It is not riecessary for a man ta; meet 'wvith an accident 10 become lame or otherevise physicaily iru- pared. Friends of Mr. Samn-uc Posîmaster at 'î Dufferin, Ont., c) pýOsoffice, have i '- wondered for some lime 'what could be the rai malter itlu r ii.. DOî-LuSaN. him, and when tcld that his crippied condition was due 10, rheumalism, could hadybelieve il. 'But sucli was, however. Mr. Donald-l son w-jas lame with rheumalistn for toyears, anîd durîng that lime suiffered internai pain ai-d ex- perienceed the greaie(,stdifficity in gcett: 9ngo uito f a ,-i g. Mr. IDon-l aldson us-cd liniments ;td mx bures of ail kinds 10 no purpose. At last he îried Dr. Hall's Rheu- matie Cure on the suggeslion of a friend, who had been cured of a siilr oplaint, aaier tak- ing n botîLe of this; wonderfujl preparatIo hepain isperd and now he is as wi as ever. Drt. Ball's RieUmotia C U£ r lut UP le 1 COlntb-ttira, coetlaii i, ceg tedays' treatmnet Far sala byIli drug-;i ste aed da ine l miidiine 'ieDr. Hall Medicine Co., KLing- ELOn. Ont. )Lady of the hanse laoking mb othesein trouble. 2. lies, ,vhinab aa reat nuuIsanrce eunpty flour barrel sidj_ ý lufatoia,1sha fdanxlkup C. Il R. M. T.' "Weii, 1 am~ glad as nowiv eau -iget al My Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Luttrdll's and save ail thel bother of baking myseif." King S3t., Bowmanville, Telephone 97. Tele-phone No. 57. We are goirig to move one door east about the 25th of this mnonth to1 that fine store that was newiy fixed up for Edsali & Ca. whore we will take posses.sion. We wiii be in better shape than ever to attend to the wants of aur customers. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED, Cash or Trade. CASH FOR WOOL. N0i MSVILLE. H a Mptani. The ndersgnedbegs ta inforrn ail his old fiends that he is prepared te do Wool Cî)rding,Spinning',Weaving, etc, or axehange goods for wool. Wili aiso v~a the Highest Price for ail grades of ~ool and wii pay more than any ather banver ean afford to do for Matted WooI. 11 it is any benefit ta farmers ta have a Wooien Mill in the Township don't go pasb it with your Wool when you -can do better there ail round than else- where. Trusting for your support as in the past., 18 2mi. D.Taylor,,, PROPRIET R BUiis 1INE-SSýý 6H~NGE &ef. llaving i tne i art of Em- bairning and FunralDîrct!ing with Mr. B. D. Hmpre, 1e lead- ing Tuot ndraa av aing taken pseso f thfe bUSiùeSS iate]y raae by Mrx P. Katerson ailorer etrus,.ted nta my Care wiii1 ttntion.! A funil ueof useflr- nitur wii aieabe kptauhand an ailidofaIdcecompo7, ' _ing renter- Calsncd ilionvisit 1liu,,o2se faciciry, cealuoven on dnupýing Ji t le mii1,., ced d"poýitiieg vroskieds cf garni 1life, xii reihus placerbuoi j -ituations faYre-chi for fur tier ge band iedeloplmc-nt. 'r oi rd tbe troubla fruni ieaiy floo"u', many of the hast accicries in tie, Unicri States ced Canada ara put' tlng in cernent floaors. Faulty Equiprent.-Great Caro shoniri b-etaien in huylrug goar ui- enwiis andi soeing that îhoy are kept in rapair. Thie joints aI tinrware are oh ton hadiy soidereri ced in some placer net soidarari et ail. Ail joints sbonld ho mcde b-y iap-joýnti'ng aed soido-rer finsh xviii lie tin. If ibis las eau daDna, smail speces are laIt wiitaiit Jie impassible ta ieep cdean cend sweet; !ei ubese heaume su many crevccs for tiie davelapmei aof gre Bad Dra'ina ge.-eSeveral exempios af bcd fiarorari che-'se csuser b-y germu uni d1rainage fluth, have, occurrari dur- ing tho len-t tira yearc. In ibese ln- stace the, drains bave usualiy beer bloakleal, or haro not bcd sufficieni fail toi taieccray the drainage quici- lyý. Uonsequeatly masses of peitîd mnateneai, crbey or buttenmik, bave colaected inlucertain parts aI the drair andl bave ,ven ciao to trouble i the hactorxy. CHEESE. Gassy Formaentations--This le the isorst andi comnianesi trouble in cheese fanianias, &-ndrije cuseri by bac- teria breaking dowe the sugar le the ril iincd producing gaa therefromn Ibis gas "causas the appearenceamarri ha cieese maisons as pin hies ar gsssy cuxds. Tiose lîcrusul germE gain admnittance othliamii lenthe procases of miiig or cIter tic miii- je draîvu froni lie udrier. Partiale: cf manure., stagnant wraters, ced dirty pastures conta le Ibis dc aI ofgas-pro- duaing gerea n large numbars ; and ît is easy laoaaebaîr lhoy gaie acces,- ta the miii b-y caroeaas miikieg, Cccv: ling an lie grIueianor aikini liruughiïl stagnant wýatcvr get tbeiî haie-y coats riEeodd îitb lb-esc naxicu: formeLý-; ced ticy aed-sode ran tilye mvmuWc niilg ail higi tLeniperaturo aý,,ilLcîbicimii h usuaiiy kept 'during thisumuser lav- ors tiboir froîtb, ced ibay causa- qulently hocome very nuscrous le ti(, i miii. We bave, recantiy mado soreral enalysce ahfcrater sent framc eeese lacicnies, andi have houri ibenain Iargc number-s of Cas-produciug germe. 'foi avala as fer es possible the con- tamination frtom miliug, Il le crins chie b-cloxe eammening : 1. Ta brusha weii the cax's;uridex and tiat pari ofl b a lgi, lani cnd 5'ide hext ta the milier. 2. To ub- the! urider ced teats Cacre- fuliy, %viii a clean, damp clotb. Bcd Elavoe-u.-Tbcre are maey crell kmau-ve defectes ln abease, geeerally ine dicateai by suai expressions as "f fiavoar," "flot clean hlayon," " tainted, "geoose flux r," "yeagiy," 'bitter,' etc. ail of h iabc"aheormai hlavera duc lne bsmaucily a of st'lnes o naxi. ous a malaa gciclg' ccc's ta lb niuhi-sousa-iiues bîy, aricm ls mulinig, as expliaineri aboya; soea Limes freni diîxy îviey lacis; comua Limas frua crryig co raiieyLIÉ miicn;can oliex nasfrouy a hi cesulia reralei tsahotthat tlb ge-rcerc-txie tseiruie inle l aei-water hc iisu nd aset- tiing ri' nis. lbvatxatî' ail aoe cs c starter; aJe h ngeluth-, cxc Ti. igc cepr'ue hcune r oeMe inte unmen tisp aver tiE Caier an Pigeset je eite f nub'ri auanîl ilielesmcA i-cabi b- iL"prud-t½n c x1ouA colon :~ b'e ax ane-d hy b(t rua.A aunanu rasit leus sc b-ctr1leyo o ust hesl Z- r i i s a a e c t s c o e Food. Inhi eLt, you want nothing but food; and your 1baby wants nothing but food. But, w not quite well, you wanýt toq get back to where (ood is cnugh. i hePic, tdelicate fiood, that,ý is kont ai SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod When sual ood is a bur- den, it Ieds to rqSc'e , ýyourstah;by thei fom, lim onon, oai of hoiirade lie ventilation hobby wih grant zeal, founiibesrelies sp-n.dhng tenigil un a emnilcoanry hotl. T'fi abd scarceiy put lia Hgît oui wion i waeralizeai liai the iIcihoirhar euti b-cen openei, anri one slarteri toaet- tondl ta il. 'fis" ocs i as veny dank andrithe muchas - wert ;It ta ha fona, but afI:r sane gropieg sic fud tise cLosLeripae. h ean'i. mare it, sic said. iugging toi do so. Ois, do try, ca-m"ý frous tic bee ire shah emutieh--r b-clore mornieg Iba uext "istnt liaera a 1r' nbuPresih i aies i ires expaineri; ut et--asil'i lbave air ucw.ý Oh, 3yas, s 'ii11(,aLen tii'sccc ta> ,levpwuortprlp"r ventilation, Sa(tywceont- 'eùÉtediy te slecp. ie tic maruieg i ridoir ias founîl tri ly cocel u ii a h glass doue- ai QUEBII-Vil Il iC a la art viitig crdeare a foot aquar. Ti sava"s o ,Deimey cn- nru"e bervistatacaciotier b-y c roe or ra -ac hcta tisà,e yud>ks tof lwo' eggs. Flavrn itb luemon. Baie wiliiane un.der cruel. Wbieu alune penn ovo-r tic wibta of tira eggc heaton stiff, and brow.l Rhbarb FPo.-Stenm tia nrhbhrb scolt, -witi baill£is iv eightinlesugar; preseslbrougi slacve, Mix c oulfea cupful oh coud puip xiii lie sanie amoeuet aofxvipped raven. Serve cela. Rhbharh, -viii Figs-.-WVasle a hall- panni aIb-cg or puhleri fige ced Ceai ieb-îin craien te cover until the ivaton ls uaaeiy sro.Skin cndj Cul a panaioaIrhubanil i-n cee-ij places. Put a layer je e baiiîgj dsi prinle Iriti segar, adri a layon aif igs, reat utilal jeucei; put Dua equarter aIçacup ofhob-t vaier . anal hakeiene air awven uniilb-ae buo useai wiib lie nbubarhin lie sanie maimear. Servra îx1ticplain on whip- peai cre-ani, Ilpiaint Tapie 'e-To ueo-balcup cf ural sakaitapioca adri ana pi oI cpp'd piplani liai bas b-ee c-oak.i l frire or tee minutes je one - fonntb cup aofivator anal onea-bal cep ol'ý sugarý. Bah l ogeiber untilth iape(.-,I.glacs transparent, anal serra ltiLer b-at un coiri ihiugar d SOMIB G OOD RECIPES,ý. Cuaihs--lke lra cp, four, oa i I1ELP FOBI THÉE BIRYMiAN11 l' ASSISTANCE OFFERED TO CREAX- ERIES AND CHEESE FACTORIES. Rlrnacl.I(mne fTebeeeIatna laztverZl Ilîiter -A aeod Cusîlure 'iiiîtBe îSaut te Any Olla Spp1ylýfufr jT'fe folloirng cireua'r bas be",n le- i ener b-y the Ontanie Agnriculînrai Cal- loge:. Il le lime i si oltic Bacieniologîcel Cbamie'al aud fring Depamntss aI ticeOcraria AgrIirriturai Colaige toi iget ia otouai1viii the makars in ticeese factorles ari creemenies aI tia Prurince,%,vii ha rieur ta randen- îeg assistance ia casesseofI riificuly urilai may b-edus ,ta unmlesinrblo b-cc-- teisl oron at i nfections. Dificuiis lequnty aise cd ive Smugitï meona nemi-e ofaicases ho shw bat ivihinlelest twayears certain troubles - raffections le lac- tories ireefauntir o liacauseri by infection uili hariful bact-eia. lice hollawing rnay bli ameetioneams ,coue oh the mont frequet causes oh tran- bil: -Defacis Lni the Factury Iiseof.-lu new or madorneIatonies tiiere ave noai liiel1y loi b-eany lgraeadelfeats lne ic îuilding but i slu came ahth-ose i aestuciriyeee eatiare may b-e j n leet ncniucin c' nueer m- n uiau'.,xn b-engecatheabaiy f conimoeJt deucts are 1, Lciy haoc', mricb nllow vxxhoy f o iber i: qui*de 10 drap tino1ugi aed * julcceiùpase, givlnrg ise tla bcd a dora <ari very undesirable kind:î oai germ liîf., tiattai eitu lie ratsancd cause 1hýnperfcc.tCoagul ine. Case wire aîrtai coriaan coui.d net hýa'secured haure beoe found ta ha due _oi iack of l:Mý jein he miik ed to tise alkalil nature aI the watar used in settin~gtille vais.1 Losds of Fai. le some sec<osai cerralin seaxeons cu' ithe ycar, abauriuai Loas af fat ocurs fo-r whlcb eci gooder ! cenki ha giron. b Prsevties beoil is suspai- COMMON SALI. cd t1at stua reeratv bas been Ï1, N0 T T R J E. oIn sait poscasses grant ,cura- ýjcei o kee the-îLlk sxýveet,. a sample il rroart;es, aed it is nu excellent nea hasen infor axamination. BUTTEIL. An advertisl nnmy in- hisbi eay c i se Lak o Flror Plistrerable 's cnf-duce apa a ftry ahnad toen due ta)t absenc of the prupo article a FI ia .Ileaacd dry, and applied tou outer fia ox-roduî'îx~ rgikon, a eu- ot a adertsemet wn'îsuriace, aver the- sent of inflamina- ditonwhchixovrcm2b~tîa e- ~induce e personto ilsa ban or cijgastion, it xiii girea i- e cu~lu, lc.1gty rseach al article a SECOND moist instant relief. cn L,'e fiavor cf but te r cua ad by tho tune s55iI 3 a btoiiesc bs'tc< cnruny oud emiii, we facto, ali cedaciw bt vi 1ir lllOfc a'aaeî oatwenty d:ffereni qIýadwtrorvngrwl c -3, is, îdestarters from lac Lc magie upoin tcctb ache, neural- ep" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýc laci ne!id aiuie e adache, ani simiie.r diseases aranth;r,x irb i order ta asecer- i 4. iFor clnr ansd sure .hroat a loin1al, h a i cf eazh individus I ove- spray ofi wàrm wte ncd salit p' CiesL ou tbhav'11i cf lb"ebu tter. In IL2 niayiriiy Lcf -cacs, the butter lack- opledchen, xiiicure almLosi arcry " as', if ta kenleiirne, For bey fever "ai fiîvn3r, ad e ,ix i_ýinstaacsithad cr boe te igifreo aa cvr ll Tebe teta. iseaaes ,wbi.,h riuie constant 'PurliButer, "Lardy Butter," "BtErBte, "Fisihy Butter," etc. bas a salelrgrta caezi tre snurmd mia quiakly effectiLire aid often curative, lia pea latstes or flarars I ail cumbiri scie f anyta ievpe heta si n 1u! Varnce *,s are rt'aus"ýd by theapres- alLer tiece so-ps, Iàai.bol, lIat ihvery bot, aed ItnCe '" uJ. rth cf undesirable bac- tars u ia rens.Anadertseen ma l- reethe the vepor for tan minutes at Haviug t1ius briefly referred ta uc eol3tLrySN-ctiniio, for four or fic urnmes a day. 'T OAP one.For Sens itive aced hleediu[1 ler ci:uth-, ~more commun riafects oin LIi 11TSCA nc.oe i'actories, and Éha causes cf ma.ny aIfgunsapply -sancd cold watrar e tb-' troublesi, l-,--h"manufacture of, But it i, quarity and qa'.o wic-a eday îla csure aura. butrand c"lac,1 xva rsy lempbo-sîze ,I Ity na0lonthat maies (.Sîa lei. a aesl nsrr'tscf li"avaiaiarabacmia SOP cnuiuauly cri7. Tende ot mey hocured ilaa tise ue. rodue. j LEVER IRî;TiîERSLM1TED, akn ua hf raorefercutine, In ordILI ta bILp mier, eare pre-1 là'fctrrgeel ieCietaan a ue pared te urnr iaka, the ba"rctnogical ~~ ne ae fd1 seia ana alemcalina7îigaio 0fau cfU A cîup aI but iater ceai sait ib hiralor ieilLrtrubles. Whist i isuri ac quiet tOre severest i is manifestiy Impýossible for us toj uutn re ohn ieýil Linvestigate evary difficuIty 'whichI_____ ____________ 1 Cuica. r Sait Lcatene w ihthe rnay arisa, we are xiîing te je Lquira :I ioad le io gra uniio srr ia oail -serious troubles, or al.cas"eîlenaust -oi befibd q iteui a iTueu , 'ocmuch rsait dries ipthe ln l'whleh tise tra.ubte iscontinuans. sIl l ;a,,e 'sLh iîtfl ' t ,X_ c - bad, and gires the .Lîiu;ayoloxVwpal- e le ha d i ur tac lied t lhr cua II le Ii v. 1 aLLr. 1hiL)lit sieho i i aind eggcst reeis.tgbiIcve nL a Lian 'ofclou I Witlh ibýisb fctin vle'w, we aiae oe iene,,k tac- eptho c<rik \II1W TO CAR.VE CICKEN tht amle a iii, butter, rchees l paa.Seîigivx on ui h mjuriouiy s.fîcteid u eny xey Ou al usedCbflckens MOy h'b ria e ifr oc enrlt ta he Daliry eatme, p[!eg bs ote m1t opu et ,ways. Stick the1fnLe tiiiiiilg witb a(latter iving Il deîclsas ja a c.'h vtrssriiarv tanri uIt up, mLUiwbîfi1e hldngdUwo fuiiy arcs pssible, La1rge quan tîties L"laonairhet a ucryas; pos- !i iily the rosi I(e chic--L n.kTe ned nicit hoient, but carc mus thebc b ,the semp tmp.ratLraas wb hon auxtbii'ougb itbe secoýnd joints, do- taken ito ,end s amples whLiih fuyUs aple xrcs rmth bdy represtnt the trouble eomplaîned 01.1 aJinicn minotice by mailtabng h oitfmte bdy About twa aunceas of butter ori cheese, stiinig by wibuat express comfpany nect stick the fuqrkinl tbc wing, eut and ibrea or four Ounces of iii you are stndieog the waier, andr the jtiiraubli" h-xxej, cut throuigh the xvhey, or huttermuiik ara sufficiant;! date of tbe sbûplmewt. Abso glire as joint aidiosen the ment aroued it, and, if properly packeai, ibey masy b-o îuiiy as pol ibeb hisiary of the ioi tsent b-y mail. Mwa i-,orsource cf tibe xater, aid ro- puill due vtb the fonad pres I any doubi arises as ta( the purty ae ii aîaysrunig.fLrrmly on tisa careasewith heb ile cf tiev;ater used in thea eoary, coud ate On apictin ti.a aUr sreniiehiand pull ait tisemeai Irom the breasi sil to lus and ira viii examine, ' for 1bolhe properi'y prepwre-d, xii bc l h e wing; then cut cacci breasi thl2 prasenca of Fgas-produaiug germsi ett, i aplee.crassanlise ie bal, prucedanadcarre s ad ce ta is gený-ae suitabiliiy for,. . the other sida the camne xra; the mccl -facor use. Send ,'ýabýout four ourxces in cases îvherc he fecacex is a fmayhb3 xeuosiiLructed. givirg the ine a loenbailleatisa bheen thor-n- "rcsa, aprsona v4-ctm aydb-eelien is original forni agalu. ougbly xxashiad ouiwitb boiiing wcier.' easrca ciih ai.Anoibaer way le t cioff the legs, Wisera, an exhaustive analysis is nlec- Cl TURES. lia second joents, and the îwhngs et ilsrymaire xaten will ba eurr. A lsecomd brLe"h I au rk oni, xn he , cfLirstjoint; thenonutcthebabreasi InT uLiih casasl, the examinatanwilc thini wiii1 b-a aI bandieit tý ak-in ~three plaices Ieegihwisoe, iearieg e b' bath cheminai ced hac teriologicaI; ers, le the riîu n'iroaI _noi l mh laea rgatah1it h aed thse IJiloxrviug directions are giv-i turcs (for usalancejkinYg bxtuhbutter jaieplaues of caci breasi, Gut the and -inecif hescba"î of tlisa chiokocii in tira or- tbî'oo SAMPLES 0F WATER FOR ANA- aemai neis; ced itbough P e tLYSIS. ivi- ey ha rýcued foimie, Uit' ic aecunmeiwa st Ocna'nair. A botte uf natWlacstilan dSaaieduycdcnaon creteeii e leiih I oc-~aihje a o touba perctsm-amny from using[jFirýsi cntOffIl legs, joints and w legs; gaHn cpaeiy isad, i. tien lay tha cciuee ona cars iug *pule-rebieetoa wltb a glass stopper, Wa harefo>re anrnauince that a cul- huard, Pnriwitb c beauy utile cuti If tser b u glss top'r, b"îb Lture which psassgaaod fLevor cnd the chcilan leplaces about ta a inchas LlIa muet b". flit icd wiia n2wr e. arome willi b"-sentta ancriseappiy aide, ti2sa ccci'as cutiieg eafofha Pricpnýrtou n--Tbne attu' ml u e1fo"it. Appli' -in>eu§tsiclaie wba- hread, arrangethe meat alon au tiseougiy i'nîedailfur-gn ub-uisr 'tby waet ii far cheeseoanfor ihot rush ced gardi.3ix 11h parsiEy. *sianl.Iias being iramared. Tisan i, but ter. jIf thIra la e dressian he i' abicic * nient ie scaàI'out witib, hoiling lu orden tal puy lis co,,t of bttît, à shoulai bo taien oui h'f1orolbh' - cater, and aliocv'd toi drain u ntil cool. ain e' pagec, te hce sclou tlie h L ay,'the pVamp ec,.ainection haeora tbc ampue s is mailicharge aoficveniy-five ceetsper drcsiîag la liecec-n'er on e disb ced t'Oib3ha tken, fa'înal a-,voit, tbe acter baille xiii ha-cmara. Stemps xvilhab2d.resis ibhe meat canri it. nerait b' pumpe'rioct for about hurve takenx il tead a ey. if it is mura Gee-se ced docuostici ruais may ha r uao an uht mpty . 1c'4veltfor tie applicaut. carreaithe sainie wy. spump ceelasbeoina the camern is1 Applilatinfor cultures sheuiri hc etaie e; if Ironc, e tep, thia water muai1 addre-,seýd lu F. C. Harrison.PILAT b-' chou cd to inuate rilsiefor about tuamiutsor on eouicitacmîy ALKALIN SOLUIIlO.',S. 'fils is the scasoable sauce ati yallIla alrals, b-clone sa-mluf eogiigti,-,valua aI the aeue- preseeand lih a a xvlce'oeaddition ta Watr staindingjeinihe)piples ileac lna IoLution ta the fIccorynmlund 'the spring et.. Pie plant ccîîtains heasOiar is undelrvery favorablaeocndi- th, dihficxchty ha bas! obiining stiecns for multiplication ofaI ateria j i, -- offer toifor tee h"solut ion a large amunt of oxalia, aciri andi se s If, tb'refore, the precault;.îan cf ru- i ta rhoi e ho wnîtaLe use of it hali a splendid hiod purifier and torie. ningoff 1tise xxatcr ha fnot taken, a Ia onal; r,-. 1 c'f -'-.IM - pcr gallon. Tha sitmpiestxvay ci prepanîng pie- ra-, rory ercrncoi's cnlu Lnas ta WL n 10 a. c.cahf iii or cZreani' ls, tek- pleut t lu ns a sauc,,e. aud the secret Stihe nurnuber of hacteria pr-esentmay e san sam ~iil ().f soalonaI he - I irigbis vary nice le ta stew ha edrcwe.If Uba ýsampi'le iltei halution v-iJL aie abut 400 tas i'peiu a- lxl iipet ti' froc a laie or straam, rit APplcicsl sfor ibLis SOcutiOn 7shouij.! ,f ugccdjtcoub aero îsbwnken-san-~ J.clnc-- frua li r"ç mHara~ur ~ kep fra -ing. A little lemon stis., cr ,the Ësamit:n',g vassal heingoac,1 i lUpaimeni. iPnarcs Ith flaporsfrem elop ean -plianged, say a toot ced a hall b-e- Meney or uimemustinjealitcases Pspatpe n eiin e -e towibe surfs cl.e, tLieacid the surface accompau-ythe ap:iplications for cul- rnaey otber nhice desserts nan ha mcde L eccum1., Sempijes cre, nuit tùoi hotaîcu turces and. aikilce 3silulicng. xiii ibis vegetabia as a hasis. I madetl Ieraserc. Wlsae uOntanlo !gruuiura e ol"cge, Piepiaul Pie.-Pour hoiîingwacter e aven thea sain-pieiels aile froua, the Gei'pb, May, 191over a cup oif pic plant niýoppeai ratier cboitte mbst bho nîn,,caiouit aviei fini, icistand n îcw minutes cnd pour tilinei ,vit2i tho waier te b-' aluliyzed A NEW METHOD 0? VENTILATION. off. Addrtetahie pieplant ana cup cf - hifaro uic wsarImpta is tiaken.The bol l 1- l 1er, on-e rablespoonful aofialur and r 'Wai'tin for the Oven Isn't an the pro-rani when * you uso the naw IMPERIAL el T he Oyen 'Thlermometci shows * any time be swifly regulated .,. 41 tai keep it at any desired pali x, ii * and the patent finse eonstruc- * tion not oxxiy ventilates but kýceps the h1eat ifomal oe heae * o thai ex er tii i,,' bakes ori ruasts ex euly w itbout any turn.i ii. * Why fnot cali and see themn. * SOLD BY Masori & Dale, Agents, Bowmanville * The GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limitedl, Toronito, Wýýinnipeg and acoe. even 'ie the c.ajutry, have once more, is a geneAral favorite, as it well de- reached the prica aill are willin,g btserve.5 to bp. Wheun the piaula e"a- paya tmiel eugestcinis this soncones and you have bsis ried and peya tmoi sugesiontrusty recipe to ffeu baok -,pon., you wcltidrecipa, wbich bas that r ail rejoice, and, you will al isohafiat- about à t xxh. sh oid senough to ha t.ere.d by thie naimber df apeitv weil knoývn, ced. new n 1bta ha e pefle who will wish to sit ett noici.Brek ix ggsin heyour lunch baskIýet. gg i temixtng Piakled Shad1-OuSt a ha intw bowi ed bat thm w ath eDorer egg ant.r xxomintes Add brea englwia nd cb Aihaif intoj lre Iup -ugr ac:d beet 'five minutas', or "f;Ur piece. aapocanind i nutesý, oue cup celai w-ýe, ie wiCbI Iara, .kn-afi une teaspoon sodi. aed onea of c3a1ù are, oahi odsl~daini disscilvcd.; add the grated rind and jisceSý, twa suices of lemon, sxcae julce of one lcmon, beat une iLnute 1 cam'a cf alSp½-e, repat laerIf -had then add twe, cups more of fleuri iirast of onton, etc, sait endpaperta i hh L mixed Lwo teaspoons ceanA taSte. R3diace ,strong adrvngr 44 tartar. Jtat the whoia mixture foýr e moment more and beku ýin tvo-thiiri(s viregar, oune-third tr Long baker sheet. The ovan shoIold1if weaa usa î'cr, Pour in aeetýl!e ba e t a moderato heai fer thu first i only toicerfish, -,et on back o fifteen or iet minutes, tho-n the s-Lave,heirdulyadrmiso bettmay hberose. The reý,ul1t until dnc rvbchcn ho tcld e xiii hsa a loafof te moisi!deloiou.,srig afok metnth sponige, cake. Th,î tis old, 1but theboAe; ih genIe heat nnd vinega frostieg, wihmkx u ae a oki.h c"ai ii" be favoriteC, d? lthuc îc nt1 thef:b,;putle a iînîage Whlc te cke s coIia, erthe ja, geta oncrito Bir- j~ ~ ~ ~~~~~L '11-etejueo afaa rneegmi 1 iud eroe in oabwedn esonn i aaa. ~ienoldOCis- dy ai, s y r tiag asbo pri fU ifs 1b1:1 o,!Ï c i Pl', i' r Yce.Sra h rrIeck ~cs leei~ n al ver tiJyjuSi Laz.Ii aebnaaah lkc '~ caw Castoria le for Infants andChdr. Castoria is a har.mes substitut-e for Castor 0--41,%regorie!, Drops and -Soocthing Symups. L t cnan neithier Oim Morphine nor other Narectic subsý--"-':tac. ft isPean Its gu-ý.aatee is thirty yns s by Millions oGf I~Ithes.Custoria destÀry 'orsand aîlays Feverish-. ness. Castoria cures iarhoe and WInd Collc. Castoria relioves TeetingiTrobls cures Constipation and Flatulecy. Castoriai aselînilates the Food, regulates t-he Stonach and Bowels of Infants and ChJlidren, giv:Ïng healthy and natural sleep. Castoria les the Cide' Panacea-The Mother'e Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "fiaztoria le an excellen dcnefr "Castonla is 50 weilladapted ta cisildreis cildreei. Mutiers have repeatediy bld me te ecmnn i ssrior toaUaayp!7e4 cf îis gacd effect apan their children." sciption 1knawn ta mue." THE FCSMIESGNTROF APPARSON EVERY WRAPPER. rNKCCfTAUi OflNY.7'MU7RAy sTtEt. NEW 1. "K TT We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very cbàeap-first-eiass goods at very small TDiclG.' Oui carry a good asrtment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's Calif and Cordovan Bims, sewedand rivitted, from $1.40 ta $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Chiidren's Button and Blms 25c, 50% 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and 91.OO. Misses', iioys' and Youths' to correspond ln prie. We wiil tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles 110W ln stock in every line. The public is invited to inspect our stock; ino trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satcheisg Shawl Straps, fancy and plain -, Dressinig, the very best that can b. bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ini theý bootýs It Is appi- cd ta. Reaiin duein al its bace ufrtcassty-le. Fine work made to arder, sure fit or no sale. Tiuigm customerrs for -pà3; favors and hoping for a continuance of theb ae P3caver Block, Eowmanviile. v