Have you thali Iistless feeling -which is preva- lent at this season of the year ? Aie yOu just recovering from th e effeets of ~ Laripp ~ re youl nervous and irita.ble ?~ * If you îhave any of these smtms hti2s *required is a systein tonic to enricil the vital fluid, WC Increase the appetite -and improve sm1ain * Dr. Nra' Blood and Ner-ve TabIltu *Toue up the systemi, build up the wastïing nerve *tissues and infuse new life and energy, 25e a box, 5 boxes $1 00. y SI** ,01 O ý u o'EY It is hard to Find the kind that look welI, wvear weIIý andi don't cost miuc h. WE Hh îE T1fiE yVA RIETI y-- - Duc. to $225 P~TParorShoe Store. FR -E.~FLE,~wn/n M. A. James is Goverument issuer of arrageLicenses. We have a new Wc-bster's Internatio- nal, Dietoýnary (Unabridged)price$12 5 haweoffer at O cash. tN wsh10imnypcss4om the minds o alour radrsofIbs ouna tatw only recorinmeud wa ebleeis actual,1ly worthyo cmenaioo couirse, we arechle t mitakn sÙe ofi any pro roraiainwe trv to reSent ol, he truth so ar as, wc Fruit Apples, Granges, Lemons, BananaS.ý Agod idea struck 'P.iH. Kngh, reer 1and provision dealer. Hie is going 10 kecp a good stock of fruit of ail popular kinds. You can depcud on gelting it good and fresh. Sec what a nice display hie has now. Cali and test it. Hec sous cheap. IIisermaERcysà The Calladiail Statesilail. IJOWMANV1LLE. MAY 22, 1901 ELECTION TRIALS, JUNE 7. Il wil SooI be decided whether W'est 1Durham bi las properly elected a member ýfor bbc ieus of Comm--aons, and(, if so, wboe that mmbr eally ;is T'Ple two peiios(1 cwouChneJonas Thentnpeitonrand Thomas Bigarespondeut, and (2) belývwe Chare Burnham, petitinor and Chias. Jou)as Thoruton and Thomas Binghamr respondouls. will cerne te trial au Ce- bourg on Friday dune 7 a t 1L.30 a, m and on sucbh other subsoquent days as may ho eed (fu-l. -Theocases -are lu the 1gb Courtof Justice and will ha under the Dominion Controverted El- celions Act, WNonder if the edilors wbo write se feinL-ly ahoot stealiug the seat from Mr. Theruton ever heard of ona Baird a C-onëv-at-ve wiws wrded-tUo seat by the returniug officer in Queens, N. B. ? altbough bis Liberai eppouant, Kipg receivod 61 cf a majorily of votes cast ? King made bis deposîl in hank buis, 100. In. Robent BeltS bas bee)n !heein g B lllsil SI~ar1eWOI(, ,, weli af ter bbc intenests We stDcf ra dlurng Ibis cession even though Seo bas Good VWork, net warmed bis old seat aI t ,tawa. lie bas secureni arge grants for 'dnedgiug Best IitrilNewcastle andi B0wmiýanvile barbons and bas anivisedi the Government abeut Artisie Designs, postai and othlriar atons. Indecd, we iPrices IReasonable, vony mueS doubt if Mn. Thornon couhi have donc as mueS for the riding bai E. R.B O uN SAie eccupied tbe seat. Wbile the Conservativo press and 15 BOWMAN VILLE, ONT, joliticians arc abusing Sirn Wilfrid aunier for net sealiug Mn. Thonuton inWest Durham, lbey mav bava for- Il gogtten that ln the ehocion of t85 he A11~flwbole Censervative party iu the Ronce champonedby hie ablo and illustrious e~aftenwande Premier of Canada, upheli tbe action of, the neturning officer lu WVall Paper.- Queen's, N. B.,, and refuseni 10 deciano We have the ehoicest accort- Baind disqualifiai te hold the seat and seat the LiSerai candidate, King, -who meut in tewn, ail new stock, bai a majorit-vof 61 votes. Consistency bordler andcecilingS 10 Match le as applicable in polies as lu any and at ail prices. ether sphere of aclivitv caver though te WTinow hade..-show il may prove a trifle inconvaniantL îîu ail colors, with and with- Another vcny amusiug featura of Ibis out Laýce; also plalin Shade Therulon casa is Ihat the LiSerais were Clth 3 ad ~ uceswide quite content te beave 15 e malter of soating Ith e nben for Ibis iîgwI by !1he yard. t1h-i- Ise of CmmusitltSengIle Curtain oles.-chaunel Ito whiceîurnig Ofiçen11 !-Bingham dinected hic qe,-bial eturnn.- Oaktý and Cherry Poloýs w But tha Censenvaitives" demutred slnen1g- brase and woiodtimne 5 ly fi raîicn a fnite estibe cas;e in and 0 fet lng.the courts. Aller suiffeniung adversiîy ilu the lewen courts o%-erand ovar, lhory Ficture Framies- appeal le t5e Supreme tribunal aii agahu meet wt a reverse witbouit a; This Is the season whu ou ,word beingorii n defene b need uew Frames, WC" have LiSricusl o they anc sayiug, soue uw ptteus u tis eekail manuler 0f brd hinge againet Smi sore nw 'ateris rLbi W-, W-lfnhd Laurier and hies upporters; alco Room Mý,ouldiug 10maeS because Ihey wdii nt foresitaîl the courte! an had fppi by seating Thornhen Ihnough. a ntre- A LE Nactive meacure. Couild'there ho a rmore T. AL ganngor braze pieceof insoslslncy If the'y consideroni the louse 15ehepreper "~i~-~ 2-O.,tiathonity le seat the caandidate why dii ___________________________thoy inyoke t5e courts, and nwthe Thýe N feels relievcd now Ihat the SMail and Empïq-ire hasgvn credit for a paragr-iapli 10 oTiirSTATESMAN Which was inadvertanitly creduted to that sheet. The Tforonto edifor shouild have known that the edirtor of Th'le News could not write an. ediiorial if lie tried. Twice hast week customý,rs told us they couhd gelt a small want advl. in the News cheapor than we charge for il lu THn STATESMAN. We don't doubl it. A Montreal tobacco manufacurer boasts that hie got an ad!vt. two columus wido and 4 luches daep in The Kows 6 montheýý for a box of cigars and another Montreal flirai got a six-inchi ad a year for a packct of coffee. We are justificd in cbargilng double lhe rates charged by Tho News heeause our circulation lis double bis Wc don't have 10 duio our customers 52 weelts lu a yoar 10 gel our subseriptions cither. Confusion exists about lte real state of Ibis eonstituency politically, some having got the erroneous idea Ihal West Durham is vacant and Ihat a uew election must be held. No, il is flot exacthy thal way, Matters are in pre- cisehy the samne condition as îhey werc the day Mr, Bingham made bis spocial retura te the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. Progress has of course been made in the proceedings 10 secure a docision, iuasmuch as the cases are be- fore the courts. That is the preliminar- ieshave been atlended 10, but the courts have yet 10 decide 10 whom the seat blongs, or whethcir a new election mustlbho held 10 decide. TEiCILERS ES BIJSINESS. The Pickc-rigNews publîshies the STATESIYAN' .s oditorial last week andi adds tibis saga eann: Oecasionaliy atacr or farmer may succeed in a general store, but sueh cases are rare. If a man wishes 10 suce- ceed i n a generaI st o re a certain amaount of training is abselutoly noces- sIaryV>lunorder tb eugage lu the,,busi- Iloss poftably hoe riustkaýo w wat class of godhis customers dcmud, be shudknow what qýuan)ity ho sbould buy and he sbould knlow w,ýhen 10 buay.i lie shouldl also be able te judg-e the quality of the goode ho buvsand to know wvhen hoieis getting ,a branand wtien hoe is bieing imiposedi upon. This kuowledge canl coin10 a mian euiy by experionce, and if a nan po-sîpýones that ereinc ntil ho engages in business on bis ow'ccutho -will» fUd it a verv xesv way of gaining the experieuce. 'l'le chances Re F(,la teacher or fairmer embark'-s lu the goneral store business with considerabie money and nuo experience h e wi ll omet go from the veuture witb consider- able exporionce but ne mouoy. EDITORS IN PL>AJLIA3IENT. Facts will we thînk justify the re- mark that ovory Canadian editor who bas been sent td Parliament bas worth ily represented the people wlio sent him anýd performod bis dulies with credil bo bis country and bimitelf. As a rule ecditors are broad mîinded and per fore ,f training lu thoir calinîg are g'ivenl te iooking bclow the surface of inatters that com-e hefore them for considera- lion. Tbey have learned fromexei once net 10 take 100 mueb for grante- ibpv wil invoestig-ate, inquire for par- licun-Lars from reliable sources, wih, deliberate docido and thon act Be c sure your right, thon go ahead le the wise e3ditor's rule of action-,always. o Just uiow we notice that some Conserv- E clive'( exclhanges are trying te disc--ountd the ab;lit- of Mm. Geo. P. Graham, M. i V P., for Brockville, and for no other i roa son than 10 oheip, the man who bas si beon nominated against hlm. Il is no0 i disrespeet te any othar member of the a Legislative Assembly 10 say that con-r sidering the brief pcriod George P. s Graham bas been la Parliament bisa influtonce as a man, bis eleverness lu a debate and bis usefulness as a logisiator i are not surp)assod by any other mombers a ag-reed that haie suuquesli.onably one of the mccl useftil and energatie members in the Ountanie LogiQialune. We have .kuoiwn Mn. Graham intimately for mauy yeans in connectIon wilb the 1werking- of bbc Ancient Orden of United Workmen and no momben of thc Orden le-day bas more influence lu the ielib- onations of the Grand Loige sessions or ,au anouse more enthusiasm Iban Pai Master7 Wonkman George P'. Gnabam, enier- o f the Bnockville Recorder, Soieapelitical- oditors we admit ana warpcd siigbîiy by their polilical pre- deliclions, but George is straigbt as au arrow, aud le just as popular with bis Concenvalive associates as with bis owu pelibticai sympa thizons. But thon Brockvil people know hlmu and will express Ihoîn appreciation cf hlm by increasoni mialonitios wbeu the limo dem es. For Powders imay cover Up the disfiguring eruptions, but can neyer cure thcr, nud are positively injurious, because they clog up the pores of the skin. Dr. Chase's (Jintment is a food fer the skin. It is readily abscrb-ed, andý thoroughly cures eacb- and ev*ery slnisease, maklng the ski-n smocoth, sf and clear. No woan s toiet uncoplote with- out D7r. Chaseý's Oifitment, for,bede being, the most pe1rfect skia beauiti!fier obt'ainabie, it can bed il a sce o eiffereatwys It abSolIutelycue ec7emal-, sait rheum ian,' the ithýijng 10 whýich womein are especiiiy subjEcî. When the 1àfeet are se ria ud -chàfe witiï waý!,llg anaplcaio )f r. Cbase'S Olulment t oe ut th-e eat ing andM atl,-aYskthe inflammatioln iu a surprislngiyý short time., Then o -umeý, scaMls and er otfchafg lxrltatlon or eruiption or the1 skin, Dr. Chase's intcntaffords -a safe amd certaC",In cure. It bas corne 1teholiendis- penisable In scores orf huac~o homes; 60 entsa box, atal, ea e' Or Edînanson, Rates- & CO., TOronto,ý Wedl ding- cards and marriago icen3S8s a t T AT5MANOffice. Ordler-s taken for 3000 different UPc -- ciM ffice at lowest prices. 7Readt hiUs list1 cf1 SPECIALS FORi Wedünesd-ay, Thursday, anid Satuirday,thiswek Ladies' List, 4- House-furnishing List. Ladies' Wrappers worth $1.00 for 89e ï,3 Pieces Figureci Dam-ask, extra value 50e Ladies' Sailor ilats worth 50o for 43e 2 Pee Japanese Matinrg, extra hleavy, per yard 20 c des' Cashmere iose worth 35e for 25e Dozý-n Curtain Poles and ixture-s, set for 2 5 L'adies* Fine Dongola Shoes worth $1.50O for $19 ozen Winow iids, Arorth 40e each, for33 7Pieces Drcss Goods, great value, per 3 ard 25 2 Pair Curtains, extra, value, at '75eý Ladies' Kid Gioxes $1.00 per pair down to 50e 43 Yardls Carpet, a sniap, per yard 15c Ladies' Ready to Wear 8kirts, worth $4.00 for e[$2,90 We hav,,eini stock 'at present about 17 patterns of adcýies' Sîlkette Gloves, ail colors, per pairc Union Carpets oPc from ni d thleyar î9 Ends Table Linen mnarked at small figures. marked ,at pricýes to get thern out quiek. Ladies' Drcss Linings boughit before the risc. fine range off Crctor ncs, Art MIIuslIns, Cu rtain. 2,1 yards Figured ae w rh1 cpe yard for 1-11 Nets, and F ligured Silcots to pick from. Men's and Boys' List Men'is LIs t. Poys' Wash Suits, wide Collar, worth $.1 for 69e,&t Men's Solid W,,orsted S'keIeton Coats$30 S2 Piece Suits, broken sizes, worý,th as highi as Men's lack Cashmeïre D[ose, 5 pairs for $1.00 $2.':75, they ail go at $1.L Men's Dongola Lac Bots, worth $1.75 for,$I.3q»9 Bjoys' 3 Piece Suits, a speciai une bouglit righit, M1en's Odd Vesîs -worth $1,I00 for 7 5e B good hieavy Twveed. wc sel! for $3 0O Men's Do bleTread Balbriggan -Uniderwear e Boys' Blouse Suits, wido Collar, nicciy braid-'edl, - cusi, gl Thrad Underwear 2ý5 extraLvale $1.2 5 Men's lleavy -Duck ShirtIs, ail"sizes 48e- Youths' Box Caif Bals, worth $1,60ý per pair, sizes s Men's., Collars, worth 15e each, 3 for 25e 11, 12, 13, fo-r 13 Men's Ties, oc-dUnes, worthi 25e and 35e, for 19ec Cas West Eouse Ca or Trade for Produce. JOHN fIcMURZTRY, OASH- FOR WOOL. EBriOWM A N V-L LE. The Tmsaîgecrinof 200 B UFFALOIS Bij 0F11011. lanld cokrs eaded 1 hy itlietci- -- ~ernesfrm te utare o eueî Mr (G.T Bell, genýieral passenïgor departmneuts, is a ýinovemont worthy and ticket agent, and Ur.MCDcsn nescorne attention,. I shows that the district passonger agent cf the Grand Roc Goeruoutlethoroughly up te Truuk ,Rahlway s',stem, returned Ibis daIe in exph1oitiugý the ricb district morniung from Buffalo. lie says the known as 'New n0itarnie. This megion, prog-ress visible everywhere g i v e s rich as il le lu minePrai and nimber re- ample evidenc of the ability and push sources, leso a nw field for agricul behind the coloissal entorprisa A :urhisscntanig geatares fertile Buffalo gentleman weil expressed the trahie land. ln facl, thora le ne0 idea wbon lho onquimed of meyveslerday, roason wby tbe camne industry and por- -"Caii voit credit tbat a yearF ago tIbis soverance wbviich bas made old Ontario work,-pointing at the camne lime 10 tbc a gardon should net fiî,d scopa almost wonderful spectacles hefore us, had flot ae large in ihe undevoioped lande of the oven commenced 2" riorth country. New Ontario bas ils ambitions te av a markct close at "Do yen think there will be any dis- in upon us 'bi- the entbusiasm 0Of mon position on May 20Jth, the day selectod like Mr, D. F. Bunke that Ibis uew land for the officiai dedication ceremonies ?"I has soil as rîch and farme as fair as "Quite the reverse," Mr. Bell reniieni. ever wena funrrowed by plow lu the "&Whal bas been accomplishod le the eldor parts off bbc provinLce. Wbat1Ne w best propbecy of whal will be; while Ontario needs te makýe its dovohopment the next twc weeks will possibly 'net symmetrical i le a frmning cemmunity, s00 the Exposition flnished i lu ail Is and it le along Ibis linoe that the Govern- deparîments, the grandeur, freshuces ment uow proposes te werk. Full par- aund brightuess of evenythiug will more ticuhars of Ibis xcrso may; ha had than comp)ensatoý for anY lack of comn- from. Tho,.SubwrlPanliameul pleleneesslu coma miner details. Wbv." Buildings, Toronto. ReÈuru railway caidMr, Bell with emipbasie, "the two fare from, Bunketon i s only $6.55. leadin- featunes, viz., the beautifully coloreni and highiv ornamental struc- FOOL PUULISIIEIS. turcs by day and 15e .brilliantly, ilium- After ail the boastci wisdem,businese acumen, sagaciî, sbrow,ýdncss and con- densedci common sencc claimai b y Canadian publishers there are nuques- tieuably mono downigbt fois te the dozon amoug 15cm Ihan eau ho founi lu any other bu-,siness on ocrth We don'I require le Inavel ont of our own county ce fini the neal speelmen cither. Whal wc coilndomuilutbam le their indisciminateacpacvo xhnge offens and advertising propasilions that banoiy meet the COst of Compesiîien, book-keepinig and postage. nly Ibis week caverai exechangos have-coee 1 baud ceutaiuing- advertising Ibat bas beon sent ont frem an eastoru towu on the oxehanga Sasis Ibal shîows tthe publisherst1 oedeai easy gamo. Two or brcea sucS aLis lu a paper fonever huIs ilas a desinable aiventising medium in the eyes cf extensive aiver- tisons who pay cash. for space.> To sncb an extenIt bsthe eeag adverlising gown.thal scores cf av tsnfirme are adpigth ehee sucS as a ý1 mgainlor a $0sae a cxof cehgans 'fer 12 s'pace, O'itment warrnbe tecure itéS f-.Or a 3-inch elecîro fer 8 menthe, ce. Thae hrewd space.buycrinevitaly judges a niews- paper acodn the iý,chase cf ad vertis iug foni ilit rathoer than by Ils n ead- iug matter ai estim th1e valuGeto ilsspc and Ihe fleIxibýiily cf ils pub- lîshcn's bacýkbone. Nýewsp apendlom Ibus cretysizos up the situation. Noc p ublisher who thue irety împeacbes4 ihef standingr of the paper andi ý1 igiiy 0f bis rates eau suecessfnhhly! ont uIfor tha-spaco a- na-leshiaskis ani the circulation ho dcaims Wanod99Young Mon l e bSuyI Bo wmauviile ( urnith1ee et clase af ladies for içi'es - Newun aiophas plenty cflarefnegraDntS. raundings aI night, caninot fail 10 im- prese the miuds of the least imaginaI ive, and axceis the storied dreams of Orientai magnificence. On the toucb cf a button palaces cf surpassiug grand- e un and beauty spring by magie eut of the darknoss of night int the, radiance of day. At another touch al! le again night, the Geuil controhung the marvel- eustransformation scane ail] the lime quietly pnesiding oven the store bouses -of P&euomelnwyilsaa aI Niagara Falis." "I advise evorYene witbiu 250 miles of Buffalo who dees not wish te miss ton veans of exlraordinary progress lu an aga of rapid evolution 10 ciecide le go te Buffalo eariy andi often. The ex- pense will net Se greal, as provision wilh bo made te gel passongers te the Exposition lu the morning, and neturu themi afler the illumination aI n1ght. There is mueS le absorb lu oua or two visite. Torounto peepie cshenul go aI loast o'nce a mionîh,. The Cna ian ieusýkeeýpen for May opans nip with a charmring. picînra of lerEcecny Lady Mno, fro bo latest pphoto. ExelnFrticles are3 conýtributed ou,"Dom.estLie Sc-ience and Art," hy Mr. A. odeslainhton~; ani c Jui .nnaS.hms ,on "ra aig"b oeiv lieiceon 'FoetI for Ba is the topi cf ns. eanJoy, leusehoid EclIer. "Table Tpcs"by Mrs. Mary C.,rdly liamiLlton, colutain,-s; mrany seasouia l'-re 'oGipîs 1 1h1,Werld e IWomien" centaine a slory cf past and j comnig yatnts. Tiie iagazine ccntainaj m- t nl Y original hllUStratiene. OuanE tan,1 cents pe-r opv. Canadl'i lionse keepenPub. C., Tenul, uhses DOMINION GONTROVERI- rI) 1: EPTV-KIC> --i LU JLLLU.JiIVIIU flU I. Eloction cf a Member for tSi lieuse of Cern- mens of Canada for the Eieclorai District of West Durham holden ou the iet day of October and the 7th day of Noveinher, 190e. Dosuwîeo oi, (JAÂA:,Botw cen CIÂnnEa PROVuIcF 0EOF NTRInOJozÂs THoRNTeN, TWIT: JPetitioner, and 'lno10ÂA BINGRAM, ltespondent. Take notice that tho t4 (ria S1eahove îîarned Petition wili ho rcsumed ai 1te Court Rlise iu 'Twn of Cobourg in the Cuut1y of Nortlrumber- land on the dune 71h, I190 I at 11.30 of [lie cock lu the foenoon, and on such oISon sub)sequeut days as may be neodfui. Dated tht 101h day of May, A. D., 1901. By Order GEO. S. HOLMESTEII. ISAAC 0. PROCTOR, Esq., Registnar. Shiejiff United Cnties of Northumberland and Durhar,ým Cobeuirg, Ont.,12 DOMINION G0-N TPlROv ER- nileoion 0of a Mo'eb-rfor 1lieuseof Com- meus of Cnda fortheEecoaDitctf tuO1e1 '0701 tleng cftheConty S IVa day cf N e1, 100. DoIiON 0 CN ADBewonCALE PuevîN N i '-r&E o. BI!Ran CH4ARLES JOA FHORN,ýTON anld TiROttA1 S C;lG1A AM,' R esp(1 douts. Take QNotice Itl f50 týabove nmdPtto wlil tr hied:tat 15le court lHouse lu the Town of Cohonrgi n thle Couit\Y cf Nrhîbrado June 7th, 1901,ý snb05r subsequent days as miay bS, e ueefl, Da,ýted thiSîS 'f day of May, A. D., 11,01. 13Y Order !S ,AAýC (O. PROCTOR, Esq, tgsrr - Giir td cuntes of- F ARUM TO RENT O FOR SALE.- 100 a crbin g ihe S0Unth west hail f o It îa, ill CthlV cncssion Ilof twnh- f'Cartwrig1t,1o the premisesý a fraine house, a goo ba ro, smonle foundation, a creek rannnlng throngh 15f -b arm, a 4go(d 1llof water. For further paticulai-rs a olyt Mr. Nesbitt, Blackstock, orGERS EIVLAND, Oshawa 2.w Crtof-Revision.- N OTICEis hereby given Chat tuie Court of ilevision for the TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE WiIl be held at the Concil Chiamber "l the Town cf Bowrnanville on THURSÙDAY5 MAY 305 190t, At the hour of 7.30 p.m., when all fnatters re- lating thereto will be consàdervd and dleait wltll as the law direets. All persons having business te transait taËttha said CouPt are hereby revqested to take noi c,ýýe and govern themselves acéordingly. J. K. GALBRAITH, J H LLE Chairinan Court of »evisin. pTown clerIç. Bowmanville, Miay 20, 1901. 1~ TREWATR Drags on but spring is nigh andi with spring cornes thoughts ofne Wall i3aper, Window Sladcs, Cur- tain Poles, Pietureas, Mirrors aind Frames. -1 have anunupse t1 c suit - aistes and eireumtances, You wlll be surprlsed aI m'y WUPaper. Those who 1 v see tùe stock sa-y "A mrost spleiididl as- sorîmeurt and so eiu. Sample bokol- f to aetorîeas for- anlything extra sp 1i1,Ifyou wish1 itr. ' ou can eontrol a pteu M'Y usual stock of tainey Books, Sehooil Supplies, F -îan e y G-oodeý, ec., v'ery eomplete.» P.Trblok <A- lu atrusiethandourte foruaedecision.nTüule , lnMelO»aud ustoaueauheadokeit is very difficui t satisfv some Torieï, i 1