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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1901, p. 4

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his is an elastic subject and wotid permit of expansion, but* T50~w il cnfneouselves to a few Faote in reference to our sok hc ossso A~TOXIMZEIS, TUBINrG, W.V.TZEJ OTTLES, POUI'q!AIN an4 3tYLB YaINTGES, PXEDB 1ITTX1ITGS, etc. Th2 goods are made by firms who have a reputation to sustain and are consequently of the first quality.* They are of recent manufacture and to those who know * anything of rubber, this is a consideration worth noting.* T he price has been whittled down ta a fine point, so we can Sfurnish you with the most reliable goods at the most reasonable * * rates.* estFn Drg tor. -4,9 1 wll pe abutAprl 2tha bannewstok f Bot and hoe-upto atein ver paticlar-inProer' Blok (ld ostOffce)nex dor cst f Cuch Jonstn Crydrnia's sol-, Bomanvlle N B-Dn'tbein hrrytobuyyor Srig Fotwea. shal avejut watvo wat or vey mrnerof hefaml -an atprcestsuit N(jHINCHEABUTTIEPRCE, BOWMNVILE. RED.R. F LEY I)ENTISTS. Will ho àat Blacksteck, on the frst Mouday et eacb montb. at Orono 2nd Mondlai ail day, and at Newcastle lst The Canadian Statesulau. BOWMANVILLE. APIRIL 17, 1901 In its railwav policv the Rloss Govern- ,ment has shown i t s 'If thoroughly -t--- t.v ~ -, -________ OFrrca-Temperance St., Bowman- ville,rear etflligoginbotham's dmug store. Purssiant t o inîstructions of the Council 0f the Corporation of the Township oif larlington, ten)ders will be received by the undersigned np to twelve o'clock noon on1 Satllrday, April 275 1901 for the erection of abutments for a bridge at the rear of lot 19, con. 6, Darlington. Plans and specifications may be seen at may office ap ton. The lowest or any tender net necessarily accepted.- 1. ELLIOTT, Towns5hip Clerk. Hamipton, April 1, 1901. 14 Sw quik e irtciatw"purblio senti-ment and alert te imuplement it whcn that sentiment was healthy. Perbaps ne exeîoUtivP hbody has !rPpt sui-h a carefl gauge et public opinion or bas steered Se Wise a course among many conflict- ing elements.. In this stage of our de velopment, Ontarie needs railways, and railwa - s need capital te buld thîem. Without discuraging capitail, the Ross Gevernment bas yet kept ilu-mind'the tact that railwavs are public utilities and eugbt somne day te be the preperty et the people if tbey choos-s, 0f course the iaiiway question lu Ontario is net sncb a large subject as it is at Ottawa. The Dominion Govern- ment is tackling the subject bravely,but tbey have a legacy et mistakes from the Conservative regime which cmli- cat.e the nvnltleunto enme eýtent n- ___________________________- Otarie te subJect, is comparatively free from these embarassments, and thé I Ross Govermmnt stants witb a pretty I O u, danfield. At Ottawa, they are net _____________________ prepared te take the public nwnershîp ofe railways inte inmmediate'favor, ai- thongh they seem te be swinginz round Bulsll'siiarble &rlç&, gridually in that direction, At Toron- to'- Premuter-prlsisn-ge- Hec bas only Ontario te consider, and as Good W ok fan as Ontario is cencerned lie bas Best Materials, discernod a growing sentiment for publicewuvyership and a pretty deep- Artistie Designs seated ene for Governmeut centrol et ,nsrailways. This is only natural in the Prices iReasonable, banner province et the Dominion, the 11 Province wbicb is lu the van, botb in woalth and intelligence, Dnring this flf~IIRIcsion-the - Rossa Gevemument -bas- d E. ~ DUU l~tLL~~eidenpeole.The question-- wav wîil tun through new territery where settiement can be mest easily established From Sudbury west te Michipicoten there is a territeryv 175 miles wide at the western end, narrew- ing te about 40 miles at the eastern end. Ail this now nnsettled wilderness. An extent, et country as large as front Torente te Kings ten, reaching back 40 miles, will be epened Up fer settlement. Put a thousand settiers a îvear in this country-as the cempany intends te de -give them a railroad te carry gonds te and fromn market, and the matter of pepulating the new district seems pretty well safeguarded. Gessnip G NEiGos-Peeple will talk, and when nieiglibors get together there is ikely te be sometbing said about Dr. Chase's Ointment, and the surprising cures it is eff ecting ameng sufferers with piles and itching sksn diseases. It is by word ef mouth from friend te triend, that the tame et this great Ointment bas girdled the globe. It stands te-day as the only actual and guaranteed cure for every form of iteli- ing, bleeding and nrotruding pilcs.- NEWSPAPER RULES. Dont take a paper or periodical frem the post office month after menth and year after year if yen den't expect te pay for it. Publishers as a rule will net discon- tinue sending papers untiï ail arrear ag-es are paid Up iniful, 1Letters mailed te p)ublishers cannot be nsed as a defense te an account for subsce-iptien in the absence ef »roef of their receipt bv hlm. Den't inove f rein one place te anether and leave ai papor geing te yeur eid address; either inform the publisher what your new address L3 or tel hlm te stol) the paper, or yen wili doubtless be compulled te uay for lt during S cars wvhich yeu hav~e net receiv-ed it. Don't forget that ii yen rent a bouse for ene month, pay in advance fer that eole ninth aîîd live there a car, net- withstanding the tact that yen rented it for eue month onily, thîe landiord can compel yen te pay for the yea, or as' lnas yen make use'oe t gOre paper fer one year, take it fer five years and the publisher is legally entitled te recoecr fer the fivc ycars. Dou't niake pay mont te a publisher or other person wvhile an account is-in the hands of an attorney or agency for collection, or yen mnay becempelled te pay it again te the attorney or agcncy. Don't torg-et that yen can become hiable for the subscriptiou price et a paper without subscribing fer it in writing. If yen have credit or ever expect te have any you canniot afford te nceglect your ncwspapt-r accounns. A word te the wise is sufficient. No responsibie man will a1iow, and a poor mari cannet afford, te have jadg- ments and cests rendered against hlm. The proper timie te make a detence or settle an account is befo -e a case i-etq geLs inte court. 'Whein once judgment is entered defenses are barred. If snbscribers meve te ether places andl neglect te give notice te publishers, and papers or periedicais are sent te the former addt-css, who ih te blame and {~ ~ ~~h reehd uî Duetldpay the -sub-- scriptien? Dissatistaction will net, exempt a prosn from iability for tho suscoription prec ofe a book or newspaper taken fremnthe post offie. Faîlure te recelve a copy et a nows paper,.without fanît et the'platilisber, is ne ground for refnsing- payment ef suh- . If subscrihers pay in advance they should give, notice te -publishers at the end et their subscription period if they de net wish te continu6 taking it. 1 Many persons yeariy cause them- selves mnch trouble and lueur unucces saî-y and semetimes serions expeuse, ln allewiug smalh debts te mun and fail te respeud te communications sent ey the commercial agoucy or attorney, when notifiod te settie up the iudebtednoss, te a business letton and the business man wbe dees net answen a business letter is net ceurteons and ha s ne one te blame bout himself when made dotend- ant in a Ian- suit. It iii an acknowledged principlaet the COM MONLAW that any person taking, receiving or making use et any article -of--value- ecta-(«cx1 uctecè; ft)-h lhable for payment et the same. Courts have decijded that a, newspaper taken and used in the tamily, is a bouse- bold necessity and that a man and wite arce botbh able for the subseriptien pnice eft Ihe same. Business men de net notice sncb promises as this - 'I will pa y when I cau," or, "as soon as possible." Thev ae oisrcotniaarlgerly ViiosMiss N. Pollard, Mr. Jes, Pel lar ýd, Orene; 'Miss Bain and Mr. C, BaziîI, Taunton, guests et Dr. Mitchell; Miss Page, Mr. Branton.Oshawa,guests etA r Jas. Oke. .... Miss M Rogers, and Miss E. R. Brown have retumned te their respective scbeols. Mr. W. Jý Stacey-, teacher, aud scbolars ar e brightenedUp by Easter vacation,.... Rev.HI. Thomas, Hlampton, gave an instrutive educational sermon Tuesdav night in the Mthedist church. ... Mr. J. J. C Gibsen bas sold his bouse and lot te Mr.' C. J. Mnuntjoy and gives hlm pos- s ssion rtly. , -. The Methodists have empleted arrangements fer, their an- nzivrsary on May 24. Col. Sam. Hughes wil lecture on tue outh African ',ar. Boette.r results tollow tromn the use ef Miler's Comîpounid Ion Pilus than trom étny others. Sold at Tole's drng store. EDUCATED FOR BUSINESS. The receipt et the new and bandseme pe* 0 --34ih-mnia.Bus-- mieqssCollege et Toronto is a reminder of the attention tbat is paid lu the preseut day te educating yeung mon and wemen in the pnincîplos anai prac- tice et business. This college, 110w in its 4lst yean, stands eut as, perbaps, the beat rëpresentativeofetcommercial college. Tbe well-kuawn principal, Mrv. David lloskins, C. A., a trained buisineýss -te-acher et xuany years'-stand- i li'z lasîtwa botps-sozlhighn1 iuea-la o ba-sbil--nstn a- I , mnie lino on Apnil 1 sud spend a few moritbs tnom that date lu -oeeoe the depanimonts et our Seheol and^ prepare for A hotter position lu lite. Education opens the way te success. Try it.' Our Scheol with a staff et Ton Teachers sud unest oquspment in Canada is worthv et your considoration. Write for cata-' logue, Ne vacations, Spring- term from Apnil lst, Central Bulsiness College, -TORONTO- W. H. SHAW, Principal. IL NN From Montreal Parisian--------------May,.4 Corinthian------------. i Tonisian------------------ 18 Numidian------------25 Parisian--------------Julne1 Sicilian (new)----------..., Corinthian-----------------.15 Tuinlran-----------------22 Numidian----------------29 9 a. nm. .a. m. 9 a.m. 9 a. M. 9a. m. as, m. Y~ A F~¶U1i~ ~X1~ ~3 A ~Q~A £711~ JJJ.2. Notice to Credit In the Matter of the Es fate of I 21EdL CRYDEBMAN., late- Town o BowmanviPe iP County 04 Durhîam, Retired er, deceased. Naic is hereby given, pursuant te vised Stat'ites of Ontario, 1897, Chapter'I ail credito)rs and others having daimsi the estatecof the said MICAE L CR MA- ho died on or tiboni the flighteei of anuaî-y, 1901, are îequîred. on or hif T RI11)D DAY 0F MAY, 1901, to send1 L iud or deliver te ARTHIUR EDWAI HLNof the town of Bowmanvill County of Durham, solicitor for Wilir syth Allen of the Sameeplace, gentiern mînistddtdfOi tee - 99teo1Sti their ch»istian and surname, ddress( descriptions, the full particulars of tbeir statement of their accounts, and the no the sceurities, if iany, held by thema. And furiher take notice that afier su mcntioned date the said administrai( pr'oeed -te dîstribute the assets oft ceased among the parties entitled'theret g regard oniy to the dlaims cf whic sha1 then have notice; and the said a, part thereof to any person or pesns c dlaims notice'shali net have been rec hima at the time of such distribution. Dated the flrst day of April, 1901. A. E. MoL AUGHLIN, Solicitors for Y Forsyth Allen, administrator asiate cf Michael Crydarmnan, dei 14-4w bin-~~~~~~~ , M Oiîd4O-'hiîv'lssr [ J Ç i' before been equalled. We h a v e, imported lreyand-are already selling largely. C a il and see them before the ohoice things are gone or write for samples. W. Iu ALLEN, BIG 20. risepnnci plf'buit Tcon ers prahtidal1 avnages wbich are wortb ennmerat- ing. In the first place, it did flot cest Ta aginntel rcgiocent in cash, aud the lands which have been granted wil ho greatly bon- eftted- The land grant is lange, but mucb et it will nover support a popula- tion. The land is arnanged lu alternate Govermmnt and railway township blocks. The township block idea seoms te get over certain difficuitios about taxation which complicato the (Il. P. R. situation in Maniteha and tbe North- West Ternitenies. It will aise encourage settiement and the establishment et municipal institutions. The aitonnate township blocks mean aise, that the country ail along the lineofe raiinoad will ho equally devolopod and net smme particularly favored section. The rail- 'n ronnrvuuss, weaaness and ex treme physical exhaustion. - 1onid. ho-thsIE~andhot fIlushle-weuld -pasa 1---sml- --yf--mfett-é I cousulteti our family physician and two othar doctors, but they toid meI that about mny tirne of life 1 was llkely to e hotrcubled In f his way. I continu- aiJy _8roiv wore -and -despai-red -of-ver- being cureti. Dr. Chase's Nerve Fi-od came te my notice, and as we have Dr. Chase's htecipe Bookc I had cou- ldence ln the doctor. 1 was se sur- prised at the help 1 recelved fi-om ithe tirst box that 1 bought thi-ce more. They buili me right up and made me feel healthy andi Young again. They have prov: a great blesslng to me, and 1 hfflZQîs testimoni al will be ef heip te somi, weak, nervoua wemnan suf- Ie-ing as Ititi.t' Nerve Food. [this direction. 7- -Thecolege is ver-ptô(aé- i its mnetbods A year age, recognising tbe important reiationsbip ot gond ad- verthsing te business, tbe management establtsbed a department ton the teaclb- ing et advertisiug ivriting1 lu. chan ge oet one et the best knewn experts in Tom- ante. In office management what is known as the leese-leaf method is veny much in vogue just ne'.v, and commeno- ing terni, the ritish American will give special attention te the use efthte heese-leaf system et accounts. We have ne doubt that Principal lies- kins,,will gladly send a copy ef the uew prospectus, ftrom which we bave gleaned these tbougbts, te auyone who may drop bîm a pesteard. The beok contains a mass et usefuil, practical -information for ail who eontemplate 'tollowing a bush-' nous career. the individual yen waut, thon wasto ne time in. ta an office boy. Th - Bell Telap-kêll Comlpany of M.I A. J AMEs, steamsnîp ticket agent, Bowmanvillo, neprosents the Ailan Lino, Dominion Linoe, Beaver Lino, Eider, Dempster & Ce., Motrea- Liverpool service, and White Stan and Alan State Lino from New York te Liverpool and Glasgow respectively, and Dominion Lino froni. Boston te LiverTooh. Booking trom Any point lu )US UULV- taken possession et the business theL Long byen will alking te ail orders entrusted te my care wilil receivo- my promipt and caret ii attention'. A fulll une et usetul fur- Oanada, niture will aise, be kept on baud. - - 1R1 % M1 Na .U. Ijundie, 14-6m HAMPTON. TlIAT achinx head cean be Iflstantly relioved liv taking one of MI LBUHN 18 STERLIN<Û IIEADACHEFOWDERS. 1 powder bc. 0 3 for 190.,1 for 2 o, e -YQni wili be -i >rised at i 'Weir-aper. Thoso -whohave son the stock say l'A mest splendid as- sortmont and se cheap. " ý---Sample ýbaoks et two tactOrleti for auything extra special. If yotj wisli it y au can centrai a pattern My usual stock et Stationrý Books, Seheai Supplies, F a n c y Goods, etc., very comploý-te. i P1 rbIok C'sou IN Arc You insured ? New Cembnatn-llealtb and Accident-issued by the Dominion et Canada-Guarane and Accident Insurance Co. Every businiý; pes, every man sbeuld carry one of tlhese New Century Policies. Cost itti e menley, HARRY CANN is the Agent in Bewmianville. LieDi Alc L adyofthe house looking îinto tile .m For- nan, ad- es and rcelaims, C .R .T" "el r ature of (.L.R .T Î1 wch last -lad as iiow I eau get ail rny tor wil the de- to.h- Bread, Buns, Cakes -and Pies at tdmln!ij whose ;iV( by bother of baking Myseif." ýr of the Aa eceased 'I 1h estouse, B OWMAN VILLE. NewBest choice in to wn. New PrilltS--Best choice in the town. H New Ladies' Sailors--At popular prices. H New Dress Goods--in ail styles and prîces. H New Clothi*ng--Our iew Spring Clothing is immense. H New Hats and Caps--it will pay you to see our styles. H New Boots and Shoes--'We C'an fit you with a stylish new pair for N_ We have now in stock a fuit range in ail the different varieties of Field and Garden Seeds and Seed Grains. It is our aim to supply the best Seeds that grow and we have found that Seed buyerý, stand by a firrn that take "Quality First" as their ~t. motto. A car-load of Sugar in stock-specal prices in b:rel lots.foWol Wewl a tehgetprc o llknso-ar.Poue Hihet rt ncahfry.o as- -L 1 -L 1 .-L ýr li

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