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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1901, p. 3

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.4. B, h w oj thse IlrîrîfClonl o] fihe c-afk'e'ï- of tvce Testas of Bow rrrrr,;ille te «id asnd assist Robert Jaes Grheeî and Jaies Redusel,- FiL-le by girirry toi themît thse said .Robert James Grahcure and Jamnes Redr Fiie, tihe sain cf $3800. OÔ by way, of Bonus aroc jor is'eein-q De- bens-es there for and~ to asrthorize tlhc 1cr yirg of a speciai rate for thse pey- m sent of smrch Debci3h&res and iirterest W TEREAif by an Act cf tbe Legillatore of tha Pr'ovince cf Ontarie, pese i Wlrd ycar of the res-ou of Rerpts~' <pQceau Victoria, oeil baiug Chapter Sa' C- the litatats cf Onteia A.D., 1900, eciel h Muntiai Amenaiment Act, 1200, ri- cipal Cou.1cils of Ceentias, TRownshipm, Citias., Towuea anti inrorporatet Villages are oempowered ta grant aid hy way cf Bouc' for the promotion of manofarturas wltb-î thea limits cf the muccrcipalitv, te wach per- mour or body~ corperele ced lu r Gra't of sorb hranch ot intnelry s the Macipal Councii inoy dastarmina upon ; anti te psy any suo .of mney grateti hy way of glit or loin eiihes le ce enm or lu manuel or othar parc- adical payments Wîuh ci ivithont juterait anti Subjeot te guhi tires, conditions ont restricticons as the salti muecicipahity May dean expe-tilnt; but ibat no By-law granting aeuch ait shahl ha pnas atiotil the assent cf the altotar bac hae obtaînat in confornuity with the provisions cf thc Ac:ý respsoting ,Municipal institutions, Chapter 22,'% lie- viseti Statutes cf Octarne, 1897, in respect of By.iawa for grantieg bonues ho manu- facturlng indautries. iAnti vrharby a municipality granting Pucb branue mer taira anti recala-e eaourity for the rempliauce wMith the tecume anti cou- dutiona upon wiici euci aid is 8irsie -Anti waee the mucicipaoIty c; tiec or- poration of ths Town cf Ilawmanvillc ba3 dtiatrmined-ti haid anti -3&iot the sait Rfobert Jaomes Graham andi Jam-s Ratiner Fiemile in thees atablishmsnt cf un Evapcratiug, 4.Aanufactoryiwitiin the limaite cf tha Town ~f Bovamauville for th.3 rpose of avapen- eting vegetahies cf ail Iinis, excapt 1pir by givingt tehema tie saiti Robert T ama 43reham anti James Raélnar Finkie the sum of $3800 00 hy wsy of Bonus uudar tie authoritY conferrat by the sait Art banale- baera reciteti, anti lu orties therato it vaifi be narrsmary ta lai;na daheuturas of tie niuuaicipa!ity of the Corporation ot the Town oft Bowmsnvýila for tic-W sotuai cf $1800 O0 tu hal ayahie as hareinaftar provitat. ýAnti wereas ta carry the lest racitet oh- j oct laie effect lt le aersÊory for the muni- oipahîlty ta ralsa the saiti anm et $3800.00 lu the. mannes hareluaftar iaeaniou et. ýAnti whanee.s it wîi ha if quisila ho raise a e maierai anms ln ascii ye.srraspartivaiy aD s set forth Rn the Sabedlula ta ibis By-law. Anti whiereas the amount of the wiohe rateebie property of the nunicipality an- -carding ho tie haset racloat asrasmant mill for tbe yaar 1900 was $1, 087,.860. SAnti asieroe is amionut ct the exoiugin 072,080 19 sed no pïiecipal anti intarasi are aarrears, Thartore the Municipal Counoil cf fi. Ueorperatioae cf tie Town cf L.C.wmenvitle enoots as tahhews- 1. Ilu shall anti May i. lawful for the 6sit mounicipality te, Aid eut as'3iot lthe sait lIchait James Grâaon anti James Ratiner Fihot toeareot, astabhisi anti carry on x7r Ei. pritlig Mannfactcry, witlein thi. litbû fia owne cf Bowmanvilha for the PurPose o e iaporatieg vagotailas cf ail " lin tia exos pi apples, hy givlug te the saiti Robert Jeaes Graham anti Jamo es atnas Firkla the 'sum cf ev3800 00 by way cf 2. ht Phaîl ha lavaful for th. purpcseý àferaseait for the Mayr te borrow the sait S'u, ùf $3800 O0 sud te leoue tiehanlurs. cf th is cucifcipchity te tbe sait amount cf 03800 DO in suo of net Ires than $i00 eaci, payable ie tie mener fer tho amounts anti ai times seaectivaly set forth ln lia W Scoet thIis By-haw anti bearing Interest ui tie rata cf 4 pier cent, pas aunum pay- a1ble bslf y-arlY 01n tie'second tays of Juiy aiLd Janne4ry ie sen year. 3. Tic sqit taeueturem as ta principal and intereet, sahai e iyat'h ah the office cf tic Treser ef tic saiti towe. 4. It shali ha lawlul fer th3 Mayar of the 1-tid munlnipniity, anti ho a isierahy authoriz'd andi fintedte aigu anti Issus dia saiti Debnautra ierehy authio3zcd La ha lavueti, anti intsreât coupons attacheti tire- te, unti ta cause tia s ame andtiha inhereet CruPousJ attacbed tierato to ha al4nati hy the Trea,%urer cf tc e i municipality, anti the Clark cf the raid municipality ta iesohy authorîzeti ont instruertd ho ottaci the osai of the scai Mnicipaiehy ho tiie sait Daben- tures. 15. Tiera @aol b. ralasti ond leviet ln each year hy Peciat rate ce aIl the rateahi. Il Mrerty lu tic sait mnicRpaluîy, a s-um icuf -it te diachars-a the seveasinletai- mlent c"f Principal anti intereat accruhng due en thle soit! tabt as the samo hicomrse- sPooîivaiyj payable arrorticg ha the Snbadule ta ibsB-aw. 6. TUe-ý By-lavsw al taire affect on the b9th daîy cApi, .I,1901. 7.'- J- le beaY decarati anti anactedt lii diiB-lwt pasti' Subjact ho the tollow- W7g stipulatinna sud.n conditions, an the par- f qrmanca anti fUlfi meett hereaf, the sait tic- tentures eh ill hadiscei cract ta tle sait Rchert James Graham andi James Reteer 1, Thia flieaont oblat place of saa hn"i- bease turinug muit terra shahl ho le tha saiti Toôwn cf Bowmanvllle, 2. That tie said Robart James Graham anti Jam-,es frier Finirla shahl purciage anti obtaiu a tierd grautin2g ho them le fes tie 1 'ýP-rtrY owlnei by the Matictt Churcl.e, ituaatet onthe cormnr cf Qran s09d le. iion Utrt, e sath Tow of owa Ratiner.Finrlean e hah ha fre feon ail Iliensi ant jacumbraes cf crery teacriptiao 'Fnd the oit -Robert James Graham andi eames Reduar Finirle Pbaîl ceneanc busi- nas ai' a paît up capital stock ot coi la tise $12 0)0 ;5. Tic saiti Robait James, Graham ant James Rgrer Finkle Phaql' ps*y ont lu waýee a unne lretin .100 .00 in er an,- ever v?-e- f fhe ta. u f tee yare ri lie daec 'i x5e 'd'ai psy nt Ç'11- neýt lie , u no OO le a peridotcf ,en years from the. date of thus By.lOW 0fo Lrduce necessary te carry on a business foi evaporatina' vegetabies. 6, IL in undorstood and ogreed fthstth saary or wages ot the. Manager of thie sait business or of thé said Robert James Gra heim and James Redeer Fiekle. or eithor o! thon, shah eut f rusp art of salainameo 341000.û00ta bc expanaddtin ewagon each year ter the period of tan Yeatseail eforasai and hle said rm f $4000,0muet be paidti t employe~otbr ,Ib,; ucb Manager anti the eii Robert-Jamea Grabaan d Jaes Rael. cas Finkia, worki.ïig at avaporating vagie tablas. 7. In cage of fai'nre by the saiti partire cf the tirat part, turing auy one or more years ouring the saiti parioti of ton yearq, ce n-disme, supplies or pay such bumï for ý_hor, not camai by failirae r negdeco f thea eaid parties of the iret part, this saat oct ha conm.idareti a brascb of this sweeament cEi long as the parýýieae oftho iret part, dur- ing the sald termni t tn ycarq, overaze yaar- ly 0s-ià payroint cf wagea Cf $1000 00 sud c' chaýa of aeals ao'tng t $6000 00 yearly for the aforesaiti perioti cf tan yeara. 8. Upon a continual braach by thaesai pRrties of the tirgt part, in expending tha 'ýîiîcGcù cf wagee afoeisaîti or in nayinsg lie anme aforesaid fur ae.pulies and inl thé abgene cf a reesonable excusea for hiasasine, bars rira Corporatio, ster giving oue montii's notice ie wrintu te saiti Robert JFmes Graham andi James Reduer Finkla, or any pergon je charge of or orcuDying said pramis end in casa of defarsit stili continu inL aittr the expiratiocf Foch month, may witbout furtbes or o bar notice enter ie aud takre posseou cf the saiti promises, build- ings, machiinary and plant sel o±oceed te gael or tant the samo as thay may d1e@m hast. 9, Thotthec sait Robert Jamaeq Graham andi James Radrîr Finkie ch4li net at any tirue dnrlungthe satti terni of tan yeare v-spý craie arpion without the coneaut .etfthe esacers cf estabiseatiAppla EEroporaters ie the sait Town c,, Boa manvilia. 10. That thae siti Robert James Graham and James Rainer Finirle shail axécue and doliver te tEe Corporation of the Town et, BowLuanville a irat morteage wth bar of doers fer $4000,00 on siti lands, I ulingu, plant sed mactinary, which muet ha tree freim ail liens andi incumbrancas of avary nature oend description vhatsoavar, lu faim te hoa pprovcd of ly the Soicitor c'f the Town rentaining the usuel revenant ond instiranca clause, ineuring the saiti buildings. plant and machinacy ie tha suce of $1000.00 tha Isu te b. payable te the Corporation as their jterait may siepear anti subjeci; te. and te searreto the0 said Corporation the performnance on the part et tha sold parties cf the iret part af %il the conditions aboya manticneai andi set out, la casa the build- ings anti plant sud mechinary or any part parit thareof shallho be dt'oyed by fire dur- ing the Raid terof tote yesrs, it shall ha oplional with the said Robert James Gra- haim anti Jamai Redues Finkle te replace the @uaieouot of the insmuco moneys, andý ie the avant of their deciding net te replace savon, thon the Corporation sabihant liber- ty te apply sncb part cf sait i muronca monays as may ha uecc'c".ary te rep&y tiem- salves wbat shall ha due te then and the balance shbalhobepeiti over te the asaid Robert James Graham andi Jainas Redeer Finkia, arn th e avent of thais deciding ta replace the s&me the insurance moneys shall ho cp- pleed ta the fell axteet ile i expanza of tha samo. ,i1.,The sum of $400.00 is tea ho conider- et paid on the sai mortgaga for oach andi -Every yeae tha sakit Robait James Graham andi James Rtedues Fiekie shah perform andi keap the cevenants anti conditions heaem contaileet, aud on their part te ha performeti and kept, se that Rn tha avant of tho @nit rompaey net being ln e daat undar th aZreement turing tha sait periadthe lia a mortzaira wiil ha fully paîi andi satisfied agi the expery thareof wi'hout auy furtiiror a other payment. The seid Rlobert James Graham andi James Redusir Finkie shalha at liberty et any lime duricg the. satti hern te pay ta the seil Corporion the propos. tionate part cf the saiti $3C0000o, then se- maining unpaid. se a, te tbtsèie a diecharga of the seil mortgaga. 12. The said Robert James Graham and James Ratiner Fickie shahl place te the bauds of th- Mavor cf saidtotwn a certifier! chcqune for $100. k te pay the eXPEInOS cfe carrying this !y-law, whih shail ho for- faihedtte the town Ebculd the said Roert James Graham aud James Ratiner Finkia tait ho bava their f ctory fully aquippea nt ready te commence opérations by the 3rd day cf Septamber bareiehefore provitiad. 13. IL la aisea beeby eaocteti that the property of the maiti Robert James Graham sud James Redues FinkRa shall ha exempt from taxation, axospt au hte x asassatiftu school purposas, during the saidtetrm cf tee Yeats. 14. Ie casa any différence saoliarisa ha- tween the parties in regard ta any cf tie aboya mttais the acemahahl' e raferreti anti detaîmineti by tie senior Jutiga of tbe County Court of the Counties of Nrrtiium- herhand anti Durhami. t5. That the votes of the quolifiati lact- ors of the soiti municipaiity shall b. tae fine this Ry-law purenant te the provisions cf the Stotutea le that bahaîf ai; the toilowhag places, that la ta say: For the West Ward oh th@ Police Office. For the Narth Word et the Drillshed. For . tia Sot Va art et the Fire Hall, lu said Wards ou the 29h dey cf April n ibe year cf our Lord Oua tb mraadinina hunestanti one, fromn mec o'olock in the ferenoon until liva o'c'ock lu the afternoon. andt tit the foliowiug per- sons shalho aratuarnirg dcats rgfor taklug the votes ai the said poliieC places. For the West Wasd John Lyla; For tie Nort Word Robert McDougail. Fer the if oulli Word R, W. Scohal. 16. That the '?5th day of April t 12 o'clock a. n. Eabol h the day and the Couzcu Chambar ile tii.sam ow, thie place wbera Mayas shait attend to appoint passons te attend at the varions p3eing places anti et teie fluai anUmminsc up of tbh Jeu. 2 Dtb. 9127 60 132 72 138 02 143 55 149 28 155 25 16L 47 167 92 174 64 181. 63 J'8 90 196 45 204 31 212 48 221. DO 22 9 81 239 CL 248 58 Î.58 52 268 86 Jan. 2 Int, $76 0O 73 45 70 79 68 04 65 16 6-2 18 59 07 55 84 52 48 48 99 45 35 41 58 37 65 23 56 .29 31 24 89 20 29 15 51 10 54 5 317 July 2 Int $76 0 7S 45 70 79 63 04 65 16 62 18 59 07 fM 84 52 48 48.99 45 35 41 58 n7 65 3,3 56 29! 31 24 S9 20 29 15 51 M0 54 5 31, Total, 3760 277 05 276 97 276 n3 276 75 276 62 276 50 276 38 276 24 276 1L 275 97 275 83 275 63 975 52 275 35 275 20 274 99 274 81 274 63 274 43 274 23 TAXE NOTICE Ilat thia ure leas truc copy cf a pteposeti By iaw ahich cix t ha latre mb toceesidîrotion hy the Couurhý ofthle Municiplity of lie Town ai Boa- manvihie attei eue mcnth tfrom the iret pu' - liratica l u atNrws newaepapar, thie dole et airici pubiîcatiou was "hrstay, the 214 i da&y of llai, A.1) , 1901, ondt lat Ibm vtsoft"lia qualifiad electors of lie st 8toaicinipîhihýy as-II i b enthireon at, fi tic Wa Bst aithe Pol,'ie tffreth NhiWunt aitic eDrii libed, foýr 0lii> Sct odet tha Eise Hall, anticor. menoing at the hour of nime o'lock in the. to't enoon, aud continuing titi chte bour cf iv. o'ciock in theafeLraoon cf tue aboaenâmed day. JOHIN LYLE, Town Clork. ]Bowmaeviile, Mar. 28, 1901. OVER THE ROAD. The Leghorn Cookerel knew anoth- eTr. WbVy doc$ a hen, go over the road? he asked. Perhaps, observed the Plymouth Rock, whose not'ons of propriety were ruaturaliy puritaflical, nhe haýý stoIeu ane:it! AFTER THE DIVISION. URankILng-The Chinese are sure to get Lhi'ý w-ors3t of it in the end., 'w:c-whIthey caiglt to consid- er th.selveu dead-hicky to get any plart cf il. TIIRIVL ON IT. Uncle JoDSh-l-ean tb tel Me that vwhQn I eqil i a draft and gfit cold, tlxat cold 1.3 cau.sýed loy microbes?, UncleSilas-0f co'urse! It's caus- cd loy microbes like* b ait in a draft. IIIONY OF 'FATE. J!Lson-W\hat became of that man who hud 27 medals for saving people from drowiilng? Dock Wýorker-UIe fell in onc day '-lihen ho bad them ail on, and, the wciýght of 'em cunk him. A SEIIIQUTS BLUNDER. You made a great mistake in gay- ie' my daddy wuz Iynched fer hosi slcalin'. Impo.ssibler replieti the editor. No, sir! I know what t'm, laikin' ibout-it wuz a mule lie stole! 1ev. John, Ruberta.on, of fthe"City Temple," Glasgow, has entercd <oe the charge of East bondon Baptist Tab. ernacle, Bnxdett Road. Thra younn other thinks, avîeshe lias lopeai e baby garmentstatl aeta clotellthîe littie forai. But ahi is nat al reaty for bah3 'a coming, enlise aie lias toue something more for thre baby Iban nîîreiy to pnepane hie clothes. Mauy s young mollies rlia goes thrcugli lonne cf pain anti suff erlag ayantess wy il aras flot possible ta prîpane in some wey for ltme haby's atireet, andti teavoidth le agony that saîeidnimoat unantus-able. Dr. Piîrce's Favorite Prescription la the oneameticine for wcmaîî ahicli prepares them prfectlybath fr îe lis-tens ant pleesurea cf matarnily. Il prerents the niornicg sic iesa front whilc rsa many aromien suifer. It strngtlîena the wlbole botiy, sa that liera ia no nervouaneas nos- anxieiy. Ib promolca a iiealtliy appîtite anti causeas-îefreshing slaep. Ib gines the molies- strength for bier trial anti nakes îhe baby'sa ailent practicelly painls. Healtlîy motliers have lîealtlry chiltinen, and t i blatne general testiimny of those arisa have useti Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription as a praparalire for noblies-- hecodt 11bthe chits-en rse lîalîier snd bappier tItan iliose bore atter mnoeurs cf meutl mises-y anti playacal agniali ou the parti cf tIre prospective mothes-. Sick anti ailing avemen are inritedtol conanît Dr. Pis-ca by-lettes- absolntely ailboal fie os- charge. As chef consel- ing pîrysician la lice -Imîrlits' Hotel sud Sargical Institute,, Buffalo, N. V., Dr. R. V. Pies-ca, ass&aleti by lia staff of nearly a score-cf plysiciana, lias in the past Ibis-t>'yeraand ovrs-treateti anti caret more tîran hlaf a million sick suit suifeing wina. '£ietestinronials cf thase cureti waanai ara on reccord. A large numibes-of tîcemwire-ccus- et-in tochora lati prououncet a cure imnpoasi-- ble anat after enduriug yeassof useless suffesing. Lot no sick aromen liesitate le taIre at-- vantageo f Dr. Piorce's cifes-, bat irrite ai once anti so aucur the proeosionial counnal of a specialiat in the tilseasea cf Weme, cîctirel> free-. Ail ces-iespond-- inca stricti>' private and sacs-adi>' couefi- dactial. Atitisesa Dr. R. V. Pies-cc, Buf- falo, N. Y. IlOPed foier eath. tt or lie moka cf pour suff'-iimg womne, aréelt Il my duity ho juforus yen cf the greal bemefit Lotiriluoeiciiie lias gis-eu me," writei, Mrs. Crslia fowies, cf Wats, Isedelt Go., N. G. "11 weo in a ..stnierabie conditioni wieu 1 wroeite yen. I bat utirinte diseua se obQd 1r ouuld scourra-y isalk andi cufféred uni dreadful misery 1s-liopet te ho relies-ad by death, Ycu wruie te mcec te tak.e your 'Faas-ente iPrescriptioni' anti r hava taIren oies-ru bottin cof it, and two cf yenr 'Pueasaoî sPchits.' 1Isan autireiy weil ccd féet tike a new weman. I feei Ibucifuil le God anti te Dr. Pierre fer lie ilesstuga I liowen cmie. a lieve a flue big boy, twa mouthme cîtimid ces-es gct aiog as el n'e timy ife. 1 ranI praise yecr miedicines enengi."1 Vevy Takfl a«I mwill ho verygladte rer a fi' words for Dr. Pierres ofscuePecrp Il" nriies Mra. P. S. Dcuglps, c aaushlBrome Go., Queben.- "Purin g lhe first feur mocthe when I leoked forwardtote ecniimg a inctbior I uffereti ses-y lucha frein cousasautvinug sud I feit 50 terrîtie un I coutl erarraiy est or drink u ny- thes-. I liateti nL1t kioda cf foot. Atthile lime t wroe o Dr. Plire asotbbe ld me te gelhis 'FPavorite Prescription' aut s botte cf 'Golden Medicai Pscoovary,' I gel a hetîle of ecrianti '*ien I bat takemi hem sa fricdays, I frît mcci botter, sud wn cI bat taken ierdiy lirai parts cf ecdi ette 1 feit n'ait snt rouidt aseweliasa oey cnc, anti rouit te my wcr withuiooauy trouble, (t cenit neteouy ltuf gbufore). I1fie very thiakfui ho Pr, Pierre fer l s metlntîîa anti 1 tell ait -aho hell me cicr are ick te Sett hbîsa mettoines or asrite te Pr. Pierra,"y Dr-. Pie'-ce's Metical Atrisos-, sent fs-e ou receipi. cf stampe 10 UC>' expense i cnistcme anti fl mailing cul>'. Senti3-1 eue cent stoamiP5 fc-bok in papes-cve- ir &-j subampa jas cîcîli inting. S031E MEAL HINTS. Ilousekeepers grow r.eary lu plan- ning the amais, fcr it shoulti be ru- mambered blinI ibis anme svrrk basi to bu gene throngb with threo times cach day, anti frequently wben there la but a slender pocketbook frra which the uecessary supplies may be furnishad. Dezfatuairs and chopa are, of course, the prime favorites withi the majority cf men, anti it le almost pathetie te ses the look cf despair upon thes faces cf the boîtiers cf the aforeaaid sien der pboketbookas, when, through sbeer desperation, tbc larda cf creation are appealad ta ta furuieli a hiet as. to the next day'a breakfast. "«Why, I dokn't car-a; giva me a fine porterahous steak if (jyu rue short," anrd ha lordahin speaks as coufidentlyl ae, thougli the peor, harasset iwf e cf has basam neeti ouly go ta tiia back- door aud pick that fiee steak off the Little Liver jus. Mlust Socar Signatur-e of Sec Fan-Simile Wrpper Balmas- Vey s-r u aued an easy tt aite nasugnr. MR EFO BLIUDSNE99. Beseaksanticlicps as-eindeeti, Flibi oRj7D LIV71u ail vos-y arol, but thay are among the' PL FOR CSi$TbLTLO most expensira cf meata. antinetltlaFOR THECfi~EW b hlouglit cf by bbc bolier of the MUS alenties- puss. TIare are many tishes '.gcn that arc cppetizing Ibat riay nee bat CURE SICK HEADACPIE for cee-qu-arter of, bbc moecy, bliat,, if juticicusly presentet, the steaks. antid chopa neimd cot ha lisought fus-Lb only ly se, hait a ccp. Onea taspoeful c f on bbc, rarest occasions anti aili net cinnamen. Rollihe-ner es- srairsy ha misset. tim. Thc uppes- cruat saolciti aner- LaI us snggesi a vas-y simple break--lus-id for tbe escape cf shcam. Atter test that neeti net causa anxiely t10 moisteeing lhe untar crusl n-cnet bbc arorrieti bousikaepes-, acuti ll, ire bbeatigas freidthbbcripper crusi un-- ns-e sure, causa great satisfaction ini der- it anti ps-ss em lraogetlior le tha housabolti. For s family of fous-, keep ie Ibe juice - Bake le a modes-- gel a fhieKippaeat basring, arhidl aIe ovin from hai£ ta thrsee-quarterie may bebat fer15 cents. Bs-ail itcae--of an lices. fulhy anti ses-valot. garnisheti with rbeyJly.Cooniuatf pas-sley. With Ithe Kippaeti berr g cranbesyJly-okaaqatc sas-vssoeaceunts-y fs-Lsd potatoes.'iPut .s-arsries aili cee cuptul of war s tableapoonful cf lard ins a pan, anti hna sporcelain saucepan for tan min- wrlin quita fiat atdtla lb fous- large,-unias; addtt lae eapiug cupfuls of sizeti petaboas tul juea ics. Tus-n fsr--lg 1 scr- uesat uibnme qunnly uilltbe poaaoas as-a Cck-: utes longes-. Presbîs-ougli a slave, edthbesougi, arben tbey ili ha e i peur itb a aquara, shalloîr maltanti quita a.maîl places. New bsrne im,i sel Le a cold place te ars-ee. Serve le anti serve stsaming bat. _With sorna tiainby blockrsor- cubes. The use cf s-elle, bot tcaftesanti sema fruit You! lia liglit braire auges-lestent cf île ailI fint that John will vote laWarifts giras a meat delicat lavrs. breakfast a surcesa anti ailI, aant W1It da udn.Scl n n repîmat. Il aill nosb scas-cely haIt Idelnttf!Sstiueat as much as bleu, sekaisIe. hlf cupfnls yshloar coremeal lenlavo At the prsosnt loir ps-be cf eggs quarts cf nrilk, att sait, ona table- serve an omelet avibli a litile cf the1 spoontal cf ginger anti lot it stanti colt leam latt fsrn yeslarday os- a: bîenty minutes. Then itd one cep-- littie quineaos- crahapple jslly la it, fnl of mclasses tira eggsa ned aplece sema crn muffins, an orange anti cet-1cf butelle-the aize cf a wainci. B]3e tee, anti flour breakfast arhlha e-!slearly fs-om tar eIbrce bussses-va joyet. Steirat kitiney wible a vas-yaiihcs-aam. little sherry arma as flavos-ing, some Basf Haricot.-One anti cea-b ait whebebsugsitz anti sema hakers' s-cilspounts ot rouet steak; tretigo îitli aili temptIbm family anoblies- mos-n- -lu-at scvsL aalbapofl ing.fluan rwintotbepofs AEk yaer butclias-ta clip yon soma las-t. Into Ibis pour onea pint cf bail-. haat frem the round, Haeail cnt just ing war ansid att oneateaspoon sait, az cas-efully as bbc salteti or dricti bac!ha et. Hve îeîf nc-hait teaspeon peppas- anc tureiji bee î eu. aveth fryîasg--pen vis-y la asrîbtt blreesak f het, anti jusit a lLey piece cf bulbes-,Ilo anti wlen it la melleti put îlhe becf! clboppat fine one tablespoceful vine-- Le île pan. Cook il fer about five'ga.Coalgity nicc oy minutes, then att a baîf pint cfdl uteg, attiieg aa-oeirater cf -ne-- milk, Stir until îhe milk simmars, csay thun Iliiokîn sligblly witl a lump of butter the rsiza cf a aaleut mebbet len a hcaphag beaspoontul cf fioes-. Cook THOUCHIS ON LIFE. cmtil bbc Igravy la of tbe consisbency sirshaiaie yubs-a ef sich cs-eam, rimoeaanti serre atit i lasbs hnynbr once. Season arithénaît anti peppas-, quaeeinet ta put np a tombatona. Somo hbuttes-et toast anti stearet po-. Ercry man vion areighet in lhe bah- babase arc a deiglitul accompaasia- ance la fouet wanting-some bbcens-ilh ment ta Ibis diali. andi sema a little lias. Try te se manage your mneals that Ie Arnesica lha plain, avrsage citizen the lefi-overs doaetail. luiabes avayf many lutile tishes may ho serv i rih- is .the strengti cfliaesepuic. Tle eut lexpense sava thai cf lime, liai iniddle cîas la iste ment in tira saut- bbe tabls may ha gs-aatly improved waich betareen tihe'"npper os-est" nd witboub iaxing tIls lenties-alloîr- the "sinierbewdc., A Wlue Pa.eeant!oea PRETTY BEDROOM SLIPPER.1 Tie comfortable slippars usoisted, fs-cm wuel anti searedtot fleece lineti salesuase famihiar la mosi aroman anti as-a indispensable fer eom!er l ol aveathar. "Motlrhoot" empis ai a a>'l maie a pair o! alippers for lot aveabler aveas- ahidl le enbis-eiy flai. It ta, mate fs-cm gray linan macrama ces-t in simple rsiegle crochai. Endle sîitcle is akon up in thc bnci of bh, icop. Begin at thelotea! a numbes- Ibrea alippes b>' making a claie of 1l stitches andinjethe centre cf eacb nibes-natae-w adt lrestibcbas la arid- en until thora ara 43. Commcnce îl sitic iy taking cp 12 sicles, anti af- -j tas- inibbing seren plein s-ais, begiei te aridon at tIi top fer tle baolarhicb must le fcur- stitcees biglhes- tIenthae S'ites.J Atter aitening safticieetly toras-Le boa!, arlitrlmust la tionco ry grati-i ually, kmît harosi blet ine-- - ng, anti ticrease le tIc same propos-- tien until îles-o ara lut 12 aitches.ý Keit serin plain s-ais anti crochet tast toe leailer sits. 0f cous-se theiarsk mut Ibe neascrai anti gratît ar-- cas-tihg la tle sala that is la le usat. A shel hordes- finialea the tcp anti an ilastic anti Isigli sibboesaras- s-un Ilis-cgh il andtieiii] ailIa loir on thc Lsiep. A ttrong ces-i soie, lineti amble grey lin an, aboult ha uset at cas-smust ha taise in seariug the elippas- ant isole togeblers- o flat île rktitches nyhhie. SOME SELECTED IIECIPES. Pumpkil Puttiieg.-Sbcw Ithe pump- in till tenter anti quile tiry'. Rnb il perfecil>' amooth'. Ta oeaquert cf pumpkin att ana pouentcf sugar, n teaspeanful o! huttes-. ona quart cf mik, Ibm imatan roîks,'of Ibrea eggi, anti anc teaspoouful af cinuamron. Beat avilI a sici orsua, anti pour in île pumpkia; haie le a motierabel>' hot aven. Applaet'ie.-Qaster anti pare aigbt appies., Litthe Icqaeas,inraLtareanti f il! a deep pie plate. If the appWss ns-e qita esaur use tla-tili-tis ü.Cflaipp cfj grinulateti sugar, if oaiy mdsoe anger-What the dickena are you r'arryi ng? Have yoti gone mad'? Ilairlet-I think we'l Lhave a smoot pef'tnnetoni'ght. I've bo17,t ui Chits-en laveai a trange sanse of oGULU -7 justice. Tley bave bain tanght te -- i.aelime ailii \i R îritim learia Crcllms sympathize mil Ithe suffes-inga of .~Pak giso Sweet ease tl i o S, i animals andti bslow Lhefflaan uras-y- rackag-contaunsa ie d 1 urmIe h em fir ram ve e Leg kintilinesa. Humnan beinga, ounLeth e terilicoorrm i aaveli o ranI-as-y, as- i tiiet un blieis-mintis. 1 iardut'hoiseueSeui-u lmu e- blirth..oies- an lit,i i oai haltîte taro classes of goci anti, bat. tifi,isuIdi0.11,iPearl., Rr us- The goot as-e 10 i c rwas-dotcf tes-t'lia in- edsinasorteuhailiox i£'du-, rliaîe. onfl. mannes- cf fais-y bales; tle bai as-c b lgedieix.SaSsDeyoelot.i bcopnnisbeti,- - Rcnslt's ftbler cee day gv nu mnabet tascripticn e! agael-fîglý meaning ticreattes- ta peint n mors-. iieace ianOlire.1 But îhe lad w as teliglibet. "Nli eisuc,,c Woultin't yen likc to cie a figer in es-or5ioa 12 datity Ilie asket, br-etllessly. g oca.fstveet - es Wby, ne, an>'boy. tScs-ciy yen aveult- 0_ - ?Soiiairirakt.Srma n'l cent to sec cruel mon baiing tii mot rarau L ivaiezlOat ior. Yeu eu ar -la lte aici unel, bull ? Yen arcnltn'b like te sca puer r f.ou b a ingho»w.a t n -i. bosssgoredt 10deabli filumi aifeieetnwwafiri5eda. Na, saiti Renaît, ajîw letcuî- i eithoae itomous-, mi ve ,nitea ,aO dcii tulnisofet ight Fears, I slienhdn'b ika eaan0i cn se-ato- te seae es-oses lus-t ; but ecdr attes sme refiection, I shonliun'L mind weg*ve abandomeiatciwitii seeing those men goret..ftîo M, soi, mictlae, anidCi rseroeut. io ' i'd mliii fnisbed <Ipals.aima11n-1-S' bax 0oPixs etIOC F fuie-be s-ian7suamoi. Malle Ia ofai601ii-a ndli .,SeC r irarii Sn Jo Gola A bsmo dsoie W 7 0 , o io 'O - aitliuleauîifasOC smiltiiCre, , ii u oos raoh. ,i.- le raintoar o bý.tOPrf Lincess Ta blets ttoi edrues-m- tAre wmat yen ayant for al forme of Oabiiet Pirr-lls~femrale troubles; au icfethtbic rame, us- Qieen Vie.roret i dty dtîcevered byea foramost fin a tele, raih, Tlîy are spîclist; guarachti das us positive i s-Oi oi st. soithm. <, cura; wilt peittreir ctailalishte letiiii the,=yine-, md vw - normaal fuetions; cnet meuibir iy - - ~ ~ e--e bismapcli 1mopCioves- 50,000 l<iis; -for sale ettir-cg. lea iadmae sil.i gisa, o- sent an neceitlof price $1.00. Si.pîstpail TUFS 1,HOTO Co., 55 XL , ORONTO, ONT. Aetna Drug Co, Wifldbor, Ont. Cane VECE'f 050554 a' Any7 TAKE YOUR CHIiOCE. BT fMAIL POSTPAID. OUARANTEEO FULL SIZE PACKAGES, MÛNEY REFUNDED Ir MOT SATISFACTORY. ABLEB. 19. LETTUCE, Nauaei FLOWERSO ~ ~ 20. LETTUCE. ilipever ake 21. MUSK MIELON,, Early 4t. ALVSSI'i, Swcet. %i.en . i, H,,.lons . 14. l-A aSTPPA- i rl.d 2. BEET, Enlis-s, noud. 3. lBEEr,Egyptian, fiel round. 4. tiEil, Long Smootie Wleud. 5. CABIIAGE, Winniîigeadt. 6. CABBAGII, Fottlar'a Bruns- wick. 7. GARROT, Ilp-1-Long Dsu- ver', Sceriat. 8. CARROT, Gem or Oxianrt. .9 CAULeFLOWER, Çariy Parie. tO..CELERV, Golden Seil- Blancte!ng. Il t CORN, Early YMinueaota, 12. CORIN, SIowaRl'e 'E1vergreen. 13. ÇIJCUMIER~, Cbinsgo Pickç- 94. CUCUàtniEE, Lcag Os-cen. f5. CUCUIJBERt, White tipine. -16. HBRBS, Saga. 17. IERBS, Sasry. t1i, BERBS, Metiorein, 2 2. WATER ME.LON, Eariy Canada. 23. ONION, Large Rut Wethersstielt. 24. ONIOLN, Ye!ioav Danvere. 25. ONRON, Siverskin. 26. PARSLEY, Mors Cuiîed. 27: PAIZaNte, lollow Croira. 28, PEAS, Pirst and Best. 29. PE S,MnLea-n'sLtt5attm 30. PEPPEP, Rc'ay King.j 31. PUIfPKII8, Largecegue. 32. RIADIStI, tesy Gai. .33. RADISil. FrenchelBreakfaset 34. RA PSIt1, Long Scarlat. 33~. GALSIRr'tSontav!cRsiand 40. TOI"tATO, Ez.taLecrly l Atlantic. 43: BALSAIl, flixedi 44. CARNATION, iflixet. 45. CLhtriBERS, fhixied. 46. EVERLASTINOS Hli-t chryscini, ixed. 47. M90NON tiTTE, Swcet. 48. flORNINGGLORV, ttixed. , 49. NASTUTJIUII,Tsii, thlxed 50. NASTîJRTIUrI. Dyvgrf [hIxuti. 5. *PANSY, fiixed. 52. PETUI4IA, lIhiue. 53. ýPINKS, Dientuas. fti. 54. PHILOX, Drunsenînonil 53. SWEET PLIAS, Fine flixed 56. VERBENA, fîxed. 57. WILD FLOWER, Gnrtnu, flixet. 138. ZINNIA, fixed, W 17, yg .dz&y Naiae Nw koyeCarsïeins (P>rîce 20C.) anclin meru eakyentO tell your friends of this Liberal 011cr. 2~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o Beb Rn ylmn ny2c anMuen troucHe and nMay help lUs. Z-ýFailT CASH IRHOD . ADDRES ALL RDER~WM.'-N F 7CROTO THE GARDENS AT OSBORNES ]La% Daeys or(lhe Queenes Vre Vasaed ast fler, Favor-iitre elance. It aiemg appropriale Ihat the lest tisys. of Queen Victoria should hare bien pasfieti at Osborne Houai, the nC . homo tbat kncw the h appy eas-s cf ber young wifebccd aed motherboot. Everything Ibis-i rîmined thler of bbce past. The houso itself iras planent by Prince Albert. She coulci not iiîtep eutj int the tardens, presideti orsby a beat garulenar formes-lt'in tbe asr- ici of Lcrd Becofialti at Hugbcn- C mpee xtna ad d'ni, wîthout being cas-ried back te o fi t xe a n bbe limte whiu bier chiltiren ire nen iTel et Tbe cbulds-eu's ted bouse, huil by bbc Prine o f Wales and the Duke of Ediniburgh, je 1857, s1i11 stands. Il is kept exactly as il iras w bon thi princes and princesseswirse yog,tbe L-;rs-ws anditas-dec ',ccis beicîg lu THE SET, consistlng of CUTICURA an excellnt sate cf prisesralicn, SOAP, te cleanse tic skln of crusts an exu'cln. ec ceandi acales, andi soften thsethiokeneti E-cii chilti Lail a perfect cetot ools ctticle, CIJTICURA OINTMENT, te avili bas-cirandwagnand t e înszaiziy allay itcleing, Irritation, quee had a special wagon fOr ber- anet imfammtlone andi seothe anti self lu wbicb the chilis-en often tirowir beal, rat CUTICURA RESOLVENT. lier about, te cool anl la ae thre biotd, andi The initiale cf'the royal chilis-euaire expel lin.anaer germas. A SlNGLlî ps-ltît on tbe back3; cf te ln!p i - SE T ha altona s lident te cure the crents, witlithe exception cf thoe i et tos-tuirhtg, disfigus-ing akin, of Princess Bectrice anci bbc Dckr' cf scalp, -andi bicot buinousa, raslies, Al1bany,-w-ho weri Ibm vry ycurig, !ItchÎniga. andti rritatlons, with bs anti bati to put up witb a tey herse cf flair-, Vwhen tie beat -physicanas, anti cas-t antia ms-y emali basrcv. anad al cther rernedies fali. Aminiature fi stress, irbere the lit- tli princes anti princesses usedti bafight gMiliý13 i SO OPIO UggCUtICUra SOap mire iatîîri'batllis, 1.s bept ir e r's-orly Aa59etWd hy Gos-roua OIUmEriT, thie greas a the saine ccnditioe as irbîn it iras curi, for presring, pririfyhng, sud beautifyinit es-ctai. Close te lbisc foresrs gýrc;',-s tbe skin, for ceaslcg tbe scalpeof crusts,aialeg, a troc which bas an intes-esting bis- anti dandrmiff, snd lie olopping of faing leair, foreâoftenieg, whienlng, and,rougb, tory. Il Le a myrbleie eme fire fel 1 aud sera baud,, fer baby rîsce, iteiimgs, andi higli, anti of luxui.ant growrîl. lb ') ciafluga, sut for ait tie purposeaof ithe iel, aras gs-oin froent a cprig cf myrîle bath, aunnr2ery. Millions of Wouau neac Cu- leken by 1he quien fs-cmtbehenouqeb racni A ein'tle aforumn btts for asnno5,ing cf the Princess Royal on her mas-- inmitîioe,, inflammaione, sud excoriations, or s-le with the laIe Emperor of Gos-- tee froc or offaehsve perspiration, lo tie foina of many. wasbes for ulcerativa waakneseses, anti for many Th e scriptionunuder the t ..scai: sallate, antisapihe purpoaeavicbreaiy rug. rpDrig c sthe gent tbeuahaes te wouîn, sud îspîrcily motu- "Myrbîs groîv ro-m a s .oft ensri. INosmoutof pruasen ca lucethbose Ps-Leces Royal's Mas-nage dfesegay, wia bave ocuned lu te ue auy odur, upc. January 25tli, 1858. Pîcneec by Quain ctaly for preeeri g ad pnrifyng the kin,aiaiàp, Victoris, Fîbrnas-y 18th, 1878, in lien- audbarcfiicfantsanehidreu. Nootiarcmedf- os- cf the mas-nage cf lies-grand- ceatsoap in toe comparediwithi tfor prescrv- tauglitîr, Princeas Cbarlotîte cfPs-us- iug, norifytua, anti beautifytug the skia e-, rp, 5ia habir, andrilrsrNo ibc'r foreign or douineihei tollt Rop, onrêer ëptbis i te bc coin- Sprigg fs-cm bbh rys-Ihi haroetiene paneti wlih lu for ail lie purposes cf tic toihet, tiutY te the bocuquets cf otbos- royal bath, and nurîsery. Tics lu coines lun ONU brides, andti l judge by its condi- Soir' et Osa PRice, the rEST skie anti rompiez. icn, tbe trieiii ps-oriebouquets Ion soap, aud tie aiss toilai aud taby scaplan for many ycars te doeitliaworld. The Siriss cottage, irhici lias cf- Sldtro.lihe world. Bnillsb Papal, If-28 Ian beon meuionît iu ceuneel ion i-ih .Lud.LaroDsaorL"p bbc qncîn's visita la Osborne, is sit- uatît at the back cf tbe myrtla-brce. Noire but the imimetiate flieeis'oethîeyM1SP7 qacen wireevir- licîvatlcenter- the cottage. Ths-e a mes-ning anti rîtis- ing xo-ern, beaubifully fitti n p mIl the lite ornamants <aiLI wihlshc by ýeiiisg ony 2do.. bieui i md brue to sus-round hersaIt, ofteu scr- - a plis<f etiçlVcoria ai edlier fer bthe t-ans5acling cf, the' fo:y ac g oýi Mie 5sitna, business whidb reacliet ber at nocon Write ferPh-otos melthem, rtinthe laines-. nd are M&af. ýtpald.lis fs-cm Downing Strict. Shc ivasOacus-'caaia.e.iededo la, iai i tomedti l e lnd tomch cf lies- fami secon.d ae, ani-.iminute audom correspentince liera, for tee ws alever uwveinent t. aly ,mnî it s fraquentlelttis-irites- to e as diltiren wvalut itee yearsý _5E5iiI PHOTO ant gs-aetchulrlren. CO., IBox ifON . ONLY THE MEN. J - ., -5ý7T-- - - -- -

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