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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1901, p. 7

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Bomeedydssovee Ït, i a Mil- dawyu p ctuxe-ga1lery 1'n Genmany,and Mr. lezeiab Leishes, tise Sulti-mil-I Iionaire wbo 'hd amassd bis fortune outf tseproeea e tlne fiapur- eisaedLt ora more tsong. IÉ Itmd lfous and gave hLm s, lac lasodet wbch venbi mil- lI-s cld tiot hny. l&tc ail1, kinyboýdy migýht ho a mil- Li -' ifbe bad the chance ; but tecr n undoubted Rapbaei,paint- ed S tht pLnc of artisîs' best man- ue, a itict'ion indeed. i Aotadozan, of the guesta at Bxanle CatieW81.71 in the picture- z ale .ami-ring Lt. oCrawfurd Livrthe nlslng youoflg artist, wh as sa-id, by the way, toe ha wildly la lev witis Mar- ~~'arath Heb~,bcpicture was an La- .butii ubjecl of study. Ita POcm," ha mutte-red, la bis entsusasm'apotn !witiont words oL'r mnic-a )o-em ia roloerý." yes, it's a very rct pictunre," Saî(d the, Duchess of Sselooking etý th rOng ena' lhroug-h b,.nr lorg- nate. 1e Possessed a picýture gai- lctry e r own-,, wbich was crewcbsd witblin duk'a glyancestors, and sea had1 intention of waxing enîbu- aa ie over tinything Mn. Ilobbes pea- ýssOd. -1 belZeve Mn. Hoebbes refuaed tftfy tbo-uýscnd for il, did ha. net?1" eba nguiedof Margaret., 'd-raiy -e't knuw,,, eaid Miss HobesLaubla, but I almost wiabh ha bd moId it. Evcry day brings a latrfrom s-eme( e-" .mplorLng hlm te Ïam apLý,ce. Oned i gentleman faLny wet, e Va- ýso overcome, bc- cnnhe ceuidn't buy t; and I filrm- !y blveiL wsli ho gtole" sý:eda. "Imaina n at--coliýector organis-, 1nga burgary expedition teo rob <)raly Castleo 0f its 'Madoanna.' lWbat-I fun Lt would ha i' ýontlauCli aie Yen LOuld setrccly give a ulce- leknwiitc-isaLrcd oid gentleman tbyail have wabitc baïn, yeu isnow- in chiajrge te, theý police.Webod bava e oak lise bis-gian te disinen, and tisait drive him, down te Ibis police- tetablea la thse býrceugham.", Lae, l tise day, Margaret bappen- eýlî te be3 La> tise pic.tuire-,galiery ah-tne, aud by oaa oOf tho'se remarkable coin- eid"n!cea- whicb ccasie-ýnally happýen wbca !)e"pie are in love, Crawfurd fund1 'er tisere., Do en ino,"ha týaîd, "that Iho 'Madnna, Lavcry like yen l' "laý it reallyr1 se auswcneýd. "-But l' u 'na net hait se gee-l-ook- ~"No curenet," ho said abaculý- * fie %vas btudying tis pictur'e -"Really, Crawford, yen are tee cpUdd for cnytbing.", "I beg- b&onr pardon,"l ho aaswered, - n co-n fusion, deiiîgistod at hcing eaui- -sd "Cr.a-e,-furd,".tnd aunoyefi witb hlim- Self fer h1av:ng, bluindercd. '1 spoýke asý an arisit, net as a-as-us anytiig Shai smliled deniurein, ad perisapa î he h bd finiaie bbe sentence 'lith ie wofrd "le(ver," es ho had cvi- "Therne never vas a weman as love- ly;(, ase Îisal," ho centilucd. -Look, ut 'Ihe sisading cf tise cyea, and bbc swcet br'emýbllag littie mentis, almost ready bI SPeak, or perbapa te pray. Thon soc" the Lands. lDid yen avenr sec a lema ofet Iincteents century fold be- andsi iu that resîful way ?,, But fua-ther e6nveratien ývas pro- vcntedJ by the arivai cf Mn,. I-Jobbes. "Wb-iy, iea my bey,"1j- ho bgan, la bis dbry, enlerige tic way, "en,ýjo)ying bbc Madona ' You are the ïdenti- calmanI iant ho taik ho. Mlaggia,, go ewnhals, ny boney, and bobk afe !ts, UchCeSs. , Tat'a bbc3 aerat ef ha viagý .-reai liva duch1eýs, on Lise prem!Lsc,,v, yen ua alivays ho trot- ting ab icut aften: ber."'1 'margarlet left tiscm, and for isaif Ciibu-tisa two meta walked up and dntle P.ctu-e-gallerýy, talklag eanaiy, s,-eetimes stoDppLag in front etth ',!e Maon, only te rencw bbc conIvereat,-*(Ion more energcticaily Shili. 1J3 u nobdy wa.ý hold tise resuit of t tei dliberations. Tisau noxt wveeb sljipped away'pîcas- antly caough.,Thse iove-Making 'went on mleiriy, tbougi t bie sure, net a word Ot loe wai spoken on cubehpr rit. ý%aiVhlah.a tgen t c tiSa ~ ~ ~ ~ j1 'w cpc-ucodpltica', eaverybe-,dy fu is e bous-e avas asloep. or at any rate, sihould have beau. Six Ri;chard wa, Lin tise cniddlc et an anec- dote about an ext-aord.incry advcn- turc cof hie at lEtea, in w-bioihacper- fSrmed prodi;,,gofetvalour -,.and Lord Wiit-tisle, w-ho bad heard tise bale ai ea-St ltwentyýtlmas. avas -tubnking- about oinethiig aise., " Wiy, blasa niy seul 1" said Lord Whitatabia suddieniy, " Tbera'a cere- oe. a avnag about.- Tierfo ! Ca't yen sec, hân ? IIc'a creap*hsg aieng tise patis between bise mira nd that tiird but- tresa. WaILamintite. hel avate ,, ýros lisat paltcis ef ioouiipisýt direct- Iy, tison weaveimli bc ablLe ho sec h;m A moment lai or tise figura et a man drssed iu a long ceai crosscd tise end et thaý lawn, u, sif ha were golag le t- ta elea- -Weli, I'il eha naged, Lt Lt is't Young Rivons ' ý i nd Sir Richard. "I rememben List qaeer macintosis et bis. lHe wera t t etieday aI lise "What aven la ho doia utIbis ine of nigist V" " Going for a waai, I supposa. Per- hopa ha, dn't sleep. B-.en bhiubing tee, mucis about tisaI coufoundal 'Ma- donna.' Ail these art'iýïsacre more or lesa Mad, bron ue" "Ii'a vc-y neer," ~sdLo>rd Whît- atable, g-nvely-. "I Eupposa ie hbas as tucis rght te go for a- aai at nîgit, as ava have Il-ait au bouc- haLer tboy saw lise :i-nuilatbisamackinieosh! iolurn. Ncxt mernlag tiai w-iole bouse w-as lii-unlie onalasrnabion by, tisa aoiws ,ýtisaI bisa"Madeunna" had heen ioa.Tise pàlin-e bcd bhean ut fa-cm ntisa tr-ameaiti a peanknite. Evrboyaa lurrer atnioken, cmd aI or Witas'suoggeatloçn, "a tel(cgiîn vs! 'te Mjr Uebh11ps,'all-. lag hl te tisa'îtle ut 'usure. kàuseboîv il leaked ont tisaI Lord Wisitatmtle nud Sir- Richard Burtcai bcd seen Crawfurd La tise grounds at tisrec c'clock 'in tise meruiag, but ne ena lied tisecourage te $Peak te bm -nabout it. At lunchaun, whiea tise w-bob par- ly met bagebiser for'tise tIrat time, tisa "Madonna," was, et cour-se, tise subject et converaation,. "'Tisa is neordinary:,robbery," saLd Lord Whisltable, "Tise picture Las e aicil kSueiva tisIne dealer would give a tisief hlnî a croava for L. I don't believe ilt'bas been sclen 1fe'r ils pe- cuniasy value. It has bccen itaken by semaene w-be bas an inboreat la tise p;cture isef-a collecter, or-or--" Uce aras Molag te eýay "an artist." Crewfnrd loobad acroas et tise spe-aker, wibis flashlag eyas, and turu- edý pale; tison hisaiad, Lu au edd, con- strained veica:, "I1 hava, halt c miud te gonp le tew-n and, mcci Mn. Heishes. Par- But Lord Wiitstahla laternupted hlm, sternly. -I> thinS, ar"bce aid, "tisai undor tise ca-umiances, nobody, net aven e gucat, ougisi Le le-ave tisa heuae." Tise a avec atie hbout cf appreval all rounud tise tabla, and Crnwfurd's uip5 aent tegetiser tigistly. Margaret aras as ahitie as tise tableclotis, and Lrenling frein isasd te foot, but se soo>0n xcceredlhan self-control. -"Oh,e pleas o de'b let us w-rc-y about tisa avetcised picture," afisesaid, brYL-1g le apeab naturally. "I'm flot g01,n9 te. 1 aisal Play bannis. Min. RivYerag, wiil yen lct me tny to eac yen Ibis aetiernon i" At tiva o'clock Mr. Uobbau amived at Bramley Station, and Lord Wbii- stable and Sir Richard Burton dreve Gym-te eethim, ad hll hlm wbab iad isappened. In tise meantime, raîrturd and Margaret bad been isavIng a long convetrsation. iWhan Mr. Hoishes nrrived, ha w-cnt et tiseservants, te aÎ Mn1. Riveýr& te c0enate bis privobe astudy. EveLrybody bied te beisave ýwith avcIl-bred laditterence, but curiesity i-an hi'gb, and great ns9touisbm'ent was expire3sed w-be'an eehdy announced lisat Craavturd bcd gene le Mn. Ilohbbes's shudy acccemp)'anhi-d by Max- garet. Hait an heur aLer neava waa brougist ibat tise huIler isad been sent Pirivataly for a cc'atable. At lest, tise dnner bell rang, cnd. bo everybody's% surprise, Crawfnrd ap- pe-arcd in fila usual place, Ibougis bis face waa pale and ffet. Margaret looked unmistebably an- gry. "HEa bas made a feol eft bist peor girl," aaid tise ducýisesa te Sir Rich- ard, "and tise can't torgiva hlm."l Ne allustilen te Lise lest "Madonna", w-as made, du-Ting dinner, 'but a bint wae Passed round tisat Mn. lîebbes would liSe ever'ybody Le assemble la lise drcwnlg-roem kutraÈads, It w-qas a uiQus scee e vici tel- loarod, and eue uot te be torgotten hy these iriseteeS part la it. Mn. Uobbea enbered tise ron, fol- iowod cilosely by Margaret and Craw- toird. He, carriad a piciure., "Ladies and i5entlemen," ho aaid, speaking oven more energebically lb-an uusuel, ',Yeu w-l ha glad te kueow Lbat lise "Madonna" is quite sate. lHene shis." U1c iseld tise picture up. It was la a commen uitile oaS trame. Eve;ryone Iobked puzzIed, and Mn. Uebbers smiied scrcaiicaliy.- "îI tissu I ore lyou an explanation," ha w-nt ou. "0f course, an old m-an et bi 'ness liSe Mc, van' tïncb n f ool asi te buy n valuabiepcl e and net taba a"u t L. A Mfe lda age I copy e thia icture Ho ade en dnIca auî'-e royonuiia, if"L bcd n'iý henfor tise tram" I couldu,ý!'1t Iîl biad*fter-en-ce bebaveen iei, unsiril Mn. Rieamde Me study b1i trui agia'1s. T is e ne-aiMadona'uaa Lb, iiutiluihis tram,sdlSdu ui my sfeand fer tise loa cw its ladi-s anad gentlemen, I ajn v ry sr i-y te -ay, yen Lava beenadiLgis Ucra MnM. IHobbses g l'idcd bise iflucheas etofSussex-,haveda7gs et aiiuand c-ai volaile araont for. 'I bavabeeifeud oi lamy til Mr. LIvai-s's rcs[grom ise d1oor et wblish atood open ad book his maclintaosh. 1 mention tIbis," lha add- ecd igimiy, '*becanîse my iÉriands, Lord Wiit5bable and Sir Richard Buxtea, sat up rathar late last n'Igis, and foc-med a wren.g ImprffsIgon. HoIbbcs, ceýnhinuinin bis ýspaeish, -1 bava oniy onae tore thing tb say. Tboy Laul me anbJists make nncommonly geod sonsg-sn-law, and 1 made up my mind cclming down l is e txeçia houday tb try tisa experi;ment." TRYINU TFJ BEAT TflE LtIW, SUGAR AND OTIIER GAMBLES THAT MADE FORTUNES. .mst Exat raodinary Sigit-Exciting Struggle Between Brltîih and Preneis Tee Mercisents -Tise eatis Daty in, Bnstain. Wisea bbc rumeur firat apread bisaI sugar waa geiug te, ho texed, e fow weekeacge, e grant arwy et business- men etarted te race tise Chancelier fer a fortune or ruin. Thcy began tise big gamblo on -an enormousl ceaie, buying up al bbc sugan biset Europe bcd tc elld, and stnuggiung te geýl il over te Ebgland BEFORE TRE TAX BEG-AN. Fra,,nce, Auatnia, Gemmany, an d RoI- lisufiwcn nxsac dfer sugan te snucb u u t thiItise Continent bcamo uýshort et Lt, and neariy all Wetcrn Europe hdte, pay another tantlg a p ound ton iLs; augar un cen- s(equcasue. Ail tiseqynad wbarvos etf tise grent foreigan cibles9 wera biocked with eugar-bags, tisrowiug nl ether business Inte confusion; aud aven 10,('00,000 bundrcd-wigbt bags et sug-an, worth about $22;500,000, wero lecorncered" by tise Bnitisislew-nec- crsý. To get t over, scores et steam- or,5, sailiug-vessels. and craft et al kinda, were chartercd; and bbc rush wags se great tisai speculatorg wbc bcd eunk their ail1 la sugar, whîeh was spoiiag on lise Coabinentai wisanvc, avent unoariy tat Tise e aiwas emptied eut et clliers, and sugar ieok is piacc-anything te, get t oeor i biifo;ktoi lb came even a faav hourà atter tise taxLWaas a aettiad malter ellS profi was lest. Again, if Lise tex did net "coDmQ off" aI ail, lavo-tiirdg oettbis ugan-gani- biýens wore rulaed, having toua et augan lhey touid net pcy ton wilb- eut extra pnc4it; and sugar wouid falu le aimQal nothing in prLce, se tisatishe nation et largo bonctitod. Il was A MAGNIFICENT GAMBLE. Net long cge there wns a alight~ ex- tra duby laid, on hobacco, whicis lad teo semae fthbecmoat oxtrcordinary sighÈts evor accu lu tisabusiness averld. Smsll as tise duty was, it, made e v ast difference te lac trade, and a grant rush was mado upea thse bondcd varc- bouses-piaces whcrc insperted geoda cia be iýtored, and tisa dutyî paid wben tbey arec laken eut. Tiaezo are controlled by Governninnt and e great crmy et atald business- men, wiidiy cxcitcd, basiogcd the waeeheuses lu thea race bot gat their goeds eut betone tise extra dutyl came due. Sbînting meba eft tieinsurged ha- fore tise deers, kept la onder by linos ot policemen. Thousands et pounîda aveno made by thns se e howern ture, and mcny thiousands werc lest by l aie- were succesaful capenad with jay eut-! aIde tise wareison3es, and rusiscd off te realisýe; w-hiic tiese trugglilg, de-. apairing mass w-be could net ge4 their appliicationsa atndod te batore clos- ing lime, because ofetaccrusb,ý aimost wcnt mad. When tise doons wcre closed mauy wept bears et disappeint- Ment. NEARLY $10,000,01» w ,)tis o tbacco had duty paid en il dulgoffice heurs tisat day, and large spocial staffasisad te ho ergan- bed te dcci with tise aveck. The Britishs and Freuch marchants raccd botis eacisoIsor ndutise Gev- crament wbon bise lax ou tee w-asLa- creased a fouir ycans cge. It w-ns a. Most oxciting struggie, for tise Britishs nuleaded tiseir warebousea, al l tiod te hurry up tise consiga- moule et ofteqthat w-eacemingi elong; avbii tise Frenciseoeing a chsance, -w-cpt up ail tise tee to e hhad lu U6raace, and w-icked t down teý Cala- la ad DwnirS,, reedy te coume aven at e moect'e notice. Thcy w-ited tor more asurlag ncwa vsbetore sisip- plag over, and tis'y Iad tise advaat- cgc, bec-anse tee is ne-t mach sought afieér in Francec, and w-ns ciseapbisera. Tise French agents ever hbanc trieS te gel beld et lise ne-wis, and bise Eag." liasspecuictors combined le provant their obtaining il, At lasI the( neavas w-ms practicaily contînmeS. The BritLis mercisauts poured -th.-Ir tee in, and avltin a fcav heurs ca perfect navy et Frencis shLps caine withi their cargees, tee.-Tise race avas about evenu; bubtiste Frencismen, wisiing te maksu1re tisat tisaeeaoul ho ne iibe, 'bali aciualiy brougist tiseir owa -gangs etf dock laberers wiii the, it. As migiiho c,ý xpected, tise Engisi "dcSis~'felu foui et thos, a-wI there ý aa AER 'E-11G1T, avscsdelayel tise FnCacis cneig A terrible "sail," avineS nurined a ren:t many rasish epi a itiougist they could geat aisae-t oftise Govera- ment, w-as breugistL about. by e rami- e_-ur, net long age, that t,iso saleoe Spinish brandy aud venie-us pop,-uler liqueurs w-ns cbout t hfooide aitogethen. Tisese peue i t w-ca ,ail, w-ena dangarceusly adnlte-raled, cnd inju1rionS, e"Ld se tiseGvrnn v'euid ban tis-m. Tiaews trutis la-, iL, fer tish hnleae àa isit ber et(ac' tea w-be eL'isec eaü ue eta tmiferate. -T isy 0et- pnic, Snarig tsIars ierumi-l w-ic utsy SaS soSld-oU per haittis pnie tsayw-en bebelte chIaa fe il rein tisinpuÀ hse Tisug, by bbe usuai1 City custoin, lisey seld isundred5 et thons anda et rfpounds' vertis-et geoda ,%wiih hylisad net get, and couid net bave- pald ton if bbhey had. They steed te avin or iose, inL ali, about $10,000,M0; and wheu il wa gLvem eut tisaI prohibition isad -been -abandonad, bisa pniia aent-up, and THEY WERE RUINED. Tisey ceuid net psy fer avbat tboy bcd beugisl on çredll, and e cnop et oven birty baubru.Pteies ivas tise result.11 A "race" wiithb btis Deati and tise Government was stcrted in Bitain wben tise tanieu deatb, duties came mbt force, by wbich ail legacia werc, taxed. Peopla whie bad nsonoy te beave et once mcdo "decis et g-itt" cf prorty te thoir hiser3 te s ca1pe t' ise, hoavy dues. Snaîl pee&pie did nett ed 1the waigisb et tise new orden, but tise wealtisy did, and tise DoSa et Westminster avas one ofthbie tiret Ln tise race, -Ha mcdo tise grant- cce-part et bi% $55,000,00 oer te bis sou, and tiseusanda ef t 01r people did likewise.- But tisane waeaisole tiareugiswicbthse li coul d creep lu, and it did. Ailtise tex-racers tou-nd tisonselves forcod ta pay the ful duties%, as avel as iseavy costa lud law andl "tenormnt"; and tiey disA- ,covered, tee labo, ihat tise Govera- nat wae tee saitt te h be eten in tise "Deatis DityHandicap,." * FACTS AND FiQU_1 TLc profits coù Britlis nailwayS. lest yean was £41,576,378. Tise Britishs ambassador te Frano gesa siary et Ê9,000'wUlic tisa Bnr- tiis abasaorte Genmauy gots eniy 28,900. An autoýmoDbile lanet elleaved te ru atstecr tisan 12 miles au heur La Enain, aviie LuSctlatisa speed limi t La ID mLles pan he>ur. Gernxcny publzibed 23,9W8 books lest ýy'ear; Franco, 13,268; Itly, 9,567; G-reat Bnitoin, 7,249; Urited States, 5,315; Netisanlaude&, 2,863; Boliuin, 2,- 272; Denmarb, 1,198; 'Switzcarind, I.- 000. In tise lest 43cmp fL'ouafr Bni- liis Post Oftice epllmnS fer waen, 4.e86 waveman cLompetead for 828 situations. Tise salenyetimn clierb co'mmences et £55 and mey riâc te £300 per annin. In 1838 wbeu tise Sinius uMade tisa passage f c-om London te Neýw YorS< in seveutean days lt was aensidercd e nemarbabie rua, but tise Great West- eru mado tise rua bclween Bristol and New Yark, bisasaine yen Lit a ittîs lesa (than 15 deyg., Tise lenglsofethfiscGanediaSeaul canal iatweea tise extrema end eft lie cltrace plera is 6;967 tat. Thons ig ona lock 900 fetedby 6ü fooet and tise deptis et walan on tise all a t ewest kaoavwn waaer lavalisL 20 f keb( 3 incises. Thse total c-Lac on leekage !i 18 fted. Tise Suez canai la, 87 miles long-,OS miles et canal and 21 milcs of labos. Iu 1875 tise Britishs Govrameat pur- cbased 176,Ml 2 hanes teinise Kise- dive et Egypt for £,7,8. Tise preeeat value et thae s sares La £24,- 312,000, and lest year bbc BiLis' Geov- ernmenl dcnivede revenue et £k801,- 818 treitisei. ' A reundabout route frein Mont- c-cal 'te Kingston i9 via the Ottava river ttesacity oet tica. and tisence by tise River Rideau and tise Rideau canal te Kingston, e total distance et 245,5-8 m1es, -This route ceuidbo uised 'b.y emeil vessels in casa ed e biockade efthlie St. Laiavreace cenals, but vesil draving more tisan 4 1-2 f-5dfb---tirbbilV net gel through tise Rideau. Tise Trent Valley canal was con-' niaucad by tise Impanial Governint in 1873 but i at et ci cmpleted, al- liseugis c gf deai t ofoey bas beau &pen t frein timae te timo on, improving sections et the route, By tliiSroute tise distance f rcîm Geergie a By, te Lake Ontanlie would ho about 200 miles eit wbich only about 15 or 20 mles3 wouid ho actual canai, tise ne- maluder being m:curp cet e serie cf smei1l labos and nLo~ etoe wicb mus ehimnvd THE KING'S REAL NAISOI Wisat ise King Ectavard VII.'a roal tcmily naine? It us a venry aimpl eue, and te our cana Lt1 doca net sennd at cll Royal. IR is Wettin. ý Prince Albert, bIs father, was Priniceet tise ruiig Houseofe Saxe-Coblurg, oaa cf tise most ancleat and ilutnriens et the Qoveraign tamilies et Europe. Originally Counts oet Wettla, tise heada oet Iis tam1iy,:bacamoii, by in- ilitac,____ by mr-iag, Mar "isi nu was dresse;ýd inun e vvt jieaand lutreu3psara et Lise aineý A eceeS ýand ea a midledelit- lie difficu-lhiu Lein hn isaeu-1 anr day, and prest,ý'iiy ltera becain cequLeýt tatyou could laceýr a ou- Zl-P ' drap.' SOmE EtIINLAR BEbIEu8 WHY CROSSED KNIVES ARE SAID TO BE UNLUCKY. W,Çhat S»iiiing is Ssait Meant--ieXI Luelk cf Breaiking a Lookin_- Glass- The Superstition of No. 13. Why la t !ad luck te croda the Icniveg at tableI Well, tbe original k.nife used at the table was notblaýg leee than the daggen wblch ail men were in their belîs, ready cither for carving the mutton, or for cutting Ibreate. 1Il I Evany aailor woar% the, knife te this day wlLh-î3erves. hLm constautly botb- et workc and at meai-timos, and the beit-knife of the British mariner ls a tbink vary justly dreaded in for- eignaesaportq. lu days wben pivate quarrais WERE ALWAYS FOUJGIIT- eut witb daggeïr orn word-and Ibat 19 net ro veny long ago-the very bc- gianing ef a dispute, made the wem- enfoik nervoue for, thein huebands, bfrothenron os conceraod Ln the an- gumaeut. The cre.sslag cf biadoes wag thse sure aigu cf a figbt and itle ne wonden the woxnen feund coeed kulv"s sg geasllg mieferlune. But there l'--ne rea.on why croseasodkuives on Lac'h famiiy dinnaýr-tabie soud ugge-st the ides. cf dnolllag nwdy.They have ceaàed te mecan bad iuck. 1 spiling tise sait meant ,cesthe wGnat etfIbadi lck, Salt wsuntil quiteliately very oxpensive, a da e ce.ety, as t iLa te-day among the na-1 tîves ef India. Se important was t that tbe flading cf gsalt-sprngs la Cheshire, Engiand, f iret brougist maerchants from lEurope MSte savage Bitain, opeued up' the sariieat Eug- tLah brada, -and led te the civilization of the siand. The very phrase "wonth hi: sat"meaus "woxrtb bis wagea," end «'truc te thair Ealt," le a catch- word te express the leyally of soi- diers te. thein Service. The word sai- a.ny inane a!talb-mney. Bocause t was se important, oid EnglLsh usage piac- ed the sialt-box i the middle of the table, that aIL hon"a mlght be, wilhiu reacli. The famliy and the guesta sat I.ahove tiseealI," the servants "belew the îsaIt,"- and ge thse difference ef rank-'was tnaated between "'G ENTLE I'AND " 'SIMPLE."î Ia thse regalia et the Tewen of Lou- don the sait-box laeuneof the most gorgeons ornamonts, buil like a cas-. île of hLvore, heaviiy giided. Sucis bc- lag tise importance ef lise renl-box, tisa npsettla!g cf t was somaelhlag moYre Ihan an accident. Il was an avenit. But suppose bisat tise guest of tise bouse, or the ambassador frem fonaign parts, iupset the saît, t was laken as a sai"gu that hei betrayed the " bread-and-sýalt"' of (hospilality, turn- ed aZaiagt the bhand that fed hLm,and waa ol niyLutise bouse" as a spy te betray its kmaster. The spillilg of sait was taken as a provLdentLal 'warunag of coming at- tack, of danger dnawing near tise bouse. That le why t becario a-sign ef bad luck. Now as taoeil-iuck of breaklng a look:ing-giass. Bafore thene was sncb a thing as a wonIkbousa thons 'Wene pienty cof poon old women lef t frîeindless, and long pasi, doing any work te win tisain bread. *.*ON LlC ,tJftLley new the herba in the field, and garden whicb were uieful in case of sickness, and they did no harin by SELLING GOOD ADVICE, or a littie medicine, se they manag- ad te keep body and noui together. Tbey were called "wise Wo>men." Whey were supposed te possess powers. It was whispered that tbey bad sold thamselves te the Evil One, Many a poor old woxnan, pretend- ing tIo be "wise,' for the sake of at- tra4etig customers, wvas haled up be- fore the magstrates, charged witb witoeraft, and.burned to death &as a Puinbament. Suppose one wanted te ge.t rid of any enemy, the usual tb!ng waa te consuit the local witch, and she would provide a little image of clay, or a rag deli, aupposed te rep- rasýent the person who wvas hatetl. Stick pins into the, doil, and the enemy weuld suff er, the pain$ of " pins and needies ;" hang the doîl in yourchim- ney, and the eneeny would "burn for aeer;" break or destrýoy the doli, and the enemy would be osertakren with sudden and awful death. The chargea of the witch were real- Iy rery 'moderato, con5iderlng, and it -as gtod to know that you could kili youir eneâmy hy xnrely destroying his mae Even bi% image in a looking glaiss eas nite sufficient, if yen Promptly broke the glass. That is why Lt hecame ýunlucky te break-any look- lng-glass which hnd the bonour of reflecting your face. It Ls certainly a fact that. A LOOKING-GLASS FELL. and broke in the Stato apartmenti at Windsor juast hefore the late Qucen The witches usod te ssii cam, which p fooowadoffai soCrta of dangeCr, anýd that La thz on- gin ff the chaxms worn on watcbL chaina. Most famnous ef aIl talism-ans' ïa the horseshoo, as hUna ven rdoor- waY9, worn as a breast-pln i minia- tuire. OrlgLnally the sign ivasa a res- 1enpt rmoon; but any crescon.ýt was goodl,and breheseere esiyhad, and aecrved juat as weil. T.wo tbousandj yeara ago the GreeksaLad Romns1 the charm as the cym1bol of- the goddiema iana, the char.% whfrh aaved c'esf rom th") evil oye. That La he ngi-prtecion fnom the peu fthe evil ey; nd Uf any- body l'ooka cresways at youi, squLnts at Yo-ýu, o-naksyen nervous hy star- ing,yn au lUonly SavCe younself from beLng blightLed with' ovil by Presentîng tapite cf a C re'scent un sl-e fene e. Abocsshe dos ; but if that1 Laý too cuinhbersomne, point thle firtan and 1*lltlfigeeukg l' hoSec o-nd and thir fngeawbich Makes al Vory Passable crýsPcant gueb- sLdes helng eheaip. h, tlas moatecoomial POPi, dfenld t'emi- aa1vea thlus, wihen theýy meýet an En-. 11311man, a sncp-shot camnera, or cny- tisn;doubtul, Tise superstition about Sitting dewn isirleen et table ba risen train tise aemny oethtie Lest SuPppr. Tisene le tise beginniag of tise ide tisai tise nlumbomr tiirteen is uuilucky in ail -sorts-et -wayB-. -On -tU"eontLueut -yen may SZARCH ALL THE IHOTELS witbout even finding a bedroc n nai- hered lisirteen, Tise uulucky bcdreom lea numbered ns ae mie, -"12 bis," or " 12e," aviichi5 lasuppescd te mairo t partliy qacte te aieep ia. AI Eeg- lias. hotais ense an genernuiy got neoin Lhisrteen avienlise rosI et tise bouse La croisdad. Dfehesa" Drummond Ca3tl'a" enliai on, bar ltvoyage, a passeager turaad Up labo, and f ennd tisaI thons Mai euly eiýevacatebrts In tise cnLin-nuuxnher t-isirteen. lie cjsîncod t, and, se tfan fromu meeting witis had lueS avisen Lise abLp toua- dared off Usist -ho wag tisae niy paassauger aevol. 1Tisa idea theat torty days: et bcd waabisÈ1er felloews relu ou St. SwitbLn1s Day coma frein e fine old Saxon leg-. end. St. Saithin waa Lord Chancel- ler Lnuthb,,neige et King Etiseibant, and avien ser died in tise yean 862, ha letft directions tisai bIs body siseuld ha bunied Lu Wi-acbter Cathedra], but lu soma spot aviseatis a rin migist fealbLa igrave. Attenavards tise meýnba, ihinbiug bthailUwas beneatis the aainb's dig- nity and Iheirs iset ha, sbould hocex- poaed te bise weatbar liSe a common ma, etbaopted te dig hLm up for rnemevai tote seheller oethlie eburcis, Tis a ept aàas a otal taiunro baLng D-evýect, by a delu1,ge ot rein day cf- tan: da,-y for six eebs. Accoirdlag te> tradition, iisay attsnrdr-s aucceed- ad iu maie-rng tisae. nt despite al] protesta frein tise aeathe-r, aad for a tbousand breaxa a toboniS avapoint- cd eut lu-tise catisedral as thatof SI. Switisl. At lest, in 1797, tise natter wa put. tetise test. t Seing a kaeowutact tisai St. Switbin's hiead waa huriad in Canterbury Catisedral. Tisa zculptuned htona wns raised, and nudarnentis t waa tound a abeleton et ema oorporsenae, witb abul coupuatea. Se il seamstbisethbie aid saint iniumpised ovenbise monba, sud euhl lies$ oui under tise nain, wbicis keepa hlm13. eckldinlamcmory, A CORNER IN CARDS. France Makces e Profit Ont of Their Manufacture. 0f ail bise way et ofpnotecticîZ an Lu- dulstny, that edepted by tise Govera- ment et Franco, feir naking a profit eut efthtie manufacture et carde muet certciniy take menS ebeiug emong tisa strangesi.» la tise final place, tisae e ne hait-. heartedacas about deniing witis fer-' elgu compatihion, for tise importation et carde La simply proisibiLed; aviile tbe manufacture i% ce hedged La by severa inwa tisatit La Luicomparative- ly tew band5, One eft tiee Sanda, et icasi, ig Gev- ernicutl, fer the papen on wisici tise suite are prntcd la mcnufactnncd by tise Goverument, aviic is mures iLs exclusive use by proiiintha ie card maakene% frein employing any otber. Furtisermore, tisa Goveruament doe- not ellew anyeno te maSo bise court card%, or tise ace et clubs, tisa plates for Ibeae beoeglng te tise Stete, avihs morely isella tise slips et print- cd paper te tise maker, vise bave cmliy le celeur tise n ad priaI lise cemmon cardj on tise speciai paper a bicis Ihoy have te- buy troua- tise pro- perly coutituted authorilis. Our wbut thiey are scarcely se ex- ponive, for an excellent pack can bq bought for tweuty-five cents, and there jes sarcely any demand fer carda wbich are dearer than fenty cent% a pack. Vesselg Of 4,000 tons eau ascend, the St. Lawrence te Montreal, a distance of 1,000 miles f romn the sea4,. Oniy one other river in the wenid, the Amazon, Las navigable, te such a d&%tance for craft as large. 11OURS IN AUSTRALTA. l3hop-assistants in AustralLa work enly flfty Jhours per wee k. In flallar- at every sýhep, except those of tobac- coniats, fialimongers and hairdrossors, cloaeea at 6 p.m. for the first four daya of the week, on FrLday at 1 p.m., and on Saturday et 10 p.m. The mn- jority open at 8 a.m., te ho swept and duaited hy errand-boye, the as- fiitanta arriving at 8.3) An hour la allowed for dinnor and on Saturday an ibour for tua, the total being about fifty hours' labour per week. There are also eight or ten whoie holidaya in the year. THE SENSE Oh' SMELIL It la saLd that the sense of 8-mel1 ýi3 v2xy mnch' keenerwhen the mouth ili f lled -with watcr.- An-applicatiln- m.ey becanadei of tins when it La thîoýaght that the house a îcu f re. Doctors-put this plan ïn practice when calLe.d to a casa of poi'oning frein prussi13 cLd, for thie only way of d- Iis viruleant poison is hy the ueOf tihe olfacto-r nerves. IL le suggasted thnt the ;dýŽa would bc of va1., lue bcoolks wh leriba n-aéead WIDOWS' FLAGS. la Suniatra,, iif a Woman [s lft a widow, iimoedinte,y efter ber bus- band's deiatb, sha plantsa aflagstafl ut ber doo;ýr, upo, wiCh ai f lag Le raisod 1o lng' isIkf£ag nemai!ns untera by tise "win4 tha et Liquette of Suimatra forlb'ds bet, [c marry7, but at the fîa ren, lwearti'ny, Leecan Lay aside bepr wesadacceot the tIpo1itebegabut ýl'in ba)ýdly in I wud, ifyoru dese'rVe bclp, said thý kLnUd lady ssiLusy fIwaýs tgive yul ýaÈenthat wndyen1 Yc.u r gen-areaity olovrhi ns", a'am I.'d lbuy a patcard nd( wfLte ou anLbteofthna For tisa tirai, time ýilace ber iift) li- ganý, 44 lyears ago, Emily Hennis, nsed onily te icemmon print and cheapoat weated, waga ln a acek satin gewn et richaslt texture and adora- ad witb bbc softest and finest ef lace et tinrent and wriste. Tisa long-boped-for timie bcd come et iast. Il had beaens net on ýchar- isised dreams,such a a as lis, niais aneugis for -apy avenl-ttai mgbt coma labo ber quieh tcf. $he lied hep- ad and »Ipaaned fer Lt se many timaee sinca ber woddlag-day; but there were many ways la whihi their isard- aaruod moey muet go-more land ta ha added ho the faim, and Iben more baun room te accemmedata tise Pro- dueLs'etflsd iand ; isete, a note usai muaI bea mot, and thon isad coma tbc cbildjeen'a educallea, and Inter, as a Sed rejanit et ail thoýse, tise montgage on tise faim. Yeaiar ater year bcd passed hy, ece finding ber a lutIle iess abiele copo w;illse isard ialliy bofettise farm, nd leavlag b- er witi a few more ail- ver b .3rad nla er once binek bain. Tisaebidr ea-, tmew grewn le manbeod an waned , bcd paa-cb intuîrn, laft tieodfhsue mdaifigeneoui 1Lato the %v 1'tho sCS taou,,rc and for- tune, fuiiy luten-diug wbelisese(,zý wcro won, hotanak e enLer frmother."' 'And sthisswaet iLdaunii1imer day5 b'er aÏlver wedding day, tbey badI ail gathoed bohreataI bbcdean oid hom,-bhe ivor.-hairad miniaber, wbo isad married Ibein 25 shoort yeane Cge, bisa many trIondaetofben girl- hood daya, nnd tise kind-heartcd nalgbbore, wbem saba bcd scarcsiy met, se bnay, se fuof et to, bcd been ber quiet lite. But te-day seemed made aapeciaiiy for, ber, and, ail work, bobh udeerse ad eut, bnd been laid aside, on tiI, ber beaubLful aiiven wfddling day. r 1Flowers, ton wbLci s se bcd a] wayi longed witis alove aimesi akin té. Pain,' ware scatbored about tbbc 1111e parler hu profusion. Old-fasbîoaed china bewls,, fillad with Masses et Pink and, whita sweb peane set b-oeand tisare, and from a quaini, bail jar, pure white hllies bnealhed eut frag,- rance frein their golden hennis, and dearesi t ail, within hon Ibla, wora bandaf, brougisi te hon by ber bus- band, haif-epened roses and ereemy white, agaLnsi bbe richaessoetber gown. Flac- growu-up, boys and gicle plcd fiowec-s la every roin, carna- tinbecause "mothor ioved carna- t*,,is," ad roses, " lire mether Lad aI home svben aise waa a girl." Thila waO Put bueehocauae "mother Iîiked Lt se"and that waa laid thora beceuist "htwas motheir's place ton Lb." Eaoh1 aievelry thing was% donc with bise soetiougist et mothe4r. IAnd ",mother," hew beaubiful sa lookad te these, ber neuet anddan est 1 Uer silvered bair arranged ii shining waves,, a smis on ber lip, tise ec rbb of eter gow-n ead tisa ibaauty and fragrance eft -the fIewe,,£r.s, ajil combiaiedle inake a chaîrming_, pic- tle. "*How beantiful mother L," wbispoc-ed tisa h'ougest daugisbor,the baby ofthtis flock, wîitis newiy awaen- ad vifion, tae ber father. Out of Iloors stood a silang car- iogo dmavui by two black bosses, wises mooLis coats aboas hike satin In Lis, ýun. Foin vary eon tiey wero le bake a ride, do-vu lie pleasant, shaded rend that led te tisevlae "1to tired",te get ready for a ridje, was going, too. But not with father -ah, ne I Mother ivas going alcna- in thes beaxae-fo>r ber beautLfui h ver wodding day wan aise ber burlal day. ASPAIIAIUS FAVORITES. Plain-Af tan trying varions wasre cooking asparagus 1 find that thâe family verdict favora the taiimplet metheyd. Otherways witb mPlc or eggg may bc good for, a changP, but wtb out question tbe natural i ad wo sema taste of thevtbe better than any other. Out the bunirebos in two, peel the iewer -haîf -of bbctaîks as far as the bard -w.ite ena, ut thase off, waas hoberugbi,l i ay la bunches and cook in boilin salted water tblnty minutes or tit[[!ton- da-r, drain, butter well and Lev ol, With Cream >auca.-Cut off ail tough parts of asparagu,9 and tie lhe tender staljks lin bunches%'; put asýpana- gus bunches lai boiling watîer suffi- cienul to cover, add a littho saît and hoil tlu tender, place ibc bunches of asparagus upon slices of toast. Re- mova the, blring wilh, whicb buncbes Werla tied and pour over asparagna a cecain ;auce mcdo thus: A cup swcot crearn, a cup-of the asparagus walc.r, a tables5poýon fleur,ý butter wize Isalf an cgg.- Lel eemàe to a- bell. Thia- La a vcry good recipa for asparagus, and La u.sad la our horne a great deal. DoLlcd linVinegar.-Boeil asparaguis in sgaltcd water until tender. Lift from the, water and drain. Out la short lengths, being particulan bo remove ail bard parts. For dreaaing, lako a pLace of butter the xize cof an egg, put lu1ri ai rtipnolncd lot brownl sligbhly. A É13;3Iis tr(e.-feýunlhq cup vngr Lot ceme to ea houl, thun peur (oer the aspnausad 1sand te otable aealg o. it CCOMKNG VEGETA1BLýS,. 'De net laet your cook lake teeo thicli a i md off la paring pot'atoas. The best 'partett pta0 IL 't'e ;Lanean the Onuhot her bhaud turnpashol bavaý a thk i lad pared off. The tur-. nip bas un (Uetr 1part that dPetro3ys tha, £lavoir of thï, whole if' net thor- ->ighly remn)eed. Onions. sho-uid net bead [0 te tew oyr put la te cn0k with anybin d unlil they have been behlüd for :about ay. Cnbbage are 1botte2rbol it soddelan d npl'aba blçà -SxXPý -Lý t Ils, ereý m8 1 Li- -L W., a Y--,- 4h- Ir- i ---da are smaller thaiil ](à n"ICI ajveý,Lyýla_ DQi Il -r -L -1

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