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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1901, p. 4

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ARE YOU LANGUID? 9 H.-ave you thab listless feeling xvhich is preva- * $lent at this season of the ye-ar ? Are you st reoei fom the efflects of u a-rpe Are you nervous and irritalle ? -*i If you have any of these symptomis, wha,,t is * req!iired is a systeintoi to l'iricl theý vital fliid, Sincxease the appetiteadpoe a 'ssimlati9n. Dr. Norman's lod and Nerve Tablets. * Tone up the system, bui. u the watingiL( nerve aý * tisuesandi infuse -new life and eniergy, * 25C a 5box, boxes $100. S or It is bard to find the k indith1)at Iook vwelI, we a r vvep-a n ïd don't c ost m uch- WE AVETHEVARETY-5O. o $29,25, FTParlor Shoe Store. BesilMateritls 15~ ~ B MA VLLE, ONT. WEEXETT MOVET-DY WHTWE HAVE - Cocoa, Coffee, swiss Poodi, o Rolled Oets, Ô Breakfast Bacori. ýz OIVE lisA CALL. WVe have the choicest assert- ment luUntowu, alil'ncwVstoc, border and ceiings to muatch andAt Ailprices Windo-wShade.- lual colors, with and( t. ont Lace; also pBlaihadel Cloth4", 36and -42 ieV wde( by the yard. Ojak and Cherry Foies with brass and wýood timns and 10 feet long. T h is jis th e seaon whvrie n youI neoed niew mesWe have; some ncw patterrus lu this week aniy 0shale cf pappr. W. T. ALLEN 9 siý 20. EOWMANVILLE. MAY 29, 1901 - THE WARDEN'S APPLE S. On Mav i1 Mr. Wm. RcadWre oÀ0heUrtc CoLIties cf DurîEmad of Noten p -ppies fori, ibto Fruit Exhibit, writos as foiw:Yu applies arrived safel' and were pae o)n the tables for the fo)rm)ai eigo-1 Modylast and 1 arn pleased te sav that the'y opened Up ver y nmc ed I do flot think there were any Northern spies in the entire building te compare with themn for size and color aud general excellence. Permit me te congratulate you in your selection. COUXIES' COUNCIL. One thing is very evdent te those wbo know ihe United Counties well, and that is that the equalîzation of the as- sessment of the miner municipalities is flot fair qnd equitable. Darlington.and Bowmnvilebave long been paying more inte the Cnnniti& 'treasury than they sould.TheJune session ls called toiec etnex onday, the order being in accordaýnewt a resolutien propos- ed 1w P. C. Trebilci'.ock and seýoLfded by M. A. Jamles, "ht thîs Council ineet inCmmte oi[ th(ei Whec lo i cioc On the friday eft the June sIýession te conisýider the beist me1thod ef equializing and reveisingtu sssset fthe miner mtmicipaliries ;fer Ceunty purposes -ani [report during said sessien." We shall be pleased te receive fromn any ef our conistituients anysugetinsbearing on this question. At, present Darling- ton hias the heinor ef being ,thýe iglies assessed muricipaiity lu these Counties, although it hias neyer had a Warden. The bouse ef Refuge question is another matter that wihl be considered. Shall the municipalities care for their owfl indigents or shall a Counties' house ef industry and refuge be' pro- vîded te w hich ail the indigents shall be sent? We shah 1 be glad te knew the mînd of our, conistituents on this question tee. In thi age of evu isaewe people on ïail sies ie fllngitiras to nervous rostrion arlsioo motor ata'uxia and ,other,,dreadýflmla diesý,, it is a comifor tote now that yo;u Clar! tuïinto Dr-. Çis~ '~v.P (pi)withaslueasuac ta willI thoroughly bu1, iupan rvialz the Seýeble, "wasts>d nrecl Mr Jsep Gerux,22 -et1af street, %adi hedceadba fag. Iwa restleýss aýt 14nt -rd Could Inot sleep. My apeiewas poo,,r, and T sffered from ne rirvous dsepi.Little busin'ss cae Orricld nirrilitatele ni-Ater haing uued cIDr-. Chias's NreF for about twe onts a rn a tht ee llea new man,ýn. Mypttefta good t -st andsie -eland îthi-s traten hs teg- ened mewonder4lly. r. Cha e exve FoCl1cermrln3-i.the bet t'eaînet eýver iuseàd, and i say 90 ibecause 1I WBnt ta givýe ful creditwhere -,tIlde." r.Chase's Wre 06 areIh bodr hl, te nrve erogan ie stoxes viger te h hoesstm 5 Ce ,nt',S, ai aldnirs or dnanson Bates & Cmnl -ente. Nerve ,mýFo-Jod-1 rvneyer se h lard e fi nd it impocs- sible te pleasje Oui-etemdcontemper- airy Ihe Nws. Lqest week we pub- blished per tavor et ,The Canadian Music Journal a very fine likeness of an honored citizen and the siaLyt of it raised bis ire se mucli that lie called il "lthe werst caricature ever perpetrated on a respectable citizen." 0f course, we feut terribhy eut Up over the depre- ciatory reinark and have about decided te give up trying te win his approba- t ion. . He neyer gives us the sliglitest et ceuragement and we think hie ados real mean towards us. Wonderful is the change in the editer ef tbe.Sentinel-Star since the re epening et the Methodist church in Ceobourg, for: lie had net an uncomplimtintary i-e mark te make about the town ceuncil in bis lasi issue. By the way, what bs tihe reasea the reiolution-passed bi y the Sabbath Sehool te Mayor Ili'NycîrLe was, withdrawn fromn the Sentinel-Star ef the luith inst ? The firmt cepy we saw contained it, but a later copy centained it net. Il seemed funny te us, as the matter substituted dees net seem te be Important. Was there a l'hohd up' in the S.-S, office or what ifi the explaîîa- tien? THE WEST DURHAMV CASE, Our- esteemed centemporary th e Toroente Tele.-ram 19s te say the leasi rallier rashi in its use cf words when dealiig with Dolitical matters in which the actions 0! Liberals are concerned while il lias net a word ef criticism when similar things are done by Con- servatives. It shouhd take off its mask and enter thse ranks cf those whese cause il espeuses so wildlyi. Respecting its, comments on oui- article ast week anient the West Dur- hami case we eaDu uderstand thse felow feeling existinz between Tise Telegram covered with tise lion's siin cf indepen- dence te bide its truc principhes, as tliey are exactlv the saine as that of the man whese cause it espousesý But we were net quite prepared fer tho wîld, hysteri- cal words used. A paper that could sca ywerse aud more flagrant case in Queen's Ce., N. BI ( te which %wehave referred, and could hlien- its real leaders, the nmach vaunted Sir, Jon A. MacDonald aud Sir JohnTlmso, strgining their greal intellects te find ressens te permit what wassa most outrag-eons steal, sud bring up the whnle Tory psrty iu the bouse cf Commens te vote it threug-h amindtien was sulent, aye, sulent as ýan oyster, aud uow screams at a case which understeed is ns mîlk te strong drink, we lose faithlinl the opinions cf Our vilifler. The trial ef this petitien will take 1place J une 7 which precludes comment, but we uuderstauid that, net only will tlie ways aud means which led te Mr. Thorni-on's alleged majoritv uof 40, bc shewn te be by roads that were dark but aise that the personal disqualifica- tion cf the candidate Tho.rnton -will be iu close jeopardy. 'Ne simpli- ask Thse Telegrainite ieep cool tlii after the courts have said wisat sheuild have, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Ilead the Pork Packing Co's prospect- uis oit 8Jis page. IMr. . (reeper offers 6 fcet of fen1ce for sale cbep. Sec t1 t'. Mller's Drink Cure is 1 per box. For sale at Tole's drung itore. papers ai-d magazines at theSTT- MAà3il office at lowest prices. Mr. Robt. Beith bougbt and sbipped lginfle horses bv bont yesterdav te heRichelieu sud Ontario Navigation Ce., Tsdousac. Mr-. Thos. Bradley anîd Miss Martin, Dundas, Miss Plummner, Toronto, and Mr. W. Proven Oshawa, have been visitirig Mr. and Mrs. David Grigg,, Ontario St. Tise novelty cf a "Carie Nation Social" drew n large audtence te the lecture reem oethtie Mthodîisi clireis Mondsy evening. Il was a sDlendid temperance meeting and a, gond pi- gram was given consisting of piano duet by Misses Vanstone and MeLean; vocal solos by Miss Carscadden and Mr. Chas. Allun; vocal duel by tise Misses Wright and several selectiens by thie MetlJolliffe, Mitchell and Treýbil- cock; very Pl easing recitatiens were givn by Misses F. Jewell and L. Wil- hiams. Mr. J.J. Mason concluded part eue efthtie prozram wîth a short review et Mrs. Nation's lite, Part twe proved very ibtcresting, smusing sud mest un- ique when the reasons fer tise peculiar titie et the social werc made known. Tise word centest va s keen and tise L iewas swarded Miss Sylvester et uidea by the judges Misses Yeung, Trcbilcock and Dr. Deviti. Thec room was prettily decorsted with flowvers and national emblems galore. SiLT, PLÎSTER, CEAIENT. Fresh Godericis a-nd Liverpool sait fine aud coarse; Fresh grouud Land Paster; a carload of Batthes celebrat- ed Thorohi cement ; aise English Port- and Cernent jusi srrived sud for sale at 1lowest rates ai MOCLELLAN & Co'S., East End Depot. Caîl and inspeet be- foe uing elsewhere. 2-W A Unique Entertalumient. Tue members et the Sundfay Scisool cho'ir et St1 .John's churclih ehd a very* plessng eneî'tinmen on ednesday 'vei 'glTe school-rooem was nicely dlecorated sud varoins corneýrs appre- priately fitted for me Sale oet deliclous hmmdecandy. lemoniade and the tancV articles made by th fou olks, Smshl tables with b ;ouquets ,et flowers wer ceveienlyplsced areund tise reems and winsoee1hitie midens Lin wAisite dresses scved!ce crelm auld cake te ahi wvho desiÀred. An art gsllery in another part cf t1ise 1buIiling atîraci- ed mihattenition aud manyispected thse curions pitns()etc. A m1usic- al1 program was urise1byMiv A.rmoïur, Luttrel, al, Freeland, Mrs. Ed.osil suad Mr. W. iReoenigis, sud Misses Vioht Fsiseigi ad Dorar %oenik vocal solos being given by Miiss B.13 Tamly, M-.A. E cLKhln Masters barcld Meath sand Selinyher Edsshl. Readings w er e given byl Earniest Hlart and Miss V. Tamblyn.ý e.R.A. Seabrun recter, presidied very aeptably. Proceeds amnouuted te ever $22.1 Mis Bos, 1Be1levýi, iesýt a i. VsîosM.A. DeToronto, ai' S. Joe's.Mr. J. Dyer's; Mi-. sud Mrs. Huribut "Be'tter eut tisan in"ý-thýat hiumor ai Port Peri-y ...i- N. Hludson 1S that you notice. Te be sure its eut nur-sing a fractui-ed shin boue. ii-. .aud al eut, taise bIood's Saisaparilla.Wm Knapp bas bonghit tisetai-m ad- 11ev T.J, rlmsonisitd i To-eneÂing bis on tise east. -.. - essrs Tises. ieenTh. J iidi Trn o inmOrmiston and Ilugis oss recenly. ýtookhav te Toi-cule this week..-.Dis- Tnal tired, languiid feeling sud indis- t-ici Division here Tiursday June 6th. position te eff ort et any sort will be Sec notice. ... .Union scisool ivon 2 goals rapidly remioved biy vtise use ef Millers' te 1 in a foot hall match with Enfield.. Compound 1Iren IPub.ý Sold at Tole's Attend oui- aunivcrsary Jnne 16 sud 17. drug store. D I E Mr". O. Scott. JIU More cases et ick iseadahe. iions.. ness, constipation, en lbe cured iuies lime, withl ess imedicinv, and foi-resST",Ib IS hJ ù. Pilîs, tissu byany vo!her means.ExeenecBtibsWeam Miss Mai-tisaWloPort Hbe, is EHîmacîf, au visiting-ber tather, Are Ilyeünont well? Ai-e yenpiEcfaTsetePwrld'fiuyi wcakldcprssedin spiri ts,mclanchohy-, I-ai a cxee h aeRsis lired, nervons and irritable? 'Try MW-1 1 d'sKina Pis u-a1 hm h er's -Compolnud rou iiUS. Sold a DeLinE Ot. avy.27,(pel.- Tole's drug storo, Mr. George Bc- drives tise stage Mr. Edgar Oshonrne isad s successtul cwe umr udiosen ia bai-n rsising Tlîursday. h skouIruiot tisecout If tisere ever was a specifle fer anly side g"oe8xwitliout syg.Wh!euli eue complaint, thien CarteC's LittIe wa intrul a s'hort wieaecia Liver Puis are a specific for sick liead -tise smp tisy teeere of more tissu ache, and evcry weman should knew tsete mmditetiedssu eiglbors tisis. Only eue pîli sa dose. Try thism. s man in anether walk wouild have. Mis-; Williams ifs visiting lier sister. Mi-. Saciseit thought at iw uenie he Mrs [Rev.j Edmiison.1 would bave le iv up tfi e stag1e, Siti- NERpvousNEss A Lun Erýv-The more. Ing np 0on tise driver's seat dayin sund nervons s man is. tise lems Terve lili as. 0day eut, ra&!I'or sisne, tr cold, ieC TisaI sounds para doxic al- but it isn't: ontract'- seion dsorer. Ri for nervo b stamina. boods Sarsapar- kdes eaeweakened fi-m tise illa gives nerve. Il toues tic wiolc ontiuai xiose. Thiey rdal system, pertecis digestion and assimil- aeiî oeadmr trouble. fie atien, sud is tiserefore tise best medicinle ïfehi tisI lie, couldu't ireep up mucis a nerveus person can taisýe.- If yen gel longer. tired easilv, meutally or pisysically taise *It1uis nine umiles of1i-cm D r ol il-il will de you good. 1ielslejia. That ncn round trip et Mr-. Tises. Douglas recently made a eig01tcen iles. Two tra ins aý day w,1onld business trip te Easteru Ontarlo. maie birly-six miles etdiof . m ?14 ine this lu a vwet driviug so tr STINGINaG CHLLAINSAS disti-essing 'JMicso 1rar eamnî and anneyiug as are Chiiblains they deli oreste state et Ioeaîhi. can bie imniedîately relieved by lise ap-'l, ctsae;ohal> plication et Dr. Chase's Oulment Tri' Mi-.Sanketi dli etgve pdrig it whsen yen have i-tiied witisicsn ts tg. nta eseu-ht is helpe Stilgng Zft %1!and ex-pci te spcýnd l 1cf Dodds Kidney PlUs. Did lie findC scpesnîgltit n suffering. Sucli a hep Read bis owu eter a letîci- trial willco vyenia tsai crew itehîs also tbai bis wfproved tlise forCîjblansDr. Chseslintmeut trrltfhesylg "otd lde tise standard of e-xclence. Il istise Plî i- emus stin world's greatesi cure for al i'tchling ' Iraigue tsrhreyayits tise siin. e remledfies sud ahi tise medicilles i-e- Mrs. McKim sud sn oy oshyn, coieed te me by' Vmyfrieuds feri NY., are guests ai Mi-. MCKim'1s Kiey Troule sd xcucatngbai ALMOOT CoNSUMPTIpne-M1r. J. J, ache witlieufr thLesigtsreefIws Dodà. Pleasant Ave cci-Park, Ont., in despair. In-u1G lise niasfetime I wcs wýrites :-"I have suffered 1u1my heaDOiudnaedte i-y Dodd's Kidney Pihîs sud sud tisi-et sud Pail ever rmy h od y since eCau neyer'be tootisýakitUn fo isdvie las- summner, trom a very- iseavy eld wic p-o td cte d(o seý. he whbich 1 eould ne-(t gel iid et. T have siîniply teck lihold oet my treuble sud lf. tried severai l et wat are cnsd 1eaed it off mne. Ineerisarofaytn goo reedusbut nues(ei-ecd etany 1whiclisguves snbnstant relief, avail. I bega te us) ink tisaLi l ns Qid "My wf oes evenmoi-re ) d' was, deVeleýping junte ousastiu, iduey Pffs tissu T do. lber case was vcrv mayhave te mv knowledge. f 1 worse tissu mut1e, Mlrs. SackeUcît would! amt',al,issitl flow 1sav tisaiDr. Cisas's 1net bealve e-ay nl fr Dedd's Syrup et Liuseed sud Turpentine lias Kidney P,, ilîs. .ieth my wife sud ms weorked 5a completea ure, as T1arn now eau tr'uly eomedDedd's Kidne entirehy fi-cc eof tise old.".puis for 'thely do whst they i-e iclafimed' Clarise Suniday Seiseol Convention i todo," was held ai Orenro, Tuesda,Msy28ib. OMesnoeiteihrnp1d Beys. W. S. Wrig-ht and T. J. Edmuisoni ren or adsstà whcn DR. LOW'8 WORX delivered addiresseo- i $YR9up tg nued, 25O,_Ai1 4ea1Crg, lu 111e H orto Fo bokn-inedhorses. 'ihe conly Ameiine in t-,eworld Wtat will ,lop i baves iiitlhreday hi )ut for), a i perman.-encure Il rqirsfrom one'. half io nue, tle ac(eording ,t, directions, si.oo and 51.0. idney a"d Acutie Cough P'Lowders, SOC, ondfition PwdrsU2e.Tefoown haRve s it. tlieir tostirnonials. and thousainds ofj oterýs :-L,. Mills, âMrrickhllle;'T. Warre,,n, Kemirville; H. Holmes, îiver"pOl1.Enland.jj So1jd b%-J. Higginbotham ý& ionBwmnile TUhe Dr. -M(cGahey Mediedile Go., Kem-pivil, o. _iUUUIIUU lui WUIiluIIU DOMINION CONTROVER- ED ELECTIONS PACT. C uto eiin Elecîlîs oSa flamer fo ohf fouse f Gom mlon ifCanadator thLetodusreofon mos-fCnd o h lcoa iliWst Doi-hem hoidan ou the 5151 dci- oS Octobe TCEu arb-gie ha h Cuto aud the 7th day of Novembar, 1900. Ni fr h ~ , , ^e.Iavilonfçi t e l "e PiovîacO O STNA.O Jo e n AsTjioa, TO WTT: 'j Petitionaer, Take s otice theýt the trial olS tha aboùve namad Peýtit'(inwil ha rasumed aetfihe, Court flousa iu iad n the June 7mh, I90 I soch otisar subsalqueut day s as may ha needful. Dated thelith day of ai-. A. D., 1901. ME. S. HOLMESTED. Tlagistrer. Suaiif f lnited Countias oS Northumberland and Dur-ham, Cobourg, Out. 21-2w DOMJIN ,ION jýCONTROET Eletin fa flmuuber forithe louse of Coîm- the We rRdigo thei-CountayOCuha holdn o th 31 : dyi Octbe admc tlhe7th THIOMAS BNRM Tke Noîicc thapte ab)ove ael Ptto wilbe rid a th Curtfloselu heTe"wn of June 7th, 1901,1 ai l 1110oSte loi L iefoeno, ndo 'y Order G. .HOLMELITED), Cobourg, Ont. 21-2w 1 TOWN OP BOWMANVILLE Wil ha cd et Lthe 0Counc1lCabri h %TILIRSDAYrAY iiY 30, 19m1 At !fhe Ihour oS7-'0 pm.wheu ail mt0'ti- Iatin 1a-eto' " haouidid dod"x~i as thie lw dir'cts,' AIl prosI1aviguinessto) trau)saet ,th Said Cou1-,rt rebi-ai revrjsladto take uo1tïiee aid go'veu ilremlsaLesacedigl- J. 1,. GA4-LBRA ITH, i JOHN iLLE, CalriuauCo f vsOn oU Clrk. Bowmauvýilte, Mai -'o20,1901. t Dragsono but sprîng is nigh sud witis spring cornes tlioughts et iinew Wall Paper, iuVldew 'Shades, Cr tain oe, ieue, in-rsd Framnes. T hýave anl uusurpass2d stoe-k te suit aýil tastes sudcientaes Yen1 will be suriprised nat - my Wal PaerThoüse wlo have seen the stock say "A 111051 spiendicl as- souimeuýt sud se chec"p." 'Samlple boeks eto two faetories for an'-ythiug ex:tra c ia'l f yen ish il y ou eau cent-el a pattern. 'My nuai stocuk et tatinerà Books, Sehiool Supplies , Fàan ec'y Goods, ec, , very com-piete. P. Trebîlcockt "t __ THE'__ LOIES. OUS I Forget the marke d price of our Ready-to-wear MClothîig and examine it as Custom made Clothing 9 .1 "Up to the mark," you'll say. Cloth, style, fit, workmanship.--Ou-r $ 1.0 suit not a farthing behind a tailor-made el18 suit. $1590 Worsted Sis $7-50 Tweed Suits, Y es! 'or Five Dollars and Niniety cents we canM A good strong servical e Tweed "Suit, F'relich give yoiâ a first class Worsted Serge Suit, weill ined,, faced, neat trîmmings, good fre satin hinings, and trimmed. Some stores- ask $8.50 for- them, wel sewed, we lhave pleased othjers and we cari Talos'cstom price $ 15.00. pleasec you. $10 Imported Worsted Suits. Biyl ot nd Ieparatea Knickers. Made up in the latest style, single or double T'he correct ga-cridns for the wheelmen are- b)reasted vest, lotli fine wool and shrunik before it Navy in Worsted , Skeleton Coats, and Chiecked is made up. Tailors price $18.00, our special Scotchi Tweed Knickers. We,' have the-Coaýts, suIit $0003, Kn.ickers .$ý2 Up to $4.50. SHOC IDEPFRTMEPNT. We are doing a big Spring Trade lu our Shoe Department. We keep nothingr but the best makers goods-King's, MePherson's, aud MecCready's. C-ash or Trade for P1-rodiuce JOHîN -IcMURTRY, CAHFOR WOOL. Great Variety of Seed Corn. BOWMANVILLE. 1 been. il.

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