r, AThnkfl Frme L~e~POTATO0 GROWIING. THE GLASS0F FASHION. GIIEAT RIVER 0F 0IJ.ï H E R E Methosli la the F4amnons Aroos- French and E4 nglis cheviots are very HE E s took District of Maine. popular for- spring tailor made gowns. SCIENTISTS SAY THE TEXAS STRIKE _ý no class Cf Mainie farmers are supposed to un- Boclices with the rounded. flot the HAS TAPPED IT. men -more derstand potash culture prc-tty thor- -pointed, beit are the prevailing style in qughly, and fromi one. oftheiq thrQugh Pri.A-Itegtî Tho Vth4. Yh iI te The New Eii1an l Xi nesçad colLmes Tiuntlvy croat la tile namne of one o!reen lev~ ftefeaan O U DU S humanflsh thefollowig accont of latest metho1ds tuie new nlecktles made11( of mercerized pteSeruoCnhm-tity____ fil this Iiie, with specliai eeec t vo to eawith te out;n shlirt fieewFe.ThInomtnan xhneE1 is hieir totoeueduth aosAosokr- ais.hegetostienTearevei- thn arn,1tbScýri tera Get Off Sm odOia than farîn- Oua~~~~~~~0m rep)ort from is assures lis (ithttrt utetersefot , aro "ll netakgabtsm - ers. The t In preparinig tegrouind for potagto telsaouiotedn f hegwsscienitistà& tbat an.u immen@seý river orf crudje iiigt, saifi the exhneeditor, "ah ca r i n- utvto o bantebs i a everytiuig cise in dress which will petrleu nVos fromi the northwestern 3 ou cnteil wh;ly a 5cenit cigar Is lk case them sl tio b tel owein the sLrsut amt~ of it. ý ort!o the United States through Col- a youug hiaif breed Indian squaw." ep be eut in if manure la to be used this shailad Popaou effct ar cyeieto8 sdTxs ame ot unde th geu.f "Maid of poor- stock," replied the la- holbeamoug flie ucw evening gowns, which ot.le-xicO. Iti.lie ta h eu formation editor. "What's the differ- aill kînds of spread la the spring after flie ground show festoons 0f flowers.hand pa-inted mont, guelher tappedI this great reservoir. ence between a roller towei and the wieatiier, cerisequently when sick- is sufficidlltly dry. If sod land or land, or enmbroidered on silk, lace or mousse- T'he preseuce ot an oil lake under the guI!pepl who hiave to useli?" iesovertakes themn they becomne îîîcîlned to be heavy, carefuily crcss lie wit go or silver ribboii twined bas long bee known to sailors, and many "One is a. wlper, and the ether la a gra ufferers. Rheumatism is plow and thoroughly harrow, usiug if lafd ntven of refuge during- severe stormis. genjeration of wlpers. What's the dif- gra .necessary a leveler or fine tooth harrow Maltese anid eluny laces are stili pop- Ceitainly the oit wcll discovered by fcrence between a catfishi and a wad of the disease mest prevalent among iorethth su ayeweî pul lar for dress'trlmmniug, and tlien there Captain A. P. Lucas was ne ordinary chewing gumü?" the farmingclasse's. .Mr. C. W. verized, after which phanting may bo are ail the other Wel known kinds gushier. 'When ït broke loose, it was as "Not much. lt's -ail lu the miouth. Trotter, Cushendail, Ont., a donc. 0f course it is Weil understoodl which bave iost some of their prestige. If the power of a confined Niagara was Why is a ripe apple like the ghetto?" IstrSet farmerof Pittsburg that good crops caunot ho raised froin Laces o! tlic applique order show a fil- beOhind the spouter. "Pull o! juice. Why is a grain o! township, sufferedi fer two years poor seed, and the xvidc awake fariner ing in of goid thread between the flow- we on te morin o k the stie i Ail lin u teye Wahy oesa" froru this dread clisease. 'Se wih plant oniye strong aigndu seeck crs.ol n Ta sntrgh.Y sevrey vasheaflitedtht orpotatoos raised on landi other than i lc evt ot sos to the thetom la sorking thesé wehls te de , crely~~~~~~~~ees was hiz o!ite thet fipe acopn tatc arHoawt h olrdsl h id ou.v thats r isntert about evown. lucrease ihl crop wili pay the ex ac r onwthteclrdsl thecrease of depth. They were far'dd' aeteanwr ihr bu three inonths at a streteli le was tra cost o! the best secd many tîmes shirt waists, and'for summer use there enqugh down to war-.ranit the use or four the 5 cent cîgar, and( the youn;lg squiaw." com-pelled to remnain idie. Being over. It lias been ciearly demoustrat- iare the pretticat littie stitched white inch pipe, and thle mea were engaged la "It's armistaki.e to fiirisih a natcýh for induýced te give Dr. Hall's Rheu- ed by the different experiment stations pique beits madle wilh silN'er eyelets putting tiiis size ini place. A tittie over [t, thon. You were ail wrong, too, about la cutting seed potatoes that the hi1 aud'plain buckle to fasten like a leath- 600 feet,,had been lowered into the weil flhc rouler towei and the people who use matic Cure a trial, he us es'iî-e ce sotie r i ;~sI~ t*p whxen the pipe Suddjenly began to corneup it. now, very thiankful lie did so. o! four- eyes te, the piece. Variety distinguishes the assotment of its own accord. One man waswork- "The one's a crash, and the other's a LEefore the cQnmo-nts of ýone botife bail, The plan of using rather-heavy land, of- flowers,, whicb appearS. on the,,new,,IoutOn tp or thersfoo eik adi pusb. If that isn't it, I wash my hands ,bentaelehaui tdspptkeeandeSpetl!yif fi.tpainsas bt iz rdisapparehemaared, o heollr3Icloanfd i L'e we.s able to relume bis vorki. 110 ese1at t aefotegrwgo!hsbtindquitaetemin "ýWiat are you hioisting, it for?"o i. tokoayon otl o heRêu&ioptaoswoujl( not ordý,jiarily Lo a good fetlures after ail. Wbletber the fiowier They replied thiat they weroe not hoist- "Soap yourseif t It's because t(he peoý- cure1 and on) no !pilbt even thait o1e, atat excpt for dy s.1 u.î o hoei naae racbbg n t n h od eesaci n pie arc changed every seven years and 1m11 quaLintity completeiy hue i., woldâ ei'tainiy lho hiaz:lrdous_ ouj sucb reo, lt: must bhe buge and exquisite, ia of their-mouthas hefore there was ýthe _the towel la .nover change. Why, îs li iasot beau troubied hoepain -land to mlalnure lu drila, as it wvouid ho l texture and colon. A wrenth of roses mnffled sound 0f an explosion and the a"- Rince,ý and ia notýas stogadeltyhkoly to rosult, ii a' crop) baidiy affet-ctedl withuout 'leaves around the, edge o! a ioshtnotearwthericfre. "Then you ought, te change boardiug asDr. alsRemtene sptu>j y rot. There are but ewvariolties-o! -bat hrim is very bccomîng to young About 800 feet o! it was brokien off and bouses. You didn't get the right point the remainin.- '00 feet. forccd into th1w ifrnebtwe h afa n cent bottles, containing ten days' nreatment. poaoarie uNwEgad<a ilair, Foilov in. t1ho report a quantity o! th.'ý chewing gum." 17or sale by ail druggffists aud de'alers il, are riot very susceptible to discase, Ifwtrwsfre 1!ntewIadat ndicinr. The D-r. Hal Medicine Co., iLinz. water'r wast forced !rom the wan at ephanted on vcry heavy land witb barnl PROVE RBS ABOUT WOMEN. er tliat came dlie oit. "hyr utaie e e ________________________dressing ln drilla. These inciade among The inen on the ground scurried ont o! stuck on both. Why does a"- othera~~~~~ Bis ruph r siti oe ere are some Chinese saying-s that danger, ami <ht mani on top of tho derrick ."Guru off 1 I say they're noti" Cok"Ot4n oo Om o t es caied trayh Borut, as ite Bis soe ndicate mucb phihosophy: hurried down. ,Fle was not injured, but "I say <bey are! It isn't meet to, use la uceaauuy uedmonthly hyye or Pride of the South, Rtural New York- Respect always a sileut woman. ws drn. e ihtetret !ohadcte. i.oade.Safe.,effectual. Ladies ask or, Great Divide and Dakota Red. The Great is the wisdom of the woman hiad to almost swim ont o! it. The oul "Ail wrong., You eau use one for a " your druggist for Çcok a Cettom foot éce. tthlehlirtnucame froin tho mouth o! the well with big fry, white, it la, only the sinî !ry il. Take nlcoier ali M ixtures, pilla ami( general .ruhe tbrcughou< -tiec ponate bthleh e oge suffiehent force te throw it two-thirds ' tatue teote. rmîîosare dangerous. iriee, No. l.is pcr 'growing section o! Arocstaok counity ils A vain woman is to ho !enm-ed, for the way ni) the 630 foot derrick in at solid ta ssteohr boxý No.2,1dO ýsrog,$pr box . Wors sI wîil sacrific ail fore therd. sramsxlcen imtr e i or 2. malledo oreceptof pries@ aud two :.EeaIý to use fertilizer for the raising cf pota- The "Wors Iarfc aver hourd bor madee themsx nhsindaeer h stmslh okCmayWindaor, Ont. tocs anid ta grow <hemi on liglit, loamy Trust flot a vain woman, for she la _________________ wrong guess about the ripe apple and responsibie Drugglos iu Canada. salit, the preparation o! the grouid,.ho- first in her own oye. the ghetto, beaidea." 1:uig tracticaily the sain inaycs. Abuhywmn ubes, for she "Did it on purpose. Why is a prosent Not. i and., soald ln Bo 'manvii1hs by lIrGrw The hecavy land and barn dlressing la canuot see wbat may ho in ber way. of a mummy like a wig?" 0B TEL'.& SON, STOTr& JiURY; Ono by J. Gn Bcuei'ada gv wyWh FILLAX; NeWCaS'tle by Un.ý IF.AsNCOMB. devoted almiost exclusively ta the haY Trust not the woman that thinketh "Bcuet'adadgeaayWh _______________________ _____ croitmore o! hiersel! titan another. Mercy iV\dsamn"- No progressive farier wouid think, wiil nat dwell in hem beart. "Wyl<hledroaocesa- o! using a single farrow piow for The gads bonor ber who thinketh "it atwac? Bcueh -à More eaî-thing up or haeing patatees. It was long before opening ber lips. Pearla '. bartme. Wstioacureerata-e tuie gneral practice foi several years coîne from ber îuouth. i. ai ent m n 0 st re - asod e u e !rv~ ~ ~ ~i te anut nîat eotAtoostoou drila, .-,,-. thn i hocryhse- fAosokpt- A wýoYnan auid n child are alike. Each , e' wuiting along- time, for bits fi o -ý1L needS stug upitn L bnd.' chne~ covoring or sitIlle<h rîdges witlies)cshesl ATin leIfri hoslweýomaa9 tha:t repet be.et nteIfrain ýeditor coi afnedobe rse paffi Csiln i hrush brilmore beaultifufl <baln a ine star, miore h. bi kowledge b)o) wbihe <ho excunnge 1 ro ate, iatug<ocqauxe< o beantiful <han monj1y stairs ait nighit. edfitor sheerodl off. tŽ4 ' vm n ese osadmk o at greun tian lt-,h ease.q for, thiatwbc 'A~ ~ u. tnciiuceaiistcincesîypains le ahr Sile is bailm for bis Net Wat 8h. eat Who has been cured of baukache ard kidr-1eY ta use iuprve acîîne-y, subît as truls1am-oiriIwn o oh trouble hy _ h uof Doatne pillas lvi itten <opatr bicýycle lic, sprayor and, A woman whT'o mistrikes ber place egood today. -- -- us as fo(',loiws: digger. Indeed, <ho ordinary amount eunyrrtelow~b ht- onyIwi ego fyul Mrn. Wnm. ilisho>, Palmyra, ont., writet: 1 of et up <bat the average farnuer coin- was. The pa<h bas been covered up , gimme a nickel. bav-e used Doan's Pilla for lame baek and . know manda maltes it Imposgib Silo take carc f roui ber eyea. -Mamma-Johiny, 1 want you to re- tearanexcellent pi!!, as two boxes coin. 1of a largo acreage withou< auoptung member <bat you canriot be a child of <bey re an i. -mine unleas you are good for uothiag.- pleétely cured me. Impî'oved mothoda. f A SHARK'S VALUE. Mrs JT. agnai, ontea, Q¶e, wîta: Suiphur Fer Potato Sciai. Many people w.ho hold <ho shark ia M I.J.T D nis, o teiQe writ cdes Suiphur empiayed In considerable fe ar and trembling would bardly be- Causes of Comfowt. one year ago Pete sfee ril thkdy Wife-Thls old fashiened troubole. 1 conqutSsvrlpyiin n quanltifies upon sals which ai-e acid or lieve <bat its ca-reass ia highly valueidSte which contain butican aaiitnxod fftrcmerilproe, ua used thesir prestriptiolli WithsOut sUces I hc oti u-almtdees rfxcmeca upss ua chair la delightfully antique, but very aaw Doa;n's Piiis adveiti,-ecl, so procureS a box basic ingredients is capable cf causiug n atter of !ac<, tjlouanas o! sharkg'., uncomfortable. 1 dou't seo how your J '7 ~ mother could like lt. or h y m d om 1L z r .m c s e ut o u t ro h are annually cut up a nid <ho Sisk ' a n u h y tr d w e h e o n oxtent oft<ho saine hein,- greatest lapon dried and $eld. The rigwsualytedw nsestdo . acid orieta ol.process maires <ho skia as bard as ada- Mrs. J. F. Grifith, Montagtte Bridge, PiI. The application of suiphur te souls mant and as smooth as mte-f wîies:Abristsixmtli ag I uffre for proveuting patate, scab, regardîss ter-ibiy with wveak ar-Clamre hack. I took O-Oo! hnlaatro h eciuo <opn Te mtre akeea "The Window's Pane Ila lis[t Saab,"1 srVecaatro h ecino hpareTe, maeil l n na box of Deana' Pillp ar-d ai tlîarkf l to say sou shaletaacasouîî cus and la used miostiy for tlat they curded i!lave flot baCd auy mul injury. o casoalycas makziug whip handies and covering in Y Kindiimari-What's <ho matter, mly -, Suiphate of ammonia, which Las a cabianet mases. fers poishi e bpitemrno.ei e oi ra AS coNV'YL t', A WAR_1ING. iuigi inurial value by virtue 0f its woots. The fins are made iiitr a glue~ Little Boy (greaning dîsmaily>-) mlyr1uisrytnoe i-nitragen, gives promise of heing far <bat is used very ex<ensively by silIr ain't, biz' "korA seerns ter ho a great EmlyrIansr ant,\i-more satisfactory and oconomical <ban manufacturera. _Î pain la me. linru, that ycu arc ab>,uL <o beave flou-ors, cf suiphui' as a mens of leas- I- euuîîg <ho tendericy <a, scab lu coutami- 11J Did Aflybody Ever Do That? Startled Sîinau-W baU dn nat.'d sals w-hich areý favucrable o t ho IAGO 1lESsoute eu nak -SWhatl at u uinderns-taad. I abouit ta e vyu' growtl or <ho, fuingus., The aiona Pap)a-You kuow, James, bow;; mac hat feeling which prompts a woman te Empeyr-Ys;ye ai ntug a i c <le uipat o tumoiais ha~ 1 disapprove of fightig'-still il. i3, c îig Upl <ho pbotograp et a. trlend who Empoiyr-es; ýýr, ý-iii, ýý i " tl(' ulhile f 'imiý,ljaisgma<ifyiiig teý knOw <butt yen hatve youtbogh itwol o iposibe o t itricý :1cid, auld <bis, <aetir ,tî aten a higger bey than yourseîf .scemuig to visit frain <ho bottomn bul- as ser<o fil eurplce.<h suiilhluri acidj therehy) liiîeratod, Wî,y d]id yo' fîltblneau drawver sudj r-ut it on1 <ho puior ___ - ___ - poiluda w lîhae ae up l'y plana mi usy Lilative. oraduiiyrmdb ecig h TUE nEUOTsorz.Ysir; niy great-graïidfatilLr blaz- - lare F -iForepht taluen six du.ya after thie strike.] ed bis wny <o xvüaltb." resdu le ro d t a hof asire as a ile-Agnes, dear, would you feel lion of <ho wvind <hieu cansedJ ilt<o spray, "Withi a pionoor 1's ax?" rasinga prodthiug sine <0l ere ammoi very uïuch burt if I sbould ask te kisa and it fiew irito <he air fuliy a huudred "Ax? No. le burned barris and _got reun tscs yisato sam-you ? foot. . the irisumauce.' retrnaitscot h it acio asa m- She, ambiguoîîsly-I feel hurt Tory! I t teok aine days ta get <ho giariý B î nure. Sulphur, ou <hoc otiier lîand, la imach <luit you aiîould asic. str'eami under control, anid duning <t__________ much more expeusive <bau sulpîtate cf ____aimese__________rmd hih ammonia anti bas little if any, evea la- - -c~_________<ioe an immesa o! oll ouned whnili ulild Ar~~~~~~~~ooe '0" actesl o! grnn ton luches - -> .1 1. Section rioreman-Den ti hink you for My blood, anS I diS so. Tii i1 aoundi doctrine, cfur <isad cfple dallai-s I"Af ter I baS finialued thie tiret bottle I up arsenic in their tisanes, nnd cab- Xhseaxumddctinoftout as b e l-0 forn <atconeo!<o ou laSdiapbages and <urnips gatherod fi-cnt fida 3eumn baIcni prospeous - peaed ndail<li mut eroge<in muh anuod i< suerposhats h-v hatever y-ou may think or condition for saine mpst on accouat r smailer. I <boa got two more botties, givoen uninistakable evidence of<i h ~f ti i-! holai-g lîtibeu ice finet Mg~ oH5~ nS by <ho time I baS titese neariy ai prescunce o! arseni.Wie rb aelf. a atk - et.n Fsi mec ba-vene-oyn ag <r fi-C samie prbale ne-ubl tante w1l Ue o. il udlseae heS ia suff ee rntyb me anS t Ie mpavo drosse tb ts uerhospthat t <rela Fur1-11 Il-ou.P tOmuis a hea tima I ro nia (, 1o ala Mug arseni for injnrousl affec <limpp- n! A, 0 gobui gin.' plnmts iw n sucîl w uid bonsmL areal taT & ~ Chsto M hi n Mgeu cohmlee %Crcswlua~,ilnNt01 et iolt(ll~. so~~~~~~~rtîu 0fuè in haith mule i! mlu big aeui thtw in tanst îsutls <lua yeanga WIti gs'to mwE onntmPMI op lasm50n iitros1 U.tW u and *L.QQ, ail1 cruagits <L. nou. le igucageiitiiimd. hcalh of Mau and anmails. .9 Castoria la for Infants and Children#. Castoria is a harmiess substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Dirops and Soothing Syvups. It contains ne!thr Oplim, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guiarantee .1s thirty years' use by Millions of liothers. Castoria.destroys. Worms and allays Feverish- neSs. Casto'ria. cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castori.) reieves Teethiiu Troubles, cures Constipation, ai Flatulency. Castoria assimilatea the Food, regrulates the Stomacli ami Boweis of Infants and Chidren, giving healthyan4 natural sleep. Castorla la the Children'is Panacea-The Mother's Friend. Castor.ia. Castoria. "Cantoria ia an excellent medicine for "1Castoria la se well aCapted to ebildren childremu. Motitere have repeatediy totd me <bat 1 recommend it as superir <o any pre. o! its geood effeet tupontbeir childrenr" - acriptiosi known to'me,"1 DR. . OSGOOD,, Lourd!l, Mass. 1-1. A. Azcanus, M. D. BRroc7klyn, N.- r TH-E FAC-SIMILE SIGNIATURE 0F, APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. --AtfTUW O .N y. 'y M"'. % ET E Ou ,V Tho Beaver lckSale We have soid piles of Boots the last five or six wek:s ani have lots to-dispose of y-et, arnd very eheap-flrst-elass -goodsa a% ve*rY sniall flIe6,ý Ouf!carry a good asortment of Ladies' Oxfordl,eoiloredý and biack at .. en's Calf and Cordovali Bu, sei and rvttcfronI, $1.40 to $2.50, wýorth $2.0 to0$' 9.0 ÇhIire's I3auton and- I - Lýu250eý, 75c, wrb50c, 75c, and $1.00,-ý. Misses', !PO:s adyouths,ý',to0 cc, o in prieeb. We ,%ill teillyou wha th sck i i aeh d eeypi. Th* xreason w-,e do tha2t is becaýusewekiiow. LtetSPring styles now in stock luinevery une. Tlie Publie is invlted to ins;peet our stock,; ne trouble to show goods-wNe do it withi pleasure. Trutnk's, Bags, Satehla; Shawl Straps, fanc,ý and plain ; DrcsýjIng, thie ver.y, best that eau be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appi. ed to. Repairing donc in ail its brancihs lu first-class style. Fine work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thaukin-- my ce'ntoiners for past favors and hopîng for a continuance of tne iLame. I3eaver Block. iowmauville. 10DAVS Hiampton General oe We "b11ld a vaster stock than lias, been.," and areas usual preparel to give bargains in Clothin, Dry 0oo1s,Goere adlIard ware. Gents, Clothing. Good Tweed Suits to order i3.3. ool Serge SaiLs to odr$, WCe have - very largti-e and wel assorted StOe!K to selectl fromi, ini Sel re. Worsteds and Tc bs oth Foreiia and Doline0iic anuifac(tur0e CWa Mre bOlrICIt'WSUIT7 1o'. Groceries and Hardware. TI our (lroeery and liard ware Dopartmeiits you wil fini Our Stcý,dj wreil assor"-d, boughlt in the best mnarkets mt the eiose3t plic3,s, and i wilt bc sold at the righit price. Sorne people want quantity others qnalfty, we can pieuse both. lighest price paid ini cash for produce. Give us a cai. HA MPTON. ARE A 1URE IJRR FOR vS PrU trtinLosoE rgy, Brai Fag Fa n n -Dzy Sp53 s Lisiesns AteLife:tÏ of La ny boybav noeqiniforrelevng îsdAntmi, Gni Deb iiity, and <hBlounnenalc---,, Dyspepnia, down systemn. ioated Tengue, Foui Breath, 1iioart Burn, -Water Brash or Tiuey xviii build youup, make nich any disnase or disorder o! tbe stomncb, rcd blood and give yen vimra ad ver or bowels.ceg. Mrî. George Wilîas, Fairfieid Plainer-y Ont., write, a follows: "As theme ar.e s rc,5 e înu'y alier nu-edicines coffed for nale la box, or f<broc boces ,-'stittntioit for Laxa-,ivcr Pilla I amn par- for $1.25, a' di- ouýr inta get <lie gniuan they far su-ote'r vib lanr-tigleoreuaigusbwl r-J coro~J.~ ,touch dsordes.' slit o r Mcil- f La-taLis-o Puisare pmely egetbe nc ylî .Mi ouLier_- nufo -î- auhsa-oes ar aLmtd