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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1901, p. 7

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1/ i 3 b y Up early and out in ail weath- rs in pur-suance of his daiiy wvork, a far-. mer, of al meni, needs a strong and * Sound consti-. tuition, ancd is least likiely to bear with Pa. tnce the ini ý 1 roads of dis- Mi1. WMJ. TAIT. eca se. Mr. Win. Tait, farmer, Collins Bay, Ont., was affiicted with Scaitié rheumnatism in December last. HJe suffered excruciating pain, ai nd for ten dayshe tossed on a lied of agony. He tried Dr. Hal's Rheumatic Cure, and the effect. was magical. His pains left himn after several doseshad ec~en takeni, and now Mr. Tait says: 'II would strongly urge anyone suffringwith rheurnatism Co use Dr. -Hall's Rhetimatic Cure, ail i w l guarantcc the best re- Dr. HIal's liheumatie Cure is put -ap In 50 cent botUles, contafining ten dlava' treatmieit. Etor sale by ail druggists -~4deae-r i maicie.Thu Dr. Hall Mediiue Co,, King-Ston, ont. cook's cot'ton Sc1ot cmont -1Is, tnocessiully used mon thy by over 4,1-o 1adies. Sale, effectuai. Ladies ask your ruggi st for r sCott Glon Roof Com- pOf.Takue a ater as ail â!itures, pis and 'L4OS re cdaugerus Prico, !No. 1, $1- o i0i ' ejiêO recept acpiceandtwe -ent stanios, 'II- -Coîok Compaiiy indsor, Ont. 'to.ild 2 soi d a na reconmen ded by ail NO TES ALVD GOMMEAIVTS. world. It wag ia British champion- the Ainstrio,,n -Pqarliir-nt 1ich ,cal1s attention in an impressive way to the 1 perils which threaten Francig Jos- eph's country on hia death. Qemm bar accused anoth'lir cf equinting te- ,ward Germany', and that pers-onage retorted by exclaiming, "We do net squint, -wra look. We wi9ýhî ta go oser ta, Garmany, as you do to Ruý_sia.»" Th,2rýup>on tir' pro-Ru.s-inn respond-, cd that that w-as tha reasan why William II. has just said -he hop33 ta a grea0 empire on the El- ir'. Toi this tir' pro-German an.s-, "Tihe Germn Emperar G right. I decL-ire- thýat ni. wish ta joi.n the German Empire." The signifieance of this deelaration li's in the fa'-t that tie German is the second targesit of the Many raca in- gredients in the polyglot empire of Austria-Uungary, There are 10,- 000,000 Germans in Francis' Josepîh's da-main, as compared witlh 20,GO0J,000 Slavýs oil ail sorts, 7,000,000 Magyars, the cther few mi'lo"0ns b-ehng compo ced af Rouiuanians, ItalEang and a few other races, wiLh a sprinkling cof Jews and gypsies, who, havae no natliauality. The most importun t ingredient amoug the Slavýsig 15thr Enhcmians, or Czeche. 'The Germaàn,, the Second element Li, numbers ln the empire, arc the. Mast piiivrful Lu influence. le- tqveen the' Gerwans and the Czechruý Ithere lias been a feud for ag-eç, whîch is growing more and more 'bitter as tie mo çsss It it s tbUpar lular vendetta nývhiých has eau ,cd th2 orgies in thaý Austrian from time ta tim' ithetirpast three ýr four years, wiic'h have lad tir Eimperor ta tbreaten that Üunlss, bhe disturb- ances cease le vili su3P-nd Lh' con- stitution and reigna4a an absolute reupoullDugi nC;ausSea. 1Th- p-nil bu tbc empire wili came No,. 1 sud l solS1 ii Bwmanvilie by IL1I>i ~When Francis Josepb's restrsiuiug BOTAMit & SON, Si- rui & Jcev; Orianaby J.Gsi hand is removed. h la popular n 11h rLAàs; Newea>tie by tDR. ,RNcom E. al[thte.elements cf bis people. FIisý persiinal -w-ay over their affections bas prcscnted a governmcntal col- laIxse and chaos. On bis deatts there G a ehanca i-bat 1h ,Pan-Germanic tsnd Pan-SlaviQ influencecs viii slat- ber the empire, îb' Germaus ail min- eluoJiUea0 i ng Germsany and th-,, Slaves casting their fortuneýs n-tb usileaving the )Magyar.s an-i tir smallecr ingi cdi- 00 k ents ta formnexv wafiliations. Tihe sentiment oainational ty, whicls iu- Witb bis Back and Kidneys, citcd bhe risiag among- the differeut sections cf tir' Greeks early in bbe but at last founci relief nlineteentls contury, n-hich Separated iii Dans Plls.Belgium iram Roliand lu 1831, and in Don's Pis. which unibcd tbe different sectionS of if ~theItli in the' decido bctiveeu tir. P. Guillemiette, under date af Jan. 186) and 1870, under bhc rule of the mtb, 1901, writes: bouse oi Savoy, aund-irich. cansplir Dear Sirs,-Far ten years I uffered fromi dated thec greaber portion af, bbc Ger-' pains acros my hsck, bth sides and ha- mans in 1870 under bbc s'way ai the >tween my chaulders, ha fact at tiues I bouse aif Hohenzolbýru, creating, re- was doubleS ap witb pain, sud my urine sp2ctivcl-y, bbc kingdom oi Italy and vas bighly oolorcd. I saw Doan', Pilla tir empire ai Germany, bas not yet advertlsed, sa procuredfounhaxesalaidmust died ont ta Europ'. lb is expected ta O&y tbcy bhave effected a camplete cure. J operate ith particular force some owe a-y preseat gaod hesltb ta Doais'a Pilla lay in the. domain ocitbbc b0uSe ci aud os.unot reconimend theni toc lighly ta i IIupsburg. Vhl Francisý Joseph, any aud aIl sufferng tram bachache and 1wbo Le non' 70 years ,ofa ge, lives the1 kidney troubles. centrifugal bendencies iu bis em- pire wili b3 held Lu restraint. Aiter OfflI Rn______ im may comnebbc deluge. a(Gw eld o seiîhaub fflyD e; Parinsian a- ty P", tite. a nt.3ThenFiisare finehe 1 god nd enamel. prettllY- Ct 1 hey a 'eIlspadld valu, ie~ i]si lnor1 ho ne ,,11 tni ~ox lO,~oa'enfc, Cai0 TeeTroiesone, Disfiguring i Blemnishes ca n be Remnoved by thec_ ail Powerful Blood r i -f yig Burdock on theae anid other parts of thc body a re sjmply indications that theboo is ont ofore and re- quires prfig TheyOaUtIle irritat2 Ing reiOf treatineut with Burdock Bloo)d Bit- When B.B.B. niakzes your bloodl plureentie pimpler, will vanish and youýr skia becornce sof I- and clear. * ' iseviesîe wrthconsider- Mrs.Morrce Ktcih, Bristol, Caî'eto Co, NB.,writes: " -take ine rI poasure i ~ig BrdckIod Bittcrs to every e troubiel with pinmples. I was fr ye ýrs tiai -t I would break out Ti ti em aI limes onîr fceanîd obak. Il1edail sorts of eueis cht-fiding dotors' 1nedicluew, but evcytlingfailed tb ci-re rme. 'At last I ircard of B.B.B.-and thlougiLt I wouid try it. 41 "Wlen I hldfn-mild aking two bo)ttles I feit ag-etdabter w) kcpt on inig it util i 1bfd be ail i btie.I Ie !1pltl nlffletl cïtvd vr ipeIf s jrbei dInxe " What e man ut farty-fIive ought to Kua-i," Le anather n'ai-hin bbc Self aund Sex scies by Sylvanous Stali, D.D., wbese plain ttlks te (young boys, young men and yaung busbands, have beca ce înucb appreciated as cvi- deuced by their cuormousý sale. Dr. Sta-,l ii badies a delicate isubjeet fear- lessy an yet je sncb a fnanh, caru-, est way, that hai carnies coniviction bomea ta bis. readers. Few mca huan that great physicai changes await them aut middle lufe. Perbups ît may Uc Lruthfuliy 5aid thut ma at iugrtY-1 five are as ignorant ai bbc nature ci the changes tbrougb rbhich bbcy are paaain1g as b3ys ut the periad ci adolescence. TUe authan mekes ont a clean case ; appris-es laymcn aio wbat ail intelligent physiciens ad- mit ; prepares bis readers b ,salve the Imysteries cf thGse uhanges and byî intelligence taeccape bbc ced couse- qucuces oi ignorance. To-day Englaud'e enemy among bbc gi-eut nations le Rirssia. Yesterday it n'as Fiance. The day before yectcrday it wasîhoiland. Thli day before that Lt -irs Spain. V/heu lu 1066. William, I tbc Duke of Narmandy, a vassal 'aud' rival ai Pbilip, tle Kiog aif France, ovcrtbrew Haerold, tUe lasI cf tUe Saxon Kings ai Englaud, at bbc bat- tIc oi Hastings aud establisbed bbc Normana lina cif English nmonarcbs, w!ith himiself at tbc hcad, bbc feud betn'eea Eugland sud France began nibpiaced these bn'o nations in op- posite camups in mcst oi the gi-est warsj of Eutrope darva ta VWaterloo, sevenj and a heucetuie luter. Ia Eur- opc, Asie, Af-bsa and Annerioa, those lwo rivais eonts cnîed cac-h other on countless Lattlefieldi frenta bbc lua- ,a son of William bbc anura-ta bbc i vent bmow a onf prt.Lu tUe sblib iing coshiiatictîs ,aýnd collisrionsc' Enroean oliics ngsn cairanti La Geerge III.Is time. Cramwell's Com- monwealth assailcd thbCocmmon- wealth af Holland, and the enmity be- tn cen bhe two cauntries, despite tbc transition wLibltsmadeu- of aithe Williams of Orange E nglaud's William III., lastcd, withb bnci interruptions, natil lo ng aitor Holland bad ceased te be a great power. The Anglo-Russian ven detta is marc recent in its beguiinuing, and its pro- gress than were any of those inter- national feuds, tbaugb a trace of lb oaa bc diseernied as rar tiack as thec day i fPeter te Grea t. In the scv- en ycars', 1756-63, iwar Russa for a time was iu the coalition againstL Cbatbam'sî friend, Frederick the Great cf Prussia, thougli Chathaia overlaok- cd ibis divergence aud aimed te se- cure a Russian alliance. Cbatbam's son, the second Pitt, uathbbcn netecntb century's aopeniug, unwisely began that Russephobe policy wbich bas been maintained by mosb of tbe Tory mini3ters, by many of tbbc Whigs and hy some of tbe Liberals dawn to ta- day. The Czar, Alexander I., was lu turn, against Englaud, and iwith ber durng the B3onaparte nWars, but n'as on bier side la tbe critical days rvben ]3naparte's destruction, lu bhe opin- ion ai Most aifiEurope's patentabes, became necessary for the peace oi the sbip ai Turkey, iboivever, la the inter- jest ofitbbc FuropeaLn balance, that Eng- land bas aftencest and longest becu lu antagonismte taRussie. h n'as iu de- fense of Turkey bbat England, France aud. Sardýnia fougbt ,Russia la bbc Crimea lu 1854-56tbbc hast n-ar wbicb Eagland bas wagcd sgainsb auy great nation. The protection cf Jadis against the Rlussian advancc across Asia bas becnas le-a ding influence lu ,kceping thosýe two nations in oppo- site camps. Yct there will bc no war bctwecn Englaud aud Rassia iunl1901. The Tien Tsn episù,de will neot dîsturh bbc peacu of those caun trie. .Neither nation is in a position ut bbc present moment ta wage a war on a large scule. Eng- laud's bauds arc bled by the Boecr con- flict. Jtaosia's re.Sources are taxcd by tbc vas9t expenditure wbicb bhe Trans- siberian Railroad cutails. Until that road is. fîuisbed-bwo three or four years hence aecordîug as te wbetber the reports be truc or false wbicb say tbat mach of tbc road already con.5trueted wili bave ta he built over again-Russia wn'ill kecp bbc poace. Moreaver, neither country 'knows jusb hOw bbe other 1nations wauld tllv ide in a caufliot cf this lind. lEngland is far stronger on tbc sea than Russia, and Russia bas au equal predomin- ance ou land. ha a war bctwecn thee twe calone moat ai bbe figbtiug, ut Ieast iu tbe begiuning, would be ou the cean, and lu tbis clemeut Eng- land'a supcrloribj would probabiy be decisive i'bcn, toe, Japan eeems toi be ufucb more auxice te figbt Rus- sia, than does lEunglaud, and 'Japan bas an army near at hand whicb ee'ald quiclcly drive out cf China ail the itussian soldiers wba are tberc. Here are a few considerabions wbicb show that tbc world's peace rvill not be broken overthebbcManohurian incid- cnt. Tbat universal 'ai- wbicb Eur- ope's dîplomats aud stotesmen bave been prcdicting aud drcading ever iince bbc close of bbce]ranco-Gcrmau confliot is net ini sigbt. t Some pregress seems ta bave becu made teward tbc determiaation oai bbc sums of moucy ta be exacted tram China by way of indcmuity, but there arc still seme serious obstructions ta tbc final settlement cf bbc questian. The cast ai bbc German military and naval expedition is affieially estita- abed at a litie less than .j31,000,000, and the dishor.-ements of Great i- ttain for like parpases arecocmputcd by bbe Chancelior ai bbc Exebequer ut soenwbat lees ta two-tbirds ai that amouait. No estimates an. this sco-re are yF 1 fortbcuming, frein Cure, so far as it goes. Fuicure ýýis gelling the fat, younee frm uuaifood, a-l Scotî's Euis vvi el o t0ohl Si ycubav~ oidisu o ic ape The Manner in vehich Powley's Liquified Ozone kili's the Germ of DIsease Russia, and, sccondly, because they crin ba conclliated by au cifer cf Cores. One cause cf delay in tbc dptorm- inatian of indeuinities isi the dcmanid preseed by Germany and certain obli- er foreign Pon'ers for the condigu punishinenb -oi n alarge number of oi provincial officiais, ini addition ta the principal offendersinWho have been already put ta dcatb. The 'Rus- saun h\initer at Pokin has sin bis faee Q. What la disesse?ugts h d an fa frbe A. Disease itauanunnatural ooadition of the ablosthc , Ji de atisiaory bohe body or organs of the body. loseadi 5Stsftry o Q. What causes disease? knon that bath the Ulnited States aud A. Germes cause disease. Japan aracof the opinion i-bai nindie- Q. Slow are aernia formed? tive measuresd of the bomicidal kind A. Germa are formied fi-rn deýâying vcge. aehancric a nub / table or alimali matter. -v encrî frnog. W Q. lu what way do gernna cause disease? sbould beurr in mid that China may A. The germas enter the body aud foi-m a ut any time make a counter-demaud chemical cambization with tise animai celit. for compensation in vi'- aoftir -%ven- A~ chemnical combloation is pecaliar ta each dis, ton massacres and foui strocities case. Thus a certain gerua formas choiera, au. cemmitted by foreiga traops in many ather consumption, another typhoid fever, parts ai -the~ Province ai Cîtibli, under anather kidaey disease, another indigestion bhe pretext of mak-ing punitive de- coSseo an. imonsti-ations'. CompareS -,l ith bbe Q. Slow cau we cure disease? Germ-ans, Frenchi and Russians, bbc A, wisat isrequired itau anntisegtie: sanie- bauids of tbbc Englisb and tb Japan.. thing that wiii killthtie germas and restai-e the ýe are camparatively dlean. diseased portion oi the body ta healh.n Q. Wbat will do that?i A.paraiae is iui i accope is thes. Upe Fdo f xaii ingsie suMsark. g Pwiy's inxacd one ta the nî. p-e Fpon Preiiisoria Mls atin A. Whits Plqoeygea; natures oi-e fo- bite, rm t.hC.s*,notcd tr harteras Q. ha Ita Pqufioyg Li naurels uzon ie?,c R . bC.S.,aned Mriarersl Sisease. t tracts disease under a new systern. ai bbc teebb, althougli qUite free traM t te simnpty ini allible iu ils treatment. It bas caries, n cre bbîckiy conted nith tartan. been demonstrated tisaI no gerta cani live in It oceýurrcd to hlmn that lb wcould be oxygru ai- ozone. Pawiey's Liqui ed Ozone psil yaru1 nlsst drùf kilts nicrubes iuslsntiy, sud iu this w- aosilebrarugtcurseso dntf such terrible diseases as consurpi mpli atîy iarticles ai food that ,night be lma- blood, eczrma, typhiai fever, tomai-s, nrigts bedded in this tIatural ccereto and se disease af thse kiduriys, liver troubles, femiale reveal the cîtaraeber of the aliment wcakuesses, etc. parbaken of by prehîstarie mnan. Dis- Stop otd-assiourd utedicine methods. ?OW- Solviug bbe barbai- la a n'eik ncid, a tey's Siquified Ozone ig liqoified Osrygen. St liresidue was left wltich, under tbe mi- kilis gel ta5 ai eveiry description. Testimnoniais cocpwsfudtcnito on prove thi, Q enSd for pam-plet on generat alo~dt odIo ca trooblesansd female diseases. G Pewley's Liq- bushz particles, hairs fi-rmthe oubside uified Ozone la solS lu two sizea. large ize $îca I of bbc Uusks, spiral r-essels fi-rn vege- smal izc, 50C. et ail druggisla, or by mail fi-rnm, babies, particles of starch, the point of thse Ozone Ca.. ai Tarante, LiiteS, 48 Coîbornie a fisb bootb, a conglomeratlon of oval St., Toi-auto. celîs probuhly of fruit, tUe harbîcts of down and portions of vraal. ha addition to bis varicd list were France-, Russia, Japan and the United same round rcd bodies bbc origin cf which defied debeebien and muny sandy States, or f romi any ai the. other fer-' parbicles, saine relatIng ta quartz and ciga, Powns Who bea Lri iai parts sanie to flint. Tbese minerai fragments in tbc coecive demcnstrabluns. Sbould wcre very likely uttribubable te, the the ,ums demsndcd be in cery case rongb stonca uacd flu grnding bbc corn propartioncd b-3Itbc number ai ,var-' aud wouid uccount for bUe enosion of chips sent bo Chinese Waters aud ta thbc mnsticatiug surfaces, whicb la the nurnber of soldýess egaged i n any cases wvas stroagly mnrkcd. This the res5toratioa cf arder, bbch total taquiry lot o the food of mca wbo livcd nccdcd to maheroead the mlitary sud net lcss than 4,000 years ugo le a mat- naval expenditures up te date, vIII o fgetaeoooiu neet scarcely fait short ai .5150,000,000. These figures, mereaver, anly repre- Poor Opera Glasses. sent bbc cutlay up ta datfe, and n'ill,, "Cbcup opera glasses are au aboml- deubtiess, reccive consid!erable addi-' nation," sald au eye speciallst rcceutly. tians, if punitive expedit kons are' ta "There Is no doubt about bis, I bave Uce contiaued sud the arired occupa- mnade a special study of tUe matter. tiona ai bbc Province ai Obibli is ta, Lots af cye arc ucaîrly rmmcd by thcn. bc prolaugcd. Neither ccc ;Sbbc ag- 1 fiud bis part]icularly truc of young girls n-ha go a gi-est deal 10bb thteater gregate mentioed nclude d éamages and who secin ta tbinh tbey must have for bbc lacsofaife ,and praperty an opera glasses. To tUeur way of tbinh- tbc part of mLssioniaries, muercbants Ing au opera glass is an opera glass, aud ctber civilian subjeets aifareigu aud that'a ail tUere Is ta il. Sa tbey Pen'ver I the amolunt at n'bich boly obeap cnes 3 naî thAn n'ondler wby Fr4nce s naderbtçbod ta asseas the lu-' tbey have such Uadaches. jurie received hy 'ber in bbc ways las ti "JUless bbc very bcst lonses are used nsmcd be acccpted aýs a standard by 1 sbould adrise evcrybody te, tahoo op- Gcrmay, G-cet niban th Unie ea glasses. TUe farther fi-rnbbce stage Gertae Grud tcx-iain h ntd oela bbhebotter aud mare perfect the Staes ndhtaly, bbc aggrcgateex glase sbould bc. Exactly bbc reverse actcd ia bbc shape of daneages may cf this la actually tbc case, fer bbc pea- reacb $50,000»j 3more. The daims put pic wlio cil la the i-car cents on la bbc forn'ard by Russia and Japaan this haleony are usually the onen-ho have acceunit will bs- relatively stacli, for bbc poarest glasses. A performanceï the reason that neither ai those Pan'-vienwcd witb bbc aakcd eyc is mach crs bad any missicuarles iu China. IL more satisfactory, ta my n-ny cf tbinh- Âs said moecover that many ofithbcila.Aa opera glass gives but a limit- Poers question bbc rigbt upean lîicb ed vien', and only bbe oae object on France insiste te exact comspensatiaon whIclî lb lafoeuscd le visible. 1 don't for bbc lossees suffered by Chbluoso sec why people use even bbc best of canverts ta Cbristianity. Itle,,,".. On t he wbole, il cmtpoaL that, unleas o xcmplary cr punitive damages arc demnandcd ta addition ta co-apeusation for actual d1shurse- meusauJ lasses by for-iguý Po-iers or their asubj,-ctg, the totalindicomnity vPll nat mueb c xce2d $2C»0,0000i0. The intcrcsb sud1 sinkiung fuudrurd for' a '-an te çover theag-gtcicmj nity Lh-îre estimabed couild, undcubt- edly, b providcd by Cinpartiy by an increase of bhc ncvcauï-idorivable irom csoiaud partly by tir cub-i stitution cio a lump suni payable at the pzort oi cntry by farcýig gads de- cti-ned fer bbc interior, l in ai bbcth 1kmn, or inland trausitdu. There Ls reasan ta balieve that the pecuni- ary indemniby demaesded by Russia ou the scare of disbursemenbs and ac- tuaI losses wiii be inconsiderable, if sha, is penmiatted ta maittain a mil- bat-y occupation of lianehunria for an tadefinite p-ýild. The St,. Peters- bai-g Government asscrts that bbc I occupation nvill b.ý but temporary, aud it even ofiers, we arc toli, ta relin.- quisb its d caim .ta exclusive righbs in Mongalia and Chinese Tui-hestan. The chances indubitably arc that Rnsa, once ta possession o a1i Mnchuria, vilin volenbsrily surrender it, v-heu Eug- land renounces bbc Nile Vallcy, and not earlicr. The Oxari might, oi course, ha conrpelled ta ovacuate Manch2unia, but n-ha wi!l undertake bbc tash of compulsion?j ha bhis recent speech to ibbcReich- stag, bbcý Imperia'. Chancetýllar made it chear cnough that Grnn regards tha Rusian occupaticu a i Mauchuria ,îvitb indificrence. Neit!er G bbcth Britisb Governmenb, hwvrach lb may ha pravo&kcd h bbcelase-ap- Proach te collision bctwccne British and Russian coldiers at Tieubnsin, lu position ta dictate taeieý Czar, un- ls it enters into )au ofîfensive sud defensivie alliance nith Japan, 'auJd cvftatay ha follaned by bbc iinterasi tie)n cfFranceanRssa'-id.That tir- Shiad'sMiisen iecmpb, sirtheaudluti1 lng runa, tbcy- arshtbae1o face Fr-rnce as -cila, A clergyman n-hile Catechisiug bis Sanday sebool Uad occasion bo ash bUhe cbildi-en bbceIneuning coflte word "epiistie." A littie girl lu bhe yongest clsenas se ccetain tbat sUc kunen b1iaIsUe did nat besitabe a minute, but, n'ith the greatcsb ai confidence, an- sn'cred, "An eplslle le the n-ic cof au apostle."1 Thse Star. "Non'," w-e aslied hlmn, "wlîo should be rousidei-ed the star ai your coin- pany?" "TUe bloodbound, nie boy, bUe blood. bo-od" aid bhe gentleman bisat plnyeýýd Legi-ceý."File bas samctlîiag to Ceat or,,- eryi day, n'Utber bbcei-est de orn ne."P Souae One Wtao Vould Litre Tt. .Il don',t like Mluggns' face," said Twnaata Triplett. "HEe bas't-a pleas- iugcoantenance." - But an auctianeer woald Bbc I1t,11 buggested Tniplett. "How se?" "lb is a counitenauco iorbiddin."-I IIE V/AS V/RI-MI IT. Jack-That's a fine dcg you have, Jita, 1Doyau van1tot seil hlm? Jim-11 seil hlm for $3f). Jach-Js lic intelligent? Jia, nith cmpbasise-Inbelligent? V/by that dcg hnoxvs asý rucb as1 do. Jack-You dcn't say sol' V/il, lil giv'c yau $5 for hlma, Jini. FRIENDLY SUGGESTION. Rusher-J can' write a novel lu a ,mcnth, but J can'tsccl itlbilafive years. Bighead-Perbups if yo ervori§ed the procesqi you mighb cuccecd, I yen n'rctc a no-v'l ta five yer.s yau miigit be -ýable to sel]lb tanevmonbh. parýla by is Imrved ioe .r~~TARHCURO, Castoria îs for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmiless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothhig Syrups. It contains neither Opium% Morphine nor otiter Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guaranîe is thlrty years' use by Millions of 1'sothers. Castoriw.destroys Worms and allays Feveriali- nesa. Castoria. cures Dlnrrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relleves Tecthing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stornach, and Bowels of Infants and Chidren, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castorla is the Chilldreuls Panacea-The Moth er's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "lCatoria ta an excellent inedicine for "Cafftori as sowei adapteS ta children cisildi-en. Molisers bave repeatedly botS e ise taIi-cmeaniSl as superior toa ny pi-e oDf its good effeet upon lhier ciildi-en.' acriptian known ta me."~ DR. G. C. OSGoo,- Louell, Mass. M. A. AiscHteS, M. D. Brooklyn, N. JI THE FCSI ESIGNATUE 0F APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. E, Cfl1AUR CO.NleA?4. TT MURRlAY STRET, NEW VONI¶ CflV. Wehave sold piles of Bnoots the last flve or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very simall nrie& Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at 8 1-00. Men's Caîf and Cordovan Blmns, sewed and rivitted, from n$1.40 to 1$2.50, worth $2.00 to $3,50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50c, 75c, wort' 50c, 75c, and. $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in priceb. We will tell you what the stock is ln acd and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now ln stock in every ]ine. The public is invited to inspect our stocz; rno trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels, Shawl Straps, fancy and plain - Dressing, the very best that can be bougit. Cheîtp trash dressIng is dear, it wilI muin the boots it is appli. Ied to. Repairing doue in ail its branches lu first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no salte. Thanking my customere for past, favors and hopîng for a conïtinuance of the i.ame. ]3eaver Block, Uowmanville. Hampton Geneyral-Soe We "I1id a vaster tstock- than has becu," and are as ustvil',preparcd to give bargains in Clothing-, Dry Goods, Groceries andUad r. GPenýts' Ciothi*ng. Good Tweed Suits 10 order $8.00. Goo i Serge Suits to order $8,00. We have a very large and wcliassorted stocir, 10 select fmrm, lai- Serges. \Vorsteds and Tw eeds, uooh Foreign and Domestie mianufgeituire We are bonnd to SUIT ý, ou. Gr-oceries and -Hardwar»e. ia our Groeery andI Hardware Departinents you wiIl fiai our stciak well assort2d, bougYht in the best mnarkets aL the closest pries, and wilt ,le soldI a, thc right price, Soine people want quantityyotiier5 quality, we can please both,, i-ligliest price paid in cash for produce. Give ns a caîl. IIAM li TON. t LecusT HILL, Ont., The T. Milbnrn Co., Limibed, Toi-enta, Ont, Dear Si-s,--I vicia ta let yen knov of the benefit 1 bave derived hy nsing yenr Pille. I arn a widow nibb a faanIiy ta spport, and have te work bard, wh'ch is vcry li-ying..on my aci-ves. At'night I n'as unahie ta s'cep for boni-s afîci- going ta bcd, and à seeîncd as il every nerve io my body w as unth ie go. I liad e sns-tlaring, chok-ng sens--ti o, aud Uad ta spring ont cf bed ta catch nayI. breaîh. M'ilbu, îIs 1Heurt suNarra Pille av doule mesï uc od htI asreei mend thaîn iblyta n csn .ce witl bart nndneretoubes ike I1n'as.. Mas. Wat.IPI' I feel ble iisrorning, lhank yon. I bockL .-axa-Liver Pil last nigit anrd il orkedle a ciarm- -ireadacie and biliounss are al j I've icardl manty ladies say thbey n'ciîlJn't be witiut Lx~i P lil's-bheyý're saci! an easy -pili le jtedo inot gsvipe o ike, and curecosiaidsppasr i tmc, oldtoge adbel am cq L l*

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