ti.ed licines.' Afull stock of thie best Blood ParifierslatýCUT RATE PuICES. Try a bottie of our Perfect Tonte Bitters, Cotanig'C- SCARA, BUJRDOCK an-d CELERY, t-og-ether with other valuable remedies for' the Blood, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Nerv-es. $1.OO sizo for 75c. BOWMANVILLE. DUGGISTS. r O ood s Spoak F7or Themselves. P W e only ask youtu corne and go through our soe We buy the nattiest Furniture on the mnark1et, madle in best woods and we seli at close prices. If you intend fui nishing a home, see our line s and get our prices, and compai e with the goods of any city store if you wish. If you contempiate a,,fancy chair or any piece of Fur- Sniture for the Holiday season, see, our display, the largest, and prettiest evershown in town. KEEP YOUR. EY ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. BO Ni -LE Furniture and Undertaking. -eg to avsery patients and the puibli' in general th abou j 1june 12 I wiil move to rny new building, 208 Woodward Ave. Private Entrance for Patients, 7 Wilcox St. 1 have leased the entiro building above tho drug store and shall try to give satisfaction in thle future as 1 have intho past. 1 anthe onlîy spc-cialiSt on Chronic, Private, Nervous, Deli- cate Bloodl, 5km, Kidney, Lver,Bladder and Stomach T'roubles w ho will cure Yeu frst and you PAYx WHE--lmN CUTRED. Qutiýocn Ibank for home treatment and book free. Hous-Iail, 9a.mto8Sp.m., Suudays, 10ar..te 8p.m. B ~ H ù ODBR Now at291 Woodward Aïenue, ýU01 "'RnAfter June 12, 208 Woodward Avenue. £ielt' PivteEntrauice', 7 Wîlcox St- Detroit, M ch. T MA 'i. tioti ~r v il is e, t- 5, F ti v I ( I -t r r I -f c 1 t- t tAlÂ,STÂTESMAN la publisheti cvery ~yMOrnins at tise office 26 STATES- -King Street, BowMnvtlle, Ont,, by -,as, Editer and Propritor. Scbcrîp- ier annont, on $100 if paid tricîîy in BO WMANVILLE, MAY 22, 1901. Adverising rates, transieut adver- cents per Uine, firat insertion; (ive tue esci saubsequent insertiou. Cen- ORONO. ,on application, ou any article yen desire te Mr. 11, C. McCuhlag-h was borne re. ries ? Try a smali ad in Tun ,cently. . .. Miss Jennie MeCallagis bas A. Il biing:s buyeî and seller returned te 'Toronto... Mr John Arm- Sai a triflîug expense, aud stronu- ef Moutî-eal was home tasi week !e toube. ...Mr. Neil Smithî bas been a guest at 'e truble.Mr. David Waishs,. .. Miss Phoobe Plain is home front Perrtown .... 1ev. ýE]Rs'Dr. Workman was entestained by Mr. ~RS 1 Mmet hast wel,... Miss Alice ESPONDENT5 .or Bucle't¾ O. L. C , Witby, isat home., RTE R 5.trip te the city recontly ..Mr. John Mutton of Tyrono, butcer, was lu town avesyw,ýhere. Stonies, news, last week.,. . Miss Bertha Morris, Kirby, emiilustrated articles, ad. bas been guest i Ms. Aif. Chaprns.. riches4,a-e., pjurcbased. Articles visiting Mrs E'zra Hall,... Ms. S. Court idpre-ýpared for publication ice sud Miss Littiejohu, Courtice, were lished' Send for pîrticutars recenrt guosta at Mss. Davy's. ... We informnation before sending are sorry t eaoase the itînesa of Mss. Ernest Ballon, 0f Oswego, N - Y ..,. .Mr. 9tinPres Asociaion W. Hl. Gidd y, dreyer, Port Hope, visited New York. Cal]dw'll anCdaugi7ýbtes, Tyrone, visitors ai M F.W. iilimso'slast week,. ..,,.Alfred L it, isrecoverIing ' ýarI v ïg at'U r-Ilion SutoteSrahosos, Lokfravets-b tMna orh oeinteNrh _twJ . Laepe-alotLgwihbrsseMs ~î~c atNebasit, sfor,, lîîîpro ba 1COMVING ANNIVERSARIES. ENN ISKILLEN-Frid" y, 24th, -Vietori Day. I ELDAD-Sanday and Monday, May 26 au 27.' OAD1&US-Suinday and Monday Juue 2 an 3. Sce buils. MT. VEItNON-Sunday and Monday, Jun L audii. See bis. PBOVIDENCE-Sandayr, June 9. EBENEZER-Sundlay and Monday, Jaue and 10. iNIAPLE GROVE-Snnday and Monda: June 16 and i7. ENFIELD-Snnday and Monday June and 17. Hampton, Zion, Haydon and Tyrone to be ai nounced Iter, DISTRICT DIVISION. The next session of Durham Distrie Division will be beld at Enfield o: Thursday June 6th. Morning sessio ait 10.30 o'clock; afternoon Sessiona 2.30 P. M. Public meeting will be held at 8 p,.in when a good programn will be rendere and an address from Bro. J. A. M( Carthy, G. W. P. of Toronto. Coin one and ail. Collection. BENJ. POWELL, D. W. P,, 20-2w. SILAS XVauny, D, . TYRONE. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Philp, Pickering visited friends bore Sunday. ... M r Penfold and little son of Rodney, is viQ ting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Josepi Cade . .. .Mrs. Frank Wilbur is improv ing after having a diseased tee remov led Fridav by Drs. Mitchell and Trebil cck . . .. Mr» A. B. Clemons and Mr. J i. Colo e edlegates to the distric meeting Tuesday ... . Copious sbower and conliriued cool weather still favo Sus, E verything is favorable for a heav, fruit crop andi bountiful harvest.. .OuCi iever wide-awake little town can nov boast of two !ce- cream parlors, Centra and Occidental, conducted every Satuî Sday nigbt by Mr. W. H-. Moore and Mr SA. James Souch respectively. Giv. tbem a eal. AIL the lads and lassies ai Swell as their faithers and mothors wil be welcome. .. . Mrs-. Penfold and sistei Miss Lena Cade spent Sunday wht] Mrs. Beatrîce Forder. Blaekstock,.., We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Bînpgham who reacbed the 45th annîversary of their weddingday Ion Mondayï May 2th. . .. Sketch Of the life of Mis S. Dunn will ha found os an inside page. ... . At a meeting of thE Football players on Wednesday May 15th, the following officers wereelected: lIon. -President-Rev. J' S. MeMuIloný President-Thos Creepor; Captain- Jas. Souch; Secretary-Trasurer-A. B. Creeper. Managing Committee-- Messra. H. Collacott, N. Collacott, Jas, Ramsay, O. Pollard, H. Finley, F. Me. Laughlin, L. Pallis, We, the undersigned, C.> hereby agree tc refonud the mouey ou a 50-cent bottie of Greene', \Varranted Syrup of Tar if it fais 10 cuiE your cough or cold. We aiso guaranteea 25-cent bottit to pi!ovesatisfaetory or money refunded. rJ. IiIGG;INBOTiIAM &SON, STOT T & JURY. H-o for Eldad îsext. Sundaiy and Monday. Anniversarysermons att 2.8(ü and 7p.m. Monday 's programn at 2, tea at 4 and lecture'bv Rev. J. J. Rai, cat 8. Evervbody ho sociable and en- courage the Solina friends. No Suniîday rnorning service at Eldad, Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Sparling, To. ronto, Mrs. Seldon, Inzersoll, Êt Mr. T. Elliott'1s; Miss Mary Roach, Eghin- ton, at Mrs. r7. Burrows' .... Master F. Moore and Mrs. John Kersiako are un- der medical treatment.. .. Mrs . JEliI ott andl Mrs. E. Hastings attended the funeratl Toronto of the lat.s Frank Goyne whose romains were brougbt from Manitoba ..The newly elected Junior E, L. C. E. officers are. Hon. Prest., 1ev. H. Thomnas; Supt., Miss A. L. Ashton; Prest., Miss Florence Stew- art; Vice Prest., Nelson Brown; Secret- ary, Mliss Ethie Johns; Ass't Sec'y- Frank Ward, Treasu'rer, Miss Mni Horn, F. A. Cole's La the place te buy elieap seeda of ail kinda. l'once wire as cbeap as the cheape,,,, machine oit, axIe grease, etc., at F. A. Cole's. Not later than the first of May we hope te ho able to show you a niee new ino of Furniture in our town. Uncier taking wilt re-ceive speciat attention and wil always ho condueted under our personal supervision our pricas you will find as low as others and we wil make an effort te give you more at- tention and botter service. Mr. C. Jobus will have charge of' our stock ini your tewn. See our ad for mattresses on first page. M. D. WILLIAMS & SON., Choice fresb groceries always in stock. Nice linos of crockery atpopu- lar pricos at P. A. Colo s. a nd nd 1 Mi )n v- r, 'Y Ir w e s 0, y. trouble ceases. I,sa pretsei~ f 0 w o pi gco gh adrup Vap Ca~~c b -6 y u-'~ cvcthr~ AVapo Creîoiînc ulit, îicîjo ,.a'rzr Everv JMan is the d Arcliitect of His Fortune" d ,n arcfdfedt designs, and his Plans Sare execuied by at buélder. llie greatest builder of hceiMth isHoads Sarsaparilla. Pl tays a f&mroaundatioan. IR makes the blaac, 1the basisaf ilfe, pure and strang. Bc an archieed of your fortune and secure a Haads as yaur heatth bauder. Headaches-"Iwas carnplefety Pan da'wn and 'uas traut,5ed 'ulth headfaches a nd dzziness and pains in niy back. 1 lookhfHaadrs Saqrsaparitla mwhlh in a short Urtne entirety cured me." Mrs. L. Win- LIteri an, Or.ange'r'iffe, Ont ario. PBLAOKSTOCK. The frost w11 go, but the Frost Fence is bore to sta. It contains from 2 to 4 lbs more to thw rod than competing fences. lu does flot sag or bag on un- even ground. W-hen building have tlie best-it is the cheapest. Don't *place your orderý; tili you write or see me. It wil11py yu. 0. L., Byers, General agent, Ennisklllen. Don'tbeia hurry to buy your spring furntlitur. We will have a nice new assortmenit to show you in vour town by tbe c rt f May. And we have the businessesaisd by the late W. P. Prower andt havo tried to keep t Up totehgistandand that ho established. Undortaking will rejceive special atten- tion aad wil xaways be conductod under our proa supervision. Our pricos youï wil find as' low as others and We will î1mak an effort to give you monre attentàion and better service Your estoern to-n.sman M1r. Charles .Marlow wÙ1lihav'e charge of our stock Lu your town. Soea our ad on first page for mattresses. M1. D. WILLIAMS ý'& SONÏ AMINISTER 0F RICIMOD HILL' Rev, F. Elliott Frankly and Strongly Enderses Dodd's Kidney Pis. 1 The Gýreat Kid;iey Remedy Inspires Gratitude Wherever litGoes-Nu Medicine so Htgbly Euidorsed-What a Minister of the Gospel bas to say about Dodd's Kidoey Pis, COURTICE. Miss Spinks, Cartwright,is visiting ai Mr. Fred Nicholls'. Mr. and Mrs. AX E. Clemens, Tyrono, visited bore recently. Miller 's Grip Powders Cure Sold ai Tole's drug store. Trustees of Ebenezer cburcb have decided to put in acetylene light. Miller's Granules will make a cloar complexion. Sold at Tolo's drug store. Ge'ntlemen of the league entertair this Wodnesday ovening at Ebenezer. The drink habit cureui at home by Miller's Drink Cure. Sold at Tole's drug store. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Courtice visited bis-brother Mr. W. L. Courtice, Picker- ing. Don't thiuk less of your system ths n you do of your bouse. Give t a thora cleansing, too. Take Hood's Sarsapar- illa., Mr. and Miss Annis, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis, Tyrone, were recont guests of Mr. Levi Annis. Derangement of the liver, with con- stipa-tion, injures the complexion, ln- duce pimpb-es, sallow skmn. Removoý the cause by nsing Carter's Little Liver Pilis. One a dose try theim. Mt. Carsweli Division dobates this weelk: Resolved that dair.ying is a more profitable branch of aZeiculture than fruit raising. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pilla? They a r e a positive cure for sick beadache and ail the ilis producei. by disordered iver. Only one pl a dose. Colts and Shakers pla ' ed their first bail game Saturday, score 18-19, favor of latter. Darnp weathier and new rules rather threw the colts. Assis-r NATu-RE-You bave been told to 'bhitch vyour wagon to a star"ý-that Nature will assist you. That's alright. There are times, bowever, when you should assist Nature, and the spring is oneO of these times, Nature is 110w un- dertakiug to cleanse your system-if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla the under taking will be successfu], and. your complexion brizbt and clear. Mrs. Jane Miller, relict of the lAte Wm. Miller, was buried at Ebenozer Mondity. Deceased was one of the oldest residents here. Sho was kind and genero 'us ilulher disposition anid had mnny warmn friends. The chief mourners were lier two sons Charles and Anson from Buffalo, Mrs, Leitcb, Wabigoon, Mrs. R. F. Richards and Mrs. Geo. Reynolds. Rev. Mr. Wilson conducted the service. INEWCASTLE. RicHioSMNd IIiLL, May 20, (Special) - Miss Cole, Bownianvihle, la guest of A sensation w-,as'cnused Lu thI's townsb4p* Miss May Rincb. wben it was reported ,thiat 11ev. Ms oataBwmnif, svs SEllîott had p-tlished a strong letter lI MsDoahn owavle svst 'S the papersenocn a patent medi- ing lber brother Mr. S. Bonathan, acino This hiappenied some little time Mil ler's CompoundIronPiihs,only 25c. yago, but the roatter bas net been for- for 50 doses. Sold at Tole's drug store. gotten. The medicine in question was Mr. J Lester Davis led the ausirise the faýousi od's 'Kidney Puis and League prayer meeting Sunday moru- MVr.Elit is stili in the roceipt of fre- ing. uent enquires Oaottbis experience The action of Carter's Littie Liver with te.Pis is pleasant, mild and natural. To a recent qu!,estioner wbo asked Thev gently stimulate the liver an d ohlmi abouat Iloudt's K'idley PiýllaMr. ireguhate the- bowýýets, but do net purgeý. IbeevDddsKLdniey Pitis tu be The Missesý Dingman,' Bowmanville, anil elntrmd, said hoe, 'I see were Sunday guestsaua Mr. W. H. no reason whatüever why I should net Pearce's recommiend tbemii; they, have helped A Boon tii CYlists. A bottle of Hag- -Me and I belieýve tî will betp others. yard s Yelw'Oit should ho Lu every If theV were not a 8trictly benest, cyclist's kit, ns it is the mest effective -mîer!itorious,reýl ia bte cure for everything remoedy for sprains, bruises, cuts, stiff they are claimied te ho, nothing would joints, contraction of the muscles, ho more objectiona-bte or furthoer fromn cramps lu the legs, etc., My tlhoughits than for, me to endorse Miss Julia Jenninga and Mr. Geo. the.m to anyonie. much lesa tend My nam toa pintd sateent Bu asW. Altin, Bowmanvîlto, were rocent tthe facts stand I hold by my former get tMR arns 1coirse and shai always be bappy te Run down. "I was run down and recornmmend Do(dd's Kidney Piltîs by any nervous, so got a box of Milbnrn's means iu n y power." Heart and Nerve PuIs, and thov proved The lettor referred to lu which Mr. ef.groat benelit teme.iMy mothor aise - Eliot edores edis Kdno Piiswishes to say that they were of great -was pubtished in this paper somie time vlet e-"P ulr odn a>' I oasastîlw The Sens et England lodges of New- 'I feel it imy duty te iîîformn you of tonvilte and Newcastle wili attend the the great benit I b1 ave derivcd from Metbodist cburch if a body on Suîîday using Dodd'H Kfisey Plîts. Last spring eî-ening June 2nd. Lu particutar ïi-henj sufferiiîg from Lame Left a lezaey. Last wisîtor lef t a1 rak the pain aud weakniess was 50 logacy of impure bhood to many people,1 great I couid hardly turn or get out of iiausing tired feelings, lack of energy,1 bcd.iKiowing it al came fromn dis- indigestion, constipation, bilionaness,9 ordered Kidne3 s, I began te ure Dodd 's etc. Burdock i ocd Bitters noever faits Kidney Pills ani my pain and lameness Io cure any of the foregoing- diseases soon disappeared. I cousider Dodd's bv unlocking the secretions and resnov- Kidnev Pills a good retiahie medicine ing ail impurities from tha s5steîn. i for the diseases for wbieh tbey are re- Mr. Wiil and Miss Maud BickIe,1 commended. Canton, Miss Ada Biekle, Courtice, and "1Wheu I bear 'people cemplain of Miss Mabel Riekard, I[ope, visited at Lame Back or Rheuuiatisini, I atways Mr. Jas. Rickard's Sunday, say, 'Wby doni't you zake Dodd's Kid A Tosie FOR MoTRERs-The happi- ney Pilla.' 1I wish to add that this test!- ness that cornes te a borne wsth babv's meuil is entirelv unsoliited and only advent la too freqnently shadowed _by "good witl te mo3n' wouid indue me to the ilI beaitis or weakness ot the mother, atlow My namie te be published lu this To restore the mother's strength, te connection.-REv. P. ELLIOTv." bring back vigor and energy, and te austain ber during thle nursing period, ENNISKILLEN. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is uncloubtediy the moat effectivec preparation ûbtaLu- Vistor: M. errngZin; r. ndable. It makes the blood ricb, and revitatizesMrhe îrerves, and basra wnu Mrs, 1R. Fursey, IHampton, guesta of drfuitlies thertivesind huence on- Mr Win. Herring; Mrs. P. Trebitcockdru etrtveifuneo h Miss Nîta and Mr. James Dovman wbole Syvstem.50 cents a boxait dealers. guesta of Dr. J. C. Mitchell; Miss Wall- Mr JosephHuütcbinson an oîdresident bridge, town, Mr, Dyer, Oshawa, at Of this9 village die'd Wednesday merningr Mr. J. W. Williams; »Miss Ethel Curtis, a fter a brief ilinessa, ged 79.yeai-s. De- Tyrone, guest of Mr. Jas.' Pye. . r.1 ceased beaves 6C) ldrn Mrs. Chas.1 C. J. Mountjoy bas moved into the Barrett of this place, Mrs. Rd. Barrett,a Mii s residence and ils fixing the sbop Picering, William of this place, Ienry 1 for a barneas mke. ....Rev. 1R M.of LtbigN W .'r., Johnof Phaijers, B. A , gave excellent discous-Moosom-in, Assa., and Weshey of Tar- es at MetbGdist aniniveýrsary,. Ieod 0510.à audïince in tise orungreat cro-wd AN OOIÂL Encs-Ta p at nig-ht. ign by the sehool ,under peais to the bejst juýdgmout of th)ýe bet the training o'fMr Jas. Staluiton and peoo; cis Dr. Ublase's Kidney-liveîi lla Dr. Trebiicock wns igislY apca fd ile greatest pecito fD .W Colctosbotter than iast yoar. Dona't [Chaestefmu eiebo nhr forget tue neýw201h CenturyvProgra y actingü srctyand'seilclyo at 81_ p us1 Vicori Day. llev. l. M. the liver,kie.s ubotstisop iPhaienoý, B.A , wil dobives lu the after- utar family imeoîiuietir ugl ue nîo,ýoneniofts-ro"bsgpatroticad-jiver compla4tt iiunos iîe drssslhauihlh t et wo dîsease oslaiî u consyu hear Ltmore tan thewh01e oc -1,a-go jitssdaces. Dî,r. ChaP s ide fortheday A ex etîut sup er i LL er la at poctv, p esuî p . m . s u a i g î l C o . s Luh e , s d s i r ti r . OtÀp l d s , 2 5 e s Yn MisCe:lok"t.wiicîtrauabx Coîo eerMo i f~YI . h eot Auvra' eîcso Ttî Pr lbtras iîi ihde h pothL-'L or edl h thirusrungso' cec Sbblhteat Mthdiichs h uu'î ly.OJW îen' theanuverst t... I;e rchstraLiare f cîat, r iig on mE MASONGo. BOWMANVI LLE ýWe have a full range of our Extra Special Worsted Suits at $6.,50. These are wonderful value and "we have ail sizes, from, 34 to 44. Corsets Don't forget our Special Corset Dernonstrationi on W7ednesday and Thursday, May 22 and 23. Corne and see -the B. and I. Cor-set. Ba&by's Bonnets We are sho wing a ver y -fine range in Musli, Cash-. miere and Silk ilats and Bonnets, haudsornely embroidered and good-fitting shapes. Prices fiorn- 2'5c up. Ladies' and Ohu*ldren's Vests. We have just received (direct froîn factory) a very large ýshipment of Vests. We have every size and kind, over 70 different styles. We are sure you xviii be pleased with the quality and prices. Cotton Hose 0 Ladies' and Chiidren's plain and ribbed, fast dye, 10c a pair and. up. Wash Dress Goods Muslins, Ginghams, Mercerized Satzens, etc. As we import these goods direct, our prices wiil he f oiîdloe than what is usually asked for similar goods. ýTHEîe,,Iý,ýî MSOoI Aertai kable illusraioncfthe lsistory of abat ila kuosu s is Sit Dental effort aun r ,u,-,erent, wh:ich uie year faits cu thocý ales froru May 26ýh te mune 13l a ü uineva. Thia woiidtrrfil!y succesîful anC wlde)!y imitated method cif raiaing funde foe prosu-cutiug the wrk cf the Artny, originatLd tom ntirteen years ao, when te aaWý,sÏt tisFciîe gi Fund- cf tise Internatosaî Heat1qarters in London, General Booth ruade au appeal on these hunes, The auum asied t'es stas $25 000 and $24,110 ws a]zed, Sirice then Great Britais alone bas raised,$1,560,- 000 by itgSalf-Deulal effort. This terrttory, w'ith about oue-oighth of the population, bas rasied $250 168.31, laÉt year's sînount beînig $23,034.35. Tista Setf-Deuia! effort entaile upon Salva- tioniats giving, Dp not only abat mouey they rnay be able to aflord towards tise extension of Army operations, but sorse tuxîury or peratuosl indulgence ,dnring that weelr, abstinence front whtch wiii keep before their, mluds tise -pinial baosons of Self deulai. It Is iu fact tise au'uuat fast, lu whtch net only tise- devoted but tise, world at large, benefits. Tise moveent, hoever, ta net con- fiaed t) Salvattonias, a% they wtth inarvelous aucceas, enliai the sympath- ies eft tiose wbo are by ne means at eue with theru in religionus creed. Thse effort la one whlch eau only have a beneticlal effect ou tisose who parti- pate lu il, whtle ils fluancial results on an Important item lu the extension of the many branches of Arnuy work, with wbich the whoie werld is uow famiîliar. We caa ouly wish for Ibis unique organization thse saut enasure ef suc. ceaie that bas attended previeus efforts. The Toronuto Mail saya: A polîte note froin thse Bois manville News draws attention le the tact tisati xias the Bowmanvtlle Stetea3man, nettheNews, as stated lu these columns, tisai cisuck- led oves the lais' coats, entalied npou Mr, Thoruton lu the fi2ht for bis seat se repreasuntatlve et Woai Durhsam. Mr. Thoruton was reune y Fama- jority ef votas. lie was robbed ot bIs seat on a ucbhnicality. iNow tise Grîii organ la fain7 bciling over wttb isunor because tho attempitet gel justice for the people bas cost 1au far $1,000. ChUdrenCry0fo For IUnfana nd Ch'Iild-rei, ~he fi5 -9-ASTURE TOL T- ilt. ea nambelI!l )r Cf ucati1e to IpastureLi.Apply 1r HARDE, ot17, KnsoRaI wav Taenotice thaï; the Mu-uc pI ,Cocîi tiseîlý Crporation of tise Town of Bomqtille lu- tends te lay -q Granolithic Sideîalk. four feet in width, on tise forth aide et W eflington street from tise west side of Temn)eranice street te tjis east side cf Division sfreet ; ai.,o on Division atreet fromnt te souih side of WeilingPten str eet to tise nons aside of Lowe atreet; aisuon't', east aide of Ontarilo street froin tiseiter sectioni of Ontario and Queen streets runing sout'Ilto tbe norti saide of Albert street, anCiIte azýssesa ýthse final ceat tisereof upon the propertyaittn liseron anC 10 beeisenefitted therey, nCdtisa iîa stiatement sowing ttie landis E;,aSse te pay the, saîdi, assesament and tise namecs of t1Se ewners thereof, so fan as tisey can bca ascelrtainel 1f romn tise at nevised assesamenit -roli 15 0w flied ,tu tise office cf tise Oierk cf ts niiaiyand ia open for inspection during offfice Sonna, Thse estimaied ceai of the work 1l;$17000 et o which 1985.24 ila b b e pnoviîded out of tise general fonts cof tise Municipality . A Court of Revision wiii Se bleld'on Thiursday 30TH MAY, 1901, 7.30 p.m., ai tis e Gjup4ei Cha nt: ber in said iowu for tise nrenof bSeanuusg complaints againat tise pnopinsed *,aSsseiiien or accuracy of tise frontage mealsui-emeis or y etisen compiaint aSIeh pensqons i in my Ceire te maki- anC aMih ta by Iaw cogizaïble Sy tise Court. JOHN LYLE, Ulerk ofteMnipaiy BEwman.qville, May 20, 1901, 2 1 -'-2w Sale of Farif and Village Lot. MICHAEL CRYDERNAN ESTATE, Unden instructions from. tiseAmnirte of tise Estate cf Michal Cryderman laie of tise Town of Bowmanville lititiseCocunty of Duir- Sain, ltetinad Fariner, deceasefi, tise two foilow- iepýoertes are isereby effened for SAlLi, n3) T RDE iluseparate parcela. Fînar-Tie faiin of 100 acres more or les being tise SeutishIfof Lot, 20 in tise tsCn cession of tise Tovinsabl of Dariiugton lu isIe aaid Couuty n0w occupied isy Walter J. Cry- Cerman. Tise fara,. s saifi te bazve but6 crs der cultivation, te av xclln p lse u rTnnuing-atr-ea, a iittie timben, lailorcisars4 0f about 2900 fine appie tesinigo ec~4naC is conveuiently Situatd~ abou-uemlez- Hampton aud ' ' mile f rom lt1ise Cisese Fbe On tise lauda arïle :,aid 10 be eece.atwj, atoreY fiateboseM25Pn 1 l2 nd baIrn! atraw shed, 'piger ,lse sudotIsoss t. cf tise followdiing <itcaos , 2 ard 22x48. Tisa fart )iis ksitCWi ,lyema anCdnukJ Groat 1cr5yeaI-s fontifvebe eacis lat ovemisei- allocard in isenctli nî ia-toftise vil- acin,-ofa 2 udt1Par' PaOuts sa dltaesi 0b as112futtes TENDRS fr iiesapn nie wil Seneri- sO~~~ ~~~ V. .M MLtGLN fts ai euc Bcwmuvile. oliîtori 1t'teYt iîuilarao ani 2 oa f MNA,~X ieits SPE GIÂLS for the week, Biyle SuitS, good wool Tweeds, regular $4,50 for13 l ans evywo hcs e.$,0frJuuavc we -ic utSeî] 3.50 B )s S itS, hay wool tweed 3-pece Suits,Speeial, $32 5 Men'IS Suits, fancy stripe worsted Stiits,were $1O,for$ 7.50 Men'S Suits, D. B. worsted serge Suits, were $9,for $6.00