DU. L. r-OTTER. Co~4rrgai' nachri, flowmauvllls. 20 C iii' MISS ETIIEL MORRIIS, ,AITIST. Instructious giveulu PAINTING( ie Oil, Water Cler and Chinia. Sketchlugan sintii'g fromnsaturs. KIIN cepreiniîes, ir la1g at usual prîc. 5.Cm. DU. J. C. MITCHELL, MEMBEEOFECOLTEGEOF PHYSICIANS ,,% ad Sui-geons, Ontario,Corouer, ete, Resideeice. EeuickIliln. 74 A. e. MeLA UG fiLIN, sarrtster. Soeletor and Colveyseeer. 0ffie- Bleakley Blochs, Eîg sreet, ]Bowmauxîlleý Mderey to ea n at reassnabie rates, 48-lyr, ROISEET YOUNG, V. S. FFICE IN WEST DURFUAM NEWS 0 Bl1oek, n bore bireseif or his a' sîstaut will lsefourdfromb a. u te 9p. su. lNght cals a rebIdeiuce, dlrectiy epi2wite DrilSed. Galle b. Selrsphor tlejere lllrîceve osupt at Cyeuieu. 171 - yr. MIAHjýUAGE LICENSE,-M. A "AE, Issuer of Isarriage Liesuses Iissidence: Cenre street, SIMPSO', i& I3LAIÙ.BrAI D. B. SIMt'tiON, Q. C., CHAS. P. BI flarrustirs, oli.etorm, 2Yoarlýete tc orris EledÉ, upstairs, Kin.g 2etleueaiO Solietors for tise Ont.rie tiacirj. Private znoaeys beaned at loeLi ki DENTISTRY. G. C. BONNYCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D, S., Beror Gi aiuate in Dentistry cf Tl rento Uni. versity. Ommca-Over Goueh, Joisaon snd Cryderman's store. Bowmanvillo. 18yr Aî-ýýRIISTrEI,SOLICIT'O RNOTA-RY A3,>Prsikllc Cenvey aneer. ldoeBey, Private and Cpopaii Fueds te Ïend at lowesî currect rates OIFFICfS: RIrg St,, opposite Dr. ilarneiis Dental Ilooms, Br.wînanville. 136m* '10 LE T) $50.000*00 ogodrt A. g 14cAlcLAusaîs,,Soistor,Bowmsniville,Oîît DEXTISTS. 'Will lie at Blackstock on the irst Moniday of cach montli et Orono 2noJ Moîîdlav. ail dasy' aîîd at Newcastle lst Wedncîday frc.m 2 ptn. OrîcL:-Temiper-ance St,, Bowman- ville,rear off IHi-zgîbotham s drug store. C. HARNDEN, LD.S. Gradiiate of the Rlvai ColiegTe o Dental Sargeons, Ontario. <iFFICII-Opposite T. Biighaen's office. VI FAL1 ZED AI R, ONTARIO BANK idossglt and siadrfsise so uoe en îird Statesansd Cnada,. aiseGliSilver sudà n'ited States Greeiîhacks boiiglît assi solti COLLECTIONS Promrptly male at eus resstras upor a Il parts if Great Britai. tise Usste tatid ansd tise Doý eiu i ofCanada. Telegrapli Traîi sfer s lsde ferlas goor snialsums o n al par-ts cf Caînada. 'riýsîs ta peeially sdvass tageons te peu - ses lvOginAMas itoh.sor tise Nrtrl-WXeît, it makes lise fends avallsisielit ocesaitise pisse ol puy ment, For chier narcuslars eall-aitishe bani. A. J. M4CCT.aîLN, OEO, McILL, Acenau-tant Mansager Lake On tarie andi Bay of Quinte Steasu- boat Company, Limiteri. Str. "North Kiýng BELTWýEEN SOUTII BOUND Lv. Cobourg................ 1.30 p. mn. Il Port Hlope............ 2 30 p. m, Ar. Charlotte,' N. Y.. ....... 7.15 p. M. "Rocheste'r, via N.Y. ....7 59. p me. NORTH BOUND. Lv. Rchester, via N.Yý.. ..8 2,5 a. m. ifCha.rlotte, N. Y........ 9.00 a, ni. Ar. Cobourg.........l - .8 P, M. i.Port Hope........... .2.10 P. M, RigOt reserved to change time with or without notice. Il.Il. GILDERSLEEVE, General Manager, 17. Kingston, Ont, WANT ED:)-.E 1 1 os-es y ocaity ibrougis Canada te introdîsce our geede, tackiir.g up slîsjw cards on tress, focsaoc laris apdalt cosecans -places,- aise distriisuting suabi edvertising mnatier. CommIssiesi or s;alary W.00 iper nsocîti sud oxpeuses net te exceed $2.50 pe day. Steady cinploymont te gosit, hiset, sluable mon. No expersoco needfni. Write for fucl ariculars. Emipire Medicine Co., Lonîdon, Ont, Fonren 4'uiaan..............." is 9so.n Ns iundiane.... ........." 25e 9a. su. ParIlaln ................euneli 9 a. nu. Sicillien <sîcî).............. 1 9a.eine f'orieiissan..... .......... 15 9a. 5 Plsisin........ ....2 9 Se.u isorllss ,.,." 9 9a,rm. RATES OF PASSAGE.i First GabhiMJ50 55and upward s turn $104 sud iipwards, Second a GOin13.1 te .4250, Losîden .0-xira.Third lass ,55 nd 8$6_ Liverpool, Londonderry, Losndon, Glasgowv and Belfasti. Fer tiol£ets andi every infornaiotln ap- -.A. JAMKEg âllau neuoAgent, Bowmiaevtlle, I I a R ev, Dr. Talmnage Speaks of the Changes - of Fort-une. A despatis h rom Wýasisingion sai-sl home, i-ou cci-. Geot. edv'ewie t.' -11ev. Dr. Talurago preace-r freinTisatis jelat tise placehor" c mec te, go thefoloý-ig txt Ihere n'as canien tisa nrî abwý"es isu..Go tise hcble-ing tcxtlienie. 1less'r uic naî l'r u'rquiet arnd sharp rock on lb" onu aide, ane t tere sympatisetit home-s. BPat there ta n'es a sharp rock on ti eotier aide." sraey e mue wiso bas lise eputeticu -1 Sam,. xlv. 4. oh hasie,- a. oeheniesu acb"ias nouaý. Ai- frient-s, yen liltv' b-un or aeclrs imoogu unthinkingu-csa or precipita- tien tiser13aran" uny smatches matie non', 5ouaecof i-ou, lu iiJ ecriais oeh i'tisat..o, ght n-ver te beyvebeau mate. text. If aeam-s u- teu e trouble, An officietiig priesu caumot cloue ha eau gn' tirouýghit. cL" getburs nu;'-" ac--111le. Tii"Lrds ilmîe-g"hts ail bis îene'rgies, conceelrates thein m-est îroe-laisubanna. Tisero las upon ee pint ad i th stengh ieni-a ises in le icb tisera is ne uponeue~eut, m I u tse nregtbs57,peibi-andeut ne bpfulneandcution oh Gct, o r hy Ji s c'Suies n at lar a1 d ete rsa- gmo-ad clîcer. TO-' danger of htisab-t- inetien, goes tbrougai it. But tise tic rnay iel bhave heec beard ouiside, rua mciinO- bais trouble te tise right eh but Gc'd Ion-entai notwiltisstautirug cli hlmant tîchîs t il-~ shio! m5tise pleiyng -,of hetisa"nadrng meýrcis," him ad troble tp theleft eu-Jm and l tise otor of htise rangrî elbles- Os te b'_ piti-ri. Diti cuber trouble sem;3, andi tOe b2edictinofe! b"offi- ceme aIent-, b-3 migisi enure it, but caiins< pastusr, there lias iseen n-o tu-o ircubies, tsvo disasters, tl'oer- ni g.Soinetisues ntsc have sisadc-n'ug misiferunes are Bezez andt wkeec tot fiP. on euýe site o! themn tise resk eh persecuslins, ait on tise ISeneis. G-e t py iim 1 "lure ila o ess aithis e rak cf tomestie infe- sharp rock on tisa'esîader edeli-iy Iiat shiah sncban Ouia do? sharp rock on th" other aide,." Doc as Jonatisan; &d. Climul! Geit up lu tsis r1s1~ o tis' txi i th t mietis eiegbia ch Gcd's cousolation In tliacriis f thc txt s: htf resusn-whi-b i- ou mai- look dwnn maunihse f ortunoeundbeaitbh aillet triumnph up-onenlaidi' parseetien tise siainelime. Ninetouiba oh al an--i losus'trouble. Wh:.l- got ndi our maerclhasîlsucapsizc lu business be- Igreat JailO slc,eAY 'uo. heing siieuc- home they enmc te forti-Live years of cd oh tise mae-a sates eut baviug Thee I cone ollsio incos- jbis na.is' venLieni ou the crd fences ega, j>soe oliio n om f î.ondoni in deggeDre-, ai tisaivomi- merciai circIes eandthtiy -stop pai-- im is'lu nifo n'vas rnaking bimas mcii. l aomaas f eeri sue ussenhie usi se couit, actinsg es musi put bis ussu' ci tise bckoa-njtheugi s ie vecre po.5'sissem r ucOtise dievil1, as 1 upel.siso ns; n-"x'r do- noite 'fore ho le-res eisai a foola ing isim. eaisdie util tise day se mmiii is n"is risks ail bis eu-n ptroerty cen anai-, s.otisai he" n'mea lu Jis on t-be piospct that somrs' mau ueOl diary ibeýsawesrtias; "I dit net fersake tell lise truib. h sees as if a man 0ev--; 1 bava ne;t isecias-otier; I1n iii mug aealargo ameuni ot unsale- n- ~alie. muaibavea iAgain:. Ibai wn minstands lu tbe cbis gesiou o isaocra shoîf' beoome b«cisis ocf tIbmtaxi, wis b--as ereave- leemusiso%v much cselrit isi to Oui-mmet da sirngle for, a tiveltioot tisan to se.I. his"cm.s as if everi- et tOe Pamne tins'. Wiibeut ealing m-su muOs ccopeteli- berneS outInarnes, I1tpeck harem observation. Oh!I h lia a isard tiig for a uc-fan te before ise learmus usa impr..encee ohmake autionea3t living even veben ber alusys ;k-"ýeu-iae fuli lsureti. It berv is net tmoubisti cuti sie bas a ,Scmsua as if cvecy suemanalusha n'rek- fuir cecek 'auttise su-gutissu o! an et lu a fluancial u1empe"t befero ha Iciquisite preacuce. But non the bus- lean-ýtoikee ting siug n csebaud or tisa fether la tieci. This-'i- i"ams Is b-ep hbig' sug j cae pnss o! tise bsequies chsorbet al cf a ýiu-Stme ureclyden. Wheu tise jtisai u'aleft in tise sevings hauk,ancl csiemity doaýs come, ih lsa avul. Tis2 asen anrI uastedthii man goca bo>me lu despair anti Os WVEEPING AND WATCHING, tellisbis !ainily; 'We'iilhava toi g5 te se gees forth-a grave, a bearse, a tise poGr bous-'." Holaks a idebor- 1coffin bchiari ber-to content for ber eus_ vien' of ever yfiig., It seomn a asexistence ant tisexci-stence o! hem if O' neyer coainiri mie, But a li- 'ciiltiren. When I aýee sucis a battis as, tisaI ou-, I hut my syesa aitlie île tinepa"saauJ li a sys "-Wi?ý-1, " ghiastlino'.s of htie spectaeci. Men amu neît se batly off 'f cail; 1 bave sit uitO embroicuereri sihpper andu my famili- lrLt ' B-ferre the 'Lords'srita bearîless essaya about wTcmu- tumneti Atesucnut o! Peratis,- eho eu's vagos, hut ibat questic an s de gave hlm î-ve; so tisai wbsn lbalest u !iasatbod nitoat Paradise ha cuît standI il IPermait umo ers a thdannds. hlern-o- o o se ineyer reat but tismee or5mrbodta er.OgV o - nvel luailbisbih' et, 0ema fre ai-ceas te ,ail tise realss et a grenutiseai of roman Ce lu1'Ore aise cen get e livelisocti, frosu su irlrs e si- isa cIf'n ' heibmtelegraipis ethice te the puipit. Let -'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wg, ' bo-ungsf , 'bcs gu tsW00 Cu' do' befoie bers c ~ ,aget, hritie sife io ogis jare, eut towa. Men bave trou lu rOdeoli t e bud cu.irsndoinu. e houhi- i ouls aeutacn stand ih. Ma ka e na ri- , "tiser cnly lucroasesathte esujser- fimee te uner ef tise brolc-n heartÉ. O emnt, 2yen u re ber a -",e'flgn'mru n carvig'-vges taire c-sec cf~Y Yenare an ingrate; bo O ntoss' trîret -ute frnia for a n'emuu as chIen supîprts a once ontP, oe- -ehy ul flan, as t-le man supporta thse noman. te-achers, kuspi 01n iggartly stipeut- Tise manu mey bring ail tise dollars, Oi-a3noeen e! nrak nucrves eutdacis- b.ut th3 Oi' ean. geecrelli-reigas'eieg site, aud short hrsathand ctibroken ctura'ge acut fs-'faiL n eGori. iel, Oeart, yen steet sosueubug flore tisan lOis man och nitexin 1arn u1eking ug, bescezympathy, yen nees t e'syre- looksa rcund and hO' fints bis fasuili Patisi-ci Ged l. C bOUp late Jai la le!t, aý-1 h' rallie.., anuthes"ligist come te hbis-eyci-s, cul ts amibe te bis face, un! the courage tuo luis eaet. lIn i-e-ira b" la ail ovor it. Hlie makes bis linaneial cala mity the firsi chepter Ln e NEW liRA OF PItOcPElU TY. Hie metitht oestrrubie-conquered ht. H1e 5at doi-n for e luttl h"nilue, Eerae hm e.nt(er us- gelus eiadderw oh the rock si'haethm Buzez, i-st. tic isen roe'anti hegan -Theui we can't liki- Jeucnýti-an tei climis. -. .-' tell you any- 1 suppeýe tisait 1h-sc ovsrhise g'tg -ie.l---è l11c bu rocks o u-mari"Jonathanseseais-. $55'abu- bis tise harder tau-i O'fester teý get y-~ A- Yo up eut eut luýoto ,-,s- unlighst; cnt know how dark tisis cîsuinet sadosv of iuva!iiismn ' anid fin ancial emiarrassmeni bas ,C'-!- ',t everythIîxg Iocks ten lihus-r a mann p t.qulaker iC l,ýýe aId how you are abou lis,' ruuigbt t 01Ged's- haver, asdthelb-e ready to give up. SoIre- uuonatai- hbis ý,glorieux promnis-. IltV la e tifficuitt islng for a ni-su to fe-1 V 110w, you cn't throw off bis dapentience up.cn Goi wheu shashý the terrible depression. ten tfla-ousatdollars in tise banki antd rethngsrell 8 it t iousanti dollars in gevere- 41 r hny elys ment i-ccuritlas, aud s b-lock o! atones bluc? Isn'tityournerves5 eut liree hips. "Woil," tise mai afte-r ail? That's where asys %t-e ims"lf, "it is alibi-for me' tetobei. Y u te, pray, 'ihive mc3 this day my i- hetrublsu- ou bread,',whs-e n i- pente- tl full, anti uerves are beingpoisoned tise calnali,, fresu lb-a 'est are orowdr- frorn the impurities In et veltis rsati-sînffs deosiln for my , storeiseusos." Oh:, mi- your blood. frien1s, if the cis'mbineti mi'!er- iuie nd et diasteaof lîfe isave marie yoc' e5up- ithlie arma eh a si-u patb,--aunîtcoinpassio.nate Gut, osf pareci"ssccorsis a 011f senhave r.uy cou aieist oer S j sd âairs e tet s ite a.ic r, TONlO AND AIN INSPIRATION; eupessbly rereru ie bellectes tr ieeiy. You will re -mie s prompt le' bi tee mu-b hof ih, eut te 0long pi,wltlssstcst. Addressaso. , caestinue-t iecchnes tise rock Bzz D,.,A]RLweli,Ma t r e i ni g ea i rk s ab clc w o vci r nam- n \I __ life. Whaiia s hot« do thcn? Go 0i-'.i--~ -Al Os, thrown nsaide withuint serions con- aideri io>n. A'-uordiug te opin.ioa in Gibraltar, tisere ta no iisea 01,u end bun-g plsae.. e'l tetise werks lun tise prea 'rst iber-i 0cr, nisicis are more tban bai! coin-i pleted. TOc preposet breakisater on tise eateru aid" sxonli b c, le addn tie'n 10 tise ps esent 'eI yopcrLe-, Tells tise story. When yen r ha aches, aud yeu feel bîlicu, censti- patefi, andt eut of tune, witis your sto'nach scer and no eppetite, just gp bey a package ef And taire a dose, fromu i te 4 pills. Yeu well be acrprised et isew easily they will de tiseir werlr, cure your iseadacheanit bilieuness, rTesthse liver ànd inake yen feel happy agale. OP 25 cent, S ý'old biy al suedicine dealers. aurms. 1He Irneriv it ail and ha loves yen mccc ,tisan father or mether or lisanri, ever could or ever did, andi iýsfq o sf fngdrwn -wriLging Your bands, in des'pair, yen bcd better be-. gin te climis. There are heigisis of consolation for yen, theugis now "There 18i a sharp rock un tihe one sida, andi a Sharp rock on tise otiser 'Again: that man la ie tise criais of tisa text who las a wasted lise on tiseoes ide and an unillumjineri aternity on. tise other. Thougl a man may al Lis life, have, cultivateri delib- eration and reif-poise, if ise gets in that position, ail his self possesson. is gone. There are ail the wrong theugbts of hie existenice, ail tise wrong deerisz;, aliltise wrong vords- strata above itrata, grenatic, ponider- oua', overshadewing. The rock I caii iB0zez. On the ether aide are al the retrihutiong of tise future, tbe thrones of judgment, tise etereal ages augry vitis bis long defiance ; pilori rip, conccntrated, accumulateit wratis. That rock I wilu a Seneis. Clisui op by tise. way of the cross. H ave your waste-d lise foT'gîven. Hava yenr eternal lise Sceureri. This moeming just taki' one look to tise past andi se wisat it has been, and tekseue look te the, future, and sec vehat it tiseatenS, to be. You cen efferd to lo,e your heaitis, yoe au afford te bacsQ your >.roprty, yen eau afford te loae youe rcrputation ; hut you cen flot afford to loin, your -ieul. Tliat bright, glessuing, gborions, precieus, eternai pOli,essito, yen imust carry aloft in tise day w-heu tise cas ti rocks doven and the, heavens, burSt. O Go,iselp tisaisman to save hiz ,seul. Like Jeua- thnn,than, climbnisîth ail yeur might, instenri of sitting rieun te %'wrng your bandis in tisa shadove andi in tise dark- nosa, a Sharp rock on tbis aide, andi a aiarp rockom tise other side. FOR OVEi14 FIOFY YEAIIs. !drs.Wln'Slow's SoothiigSyrup bas heen ussi by millions of mnothers fer tisr eilîdren e-hile teelhing. If di'tusrised at nigisi sud broirsu. ef yeer reist iya sick child sueieiiug an d cryig velus the pain of eutttsg teethseri ai eues ana gel a isstie cf Mr8. Wlnslewi' Soihirg Syrep ter Ciildrsn Toet1oing. It wibl relieve tise poor [îttie sufferer i Lees. Iepend epon itmethers, there hn isitai,,,ke abit i. It eures Diarrhoea reqslates tisemstemac!s and beveels, ceres Wind Ceisfes.is, g ures, reduces inflanmmation, ,and geans and eîî ergy tote hviole systent. M irse Insoiws' Soeiurg Syrup fer childrec toetiig ispleasaunt te tise taate ansd 13tise pre- ses iption fc, orý,ýf tise olde3i sud boit lomale MI pbyisuansd inurses le tise United Siares- Pressc a iote. Soit by ail druggist thre' gis out tise vecrliri e sure sud ask for Mrà. %V Lx SLOWS' S.sisrgSyrup L UCK FO SOLID ROCK. r Ios e reie< t £lbrallar Slalpss1n- Ag uls s pal-Is tatter2es. It wnll p:oisably be some trne isefore any part of tise report marie by the special commission that bas been ln- qeiring iuteo the sfety cf the non, barber and ddeaka wili bc gis su tothE public. h ta lelarer, hovever. frosu a trnstwortby source tisai stsher mission hue mîarie ene very imupert- ant recosumeuripnatien te tise homo Govemuiment. While ih lsa dreitter that the peverful Gibraltar huiteries might bc able to keep down the firo frosu tie gues meunteri on tise Span- isb mainiand, the commission con- siders it proved thatsz hips about te enter the cnriosed liarbor w'onid bc severely Oandled isy auy Spausis guns of large cize that migisi b3sunut- ed t etscb points as Verde Ilant, Carnero Point ecresa thse bay. or near Mole Peint, at the base e! tOc poil- mnIa on vehicistise rock stands. Tise range le tha tiree casses weulri bs abou~t 7,009, 8003 and enter 6,000 yards r espe ctively. Tise new scberne, -which wonbd ai- iow of our tiips of ar coaling leý eafe'ry, ia as foAievs: Insteat of en- teriug tise bay aud passi!ng eround the Mole unnrer 'sire, they -wcubd ceci wiibin a breakwater ruuning ont 110W IT IS DONE IN THE GOREAT CITY OF LONDON. I'ile 5ruzzer la, Tusissuslue iaeor fl1,e Cessfileusee Tplekstei'-Tisey Iilt tilso Ilslilnable i'laces C.g Iesit sanasi li- gs'stlte Thesasolves In o jL liteue qboo GracesoS t Sis'asseis. lisere la ne, cia.sso! tiieves lu Lon- don vsli wh hes o! laie years heen- se succeesaful iu its isauls, or veiicislias haffledt tise police mûe.tisan tisat ehicis comprises prefeasionai drug- gers, gscys a writer lu Peersers' \Ve ekly. Tisassueu are eixvays perse-na of in- inaCulate si-levier, cnd mosi plausible, nai-, even fasaciuating, atriress, anti ibeir baunts are ail tise fasiio-nalb places Oh resoýrt or tise ',est-en.t wisere mrneyed atrangera froax otier laadsox rofeetOe country eongreg- aie. But ibeir havonritebaunts are quiet aut fasisioneble saiecu bars, wviere tbey make ea great sisow in tise veay 'o! expentiture, Tisetngr cees a sunhurni gentleman, pemisapa oujoying Olmei,f unveiseli- eut apet- ieg ioney freely, antibcho ntiîs, generelli wiiis a confederate, te piek np an aLcquaùlance witistise siranger ant tei mekeiissel! vat- ly agrenhbe, Tise two( or tisree edjeuru te soins place of amusement, aud corne bourg afieruvrds a gentleman, tise victisu, la drive.n by a cabman to a police- ciatin-anti sosrnetimne-ate c isspital e!ierxards-insensible, anti mnucs mo-ney, watcis5and et nellei<y. Tise ce.bsuan Oas picket uptw "gentle- nien' eriglualli-, but oesof tisein ast cailet on tise wuy on corne excuse, anti Oas no"t returnet, Were î flot for tisEse frequent ie- cidents ni p-lice-staiions, tise police 'ouilt Baver beer o! one-iweuîicýth oe tise casas o! trugginig, for tise vie- tiùs is I amn prepareti to do ail of bicycle repairing., OId -wheels theroughly renovated andi newly enamelled, New wheels made to order. AUilw or k guaranteeti. Get your wheel in no-vv se as te avold the rush. Grindin- of ail kin.ds. Eîîaineling done. W. FISHLEIGH, Market Square, Bowî 1141vilie GENERALLY A. MAN s8tf. e! soins means anti positien, %vhio lied____ raihor auffor baýs tian lie dragged tnto a prusecutioni. Again. bcho nt nfllCui shs ad. out infreqteutiy sets deven bis oven lu- U stase whtheryen wish Mensa when ii iisutise smugger wbo Oas ff u r Ldis' Bicycle, height cf fracs, EAGLE n-dgar wanied, and w c will send isaf hlDm lu baud bas iseen accomplis- y ou rais !iigb tGrade 1901 fledel ed at iss evil work, net teurirugs, but 1I tflIoig eanicycle by xpressuO., lu U Ldîbîet t ataion' Yý."ue s- te sosue vile drink tisaiht-e may have icxs-ndife i tb erongily at ynrEx place bis round. press OÎIean f on precystlsry, gîot at some paeon bsrud exacil'j as represented, A NI0H GRADE 1901r MEt GESfuINE EACLE BICYCILE psy te the Expres Tisere are otb"ir rmenuc ehii may Agent tise baisne due - ý29.0o - and Express net bOs toitd as a maîter o! eoli-cy, but rNos. 43, 50 andi 51 Charges. The express charges are only 50 se 7M àiý lu ne secret tisat mu-st offtise mcm- censafor earis00miles. Noextrachiargefor Ladies Bicycles. EVERYOKE VbOWS THE EACLE B3lCl'CtE&, berscf dnggug gngs se blo~ai, Tlsey are the lilghst Grade whee's umade; ne Bicycle has a berrer repuraricus; nu Bicycle bas beeo&J bers f drggin gans us-chlral, morcs wtdely adverîiscd by the makers; big favourites withb isît Piycle Clubs; the lcadiug wheel wiril It n iii bc e l wbc .iem.emory of lsoftssionair!ders. llcilt onisonir, fushbjints,,leestliage-r, hubs andterusg.hsghest gradequ;p.. meisi peuple bey, a very fewv years mlent. Fitredwisis Virtor Sngl Tube 'fires. $2.50 extra for Morgan & Wright Tii es-85 W~ extra bfor J2n'np Tires. He1ightsscf frame-Mcue's 20,22 andt 24 in-Ladies' 20 sud 22 in.s;-euizueid Biset, Cge, a Menis e-strr gentleman o!fssoe -IrWH OFFER splendid chance tesa goet agent in eacis townu. Send for'Catalogue and ask for Agents'I imporatance was fo0und tod at u ecais Illcautss. Wlseelaallglstlyused,$S.00to123.00. _T. W. BOYD & SON tea tise e-suit of meeting -anleffable Sem'reAg ency St once. 1083 No'raz 0DaMe ST., Moaarss. atrauger, wio edrniniss.ered clolral te hlm.. lu tii case, tise drugger nas a Oungier. To show isow Litile ti.ate description enu apply toitise Lodn $1.00Th ÛR11E ÎO o siatsd, as au ehsoîsIe fact, LraaI .. y a . IeBs luta recontly a celinismtari music-isall per -a Th et11sr dmonthly imagaz- a copy. fermier, n ho knows Londen lite as te wa e r men do andt ivisl an abstemious ma., ime of the Kind Publi3hed. %vsso cespletely tise victilino! drug- Itpae a'efle.b abrli t îryowiesan gers tiset tiscy rohbed hlm ,Isoae aeflld yeveryatara f vier n article of value be posscssed endi left artists. lisý authoritativo and independent revie-ws of him insensible in isis ove brou-gisasu Books, Plaxes, Music anîd Art, its ciever stories, strong One of tise dvuggers beri previeu-iy, j j lu affe'ctcd admiration o! tise perforsu..i speCial a-trtiCleýs, huirnor anici verse, With finle illustrations, or's talents, given him Il beautiful mnake it a necessity ini every iu'tellîg'ent hc me. The veî'y eut valuiabis' tiemont ring, nhicis o!f.Z-1 couru", went wibtiste rest.i low subseription p-îîe-$,1 JO a year-puts it within thec At ae-ari anti mosi fashsoneisle reach of ail. Reliablo agyents wanted in every town. place of amureresnrt is e West EndtZ the veaitars non iong aince fisuud, cf Extraordinary inlucemients, \Vîite for particulars. tise end e!ftO-e performance, a gentle- eaD"A triai ns crciption wrll prove iL. Wîite te -da' fer sampie copy-e mlan ilesvsuiug dres vue vas elene and ins.ensiisle. iotties anri giesses CRITERION PUBLICATION CO., wvere greatly lu evidence, and itilvas Subseription liepartînent, afierveerds fouind thet tise gentleman î-w4 at3~ tNwYr iy bcd issen iseavily and 1-w4 at31tS. e ol iy SERIOLTSLY DRUGGED, _________ andi xobbsd oh property to()tlec vain e une furtiser West. Ai eue place ENGLAND IN CRINA. o! over £700. TOh eeaiers resuember- ijoi e wri dtre ýstnJta cd iwo su-eu oh muitfesiionabis cx- t le ratord eteotpetisntantlh;-ha terior niso hbut Ocenieso'lOi upa n e bis glassut I IRe 1.'gie flîbsi Tiat tii l, r2týi 'l vebo seernu t tehave aippet asveyd. -ýote j et l",I-1iuIl ee"1 tisugi frm iis rnetis naI-7siug tise twvo tives ,tuai one o! tiser kepig tiero eyes iepotise watesneariy dint, vehlsitise gnuine ,andi Great Britein la fartiser inChn incrediisle feci remains tisiaioinatumrai testh citheotiser, a pati iareadi- tOue any cuber power. Tise sub.-quenty wa thisSam syclce cularli- fine set, cousspleelY crme out. Eluguis are doingithe mort cf tise pleated ii't tise samo place, tise latosi uThed dou e tcno scre, anwti vnforign hanking for Ceins. They vîctitun, an American gentlemen, - Itid r cuio, i ta epbeas'ure gli a percentege on tOe greaieûr lousing oveS' £1,000. lu two cf tise ite att ibat pari cf the quarter cf a billion dol- cases tise uanagement h ad the glas-r sdi lsfrintrd."e ses strictly exeminet, andtihie pre- I EEBEF iEWITER. lasteijelsfrie rd.Te sen-ce oh cisiccal w-as detectod. The füloinug -case occurret inlu osns up le tise lest four or, five yeara; Bat us-esc miscrcants sernetilncs i Augnat last, anti h bas lied us colle- tOc lirai twoc beina at tise close of eseet thelîr matchs. Not long tige, terpart ne !rwer than four trues, as tise Chinsiee-Japaneýsýe var, eacis tno of thesu pi'keds up a Yorksisjre reportedto thie pell1e dcving tise lest asuountieg te 980,000,0330, having been gentleman, svio veus aiteneiing tise tueielvémentiss. Ion' sucny tiiu"s bc- placdt Li ue Fuguis aud Germees. London neol sales. He iat a very ides, o-ne înay conjecture. Net far Tisera t on Englisis bsnk lu China large sum eoifrncney upon hlm. and as Item Seutiampion Rova a gentlemuaunisicli isas tupc.sits ohf 8}00,).It is isad met the tw, encaut b*la owu no! undoubtet positioiln'as nalkininl pays r3ix per ocnt, on tieposits, and, bote], %ad us îisey spent suouey very aqitsurwhnb bevdanstwithstandiug Ibis, rielaros ibig freeiy ent seemet muai tgenîlcmauly 1waii1-dres'-ed lady reel aut almeat -dîvidents. lu a recent transec- in, Oc ucvcr su.sPecîti ubie re 1 feul. Sheclctcised tise r;siliiugs, endi tien truide a cl-car profit o! $2,000,- suornent. sesmet abo-ut te haint. île ru'.Oed te 0N0, ant i ts stock is nosv te-o iun- 11e nas enjogyiung' binSeif te tisa full i er assistance ai, once. SOc !eebly tiret par cent. aise par.. at a bar la the heurt oh fasisionable tisank"t khm, eut, inticating a pros- Tisare are, lu. round numisara, about London, wen tise barmaid contrix-et perens-ioekioîg nwlciig a feu Stops 13,421 fcerigei'ýrs lu China. 1 de net to wisper tehm arst oea o!tise furtiser an-ay, bol binise liver in ale,11,e ibm oliers celîsti le by the in bad put aometbing miueisis, tise i lere. ieeseni -%var. Ohftsese fereigeers Yeikshiremrau's- gise7s.- SOs -furîblerile brta er -o te leuer reut sure tO-en 5,0f0Yara FuEguis, 2,100 inanaged te, tell tise gentlemnasin bto!fnhicO et lise saie ne Dmcnt there la- 1Amue rieuis, 10C0D Germans', 900I she tho-agbt tise mn neye .Ou' o! sueýd aul elderli- lady oh aerislccretic up- Frenchs, 13De-s, 400 SpenOh tisefeienv, saisc~iig srcchin, perane sd sannr, Tise latter Itabians, 1,0010 Perlugesani,7 slilpp'd of u O'iine ci impiored the gentlema-n le furtiser at~Jupanese. tOirasis thtie otiser n-an n'îthin an aid ;tise ynoaîeger lady, ber daugbter, A lotek et niat tise uguis are do- bsiug,. driven off le a isespiruai. lie did. Profuse thnisiis frein bots h Ib'hr tbhey are preft&be or un- Steyla- et one nf tise gre'sl loti-la feles id. fuir tise v ucer lady secm- prr firai le servants' 'YL. .ey snrcly rt-ar Trîýfaigar Square suas n de"tor, edtute revilv marvebiouisly. Ti'se -en-I bive nec w raiptdtiseir taent in a X an nuo0' as' o! fýfoidu __ 1- i in u s'a- vn"y maci:h pres'ssed ittkir' 1naaanti u in"d-t-iue-,aand Tise-y- tracGtion, fi-m nSoai Africu.Il n'H e Sagie'- e-f nit-, wnii sbeas las'i iivc aujdc the cla ports mode enjoyiag himacîf seýry frerly lunlise dit very reiucti.ntiY. Luroe--i ciiits. lOy are rvery- greet cily, andtoeeeveuiug îiek'd i p Anhoeur aftenrdiris e uvoko ep, w bre the liders lu Society, etinea- two(e otfrieutly ent upparentit' i itb san t fui is-udacis", le titi hum- th n etauna..ds rî,cb srrau,ýgors. Hie feregatis-red l; -Lui self'in in tise saine rul -lne tiî'em eagcrly, lboug'-Obu dits nottelltintd des'pebyeriofeh -vnry valeable lie bat SP kRRO-WS"N ESTS IN A CO lb-cm u O-t bts prefession nais. one pc-sssc-fi. Tise l'indledy rf! bhehouse o! tise citerps made a quir t 'lt' a pe'-ssrundrn'fi'rnputatîn uex- la til-- f-ace of he0 ock o! tise Paish ment le-,isim as le ibis comp..-nieua. plain-t s-sttise1-sdics i --d caly sebarch cf St. MaÉtbw, Bethue G reeï-, eut Lu, may ha ut aurnce, tOut the taken lber rmmm', tOit c-us' omt" sllcjaegwo~alboesb doce- tt oi tulli- heliese Ibis titi1,l,-tdeu" e-a cI ut bGndo,'sn, asie- t statenent. U'l ec ne'h'lci ih<'ýr ig Th " e <s .snotdinitoa ButOsIbeîcl.tbnîgs -' a pt- &genî lmaen as rb-d tue i..e x nIlarge ecug iteamit -ra iy I iîg ratis"r m'eddied uttt 'umi, e! more thun £100, andl tisoti;e,aý bird. Y 't tise-, a uperturcs bave beeý thet O- miglt a, clk--p hi, rycas wore n-ner traed, cOhc n.;b'utir-acrîr-oswsaas s n -pl , ;uýs ooen. F arth'n-, Oc rr-irc' lte his own Iandui e lisehrd.s eau bcfreýqu-uuy ee rog a'ntb' 3hotel fer ai fon'nt anO, ie 2t lJnosn r u-ifln e niinn Ihi tug put lne bis %naistct preket courtalun nuall îo l hca Jitl 2 ',-de. Tise cîeratienS hofnspiriw cr"snu uCxo.nancuti.j 0n tth con55' f hahres aun'hd d etas. rt bv if'cedts Tisonlie ast-Jii ueesp sosc-bit&. -tinac-Lkeepiung' accuracy ocf thedou Ify h h wfldraeYen are in dage-r istil cesupi tl ctue:2tihe Varlopr symtoms Yen notice shouli hb a warning te tki - imediate treatmsmt. De t uitf until tee laie, as it conieafllvgets worse. If ycii have soie taroat,kpa-tches on tongua or aieuth, swolien glands, I air falIling oni, blotchcs coitbody, i-ehing sie r other si, na of this awrfal disease, eall ceus, MWc ivc you a wrfl tee giiarantLeet to re yen y eur LAT- EST METIIOD ITRE ATMENT Wihout Mercury or Potassium, acdur Pay Wen Oured. Each t1iue ou call Yeu sec 1Dr. Liold erg personally, wlio has 18 Dipiompae testify te his standing and abilities. The original testimoniais eau lie mn nat ou office; ?$30j3.OO reward for any We cannot show; at request of patients we publish only the initialg, I arn isproving svery de y. 1 notice if 1 eut or scratch myseif the sore wili heai up. 1 hope yen will net F;top treating me as long as there is a &lge of that trribe disease I are sure ai raid of it than deatlI. 1 b de en have tiebt mcdi cine fer the dircase. 1 ird an fufl t..yu ou fur Ihe goet ye hav e donsc n; 1I was -a perfecet wreck whee 1 came te Yeu, auld was ce thse výerge efsuicide. Te niaire a sure thing 1 weuld, lilte te continue a whiie longer, se tisai it wiil DtnetLtura, Very respetfully yours, Mrs. L. S. CASE NO. 24 183. M1ay 21, 1899. 1Ia m happy te say that yer mediciues holped my troubile moiestaan any thing I ev e teck. W .G CASE NO. 312,004. Ot 5199 Your treatsnent lias lhelperi me wonderf-aily .D CA ,4 MO. 248,1M0 o.1 19 Y h ave confidence lu yenu as a doctor, for yen heipod me more than auyyoe else ha», and 1 feel thlat yeu curcd me. aL E. M. C U E Z e ETVa1, cele CONSULTAION FR E cail o e rit fr hiair fr ome treatm uen, O FR514. crsam.to p'e Sniays lOsax. p :n, /5