Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1901, p. 7

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__________ - -.- -~~~rn D R. L. POTTEFR. Ollice aj'd resi doncc, Ohurch St- opposite Trlnity C-ongrergational ciýurch, Bowinanville. 25-6m' MISS ETHEL MORRISI, A lUIS15. Instructions glven in PAIN TING inii 1, Water Color and China. Sketching anar pai ilig from nature. KI-N ou premises, iir- at L<Suai psle*. 51.6m. DII. J. C. MITCHuIýLL M EMBER O F COLT.ýEGE0l, PHYSICIAtIS antd Sur geons, Ontario,Oorotier, etc, Ite8idence. EnnIiskilien,. 74 A.EB. Me.FAUGHILIN, Uîri trSulelor odConveyane'. Office-- Br[eakle Block, Kirg tg Heet, Bowtanw<lt Roitey ca loan at reaonabie rate'. 48-lyr, ] ROIBERT YOUNÇG, V. S. O ýIF1CE: 1I WEST DUIlIIAM NEWS U Bîoc1-, lere inseif or'his assistant witl] befoundframta. m. t 9SP. lu. Niglit aL.219aý tlgapliortIelpo!Îeiii recde j Ir,npt a- tenti1n1 - yr. [JAJI I K Reni w1shing h1hr ute, <ailat M N ctî'os,rç.t Êau andi Cor cl 0. tarlo Sat lowmaÉnvillc.Ut Rev. Dr. Talmage Eulogizes One of Ring David's (lenerals. A despatch frnm Washington 0ays d sceo ,ýred Lin military lUl, ym 'a n- -Raýv. Dr. Talmage preacbed frommthe flot conquer an enemty by rusewater foluwing 1text :-"2His bond clave un- aPpce3e. Yo' mut have- sharp ard Lu to ~ord"-2 Sa. ~ 10. &aÉtiuet va wurk;i 15 nly to be do-at to te, iwor. -2 Sam xxii. 0. y !itrd hbtting. Thýýre ara int' ra- A great general %of King David was p3rtaee. and fraud, and gaarb*r', Eleazar, the. iero nf the text. 'The and 1'ut, and tan thBusïand regi'men,,s Philistines, bad cpened a battle -air eietsu LaÀahi- against him ; andI is trnops rnn; but esty. Satt en unS i ru.ro2o Ces- haý tith tbree ether ruen beld the field. cci lati ew by itid loaudîn t,ýrs- 1-L' fougltt Iith satferccity that the rya"dotb' work. Wle mwnat coui Philiistines were appalled and reisteti. tli*,gs Ly thair right nanaec5f We mnust Putiîr- bs Ian anthabutni isexpal £romounr churches the hypo- ha Lwpt th fingrs nrund e 'tswho cet th,, sacrotuent on swordl, haaepnth fIges anucdays, and tLen devaur until the tips of '<ha finrî_-S v-Ir, w idsw.ý' luu as betwe 'a r_-eals W e a(leucbed ani the cther side. vatqtax'in alunwrt o.- ithcetl1ttites and Jab'uýites and constipatio1:ýn, Headache, Bilicusnesse H eartburn, Indigestion, Dizzins;j Indicate that your 1iver Is ont of erder, Thte best icedicine to rouse the liver and cure al these iuts, le found Int Philis' 'ini s eanimbeddad in the 61d' man's hand fIE CAINNOT DROP IT. I rabthis sermonx this morning as a tonte. 1 want yoii ta take hoid of God's Iruih xvit suaIt an incradi - able grip that ail the forces of earth and bell cannt loosen it, and 1 want you to atriko so bard for God that it will react, aend \,bilt' yu take tte sword, tite eword nf Gad's tr-atb tvll -Agricultural§ DOMINION EXPEIIIMENyITAL FARMS, The, attentian ut Canadian tarasers i.tere.sted in tbe developmant uf Cari- ada's greatest industriol factor, the Dairy Hletrd, is dra wn to the foiiow- ing latter, reçaently aant eout to a few farmers Lu caci province outhte Do- msinion: Central Experimentaai Farm, Ottawa. .Dear Six.-Your name bas been bhahda'd te me as, ibat ef a forimer whvo as particanlarly intarested in the pro,- dnctiob out milk. it is a w cli known tact that the great ntajority of dairy bards, if eva may judge by casht re- tu.rns alune, are losfrag investenents. lIt is, hbuwever, certain that this need noît ba tihe vaj5e if suffielent care and intclfgenýce are exerci,,ed>ilu eeiecting, and feeding the cows intended for VARlCOCELE:-If you are tlred of being experimented upon, you wili End our Latet Stathod i Treatment Is a gnaranteetcure for varicoeec wtotuo ufe orls f trac, it absorbs the wormy condtition, resto-Cs the parts, thereby bringing back lost pow- ers; if you taire ot.r treatrLe- t, you pay who n ou red,. STIRICTURE1ý:-Thousainds el you have stricture andi do nlot inow l:; if yen have bec- in- ffsereet, or împro eriy trested, or notice a smartingrensatlon, unnatural discharge, w..; o gans, or bacta, n'trvous debility, or if you are fDot the man you shouiti le, it may hae the cause of strlature. If you are in donlit, cal and see us, as we wiii examine Yeu~ free of caeg e; ouerLatest Mat5o - Treatmentabsorbs the StaietUre, th r,.)7 Maklng oUttifýGori etretebing unnec*aaary, anti you P&Jy when;UtrCI., Don ýt neglect these 1mp'ttaror e ou wil11 regret it: Have yen a dull feeling or iai-tlun the bacl, frequent de' P o ta Urm ' dpozits la urine? Or Latest Methoti Trnt- m'cnt is aguaranteed cure foraeebhcondîna.e 1-4lir oriaial sworn affidavits or tostirnofriafs c'tn ho ssen ator offices.$,00rwr fo 'eyw cannot ehovi: et reezet of patients we publiSh eî.lV the initials. YorL etMethoti Treatment a eteti the way yen sald it «would; My strictures m -' lard otay's work without my kitineys troublug me as before 1 toola your Latest Methoti Treatment; lt Las cured mn'a fter others have faiied; if I hoa l corsuteti you sooner, I1 woctti have saveti a great deai of mo.neyr whichI waýsted ocri ier doctor., I1ram your grateful patient, F. t. -)r. Goldberg lias 13 Dli e LO WmS certifientes andi liencses receigntifrom the va- nous colieges ha. pitais and states whal htestlfy te bis standiing alla a itc c-, when cured. cures guai'riteed WCe cure Blood Poison, Chronic, Private Nervous, Impotenoy, Variects le StricturEli ley Bletider, Liver, Stemacli, Female aod IRectal Troubles, Cou'n n ra ai or, write for question blank for home treatinent. 1300k on11iitease- utr -Ce.r u oLte- sa mXta3Sp.îy.

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