A vfllt 11 Tooth Brushos. ) r We m-por our Toothli sh eq and ifyou ae a îudge of goodl q1lality Youl will ap.rprec- iate the bargains we are show- ing ini our widdo-w. A splendid Chld's Brush - 5 A liece line for Aduits - 10e A thoroughly satisfactory hune 15e The 13est, made(usual price 35c) 25e ~ Lr~ê~pot1oof theQ lri Hair B-rushes we ar, 'Aso, Stott and Jury. What, about your sumumer tnrpI Now is the time to ar- ranige for it. WXe ticket f0 points on any raflr.ý ad en thIs continent at lowest priceýs and will be glad to. f urnish ail prcuas asf routes, etc. Cal and ecensuit usas to besf Sumumer Eesorts. 0f course you-ýi want one of thoese, Prices run froin $2.50 up. Aâ,SK US ABOUT TIIEM, Stott & Jurye G. T. R., C. P. and T. A. Agents for Dominion Sfeamship and GRN RUNKl- FAILWAY. 'MANVLL STATIONS ýj ..1) 17a.m1. iL cl 8 15 ..........655 p.m. Exr 3s. 78 t Daily excepi1, Sunday. ,,£(TT & Juarv. TtownI AgeOnts BOWMANiVïLLE, MAY 29, 1901. Wet weaflier may injure fruit. Providence anniversary June 2. Read Rev. Dr. Talmagc's sermons on Laissec flic nice varicty ot whitec goods af Miss Martin's. Rain lias been frequeuf flic carti bigveisaturatedi now. Dorsare, paying $ý7. M2 for hogs live wcgithghs ver knaown here, Tnesfor, enlarging thec Dominion Orga- & Piano fac.tory arc invited. Sec cdvt, Ceinitieis' Coutnïi is sulmmoncd f0 ircct af oor af !0 a. in. Monday M Mount. Cs~sed Division is holding a jconcert t On riday cvening. Sec notice The plant of flic Bridgeburg Rcvicw odlitcd by r.E. W. Jolinston, formerly of flic Fergus Canadian, was destroyed jby fircrcccntl1Uy. Rev. Dr. Cade, Millbrook, lu tic Melidit iistry for 49 ycars was »ommndcdfor superannuation at c Pet erlboro District meeting. j ~owmnvillctalent will taie princip - Vernon ox ona niglif and Princuip-1 al Gifihlan lias be aske f0 chair-1 -mail. andwetwasnof îcclcbrated lu town buitcitizens -ont ouf f0 oflkier places anfd cnjo(yeýd as bct ley co0uld fIe uinpropicious w.caflir. The Star base b ai f eamn wîenf f0 Lînid- Sa Vi-ctoriaî Darxetn o hLave a iia'me îit eav- ticý ! Bffulc o f f i -1ow-ný yontedi ail sport duigfiday. ~licMcthdistpulpit waer ac- mrnngMr. Chas., 13efeypealo jvery acetyOnue eeaino 0oâ,", and ini flic eveuingl- ILv,1 'lhma, amto, ave a good0 pmatiat isenusuonmas duty; to, is nei-hb~r. Thc se-rmfons !Pc uci eýoj bflic 'r congregafions and bofli preacliers wl b coriiywloe af, any tme VRnon Place, BuraoN. , r will 1lnd od0(i g ter af 75 cents per niglf w7iti bekfs if dcesired al. (5 cnts eti.Better maearrang- f onsby 1effer in advancc. Tak-e fr0- J loy near sta)tion-.Main Streef cit. sLinie-to Vernon Place. NO chngî o Tas tf is fils Sfli house wesf ! ai on nortli Bide of Street,2-f Pearine 8 for iSets at Nicholl's Tacli amnmers Sts cadi af Niehil0s'. Vely laf est style(s in gent s' liats af M. Maycm's liaI-,fore. Strawvberry plants for sale, Apply f0 G. D. Fletcher. Miss Regand spent Victoria Day at lier home lu Peterbomo. New subseibers eau get THE STATES- mAN f0 end o! 1901 for 50e Annivcsary at Providence ou Sun- day June 2. Partîcularsiluduc time. R'epairing ucatly and pompfly doue if le! t af Fred. R. Foley's Parlor Shoe Store. Grass is growing rapidly and already tic prediction is madeofo a great crop of lay. Farmers' Insfitute annual meeting Saturdiav June i at 2.30 p m lu Council Chamber. Miss Gert rude Lvlc visited frieuda in Peterboro and Port Hope during flic holidays. Ten per cent off at M. Mayer's Hat au& Cap store for cash customers. Come early. Séec Cawkem & Tait's advcrtisemcnf hIls wcck drawing attention f0 bouse- cleaning supplies. Cauliflower. Tomato and Cabbagc Plants for transplanfing -now rcady af G ordon D. Flechem's. Ladies' Aid o!flic ýchurcli will give a tea before flic ordination service. Tea f0 commence at 5.80. Admission 25c. Mrs. M. Cryderman, Beeccl Ave., offers lier brick residence for sale on reasonable ferma or will ent f0 a suit- able tenant. 1Some mean person or persons eut eredl the garden o! M. John Murdochi on Monday niglit and dlestroycd a bcd of Wec carry f- lic fiuest stock of ordresa goods in _biaclis and colours shown by anv lieuse ihese counties. Couci, Joînston & CrYderman. Are, von at ail particular.about flic cut and fit of your clothes if 50 leave your order at Coud., Jolinston & Cry- derman.'s and vou shahl be safisfied. flic gaine o! foot bail played lu New- castie on May 241h betweKenda n ic Bowmauvîlle Infermediates resulted lu a vic;ernfor flic hoine teain by score Wientb,iug a rcady-miadc suif or o~ ocoafyou ant tfliatesf styles nd our raymd suifs for men amd boys are ai ewm, goodts. Couda, J oli iiston & jOur readers know tlsy, eau awy tiepeuci on wlia tà - ivayer says aoMut flac goods le selle, fLsis nwscn stUcls o! hafts, caps, fies, cotlars, cufs, glofves, shirts, drawers andi other artic les for gentlemîen's weam are now ready for inspection. Bis pricGs are O.K. M, George Hain as,Police Magistrate, was faken suddenly ili Thursday niglif wit lagripeandhlas since licoua vcm sick man. Dgr. Beifli lias been in attend- auce andi if no complications set in flic venerabie admînistrator e! justice-now in lis 31sf year-will soon le ou duty, Anoflier West Durliam bov's succcss, Wc arc pleasedt f notefliat Dr. W. W>. Andru,an Orono boy, locateti at Miles1 City, Montana, las not only esfabiishcd' a lucrative practice in uhat cty, buitlias aiobeen Mayor for foyasanti lias beeni electeti by acclamation for a flird terin. Mayor Andmus is broflier o! rs jas. Gilihlantfils fown. Mrs. GTeo. Bickell, sený,, c1eLobrsed1 lier 70tli birthday May 17 af fe-,lic om o! Mrs. Thos. F. Jame-fl ioli hm sfead-Ontario St., when ber tonitud ren were aIl preseut f0 join lu felicifat- ing f liir mother ou attainiug lber flire score andt eu yea'-s. Mm. Biekeli was tic rociient o! several suitable pres- ont s. Dinner was eujoycd anti a round o! toasts and speech es followcd, Not many sncb large (amies are fa- vomed f0 celebrate fleir moflior's 701h birthday. - About 50 members o! Wellington Lodg,S ,Sons o! Englanti, aftontied service a t Trinity dhurci Suniay niorning whien 1ev. R. B. Greenaway preached a vcry, patriofie sermon froin flic womds "Fear Goti;Honom flic King." Thc clinci was vory prettily docorafed wl lants, flowems andi union 'ack-s. The choir rendereti appropriate music. On fliir retumu to fIe lodge oom aa vote o! thaulis was unanimously passeti f0 11ev. Mm. Grcenaway for lis able; services. The breflire-n werc m1ar- ishalioti byMrRJvsHihC sabe When lu Tow:n, stop at Nicliolis'. Gilieffa Lye '3 for 25cfs atNciol Carpet tacksTack pullers at Nich!ol la'.ý Violet Toilot Amnmonia,refrcsbilng- for: bath and toilef. Toie's Drug store. TIc price o! THE STATESMANï is $i. '00 only when paid in advance otiherwise. Until furtuor notice Tait & Co wl make chic photos on Wcdnestiays anti Satnrdays ouly. WMe taise subecriptions for all ncws- papers and magazines af club rate3s. Sec our clblists, lW.e-have--a L- itnk fQured OaklD3i Fumifure in Antique aniti Gol1den fiishIes. L, Morris. Ldes' spruîîg coats and capes aisoi la-die ' talor -niadeesifignow -}Oi, af Couch, Joînston & Crydemma's. Having a large stock o! Bats3 anti Caps on liand, anti in order f0 roduce if, have ticcided f0 fake 10 per cent off for cash enstomers, 50 come anti get a bar- gain. -M. MAYER, Ilatter. Your frienti, Mr.--, is look- ing mucli improved lu heailih. Yes 7,,- persuadeti lier f0 try Millem's Comrpound trou Pis, with flic resuit yen observe. Sou- af Tûe'sdrug store. STAESAN raers ilu any part o! Caaaor Ulnited States liaviug !icud goïi;ig te fie Old Country wil o1blige bvi asking m A James, steamship agnt,- - 1i fer rates, besf boats f0 go by anti"0sOon. Tira STATE5MALN Wlii nItrodUCe a atiU- vertiser into more first elaiss hiomeis anti will roacli more o!fIe claathat demanda flic bcst wares fl-0ia anyofier tw ni,ýewspapers lu thisditc. TIc, now Alian Line -S. S "Sicilian" iii saifrein Mon treal Ju'ne i12)direct f(r Giamsgow This teainer cre ïs a gadchance for ïa cheap su%1coo, pasa a na good steamer. M1,. A C ASTOD'R 1lA. Mm. Walfcr 1HUI is home(1 from Chlica- go, 111. Mrs. R. Cherry spen t Sunday lu iOshiawa, Mr. Clarence Wright, Toronto, was home Saturday. Mrs. Josephi Knight, Tor onto, was home over Sunday. Mm. Arthur Humber, Trenton, was home Victoria Day. Mr. Cecii Welsh, Berlin, is spending flic holidays at home M r. John Hemn, Toronto, s peut Victoria Day af home. M r, Walter Dickinson, Toronto, spent Sunday af home. - Mrs. W.G. Ovrland, Erin, lias been, visiting fricndsin fown. Mr. D Gilbert, Toronto, lias becu vîsiting oid friends here. Mr. and Mrs T. A Wrighit, Black- stock, wcre lu fown Mouday. Mr. W. S McKowan o! Thc Canadian, Fergus, visitcd lis mother Sunday. Mmi. Robf. Boit h was in Gaît lest wcck acting as judgc af fthc Horse Show. Miss Ruby and Percil C rago visitcd in Toronto at Capf. A. W. Crawford's. Mr. 9m, J. Colwill o! Imrie and Graham's, Toronitoi was home for 2if h. -Mm. T. Wilson, Toronto, was gucsf at Mm. John Lyle's during flic lolidays. Mm, Eber Thomas, o! Canningfon, visitcd lis iece Mme, John G. Man- ning. Mm. and Mrs. Crouch and Miss Ecina, Toronto, have bocu gucsts of Mm. T. C. Jewe]l. Mm. Chas. Shaffer, Tilsbur.y, lias ac- ccpfced a position iu Mm. Thos. Tod's baker-va Mrs. S F. 11111 and Mr-,-M. D. il liain-s výited Fricnds af Florence and Dresden.ý Miss Ethel King of St. Margarcf's Colege, Toronto, was home over Sunday. Mrs. S. Sripture and daughf or Eva, Coîborne, arc visiting hem father, Mr, Wm. Finie. Mr. John Jame-s and Miss Eiien J. James visifed relatives in Oshawa Victoria Day, Miss' Meta Brown, Newcastle, who lias beeninPort Hlope for a Vear lias refumncid hoe.c P>ieased to receive a eall (roma our old fricnd Mm. W. A. Toms, Collingwood, femmnerly o! Solina. Mvrs. J. G(oodman, Toronto, has been vit;fig lie inofler, M- I Agth1 wlo tis verv pooriy. Mr. anti Mrs. Tues. Binglim lave, reinovedti f0flicsummer cottage at, Port Bowmanville. Mm. S.A. Copeland, Milton, attendeti tic funeral o! lis brofher's' wi!e, af Carke ou May i5th. Mrs W. R., Bond, Oshawa, visited hiem faflier, Mr. John. James anti othor relatives liere over Suntiay. Mrs. E. Bassetf and Master Eti. Basstt, Toronto, werc guets o! Mr.< Thos. Bassetf over Sunday. Messrs H1. J. and W.R.Knight, Bow- manvîlle, were in town Tucsday calling ou friends.-Port Hope Guide. Mr. A. B Comisi, Toronto, was home over Vitoria Day looking as thougî ity lire agrees witl i i. Master Max Sutton s peuf Victoria D)ay witî lis uncie, Mr,H.G.Hutcheson, Managdm o!. tle Western Bank,, Port Ferry. Misa M. A. Buriner, towu, and Mm. Rotiti. Westcoff, New York City, visited lris aunt Mms. Tlios. Blythe. Base Lino, reccutly. Miss Dyer, and Masters Willii Dyer anti Harry Hughes, Port Hope, wce gucssf o!Mr. J .1. Canning during fhe holidays. Mrý and Mme. John Maynard anti Miss Gertmude, Campblclford, w e re guoste 0f Mm. H. Basiservilie turing flic helidays. Mm, and Mrs. A. J. Todgliam anti Miss Ethel, Toronto, were -uests of lis brother M. Walter J, Todgliam for flic holiday. 1ev. R. Brandon Grcenaway, pastor of Trinitv chuicli, andi family have moved int o fIe Davey resideucoe on' Centre Sf. Mm. and Mme. H. Fletcher Werry anti Master Clarence, Kedroo, woroesf o! Mms. Fred Fostor, Norwood Place, Victoria Day. Mrs. P. Brimacorabe lias retumned f0 lier home lnu ocliester, N. Y. fier ister Mme. TF hamslas gone wif h fier for a visit. Mm. T. F. Wright, teaclier at flic Britisha American Business College, Toronto, visiteti lis parents at Black- stock Victoria Day. Dr. and Mme. Janîe Bray and !smiiy o! 288 Gerrard St., Toronto, visifeti ler 'faflier John Foter, Esq., Norwooti Place. during thoiitiys. Mm. Màauilev R 1. Crydomman formery assistant lu iîle lest Office, is spcndiig a mont l'a holidays ivith frieude uni Darliîigto-n-,Cartwfiglit aid'Llutsay.- Commissioner Fred D. Cherrv,Sch1en- octiady, NY., was home lasf week vîsit iug lis mothor; Mrs. R. Cherry. If le wo Miss Our guess: Mr. A. J. Beudlerson o! Fallis Lino, Cavan. a former pupil o! thc Editor, gave lin a friendiy cal! ou Saturtiay. Lise Most weil-to-tio !armei-s arountd MilroM. ilentierson rode behinti a rtygay driver. Mm. Thos. RPyan, Toronto, coin o! flchoeeg iospifal, B expecteti'",te th elt t attend fa- ome Cmeter- VsW.1. RIck,îaýrtiantif rchlti- mo ~ricdlai veek frin ilon0rolulu, llawiia Isand, f0 jen[ic-,oflier four inmbe;1r's o! ihe !family who 1have been hemo fofc Ie pae yoar. Mms. Rickard conce lehfre ,te educate 1cr family. They area preent Aese !Mme Shaw. Clurcli St. Dru .E.Wigta,whe Liac jiue't compitcd couse i uneicin, levisît. in ls eoi homý er - afeýw tiavefHe isa a-praînato o! Obfferin CeO !fli ircle, anlàt f lc CincinnafiCole f! Phm acy ntire!enfl frin BW1i more Uiversfv. 'te %dotorinf: i smner, a! tom w1ichline wllifa i specia! courselui TIc JolIns fHopîhinsj Ulliveresity at Baîtfimore, Md,i Ceylon and India Tea GREEN OR BLACK A STRONC QUARTET 0F VIRTUE8 Purîty Economy Oleanliness .Wliole som,£enessl Ya Ceylon Teas are solId in sealed lead S,(,3A LAÀDAÂ packets only, neyer in bulk. Black, Mixed or Uncolored Ceylon Green. Saimple, onaiaion.Address "AIDA"Toronto. wDon't ýForj We carry a complet e lne o! Sfatioîiery Note Papers,, Letter, Pads, Envelopes, - AIl Sizes, Shapes and Colons. MOURNING PAPERS and ENVELPES AT Scruib brushes '2 foi ktcs at NiÏch0li, F'URN1TIIRE sA1LE. No cang in he arkfs tis eek SATURDAY, JUNrE 1.-Owing t0 the rain l]elr's Grip Powders Cuire Sodt Wdesyth aeoMr.Pse' Tole's drug tore. f urnifure -,as postponied to Saturday, Laiswiegoodis jnst re>ceýivedý,- at June Ist, when if wiIl faIte place on )I- s -Martns---1esnîab1le-prices.----- the as saer, Bwnuji Neat tweed suifs f0 order 80. x- As the fuirniture is in goodcî onditionà, tra value at F. A. Coie'sý, ilamptonl. this will bc a chance for lbargains. Rubber good in greaf variety, and at Among the collection is a valuable roasnibe rtes Toe'sDru stre. Piano. Sale at one o'clocki Sec Buy j our ensilage corn from us-seed bil.LA.W O,1Aut tested-sure of acrop. Cawker &Tait. BORN -rheMisss Lve,. ueenSt ,ent KAiN-In Oshawa, May 18, Mrs D Rýai, of a f le Msse Lve, uee St ener- danghter. f ained a number of guesf s Vic'toria Day. NovAK-In Oshawa, May 18, the wife of Rer- Ladies requiring hair done- over mnan -LNOwak, of a son- ouid ceau on Mrs. Diekinsýon, Kn PLUESIR-In Bowmanviile, May 27, fte wif e Street. of Mr NormnanPlummer, of a daughter.wie Do you think of buyving a chu-Lrn or of Mr C. Burton Harnden, of a daughter, wasinug machine? We hav-e the bstCOoK-in Bowmanvillie, May il, the wife oIf Cawker & Tait. James Cook, of a daughter, John C. Weeks is the bnsy man theseý MARR1ED. dIays--paperhanging'.lie caîcries love- poc4so-Sifl t Oshawa May 18, byR1ev ly aters.Sec them. J R odges, B A, Mr Frederîiý James PogeRon A vry iceandnewassrtmnf f nd tMiss Mabel Blanche timith,both of Oshaws,,. chuldr'nie e adwear jus rcevdaf RYON FIEAt ,Meýshawa.ka, idaa Pa l , h 1vc Smth,1 fe Miss Martins'. GveLe &, Oshaw,,to Gvd atnnPort Hopeý. The ordination of ilth'e.13e randýon EX-ni'I ii tetPebtra wil behel i Trnlt chrci curc, ort lHope, May 22n, h e.Alex, Gre wy MeNahghto"U Arch11IbaldV. PrsadIae $ Tuesday Junie llth af 8 p m agtro r .LIwo i fPr oe To curé a col4 ini a night-nse Cao-ûe i,- iNcH AaaLr-In Olark,'May -22nd, by 1ev.- .J.Edmison. B. A., B. D5, Mr. J Il. Ernest lene, It bas been used extensively dwing iore inch and Miss Mary Ada, i1aug'1 fer of Mr. R. than twenty-four years. Ail Druggits. B. Allinf. Jnsf imported hy Cc,johso & DIED. Cr3 derman, an immense variety of lace Fi-ln Cavan, May 22nd, Mary Edna Mar- cýurtainis-newcst desigiis in ail quali- garet, oniy chid of Mr. and Mrs. George Fair,, ties.> aged 1 year, 7 days. Giso-In Clarke, May 23rd, John Gibson, Entrance examination fort. admission ftged 63years. Cak.My11,teifn f0 iligli schools will beclield J une 26-29. ehfld of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nicholls, The departmental examinatilons will Couen-In Port Perry, May 20th, Heiiry lasf fromn July 2nd f0 the ýI5th. 1 Conch, aged 85 years. Iiiterred at Orono. Prof. and Mrs. A. L.Brn and Mrs. MOINEILLiE-At 227 Church St., Toronto, May John Poster will spend flic 24tli with rd25 tons.M.Mîihcagd7yarnt- Mrs. Fostey's brother,Mr Norman WnEI1NwYr iy a 3h a Davs a SofliW odsee-earinton garel. Gaylor, wife of David 15, White, aged 60 NeWs. ycars. iMOTHRSIîL in Oshawa, May 23rd, George Mrs. Crawsbaw, Mr. Thos. Lloyd, Anthony, second son of Richard Mothersili, Cobourg, Mr, James Tremi,Pete aged 49 years. boro an Mr.Graam MDonldSmrrle-in Port Pers y, May 21si, Janect Bain- Iboro andMr. Gahamer, relict of the late John Snith, Esc,, aged 80 Georgetown. were holidayý) visitors at years. Mrs, Thos, Kirby'o. Do you want a carpef if s-, eal atl FENCE FOR SAE-O ee o ickef Couci, olinton& Crderan.T- iey fenoce III gcod conditi. Will oeil cheap. CoubJonstr.& r-1 T.8 CEEE's, Rorsey 19t., Bwavle h1v abig assortnf ntand wil:sïl ou 22-2w* at carpef as cheap as(you eau 'gef if anýywhcre in Canad1a. W NTED-SaesmaBiï; salarv from The asonCo' $i000 bachand i We srart, permanent place, BRoWýN BRos, worsted suifs wifli D. 'B, vests ,are d.00,Bow'lureie,-t 2-w cidely good value, Beflore -24fli you IJEEP &TRAYED-5 ewcs, shcared, cani have choice new 5eten d braces Sin Iamb, stra ed fron lot 18, con. 4, Darling. with adi uit.ton, on May 7. ilnformation as to their wbere- with ach sabo utswili bc rewarded hy W. M. PE-ERaS, Mr. Howard C. P, Rundi(, youngesf Itampto,Ijý P. O. 223Sw sonuf r. ohnlludlcHayon,15B , ARRý TO RIENT OR FOR SALE.- a fui fcdgd Dcto luMedcin haing 100 acres, beini the south-west half of lot 13 pas sed bis final examina tions atÎ Triity i 11thconcegsion.o~ township of Cartwright, on iMetdical College wifh hnrsLhe premries a trame huseIagood barn, stonje foun1dation, a creek rnigibogitbe farm, Dr. ilarden, Dentisf, dirsfanagood wlt ot water. For furîerprtcar nonunce fo the public that hlie lias oti-apyt r ebtB~ktco Es ed and is now using an asiti aeIIAD saa2-w anïïd sure paÏness ageënt for flic e , îa,-FAMFRSL-7 ce fgo tion of teefli-This notice is gie1f adhîgapr c;f lt15ion, Dariing. response f0 n number 0f enniiesP2 . on, npeissaeafranc bouse ttbgood pleasant gfirngo1vr _hry- a afiybrionng wyon rchards relfîvs nd rieds0f r.and Ms f ces ace ra; Éý'jbieý, h;ncepasture. John T. Hooper visitcd their home on Posetin o ei. mal iyent clown. Horsey St. on Friday evening, May 241 j, NN etsboe'> te assist iu celebrafing the t wentiethl [anniversary cof their wedding- day. Tt1 I w'as a gcjîuinle sur prise, and fee i N tc to C dtors wcre eomfortably settlcd and njoin thmei'esti bride and gomwr calIe and Mr. Wîn. oris aiter (0' the Lsac o iLL'VBW ap)ologizing !(or 'flicsmehtabruipt ]J/IÂ ,lac fth/ ow oBwm lin1trusio)n of fi opnyitthcreil nth ost o uh i home, rend an addxesa ngtuhuifig the happy courple on rac ingti in- oie shrcfgveiusunno bpe Portant evenit in fli i marr-ýicd l lfe ad190fteRvle ttuePfOnaf,187,ta treaset. M.i oopr mnea suita1 fteaoeuae ILA OM tope osorabuttht, tdyîflr.lA replythnkngai or tertoulffi . oî aerqirCb ot repad or the- kidesin prcsýeuting thIis gif ud iet7eie oAhr ro fteTw expcsin ficpleasýure ifav. hm 0 k li Dri gtou ite C ount o Uh,1 eý1j0,; thetise saidrîesdrte or te miiie0nnlers11nedfhie who adassmbednow ý-auid (onpr- slctr ttisel dreuindadrs vieus occasions in marki!:nÏ,g ue mile-satmtnwrtgcIherhitanadu- ssolqo!flicir weddedhff e bFy pesn ans dresaddsitioswthfî kds wr nggdi nd msi ron mun c criyif Ileld b thu, o fie vioin ad rgn eled to make thc eVeinU -pass ver 'iasn l Tc metlatttesi aetesî laie srvd efsimnso ,wich iail estate wIieamlstrd. baýving re 'aIrd ol enjnyied, flic part v leaving af a seasonl-V (ehsc~anodIf hekb~ iseha able ourfor flicir homes. ,for ms astso ny parýtitreof s ltiue to ay prsoIorero0f wheee ýclama!s the O hi d ren O r for shalh cot u thevebad otce Datedtbf 271 day f Ma, A.1 01. 224 Rig 8 ,Biwan1ieAOn Sel Only the S3est. How are Your House=Cleaning Supplies, Soap, E-rooms, Whitiug, Blueing, Starches , Whitewash Brushes, Mops, Washing Compound, Amn- monia, lak Lead, Alabastine, Tubs, etc. Supplies AT ROC0KBOTTOM,ý PRICES, A can-load jusf arrîved ,-wliite and yellow hanrse tofh, Leaming and Rcd Cob; tesfed Seed and Prices iRight. BOWMANVILLE; CAWKER & TAIT. 'iile SpIcrals 0 0 r 1, ay f, y f; tJ > 600 pairs Seemless Black s, regu1,la r 17e per paiir, 2 pair for- 25c, SRoller Towellhng, ail uines, regular 8c per yard, 1 yard for 5c, -4p E Ladies' Spring Coats, latest eut, regular E 2_ 5.00, for $3.5Oe.E SLadies' Spring Coat8, Iatest eut, regul.. ar $7.50, for $.O SOrgandie Mluslins for Blouse Wai,ýss regula.r 25e a yard, 2-ý yards for 25e, L A C EUhYfl E F~any lak Cons, rer $1,niad. fors 09- Faey lar lepost k Atyd or $,. _101a 9-0 - le Theom 25oe a spir Stor e ilVlus ReadyNiade Cothnor tkeStandardBys . Tt oWMAcLEarblneo sokA ot QERVANT WANTED-For general SD housework, Gond wagcs. Apply a Ba&L- FARýM FOR SA'LE IN PICKERING -à0 acre,,Part cf lot 15, 21ssd Concessioni, Il miles fremPtrn inllage, 1'_' Iýs torey brick ewelssssig ý, nre IssS, ge l-.a;o-7-a about 2 acres in tuliberig;watered by Duf- in's Oireek. Reasos fer Sellng, fai1111g9hcalib et cernuer. Apply to Dow & MCGLLIvRAY, SOlicit- or.Whithy. or to the owner. JeOHN GILLMANý, Picering P. 0. 19-3m. The sînai gnerl 1'. gof tÏe1Sh hlde I Ithe Por t UrssstnRabo pany :mcii ehl its ffc fteCrpn ThetwOY Du, . tbeiaeWî'ttII/f SL tieiiers anted.ece nocior c SaordyJune 1t,10,foanddin to thect, iy cthe DomLiion Oiigan & i'Piano. Co, Panud seiiasxsfor seme cao lie [seen tteofc iteCmay h eet or any other tend ,.ayssi eessriybe LSmox OS OAN b PIANO Ce.,.fit6 21-2w .BOwillsaville, Ont. * SAY:-Do yen want !mý-' SCelobmat cd Higli Clase Uow,3 1er fliaf xilce n UaiOse yoii s-r c udig.If so, teleplione No 15. Î'f.witlista ni ng4j'ailreot te li cutar w re stilcci Sacli, Blint l.(îg ikesat ailliltis0fe~ ~se ti nrest .umîs-. ~' r 'tinuilyrecevof !rcs sto,~ n ail lic emana o '.~~~ aes sttc spl e 'dil '-.t. I to ss-nflicGilmur' XOL '.~o., Bowmanville, fflu -t 1-1 1 ý