie Saturday only, at Nicholls'. See the latest 'Iin Stiff and Fedora Rats at M. Mayer's 12 A fulllline of fancy goods always in stock at Miss Martiu's. Mrs, Geo. Bickle is visiting her son Mr. Fred Bickie, Oshawa. Mr. W.Oscar LaBelle spent Easter at his fathen's, Mr. Jos, LaBelle. Mrs. G. H1. Bickie and son Everett are visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Milford Wilkins is visiting his father Mr. E. Wilkins, Bethesda, ,Miss Nellie Pattinson, NormalCollege, ilamilton,. is home for Easter holidlys. Ladies requiring hair done over should cail on Mrs. Dickinson, King street. 1Master Alfred Nicholls has been visit- ing his aunt Mrs. Win. Lymer, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Richards spent Good Friday at Mr. Fred Bickle's, Oshawa. Miss Fennis and Mr. Webb, Toronto, were Good Friday guests at Mn. John Trewin's Ladies' spring coats and capes just opened out at Coucli, Jolinston & Cry- denman's. New If e for a quar-ter. Millen's Compound Iron Pis. Sold at Tole's drug store. FRUITS.. Oranges 20e doz. Fancy Oranges 40e. Fancy Lemons 20e. Extra Fancy Oranges 50c. Bananas. Figs. Dates. New Mapie Sugar. PERSONAL. BLAOI Mn. Fred Trebilcock spent Easter in1 Don 't be in a )KSTOCK. liurry to bus' vour Cawker & Tait are ever watching- the interest of their -patrons. This week they are showing something very fine in the way of Easter delicacies. If it is a choice Ram you are looking for we cati suit the rnost fastidjous. Our llams and Breakfast Bacon are cured specially, for our trade. If you are not already on our list of custom- ers for something choice start at once. We want your custom and are anxious that you get the best. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Dates, Figs, Nuts, Maple Syrup, Marmalade Oranges. 1901 Maple Syrup lias not yet arrived. Our order lias already been placed for-the first thatcornes tohand. Watch our advt.--we will keep yon posted. Lard and Barrel Salt Always on Hald.-z!z. .<zm-Higbest PrîCo Paîd for Ail Farif Produoe, f¶AI(RAnd TAIT store.