y,-- - PipeBlackheads, Red R'pugh, !!'OiIy SkI- arsÊteted by -Cutcers tetrent for preserv- ine,purifyùcg. benetIf3 i te si , fercecans- iegý tire scalp e res eaecddandrueh, tiwd the stepping f aliglar frSefteeing, badfor baby ra-hes,'thgsatO-afgs acd fer ail the purposes oftire toila1, bath, ccnd nursery. iltlicas of Wocîen use (C.Tl- i iocc s iotre ferim of batha fer anaoyicg ir;alainflammations, acf excoriations, orte froc, or offensive perspiration, ta the Iirm ofwsle for niccrative wcakneases, cdforerimcy eanabMve actiseptie perpses wilhraiysuggest themacîves te mouton ac iethollers, No otiser mericaed seap is te ccoprfwtl ithfor preserviog, puriying andibatiyn the skin, scalp, iai ana hands, No oîre forceign or deerestie tilt seap, heaveve-r epn Ives te Ire eipareft %vith iter al thc epesesof the olleti bath, anald rs .Thcs t combines in Oaa Soae t ONE PaîcE-, threa sET skie and complexion seap, and the ncsT tilet acf baby seap ta lire worid. Cemplete Treatinent for Every Hucmour. CCUrrcA SesgrtOCleanse thre skia cf Crerats cnd scaies and sofere, b thlýckened ctiCle,OCUTCRren OINTIIzENT, te instantly alay itching. inilarnma- tien, ad irriltation, and sothe and lieu[, and Ce- 'ICUIR nSeaveNT, te ccol aed cleanse tihe blocS. A SINGEsSErT s oflen aufficient te curte thse met terturing, dishgring. and hnniliating skia, scalp, and blced huouers, sWitt bsn of lair, whcn ail else faits. Sold by ail drueriss. Brtsh epot: 27-S Chater- hauts Sq4.. L1ondan. E. C. Perris, DRUS AND CHen. COcR., o lr'eps., Boston,.U, S. A. NOT'ESANiii)C 0M il NT' . i a very siple urratve, Akdby ~sc~texy drefnssand peiinc ottm nt ana revais t" us ama sionl pide Excptil. the lattera ,'to bi~sw'ie afi lic dýiary of his eQxperi- ena2-as kept for hb"r dur.ieg hie anful Dmpylscamrent ut DvlIsland, if 15 iLsuaily-siaindla ifs exrpressions of emctlon, and fer that reason i-3 al tha m iore cnvà icîog aind îimpressiva. WV LIfhal thi ei-anrlhw - Lt is an inxpe'îiy tcuching sery, -nd flic readIàug ýcCif excites wonder that- so leug'ical a peple as tFli irenchi coattd have ipafljcfed tortures ýsoe x- qns .Ii t o ecdse prolonged con i a na aganser~bm. lice evIdnce was seo ftimsey and se o ~siefrom the firsf of framd, forgery and corspiracy c'a the part of flic real crimainal or crimîinais. Thc amzemneat nilli whâich Drefyfus resmred ti 'irsf ac- of tarlen cf frc.ajoa e eagaiast lhrm by Commandat du Ptade ClIn, ie 1894, "a f husIerboif ailugat ney feet," cninsto ba expsed nill ce'nfac1lg ea'ne sfnes9th;roughout tbi- narrative; andl if grew greater ft e re compleLe becainv'the cevcla- tion of flie plot againsf hin. Not until the' fifteentli day afier hia eudden arrest at tii' conclusion of a preiimi-nary examinatien alto- gef ler childih in ifs superficiality and jump-eag -te o îa conclusions, wvac lie elowa a plotcg'rapli oflihe famous, bordereau. -1 did caet write flua letter," lic says vcry simply, je c-o-cIudiang tfl i irrative of the air- cusacsof his arrest and firsf in- carceration af Paris, "for wvas I in aaiy way regponsible for if." From bce- ginniag to end, that is bis constant assertion, ie a story whicli, as we have saId, commuads riespect and sympa- fliy fo hier as a man cf rare integrity andt wifhout a trace cffleic sutle More cf c.hrectc. wjthuhiol hytric a- Frencl imagiation a seiready te su:ie u a asefor hirneabu, showsgin rnala weho tx their thaeutaccutin fnt.wictie --durig the auadant ii suechinnoconfnme, ntbc buet sows censflat if iu serioussy made against 'y Arceflicy at lasf on thea ýtak cf& fthc wretch wlao commiffed f leic inam-,- oua deed ?" lie -trifcs in bis Dcvil's is- I land diary. ««Wliaf bewiders my mirdb aarea on Lathaf fhey bave netyt scedfLu clearing up flue horrible mysfcry." "A G overnmcent has allice machinery necessary te investigafe 1j suchi a mystery ;if is moraily compel- ti led te do if." "0, my poor Lucie, 0, in niy beloved chidren ! Ah, in flic day vvben justice ishiaH ha donc andtfli guiiy coeuamas-ked, may flic burdenC cf ail 'fhese namneless tortures fal bac* ocn these wbo have' pcrsecufed an innocent man and liis family !" Of flic verdict of conderanafion, wifli ex-~ fenuafiag circunasfanecs," announcaf 7liy the Rennesý cour i-martial, lie says,1 «wifb the logic natural te liim: -Sirice whcn have thera been ' exfcauafing circurastances,' fer the crime of trea-1V son ?" "My Leari wilnt'ver lic sa1 ls-h 1fi;ed," are flic concluding words of bis1a - story, "wbule there is a singlc Frenchi-j Ir maen who imputes to e mthlicabomin- 1 able cri.me which anothr committ- Cd.,, 0f coursea, the correspondcnce bea- fween Dreyfua and bis wife- whicb -ferms a large part cff tua ivelums is!E more pureiy emofionai. If la a toucli- *ing revelafion cf a macf sfroag af- Lfactions, greaf simpiicify and sincer- eify cf nature and a prefeunufscase cf parental obligation. Net a sentencei acf a word, cf this unrcscrved cx- ypression cf bis inmcat feeling la sug- j gestive cf fthe dcpravity cf wliicli le lias been accuscd or consistent wifhi any sul tbecry. His letters f0 lis wife are thie lot tors of an lionesf man~ andt a gocit and truc. Wc bave ne underfaken te follow fthe listory cf flic Dreyfus case as if is reiafed in flua very notable vlums with so muiýý lucidify and direct nessa, fortfli facts are wcll lanc a, but have con- fented ourgelves wif h recording ftle favraleimre.,ssiýo f JDeyrs' cher- actr liih heboc msemake on TTOUI-TFtT.HIFSAND. iiE LAsT PîiOÎ E ZGONlE. T ie'l ai1ty ïit 0cf sp ringpcet rvnftydenfemteae;om - utcîlcritmcmste cf îehe M'ay. ar-ca 1o0 i nog il ague j, IsbliSareJardine, relief lc wlnssbogl ofssmeoul fiylfti ihirpnatesln;ol- ate) ;autDun f fthe Townsb,,ip (cf Cac .Cetntcontr-ilintes - or a i4-m t1 ýlt thýipices aIre n(ttef- ~auda ay4 13, Ifi' rpeod os n oI i Lre of t!eSuli"0In n1: Oa f cenLc i ~ank lead DuifniesireScotaad, ic~ce." Tlie New Province cf tflic p1fEI 3f~AP i l t1I 80h13.Sho wilth lierîf ,tLher-, Trolley" bv Wlo a'et0n hn n _'tia ifnUsia cn e not1hor aýuf f our sisters came tCnaýda "JIo Ko odFurnit V"b Saa , f't al 1 ae~cl o ~ v 182 irtw firs>hmsaf rdrcILnonicdr utr aot n:ý-third c lie u'Icpe ichuý Jardiepreceded theintw Magn eCanton uilding-, Clviad xet for ccensuioa la Ur 3rt i e ar-, n lir edetbrother Gitbert, Ol.BianatW[ i nraipUt oicwd u187. Me days after îTic mare enumeýration cf the artclescd taeashumi' deineal thcre ità-ne rnivti n iCanada,12r Mocther dief iand, 1witersftL iataý,!ppci fl ic oa'srsnte fear ut itf-r avtls esune litgoc er )uii gr sisters vdneoftevlecVf ubr v or aktfr1ayya~t 4ftervu spndigw Ptirs III PoLIpe "emriaDY in the euh4'b Ms rUlcfi ceg a i theà mariled W Met illiams cf Co,. V. JeferStnDvs "I oaes voi ttig lrefi ie rc r n ue lourg anho diof .kLcaving ier a widIow'W.,Ldïeoe," liy Mahel PerevHsei;egnin efu wiîlaen one short y1 ear. Six weeks affer "w Meetings WVith Garfield " b- Qut an erolufica, is takin'i place is feat.'ic i af0lier infant daugliter jClara Morris;- I'A Vacation Tour luinan Le i-n f ruit trade, and fio,ýn non-on carne ta Dar inglon f0 toreside 'eith lierj 01f Street-Cr"; "Women's 1Part la it will bc' vary hardtote narkeatfhe ~rotier homs. la ebur186tn Pan-Arucriqan Exposition";- Two inferlior appla'. Even the local she marrief fhe late Samnuel Duan wlio Odd Chicago Club; " ; fiction iy'Liltia nmarets whtdli e"rcrmrly werc cmr- Sr& 'c-Sinù1e Wrapper Below. predeceased her 123 yoars. Soon alter Bell, Leroy Scott and Oneito Wauanna ; parativcly indiffereut te quality, - Clir marriage thoy purdhasef fIe farin I Iesehlod articles by experts lnacvers ncw ýiss on liaving No. 1 applas or Ty %~Mfau ad uas . now occuliflie y Iloove A. E& Cîcîncus. deipartmnt, and thc usuat nucaber cf acthtng, adfItal for No.( 2 is ex- e-lk : 22m Tlicy toilef and eaij ,,yed life for 42 îearS reproductions front great painfings. trentiely linifetd. Anterdliard eau- aud saw flhc countniry gradually change Pubulished by Tho Crowell & Kirk- nefý prefuce gof fruit wvihotîcuf ' FRIE~C frein annîmostunabroken forest to the patnicir Co., Springfield, Ohio,; cne praper c are any naLbra than a cc1w cin O WZN~ cuifivatton cf flic prescrit, Deceased dollar a year; ton cents n copy ; sampie protue1 nairlk 1hout fod; tha freos was a person cf steru integrity enc f e.nntb-'! manuret coi, prunédafndae I L5-71 ZUIU i ý Rý 'ýý7. intelligence, a great reador, an excel- Home Ilandicraft ta Amenica, ifs 1oo ad sterLntnIls-' lc-t possible ma- lent conversation allaf andfwas full wair points, sdhwt edri; r anr esls ilcràýl h, of fei cenao'. eeal hst tic and profitable, are discussed in a th-' Lcont or thLrd yearanda notll-' OALG :n. racy, unspariug article in Goed lieuse- ig7 ii5,ya rÎe7bote.rTECM ï IO *'Aunt Bell's" hsiaiywiDokeigfrgcc1crp vna cabre o veriai 'lcreav~~~~awe po ieepng or ayThe Advance Agentgrice -ynalJoabrifr veibîa. li,-,e iasalwysavelcome cof Malaria is descrilief iy Prof W, . G0tit' fit, aili pIy us wcll a ny- for flac fraxveller who was invar abiy, Johinson, wifli illustrafloar, and the tiing a farnier eaa groar, and hils ee.M cts invitef te paaire of refresineonts lie- 'tory cf a vicfcry over iiicequitoe3 and l wpre is xceptiaal, as ila many CUE80 MADQ-. j foen fit alqýie s o n er ingmalarianla aNew Ycrirvitiage is todf peur-s nppi-'s aili averagedouble. very ind i was n 'l-'ow'by Marflia Holladay Clagliora. There Mrhy, ahen, *egeict th2I orchait? \Ved_-1 hometha sW ýý.,)e a lir ". 0i estisa dharmaing illusiratef sketch of Elina want te h'lp orn wa la u compe- and hiat. Alwvs clieery and henfl-vWcle icx. r.mmt.E iItien cf lexpert pp asndf th".grow-, nuf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ gvsh tigflcaaesitreflti flcsecret cf lier famous straw- ing cûIfdit ioce-' iicfavorable if we chairs cf1, lier frIcassi ea gealy£ ~preserves. A womanntells irow aail cenly cultivïat; tflre lai us belvefby 1cmail lir itelectavs i-e fef lier famiiy on 90 cents a day.nflab'ut cicar and liigît amest otelifme cf Teaeripaai sehf e Ach' moratnatrLfi . licer deil nid as far as mental oesToareecp udnthsfr=U pcernakting ices, croquettes, dishes utïlizing numbucs-cf varbites cf appios 'lei nv arc crcr ef nover seemef te have su ik jý n;adalse, oc 3audb , f ko reachee l ber secoýnd cdludlicof. "Ge'of crmlinfseo;cf esn pio' er?'1 lies-' cixud li grafte or nesa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h na rylv ctwdm h~iNew Eganicooking scol. Tiarh paf-teul arequnif flic fn a - fevf wewds fmeu allisa page cf cif-fasienef fatting, auf vaediez,.lai Miine ui fha Newavng- teprce hy fli aef picre r, orda there arc pictures cf aexv tea co A land Stat Oa aafind thousafsi cf expeýc ytmodeliritchen la describef nnd pictured frecfhesn"orntlioc- .' tînt admirabiy fit ln the expenicuce cf Puliialef v hfle Phel ps Publishiig Cc art nifli a fev arirciable var;eiees - one wio Ilie-cf a long, useful If nfSpingfleld, Mass., at 10 ce'nts a copy la cs--rbymr aubeea avliose inemery is precicus te more flan on.00-, ya' ime 11h a g reaf iLniny. Pin 'Sp-y is n a few, ameng thecm the liffle dhi!dre 100aycrCanadia'a eppL-' fihal ýIy atteins ifs" Making Fust Time- avho frequentef lier home and neyer TIc Melliof sf churdli, Coliourg, w-as Lest laeL hsoufy l- lef found "Anal Belle" tee husy te have a re-openef May 5 Thec cîf durch las a Ka,îing, C-rencuia, Russet, c mata i r tle ra rcr.N re ec beau elredb xenigte elfes 1cau cempere succcestly ýith the Il"Page." Il chat aitli tîer. eRre ycxedn ed are crI -r geot afand-bys Ébat ara, usw mallteour own vjire as aetjustthCe Ailicougli thc inst remainingm brsonaewlit alter flic mannler cf Bow-, ng eîca n luai-' ni3Irkcts ant alavays sali peciirrqualityweneed. Hcewuwucs of fmia'cffe sI bs on bjea anville Meflodisi dburala. The inter- frnc-'i-se-'uiean ns ,i!1Iýit~rfcncethanever. Pricaiower Chia- ithose gene befere and enjoy fIe test ion is eafirelv acta. 'The walls r luhii ult u - sfn. year. Better look into jr. Net reoin ire fer wiflcoiingcf urewhie th c ure th2 uaif cl i gît asf.t Lu e smamufacture tawn fences cd preparef for tblase avlo ailis lier c d l eiîf-ofpr wietegreaur ci fal 'e r ,vrý n1gates.» Highin quality andlow in pmice. like faiti trust in Christ as thîir Savior. flocr la polialieti oa andf elevatef graf- Canada mido.i censîder thse Deceased's romaints woe interred lun ually tcward fIe.foors. A fealure ours liattens ina cpiactical as ay a gresi The PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. (Ltd.) Bowmanville cemcetery, Mav 7t1, six cf doe not poasese la memonial Windowvs. lianefit w utra-nifte greasers." -AKRILOT lier uepbe-,s-Mecssî-s. R, O. Poliard, it is liglited by 140 incandescent liglits Wm. Ja;tiine, Daniel Poliard, Zacli. setI a prttfy chandelier cf 48 jetsins , la Pollard, T. Scott, and Samuel ï'ollard' tle centre. TIc Ladies' Aid gave tlic THOROUGIIBREDS AS (11APGERS. ______________ acting' as pali benrers. Tho fuacrat organ-n $2,750 Karn-Warren tw0 'EIosc who lirca thforouiglibreit ser'vîces avere conidutef by Rcv. J. S. manuai tubular pacumafie-af Prof. MeMullea, Tyrone. Te 'rington pronunrces it the hast of ber:scs aililibc glati te hcar fliaf flire7 the kmaf lac las toucedl'hoTI opcntin is every pro ýpect cf an lacrea-s of services avere n great exeut for Cobourg their induustry, sas-s an Engliali pIpar., TIc peice- of THE STA-TE SMrAN la 1 0 Metlicdism. Paciref audiences greeted ~it s quite certain fliator cavalruýY -ýA 11ev Dr. Sutherland and Rev. Dr.--~ oaly wlien paif in, advaeace clicravise Young. Rcv. DN. MeCamus, flac sue-heirses are ro>t suffàiintyv,,cirai. 81' 50. cesful pastor,aud Rcv. Dr. Rcynar as-,Plica'are tfe, heavy, a ][11fieugi w TrirE STATESMýýA N wîll intrcdUcee an ad-I sistef lat tc devotional exorcises. Rev. must lave egft upotfi a vertiserl into miore fiast class homes anfd1 r. Potte avas tic preacler last Snndny put on 11cm, tbey hv lave nef.speiti e /1 'I'l; Vili1 ren, oe ftecî" i t Te musical services under direction cf aeual ecac I/ml oc' ~ I Man's Blood, " "The Gleaiffer Ghost." Lîrnp Cloth 50c., Lirnp Leather $1.00. This fine historical and dramnatic tale contains lively sketches cf Englieli cliaracter of Richard II's time, and is fuli cf strong~, brisk dialogue. Round the prend Richard cf Gloucester are grouped a numnber cf well miarked cliaracters. This is a bock which en- tailed a great dent cf labor and research upon the afir and is ivorth owning, Tribunei Power Printing House, HARRIS fON, ONT. Trade DIscount 30 per cent. 'The Great fE-,gdsk .Remeczy. ~ ~Soid aad recomajended by AIJ drcggists le Canada. Only reli Sable aeediinp dsco-rered. S )i~'cages guararect o tecure al trmoSecal \h'akness, ail aff ects uofaabuse or ex'a, Mental W Morry, Excessive use cf TO- baCco, Opium:o Stimulants. Malied on recept of pries,'oeep sige$, six, $5. oae zdllpeee,l -,x 1Ofcu-.Paphlets fres te aayaddress.1 TLhý WoGd Corapgny, Windsor, Ont, stW -oes Phosphell?'i1ne soïd in Bowavley misery of boils. Ail they hiave to do is take B.B.B. when theïr blood wvi11 be cleansed of ail imipurities and every boil will quickly dis- appear. Miss Lydla Mejody, Rs7on, SSeX Co., Ont., sentistle foliowtng staf '--!eet cf 1cr case: " Some lime uge easy bic ot es ouf cf order Ihat imary lxii" eppý-sref on my hedy and ppevaeefte les,-any ressf. 1 baf aiasen my acek Cet 'erent tinses, cerf qui te a nu'cber o's:aices came on my slioeldars afd e "Oemr nexltiuor reiglibor, -sectg thc condition Inca j'in, itd nu- t' Cte B.B.B. for My bicot, af if il 1. ~i"After i d inisafteie flest bottie 1 foca flrt omscf ,slsiraf d ap and by flic limrýe Ilad iscs neat-y ai goes Iere aras r U oil lclesen. Beifes hs ahalale foaweil Tc aivceflic temipte,- fraie car Lauf, And seela te wirr the riglit. Withirs t goldetn crevn cf life 1 iropc e 'al may sacar, May lcmp'rane-e oc ne of tihe geins iepieshtirarre tirera. MCK. PEarOttEf Ceuntices.jan. 26, net. B 1) lE R TIW1IN E. Farmera, huy -cuI' Biator Taine frotntaicFaruers Co-operative Co., Bratfferd, B 'cf tTîine 1(ilts per lb. l'iroc Wsseu, agetifor INorth sud E-tgt Darin-ngon, Tyrone. 6 If TIc earfîqaak.-s la Italy have been f licatatc by an cru tC-aoacf eas u t' J~II~%~RUr t" e 'a ciai C Ctc i cre- proceeus ittmeu uic ucti SLU ttula Ut.1 thc henutiflai ceneryanaf inhaleflic pure eiil-ahliehla teolbcfounf la fhe liaunts ah nature îu tMfls seasea oflahe year- O?-wsstoir' B, rît eh. TIc Richelieu inaf O'ntario Navigation Co. lasrora ize is fime-tableafd matie cornpiete a rrangements for fhe s ensen. TIceliamilfon lino aili i-fart oui May 1sf, leav'irîg Teofoton Tues f;ays andf Thunstinys, a 7 P. im. for Mon nei af nteneeiae pinfs.Affer func 5t1 fihesots aii ar tfii-crips per wccirhtirnalon Satuntiay Tihe ste'amer's Hailtton, Algt-iananatd Spar- tan will icover flic ruce. Whlotsalo grocers edam flînt hon atra leasi tiseyav se been practically seliîguar aI cccl, andti lti i - J fme lia àths condiition ohffiings shoi rie ci-,ngti Prospects 1cr tIc neape suanipoicers in flice DcstýrU Tovtla ýsac briglt, flic yia'td prn- mise te e la ger ina er i any i e logeti. tlair scaron bon cure, oerrovrrrg tht 115Cr particules- case la beyoat the con- fiel of scetiflo treatmet. If la onla' recesaury te peint fl sclito a amy liope in Dr. Chas's syrup cf Linseefl and Turpeatine, tire cPeî great remcdy vihicla las peonen lia eflclency nof cnly as a promîpt re- lief, lbut also; as a tlorougbh cure fer Mis. George BfePuttrmville, Ont., ecys :-'Ifeeý lif easy duty te re- cotomeef Dr. Cliass'a SyIrup cf Lieseef afdTuapenfine. as 1 lad flic asthla ve'-y bad: ceuif get nofhtng te do nme goof. A fîlead f cf rt'e persuadf mtac't t-y Ihis remedy, 1 dif se, anf if curaf eus e." Il le Imroesib1e te Imagine a betterl trealment for asthmaanr Dr. Cliaae's Syrup cf Lieseot and Turpenfine. If sootlies 'flic excïtf 'fnenves, clears tle brenciic tubes, gives prompt relief te lire feighl ,at pa,ýs, and, avîsa uýet reguuarlt - foroiily andf permaneîatly cures asfýhnaa. 25 cantse, ail dealeraý', Or 2anasea e~ &C. !'rne I~~~r îJ ~pnI Ne befler tv-lac aas ever matie on Earftli on furnîsled toe icCanatian Fee.rca nalias licen supplief yeu liv this your cwn Courpatuny. If ave avere nef antai o ýý,ecesnt ef protection le yen as Farimers lucre avonîli c no op- position avhateven pittef agaicîsi us, R('emiur fi Sait Deal. Doa'e 1,v-aste lime avretling aifh flic quesztion anv longer. Leol, il afraiglil in t!ic tatce ana leidaf va youriie-es 'vlI us as sibareýholders. Puy youe rfwiisc feora Ibis Moiber, Companya ailhir is splendid past record ohf cars anad yoîî wîll lave occaeicu te lie prend ohfa our action andfloyaltv Inter on. JIfy~on nec ibu-t n iarficle oh jurigment yen ailI secent a glance t1mb ofber Companies gcng latbo existence are sienpiy ta'adingZ on Gain grandt reputafieni and tInat ine aany oh flese cases *,ou avililic cxceedingty tisappoinfef . We lavc pleadef 1for e-lit yar o yen t come b o n 1tle gý-re"naf firornfjn oranizaf ioh h*niBycar -d Sa 19 8 They xiii build yen up, mi' rCh red blood and give yon vii and energ. Price, 5oc. per box, or thrce boxeýs for $1.25, at drug- gists, or will Li sent on receipt of price byThe T.11ii-ý'. burn C'o., Lmtd Toronto, Ont. LIGUTLY TAXED.lý The Chinesýe aeth,"-met ýLighly taxef pe-ople in hc wcr13 fhy Hie nelan c<lrcfti Ed u!er w rid vrBdgtmki' i c