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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1901, p. 5

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Seveî-al old people lu Danlington lit have died this year.. A CRti Mr. J.C. M eeks lias put a new face Wneifour confemporary imagift- e htpoetry is original. Mr. H1. F. ilunter is solicitor for the T ooth Brnshes.Township of erfo the Horticultural Society. Mrs. J.J. Gilfillan, Orono, lias been Wfe import our Toofli Brush- visifing lier parents here. Great aiterations lave been made by eq and if you are a judge Of restidents on King-st East. goodl quality you Will apprec- Thc brick of thc old Porter foundry iate the bargains we are show- lias been taken f0 Oshawa. ing in" our widdow. The front of flic post office miglif be improved with more paint A splendid Child's Brush - 5c Mn. Williams will sharpen your lawn1 ,A ice Une for Aduif s - Ide mowcr and do if riglit toc.- A t1bwouglily satisfactory lice 15e Whaf rubbisli some of our exchanges The nesýt made(usual price 35e) 25e publisli as correspondeuce. Every womau, lu WestDurhamt sliould Larg Botie f t e ff'~ join thie Women's Institute. Finest DelltifrÎo à C London,was lu town recently.1 Mr. Fied 'R.: Foley is mahing a cap- ital President of flic League ln flir I3rushes we are al6o Cîtîuens, attend the council meetings offening special diseounts, and watdb x'oun nepresentative4., Mr. Ficed ileal will meve inte the larger store of tlie Horsey Block. b1tot -and Jur oung people attend the social even- _______________________y ing ln St. Johins churcli, May 22. Mr, E R. Bounsall is busy ercfing '4ý,A -ncw monuments ln flic cemctery. Mr. John Dare lias made some im- provemenfs around flic Balmoral, Sosof Englaud will attend Trnity niece's marniage at Vasey-May 1. Mr,ý Jos. Rube, Toronto, was lu townt T IC K T S.Tuesday renewing acquainitances. T Sm Nr. W.G. Glover bouglit a span of carniage bbrses lu Toronto rectly. Thc News calîs the' patrons of tlie Amateur Minstrels "pest cf seciety.," Whatabou yor super Horticultural Society h a S ordcred What', aou, sth your ste r plants frin Eý M.' Mitchell, Port Hope. tnp No lethetîm tear- Thc West End Hotise is doing a 17,efr t splendid trade lu ready, made clothing., We ticket te points on any hýM)-. M.Mayen and lis gold medal ý-airùa on hiscontnen ahave been phetognaphed by Tait & Co. raïroa onths cntientat Suggestions for our Faîl Exhibitionc lowest prices aid will be -glad may bc made te M,.A.James, Secrefary.t f0 furnish ail particulars as f0 The News scratches Prof. Barten for rouites, etc. liaviug- his prognams pninted in To-j route. Gai an eosut uas e bst Cifizens sympathize with Mr.Solomont Siummer f1esoits. llamm, Ulanke Union, lu. the deafli of bis wif c. TinFarmens' Institut e annual meetingc ~nnftioi~n mrtlQ Saturday dune 1 at 2.30 p mn iu Ceuncilc I Uit flhIIÙl I1 0l TheIIjO C~break lu the curling af flic cenm 0f course you want one of etery-west side-is not te be repaired these. I'Prices fun from $2.50 up. tî esn .ÂSK US ABOUT THEM, 1 - Mr.H.tC. Tait and sons are transform- ing fIe ectegon parsonage grounds ln.- te a pnetty place. I 1ev. Brandon, Greenway, flic new pasten of Trnity dhurci, la received G. T. RC. P. and -T-. A. with mucli taver, Agents for Dominion Steamship anld tsesn epc bepro ae to stay in tie town lock-up owing te its Beaver Line. uniuviting interior. Mn. John Canvetli, J. P., was in town 4M~ /~Uh4 ~last weck and tooli flic oatli of allegi- e,ýýj4 kîtcuce f0 Kiug Edwand VII. ._________________ Mn,. îr Geo. Hyland, Oslïawa, adventices asplendid fanm. lu Cartwright. Writet BOWMANVILLE, MAY 15, 1901, fo him about if. Sec adyt, Flavc you read "AIVýoteor King ?" If District meeting at E nuiskilleu to- nef, you should, It is an intenesfing day. stoi-v well fold. Sec advf. fTýve your bicycle ovenhauled by W. On rcquest of Mn. T.11 Spny, Secret-É 'iggh. ary, $150 was 'grauted f0 flic Public .Ir.E. Rowsc, Osliawa,iwas in town Reading rooma by flic council. last Tuesday. An Osliawa gentleman came liere Very lateat styles in gent s' bats at M. nccently f0 order a suit of ciothes frontm t~Maye'l lat i-tone. Coudh dolnston,& Crydenman.1 TeMsnCe's shee window is a Mrs. Gco. Blair, Pnescott, and Miss positive attraction. McKay Whiby, were recent guests of Dipliflenia lias made ifs appearatide Tena tefcmifce lu_ Darlingteu again.Th odadSrecmiteex en anivrspect te gef flinougti fis yean witli only Kecp in min' Enniskilic nies 25,000 ft of lumben,Chairman Spry says. ary on Victoria Day. Wifi lccnrc o tetwtr Gn ooeina ples o ngfncwnie ing? If was not quite dlean af flic ~inowmnviic ew.council meetingr whcfber if $400 on 875. Ladis sc fic ice anify f wite W. J. Manfyn will give a rcwand. of goods at Miss Mantin's. 85 for information fliat will convict flic A sevene elcctric Storm passed oven party wîo clef lis lieund on Frîday fown Wednesdayniglit. îast. Altle, daugîter of 11ev. Leonard zSpecial value lu staple goeds flic 1 eps a lc ac diplithenia. week at The Masen Co's lncludiug Mn. Foley,.s ,,ioestore bas, been ne- Factony Cotton, White Cotton, Shirt- eivng ee iinisliing touchies. ings, ettonade, drille etc. Tice geetery is begiuuning te look at- We lican tliatMayon Graham of Belle I trctiv an mau viston secif. ville was over f0 Buffalo last week and - Seera farensanoud Slinaim-receîved ordens for $15,000 worth of ý,er td a canload ef sait recently. cvranaf e abc ro h et tFor a pleasant sal ou Lake Ontario If we speud $150 te $500 lu exfeuding 1>ieross te Charlottec on flic Nert h King. flic watcr wenks te flic Soutli Ward, Meýssns Gilbert & Son iufend putting, would if give better fire protection than iweigliing scales near their elevafon at wben fie S. W. Fine Ce., was in active. 'tafon. service ? Wc deubt if. CT..crossing on flic Warf This is flic way te de if fanmens. Mn. pnngCunadie an o a ficds. W ite M ear's work, complefin.- lis final course JAMSJP.Bowail le,- OntEx. Crown anid Bridge:iwork a-nd in ý,kaiosr)laefaor y cpsig. Orfiodlontia-special aftention beiug '~iingc, plaseuvo by opsng~ paid te fliese departments. ~M.T.H. Spry was complimenfcd on _____ e~ - "oplt "ttmnt o' fie Public te Counc in asking for 2e anua ~af.TI cure cado dwsfi 4 ~ ~ .~W J~oper one. L *MTI IA 9 M L Scrub brushes 2 for 5cts at Nichioils'. Woodstock's small pox scare turns out to be itch. How rapidly tree foliage liaîs dcvelop- ed the past week. Miss Benson, Prince Edward Co., is guest of Dr. Brbnacombe. Mrs. W. C. King will not receive this week as she is visiting in Toronto. Ladies white goods just received at Miss Martin 's. Reasonable prices. Rubler good lu great variety, and at reasonible rates. Tole's Drug store. Mr. R1. Jolinston, Lindsay, was guest over Sunday of Mr. J IL1 Cr.Ndermau. Another Allan Line steamer of 10,000 tons, the Huronian, lias bcenlauuched. Buy sour ensilage corn from us-seed tested-sure of a crop. Cawker & Tait. Dr, Garnef5 M. Trewin wlll assist Drs. Brimacombe and Devitt for the summer. Dr. R. E. Jones, headmaster Trinity College School,P3ort llope,has resigned. Special. Golden Net Salmon 2 cans for 25c. for one week ouly at the Mason Co's. Good roads is eclipsing ail other municipal questions ini the country dis- tricts. Ladies requiring hair done over slould cal nio lNrs. Dickinson,, King street. Do you tlîink of buyinig a dhuru or washing machine? We have the best, Cawker & Tait. Miss E. E. llaycraft associate editor of thts journal is spendîng a week wlth her parents aL M3'rtle. John C. Weeks is the busy man these days,-paperbanging. 11e carnies love- ly ateu.See themn. 11ev. Melville A. Shaver, Cobourg, has declîued the cali to Zion Congrega- tional churcb, Montreal., -Avery, nice,,and new assortment of, children's Headwear, just rcceived- at Miss Martins'-, Give lier a casll. To cure ÉL cold in a night-use Vapo-Oreso- lene., It bas been used ektenisively during more than twenty-four years. Ail Druggists. .Albani was not given much praise for lier singing lu super-crifical Toronto, but Moutreal gave ber an ovation. Just imported by Couch, Johuston & Crý derman, an immense, variety of lace curtains-newest desigris in ail quali- tics. Couldn't Bowmanville adopt munici pal i nsurante and thus hecome iridep- endeut f e Un 1er Writer 's Associa-. tien ? The Women's Auxiliary f0 Missions met in Toronto Iast w1eek. Mrs. Faru- comb, Newcastle, repiied f0 the address of welcome, "The >nîcest Blouses I have ever sec n" is flic general verdict of those who have inspected The Masen Co's new stock of print and musliu blouses. 1 Aý ver 'v popular late vaniety of pota- to is the Sir Walter Raleighi. Mr Truli bas a quantity for sale. -Thev* are -the best-you want the. best- try a few, bushels. --111 i GEYLON AND INDIR TER, GREEN OR BLACK Don't Forget the Facts. British grown Tea -is uncolored and cleanly. 1it is machine-rolled and contairis no adulterants, Neither Japan nor Chiina Teas possess these characteristies. ~ ~lA ~ ACeylon Teas are sold in sealed la om«A y packets only, neyer in bulk. Black, A L U Mixed or Uncolored Ceylon Gfreen. Sample on application. Address "SALADA," Toronto, Do'tFoge% We carry'a compîcte hue eof t ationery Note Papers, Letter Pads, Envelopos, Ail Sizes, Slapes and Colore, MOURNING PAPERS and ENVELOPES, A T Grrand GC.entra&1. Pearline 3 for l8cts ut Nicholi's. Tacli lammeis Scts ecdliat Nicholîs', Sfrawlbenny plants for sale, Apply f0 G. D. Fief cher. For bilieusuess, fry M iller's Granules. Sold ut Toic's dru.- store. New subýcibers eau get THE STATES- MAN te end et 1901 for 50ec Repairing neatly and promiptly donc if let t t Fred R1. FolgEy's Parler Shoe TeA per cent off af M. Maycn's Hat and Cap store for cash customers, Ceme early. Sec CaWken & Tait'?s adventisemenf this weeb dnawing attention to lieuise-' clqaning supplies. Mn. Arthur Morris, sou of, Wins. D. T. Caulifiower. Tomate und Culibagef Morris,_Irey5,lisbase is Planta -for -frunsplaufing uow ro,-dy ut0 Frealimun cxams af flic Dental Colleg Gordon D. Fletdlier's.t wý,hdh, admoits- him te fie Junior Class Trhe'lest-nemedy for scnofula les Mil- next terni. le's Compound Iron Pilla. 5 doses; -Whitbv Board ef Education will 25 cents. Sold ut Tolc's dnug 'tore. present -Major A. G. Heudersen wi Now la a good f ime te leg-in ta ingi $100 and au address, ut a public meet- Hoed's SansaDarilla, fie medicine - thaf iiuZ, lu appreciation of bis long- services cleanses flic lloed and clears tIc, comn- fliere as feadlier. plexiozi.è Doyou want a- carpet if so euh uat Wc carry fhe finesf stock et Mnress ý Coudh, Jolinsfen & Crydlerman. They goeds lu blacbs and colours shown by have a big assortment and wiil seli YOU anv lieuse lu these counties-. Coudl, a carpet as clieap as ynu can get if .îoinston & Cri derman. anlywlierc in Canada. The annual meeting eofflic Bowman-E Come and cnjey enfertalument, given ville District will le held lu Enniskillen s by thc juniors at Disciple, durci flic Methediaf eburdli Tuesday and Wcfld- Wednesday cvcniug. Prognam and nesday, May 21sf and 22ud.'1 refrealiments, and an exhibit et Icauti- Anc yenu t ail parficular about fie tut thiugs wih the pusten brougît eut and fit et your clothes if se leave with him fnomi the Holy Land, locts or your erden at Coudh, doînstoni & Cny- more if liberal'beartcd.> derman's and von cmalil e safisfled. Wliat las ceme over oun native Spigtmfu"li oyLn"wl count v fIat a recrudesence et winter Sle f ie ujefet isnuThe lv LRev.B. H. slouid endanger flic cropu flicre? The Havden, MA., ut the Disciple wines fiasled flic ncws bore ou May 7~ next Sunday eveniug. Ahl weicome. that a bcuvy snow fal fok place in Devonshire, England, fIat day. Shall Pont Hope Mefhodîst churel, Rev.Dr. we cal ler the Old Lady ofthflic nows ? Young, Paster, lias rcccived 56 new Mn. M. D. Williams interms THn members during- the year. Boirman- STATSMA thf li ispayng $ 75forville neccived 58-pnetty close, contest. marlztabie legs, live weight, fIls Having a large stock of Hafs and weck. This is flic hizhest pnice ever Caps on band, and lu onden te neduce if, puid bere te our kuewiedge. Canadian lave deeidcd to take 10 per cenf off for bacon lus faken unoflier risc lu Eng- cash customers, se come and get a bar-c land. Farmers, yen shonld go more gain. M. MAYER, Hatten, extcnsively into liog ruisîng. 911eGuardian contains more ncws A junior base bull club lias been on- tnom Manitoba under ."Lite lunflic ganizcd liere wlfh flic tellewing officers Churches" flan from al fthe oflier con- and memben's-Officens: Henorary Cap- ferences. Ifs cdurci newvs service isr tain, Mayor Mitcelli; Manager, Fred wrefcîediy lad and flic news if deesi Mtyn - Captain, Lucius Hooper' Sec- glve le usulyvr fae Treas , Sidney Morris; Field Captain, Our readens bnew tley cau alwaysr llunny Mutyn. Players : Hnrry Mur- déend oun wbat M. Mayer says about tyn, Norman Leggc, Alan Keifli, Ne]- fIe goods lhe sella. His ncw spring son Edicb, Gordon Edicb, Sidney Mer- styles etflutta, caps, fies, collera, cufs, ris, Eddie Johnson, Fred Neuda, Lucius gleves, shirts, drawcrs and other hrfie- Heopen.11 les for gentlemnen's wcan anc now reudy Wlien in Town, stop ut Nicliolîs'. 'fer inspection. Ilis prilcs are O.K. Gîlleffa Lie 3 for 25cts ut Nieboll's. MAXWELL MACHINERY FOR SALE- Carpf tcbsTac pulensut ichlîs, Hvîiig fuken fthc ugency and opeucd Caret acsTck ulersat icoll'.up slep ut Aslten's Corners ý mile Violet T oilet Ammonia,rcfneshing for nati et Hampton, wlcnc I carry a bath and folet. Tol's Drug store. sunîple 50 tarmers ýmuy sec ton flem- Until turf 1er notice Tait & Ce Willi selves sncb as bindens. mewens, îcýap- inake elle photos on Wednesduys and crs. furnip sewers, scuffiers, churus and Safundays oiily. oflien articles, will le ut sbo p evcry1 Wc tube subseiptiens for all news- Saturday affernoon. A eall selicifcd,1 papens anîd magazines ut club rates. also bo supplies for sale cieap. dAs. Sec our club ists. G. BUnNS. 18-3w,t . Vo. lave a large stock et Quartened One of the înost unique window dis- Oak Furnitune lu Antique und Golden plays we bave ceeu fer some f imei!Bflic finishies. L, Morris. tbeli brusli displaY lu Stofi & duny's Lades'spnng ent au caes isewindow. if la pnepared f0 imitaf e au Lades'sprng oat an caes lsoimmense colwcb and flic rudlies are ladies' taller made suifs new dliowng _tb fiie cnîkut af C~dliJIh8tdi& ~ddrmn ~ werk. If la surprising what a nice When buýing a neudy'madc suif On brucli f ic arce ffeing for 5 ets, and evencoaf you want fhlinest styles and thein 25 cent hune is flic finest brusl et our neudy-made suifs tor men and boys flie bind wc have ever accu. Thec lot- une al new goods. Cod, hJolinaton & tom efthfe window is fifed wiflitooth ryderman. pats and powders preminent umong1 STATESMAN nreadera lu uny part etofe being Staff and Juiry's own foot h Canada on United States having ticnds powden lu lange at n spécial going te the Oid Country wili oblige by pnice ef 20 cents. aSking-M A James, sfeamslip agent, Tlursday monning Charlotte E. for rates, lest bouts te go by and se on.- Clemens. lelovcd wife ef Mn. Alurcd E. *lu the monning y-u en edlfotfer Of Eaglesen, dicd autthfliamily résidence, your sick leudacbe on bilions apell if Cold-Sprnga. The deceased was bru yen lave faken a Laxu-Liven Put lic lefic heTownsbip et Darlingfou. and iglîflefere. Tliese littie tellows wonb was married te lien now beneaved bua- whilc yen sleop wifhont gripe an pain, baud lu 1887. 11cr ailmeuf was uer- Thc Sunda.y Schoel Choir et StJohu's nicieus nenemia, and for nearly tour Chundli wili give a soci 1al cvening in thc mentisshclicas snffcred very mnudli Dur scbool noom on Wcdnesday evcning, ing 1er ilîness, lier faith. loobed beyond May 22nd, ut whiîli a numbcr ef useful tic rale, and lier defi,_t was peuccable articles made by flic girls belongiug te and triumplianf. SIc icaves te mouru flicchoer, wil l e sold, ut vcry reason- lien losa, lier lubadfwe sens and oe able pices. Tliey will aise sdil ice daugliter. Tic tuineral uîil taIze 5place, cream and candy. There wilile muisie 0oSatunday f0 flic Preshyf venian býury- loti instrumentai aud vocal, and un ingrgou.nd,. CoId pnilg , ut art galler.y. 9-w5o'ock.-cobourg SeitInai-Sfur, 200 bushel potatoes, fine sample for sale at The Mason Co at 20e per bushel. Mr. irebilcock wants the council t0 ask for protection at the G. T. Rl. cros- sing on Wharf Road. Mr.Norman C.Hllocen, having finish- ed his course in Hamilton Business Col- lege, has accepted a situation at Victor- ia Hlarbor. Mr. Win. Annis, Ebenezer, was in town last week looking hale and hearty. 11le is one of the few old pioneers re- maining. Theschooner "Jtmieson" brought a load ofcoal for McClelÏan &,Co., lasi, week and the 'Flo'ra Carvefli" loaded barVleY for Kingiton. We were favored with a cail Monday from Editor Fairbanks of The VIndicat- or, Oshawa, who- was -passing through town. This was lis first visit to, THE STATESMýAN, office, but weo hope hec will fLo0t S'a .y awaY so lon'g again. Thie Amrfateucr Minstrels were grie by a packcd house Friday, night wheon they repeated their programi given flhe wý%eek before, as reported. They intro. duced somie new features, that took verav well, espe 'cially Schuyler Edsall and bis 'barrow.1 The singing was again very good and thc boys bad, to respond to well deserved encores. At loc. admis- sion f bey mnade $35. On Monday they sent $15 t0 the Sick Chuldren's Hospital,1 Toronto, and $15 to the Home. The D. 0. & P. Co. supplied one of their stand ard upright pianos free for whicb the boys are very thankful, The program was lean, bright, interesting and new, se that theb boys deserve great credit for.the efficiency lu whicb it was ren- dered. BORN, BRieces-At Mytie, Sanday, May 12, 1901, to Mr, and Mrs. W. Frrrancis Briggs, a ilaughter. PRESTON le En nisklllen, May 7, the wif e of Mr. Geo. Preston, of a son. DIEO. GRENAwAy-At Port Britain, May 10, iSoi, Mýary Ann Clarke, beloved wife of Mr. W. R. greeaway. We, the %îmdersigned, d3 hereby agree to refund the moniey on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails- to cure your cough or eold. We aiso guarantee a 2.) cent bottie to provo satisfactory or moîîey refunded. 'J. HIGGI1NBOTRAM & SON, STOTT & JURY, P ASTUJRE TO LET-WilI take in a number of cattie to pa8ture. Apply to Mss. HARNDEN, lot 17, 1Xingston Road, Bowmnanville. 20-2w' Seasonable Goods, How are. Vour UueCenn Soap, Eroorns, Whiting, Blueing, Starches , Whitewas,,-h Brushes, Mops,,Washing CmouiArn- mnofia, Black Lead, Alabastine, Tubs, etc. .We carry a f ull une of the best Hfousehold Supplies AT RIOCK BOTTOM PIRICES.- .CO %R N A car-load juast arrived, white and yellow horse toofli, Leamiîg and lRed',Cci;, tcsted'Seed aid Prices Rught. Bowir,ŽNviLLE. CAWKEB & TAIT. i' :e THE P EOPlE'S STOE, ThiW kM 1 >qrImmensevariety. Newest -Designs,1. Ldiespîg Cas A fewýir left to clear At Oot. L - adies.. Elegant and up-to-date. LADIES' SAILOR iIATS Select and Catchy. SLace Curtains, Dress Goods, Blouse Silks, Af' Gloves, Hosiery and everything usually kept in a flrst-class Dry Gýoods Store. SALL NEW, AT POPULAR PRICES .. SThe Peoples' Store., 1 IPteNext'Door to Standard Bank.~ ~~BOWMANVILLE. dfi' mv S EED POTATOES FOR SALE-Sir Walter Raiigl-late variety. lanIa trial S OCK WANTED-- Any quantity etL HE EP AST11AY-,l ewes andu a m eotest amiong fny-ievarieties Sr Walter k) prieig Lamrrbs, Veal dalv, 1s, ROgs andlail kta aeluFbcr.Thrce of the cnes Raleigh proveil the beet. Price 50c. per bushel ktrnds cf fat stock wauied at once. Parties had net Limbed. FRED Ncuenas,courtice 17 t_,, FRED. G. TRUat., Parlingion, P. O. 2O1wý >aviug saine wili piease notify by card. WV. R. _______________________________R. CAxEi, box 189, Bowmaville. 10-31in FARM TO RENT OR FOR SALE.- STOCKS A14D BONDS FOR SALE, FARM FORý SALE IN PICKERING 100 acres, being the south-west hait cf lot 13 1 50 acres, Part Of lot 18, 211d Conceessioj, il, ln 6th concession of township cf Cartwright, on 1 have a Ilirnited number of finît mortgage miles from Pickering village, v, sturey brick the premnises a frame lieuse, a gond barru, tonre dwelnfaebri odfne;oe do feunedatîca, a creek runrng through tbe farm, tweety years.5/. gold Bonds value $1000 ini one aboutngafrae s ularigdfeneserci y ud a goof Weill cf water. For furtiier catclas0f the largest steel îhipbuiîding icompariîs o"' s Creek. Reasonfrslig aln elho appiy te n ebtBaktco aREthe world. jnst establtshed lu Canada, which 1 owner. AIîpy t owfr&slligfILIngAYSlit c aVLAND, Osharwa 20-4w" can sdi aI ortotAiee fuly pale up tock lu tU ,aeempany.lyieldîng tweniy dive per cent 7 hth.otetewurJONGbaî, dividend aunealiy and otiier destrabie stock. PitdIiig P. ,09.m Ail informnation by mail or on a heîation ai ____________________ Mit.P. TsîuuîLdodK,'5sStore. J -BARRaT, Broker, Bowmanville. 154f. ~ BYzDyiwn imu ICelelrated Higi Clas ors for BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS.fitnc new heuse veu ara Coneted by j.lfloinrtry each Tuesda building? If se, Icieplione Na, i 15. Notwtîsfanding ail repoi'ts )jFLOUx, P 100 lis ........ $1 70 te $2 50 fa fli cocntrany wc arc stîli sert- TOWNSIPnî OF DARLINGTOfl WirEAT, Fali, huaI. . 0o o11" 0 65 ing Mid going te scîl Dolors, :1 Spnug.........CI ()0 nte 0f65Sasnc, Bliuids, Mouhdiga,Pickets and RedPie.....oo 0 O7a ail kinds of dnessed and undressed BALF' bush, No%. . . O 40 0 O4'3 fresi stock to meet ahl fie demande of V Eli f ~RMl IfD R ,Il Goo le il 2.. 0 o e0 O GO lthe nra d uneconinai n ei vn g un w I1II1I~11W BRL e li 3 .. O 25 "0O380Ne. i dois arrivcd tnom fie LGîimenr's 'NOTICE la bereby giTan that the first sltiings 'l ilTivc rowed0 Il40 "0O41tai'tOrY ut TrOntou a 1eW dase ugo. aid of the. Court cf Revision for the Townsbip cf OArs White ,Il 102 'vz9v î î-~te e n~l nygaec Parlinglon wili ba Ueld ut the 'Town Ha, RE ..... 00 le00 oods manutuctuned I f hem ra eîr BU1KW1FT ...... ( 00 i O)503 notice and ut neasouablepics Paint cd SAUD Y A ~l, PBAS, BlackOe, Vbush . - 069 le 0 77 and grain ed ceilinge a spiecînilty, bond- ,AI ONE O'CLOCK P. M. i uneyqu ( oColtai Noers 1 Red f or Suglsanf ai te bear and determine the saveral compia4n efatA ' O00 O 0 olumhiNo.iRdCda i of errons and omissions ta tha Assessament RallilH Small tO000 nle 0 6 gds0 f P nad native Cedan ; Suif, for tUe said munitilpallty for 1501. Ail pensons Il Blue t O60 0 65 P an ad Portland Ccm.-nt nlways havi gbusiness at the Qonri are ieqnested ta oTElsttbl, l1- O0 I iO 1 l stck. Cali and luspeef aur stock atteuBUTE, eastblsaqfore00 0 ndpaid .ü, Dated ai t 1ampton the fth day cf May, 1901. EGGs, hP doz ý............ 0 0 O0 n ~ici eoepadu onodn H. ELLIOTT. JR., PorATo-es, V bush........O0 00" O0 M eisewbere 19-2w, lrk, Townshbipof D5.li0gtofl. HAY, 1f.,,,0r...... 9 00 Io, ueCuit C. Bwnnvle Seil Only test illilim'ým um a _ 1 1 Ilium il 1, 1 l

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