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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1901, p. 1

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TERMS :-1.50 PERÂNNtTM.OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD ÂU'TERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMEMiredPopet. NEw SERIES. ~BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO) WEDNESDAY, AVRIL 17, 1901LVLM LI o 6 M t- f-%I--.I-CoucIP--1- f.-%P l %Pap %em i, olins b Avtil..-& Oraydorm n allCilf NEW SBINGGOODS 1i ~U J> e~Ie. j> S».AI S. AL I .ILA) l I 'P . e!;..M ~ ~ .M. ~U..2k nadve openeu .L .. Luut the bulk of their Spring Importations. . 9 1 They show a fine lot of Dress Goods, Silks, Prints, Foulards, Mercerized Sateens, Embroideries and ail over Laces in white, Scream and black. LADIES SUITINGS in ail the latest Smaterials, Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, also Ladies" Spring Jackets and Capes and a big stock of Lace Curtains and Carpets of EASTER WEDDINGS. CA1t50ADDENý-PATTB3ItÉoNz, Wedding beils at Leskard on April luth. ---Mr,. Thos. -O. Carscadden, Thornbury,l and Miss Mary J ane Patter- son, Leskard, were uinited lii holv wed- lock by Rev. T.W. Leggott at tfie res- idence of the bride's father, Mlîr. (4eorge Pattersen. None but near relestions were present, but the esteemr in which the bride was held by tbie icommuni>' was evidenced in the beautiful, coatiy and useful presents received iV'r.1-erb. Patterson mupported the gom while Miss Ida White, Kendal, asstdthe bride. After the ceremoy, the guests were enteitained te a sumptueus re npast. The happy couple willmketirh e in Thornbury. AGE'r1-DAVIE. On March l9th, there was solemanized at the borne of the bride's tthrthe marriage of Miss Isabella, eldeýst. daugh- ter of Mr. T. G. Davie, Clari,ý., ind Mr. Courtland Aggett, Campbýellford. The ceremony wns performed by Bey . ?. Oswald, janetvilie. ;Th'o be'autiful wedding mai-eh was beiig piayed by Miss Fiera Galbraith, Ïbowmanviile, wheu the bridai party etrdite reem. The bride was ecrtdandý gîven away by ber father and -,as as- sisted by lier cousin Mliss Neicýlie Staieér of Waikerton, and by her sisterMaggie. The groom was assisted b)y John S Davie, Toronto, and Lieutenanu 't Stalk- or of Orono. The bride oohdverày beceming in a gown of c-em l3edfoird cord trîrined with chiffon lae d b- bon and carried a bouquet oï ie ar- AN EASTER OUTING. (Editvrial Correspondence.) While not the best season of the year for travel for the threefold object of pleasure, -comfert -and-instruiction,- yet by travelling with eyes and cars open and taking advantage of the best facilities offered by the railways, a con- siderable moasure of ail three may be secured. The desire of our better haîf nnd self for some time has been te visit members of the famil y in New York City, se last Mondav we took the nei train for Buffalo where we arrived at 7 - 5 p. m. after a rather enjoyable trip, rendered the more pleqsant by havýin- as fellow-passengers several cf our citizens and others who had been home for Easter holida.ýs. The afternoon trains are net the best on which te travel between Bowmanville and Buf- falo as change had te be mnade ati Toronto, Hamilton and Suspe3nsion Bridge, but as soon as the Pain-Ameni can Exposition opens the Grand Trunki Will put on a throug'h service that will make the G. T. Il. a ver'Y popular route1 to the Bizon City . The Buffalonions are making great preparatiens for the opeuingcf the Exposition on Mny lat and there is likely te be ample accome-i dattion aff ord6d b)7 the nuiiiereu,3 hotels and the homes o! the city many cf which w-ili be open for visiters. One cf these1 a pleasant Christian home,the residence1 e! Mr. Lyman D Reynolds, 29 VernonÉ Place, quite close to Main street, will ho a pepular hom~e from home" fori mnany Canadian and American visitonsi For ladies esîoecially this will be a' delightfuliv pleasant and convenient1 stonninçP n1ace as ~it is verv ar l is practicalIy impossible for an accident to occur, for it is possible to set the switches only in one way-and that way marks for safety. At every point where tbere la the slightest possibilitv of danger on accouant >of a erossin,,a grade, a curve,-or for any vther-reason, the waraing signal flashes to the engin- eer beforehe may proceed the informa- tion that ail is weil. Great swinging gates guard every crossing and are dropped at the approacli of eyery train. Belis waru pedestrians and drivers of the approach of a train long befcre the crossing is reached. Ail of these devices are under the care. flot of those men who operate the differeut trains, but of the master hand who know the exact position of every train every minute o! the day If for any reason the wonder- fui mecbanism m fils to work, -signais nutomatically are setat "danger" and ne train i's permitted to îMove until the troubid is a8certained. Astudyofthese brilliantly colored armsanad lights that stand like sentinels aioDg the tracJk eugeîîders a love for them, Nîght and day they stand guard over the safcty of the traveler, ceaselessly vigilant, ai- wavs protecting. They are exponents Of thle confort Of safety. The popularity of the route was. evident frorn the large number o! pas- sengera who illed the train. The coaches are verv comfertable and the Parler or Chair, coaches are really luxurieus. ln the dining car attached,! a first-ciass dinner and tea service is afforded on the Etnropean plan at reasonable prices. The Lackawanna is a short line between Buffalo and New York and Chicago and New York via. Ic Buffale and New York and St Louis. It la also a direct route te 1Jlmira,Ithica, 8 wego, Syracuse, Utica. Binhamnton A BAD PAIR. A valise and other articles belonging te Pauline, the hypnotist, was stolen at Orono last week. On Thursdavy Chie! J arvis-arrested a muia -named- Thos. J- Purdy, agent for the Singer Sowing Machine Co., who has been living here for soe time, and placed hima in the lecknp but shertly a!foer ho picked the leck and escaped. Biis wife la supposed. te have passed hlm a chisel, The val- lise was found hidden in Bloomer's hay e!ft and a soarch cf the house nevealed a 'numben cf stolen articles Most cf which -have been identifled. M. H. Weavers agent for a tee flnma in London, manufacturer cf O. K. Soap, painter, shemaker, etc., who resided with him is aise missinx. Chief Jervis aise found a die for making 1900 25c. piecos. Thus, far they have esceped detection but the officiais wili make it iuteresting for them when caue'ht. Fer any case of nervouaness, s lcep- lessness, week stomach, indigestion, dyspepsie, try Cartor's Littlee Nerve Pis. Relief is sure, The oniy nerva medicine fer the p rie in the market. DARLTNGTONI. Visitera Misses Inez and Beatnico Law, Soline, at Mr. Casey Truil's - Miss Bennett, town, at Mn. Johit With- erîdge's ; Mrs. John Hoit and childron at Pickering ; Miss Geode spent Eester in Toronto ; Miss Nancy VanCamp is visiting at Cartwright and Cavan. Misses Winnio Power and Edith doen- nlinga, have scarlet fever,.... Mr.Erastus B *urk sold a 'ýoung horso 10 Mr. D. B.

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