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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1901, p. 5

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We import our Tooth Bmuali- eq and if- yen are a judge of good quality yen will a.ppnec- late the bangains we are show- ing lu our widdow. A splendid Chld's Brnsh 5 c What about your sumamer trip? Now is the tlme to ar- range for it. zWe ticket to points on any rairoad on this continent at lowest prices and wili be glad te f urnish ail particul ars as to routes, etc. Cali and consuit us as to best Su1mxer Resorts. 0f course you want one of ~thuse. Prices run from $2.50 up, AàSK US ABOUT TUiEX. Se"tott & Juryl G. T. R, C., P and T. A. Agents for Dominion Steamsip and Bea ver Line. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWM"'ANVILLE STATYoN, GOUING EAST, eOING WEST, ýi :gs. 31 an 'Epres .. 5 15 a. m, '~prss -1 1 a mPocal ...815 "1Begr...548 p.rn. assenger.. 1 40 p. M, Local. 655 p.m.J Express.. .7 38 tDaly except Sunday. STOTT & Juxy. Town Agents Zke 0;auadiau iatoa BOWMANVILLE, MAY 22, 1901, Providence anniversary June 9. Mrs. llarndcn advertises good past- tirage. Have your bicycle everhauled by W. Fishleigh, Keep in mn' Enniskillen annivers-. amy on Victoria Day. Ladies see the nice variety of white goods at Miss Martin's. Oshawa is te bu lighted by acetylene gas-ceost $15.72 for 2000 heurs. Miss Etta Tait toek part in the con- cert in Yonge-st Methodist chnrch, To- ronto, ý'ed-nesday evening. TJh9.FrosÉ & Wood Company, Limit- , ;Smîith's Falls, one of the largest1 implement companies in Canada, basi by purchase acquired the buildings,j plant and good-will of Couthard-Sctt1 Comipanty, Oshawa. Mn. J. B. Oke, arrived at the Glasgow Exhibition just a week after leaving Canada and be states that the Canadian exhibit is far abead of that of any ther ceîîintrv, and is attracting an enormous amiounît of attention. Roev Dr, ka, Toronto, who bas just oc e a serîes of 18 lectures on tLhe book ef Isaiali was presented on Saturday eveinag wlth a purse of $250 in golid by the members of lis bible lass and a. vory complirentary address, Citizens of Oshawa f ulIW appreciated the music given by the orchestra at the opcàning of Mr. D. M. Tod's new ice 'emparlers, Saturday evening. Many congraitulations were tendered Mr. Ted on the grand success of bis enter-i prise. The Juvenile Mission Baud gave an entertainînent and social in the Dis )lple churcli Wednesday niglit. A cheice prog-ram-was givenl consisting of sengs by Belle- Murdoff, -Dora Percy, OlgaBaugmanand Miss Lusk; organ solo bv jry, chorus b.v the Band r~itatonsby Bertha Olcott, Eddie Jobnon, Norman qoc nd Miss Lenla Mason. -A-feature 0f tbe evening was a flag drill given by 12 liîttIe irs Thýis oas very pretty and was rapturolusIy encored. Tbe pro- grmîncles.ed wt a very cbarwming trio rif meitations b y Miss Marguerite Saxtn e WasingonD. C, 'woh as bee afeedvisteýr of îrs. Mrvin Blurk, Sping reei Farm. Lunciih, was (then servedte thie lrecompanIuy present artr wIch 'Ilsoi-e time w %asQ1 spent in xaîfu'aud looknga the varions urisemnesand1 thbe pastor, Rv.H B aydenl, FalstieEgytGreece an )-taly The lanIge colleýýtc-I t o fpoerps0f ,cns Iin the3se countries whicbi gracod the ,vaMllo!eelarge roem wa pI anig3d nstruztive featUre. Young people attend' the social even- iog in St. Johna's cbunch, May 22. Sons o! England will attend Trinity cburch Sunday May 263 at il a-i. Mtbodist Bookroom gives $12,000 te the Superanuation Fund this year. Farmers' Institute annual meeting Saturday June 1. at 2.30 p.m in Council Cbamb un. Dr. W.E. Tilley eprsents Bowmau. ville cburch at the District meeting at Enniskillen. Mental and physical vigon follow the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Sold at Tole's drug store. Rev. E. R Young, inr., assistant editor o! The Guandian, bas nesigned te ne-enter the pasterate. St. Vitus' Dance rapidlv cured- by weigbing 7 lbs Detroit Fence Ce , bas bougbt the Luise Furniture factery, Oshawa, and will instal $20,000 o! maehinery. No bonus was soughi. At the start15 men will bu employed. Rev. itYoingsn~, taving-cnitiez- ised theu managemeiit o! the Methodist Bookroom, the contmitte met Tbursday and unanimonsly agreed the Rev. Dr. Briggs was doing ai rigbt. Mr. S. B. Trick, 'Courtice, bas pur- ebased Messrs Stevens & Arzue's saw- miii at Montreal and will put in mach- ineny te manufacture staves, boeps and beacings for barrels.-Lindsay Post. Rev. T, W. Jacktson. Elera, bas been invited te nemain a fourth year witb the Methodin tceugrugatien at Elora. This wîli bu read with pleasure by oid friends lu this section. H1e is a Clarke boy. Special services will bu ceuducted at the S. A. Banracks by Staff-Capt. Page, pivatu secretary te Commissionen Eva Booths, ou Satunday and Sunday May 25th and 26th5. Staff Capt. Page is an able woman lu every respect. Don'i fail te bear. Mn. E. E. Sheppard, the versatile editor e! Toronto Sainnday Night bas ntnrned froîn a trip te Egs-pt aud Palestine Mr. Sheppard 18 one o! the best descriptive witers o! the day, and we wait witb iuturust au acceunt o! bis travels litbeEast. Mr. Harny Cauni says the steamer Argyle will ýomnmence ber summer route between Newcasile,Bowmanville, Oshawa and Wbitby on the flnst week ln June and will run reguianiy te 'roronto for the seasen eveny Tuesday and Fiday. This beatis15 epoted as, langer and spuedier than the Garden Citv. Miss Crook, a practical corset dem-. onstratior, will be at our store on Wed- uesday and Tbursday May 22nd aud 23rd and will bu pluased te meut the ladies e! Bowmanvillu and the viinity te show tise advantagus ef thse B. and I. corset. A suitabie place bas buen an- ranged fer ftting anycue wbo wishes te tny tbum on. As the chie! objet is te advertise the corset, eveny eue wil be made wicome wbuthen they pur- ebase or net. The Mason Ce. The Treasuner o! thse Hospital for Sick Cildnen, Toronto. writes: M. A. James, Esq., Bowmauville, Ont-Dean Sir,-Wu beg te acknowlcdge receipt o! your faver e! May 13 enelosing $15. part proceeds o! au ntutainînent givun by thse Bewmanviile Amateur M instruis and 1 would ask yen te kindly couvey te the membens o! the organiization the gratuful tbauks o! the Trustees for tbis goerous donation and for the vury kind interest they bave taken lu the Hospital. Youns truiy, Douglas David- son, Peanlinu 8 fer iSets ut Nieboil's. Tack hammens Sets uacb ai Nicheils'. Very latest styles lu gunts' ats at Mi' Mayer's bat Atore. Strawberry plants for sale, Appiy te G. D. Fletchuér. New subseibers eau get THE STAÂTES- MAN~ te end of 1901 for S0c Repairing ueatly and promptly doue if le!ft ai Fred, R. Folev's Parler Sboe Store. Ton pur cent off at M. Mayer's Hat and Cap store for cash customuers. Come eariy. Seo Cawker & Tnii's advertisurnt tbis weck drawîng attention te bouse- cleaning supplies. Cauliflower. Tomato and Cabbage Plan)ts for transplautiug now ruady at Gordon D. Flutcer's. Wve caIrry 15e finust so c ress good lu lack andcoin'urs -iüewn by auv bose lun thuseceute. cs Aýre yent ai ail part'iculair'about the3 eut and fit cf .r ul clihesif su imvo1 yenr order t ucJohi'en & Dy dcnman's and ;oul shah bu satisfiedi Wben bn.,ing a readv-made suit or everroat yen wat tis latesi styles and our neaov mnadu suits for men and beys are ail nuwgoeds. -ouch,Jobhnston & Cryderma,,ýn. Our uades ku _v t creu always depend lon hat IM Mayer say'S abut the geedébesels',. Hs is uewsprn six les3 o! bats, ecaps, île>s, colars, euf gleusshitsdraersand ejther antie les or enteîau'swuan are nýow reaad% for inspâection Hts",P)ucesarOK 0,hH idr-en0Or yfo bes-yout want the b0CR- rry a fuw bushels. D)o yen want a carpet if sý) eal at Concb, J obnston & Cryderman. They bave a big assertînent and will seli yen a carpet as cbeap as you can get it anvwhere luq Canada. Satnnday was a big day fer boots and shees at F. R Foluy's. Grand rush fer footwuar and the styles and prices suîted tee. Best day's business since epening. Attractive shop, geed stylest, mederatu pices and courteus service please thc people. If von bave net called yut, do se seon. G et acquainted if nothing more. Wherever a buet rugar factory bas beun hault in Michgan .vou seu nothing but prospenity amoug tbe farmers. Thev are the backboue of our privince and any thing that wili benefit the farmer ndtimalte bim more prosperous will belp the busine8s m'an and the laborer and mecbanic. There is ne indnstry that will spread its buneflts te ail classes e! the commnnity like a beet sugar factory.-B. B. Freeman .Wlarton. SThe Mvemorial Numbeneof the Toronto Daily Star, o! May 23rd, Empire Day and the eve f'1 Victoria Day," te bu issucd by the members e! the Women's Canadian Historical Society, and with the co-openatîon of the National Council of Womeneof Canada, the Daughters o! the Empire, and the Women's Art Association, la new unden way. The pnoceuds are to be devoted te the ene- tien of a Memorial Hall te bier late Majesty. Thure will aise bu fioscribud on sbields, or in somue thun forîn, the names and record of the Canadians who have given their lives lu their country's service lu South Afica. It will bu the frsi Mumorial Hall ereeted lu Canada. Contributions, manuscripts, etc., mnay bu addressed te Miss Fitzglbbon, Mem- erial Number, Star Office, Toronto; and advcrtîsers wsing for space sbould apply te Mrs, J A. Paterson. at the same addiess. Mrs Manvin Burk entertainud a bost of bier fiunds at a dramnatie recital given at ber home in houer of ber tiend Miss Marguerite Saxton ef Washington, D. C,, wliose reputation as au eloetiouist and Shakespuarean interproer is well established. Miss Saxteîî's versatility of style and bier feats e! mumory were cluarly seen lui the different numbers given, wbetber in comedy or tragedy cspecially ln the seenes froîn fracbetb wbich wure given fanltlessly and with a very charming effect, The musical part of thse evening-'s pluasure was mucb appreiated,' and consisted of songs by Mrs. C. Arthur Cawken, Messis. A. and R. Mitchell with piano selections by Misses Audrew and Prowen. Mn. Gue. P. Freeland gave some of bis cbaractur sketches wicbe always pluase and amuse. About miduigi the cempauy sat down te a recherche lunch,1 wbeu after oranges, bananas aud ice cream bad been serveti the -auests dispersed aftur paying bigb tribute te the antist ot th.s eveuing feel- ing exceedingly gratuful te Mr. ana Mrs. Burk !or anlothur o! their deligbt- fui social funciions. When ln Town, stop at Nicholîs'. Giletts Lve 3 for 25cts ut Nicboll's. Carpet tacks,TIack pulluns at lNicholis'. ViltT olet Ammonia,refrusbing for bath and toilet. Tole's Dug store. Until fnrther notice Tait & Ce will nvike chic photos on Wednesdays and Satnrdays only. We take snbsciptious for ail news- papers and magazines ai club rates. Sec our club lists. W,,, bave a large stockt of Qnartered Oak Furuiture lu Antique aidGle finilies L, orris, Ladi"esý' spniil-gcoatLs and ca1pes as at Coutcit, Jobusion & Crydurma'. Haviîn.7 a large stock o!fHa n ad Caips onbaudl,and-lu order to ïuduce t, bave decided to take 10 pur cent off for cash customens, se come and get a br gain LM. MYHfatter, STATESAIAN readers in anIV part of Caniada or United States buaving frieuds geing te the Old Country will oblige bv asking M A James, stemsh,.ip agent, for rates, beýst beats te) g-o byand seo on. The 'Suifdav Sehlioo lioir o! St.,JoIlu's Chuirc-i will give ýa scial even ilu the seboho1 110M ou Wediicsday oeuinig, ay22nid, at hicb a a umiber of! iiseful articles made b y the g-irls blnigte tise choir, Willbus-o1d, at venc nas. abeprneus.Tbey v!ilaise sdi ,11icel creanit11(d cmndy.Therewill bu musice bothbinstrumenital aud vocal, and ail a rt glry.9- Scrulb bushes 2 fer 5cts at ihoî' La ieswite goods just recived at Miss Martin s. ifeasonlable priceb. Neat tweed suits te ord er $8.00. Ex- tra value at F. A. Cole', Hampton. Rubber good ln great vaiety, and at easonible rates. Tole's Drug store. Buy 3 our ensilage corn froîn us-seed tested-sure of a crop. Cawker & Tait. Ladies nequiring bain done over sbould cali on Mrs. Dickinson, King Street. Do yen think o! buing a churn or washing machine ? We bave the best. Cawker & Tait. John C. Weuks is the bnsy man these days-paperbanging. He cai-ies love- ly patterns. See tbem. A verv nice and new assortînent of "Seý%A LAD A" Mn. Clinton Gifferd, oshawa, was lu town lasi week. Miss Alice Shaw, Toronto, bans beun visîting fienda lu iewn. Miss Bond, Toronto, is visiiing ber uncle, Mn. Thos. Bunden, Miss Venu Bowies, Toronto, is guest o! ber cousin Dr. J. C. Du3vitt. Mn. Lewis Reacb, fireman on thse G. T. R., visiied bis moibunreeoentiy. 1Mn, W. A, Hanes, Toronto, was ru- cent guesi ut Mn. John Babcoek's. Miss Campbell, tuacbur, Haydon, was guesi of Mn. W. R. Clinenus Sunday. Mr. and Miss Sb Mlc, eerbero, Mr. Harrny Jolliffe, St. Thomas, is visiting bis grandfatber, Rev. W. Jol- lif e. Mrs. John Foster 18 visiting, ber dangisier Mns. Awdrey t_. Brown,Leam- ingten. Ruv, E. Roberts, L1--lsy is visiting thse Methodisi isisin Rlibrto county. Mn. Normanun gasooc n nîcely lu týise uethodisi rýuýhuSuSnday oenlug. flieuG, W.Ross, Premiier o! Ontario, salis by tise Dominion Lini e July 3rd fer Eugland. Mrs. A. Cr3 dermani and daug-btens, B3lackstock, visited Mrs, Wm. Cryder- man, Cburch St Mms. H. 53 ivester and granddaughten, Miss Addic Sylvester, Lindsay, are visiting relatives hure, Miss Turubuli, Oranigevilie, is visit- ing ber brother, 1ev. J. H. Turnbull, M. A., St. Panl's Manse.ý, Mr. Simon J. Allaas ruiurnecd fnem Park River, Dakota, and is visitiug bi8 father Mn. J. T. Allun, taller. SMiss Lily and MissesReta and Muriel> Fllgg, Oiven Sound, lonmerly o! ibis tewn,are vîsiting relatives at Newcastle Little Misses MajorY and lhelen Me- Muniry, dangbters o! Mn. T. H. Mc- Murtny, Oshawa, au.e visting lu iown, Mrs. W. L. Maliory wvas in Cobourg necenitly superintendi.-zg preparatiens for the ru opcuing o! ie summun cot- tage. Mn. Ge. Bimacomîbe, 13elevllle, J driver on the G. T. R , is visitinz bis faiher, Mr-, Gee. Brimacembe, Elgin street. Miss Nellie Williams and Miss Blle Meteaif, teachers of the Ontario Ladies' Cllege. Wbitby, were guesis ut Mn. M. D. Wil lia ms' ovur Sund(1ay. The p aîl-beanurs ut Mrs. Milne's ob- scquies wec:E, R.Bonal T. H. Spry, Jos. Pattinson and T. Fitzgenald, 11ev. R. Suaboru officiatted. Mn, H . Gale, editen o! tise Ersierpnise, Coiborne, spent Suudav; witb bis sistun and brother. H1e bt-anrs bis ag-e and the nesponsibilities of oei tonial 1113. remank- ably well. Mrs G. H. Buxien, Toronto, Mrs. F. Brimacembe, Riuchustený, N. Y., and Mn, and Mns. Fred J. Biekeli, Oshsawa, bave but-n visiiing thein mother Mrs. Ge. BiekeIJ, sr. Major I. J. Sneigrove, Cobourg, was receuily presented witis a beautifuily illuminatuti address by the Canadian Fratennal Association ef wbich bu is netirîng pres-iduni. ),lrs. J. H1- . Jury. Miss Mildrcd and Mn.GeronJury h1ave retumrnud !romn -Toronito. Godoï !(,is ýconvals c;ng1-nicu- ly froîn the effeets o! tiseacietht býefelilhmasfa. Mn. J, W. 1gibtbm idn Man, Mr S. W. F. DoIlaniId so, 1,Ne0W York City, ana M.A! igiubotham, Mlitoni, wene hureiteni-ng-ise funeral, o! their father, the lie ýj obuhiggn bothami on Satray Mn. Chas. Juffeny wil rsl u n ntise lMethodisi chuncl7 nexindaymoiu and 1ev. H. Thoma, Hapto, n thu ev7ening. The paster 1Ruv. WV J. Jol- iffe, B. C. L_,wl ruuianniversay services ut uda t 28 n 7 p. mL Mr. anld MrsFrank Mcay, India'n HeadN. W.Tand Mn- D. T. Tee and idaugbten, Moreai, wereburiel aicnïdig the funeral o! thue -e s JonMilne The funerai esceie place 011saturday fron'nthe rsieneo! OCylon Teas are sold in sealed iead packets only, neyer in bulk, B lack, Mixed or Uncolored Ceyion Green. Carrie Nation Social. The Young Puopiu's Association O1 the Methodisi Denomination Exiend an Invitation For your Participation In a social Celubration O! noel Demenstration If ibis muets yonr Approbation Come and bring a Delegation. Epwenih League, May 27. Annivensary ut Provi dence ou Sun- day Junu 9. Pantirnians lu due lime. Atithe Pani-Amenîcan Exposition ou opening day 101,678 pensons passed the gaies. The iniermediate basebali teani e! ibis towu wil ylay the Buffalous o! Lindsay ai tisai iown on Victoria Day. Tise Mason Co's $10 .00 black and bine wersied suits wiih D. B. vesis are de- cidely ge value. Befono 241h yen ca a ve p,è.choice new SOc îles and braces Ricbiuliu& ntanieNvgainCe. 1Montreal, Tise palat!ial mion semr Hamilton, Algerian aiu d Spartan will ral ut Dalingion ai 10 p. m, geinoe ast, ou Tuesdavs, Thnrsdays and Saurdays; geing wusi ai 4.30 p.m. ou Wednesdays, Fridays and Satundays. Sue ndventisement. BO)RN GRGG-Iu Bowmanx 111e, May llth, lte 'ife cf Mr. Frank GRiGG, of a d augîster. MOOLELLA-II BowmanlVille, May 13tb, the wîf e of Mr. A. L. Meleilan, Accountant of tise Ontario Bank, cf a son. Lutta-At St Heuri, Motreal, May 14th, the wif e cf Mr. J. Hierbert Luke, of twin aIaugitters. Cco,EDGE-In Myrthe, April i2th, tise vlfe cf Mr. H. Oooledge, cf a son. Coîsau-Ii East Wbitby, May 141h, tise wif e cf Mr. Pbîlip Coulin, of a son. Ince died, TAYLOR -In Oshawa, April 271h, the wife cf Mr, Lon. Tay lot, ut a son. McîtRs.uc-AI Geste, ont., iMay 1itti, John MeGregor, fcrmnerly of Osbawa, in bis Gtis year S5inaN-In Toronto, May 131h, J. C. Sisrin, aged 73 ycars. Iuterred aI Lakefield. Cousin of -Mr, Thos. Sherin, nowmanviile. Mtsiar-AI lite residence of hor sou lu-la-e, M.F. L. Mc'Kay * indian Head N W. T., on ma ti, Amoelia Busseil, wiàox cf lte late Joiînllne, Bowmauviiie, aged 74 years, In- terred ai Bowmanville on May 18th. MeCoNocnseg-ln Bowsmanîrlle, on May otlit, Samuel ficçonochio, aged 82 yoars, 1 mentis. RIGGINBOTaAm-Iu Bowmanville, May 161h. John Higginbotbam, agod 74 years. McLEAN -At 190 Macdouuell Ave., Parkdale, May i111h Thiomas ficLean, agod 61 years, f or- merly of Iasnpton. 1 HUTCHINSON-In Newcastle, May 111h, Josepht Hutcbiuauu, sged 7ü years. FUjRzE- lu Bon manville, May 19th, Elizabeth Odger, rlct cf tise laie James Fnrze, aged 71 y ears. -aouGit - At Mdiand, May ibsil, Dr. Hecrbert J. Rouge, il its 271h year, younger son cf Dr. Henry Hougis, M. A., Toronto, formeriy editor uf the ooturg Worici. DARNL-At Los Angeles, California, May liti, George Rerbert Louis Dartueil, eldesl sons cf laie Judge Dartinell, Wlilby, agod 30 years. MrDouAD-In Cobourg, May 141h, Mary L., rouiet oflniee te Jobh, MeDonalti, aged 78 years, foýrmerly of 'Neasile. MlILLER lu Darlinglon, May 17, Jane, relict cf lte late Win. Miller, linsor 701h yoear. CouFLANf-In Clarke, May 18, Mary Ann Kinsman, beioved wile cf Wm. Coupland, aged 43 yoars. S ERVANT WANTED-Por genenal housework. Good wages. Apply R BAL- MORAL HOTEL, Bwna villo.21-tf Teinders 'Wanted. noon of Saturtlay, Jne it, 1901, for an addition to the Faetoi y ofte Dominion Orzan & Piano (ou. lasu seifcaso for same can be seen ai the ofieof Le Company. Trhe-lowesL, o r any cuber tender, may flot necessarily be accepted. -DoMtsIOg UR iN&PIANG.COu.- intd 21 2wBowmnan-ville, Ont. fheauuacnea eeting o'f tl'e hae pauy wi o e id l'lat lit "e ofie fthse cor n tPoý't DrigoBomnilon ody thî 3,,d day cf June, 10,ai the hur fJ 21-2w n. B- SIMPSON. President, GEYLON AND INDJR TEE, GREEN OR BLACK A GREAT NAME lias been made for machine-rolled Ceylon and India Tea, The pnrity, cleanliness and economy of this Tea are responsible for its popuiarity. Ever decreasing consumption shows that it is oniy a matter of time when JAPAN Teas willi be a thing of, thc past. Soasonlable .)Goo-dsm liow are Your House=Cleaning Suppfles. Soap, Jrooms, Whiting, Buig Starehes,, Whitewash Bushies, Mops, Washing Compound, 'Amn- moula, Black Lead, Alabastine, Tubs, etc. ISpe Cials. 1 2000 yards Print, fast colors, regular l0c ayard, 8'yards f ù or. M 600 pairs See mless Black ilose, regular 17e per pair, 2 pair for 25c. Roller ToweIling, ail hunes, regular 8c per yard, 1 yard for ae. SLadies' Spring Coats, latest eut, regular $5.00, for $3.50. ELadies' Spring Coat,,Iatest eut, regul- ar $7.50, for $5.C0, SOrgandie Muslins for Blouse Waists, regular 25c a yard, 2!- yrds for 25e. I DE sS OaSbSPGIL Eý Faney B"laek Crcepons, regular $1, 1 yd. for 75c,~ E Fancy Black Crepons, reg. $1.25, 1 yd. for 95e. E Faney Blaek Crepons,reg. $1,50, 1 yd. for $1.25, LffA CEI CURT AINS E From 25e a pair up. Special Values. Ladies' Wrappors and Blouses LATEST AND BEST. Ready-ffade Clothing for KLen and Boys *To clear balance of stock At Cost, 0 *FThe People's Store. Next Door to Standard, Bank. MP ,îtBOWMAN VILLE. S OCK WANTED)-,Anyqattof. EED POTATOES FOR S ALE-Sir Sprtg Labe, eal alves, fogs and ailt J Wlc aegilt ait.l ra kinds 0f fatsrock wanted a n a rtie s ite .., ngf=tyie a SiSr Walter havsug same wiil please notif.y by card. 'W. R1. Raleigh prýoved thte best. Prjce 53e-, per busbel. R. CAWEER, box 189, Bowïnanville. 10-'m FnEio. G. RULL, Darliiigton, 1P. O. 20-îw*' SýTOCKS AND B3ONDS FOR SALE, F ARM FOR SALE IN PICKERIING bave a&imited number of first mortgage miles trom ici' ing Villgti îoe rc tw otyyeari-s5s7 gold Bonds value 11000 iu one delnfrmŽ ar, odfn e borhrd0 0f he argetstel stpnilingcopanie, o f about 2 acres l fliber0g d aerd by Duif.' the world, just etahlisheýd lu Canada.,w 1ch I hns Cteek, R.easor for selling, a ilting hea .1 canso 110,OO A18 flly paId upStock in the owner. Apy1 Jw& CILvaso.ct saecopuy iedngtenyfve per cent os hty rluteonr oNGILiMtAN, divideud. annually and other desirable stock. Pickering P. 0. 19-3m. Ail information by mail or On îapplication at Ma, P. TREBILCoCK's store. J. H. BARNEfTT, Broker, Bowroalnville. 151f . _____________________ * SAY:-Do vou, want or BW NVLEMARKETS. telebratec1 Higtî ('lass Loors for BOWMN VLLEthat nice new bouse, yen aýre bnfldin~? f ~o- tlpoe>o r en,100ÏbS ....... .. ~ WnAr Pll, bush.,. SpnînLF 8 Çui . Ryfo- BARTL., eb h Nt i.,.. r.ii~0 e rmi iu- cris -ge gte se!I Dec s. 'I ,res--I'e I and unre nd y-us aPem auo end .o"'.dvw1 'Intg m ai qrtr 't -< ~ t'cs , Bowmanville. Only the test. Rami

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