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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1901, p. 3

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by lie Lninexrsanti almost lu- Uisti on îmay going off wit4 hlim that very aefterneen ,te tic Radnorshire meunains"fora littia fishing, Leo," I ivaint-et ailunwiiling te oblig e "But whyj,rmy tarRchr,-" sieti my mellir,1"haveyen tlen te suci avery uicloedWl! 1" I elso Nyrmind lhe wig, Mary," sait Unl ."Get tlie boy'a porltanteau Wo 'kd \ecen then catch the 2.5 M it -,vis rtiy oeeo'ciock, Il 'w'11 ha e an lie xva.s ,in a hurry. My M, waa-tber fveite brother, anti ela waauiled u beius~-licCity Reati -with aclia rouginprasentaIaI parsn a Matiaw Drker. The twe af 'them we4re RvaLimuiteti, anti aeutnt elhlm te t, alk, thoi a rdu- naii Ie hettE-1-2ke ny vgirl "A Ihcýfaace, my Ubey. Let me have a riap" le seîti, et iuti Wliatier leraaIly alptrneI dciin'tL-rknew, butI; dokowtaI IInmi!eI ver'Y ucli etLim. 1Bis tawuy -'g hbcdi ïh fl te eue o 3si da, seig Ibe voricti olti pale of his. r a 1 .1 8BME fl!1U118 BRITI8IIER81 eLItý tici, and, c2auci:ng te Clash witli the uncle la ïxti-cucrrIdor, diveti lui witi au ,z"71c seie, aIr, tic 1h- erty L'm tailuag," wriicliendet inlua caldm, imputent îuquiry if lie coulti tell lier enytlhiugabout lVIisa Chas- Son. Af 1er tlirt it ivas straiglil ,ailing fer tie wothy woman te men- tien otir meetingsý by lhe streaam-ay, ant inlutic vioru-out oit forest aise. "'I enly wanled te mie sure see tua Unel13M. rl t te melu lie eenBe rosa te hgtaon tlie, "Wiatever yen do, tIo't m îaie an a,", of yourself, LoGo!" lie saîL.Thon lie 5ighed- "Tiera's quitle enengli c-f tiat lui the famlly asý, Lt l." "Yo>u're ae uce oitmante eil tiat prudent, vway," I saiýt."le about, your wig, your spccs, anti your at!e-Zing te tire lieuse2lie, WbcD u o cama dowvn, Tn sdit, expressl,_y te fiai 1" Tiant Mt hlm-. "Yo'r ngit, n'y boy"," lireAed we amily-"you're rilght. But, I ean't exphiin thInga,. Lt'sa aMisra,'Ile businss. het'% ail Ien -saY." 0fD ouset hen Ilied hlm on lie grill. I dit miy best ludyna.mite lhe mYrystemy eut od hlm,. No geet.L The onl bani l1Igainet was bIis î,apparent licence eof aur gig- A deal il wouiihvamefttereti etherwise, for by the aticf the waek ive ware cngag- et. I let f ly et hlm ithiaus weel ncwg. Tien, intact, lie lhrew off is etheargy, Zhovet an oit deeretahker ûu tlie top of that aundy' shag of bis, andtilok up hie rot, 'My future must h uotnl la yonrsý, My bey,,'le sitas solem-nn ly as ifha wre lu a pulpit, ant i1li W-elil, Imcvnw lieascmiglit ha, ftirt ceugi; but smîliw pitied Merle bao3k te ci wa. sli was by tien steelet tebear th(,' edglu bbwn-pwhioli lir fallieh-r antii bro-. tire,,ýr vre hndutitehava, anilied, reatiy fer ber, Lrý t wes, lier f irat anti lat fluter as a "tc"LuinAs NOTED PEOPLE. laielesting Cessip About premineut lMen Tbe Duichess i Ft !fé iq au oxca'ent lýie seraýry cil tie you.nig Kiug of Sparýain Is£150,000 a 37eax.i The German Emperox Lasaiti te re- celte inmure tiai 600 letters a day onu ail! avelrage. Quoai leautrawas net inrlutiet lu ie foatcencs f ber linshanti's ren.Sic was at tic ýtinte ln Den- mark. l -Uh hailst censius, focr et a xate sixty yearis, in wriich the QuaLcru ef Egiand lias net figured. Qua en Vic-toria wae nnet oneceeut of tire kn ino l ce-nrýUsweek. Few vmia e&f tich- Bar are moure aile a uti 411T lenM. John G. Butci- cm, .UX ani sermbarfer tic ity. cf Yer, Ei~ln.Ticson cef an-Iris bis,,Iro, lia hat avury brulitant cre et Omrde captrnrling a double fixrst ati aflowaiwhil its eideri brqterProfesîo Btelerwa a loekig m ,i w e hi,;st"tc sdi"wasprcpla'ly inoawn as "iaboy Q.C.," Mr. t~tcbar'lisa kercyci aniLiais 3rnafueîepcaernt lianewCotr (À£refthc Navy, "SUBJECTS " WHO MJAKE GREAT BRITAIN HATED ABROAD. Ceinterfeit Join ull lu Japn-A Amnicau ]Flays thse liriton lu i. rTiare l ethinglue prcîentiing to Lic a 'BîIcall r-,; ouare lui fer a big u'atirtakng, fr ~yu hav liefeer Cf lic Empi-lýre et curbec. Tic S3 ou1h" A m rts n lI u he , -le fe uu rUe wa-,s er lsaa uturer ol Pc- nador, OantiLve varnteti te eco)ma Pre- aietos i e State. lie ý lie alreacty ma-t'e lwo ettePmpîs vilaefer,, hun- tiret(!menatbet , i, ack, te ouiList lic r'eigning Pre~eldm, but LAi failet hcîpeieasly. And, frtintu tic pa_ý-rly lu povalr vaeI lot nt ALL kAFR-,UrD 0F-1IL lic dieappearatias RyLoe, Vo bob uýp egain as John PlipBrilisi"r. le digieillncfas viwelas lie rcoulti by esavtng hils heat anti mous- tache, and hle okecti Ihat part better tien mo t Sent Americans bacausa lie had ickhala. lHe gel hlnseif rap Iy-is.lits nvl1 i ntrcg eraiyant li geiertlucer - 124JLaI lliung e arc! n lad aone for ~m eWeayingat ue Ih1 mitesacottaýge_, haif a Mil from the in. Our luiedknew 1othinîg C out ber, exoep that lier nemee wva Chesson, and thýat ier lar.dlaýdy Vheulit iera va-rybolti creature te Le amuslng hersei ail ajonc in sucli a menial w=y. SAh% liediapeer- eti6, j'rGedrd :anti iefront h e£hwoliStreSz'S SOn-BihMfartin-for wOiidConsideretion. rhet witli the maystzry of TJnle M's peculiaritles ant!ithe j»y I bagan ta feel u em ganlt tinking' of Miss1 ChaeI ldnt do m.,uch gotiwitb thrafiai. ou the fonrth morning I weta atefpq artliar con the dowu- ward patli. There aie ws,-a couple '1f hwudý.Lreti yards or so bl vteinn, ber cap Uke a red berry on thq green- ,ward. Itsew lier land a fiee ee, anMd t d ~et opposite, to lier, with the Str4eam betwan us. "IIw ean of you, Ms hso, 1 aitoSteal Uanotie-r mer-ïc'non me" "Meai" aidsihe, as if gtartled, and away slfpp-d lier rted. It was oee fih nmore, taking lier unawares. I 3w, unthe water in a moment; reckleasly, tue, for I turned turtie ln a le and came up on lier banjk,a pretty picture of - dripping idiot. But I ecure-d the rod ail rigit.i ler, re- greta rn My behaif were siit d -i- vme. "If youtailie ht bu snob ot1pi, "I H. lbacomellete tci yen! Yoa can catch h artaas l n2rl 1a tront. Anywa-y, you'vec ýaugLt mineý, -o thare!" Sie bea fei e t 1wt a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~g deprbUEitiu eee "BEcther ht,ic cange Maria !" ,aiD I. That >ah le r otlier -2nimc, and(11 wa s BtaIl thereoseiemtee homern eýt onc," ud trlier chr- ripe eh-~ka auctlir ;=y. Sic mardi Pdi off, and se titi I. ilowevor, I1lied taken iti? pluinge, anti really, Cn rme- fle-ctioyn, I wasetree]ygLltiCfit and o'aic whoele net dsaiieiw the resui-asý a start, yen aow heard about meact% arie. Etit LUCUY, Ueoinere wneatue aulne O ofn rbdrhsfu wMlie I ad ae a e i_-l)o,_ý teerste arprety yes. tfoýýra-t s LU N,,rvin o es i n""' ~~xda ueo«wmthesst ~~ff~e~ tu Lie lia sy. t e set îng DN U UIRT "G-c on" Initi."Meume every- tne dia I .Btrd iets ftcmn -TIIecitiei laIlîr "Net until yen prromnise te persuade &-'ar -liLnj ffSyaa, viren a was ne vY ay e-tdi i, bu tulequity him." ecomio>rtabeorl)Pai cm o in thlie lýbam. B orli-en's imper- "Whitheiafigurel" bai ,- ýYsi jý Sic witsperetismolIlug prepostar- hat egy l epcs th-,lic onatcuwes eue ef tic osnt fruit-- oin. "hi mauuiellyapropiaI grntion f ie ran Quu.ALlrfui plaes of himbug erer broughi Mi fraudur1ly apoffrblu tich name Qcf likitaini for lie et hy irs Berker," sie attieti. "ow bIlleeraivd ilitu ceemny a pmIsa t will ha tee leta liime "eiadfor HRBanti1aspon-,te-1ct trqiky eaetcrcis1oege to-morv. fcourse, .I untier- c cci-hrgim1 ofier ieva stoOrtinov. uesupanig ti c cag lua-""rcsbv'~ n-ilt pey "Yen are employet by Vie prosecu&t iOrfl. ncu ieinvs it, eicm eprayBio~v ing soliritors, I suppose"? I sait. coalr'ng e sonbor, ama-f- rIîyngfreJi in-saliyl Tihen if 1aie ditn't hurst laIe sol)is. vi to' atihcmh o ii seat i orldrnro e "0-4 tieugît I ieulti khil"sl ioninhercitie ý Dlka of Yen wea r ail vashe atultereti. "J iauttedte cearn myov,,n Uethla IelanliTA i ef incre cilacoi F erlainly tic noUloouqs Lin- living, anti Baipi adeut LalliM sai y anti Offeinetitirult ouli 0fac r(mena rbs W-r c Ag aa , nti ri e it lied a gootanugiheat umy-my cf ire araa cennl pobly h t i felUvc doiAn g il.nita1ruaayafor ha-li shoultrs," pesa ru wWars, anti1 h ltsy- h'utwW-e "Tiy toit neolethiere,"1 cait îI. i cieves tîntthle mate-ýr %was an ccmlgawsan iBuln svas impiy "They have the carsein haut," aie eanti ha va EraI eeîOscasi went on. "But to'twaI. Go le adh eVYcM mms hlmandti ta11%ut vit I SaY. ML'lcAmeetk,'e li in, orviiInrglie Coem; urt et Kebul, mat lia huIzte'vn liaI 31r. Barier, 5£ I tic LIVELY !-WBEN RIIIMEETS B FER!moment wvian Ùîo vw s î esn doinýýg il," I matilatetirapitilleu ,,obdbe cetywo oil ,hj, ýi) i, iý Ye justL ei lier hat balveen my' hauts Anofawilidecrclyvocot"ioihm p"atir- anti setire. tranaferredt te a navi garrison loxvn atat binislf as TJsuph rvagt "Trallerous litîe husyl" 1 laid. ',as igîîy dWspîcastutefindat aIlth ete Amca-o ti la ova "Anti to-merrewl"grass-plots ou lie exarciaing grountirmeta onu -f naaa-iy £70,000, vuc "Tiare iýs no lime for lo-rnorrova. of lie troopa viere iargely utilizetihyver b u Ue ba paid, ant ts its God Ant ga t-igld Il, ear," AvayliinaîaîcfleiîhlorfrlaIF asvsfar sic viiitanti bnci uteini h naiano te tia sou fa latiorbesAuin an itaglat, husîlet. the purpuseatof blecbing heïl ie -sanguit elltotc rsma0 Anqthtensure ancngli, my ola i sm-Ilieaet eceissue ctiprmptOnyenters lie VAer iithnetselof forget Pa- pIalon of a eulatve laIlis ct outI, liaI ail eriicte f eefo)r Ibis prsenti le cnli ocedt lie liedbdoua broya mnbyliat oit privilege vcwe lG e ha ititrev. cOnlnlg liae rim mnarci utls brue anier, vie ied ceet et, of enninen.H ids aasat viti ticprets, anti lit peor Unc1:La evriceaafeitasine, a,n1 are ort te aie rlemo M.ý te hnu oti maute.Aflr lng a mareht ils troopa ou flie grounti eay IL va);paîtlu.o1d, u thle rument I ge bl MWefiClY te pre- fmexnisli outflaviilum vies baudetorrte hlm. l1e pa' re(fr li 'he Soiampilion --lie LVnecgreasgrev sMuac omplelcly eov- 1- v ionî aabacci mpet iteonati rumtu10Par!LA encext cing la- red vili every descrniption ofneviy., lMa ruibeaugumesEti. le l ver nwnocnt ongli ha vas, lic celd net jvaliat Huon. Intauseiy miorliiethle bhoreshcaviterandti tnIboli be 'alleve te conign himscif 10 a et lits coutempluonus Irealmnt of 1espemseuplan cf eecapag Ilireugi pr-ion. ne linîg moe, ison-tira, liecomutirpet bis troops Kflalaa, a daly cuur ut lie A mýystricua1intuitton get up np aI le go lirougli evcry spcs of eo-1 alain vas mAised, 'antihlieas ceplur- tic unheiy heur YofkLIt lianexlutinmac o-marc marlirigil ad by ar.Mi-;lAi pat roi. lie a ýStijlie merutug.Tiare vas a trainfreinabout-fae, el.-over Zlie nnoant cag imu t ie Andiaman pani alle Greental et 5.51. Sicmighl-ay, a and i-seels, shIrts, etc., c-, utu sud- iment. sic vas un lie pafrvlia cniy, pale as dcclianti vti liroea Onecof lier iggast =antitstvoa wttt, Set, saf-acifcii ac, ulif lyg halethecocmmnautiig offtcen'î sale pUnigng xpaiioa on record i~vter seedlymaIciet hem tA m oin ervant-malt rushet on te li thate ,ty a chJ. atJheBull,ie -,ore ?,1o113wcn sic n,- me.1Ijusi erc enant. vmlggbarln aus, boie cla ia ooe ttet u bei hem y irg e arm, lifletihem bOpforth hmb the tentent:- vraaeehyepliuiie Tai by Lte antilad hem rbaci kte ocha hmlet.Anti-, "Graei1ua emasteaior! viaLtnieo huelacn i rnle U2.iove Me, Iîcareîytl lir otf-yIlie ml sýiay?" a, ore f aiet wrnl tnai rg mcy sigitagatnu liiive't fixt thgr IWhtthlia "iis" lied ta gay te at ontluingls te uc a peint liaI tiore vas ne 1lia rmulIesdestroyer 0of lis Govi AMAG1IG LTiE opaaing veu fera young it-eo i" is cregret ha infonmlieLTUI lite <anrilu~jleagivame liesti, retrnt eucomniaet "eam il re.Wili lie eanihnsf Unct M.gaI l Frace, ut IenvU'~- a ii"colo e, a'eondet1 on honac, anti trove franticatly npBak er Sreel Beaingcries frerathei man, ie mn cier lhe cab, lie lied au ataci c Cf deaIfucas, uti, nacalig Oxford Bîreet, haie a sopeiby polcemn. ic nca anciout cf brai, son cmeup vih tc ci ani caby mentallybtigo-yel I ai't ge lnolhil' cf lsîý! ucnedthti driver, tunning apcaiiy tei 1policemaan. Ye hevl gasFpet l ia Cman. -je rau eviay v' mu eythcn! Sure eneugi-, liera vas lia oit gen- lemen shJlil ainte cab, eut sterinjg, pie v iti friglit, ntthebecre>vdtianti Ma-. Wlla Alleu, a voakina er1npici;yar ti aIliapatent Fuel Woria, Sanarant Eglati las beeu ad- judg.t b t.b ý Raa1 lintane SaCiChîy hoiLvt bav benduisg iacourse of lsýt r yeer "hie iraesat nttn laEngiland,"' andtivs rvaceatly prersanuLeti vithi the go" it neUi of the sr M3t. isdur- iag tactd vas prfrm d ou Merci 151hb-1 ivh - mi a mc a ainctM'La cd vasovrpvaar v ' ie ýfamle naun e.mpy shli a lieorks rafierredtho. A criegu o on o lisarescue vasaieorporedatlisae LaI hfei ai-ran hvo bravaly' rdlenatat hoaffecta îol'ra iue. etcahangthoerct \taslehi'aiat neds,i u isety th t ýa - ac ,estl -d- iin.tric gîcîto Al'm t ot ety asonho ýati a iorietio-u ef ie alions te fornhean axtnt i hi qchen st lets 1e'saael iaI lnui et lest rsorîct j estagylslnclir 1-I' vfIlynevusonle el alloeetout on,,bail, vsgr:cýLl inl- A EIUS CCU1PATION.ý cd, ai proeet'ýdial)te r. yrna' fortjuat as, mnallaogtt ioage luin Sn tra't, 'Ceiia et-lita la lits axeitet Mcin. Ibis miltancebuhacusho aIearoot andti tay UN esaIotamnutt mih, aoman'dtamiihig letu r-buit rcmmnier lhiaI atl nihi- hureavii abiae-tlern1Besmasieti1 tary eficers are humananti laIyt hi np lintiomee'hclmuhure, etc.,force of visible asscaliu1,5 a vcry t- fli,, lune o)f aven £1. 1Be viii un-l.peantforce ailhi alof ws cdnbtaly bha 1tisevereldY pun1Isiet.cL Ticvcrn ofuifr vol ebeilsi vi anov"unvtnsanti Tlie emigraicu saliica of Ilre-a nses tsictnhlvnle lent fo'rIlear 19:1Javejuat i1-' commis2oneti athi-o-cmi. Prasntadtu lenmnalonliu n ti-I stPouedtimac. Rauca tic alteurili nihy of tie ltgsrrGnrlof Ire- I lvest pssbl hrt, e t ic lent. The numbar of emigranîs vie bo 'ut (faiiuio f tfesin n left Inish ports at ycar vas 471107, j Lrl u fleqeto e i lim b1 u, nti xve cfiat'!liaI' betliare banuoni% acre cf 3,347, as cent,- peU serants of iýs Mjsy parati itilia numbe'r la 1899. TLe-1 1 h n' v t "a nuther cf rmiles vinemamrtetle qS iuie, aboua be cemp duieie va ycar vas 28,295, or 2,727 rmore ieth icg !i f-,sservc turein ilv- le tic previona yean, anti ef frEnUpISQ qve , even 1s, cltetntifo 28,82, an lecreeseof 62A0. O - ejas sienca lima asposbe 47,107 emigrents lan100, 45288 veem i r e vMe nglit sureY hoha ie W natives of IanA, ant i 1,89 erai case. lie higlelý,tia r.;ani lu h ie natiVe% of ot[Ier cutne.Conaaredtivc, L viti tie aorrapetigfigure r!Lor a Kin'sthervicch graUcIrlieion 1899, lie nurnabr cri amgratnta activas ior warntili ort mpreîa i tt cf frae hows n inceasa of cf wcarMing evi'1ring ' tnaifr bu',thle nuatb,-rof pensons betongiag tan he Street bstic riglit te ho te alher couanîrieashoiws adecrease ai ercgieat oamr i of 709. al ' a h i" tevtati ieiu aite t W e iietcf aYlWcculer catings, REGIMENTAL C0ILOURS. h't1 n'cfud aieln.W Wi'hi' c.iu-ra ofa rcgimauernt no ilh ciiesor sliPs ut hen Sit foLur ihar uns, thcyrara e n ilcin ëvle r'v Aycitizeas o evaay inu aun sia caîli'tral onr onanti %Pt fer u u ov ient, an- 'Cho t l Yici iabtnncioagr'. To li,-ia etreacy o ~ u But siuLy er go sea otierr', he tn ve aorovingn coo f thie! Ii 51mrnte-ho hv vin irie ceu a iny 1uhie eeascf pnhri-aîtea lndIatihio, Li n anilt coloura taet acit176), antidtiare j arc oiynaestatv Lie l lte l, vryrnnhoIcliet liaL lîiay :ucys,ýpapers". Wascpotats G i hat entyu u i iopfr bu tc aeao£ tit lain p-iitv a century. Iiy eavae utcovret by anti ta lie iisrttjunt.W nerecord teusiovi hovi liy caxa-recognang tbietinHIL ey ara tr. i-irsseti Cit y clansorimare icungera about Ctavnl Jo"n'tvate ers uby sayaL remet-. lie stmiply viies1Llr 1Y (do you Semn e dialke Mm, mnany tetcfani isicaio leSimpson, Mm. ophiais? vapoury ceptains mans laile1th-!iair hem'ala i e w Gneyer =mes thintýierîg ocan!uponnet onti rap - yun lieuse vhhot ung ng lie on mnorcg hmuiuyant iticn thon- jbrseu ilutov-shicte, iling lu lie 1oultIY Incinarati vueatbin a fv iaie hi o eîa tcca tîc s rfaqua inti1i. d Ieenp, Armante, wierre ha epra tihm- slletic paaaeant-n as an Engiisi emssm,11ie vis sent iy 'the ]Brilli Goveninet te levy taxce, anti cllicot watervalunles the Ammae£4ana bat, w wc onili e 9toired anti pro.- Iu reluru for thI6, Britalu woulti laie tic Ammenians unter lier cape- ciel care, anti proeet them from lie terrible raids by tic Tirk and K-urds. Armenia at tira lime waS1ter- re-tiken by Tuïrkisi maiss3acras, cuti lat boen lioce f lielp from Eng- lanti,- Colonel S$todtart bat sel- dm neet for violence anyvihare, foýr the Pýeôple yiceti *nup ail they hati thlm lu meit insanaces; anti.lhe was -ati fte 7)8tic bes.t imitationt ef a Bal- lon averneti ont. Be ant ilismeu farati sui)ttously, anti allogeliar ha clearedtabcut £W~,000, mestly from tie couutry tradero. Wiat ha -was neot given ha eteck. Tien lie disappeareti, mnti Tnrh-cy took ,ne greeýt troubla le f ia lÏm. lie 1,9peaceai]y setieti nov in a igorgeons house of bis ov»in l lie Turlsi ,-,hprovnceg. BERLIN'S MODEL P. O. SYSTEM, Setter Boxe& Are Now ier£er iF'ffteeu lile1,a'. Althougi Barlit's prostal I-,-'rviee lI lic nualleluable modael frtcrealt of Europe, tLe excellence irati t- tainet doce net satisfytlie pestai cuthorrlle. Tie prehlam, 0f1:co-urse, !ý lic accorate collection ant i tisî- butîcu cf mail malter intu herhortest p-ossible eitiof lima. By eaccn innovation tic tIlr bo ;-iuthe pricipl loreghfrea arene w clearcdeti eeryfiL ban min-utai urig Y R CI N ,E Ri1, 8 -uJiIN JmlE INTERESTâINO READING FOR THEI SONS 0F OLD IIIELAND. fluke of connangbt's Command - Mstrt- butIng Ctnaus PaPeers-4he Mâlh YIcee roy c!îIp-EmIzteion ttasies, Etc. The Shemirck ILeagne, ai worketi Up by theC ounte," of Limerick, assisteti by Lady leeve, antiotherIrji ladies, brougit an enormo,sý demautife-r "tie choaen leef of bard atichf, nti'et tVie n t-whlch it ha beu sing the cuitivatiom of tihe Sliemreck Ougit to e a eprofitableunirti lug. 1V l ettat tha th Due cf Con- nengit lu net iikely te rellinquisi1 hisi commandtinlu reLauti fojr saome lime- for. e yeer et lat HB..antithe Duclica,9s inteuti te pass a great deal of the ruinmmrart tie Crregh of Kil- dare. Il1)uke ila egreat favorite lu Irelýauti, and tiare wves geucral re- gret wlien it wa,,,ir1umouredti tat lie ,was abocut te Icere. Lord Ashhocurna, Lord ChIancelier of Ire-,lat, coenlufor a nice perquisite by thc e sof eLthe Kiug te i throne. Theic nw eeeg on cent- mencing tei Wei gu maiesýý au order for thie uaing of a n12wtî Great Seal and the "h>rceaking-ap" ceu-ï1ssts iu tlie set- ere-igu giviug tiýc al a gen tic tap wibh e laiaminer, efter wliich il isý_sup- pDoýeti te ho brokem np andi lis lest )he-e"eIl ie Royal 7IrisiliConsta- bulary *ee uydistribiuig tie ce mu )prs il cea Ieeniru- centLly. Tàia is aasn great feelýing RIS Y]f1AJFSTY'g UNIEOJ-id WHY SHOULU THE OFFIWýER D13 CARD Il AS OFTEN AS RE CAN ? Continental Officers Always Wear TlheLV Ulnýiform lin Public -Once ra Soile Aiways a Soldier la the ru1îB ltg Europe. Oîle of the firttý of PaïrI oer ac~as Ce.nmmndar-in-Chief wsti cdse fun cerderIhat ail fier viiigPaît Malilan offiGers sbrouh4' be attired lu inte uniform of t1hei Cat erder 5trikces tlie righ%- note. Smeday, perliapas , s Ma'" jaaty me1y, ih1rcuLg1 L icCmmndr in-CLief, Ifri it ffîcýrs 0ofthi eisalomservice,-a tit Lt l is PRoyAl will anti pleasure tliat thejy shah ccaae to disguise leiemacves asý civil- lanawlien off duty. But i% an offcear evar really "off duty" InLuthe cetier eries ofliJ cýivilizeti worldt tey do net think ,se. lhe unîlfru nof tVh' Kic antith3 TSa, f tic Frencli Repjbic ani t! Emprrref Austria, liet sigtad ln Ibiýswaiy. lu ail En'rpeýa seýr- ite i, la emiitary effauce for an officer te appear in pbc,3sa-ve y speciel prmiýssieu antidlenunoffi-. cilhy visitlng foeg cutrsi wvitliculhis% uniiforat,anti even ifC thli wcre neG>tthea nsne Einrope-an of- ficer tiarïebrate erdiueanvt cou- temwpt vtr whic-h his commaes wuld vlsit suich an insit Éto litaeuLntry.,

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