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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1901, p. 6

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,2 -1 Dq lw oj the Municipal Coujiriloq ie(Corporation f the Towu c f Bcwo mnville te «id and acist Roberit Jamecs Graham n cd James Redceî Flsîkls by givicg te theni the said Rober-t James Graham and Jamnes Hedner Fiakie, the suin f $3800. 00 by way of Bonus and jor issuinq De- bectures therefoi- and te, aulhci-ize the levyicg cf a pcial rate foi- the- pay- ,aient of sucit Debentures acd inte'-sst W HERE Ab by an Act cf the Legimlature of the Province cf Ontario, pa&sed iu 63rd year cf the reign cf Her âljdG4y Queen Victoria, and being CLapter 33 ci tbr tatutes cf Ontarie, A.D., 1900, -,atided tis. Municipal Amniument Act, le0, Muni- cipal CcoUis of Cuelles. Townîhips, Cities, Towns and incorrorated Villages are' empowered te grant aid by way cf Bonneý for the promotion cf manufactures witbin) tLe limieof the esunicipalitv. te snob per- 'on or bsody crporate andi in reseot cf snch branch cf îndnsîry au the Muanicipal Conci'. may determine uppeu; and te pay any Oin cf money grasted by way cf gft or loin ither in one d uie Or lu annuel or other peri. odical paymeets with or withonî interest and subjeci to Suds terres, conditions and restrictions as tLe said msnicipality may tieneexpedisnt; but that no ly-law granting sncb %id shall bi paseed untîl the assaut cf the cccoa Las becc ebtained ilu oefo.wiuby with the provisions et the Act respeoling Municipal institutions, Chanter 223, Rie- Irised Stat nies cf Ontario, 1897, ln respect cf By-la s for granting bomîses te manu- faoturing industries. ;And whereby a municipa!ity grantilàg snob beauses may taeke and receive Security fer the conîplisuce with the terme ansi con- ditions upgn which sncb aid id gîven. And whereas the rounicipaljty o tise Cor- poration of the Town cf Bcwmanvihle baq daterosined te &id ansaisit the saisi Robert James Grahamanud Jam-!s Redner Finkie ln tLe establialenment (f au Evapcratissg Manufaotory Within tLe limite cf tLe Town cf Bowmauville for thse purpose of evapor. stiag vegetables cf ail kinds, except applee, bY givicg te lsein the saisi Robert James Grahsasmand James Redner Finkie the suie of t8800 00 by way cf Bonus under tise auîhoritY conferresi by these sais Act harein. 'hefore recited, and in àrdar thereto il wil Le cecessary te issue debenlures cf thse mnnicîpaliîy cf tise Corporation cf thse Town cf Iiýwmanvill0 for the saîidsuie of $3800 00 te be t eyahle as isreinafler provided. SAnsi wbeîeas te carry ILs lest recited oh. ject ie o tfe-t il isn acasssry for thse muni- oîpaiy te raiethe daisisum cf $3800,0O ie thse manner Lereinafier mentioeed. :Ansi wbereas il will Le nîquieite te raide the several sunis ie each year respectively as set forth jnte Le Siedule te Ibis By-iaw, 1Ansi wbereas lthe amcunt cf tLe whole ratealele property cf the municpality so- c Ordîng te the last revieed as-esment rol for thse yeur 3900 wase $,087,ffl. 1Ansi vieries the amnuel ci tihe exsting, debi cf Iissinsi niip%!itY s ibissuie cf $72ff080 19 and ne principal en, ae in sare Tlserefors the Municipal Coucou cof tbe Corporation cf the Teowe cf liewsanviLle enitots as follows - 1, Isah liansi may Le iawfui for lise taid msnicipaiîy to aid and a heia lasid Robert James Grabna nandi JamhesiRedeer Eickle toeareeu, estaUb an sd carry on r.n Evapsrati-ig Mnunfactery within the limite cf tise Towne cf BowmanviLle for the purVose of evaporaticg vegetabiea cf ail aexoupt ap pies, b>' givieg btatise saisi lRohert James Grac ansi -lJamas lRc-duier Iih le sue ef $3800 0O b>' way cf 2. h shh Lehasfofr tLe purpoas Sfoeei for tie a tborros thibesaisi s-uuai f 50 O n i5e issdebetures of q lise ead ucn tis ayte esaisi amouttcf 6L1800 GO iu sums soe net legs tisse $100 eseb, payable ln îLe m-aunner for lhe annuels sud ut tliraes Îs-sptivys et forth ie tLe licheelus leatbiisBy-haw andi basting lints et; the rate cf 4 pcr cent, par anuum pay- able isaf yýarlY on lise second sisys cf Juhy and Jsnuiury lneaeso year. 3. TLa saidi deisinlunes) as le principal ansi Ilere@t, s@bal lehapayable nt tLe ctiles cf tise Treasurer o e iaisiteste. 4. l shallhoLelestinifor lhe Mayor ef the saii munsicipaity, ansi ha is Lareby autisorizz sud lesîraiedtateaigu aud issus tLe saisiDehentaeea iereby authenizsd te Le isusti ans i mIgrat cannons altacbesi ibere- te, andsialecanas tisee sin ansi tisainterest c-n iallecisetitheneto toisaeigneil b> thisaPunrer cf ibeis ssii icipaity, ansi tLe Clark of the saisi nînicipahit>' sjeeoby autbor'zed sud letuetesi tu atteeb ibis seal cf tise esid muuicipality te the saisi Deben- eaah yesr Lyspacia ,aouai! -îLe rateable Proueni> le tLe sais i uisieipaliiy, a sucs vu illaient te dh charge the fteverali nstal- meute cf principal anti inlteet acruîeg due eu tise saisi deisl as ILs sainie ecame re- setivel>' payable accerding te tLe Scodula ta thle By-last. 6ý This By-haw shaîl take affect on tLe 7. I he Leas>'dec'aresi sud enacîstisaih ihis 1y.laW la peseil sbetta th 1 îe toliow. ieg tipulatlens and conditions, ce ILs par- farmance ans fifulmecl IbercoF, lise saisi de- benînras sissl l e isad ocra the seil Rtobent James Giaban ansi Jases Iaduer î 1, Tis e fibie ansi chic-f Pnce of saisi bnci- kesas ilurin Raisi trm sisalibis le tisesaisi Teste of Bosmanvilli-, 1 î2. Tisaitisaesais i Lchert Jamea Gr-caam ansi James Raceur Finkie sisaîl porcise àcd ochiaadeeti grsuîing tlemin le es le rperI>' cwned b>' tLe kethosi'st Churis, silualesi ou the curers ef Qu-ein ansi Division sîneetaq, le tLe Towne cf Bow- manville, snd hues-e as Lots No. 108 ansi 109, lenIBlock hi, in said Town cf hicimais- Vihis.ï, ussiallahlay ouI ansicxpc-ud tLe sucs e!$of O.inleerectien nais buildings ce Bai Isans emakinC alteralions in the pre- gent l.u'lding tisai-c-su so as to reeder sainea îuuhabhe for a vep'tsbe ecaprator ansi tisenisi sfutiser sain lisse $200000 Le ne- qutrei taereeci saisi eew buildings aud lput haiene ansi tLe présent building on saisi lande le proper stockieg ordar, s0as e a aveul- ale for evaporating purpeser, lL"n tisaI ise>' tLe saisi flubert J amas GreaIsiansi James Raduaer Finkieahisaîpy cut arssi ex. pc-crithe sanie. Saisi aboya ssetionee work ta Le docc- coder ftLa supervisi ce ansi direc'iee of the saisi Rober, James GnaIsam ansi James Redecier Finie su eLe apnrev- salof b>'te ibi aiinincia otftise Teste cf Bawmscvilie, ansi shah Lebconmencisi wsthiieoneamonts frein tLe pasaiug cf iais By-law ansi compleled i si-tIlefour menthe trous tise peesiaitheneof. 3. Tliseb .àgnis arecil muet Leaein - qA<uedece wiui tise (ire imit 13> law cf lise fPcwa cf Bostnianviile. Jamts Redne: Finkle shahl place withbiu jhe @w. dbuildinga witbin oneamontis afte- ý.Le said buildings&ace filiahei, plaut ansi wachiney cec-sssary and aui'aab-e for iLs proper carrving on cf the busi'nesis for iso. - eratlng vagetah!es te the valua cf $1003 03, ~a'd plant andi macbinery to Le Ibis propes-î0 iDfth rL aid Robet James Grahams andi James jRcdner FlouIe and És-all Le free from, ail 4ien@ snd incumbrances cf every description end Ibis saisi Robert James Gisham auj James Resicer Finitle shall commence bu@'- loass ssii-h etaid up capital stock cf net let. %isse $12,000. ý5. Tise ssdA Robent James Graharâ aud Jameg Redren Finirle obhi ps py cut lewagey ré sui e"cl eýsa Ibm$W00.000 je each sud ffver y ycar for lise teini fcI en years from tise da'is f bis fiy-laoe d chal Psy cut a tucs nut Icci ,htIsi.o100,co f o.a peali c0 D en . ersfrein îLee date cf Ibis By-law foiý rodum uceânssary te carry on a business fol,' 6. tis undensîosi ansi agreed that tîLe salary or wsges cf tLe Manager cf tLs said usiuess or cf tLe said Robent James Gra iimansd Jqeie Redut-r Finkîs, or aitLer of hem, shah eut form p ait cf said suiecf $400000 te Le expendas inlu ages eaoh, year tfun ILs periosi cf tan veasesas aforesaisi andi Le said suie if $4000 00 muet ha paisi te cmpîcycese thev Laîî aucis Manageransi tbh- gaisi Robant James Grahasm andi James 'Red- uer FieLle, working ai evaporatiug vege- tablep. 7. In case cf failire by tise saisi parties of the, 6-st part, during aey eue or more Yeans dsing tise saisi periosi of tee years, te purcbase supplies or pay sucis8=suiefr aber, eut cautal Ly ftaon cr cegleol cf Lhe eaisi parules cf tise fitt part, Ibis shall net hi, couidered a breaob cf ibis agreement eo long as tise parties of he bis t part, dur- iog tise said terni cf ttn yeane, Averngi- year- y saisi paymect 1f wages cf $1000 00 abis i ircisac cf vegetableri aeousting te $6000 0O yeariy fo r tLe afüreeaisi periodi' cf 8 . Upon a continuaI breaub by tise saisi parties cf tLe tirat part, lu cxpeeding- tLe amounet cf stages as aforesasi or in payiug Leh su-i aforesaid for supplies ansinjetise absence cf a resnabie excuse for tisesanie, then tise Corporation, after givîng one montb's notice in writîag te thse saisi Robert Joncs)e Grahami andi James Reduer Finkkis or ay person le charge cf or occucyicg saisi promises ansi in case of def suit stili continu ïng ailer tLe expiration cf snob nioutb, may witbout further or boir nisce enter su sud taire possesson of tLe saisi premises, build- legs, machinery ansi plaut andi nreceed te sali or rani tie sasi as they may deeni Lesi. 9. TIsat tLe saisi Robert JameEr Grahami andi James Redner Finkie s-bail net aI sey tiras iurieg tise sa5d terni cf ton yeerts, evsp- orale apples without tLe consent cf tise oweers of estabhisIsem Apple Evaporators in tise saisi Town cf Bowmaeville. 10. Thal the saisiRobsert James Grahami ansi James Radner Fitikle sIssîl exeannie sud dalivai- te tise Corporation cf îLe Town cf: iiowmanville àaftit montyizge wîlL bar cf dosters for $4000.00 on sais innsusi, uildîngp, plant ansi machiner>', whicb muats Le free froi aI liens ansi incumbrances cf every nature ansi description tehaîseevar, ie terni te bis apprevaet bf>' îLe Solicitor cf îLe Towns containing tLe nouai devunant sud' insurance clause. ineuring tLe saisi buildusues, plant andi maoiery ilte Oe ume cf $4000,GO tLe luse e payable te tise Corpiorsue a tbeir interest may appear ands nlj-ct te, sud te secnre te tLe saisi Corporation lise performance on tLe part of tLe saisi parties cf tLe first part uf aillishecondiltions aboie mncicesiandi sel ont, le case tLe lîniid- iugs andi plant andsi nicieery or- any parts part tisereof shal Lehadestroyesi b> ira dur- icg tLe saisi tarie cf tee yasrs, it oshah ha optional i vthlie saisi Robent Jamese Gra- ham ansi Janse.i edner Finkia te replace tise saine ouit cf tleisnsurance moesc, ausi le tise avent of their dacisiîeg eut te refflacs saine, then the Corporation shial Le ai liberý ty te apphy sncb part et saisi iceuranc6 nioneys as§nMay ha nacesear>' te rapzy ILii- salvas wbat shall Le due te thani sud tise Lalance shall he paiLiover te tLee sisiRobent James Graisam ansi James Reduer Fielele, an in lehîe avent cf tiseir deciding te replae 1ise anie tise inanrance mon eys shasll Ihoa pà th l îe fuil extent ie tLe expensge cf ILs saine,." IL Tisus cf $40000 le te ha ceeulil ail paisi on tLe saisi mergage for esa nsi everv xear tbhe saisi Rober-t James Grahsam andi James uc-suner Finkia sisaîl perforni aud hic-p tLe csivenants andi conditions Larcin contained. and on tissir part te La per fenned mecng at tLe Leur cfi nies o'ock i e s to-c eccon, ansi continning tijl t ub Lur (f fise su'clock lu the afteroon e f tee aLosve nimesi day. JOHN LYLE, Teowe Clark. 1lowmaeville, Mer. 28, 1901. NIPPE)) EN THfE SUD. 1 have callesi, h"gae ]-\I. Forcisen, lijnst, te speak te yeu about yenr daugitos-. Yen muet have notics tiat thero is zomoetLing hetweon us, No, roplied Mr-. (ldrex, but I'm sure tiere -iili be prctty soon. Ah! ht i clu e hoe Atlantic Ocean.hum- going te ,send ber abs-ccd t'dli he1 leares a 1 tile gense. NOIU QUITE THE SAME TIIING. Tonnisi, te roasisida country urci- in,-Ah, my littho mon! Hec- brewn and eariy Yen lock. 1I Suppose yen gai np every morning andi drive tic cents to trator. Urchn-Don 't have te sir, Wiy do't yon have ie, my ladf 'Cause, afier milîkie' tic cowsvd %ec drive tic can.-, to c-nier. NO LABO,ý VOTE. ]But -hy is it, cisirei the thongisi- fui Chinese', tint h may go te yens- heavuon, -bilie I mjay not go te your country? Tic Asi lzu iis îesiouary 5bnngged hie siculsinre. Thora je no labor vote in icavuni saisi Ian OP COUIRSE SUIE DID. Sic-Hec des-e yenlanem2 beoe ashing? lic Dont yen iLe occasion aily te b-_ surprised w~itL e goosi tiingt JUST RIS WlY. Mahl-I semaratimes? think mtia CLarlo dedese't love mo-hoacois o sil ly. Agnes-Nonsanse! When ho acis allly tiani shows be's jneaereasi. sn a kept, e in uthe avent cftise saisijý -t'wciiL 4broc-% Cmpn au' oi Leieg ile defaît uneder Ii1il Vt azreemneut durnetheLe est-perleS, lthe sais i JI& 0 15 cii Mtise exî '--snefcY ol u' utse 1 Tule motion soya te berself soineoilses., tioîred pa otiser payiesut. Tise saisi'Robert Jameti1 «1eau ias-dly endure it." Tien a chili gars-nc Grsha nd us James esiner Finle hs-ail Le j es-ceps ovrs her as oie tiinks cf îLe axE- o ven. '- ai liberan'a s>' ime duing tise saisi terrai fl silence whiiel falîs upoi tise homne Chop e te syteîLesasiCorpo'rsrion tise prope)r' -vie chisis-ou are takeil away, a-i she c,'ry fine tionale par t of. tise-saisi $35,00,00 , then ne- is glaS. hen cilîsren 'are hardy of bodycitma masning nupaid, Bo as a ti aadiscbargied ntyc l e.- - ts-es bs- cf lise saisi nort.gage. adlsyo u--.trdbo 12; Tise iaisi Robert James G-aLani anai When a chuS dees'eot efijoy nonssy James R'kaer Fiekl i bhi Jplace lu tisa sports ansi gaines tîsero is sonetiiusg For gisý banda cf tise Mayor cf saisitosen a cetiied j1riîg, andsi tsieistling ciii ciLie Le i tecup chsequea fer $100.OC te psy tLe cxpesss fj founsite Le a loch cf intritionla dequcie butter, be csrrying this lîy-law, whicis shahL e for- ite tise see4is et youii anji grec-il. The c mioles feited t-s tisa tosse sis-isitise saisi Roberiý stoînach is "ltceci digestion is imnper- James Graisamiansi James lis-ser Fiekie 1feci a.Id se tic noisishesent cflte Led>' ef coda., ' f ail to Lave tisir fecor>' full>' qutpypeil Ansid rpady tao mence operatioasb>' tisa 8rsisd s ei-ie aac day of>cf Spleniber eraînhefore providesi. - Inlu scî cases Dr. Pience's Golden un pil a 13. Il is aiso eiareis>'enactei tisat tLe!1 Mieciei Discoern>'works- -osdcrs. It i toospoom preperi>' f tbissaisiRobert James Graisai îchbangeos pue>', fretfu ielldrenis uto Laking pr sud Jaunes hiedeer Fineihsllh h exempt healiy, hacppy girls ansi boys. The mesus-ed frnm taxation, excapt as te tex asîeesail for precess b>' rilichis chuanîgoe goa- Imisturc. scisool purpeses, suiuig tise saisi tarie cf tee conplisiesi is stricily adeug ticeiUnes iticb-citer yesrs. esarkesi b>'Nature. Ail greevilsacd cran. TI 14 Ie case an>' diffarenea s-al arise La- streuigih ceuse fs-eus foodlchoc thLas Fo g Iteen tisa parties in regard ltase>' et tise Lecedigested, coiseote lit jutrssition o ~ aisove alies ibise sanie sisal harefenreti cati assihsilatesi. 1Golden Medical Dis- cf Lard-U sud detetminssi by tLe senior Jusige of iLs coersI-riteses diseses of tise stinîclh cbop tic Counet> court cf theo Counlies of Ncrtlim - - Lerlansi aed Dis-Laie. -ansi othes-orgaîsa cf digestion ad uss utr- iihit W5 TisaiîLevOotfhe quaiLtiosi e-r tjon -ansi-su-eniiles- ilsr- -e bd>'-- c btaiso Loswo orse cf tisesaisi niciparty ty -all Le tlken i1citioni loss or- cast" tise bezef t cf tic Curs-ant e tioi By-law pure sent te lise provisions cf nulsiion previdedin l food. '£!e "Dis- the dougl tise Statutea len tisat bsialf aitisae followsisig ocer>"1 centils Ino cicoltol anisss en- aeee places, tist aI ste say :,Fer theisWest Iard tisel>' fs-ecefroin epissn, cceine ceal -ono ai tise Police Office. For tise NartLWardîhdies narcoîlcs. %vcasied, pi ai tLe I)rill Sised.-Fuir tise Soutsh'iv ansiand cnt1 aI tLe Fins Hall, le saisi Wartis ce tise20h '-9neifu T ii cithis-l f yoA-1iin thicyear cf Our Lordliia i-"------------ -i, tîj ibu niine iunuredi nsi cee, fi-omine u somse ticux,, witsr. W,. n. neîisoil, of Maxs- o'c!odl lu tise fo-enocu Ilmtil i>'is0'c'eck lu totu. Robeson ce., N. C,, L'tye ii ow wsitIl tis afetercoon: sud tisai the folowing par-.-àcwouîdes-fuul ChPi. CD ' -"s Goilen hiidiccl sona a'igtl Le returuirig cfhlcens fcr takieg 1115cavr>' dlfor uuy luitlin-o.. e I-to -ctazro lise voiet tise ai-I iollirg placeet For itli-îi sd-sloecii lieut us ea y nud c tuiS tisa asli seuiJ' LuLyle For ise onsod ant ihe wsi- uider tise ictors tinatnueiit for Ward Robert MoDougaul. Fer tise Southt,;, n s n'Y c.uî= Cenoîetei ui-i- t inu-oi lot- 3adBW Tbaî belsdy ta n l 1! otle ini an rakradson ;nese 16, hatthe?5thdayof prilat 2Ibis wcîuid sicte liiii s ck. Hle c old oct sticp o'diock a ni. aisaîl Le tbe day ansi the jail day, cuund 1 gave'cop al hope of lis ns-cc gol- Coucou Chambar in lIse saisi tesnthîe e yur ubitterand o looiyeas-ilcce n-ce de cf Place Whisea JYOr -bal aÛttend ta appeila i,,ens-.bc7,cs , >nu n~tuitsi al eisreuely perzous te attendi nt the verfu-baps)Iin- rcniituidedl for indigestioni. SOc beuglit s-ci-e piecaes ansi at n i na tuai uin eup cf tLe -autgel c il te cor bey.liHe d bees ueqteti soies 5>' tisaClark un bLasf cf tisa pets-s,, c i anode b> a goosi docteranduct el cuitas- ineaested ie ans i pomeîîugo ap vvi ilslue, S.C.,atdiaiCul troi nd initastoc ansi tise ~ ~ ~ ~ o paseg c iis ytwCr ,ous cutandwas ocutei>'seled frshou t tiler. the osa.1e of higBy-ý1w.-\ gae til-tsio bottes cf ls-. Pics-ce 'S Goldeuu 17, TisaI the 3rsiday cf Ma>', nItan fi lDcîl i oves-y cnd t cueei li11nIL i l s1 o'clock-, shahll e tLe île>'and tise Ccuncil as e c alenid o. o oct aniytitli t b" Cw-site3 Chaniber tise place whists tisaCierk esislah ndcci ht io ier utli ia. Inii- is te ' clt.iick sin ip lise nniber et voies gis-eu fer asu d aiy siiu-e -ndI iiiis een lre ye--bosilice lic againsi this ]3.'at.tonS yc us- lýtdici'ue."1 SCIIEDULE A -,Ê,k7I ~ g!tJ 111 bave fet-ut scy dily for atcgtne"cstr Jan. 2 Jan. 2 Jali> 2 acre Molile jotue, etcGap, Courciclite Cc., Eras, Dti.Iis . lut c. T tifal, 'ýto tu-il ici cf tise wciderful eus-" ieteil hy 19131 $76 GO0 s76 0 GOynur 'cesiden ieiraI Piscîesy' cnd Picasaint 1902~i27GO 76 G 7345 27 ~ Pellets 1in tise case cf cils littie boy, usiaise-tv su-s'en127i60 $ci6l00i7lieus 277u0'netvcinonilis nid 1h093 132 72 73 45 70 79 27 l7iise s-cie aken ssithi La Grippe, anil st ntldiro 1904 l38 02 70 79 68 01 276 ý55 jis Iunganiid in list (ls-ol. Hs silo uen c- 19l15 143 55 68 04 65 le, 276 75 1-'a nd utvc ienl lie wqs tivo yir ocil we 1usd 1906 149 23 65 16 62 19 276 6t2 tli c dtor nî,eu en ce liu. Thivuîw-e Cd thec 1907 15525 6 18 59 0 27 50doctos-take lits tbusilsont acuie micnode lied 1907 15 5, 2 1 5 07 27650work cf it. if licesv' t flsthc e nlusie ho ulis 1908 16L 47 59 07 55 84 276 38 bec iel, andsel -ci-edev serytimg vie cont e ias- 19,i9 167 92 5b 84 52 48 276 24 ut ncoo-s-tlted cvry ic;pytician w- saw, bel 1910 174 64 52 48 48 99 276 1h- tbey dud iiot rnuvTs at te dof1 e. îclie ceas cPul 18L 63 48 99 45 35 275 97, ecasly sL ycs - ci (la Octolier,ut licecrac 1912 188 90 45 35 41 58 27 3 Wso lsuoe- u oliuc -ius cug 27 3 se n abot bise. Ste iras cul, Ions-ilsboy 1913 196 45 41 58 '47 65 275 63 (1Oth o i l, itcvcs-îsdecd), and l utseecies te 1914 204 31 . 37 65 i-' ù6 9751 52me iliatif uc lie die T 1iiot r iid nte bs- hI 1915 212 48 .33 56 29 31 275 n wcoulel go te sicepcpsying aundliegging Ccd te, li91G 221 00 29 31 24 ï9 27.5 20 sporer liue. 'Seil, 1 ccli sec lie wasgettiiig se ~pg~ ~ ~ nînclisvorseIie was »Iist ce pncr a c l ce i sus-VRi-T Ildcs-aicet-l-nifcui cl-aiuslise 19ï8 239 Gi 20 29 15 hl 274 81 oil sla bc lin r. I'jc'cscis 3919 248 58 15 hl 10 54 274 63j ciao. il ceonsesiteoetisat tius cuva tise cei 11 2 5182 10 54 5 27 274 43 uuscdicisue w-e wcîted, an'd 1 toid u-liusblin 1921 263868 5 37 274 23 Ihýat if lie w-ai uSs > orne cf Ci. Pierst ic-t- tom- I Cli abuost j e -ti could ei i-c r s-boy. I'TOTXO ~ ~ H secntciands got soule anti we comususciced w-ttC q0lb" -he Golden Ms.elioal lit ccii.>" 0onFsdy 1'AKE NOTICE usai îLe abeya i3aa il fli, aco r itis the 'pelleta'1 th le c-t isuoingsî. SOc gas vt -iuc yens-r eithl-eiiuceuos a day Icue cop>' cf a pieosei l> a* IsicL h I ilondb>'bdylie w-ces tbles o splay, ansi in ouic ha taken ia oconsideasion b> tise (1ciancl teonîli from ie tise he cstiieitakiuug i cf tisa lînlipalit> cf thî'e Town of Boss- I Liad gainidsi cx ouids audsi s Loui-lu w-as ail manville sfic-r oeamentisfrein tisetirai puit- Irne. i-e tucs cet cougulidal i>' euuc, cd lie balln su'i ENws ncsppnîe ae occl aLe cilS îus lacse ihcît these st cf ce lictio i Tjr ý -paprtheda e Me goe about tiko ie- sest oeth(le clîilîc sund of wLicL publileatienw%- 'irs" his2Rb jplays sii the ooSd al e tietus dae> et Msrcis, A.D_ , 0,ansi usai ibshe rotes- cf tisa qisattieel eEls of the saii A - Pîesce's CoîcaîsoilSeseeMedical wfucp iityccii e l'iran tîLean at, tIrn Iýriss-iî papes- coersi is senet frae u tise Wetl Wa-c1 t tise Police Office, fer tish e rcoipi of 3t one--cîntst airps te pay North is WAnsiat the Dri Shbed, fer tlie expiscaetfcnsteSs andculmailing onli. SGWmaI asd nltIshe Fine Hall, ansi cote- Adritese Dr. fi. V. Pies-ceBfl, N. V. Sery deep t i bu t01 The nauajority ci mothers arc too te -pend mucb timý in prepar- ing luncheons for theJr children te carry to socheol, yod. frequentiy a littie, more forethcuagl and prepara- tion the dCay bëfore w euld result ie an moeehe ure pleosing and w holeosonre menu, w jth littie or ne grec ter expenditure of Lime or trou- bi e. Vi ith few exceptions the dIsaL"., niay be prepared the day before, while get- ting the,ý family dinnor, an-1 then plac- cd w bore they will boe kept fresh and cool until -wanted. The bread for the sandw,%icheg, howe-er, L.s Lettcr if net cut until moreing, Always eut bread for sandwvichesl qulto thin, trim off the crust3ý and if fer girls make them very small. Beys' gener- ally likip tbeirs te ba ceig more than "a mouthfuII.' Minced chickes-, turlcey or beef raày be meistened with -a littie catsu 1p or mixer] vith Mine ceiery, eaeaered with sait, and put in a emnall jelly glassd, if it is Det te hoa made inito s~ad~îche. Creained cauliflower is delicieus cold, als.o celd baked boans and green peas are excellent. Usual- ly therc is eomthing of the bled ieft over front the fam.ily dinner which, if put jn a small cep or glass, weuld prove a welcome addition te the school lunch. Thisi aise applies te vegetahlc , a ladsg. When baking pies, mako a few turnover.s, usieg different ieds cf fruit te give variety. If cup custa-rd is te be mado, beat one egg until very light, add a pinoli cf saIt, sugar and flavuring te taste, and fi up the cup vwith rich milk-. Stir well, set in a sesail pan cf hot water and bake un- til firm. , wide shallo-w cups are muoh nicer for blanc maage, tapioca aed farina puddings. Do net fil[ thena quite te the- top, thon spreadI over thera a hittle jelly or jam. Grate the cheeoseo fr sandwic~hes, meisten it Csightly with sweet cream and seapon -with a little sait hefore spreading it on the bread. ror peacb sandwiches, spread brewn or whele wheftt brcad, eut very thin, and coc- er with a thin layer of preserved peaches, drained froua the syrup and sligbtiy choppej. put on the tep p:ece, proseý lightly together and wrap in ývaxed papci-. Fruit sandwiche, clone make an exce lient desscrt. JCinna mon roll is much ]iik-ed 1'Y meat chjîdren. To make it. roll (ut bU!cu-ýItdougl I niô a tbln hoot, spead on it coeft butter anc esprinkle vvue cugas- andi cinnsioac.loil c sharîp hici Life ouicoff ioLa n 1.-ciLikirt, . nla Ittie LIvris vOustBerigttuof Se FacçSinli Wrapper Eelow. Yery emfl anda cs easy AUTE '910K IEADAGHE. Pn indLfLsr. A very Iattrac- blak ad witeliusuvo sxare, us. vpry edoscirabl fronthe desunry pint if veinances b"inadepa aty, beraded Te in aiwas in ordogradth afny Lte cf anirthe mA very ttac linon waithQeor astwithanlail- olev'edgrte cfrns ridory. Doth anblack ad wholnon fldeep areused plai soe ncfsane j cart spras. ho linn jstje il gades cf th vrcitncl c th emifeldy as usd fîqr th plaire aje tith plainx cle. fer theinfronts wioth lai hao modrsteoesorft o a e eyoe, boxh lait cgtýýed uffs oay. gh c ohaýà u e l inon w ath e mode ofithe vr-.ilst, n okieg, if any, e asty quioplin aûi ted bnlsstlx More tor ic n cf h olose effethe e-r isgath"red lota r a gundre onU boxa puff ffe, vc dirsyatheo bock cft aLe runtVand seme odeis bewov- nahe huleran mth-id,,Inerthen for tic ovsai, L!bcut 2 tolespoces? for 1 qi t4ean. Pick ovor, evash a ed put te soak cicr night Iqi dry h"-ans. Th"e ext morning qui in a kettle wiih 2 qts colsi caer. Loitbemboil l sowly fcr 15I minutes, thon'paur off iLhe-miter and odd 4 qts hoiling 'sxater and a pieLe cf pokt-kîhc ize yen ceniLtot cooL. Let thtm boll siowly foea- two hours, adding c erer, if neo"ý,sary. Put ln a baming pan anu acuson eîth pep- pe -, sali ansi 1-2 cup molosses. Be cure therc is evator enou.giteo crer the bean' nicely. 'Put tic pioces cof pork, skin sude np, ie tie centre of the pan. BaLe until paork ced mens are 'of a iight breein. To b"ecten witi uinegar or mnustard. SoaL 1 qi beans oves- nîght andi in tic morning put ine kttie witi about 1 lb tif pork, wih is n-et tee fat,and 1-2 toaspoon soda. Letibhou fi-ve minutes, tien pour off, Add enough b.iling w.ier te tinish eooking Île beasîs, thon pour ini a lice ced soasce iriti soit, peppar ansi 1-2 oup sugor. Put pork in contre, p,"pp"-r ti" top ansi baLe. Bakosi Perk ansi Beans-Put tic qnantity cf beans roquired te soak ai nigit. lIn tie morning put 07cr the f ire to cooL about two eheurs, longer if thc b"ýans are oli. Put a piece cf 95305011 t O Moi ai theSille ti].Ltadt tic boan, ansi wien belL are donc, turn the bilans into a beking disL. Score tic top cf iL" pork, and set in tic centre of ticheoeno. Pour cor 1-2cup crocam. Lotibake is ahoit ovOis cee hur, bcing creful liai the top cf tic pork dons noi mmr. A SURE CURE FOR GHOSIS. Tic, laie Bislaop cf London Lad a fine, sense cf humer, as th- story ru- lated c-ellillustrate?. Soea years cge, wchen El bop Creigiton c-as Eisbep of Peter- boxough, hi-%vcas iL" guest, during c confirmation tour ie thc diocoso, ai an olsi mener honse, andsi sep one nigit in a roona asuppesed te be holnni- ed. Nexi memnieg at breakfast hoc wSas w5eilwhetbex Le Lad seen tic Yc-t, Lie repiiesi, cith gront selem- nity, but Ihbave laid tic spit. It will nover trouble yen agate. Being fus-uer quesiioned upen tice sne>j"ýci the Lishop saisi, ';Ti" gicet instantly vanishesi ivien I asked for a subscriptiois iowarsi tic rcstor'it or. cf Peterlborcugi. Catiedrai. F011 INDIGESTION. The Royal oLk-Dces Yeur Royal h:ghneso tfeedweli enough te penîchus cf tii,s sailor wcehave captured? - TT-., Vt5, V, it,u - k him i., tice po t. IlI try ibis sait cure Irve hecard se muâb aboutù. - -stufsun ut os mccc cafelat 'tynhcua- Ian, uprinkie cvila Lîccrî,,u- cf matoriai and lace insortici set le iilitiiiflfl ed bLe e al'e c rtiecal os- ratier radiaing linos fs-cm CIPOFTEODE C. tic uppes- osge ansi tinished cenlise!j The Gool ian-Playing mos-les on ,ery ansi codboUed bieets l b e scciii a lace edging. The n a 2-for « sandsrjies, incision blouse slLîirwaist, tuchesi ah, arourî theSbtici Bey, I shaillgo i: -ccii yennaie andsi proad on bui- ueas-ly te tihhi, scies-e îhe tuleest interna yens- fatie-. )-n breosi. putfs ont çcll a-toued, is? another stylo Tic Bad Boy-Pac- aiithome, iges- paities ceanatcgeil'er for young girls eperially. The Gced Man-Wbere is boe? 1 ech f boiv suar nd'A great peint lu the hsuly cc-cll The Bcd Boy Playie' golf!, cec 5f s-iie ugr ns effect cf yenrs- sirt-cist is thc- stock--- ccit iste ticua 2 oggs, asisi1i IYen vcai-rvihit, cnd tiicuill s-e-, A fted na> bave seese aeugli te gai fs~t, c iii a scant teospeeni quis-osiîscrinmnating toste, sincei a gocd i ctt, but nia>' cr51have sense dsîrijein c- aies- ansi ser" is sucli a medley fs-cm wcicL b jenough te lreow it aftpç b-LA as g& nîtc it, ti"en add 1 ep u L, ciose. lrisî linen stockLs, cith a j iex. prik'foics' ces-i citl tuokc, a tus-n-ove-I 1li i ahlespccn ginger andh esaitrouides-eslin-en cilas-ansi Lui- In emennameon;sifi 2 teaspoces es cs-îîyho V, ciii ombroidos-cilendis, P ic s a~ cuier intu, à teacnps flons-, are cisc ps-ouy stylo. Ar cieusn Tfal isf 1aftos sifîing, orsi bitinjte Asairtc-aist is net c spcialiy dis- fomaie ltroubles; an lnfa.'ible s-cmo, (s-casc paiiy panis, put ini tinguiseà ios- distinct;vQ item c - dy disccveneilhby afonemosl fcmale r oeil haLe un a mineratjo'- sresi, -cise" il is fouisi secdy mode b>' - speciaiisl; goananicee os a peoitive hose are excellent. tic mile in ail sorts, ans i Lids etf- uro;wiii positive>' estchuish tIse -normal functions; usosi mouthl>' b> gSeesicriche?ý, mosiî iL" îolks cheail inaterials, bLut a ce L" ar os- ove 50,000lOadies; for tale nit arg- -leicggs vos-y smooibly, Lid nicuuin t eco egtses-iesedpcpsel.0 evietes vos-y fine, sioisten îe-cmetb vsygrd lss ,i- -IAetna Drug Co, VWindbor, Ont, Can. itlesaeeuuie sesredc-'et. Thiacn assume sei"dis- ___________ __ mayonnagressi sdrei etfchic if Bt un-EreaL an egg ijuote i> so -i1oe niwlcsc yjF'RED ,àoP.AL RINTýG the con wcho con umpas-t a I51510 '- laie cf Sol!d eh uchile miscing, add i table- ie evcs-y garment -,ie pute' on. 0"\ Idoul Oy u..ý suar ced 1- ccp cnrs-anIs, ,vitbttii iccel ve-ans riitlu-c.rlI PORE AND BEANS. ail the coru . hiLe- biscuit, cret tic topsi ,et milL, ced ieotic C'entce- PIY o lasgoraisie, put a lit- butte nt he +Sz uiessctn "u, baLe in a hci osais. Peaci Tapiona Cusiard-Put a uitile tapioca cuitas- injetic" ottein cf a inde, shaleer cep, tien a lay- er cf pseserred os- canneS pecheg, and tili up tLe cup Sus-niL apýoca 011.- tord. liaiedl Raisin Cake-T-e popuntis fIons-, 1-2 lb sngas-, 1-:9 lisLuttes-, 6 eggs, 3-4 pi evatos-, 1 lb se-a2ddsrsais- ine, tic juic"ansi greteilrinsi cf i lomon, ced i 1gill et yesz. MoIke a sponge vi a part ofthc le"fons-, the ycosi ansi h c tOs-, leitieg 1h stand t-o-r i-c-e heurs.- Asisi i" cuLa-e un- grulenis, ncciing the ta-îts-, ansi blcating cepas-nîcly thenvhcletesceýad -olks cf the eggg. BSfore rcaking it àsto c dougi sejiith heflous-, ictiti rLse agalse fer onse bous-. Thn nmoIsi ie ceins, lai ris" andibaLe salLer unix ly. Thii, mcip" moLes aisexceli- ont lunch cake. Sugos- Cri-ps§-MeLre a sofi dongi mitl 2 1-4 ceps Grahama flous-, 1-2 cep ,ehite granniatesi sugas- aed i cep ra- tios- fic: surent coim. Knsed as jttie as possible,s-oll out vos-y hie- y, cnt in s-cus, squarei s- orolongs onî baLe in a cuick oe. Rll asxiisCisincl relsisnj ,,eus-.hie cmu - -the d fl]i ho hello-ns wis-Lnieca oroos-n.nt, lien nars-cirribLen. An>' Lied cf mincal mcci os- te il is niceo thic illing, os- colos-y cedeut 5ealaduors- mdclaey filling usel in os-dicos-y sandwijoies. Salicil nuls as-e ohhapp-lÂzing cnd ens-îsihing, aed tic mn jciiy of chul- dren as-a ver>' fond efthtenra. Clery ansi apples cnnoi hé-, me efien inclndesi lin tie lunch me nu, Nýo deuhi îhe îvhite shisjrWaiist c-su bad Lies Ie5bcsbeoa5sn i me 50 Pas-bail Leansi iii cosc or tsc'e Co- tarsas sla s-ccd>' le cccli put a smiall piece cf porL citi ti em ansi heil tilil ecane bogie te sofien. Tus-n iiitcc an es-rtien dlBihte haLo, ioring tLe hoans quito mrbi. Peur a lit- île moasses oses- imwcien s-ccd> hebd fuL'-ilzed - - aieeihgrtSeilhem cf th!ee Vlai-a a - lise, cee.h TUi Ea TOOT. ONlTe. NEW SET GRAIN Ciaimesiht ic-d 80 te 100 busisels - et s-labr os- oid thon Corm, beeldes - -giring -ils rînush as 4 tons ot good ha>' per acre. Speltzirle hcst deccuibcd ae a combiinatlea cf Wlîeat, Ityo ansidos-,qle>'y andi for fattcsilng Cattle, Ponîts->, ltorsest, Siucp, Pigsec, ie.,e qulelteoties- grains. H-essis iniar te teve-rossel Barlc-y. le cc cabil>' jesolb>'tiec-cotises-andsillr11 soduoe ees-mucus ci-ops on pour sou,. (Soc- i Luehels per- acre.) Erer>' tas-mers- siclS ir; it. Peound 25e.; 3 iLs. 60e., b>' mail potpaid t Peck (14 Ls.) 80e. ; j Bus. (28 lis.) $1.40 Busiel (56 îLe.) $2.50, b>' treighit at pur- ciaser's expeuse. NEW WFIEAT AMERICAN BLUE STEM. Tise esetyilighMftNsI. v2estc * 1States. Fs-ce fs-oiersnt. ruluters puy niore fes- it tban a-n>'telLesoses-. Ieade bal andi Leasititul grain et a dos-k as-ber shalc. Erer>' icîsicl soc-n tus scase wil le requis-el ccxi yeax for seel ci igi psioe. Pound 20.; 3 Lb. 50c., pestcai. E>' fîigit, ai pemoiaser's expense - Peck600e, buEiel $2.00; 2 besheit ai $1,90. Cotten Bagec aha18 cents. Remit casb h 'iO idem. WMo ENrýETORNTO b,'IUtaCure, for- preserring, potIls-ifing, and 'iculifying the skIe, fr01?nle ls -calp cf crusta, acalas, ansi dasîdrui, adr ,le st<tpplng of falleZ mci-, r' soflen- iawhitenng, sud aolla -iruh ad sera bands, for baby -sa7 n thee cand chafiugs, sud for ai tse seposs f "ha tolait, bath,ansd unisasy. 51 tilons acf Weuseun use CUTICUIA 8.'te s te4rra of bathia fer anuoying if~ra seonsansi Irritation£, or terc ei-ffaflè- dive perspIratIon,le tIse foiýý-m fws 0rulceratIve weakeec, foi-ris &Urai- Alva, antlsepi purposeasos i-eaitly suggest thomevas te wc'me, eLqpaciaiiy enotiiene. No amount cf persuasion ,iCams Insince those wtne have once ueed tss ps-eat skIe purifieasand sauflliers te us,ý1 ao diare. CUTICUIA SOA cGrmbinke& dlicate émolliient properties derived froin Cuticura Olutanent, the gi-cnt ekine cure,n-itlsthie puresicfe ansing lnçna- û tante, sud lthe ma t refs-eshiig of lute odeurs.Nochrsu-sktdsopfteb comnpas-ad tvth 1h for sremersuiug, pit>'if- Ing, sud baautIfyIng thé skie, clhi- cecI bauds, lNoeotînci-foi-!aigur ci- eesîl ie.jlet soaPa hossever expensive, i-ce b ho cosnpared -wish 11 for ail thre purposes cf thea tolaIt, bath, aud nuseriy. Tians it combines len0ONE aoap ah 0ONE PIRICE, thse BEbT skie an-icomplexion op, th, MST toilai snd baby soap iu tIse -rnd. Compléta Treatnient for cvary Humour. CestICnnA Seap,. le uanse tLe iskie of crunte a d ocelîs asi softutlhe Iticeesi ntiche. CUtiCRcAÂ O~Nî:srT, te iisiantly ailay ltohiug, inflsuarna tien, anmd irritation, ands soothu ansi isal, and UCoRnons ttaoLVENT, te Cooul and clOe thlie lsloed. A SINuGLE SEcTe16Often suffICItn10i cure thesesuetIonînniug, sigifgnring humnour,, wlîlsP !osa of lain, wiscc al chas faits. Sold tlsnonghlàn eut tIsevxorld, * ~'ea oisauf nnVitra a z iecy ai-o guIsuur Ilicis svitliva. Il j1'lctiifIr Phoio.. ï ite ,u e t e S 111 j- unnes'. t uS sue cci. -îstî 1, iis Jj üon a îid ct.tu.msi u seil lat tesyas r~ePC~~ Weg-elt bpuift t ri"5retga.1 adveriisisictt aiid weswii loi ir tura theinoner. enu(iis beau - tivil, l d c',tY eartîu ik Te eitl e I cd ina velvctlined ebo. (rite ts ay. inzscedsis shorteauîs5 cTsne a c ea iiandmorne opens face, ""'aied .t îiiiîig 0nly 2d -J e ate fSweet Pea b d tO. apatcage.Eelpae moît tratct ,arIiecf ail cesc. sC ecteii s fne at l i af'croon by se,îîg10 sc1icaDon1 c Sel Y... h Spe-d Ilcss'9t1,, ' llc-cctî.- We ciscz a hîîiae eWs'.-ieii telJ; poi bedSiecel "'con Înii eS Fbu.uiîînic rdced e ' and cu r iia Iltc11 su)iÏ. atoiutely freo. Tise Dix Co.. OoX 2«-'i',cto SUGAR Ïm. BEET. àhe only friuc sed cof this Fanions S Ro-Grown in Deninc- cars Le procssred diret fi-cm us. Recom- mede y tise leadirig cgrienlinrists c51 ~ o - c iis country as tise Lest Field Root for aIl purposos. For Cattie, Morses, Slscep, Mogs andi Poultry. It je a weil- kîsown filet tisai the famnous Danish Bacon is froue pige fesi largely on tlîis Sug-ar Beet. Gs-ows Weil out cf the grouni rceL horrested Ias oasily as any Masigel orop. A Yonîderfîîl yielder. Try or r.ew D1anih grewnr seed, tested for purâvtyansi germi- ncation.-. i lb. ')Oe, lb. 35e.; ;5 ILs.$10 D potpaid. NEW CORM N~ORËHERN PROLIIC Fiii,0iy lai-pc quantities of Cor-n on such s emernai cul's, The beautiftil ricis golden roa r iain iscf smoocb croc size frein i1ee ml to teîLe tip of car-. WMtout oxecp- S týon, iîs id tîce Mst profitable Coi-lt plaîit, iwbcther for grain orfoenigo Try it, ccd you -w iiibe pieased. Lb. '-0e.; iL, â0e ýpcetp ,id. By fîigit, capreasr' x- pense-PeuLA50.; -1Bus. 90e,; Bus. $l-O. 7ý Cotton Bepc, cccli 18 cents-. Rer-ut cash sestu order. EpITRNO ImIF nn Pn F. in a 1 WA. - -- - j= -I - - - lever 2, 1- -f- u -L M> 7 1

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