"Puirpie Vîilets." 'ral', Mastbar Geald, but t'sa ;rate' day for Ineiand that cea-s ye hamin ltîe anld place agin!" Col>onel Desmaond smilad ai lis aid gcrdacer's fervency, "Tîal yen, Casey. By Java " glae;cing round the quaint, strag- gling Îgcrdac-"itiglagood te le home in oId Iraiand agaîn. Seven yecrS. r&ae1ting -iu India maIes a ma p- prcaabis own country witl a vIu.tlook et île t, now!" cnied casy dmiringly. "And ta thinl F iî'a sevan long yeers sinca ya put yen fot libis euid gerdan! And is il tîrue, Masiher Gýerald, yau'va beau fightin' île blieka iver since ? Micky MVilligan, wlo reedia the papaer reg'- Ian, ZezîLhe Quati"c sent yen e goold cross, as, ewes tîciplazed et the, way yen lnocîed île dlvii onut o! îlebey- ÎIens !" "'Neotc gold oue," leughed lis mas- tan, "It's oua made cf gunmaial, but net al liah coin in the reclm could huy il, Casey. And uew tell me cl île nawsî. I sae"-giaucing, araund- "you'va leeked citer teî leid -place tharoughly duriug my absence,-." "TIcul ye, Masiher Geraid.," said Caey, leemiug witb pleasura. '"Me aui' île ould wem.an'e doua aur lest ba Cooaer aincae e.day yu alut-it Up and wint ebroad ta fight. As for .tle naw,île divil a acrep o! change tbene's beau bareabeutsi, saeeand ex- cepi 'ite khul' aiofltheaua-eyad fox in,,Ielly'ae wood île saison ailler you laIt, and itia decil a! Owen Mollay, î1e ecboolmaster, six montîs ago."' "And île ruc tory paeopia-haw are ,tley?" quaricd Colonel Dcsmand, wiih the faluteat fiual ai colaur on bis forehcd. i"'Mucha, tbay'realal tîrivîn'," ns- plied Casey, wih a coveri glance ci, laiemaster, "O! ceerse, lha nectar bimself gais an odd iwiege cf gent, but tiet's naturel a.nougl in a man o! lis ae. As for Mhse Cynthia, wle's île swatast lady lu cil Inaiaud! Younl 'le aftban aein' Inn yensalf, Maeîbar Gaeraid, lu a faev minits, She comastý ovar ta me ivarymornin' fanr a pasy o! - "Mirs Cynthia !" inierruptad tle colonael, iwitl a stant. "Xyly-wly, 1 ibouglit ohe as ata, bave mcrrîed Mr. Harvey !" "Lord blasa yen, no, ir! Miss Cynthlia wiil neyer merny-laast- w-ays," la cýddad coufldenthclly, "ual un fass sde gels tle man ahe's beau in ite hbeeni oui about tîls mcny ayear 1" "Adwbe may lIai lucky indivi- duel ha, Casayt" asked Colonel Des- mouidic, with thie !aintest tond o! lit- ternacse u in s ,ýývaica. Cesey sbuffiad uncomfanteably. "Arrel! suna lt's ual for île likes o! me ta le discuesin' île gintny," le began lnsinuatingly; "but ibey do iacy iluîle village that hae wiut off, ta tle wara sivn-- Bagrrea, Mas- lien Garald, hae wint somawlara about the saea ima as yen viut yerseli!" "Tley talI ewfui rat linlihevil- lage,"~ waa Colonel Dsmond's em- plalic comment, as la turmuad cwcy lmpatheutly, and wllad dowu a roidealaiey. Framilsthefanilar eud ef lha aiiey hae ould acee a widae weap ai maadow- land, witl e bouse or twa peeping £rom oont came ditant woods, "So lhIe neyer omarrled lHarvey, e!- teran att! la uttered. «'I wonde-1 wonden why ? Cou!ound il !"-be broIe of! angrily-"em 1h neyer ta gai rid e! Ilat con!oundad apisodat Savan yerr, and I buve't forget- tan, Savan yeure sinca she-since as Saunt me about my bnciness," lae con- eleded blttarly, ",and 1hbavan't bcd tle deceuey te fargat!" For soma -moments ha ctared minigît ecross île ao!t-sweep e! mec- dow-iandl. Memrory puilad heck the hendg. a! tle cdock even yeaen, and lu île dreain le lookad on lufe witl ayes ilat never weulu, lu realhty, laok île earne egain. Lite wac, sud a gecd tbiug in thbace dean aid fer-off dayc -se, good, that net allih bitter dis- appoinîmaut and recklesse danger ai zavan years lied ru4baed'oua e ur f£nom e!! thc sîcta af isicmemory. But whai a fool le bcd beau! Sba bcd foaled bim-lacd him an, piayed wth lin as a c l aysw-ith c mouce, "I am sendic g ihie nota by Caey," tbey rn, "w ha will aIse give yen e lunch o! violats. Slouid yen wear tIce latter et' dinner to-night, I wili lnaw et once, and for ail tima, that yen love me; if net, I wiii neyer ho lI- er yen agala!" TIat wes al-au ill-written notej and e bunccl o! violats; lut they wera île laitclapter il. a man's iragedy. j Ha lad erd2cd Caaytagajlber a y "Oh, Cynthin, Cynthia," ha iried, bis clasp aon ber baud tigbtening, "what e heartiass brute yau muet bave thought me! Try ta tbink cf what 1 did a littia geutly. And-and wil yen let me try ta atone for the wrong I did yen lu the paat? Let me try te xvia back a littia of the aild lovaý- anly aliti" Shesdety1apd ouou ~ulledserne I thevilets roin -wý 1 1 bunch of white violetg-white violets' were ber favourite fiower-and de- liver them with the latter to Mis Cynthia without delay. That was in the afternoon. In the evening his fa'te, ,,vas decided. At dinner riho wore a buncli of purpia violets. Looking backward now, Colonel Desmond knew that of ail the battias ha had beau tbrough in his time, the ona ha had fought witb bimseif that ill-starred night was tha bardest, and the victory the most craditabla ha had avar won.'lie bcd taken big, leave lika a gentleman, and a week latar 3ailed for 2ndia on active ser- vice. That wag seven years agonow; and tha yaaris bitnt our sarrows wonder- fuliy; but ha had neyer forgotten the white violets, uer Cynthia. Presüntly the colonel retracaýd bis fcoatsteps. "Cagey," ha said, "is the bed of whit'e vioiats, by the south wall stili ln existence 1" The gardaýnar ecratched bis head. "Lord, nie, Mesther Garald !" La said. "A biight seamed to comae over them amoon afther you left, and the divil a ateam in the bed but died 1" "Ah 1 bika dreame, Cesey," said the colonel. "Violets dia quickly." "'Shure, s-ir," agraed Casay vague- ly; "but tha other wans--yeu ramem- ber the bed of doubla purpie wane hc the ouid greenhoue--- Desmaud noddled. "Weil, theugh it'g maself that sayS it,"' c ntinued Casaey proudiy, "thaey'ra as bright aud bloomin' as the day you touid me to pull a buncli and taka them acrass with the letth3r ta Mise Cynthia! Wiil ya coma and have a look -at tliim, Masthar Geraidï" "I arn af raid, Casay," said Colonel Dasmiond, smiling, as ha followed the old gerdener, "'yaur memory is play- ing you a trick. Thay wara white violets I told you ta taka ta Miss Cynthia that day. 1 have every rea- son for remembering." 1"Bles.s your soul, no, Masther Gar- aid!" repliad Casey canfidently, as they sýtoppad eppasitae a bad of rich purpia violets. 'Tbey waur the doubla purple5, Thase is the very wane at out feat. I remember it as wall a,,s if it waur only yasterday. Ye cailed me up to the varandy. 'Casay,' saz you, 'taka this latter, along wid a bunch of vilets, across ta Miss Cyn- thia at wuuce. And, Caay,' sez you, 'it',î ta be a big bunch-remnember,, a big buuch.' Yez may hava sad whita, but thea divil a bit of me heard, se 'I tuk her a darlin' buneh av the dou- bla purpias, and," continued Casey, too interastad in bis narrative ta no- ticeahb mester's white face-and I'm gain' ta tell ye a ,saycrat, sir. Tha davil a flowar Miss Cynthia lias avar worn from that day ta this but pur- pie violets!', .But Csey's information appaared ta, paes unnaticad. Th.e colonel nev- er epoke, oüly stared acros5 the son- ny, maadoxws to wbareë a spiral wraath of bien moka crept upward through the distant waods.. Sa that was the expianatioin cf Cynthia's purpie vio- lat«. LPoo,r Cynthia! Shea had lev- ed hlmi, after ail. And he-what had ha doua to berf Ha turnad on Casay. A ýàavaga dasira to chokathea il! aout of this soft-hearted idiot, wba had well-nigh ruined two hives, swept tbrough hlm. Then tha man in him triumphad. lia fought dowu the pas- sion bravaly.- What was doue, was done, without nopa cf redamption. "For ail the world as if be'd seen a gbest," Casey toid a crony long e!- terwardg. "She kem ovar hara wau day afthar ya'd goe e broiad, rýir," resumed the loquaciaus Casay, at ierigtb, "aud axed me if I'd let bar have a bunch av thc doubla purpieg evary meru- in' wbiia they waur lu saison, whicb was quere, seain' they hava the hast flowers on, the cauntbrysýide in the, rectory garden. I remindad ber av that," ceutinuad Casey, "but she enly smiied a bit serrowful like, and sed sbe'd rather hava the vens that grew here. Sha cailed tbim a quare nama -sad tbey waur lier romance, or somethin' like that-hut the dlvii a name I've iver heerd thim cailed me- feif but purpia violets!- "And you aiwayg let her hava tbaem " askad theý colonel slowly. lus face wa% vary wbite. ? "'Av coorsa, Meether Geraldi" as- santad Casey îusinuatingly. -I knew if' ya waur at home yersaif ye'd let Miss Cynthia bava the sowl ont cf yer own 'body if î3ba axed it, Sa ivary mornin"' sha camas, over about this time, end -- Baegarra! liera ahe le lierseaf 1" broka off Casay suddeniy. "Ad, if ye dont mind, Masther Gar- l'i l go aud look at the roses." She came aiong the wide, gravelled path, with ail ber aid grace and dig- nity; and Colonel Desmond, as ha watched fhar, thaukad God ha Lad loved and waited aven 5,evan yaars, lier eyee were f ixed on the graund, as if sahe ware lost ln thougut, and she Lad drawn quite near befora she I-f a uie arrmmenia la put ia îlte w'anm.soit waten uscd for washing windowýs, and planty o! dlean linilese clatIs9 ara used fan polishing, the sec- ret o! baautiiully eliaing windows la knowu. Sac ilai a very part o! îh le a ih perfectly eleau and hleail whie- wlaisicad if possible. Af tan your cal- 1er is cleaauad, if tiare h îlelacet dampuc-i;,,use nsla-cked limeý, te ab- liera aUillthere a-bo>utthîe cellar. A Boy Phease will you give masame troust,' patterns' for motler te see? Slop-assstat- Cantchnly, wbat lind- dees your imoiler pr-ef "r? Tc-,,-Oh, mother is net t 'ai..li par- ticular as te île patterns, se) long as tlay araeiroag anough ta ld up co,ur creepar. Indignation o u the pari a! île as-j sistent cen latter le imaginad tiený at thair feat, M'Areapinad tham l in ~ hke coat, lier eyes mat bis, "Fer e.eveu yars," shp, Sdid, "I've Am, neyer woern any filowers but these 1' LAND 0F THE RIJMMING BIR D, NEW AND PIQUANT SALADS. 'fu SnprI1n PhnomnonTht 1a1îws Au cutherity on cookery talle us Dlggling ln Trîntdeid's AsphaU iLake. tu "a salad elieuld ha peacsing ta Few people wbo treval oer the, the aye, deiicious ta the testa, artis- a9phelted streats of aur large citiS cl mitiieo f caler, heauti- are awcra of the orngin o! the black, fui, and aboyealal daîntiy g5erved." pitcby mass that goas ta malle up Ccrtainly, tien, if al thasa ha b cou- the basis o! tha amooth roadw~ay un- eidaraed, neo more attractive dish can der hei fet. Eghten undrd habcimagin"d, vitli whicb te tampt der ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c thi et beuhnrdmlStheaePPetita ou the warm. daya of almeest due eouth I ram New York sPring and early summar, And how lies the littia tropical isicnd of Triai- infinite ie the varlaty o! salads, uort dad-a Brititsh possession off tha ocat coIXpounded-tbose o! fruit for break- o! urthrn out Amaice Atthefast and desert, and o! vageablea of nrthrn SuthAniriaAtthef or1 dilnnar, aq wcli as thé heaviar Sauth-western extramity cf this coi- meat and fïsh Salade suitabia fer eny the fameua Pitebbake la looatad luncheon or eupper, cmu the summnit o! a amal il li, lase A fslad in whiech ceiary piays an than twa hundred feat aboya the importent part Lu geuarally popu- lavai a! the siac. Iu appacrence thare 1er, and the crisp white ataiks are le nething phenoma.nai about this ombined witb naeny other edîblas. wonder of the tropios but a visit ta Per instance: the lake wï it is fai.iariy calledj'ra- Nut and Ceiary Saled:-Týhig, la ex- veule ana o! tha meet unaecountable cellent and very dcinty, sarved lu odditiee cf mature iu the anuaisof green Peppars, whicli bava beau scoop- travel.< ed eu1t. To 1 qt wainut, hickory nut The teurist mcy taka passage te or aveu peanut meats, aiiaw 3 pts the "land o! the bummin-bird"-a,ýï!inely oi celery and 1 1-2 pts May- Trinidad peuplelika thair country ta onnaise, Place the nuts in a sauce- hae called-end after securing uc- Pan wvitbh 1 teaspoon Sait, 1 smali commode tien et the enly, decent boeaiouon Asiced and twe bey leaves, if in the coleny, procead te the iaka by thay cen' ha procured. Caver witb anc o! thea amelGovrnment steam- boiling waer and cadiý 10 minutes. crs Plying coectwise threa tiieg Skim out' the nun mets e nd drap waakly, diembark et the Brighton ilabo ie water for bal! an hour. Than piar, and pracead ta the acane of "dig- drain dry, aprinkia with sait and ging." O! ail the cruda, rougli, and pappar and mix with the celery and raady macas of extracting waaltb dressiug. Fil ïto tha littie pspper front mother carili, the Trinidad LaeaclUps, Puttiug 1 teaspoon mayonnaise aspheit aperations are tle moat au the top e! eech. striking. The visiter arrivas on a Russian Saiad-Tbis is c mixture o! fairly levai plateau, spattad bere, aud tiare witb tiny pacte 'o! waier, vegetableS, which May a a apa beueath whicb the tsof t shîny sub- pcred o! "le!t-ovaro.." Ail or any of stance knowu as aspalt glittere in the following vageablas eau ha usad. the refiaection cf e fiance tropical sun. Onethird cnp ecclio! cold hoiied Scattared over the eurface o! the laka dazen% o! swarthy negroas ara ply- carrote, ceulifiewer, beau;, green ing pick andba, axtracting thie ter- peae, hasts, turuips and potatoas, and coaly loaking 9tu!ff rom the ecril. 1 teaspoon finaly cbopped parslay. Ouaemay sit lu the, shaeao!f a near- Separae the caulifiower, iuto sil hy ehruh, or under the protectiug eprigs and cut the carrots, heetg, sheiter o! an umbralle, and watch thea tul2'ipa and potatoeS into dica. The negroas pila heep citer heap o! the beaus e nd peas cen, of course, bat lait asgphait iuta the andiass chain cf whle. To brighian ihe colora, drap tube that hurry aleug ta the pier, themm itocold water as soan as cook- frain which ana bas but recently land- ed, )wlxln ht W pratiy ta drain, dry ahli, until er yawcing excavation jbaf aud arrange tihem iu ordar en a fiat iwenty or mare feet snggasis ta the dish, citernating lu raye o! red, white aupervisiug darky theat the tima bas anid green train the centre !ormad o! coma !ia maya c bit furtber ou. In ihe heurt of a amali head o! laituce. île course cf a few heurs the excava- Pour ever al e Frenchi dressing and tien rasulting fremin he merning's $et auica sa ce ta ehavary cold wheu diggings begins ta look lacS deep,, gerved. ý1ý '1 and ly evantida thea spot fromn which Freuch Fruit Salad-Thc, ingredi- more ibsu f ive or tan tons have beau dug le agaLn lavai wiih h le -urround- ente ara 2 oranges, 2 bananes, the ing eaeth aud neady, ta be dug aven mneaie of a dozen Englisi wreiuuts, 1 by the' gang of noisy bacaks. Fromn haad of laituca and 1j cup mayan- the point a! diggiug ta thie piar is noisie. Peel, sed ud ivid the or- but a mile or les e! andiese-ciain, anges inae mouthful,Peltha han- deacant; incored ta the piar ara bigciaes aud cuti> lu im slces, Break sailiig vessaiS, and semetimas eteam-, the nuts quite smllLl Arrange the ersa, ie owlose capecians boldesthe lattuca leavee ou île sarv;,ig plates tubs% disahanrga île pitch aethie rateaned lu aach littia grann acup put cl- ef two or tbree hîandred tone par day. teruaea layere of iba bananes and oranges. Dreels wi th(î-e mayeýnuais - and gernisi wltli tha nuiS. TO VACCINATE FOR CANCER. - - A BOY'S ROOM4 Ihdralo Pbysielsn Aunoues ~a '1S10]M portant DISCOVery, "Roy taléex, sncb a pride ln hie Dr. Hcrvey IR, Geylord, o! Bnf!a¶ao, room and keepg it su erderiy wa muet N.Y., hae cnaunced te the medical put !rash papar on the welle au& giva Profession and ta the wvorld at large the woodwork a coat of paint," scid ihat hae hae disoovered that cancer is hie mnother whan teiking aver bler cau5d b a icrscopcalanialbouse-cliacuing plans for the spring. parasite c pratazoon, Th1is mother may net bava guessed lialias prodnced cancer by inject- it, but alia beld the secret of,, bar ean'S ing a serumracontcining ticasa para- luteret lu bis roam. Kaeping itj sites juta the hioad e! enimaie-degs freshan ad up and invlting leoking as end guinea pigs. Ha bas discoverad eelu lenaually takes placeurs ihat e protozoan causes cancer, and i having it always in nica ordar. that the 111oon ,g ie the bodiesj Baya aujey pretty thîngs and couva- protzeo i5niancas as weii as girls, but tee aof- found lu the hiood ci ter vaccination tntarro eeatî unsa and lu amailpox. h'that their raistarso aom my ha lu- Scîcutists hava beau vcinly seac tIvatug cud camtertahie.mu b- n ing for vagetahle, net animal, germe, If a boy'a reom is diugy, uncer- as the cause a! emnalîpox, scarlet fav-,ptd ad wtatdcrto,6 an, meeasles and hydrophobie. lu thea ee n ilotdcrto,8 ligî o!Gayird' dicovey tetcourse, îha wili kasp ih eluttared np lightof Gylor'e dscovry t au ad uniidy and' will Stay ont o! it thaesa disease are ccusad by animai 1as9 mue h as passible. But if lia bas orgauism, scientiste will uew divant a deelk, wiara ha ea it and study their attention towerds findicg a s ud keep bis papere iu neat order, c remedy te combat the cancer microbe. h oolcaa or e book chai!, wliara hie Gaylord is unow scearchiug for a ser-: shooibooks' and story bookse are uni conteiuiug the pretezea o! can-1 placed,-pictunas,ý that lie las fanciad car which b u en jectintie thea hlood adcteto1apr u aaie and prevaut cancer or cura it if île jap ut ou tof as, hi d tresur s l sufferer lias net reachad îleeadvanced!ietedonme île woos tad bre cold stage of the disease. tarrnuddlucuv et paces lu layman'e Fugui, lhaseekg aj'peti urteinse t the wiudows, au. thvec ia" gietancet srmieesy chair or two, bis guitLr-, a louage thetwii gie cmana mild'casa of[L with e few piiio>ws; if- ha las thasa cancer, ý.o ta say, and will prevauti comfort;s, and canvaniancea hao ill hlm avar- having tha real cancer. Ex-i enjoy bis room, invita bis bey friande parnimants made with guinea pige te- join h l hraad1 il orh good<Way ta biavéa «atwiaeller le ta ce île callar and hum sulphun in it ibrea Or four timas c yecr. A dlean, dry cailar is essutici ta bacl. Usae raw linseed ail aud beuziîaa in ile proportion of ana taacup o! ban- zinc ta c quart cf ail, ta ail bard- -Wood floors,. Af ten rubbiug h lu to île Wood pouash ih mooth witb a 8oit clati. To ntlain sof t wood fîcore mix te- gathrar cplut a! bcilad liisced ail, tirea-founths plut af turpentine, tirea tableape-onfuls o! raw umbar and ibrea iahlaspoafuls o! whitiug. Try île colon ou a picca o! plein board bafore usiug ih au île floor. If tee light, add c uitile more umber. If tee dark, more ail and turpeutine. bey it ou witla a goad sizad Iruel makiug the atrokes ilia way tls grain runs. Appiy il evanly. Ai- ter e day or two nul with e sait woolau clatI. Then varnish tle f loor, ardfing h lfai!apint' ai unboiied llnaaed ail te e quart a! varnisia, A HANDY GABMNT, If you bave au aid but goad jergey jacket ibat yen hava outgrowu, just eut off tie coller, cut. out île elauvea, bind ueaaiy and luit or. crachat an edga for il, sud yen wili have a bendy geirment for Ealipping on iluths buse, or ta put on undar souma aiber ger- mant. We ehould hava seaid round, île fronts, make île jacket jusi waist langtl, lut den't get il beo short l ine ld. KEEIP THE CAKE bIGliT, To tale e cake from c pan i wtl eae wiau halaýd, lay a dlean towai on île litchan talle, invant île cake .Pan aven t and put a eloil folded îw,eorntîrea thicîneses, wetinlu eld weter, oear île botiom o! île pan. In, a minute or two île pan cen'le l! ted from îlhe cala witli esea. Now taka hld oe!tîle nd a!filie lowal île cake reste upan an u mm île cake aven right sida up. h le capita omake a cake heavy te, lai it cool upside, down. AN ARTIST 0F THE LIPS. Au lEngiI-sbExiaibitor Who Iflaî Been Armiess Slareslot., Elglith Xear. Firewooels and facy »j.-wellary aem in île popular mind, ta lae more clesely associaed cylth île Crystal Palace tien Art witli a big A;i yei ju,st et pracant ihere isac lit île atudio in thic Seuil Neye with e suspicion of Aubray Beardsley and a dacided aimosphare o!f?,Willam Morris, ecys île bondon Express, Atisijo waii paper 4esigns, designs fon daîniy fans, wondanfui uitile wea- tan-colora,, and sinikiug lina dnaw.. ing% are cou île walls, whisthie yeuug and haudsea aniit lusily painta by means, o! his-metih Mn. Bartnam Hiles was borii in Bristol, aud was daprived, etthle cga af aight yeea, of bell bis crans tînouigh an accidentý. BaiDea iis catastrophe alid deveioped a airang passion for drawýýiug-so, sireug tiet the luo!5 o bis arnî1 ilu'no way dimiuisiad bis ambition ta baceme an ertiat. Working wlth counrage and authuiasm, lia obtcined a "firsi-cles excellent" Lu thle acond grade for ireehcud (?) drawîng within two yearaeof lis accident. At île egae! 16 Mn. Hiles axbhiad a eaLudy lu water colons et île Bris- toi Fine Art Academy, and lia, car- ceran s,5 an artisi wae feirly bagual. But it tool him npwýa;rd o! cix years ta ohta&icampiete a arteny aven île muscles o! lia menti; yul limeaend practice miiade him mena5 expert than aver n l raadom and tondh. The yauug artigt lias axhibite-d et the Royal Society o! Bristol Artiste, the Dudley Gallery, etc., "very near- ly," lie sae'id smiiingly, "at île Royal Acad"my," and wi-eraMr, Hiles' pic- tures were eccapied il wcs autinaly an tiair own meiate, île iaugiug oommittea beiug quita ignorant o! lia mtled ncad. 1Dc! tiy a Irnei was pickad up, col- aur mixed and appliad with. an ex- quasita bnuci, hy mn ai Mthe peint- ara mouil; and aveu as ane rapra- sentativa looked on arustie chid grew suddeniy out aofliedc nd White, watchiug ithe sattiug sun. The cntist's dalight lu lie work, sud liî lreezy ebeery manner, seam toceeat ona's pity bac]!';the man Who lias conquerad. nelly acd pat ientiy, se, many and terrible difficuitias, esks for epprecietion of lisworl !ram the common grouud o! Art, ra- tier ilien from puty -for the miefon- tue wiidli lli as se- wenderfuiiy a-veÇrcomel, TUTILIZTNG THE "AD." IN clJip ANDl RÂRBÜURI NAVAL AND MILITARY NOTES 0F THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Condeserd Peragruais or interest ta floUs 3Eiltary and Civillani - iiaw Tommy MLIes Fere Inu ffferent Countrirs, The ameunai xpundad evany' yeanon ils armies, and nevies o! Europe is aeid td, axceed £-20D,000,001 j The British soldian ha ln lospita un average o! 18 duys aeyeur, tle àAus- tihan anly 13, but ti-. Rusan 28 deys, The thlekesi armeun on aur uaw battiachips, sncb as tle bondon, le 12 luches, Tle Nile, buhît lu 18;-S, las 20 ioclus. Aceonrdiug ta an article ia Engineer- ing the uew subanarinu bDats whicl are beiug built for île British navy, dive lIke perpeiseo, instecd o! alal- iug on an ean leal, . itlias beau essertcd tlet tle only British negimant ibet marcled it Sebactepal, ati us capture, wtl baud plcying and colours !lying was tle 20ih Foat-Laucýashire Fusiliers., Hare's ac cmioriahla wey of dolng saniry go. A contamporary informes is readena ilat ha île Répuhuhcofo Hcyti île santils ana provided witb chairs in ibehr suntry boxas,ou whcl they cen sent thlamsoives during their tumnaifduty, htinhapeniap3 not- eenerally lnown tlat 17,000, Rus(sian treops were an- cemped iu the 0Oouniy cf Kent lu île yeer 1799. They were ta fonan part o! tIat army which mcde sncb e dis- ceirons campaigu luin olland, under command oi ils Dula a! York,. The appoitmeat o! Vice-Admiral Sir C. A. G. Bridge te hae Commander- lu-Chiai o! Han Majesty'a slips and vessaIs au île china station, isnai! i- ciaiîy auueuuced te île Admlrclty. 1Il tool a long tima tu gai ta ledha beora île Suez Canal was opanad, For instance, ile 71st Highlanders ambanled and aailed frein England hu Janacay 1779, but unet t-ilt Jenneny 1780, did île ilraeo hip-sl ce-ntaiuing tle regimeni ancher lu Madras Roada. fly the laws made centuries ega, and wlicl have becu iu existence in soeaformnor anoilien aven since. île rehgning monanel le aupreme lord o! botI thea amy and uavy, for bath in- stitutions are cousidened ta ha lis ecwu, and are neaily aupposed ta le peid hy hlm. Au uct ai Peiaaent was pcssed 'iu 1710, iy wiicl cil Englal magie- traies were empowared te impre;s for -service lu île enmy and 'eavy euy man w'lo bcd no visibin- meens ai subsist- ance-af course, supposîng tle man ta le pbyscally-fitied for service. Tbey lad te serve five years et lacet.. The Wa-r Office lias deeided tla pal- IliaIan affichai ilstony or the w-a, Dr. Robertson Nicoil, lu the curreut numbýen of! ilsBritish Weally,staites ilal the worl las beau aeutnustcd t Lieut-Colonel G. F. R. Henderson, TIare are te la ai lacet six volumes, and perlepe neven, eaacl o! about 459 pages. Ou Apnîl 1611, 1852, an eagie frein ane oifilthe pturud, Prendh flags in île chapel ai Chelsea Hospial wc atolen. Tbis eagle lad a coppen-gili- wneath ancincling it, and, with île banner, wes prehably tle besi aven talen by aur amy. itoriglnatly be- lenged ta tha Bih French Regiment, and wcs iclen durng au engagement with thl, French et Beroasa. The Wcr Office raturas show thet tle total o! Britalh detîs in Seutl Afnice up to .anuery 3sit wes 12,989, ai whicl 7,793 died o! disease, and ouly île compcratively sinal ne- meinder a! 5,196 frein w"eucde reeeived in action. More mnawena kiiled ont- right ilathe tîrea dcye' baitlaet Gettysburg lu île American civil war tIe>n hle died 'on cli tle bai- ilafiaida o! South Airica lu sixiacu mentIe. The yeuug maen o! Cocîhurn, tn Seuil Australie, iormed a rifle club a short turne ugo, but fouud noe difiicuity about sccurlng rifles froin tle Geverument, Feeling ilat, lu the warsi avant, ihay could net ha Iang- ed fan ileir daning, ihey epplied ta Lard Robants, who prompily lad tIen suppiied with Mauser -,epons cap- iurad frein tle Boers. Tlay ere now us a mark o! gyratitude, qendin- 1om falgar Square, la Mr. Thonnycroft's ý,aDk, cnd île statuaeaif an Gre- villa in île Hanose ai Parlia ment w-as cerved by bis hand, John Bnighit et Rocîrlala là anoihar o! Mr. Tlonny- cra!t's statues:; and lis work le laown indead, cli avYen île Iingdon and îl% Empiire. iZlaere area cGordon statue frein hie stioînluMelbourne, a sta- tue o! Sir Stenent Baylay le Calcutka aund allelrs lun averail o4us lu île F13OfI THE UNITED STÀTES PERSONAL AND POLITICAL NOTES ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE., ter& of Mantent and 31101a Gctbcred ]Freit2aHIs Recards, A IrancI e! île Y.M.C.A., spadially, for ceooured men, las beau oîgaaizad iu New Ye.rI. . t'e Thls Anenicce Bible Sociaty las ap- propricad $5,000 ion colporteur warl cmoug the nagnoas o! tle Souil. Senatan FoncIer Nviii spend theial in Perte RLce, and mule a iboaugli atudy ai all ite industries, classes cf population end its varions social, adn. caiounal and religioius institut ions. Presideni James K. Putterson, QI Kentucky State Celleiga, Lexiagton. Ky., lias cannouced ihat ha Ils wiil lie las set cshda $50000 for a colage lilrary, asac inmunial ta lis deceascd soan. Davifd L. Richards bas baisa eiecta ta île posithon o! Towýn Clark of Northi Deen, Mass, fan île !enty-!irst con. secutive time. lia aiea servad as tra. aunrer o! île tawa for tcveaty-one ye crs. Fine, 011e! Sweaie, of Chicago, is seld to ba w'nitiniga bolk, pýarîîy auto- hipgneaphical and pently a histiry o! île fine depantmnut cf bis eiiy. ItL4l tai le euatied "Fiiiy Yeere a Fine- man."! Mns. Ida A. Hull, a Mathodiajt mis- sioucry latoite Clinase la San Pneu- cisea, les changed bar naine te Chaq Hou ,Ten. Accordiug te cotmpetent testfimni'it la the namne o! a worthy ministe.r ced nastac4lar, ,Thle Goyernoir ofUtahi las bcd îhe goold cewetai veto the 1il1 pased ly the LegIcicture for tle tolaratien ef plural mnumiagas solamaizýedha! are Utah becume e Siata. Au atiempt tai passe bil1l11avan lis veto failed. jBaron R. Laîneen, Censul-Genenat of Greeée tei the Netheanaa, la khag c tour a! Aieccancd cunonces lis intention te, wriie, a bock about the Uuited States., Ha ansys thai le could neit aanytbhangunliad caot it, - The sun ai $300,000 las beeu given hY four pbiiantbropisîs ai New -York te île Y.M.C.A. ai ibat chty tore- liava île branchas o! the dahi au thair hiuildings. Tires aif île four donorg aira J. Pi.erpont Morgan, Johnu-D, Rockefeller ced W,1iiim E. Dodge. ile fourtb wésias bis gite ob@ anen;ymcîus, Fevomîralle arrangements are heîng made witl île nalroads fer tle con- veance a! Epwoa'i.h Leaguers frein all pointe ha tie United States and Can- ada ie San Fraucisco for île next Na- tional Convention whicl, acrding te preesetnt arrangements,, wiil behalh July 18-21. An exanaple to i oter chLies lias beaul set lu Pittfield, Mas. y micletens O! cIl dnmacin. Ti-acyhave- agreed le refuse Lte penfoýrina rmar- niage ceremoay wlon, ana or bell Parties te îlte murniage bave bieu divercad, axcepting île cae o! île i:nn(cent p-criy toi the divorce suit whe lbas ahtaiuud e divorce on Scrip- tural grmujlds. By île wiill e!thîle ate Pranklin IH. Bihop a! RuesehI ', Macs., île Sitaec! Mas-sachusetis le made lis residnary lagatea. Tia witllreads: " As h lave ne relatives on wlon h cura ta la- slow my geods and asiates, afte thl Puymenî e! my just debi and funeral expoiases, I give cli île ressidne is fmy asiate te île Commonwealth cf Mas- scbtsetts, ta uis sale use an-dha- boa! forever." The executor ays lIat wchen thleasiate is settled île common-wealth wvill redoive about $7,000. Mn. Bishop wcs a promineet citize:n ai Russell and, an ardent ad- mirer ai lis State. i ZEALOUS GUESSING. Few e! île, atnugglaa o! hife ans more agoni.sing ihan ilosa of ile schooiboy who lias no idea o! wlat i s eîcedo! lin, but daiermnes to di lis has"t. Hie frauticeffoitos-Io minet hicacîci 'c suggestions ica:!-. wary aie simpty banale. A few days ega, île, master e! enùý O! île elamentery scloels ha Nosw hury waa teachiug lis boys tle con- Position O! sentences, and said te If 1vii go ou, "What lava I on my canal sinengtl. Tle ailan day- île loir te île Dentela Crawn iras driv- ing with the Princasa wieu tle balis ou ileir herses stariiad île animale lnaunoter slaigh, Nwhich was aven- iurned, the occupants baiug bntaugled in tîsir rmga. Tî,asatled hersas helted, aud tîleunufontuncaepeessen- gars were la greai danger, but île Crewn Prince immadieiely urapt eut e! listsieigl seized tle runaways,and bronglit tbemli to a iaudetil. Mn. Younglnsband, racovaering £ram! lifluenza :Tlsbeef -tea seama vary wvaek, my dean. Mns. Y.-I'm sure i ught ta le goal; I madea h eccording io tle dcc- tor,-s inStruýctions. Mr. Y., inquiringly,-The ot"'t Mrs. Y.-Yas, le eeid hall the people didn't staw îlehea! ae neugl ta> gai elu île gad os ut ofi. I'm cure I d id, i île sauce-peun boiled dryl awc n cd I 1lad ta fjil! il up yt