copl c iesik eýts, lislrifle , ant emmucitio>n anIdw-bte lse asesful ha cuCfL, lbiljk cËila1i1i, urrr. Tise-s- w csaas thua t bout L10 sal-us ffthe ennli r h :7 ieagh if ia -mal [l, th" isanei. 45 xnleg.'Uant. F Huangry Hgis-o oyenthL)nk? Weay Wtkla-Iveknicwed yeni seace to ecrl uigbtis, haticnv- ex san e anmaton bout yen yul. I i T Uri.]tI flTnira Lluil e * toy f is eseeor seS i îînî- 4b <0 e, Lest la asi IJeuPeck. O' v i, Wben -we bad ccînXa tei anchor la Tiiybey ced ail the saila werc r-afcl2y atoiwed, ibe ceptala o? car yacht propos-d thai wo sbeuid go usabome atI sua the celebraied Cern- eau f ilsý Boýb, my compeiionakeal, "Cube-. 'ratud for whbeit?" "Oh! foar several ihinga," raplied the "i bila rnany ecquirernnancat lu'iedge. Boran antI brougisi up on ibis eeasi, hbe lies passed al bis Ile lira, witb tise exception o? tisa ibre ypuera bis father waeabche te sent ita te s oeool, but those ibrea years bu zmatIe use oetut lay tise foundation cf a wodrful clora cf prcaical knoxvi- edgu. Mis soheoling, as 1 bave said, wýya but tisa foundauicn; Ly readieg antI observation bu bcd atdaedt e:it la a. marvuilous way. Frein bis iearly training andthie lifu crf every oea on the, coudt, it, veuld _-o %viliseut 9saying that lie knows bow te shoot>', but bu la more iban e good aLoi bu- is a "tluadly" sisci. Aayihing bu aims bis gun ettt is aithin shoot- [tmg distance La tIed., As a salmon fisér, àxoe crack angler avio visils thésu3 rivera oan boipe te compute wilbhlm. "As e liagniat ha can spFiak, recýd antI wriUe la Frenchs, Englisis, Latin and Indien; besidus tii, ha oaa taISk raipidly la the dumb alphabet. i-e helda the jositiûn o? telugrapis oper- etor e- t Tîlity, aIseo? posimasier untI îfsbery ovurseer, *antI besidas, i'inacytlŽlcg goes wrong w-us tise line, osfr idO miles euat or w-st, tise department imrnediately wires bimtt goar£lix tiseta up. 1-' bas More than a- faim kcewl- edge cof Medicine fer oea w-ho derived cli is insigis frnm ruading clone. Lest entamer tisera waa anu pidernie cfnieashes alaloang thé ecal arneng bLtisutes antI IndiceL Hure witb a ' pepulation cf 150, tivo-thirds cf wbom were dewn, Comecu, w-be atiended ilium, did net bs one patient, aviila ait Bersimis, w-beru tise dapariment sient a full-fledgud M. D., (hure avare 39 brada eut cf c population cf 450. "Yen nMay be aune the peer people ail aloug thé ceesi love hlm." Se tise boct was lowarad away, antI the captain, B.ob antI I rsssvd ashore t e se Iis paragâa. Frosa thej cuisidu Icok of the place I ceuld seutisa ma waes onu cf geod teste antI ondarly. Tisaý kncck aitisae dean was ensw-ured by Co>mean bimsel. 'Tise caplain was --'racaliy acqueinted with bit aend ~iodus hafore ave actered. I S-say I-was disappoiated. Onu, -,aysý is whua b bas piclurOd a ii~esn l bis mind'a eye antI f ada in tlarealiiy ba la quite c di?? un- ui kind o? person. 1 bcd Icoked for Comeu te heaa Parge man antI abisterouso e frem bis position cf snpanrienîty over Çothérs. On the contrery, I fonad bita baiow tise mediuma, a quiet, lew- voiced man, resurved ema te sby- nass. I scw et once hé w-es a great observer, onea who weulid maka, de- ductions f rotai apecks invisible te erdi- nary people,; on, le otiser word.s, bu conîýd put laýve andtI wo togetiser antI doveicil tbem btter than mcdt mec. - \Vew-re n irad laclaig3, cI cen, iry roominlathéetaitdIe of whicisast a very gcd-locking lady inae roorny rocker, ailis c child on eecis Scea. If Cemecu birnaila ireaerved antI not inolinud te tclk, h-las-wle enu doaen- cugis fer botis. She uxcusad hersai? for net rising wben isur husband la- troduccd us. NotItLng Iow-n et ber bais1, s sit: "Yen sea, I arn. fix- cd"Oaa cotd ses aise is a proud xnoihr-tisy avre tavina; this shu a",t usbefe)re w-eve seated, and shue lunthér infe-riet us tisai ihey wena thé oenly 1w-la on tise Labredor. Se ehais scabrated aisei. W'Ie vegel feinly settilud ca Coin- cus dan, tliu conversation naturaliy drifîcd intoiunting and fising. Bob -ad o seairquinias about the pools otheu Tniiy. Te inake bis expiana- tiotri clear, Comucu puhletI eut a rearo? pliclegrapbic viuavs cf the river,. la rummegi,,ng tîLes-e ovur, be caI asidu a geila edl."Excusa --me,"1 I ecd, eachag ver andtI tking np thé edlOn il I read.àungraved: 'P a te t N. A. CoMpau bytisa U.. il. S. fer BraveryissA Saviug Lile." pusa ont in a trail, xvooo>ua cano aione and iha darknese comltng on ie the blacki gafin lumid-4vnter re-quir- ed a brave man, wýth extraordiuary nerve to dure it, andtM hi Comeau did. Three iuuteF cf ter pushiag out from the beach, canes ad mana wera stalwdup in the drina.The -ne-xt the peo>ple cof Trinity huavd cf ita was a'Lega i essage on thse second day after. It read: -Ma- t-ans. Ail tbiree alive, J&-saph, banda f rozen; 'Simon, bath fet roz-. This message was te is fuily, b3ut thse Matana pseplca sent a mub là'nger oaa to the goverameat giv- ing thse factuý, deacribing the bard- chips thusa Wn haibd coenathrough, ,ad a apscial-train xvas sent down with the hast surgeon aroru Quebec. On the surgeons arrivai at Matane a consultation was held with the country prautitianer, when it waa de- cide t ibt thea man, Joaeph, weiild bave to>lo1etwo f ingers oni uach bcnd and Simon bath fauet. Tbeamrputation xvas successfnlly carricad out nuxt day, andI shortly aftsr, when Gcea aw bath mun ivell oce te rco,,eýry, ha startad for hi,s home, flot, hoýtvavar, by tha xvay hie ied comia, baut up te Quebuc by th,- nouthi shora antI do'Wn the nortb shore frota Quiebso, a distance cf nearly 700 miles. The Tst 100 ha madie on rtnewvýioaes. Tise ccptaiaj toiid ug that thu de- scriptioni of tbis vury vunturesorne trip bu had huard frein Comean',s, owa brothuer as thée eder one, nad desorib- cd it ini tisa hart off bis fÊaaiiy. lia had reachaied he Lu pokte the hast cf bis Djudgment, about 1,- mibes from the a lnd, andI lid remainked on bis cars andI hallooed once or tqwicu' with- onttaceiving an ansiwer. Hae sud- denly bcthcogbt hLimself cf the ian-1 volai. -hLna ha lL. tutu sshed tu thie blade o4f ornn of the carsi, and urecteà it alof t. Immediately a faint cry wao heard (,eatise eastward, and bu Ilàwered bis ligbt andI pulisd cwcy in the directiota whenaa the cili appuar- cd to carne. Aftar rdwing for a ehart timie the latern was wavad again abovia andtI i i ue an ans- (wiring saoit came froni close ati hand. lIThe two poor fallowýs wera. some distance ln the peck, andIbcd 'get on the largeast cake tbey ccUld md Tbtey wers sitting tharu hebpl, hold-, ing on eccliby ans han, e he rough surface on the lue, antI witbi the olher te their cenea te kuup it f rom bing washiud off., By (thea aid of tisa Lantera heltI alof t, Cemean scw there xvas a muoh largaer cake of ice Semae distance fer- tiser latise pack. iTo this they mcdo thuir way ivitb labericus trou- ble. Pusbing oaa canee as f e, aheed among the icu, as possible, the'y would aýl tliree gui inta this, shovet thu cth- ur inaedvancu le the semc wey, andI se, rupeaaing )the procusa tili they reachud thu s-olid field. Once safeiy oni thislfor ,tis muantimie, seue place, food was partaken cf andI day- ligbýt waiteJ for. Soca, bowever, the intense coltI ba- ga te makuý itsulf fuît, an.d drowsi- naesa was first teking boltI cf the two meni, and tbuir great wish was to bu eft t lone and cllawed te sluup. This Comecu kaew if indulgpd muant, tIetb, andI h teck al lus efforts te keap ihera awaka and moving about. Ouwhule ctteading te the baîf- brecd, bis brocubur-i-n-laîw dropped down and was fat asLuep le an in- stat. Couteau boxed bita, kîcked hlm, witbout hcviag thse desired cf- feot cf rcu.§Lng hlm frota bis stupor. At at bic betiseuglit him of4 wbat an olti Indian bcd dons te bita under som2wbat sirnîlar circumatancus. Hie canglt the man's noisu between the thumbi cnd fing-er antI tweakud ih aevuruly. Tbis bronght hbita te is Liet ad mcd te fight. Day ýwcs now bruuking andtI tby could -eue the south 8horsaet a cota- puted distance cf 110 miles. Comean alse saw tbat theu Lau paclý wes drif t- ieg steadily eat, and this, if tbey' re- inained on the lue, xvcuii carry thum past Ccp Chat, thse tact northern pinrt of the sentis coat, and this met duatb te a oertainty. A repitI train of tbought went tbrough Comeeu's brain. He decided that if scved 'thay were taobc, it must ho by 'pcsing ovar that 10. mles ýýof mcving, grinding H. e fored srne f ood on the otha1rs. Tb'y abandoned tise roll of biankuts, whiicGh bcd been of ne usde te théin, antI, sart,-d, nsing tise canous sea-setw fashioan, as tbey bcd done the3 nigbt b,,fore. Tbuy Tf t thé cake of be upa-n hich they ha d pase-d the aigbt et-8la.m., and oniy gol eshore aetiha extrema point cf Cap Chat et daylight euLxt moraîeg. At uirnes thuy would cornu corosis nar- rvlusof ivater, but th s,,lne'ai- ways ran et rlgbt englua te tiste di- rettion ia wbich thuy weru gcing. Several times, wben Stopping upon what was ccasidared, a strong, piece of [ou, onu of the party would ha immersad la the coltI, ornai watur, and ha res-cuud with gzruau trouble ccd WHY GROW BACON HOGSI RBecausa it xiii give hoga withbobnc. Good bonea wanted, to enable swine to pamture svull, to keep them on tbeir feet under thé heavy pressure of forced feeditng, and to keep at bay sncb troubles as rbeumatism and gent more especially in beavy brood sews and aires. You cannot make a bacon pig witbout giving bita good bone. -The- food-that-[ne-essenti-al to,-make- good bacon cannot do otherwise tban to produce Igood bonc.,1 It will gîvE nSi bogg with good breeding propertiee, by wbicb la muant the property of breding regularly, fecundity or tbe powur te preduce raany at a littctr, and gond milking and nulrsing propertiee. -With good breeding qualitiez as wlth gond 'bone, yen cannot grow geed bacon, witb- ont eecurming both, for tbe food that Produces igood bacon ia conducive te Production of Igood breeding and goed nursing, qualities. Tbe bebavior of tbe Improved Yorkshire and the 'Tam- wýortbag sustains the views just given. Tbes5e are at preeent pre-eminently tbe bacon breedaý, and thuy are pre- eminently disting-nisbed by their good breedng and ~iursing qualities. jAnother reason is tbat it will give boga witb ail roýund stamina, that is to aay, an animal tbat Ls active 'on bis fauet, alwayg ready for bis food and able te put it te a goed use, oe that will stand forc'ed fucding witb out brcaking clown, tbat dees net readily fail a prey to disease, sires that are active and useful te a ýgcod oid age, and dam.5 tbat will giadden the beart of thuir owners by the abundance of tbuir production and by the bhandaume avay [n wbich tbey neuirisgh theta. But areiot pige of tbe bacon types barder feedera tbnn tbose of other types ? I believe tbuy are, says a writer. Tbe experience of all tbe pazt bas tendeg to show tbe close relations betweun ,tbe compact form, that la, to say, the forni of tbe lard bog,9end easÉy ke.eplng qualities. Tbe infexence, tberefore, [s legitimate, that the moe distant the remove froni this type the more foed relative- iy tbat lwiIl bu, used ia making n paund of pooek. Se far na knewn ute the xrit- sr it bus not been demenstratcd by expexience that tbe bacon pig is a barder feeder tban the lard hog. But Ln tba, abs3ence of sncb demonstration it %Vill ba fuir te concedu this, We mat not leap to tbe conclusion, bcw- ever, tbat bacon awine are bard feed- ers. Good digestion is matter cf transmission as well as form, hence tbe feuding nualitiee of the bacon pig have been improved by generations of careful breuding. The meet that can ba eaid, tberefore, is tbat tbe bacon pig tbough probably tact se easy a keepur or feeder as tbe lard pig 1S flot a bard feeder. The compariszon, tberufore, stands thus: The bacon pig La away ahuad cf tbe lard hog lna trungtb of bone and in the capacity to graze well, a qnaiity 'wbicb strungth of boue bringa witb it, La gond breeding an nnrsing qualities, and la ail round stamina and vigor. And the lard pig 13 Probably Aomewbat abead la tbe qaality of easy fueding. [s it neot true, therufore, ýbat tbe swiine grow- ers -111i be compelled in tbe ligbt of self interuat to grow the bacon pig ? But tbey Xvili also bu compelled te de Sn te Imeut the grcwing taste in flav.- Or cf leaner meat. lEvidences ef this grmlvieg taste are found in 'tbe dis-. crunination go, Ircneuncadiy sbown againat the ponderous steer and the heavy lamb. And Lan tbe bighur price, tbat dealers pcy even now for perli cf tba bacon type, wu cen legitimate- iy eXPeot tbat that difference will ha increaed. I$ iLtafot evident that our growers cf $,xviee will bu ccmpclied te grotw tbe bacon pig, at leat in tbe modified form? PIIACTICAL DAIRY NOTES. The cow l a the onu safe foundation for mixed farming. Fruits, grains,bay ad field exropz in general, when soid off the farm, exhanat the soil rapid- ly, and the longezr sncb crops are groWn, the greater must ha the ex-. haustion of tbe soiT, or the greater Julien I1.l»ls Says lie Got t Lie tChe 1-Si0und. Oae may penrhiapa gain wltb difficul- ty seomps undlersltaýndisg' o? a Scot- tiab piper's eppeai ta bis ceunt-rymuan. Julien Ralpbi, in "Au Ameinlan 'silb Loa7d Reharta,ý," aays that wben bu wats la camp upcci tie veldI, hbutwas awaie'd vcry icning by thse oipenin g grona cf, n hagpipe, ftic re- vaeille of Onu cf tise Highlind butýta- lants. -Tise prping couxtnaud Ion -ai lenIt t ixteen beaxs ai a strutch. At firsttihi1s quer music came as c 1noveuLiy. Next it roised my ouri- osity u t apipuris laving eiliexr tise will or slre.ngth fer alixteen heurs onl endI, with ne o nger pausa than tise m1Inute it nequired te change frontuoe, tune te anottier. Thon tise uweasiAg noise began te naddca me, antI I cursd tisa pûýpeîs. as an instru- ment of tortsure. TheIis- per walked tu acnd fre salau-g-lb cthie gi- miajet's linos, andth ie air w-es foul cf zuz-ziz-ziz, like tibiabOeof a demioa hue, hle tisa nearer il carne, the mers Lus naiai cloirds mastered tise netigischobod .ced qivard ina my vuery bonuls. At lest, I caniset tell ho-w ht cazane about, 1 girew te like the sound, antI te miss tise melody wbsn the piper avas afur anAalay tisa buzzing came te my cars. Wien- h Wffais si eurh played upea mny hed(y aic Irny sunses, My pen a eualw-us iiLepurpie musdo cf t1ise reels, my b1cocd waurd ucder tJist defLantoaig ?t isebetile- sôngas. A pjeast "'sadnasa possessed nie wisuatise -tu eweaplacintive an-0, gray. ,Wlthoutt a drep cf &Schclbocd ini mne, 1 yul bugan toilove tisa Scotch,> andto tetake an linte.ret nla cliIce'ald sca or leai)n o? tse-m. Ja tmc I usad te leaverMy camp acd oces Lb-e cier- roQw la ne teo tise Hisiia nders,, te wva tc h a piper na isawork. TiseaI dise-vered tisai there wcs net alesoleppur; a acrucf mien siared the Lardon. They stood ia lino, paiiatly xatchin- as the miasi- clan e? tise miomenitaiaked jeuntily up1 antI tOwn, jusl tenciiuîg bis tees te tisa veldIiiîku a mia pracuisiag te waik on ecîgga. As ha héited the f iy- 'ing ribLons x-ud fal baside tise drones, atItie pipa :'wXUIld bu passed to anether insee. Than off atrodu the fres player, witb ýthe aireaimirs fioeting, bits bipa a-wuying, bis bead he1d bigs, eand bis tees battioncbiag thse grdt. 'Once I huard c, man Say: "Gi' metisa pipes, Saady. 1 oan tu-il ye wisat naeisdy bats saidI." - UNDE VELOPED'WEALTH,. Nortll-WrVst Canada te Sove tihe Food and Fixel Probicu.,. A bicick of terrilery ea thousai miles square; 64n,000),0i0 consecutive acres o? the ricWýst ps l a lnds la the warbd, 'w-bioh yie1[ld oncultivatien thé strongesit Idb2st grain, aven put on any maret, says iL-ý bondon Ex- Coantignous te, ceundrî ta iis immneacre, are islar ,guai ct-cl-. fialde ithat bave e'er bye adis- covened; barge anonghis oesolve the fuel problaiu fer an idfiiapaniod; goltI, ailver, antI cepp. r, are in abun- dance, antI, cave ail, ibunsr is cny qucantity cf w-alunpcwu Sncb le Ncnrtb-Wuest Can,.-ada, as des- oribad tI athe Royal Colonial Institute by the Rey. Jot-hn MoDougal; antI cli this riuh ceuntiy is la touais witb the home markets through British rentes, no foreiga ýpower ]ying in Letwaen. 'eLadtisa BrLitiali Gayveramant," urgýed Mr, MeDugcll, "tekuea practi- cal laterestin thiis greàt portion cf our Empire; tura the3 trend cf ami-. gration that waý, poputha'soim- mun-se areas,- multiply -ilia'prctIncing powen cf the nation, anii thu e core te tisa bornacountry e sure antI car- tuis focS on;pply, as aise an ever-in- creasing f iebd for commercial enter- priseancatInlvestmrnt cf capital.- BLIND 1'MAN'3 BUFF. Tise cônstency e? human f inger O c'rLoua, sQa .tor haera is -noencd. prints bas cblefly been tilacussed le Akron, 051-o, U.S.A., lias a sactor connectien aith tisa identification e? noveltY 'le ils self-propelied police- criminels. Assumicg tisaitishe evitI- va!1 n. a tisLs tot-data cazrnage prisonera are conveyed te antI frota enca of linger printsis la beb admis- tise pouce station te tise prison. Tise sible, in criminel proceeulings, lb xviii van is loft. 104g and 411. 41a. w-tise. be net ouly nacessexy to prove that Tisa veisiale bas a maximum speed o? la thé casge etise semae man the lin- taventy mielas au isieni, w-igiss 5,500 lb, anal ceai $3,000. Tien thiae is the ger prinla rXemain unaltered, Lut tisai ,lactrie motor-man, n, decidediy le- ne tw- e pesons bava identical linger goieus novelty. hitconsista o? c prints. Wbue la ise avidance o? Man cof BrohtIîngnssgien propor- t bis V , tiens11, w-ho Pulls a vesiie bebicd bita. Tisane are prcbabiy 1,500,000,000 min In ha is inturrier o? ibis life-like figure, antI women on the ecnuis. Cen w-e w-klh stands 7ft,!, i,lainseigist, la suppose iliat netavo cf tisuse bave thie mter w-ish dnaavwstisa car. Net idunticul linger prints? 'Nor, indead, onliy is iblis f igmane a saulf-pr peiic4' is tisalal. Wce may bec eomperng one, hut t Ils aiskmsa ad relis ils ees thé linger prints of a. living mien eitb iMitaiinig te a cicety cîmeat evcry tisee foeaw-ho bas baun deatI for atizon o? tise originialoeniviich i i yeers pai, andtIhis doctrinu o? bure- feundutI. Tise mucior-man is capable dity miglit lead us te expct te f lad cf covening tw-ekty miles an heur. similar linger pinis in tise casa of A Fientais enginuer bus dacignatI an parents and, cildren antI o? differ- inguceicosa apparatus, a Slnd o? meon cit ciidren cf tise semae parants. av-his maY Le attaeoisud tesafront lsaet all eveais, certain tisai if tii oâcf1a1v vehs-ille ia-a driven liSe e hersa. linger pint systat avenu, once intro. ~Ils, laovdtIw-lihrains for steuieig duced lnae our courts cf justicei tberê nI tppgtise tanichine. A. pull ce w-enld hany amlount c? wrangiing' e er rein tana tise apparurtus le as- te aivistisr they w-ara ideatical or tiec1 epning ietcwhl oniy simîlar-. experts Oos'tredicting jteady pull on botSl reis's sloaws cown ecci eise anI ivoligtis w-oistise motor anal e)pp1iesý the braku. subjeet la confusion. iTisxiaralaise a s,-(n4ary pair cf Mereaea, professional crimincliea frbigngte ehll- oa w-cuLd probahiy econ lied soeamode ri-sfrBuiigli nst eri te c e? eltoning thuir iniger prnts. Nciidt-l.Btii ieietari deub iftis pusonavio cmmitednaviy molor ia thse w-tend la bat bu- d,ý1bÈ fý he ersc wh comitud g urectual hy saremncis dcoer, ie a crime-c merder, for exemple-bas a-vhsitais b intend., aitis tw-e students,' luI i tise impu lai o? bis finger on any- Ite niake a, tnùp'round tise world. Lt tising il may prove an important cleav' Lut théecaa3tbing may ha sald 'ofaili osintain- twol sleeping epavrnents, theiml)rnt f h-ýboos-,orshGs.a lairge w-onk-seom, acd fax large [telu ipi ietbingboosndrabpýous.tans for atornAg cil. îî wiîî an- Bsatahelihnu. gcda idquesiiicnably Le tise large-st moton Lot nie point oui anoîban dif-ficnlty. uvur buiLi. Ie a Country w-hure usure areca Lrge number of critaincîsw-hase linger SUIITS 0F FI SH-SIKIN. prinist are collected tisa ni'mber cf iwavudenletebdrse thlse aili saon Se very lange. IRoar lwwud ô ietob rs jong avuld il tais e to examine, efluir-aly, freti yonr nec te your ibis collection in ordar te lied cat boots, ln a grhâenis matIe o? fiab-sk'ne?, avhtber any o? them correspond ac- Tisera are many races le tihe fan North curaîeiy witb tise linger priais c h btaertss ii-kaoeha e m Lua av tiso isne a accu ssanes tisa simple reasen tisaitisera is noe w-cnt Itinris, ha a eeleseau. ib ten materiel evailable. Salmon- Tisa ligerpriis my L itpon-, kin, w-iss" matIe inte clothes by tise ant ie thé dutuctîca ofcfrime w-ban-' iniabitants o? tisanrnthera sbores' of evur a criminel bas luIthîe prntl ISibunia, is liSe kidtiDlaeppuarance ced of bis ling-era beisiad1h*lm, ITdenet sÏel nSa; bati l l tengier-in 4act, dispute, but w-tiuent - muaihsstrea1guP ales a t s c prcmet. isl eviduance fiien 'tva ncw- poceas 1', 1tisai nu- yd yeleow- 'antI raacd ndigo, antI tavo perseais luc ve unist,,irguissebG'lDL emaof tisa garments mb ow-hichis linger prînts suacis vdnc hi i3 madIe are higbiy ernameýntad. The neye3r te bu pemttadtecuavigs ents arae eavn toge-thýr -th fine w-bi ppcre t L a clraiy ci Iread, aise matIe of bsi. Tise isecer aib-.cile ýr edgus a re gbrai ord- I ra aits isiýs-in band of CAUGII lIS RAUL dansindigo b>1ie, antIabyatisis laa CAaxrcw 11S -tri-i3cýf- ua-.-Tse ibus- iv Tia oloy ncancdotLca s-ent liy ie1iairUyb - 'uiaic nd hiuntlag. anofie rin lets Tmcesvaal, aýS-irnon, avisicisascenid îLe nivers, are Lliailiur staple bd,adtI tsaskins, cf 1er w-ur his~ en te ouds2ftiecelg trea-teal 1by thUe avcaiMen/ .w-beare cýýamps. It atnreily boaofficiel udepis, poid ILe Mstidurable conirmtio hu bPPil; hi ou l,othes anycnea coald w-ishfor. affect ils mui-s as asoy Te laue- n 'r ?Biaat itiee' es(Wydo liey rcilia harber aeig 1about trnsof pece cea- nts n susAipoe T as 'Ne îsnr, endiaa' c tt athbuh ge odo,' Wi 3ta a wetcs ermrsdSuiIg madIe afiel,"aards, a tr'ain w-adbuiInp atIinse? pa tl->f iis m-usical-box qctt n the Delaigea lina, net VerY ce nyLitsy. Gvngyrel- fer froni tise place o etig" Iairsî e IaCi dct1 VIc Si 1i -c,, -T n-ar ilsque an anal.L lliieNbutbusvy drw a l IT Tlîv-nD-ný (ILITITU M illYrillirniTil Frony the 1taUks. Tp - c 'Although the RmodeLrn recorde cf the lir-itish Army eGntain enly one not- able inetance of a General who. bas "won hie way upward from the ranks -top wit, the famous and gallant Hec- tor Macdonald-in Loreign armies it Lï by no means rare to encounter such promotions. Geineral Murat, whose name will ai- ways a bassociateld witb the monu- menital figure of Napoleon I., began life. as a shop-boy to a Parisian baber- dasher. Joining the armay as a priv- atesoijei, he-distingnished. hitseif by varions cleeds of gallantry, and finally xose to be; Marshal of France, wbviist at a subsequent date bis Im- pariaI master eo'nferred upon hLm the titlo of Rzing of Naples. Again., Genexal Bernadotte, aneth- er iatriL-inig figure of the Napoleoünic ag-e, made ihis, fira9t appearance as a siolier as a private in one of the Ger- man regimenta raised by the British E2ast India Company. In recognition of Ma, grcat a:ad abiding services Na- poleon net enly p.romoted bim to the grade of generalsbip, but later on gava hi= the kingdom of Sweden. The preýsent ruler cf that country Lsaa descendant of tbe bcroic commander. Perhaps., ho-wever, ono of the most extrao>rdýnary inilitary careers of the Firat Empire was that of GENERAL AUGEREAU. Preylons, to the Rievolution of 1789 tbis, fani eoldiar was meruly a ser- geant in the Frenchi army. Owing to a quarrai with a superior be fied the country and attached bims'elf. to a Rtuesian iegionL, but cn the rise of Npl&i Lebu~t-uin.ed tu bi inative banidand fou!ght under the latter's victoriouti banner. Step by step ho rosie, from, bis lowly position, and ini tbe, fulnesaý of time ireoeived tbe bat- oni whioh iLa the insîgnia, of a Marshai of France. Il waa of Auigereau tbat Buonaparto waa thinking when he ut- tared tbe fanions dictuni that evury4 soldier carried a "Marsbai's baton inj bis bnapsack." The great commander Andre Mas- sea was orîginaily a simple privatej i the Sardinian army. 13y bis heroo bebavior during the siege of Genea4 he presurved France from invasion by tbe Au,,trins, and gave Buonaparte time to defeat them at Marengo. In recognition cf thia mighty aid Na- poleon premeted tbe humble Sardin- ian to the bighest rank in hi.9 army,1 and confurred upon bita the titie cfi Duke cf Rivoli. Again, General iLannes, a prominent figure in tbe, latter part of the Na- poleconic career, %vas the son cf a ,journeýyma.n dyer ini Gasoony. Mar-1 shai Ney, .wbo carried out the net- ableý retreat of the starving army frota Borodino, was a coopar's son,and rose frota the raýnit to be bis greatc ma5,ter'i best-loved General. THE PRINTS 0F FINGERS. Not AIways Rellab'e as 31eauîs of Idenutn- caties. OGNE-OMWNED BY THE RINGà WILL 14AKE 50 MILES AN HOUR. M-uIIt et a Cfft or $4,eEb-The Shah cf Persia Ras n a anlllcrnt Hotor-One Tisai Casi lie DrIvca lkea nHerse. Thie na-w mator-car xývhich' bas juos, bean bulL for the King wîll uadoubt- ediy bha un-,cW. be finest automobiles' in this cotsntry. lu La a nias herse- peoiwer doiibla phaeton, capable of ac- cecarnodeting four peresn. The caotoir la a vuary p,wevrfal onu, for il àa capable cf alla inin- a ,speed of fift;r meiles an hour. Thltabe autiful abus acerriago bais betin bulit ln, France a etu ozo about $4.000. Nearly cil tha mutai parts cf thio curriage, are of thel fin- ',A sïteel, and tise body cf the vebbclo !,as bean paintetI ced. AithcxeglitLt. rcaaiiy an (opCn carrJcago, il Las C dc- segned Ihut it cen haci ced eU nbcd weat.her. The meitor às drivea by prfe.It la a mary-el cf englacer- Lg kili, foin t i3s ccl oniy noise- lessta uad douras, but thure li aa total absence cf vibration., But the moi' stoer la by ne muan tise moz3,t cestly la the world, ais mainy seain teoi sppose. Indeed, neanly a score cufthese borselescar- r.7aiges ccasid ha decribeýd tisait bave test theàsr owncrs coideraibly over, $5,000 ecla. Probcably th moat ex- 1-ensive moctow La tbe worid wibl bu tie car now: beolng built for the King cf tish gi ne. Il le vir-tucily a palace on whseils, for it boasts ofl e sleeplnig cisasaha, a touilt-recta, andI e sevant' clapaime thhes e 30 bîoQrsu-pcowar cater. and ite reservoir icsoi twuBnty-fsvE eluiocf gaisclina. Whien on the rond iLt consumies two dollars andI aisalf î.rth cf üou evury bieur. This unsique palace-car moctor willl ccQst $50,000. Tibo Shah cf Pcrsla owaa c magat- fbcuat meoor. Its hawndies are madIe üf siolitI goltI, ant inl somie plaueû the car àa st.udded wîth cestiy jaels. it as huilit at a cosi cf $25,000, an4 is. wvith(cut doubt thse finest ccrirnl the Far Eat. M. Charroin, the fa-mous French afltoristu hais a nagnificent veJislie, whîch La raid teü have coat hlm$87,500, It la coeof the, fatest mioors la the world. Lat year is owner drove, tîla the great race f nom1 Pariate Bordeaux ut tisa, rate cf cear-J iy 800 miLes aday. Afian thie femoue race Aie wae iffercd $10.000 for Tilt car but refused ht. The Ea.Ilo? OCrînervenbats a beauti- fui mdtewr-car, for xhch bu paie $7,000 The Hon.C. S., Relia, wbo takes ain ah- suarbng tregt le ail1miatier9 ru- iatifng te seif-proealled vehicles, lai tIsoe said te bave givan a similar sum1 fer hin car. 'Tise vehicl)a owned by Mr. HI. J. Lawison, pruisident cf the Meotor-car Club, London, whsis ala- luided te b~y ,tieia embmis, as the "Rotschild car," cost bita a [..L i .L1UJLUUI LflU £j 1 luLLU±I JaDOrAG-LOTREPH R A H SPAIYV- TO THE KIN(Q 0F ENGLAND. ~~rEaeteivesor tise Dinka TrISsa Travel 60e0tMlles te pay Houmage te Klug Ed- vatrd tIN.-qacrd -thse Cro'wn of Boueur eLord Cremterlà liend. Net until saerai montha afier the tise Egyptian ïSoudan bas an accouai cf Lt beusi recoined lanLondon. It wasl an avent that baa rcalled other aventUR of tha kind whlc~h iook place la Lm- raemiorial times and representatiens of wbicb may yet be suen by those vibo itespect the, ruine cf the temples of ancient lEgypt. Whan Lord Cromeýr matIe bis ategt visit te Khartoumi, as the, represeat- ative of -British anthority in Egypt, lie heltI couxt, durbar, et the buge red palace therc, which xvus attend- cd, by mcny of the Mohammetian suegeatas, who appeered la great pomap. Theru wca aceremony o? an unusuclly impreasive ebarcter wben a. bodyof warlik-e antI stately sbeiks, mounted, upon tbe1n camels arrived ci the, palace. They bad xMddun fer MO0 miles frota their conntry fan Up the White ~Nile, andI thein jonrney bcd listed ibrea mentis.. There wera la thie eýnbaesy suasse of thu greateat sheika ,an&I onu, voman co. îLe isigbOlest re, ail belongleg to the accient tribu of IJinkas, whem etbnoclissne- ga:rdta the aboriginlailahabitanta cf thet part cf Africa. LThu Dinku embassýy cf s'nelks, whicbi bcd obtained pe-,rmission te Visit Khartoum, received A CEREMONIOUS WELCOME frota Lord Cromer wlhua they arrinec, et the palace, lafter theybcd anonne- cd thai iît xvaàthir xpurpose te pcy, bornage to'hlm. As tise represena- tive cof British Majes'ty bu offered thein welcome in thse Arctb languege, aassurlag thean that they wouid bu protected, ibat theirxvwelfare wonld Anraly ho promoted under the Angle- Egyptian ruila, that tbey would nev-. air again havai occasion te fear the slave dealer or slave driver, antI that the Bxitiali treops, who had be draýw n p antI set [n array fer' the occasion weýuid guaxd their country, as a part of great Egypi. The Dlakuabeeik5a wera greatly pleased with their weicomu. Tbey reiidered obeisance te the peteet white lord, andI they isanted a worid- oltI hymin La bi,% praie, afler wisich tbey performed the moat curicua part of the ceircmonay. Oe atately sheik advaniced toward Lord Creuner, bear- iing elof t the Dinka erown of honor, which copsistcd o? a black conical, ahaped, brimie.5s bat, ornamented witis plumes cf black ostrioh feathers, In a majestic manner bu placad the cxown on bis Lordship's iscad as a mark of bornage on the part cf tbe Ddmautxiba, andI as rupresuntlag the txaditional tribal symiiel of sovar- Lord Cromer wcs se m-r-c7icau wivhthhebaceremnony t hbubru.gbit ont presÈsits of vaýrions Lkieda. To the great afseika bce-gave a fine new rai- maent of the brigbtest hues, andtI t tha fua-nine grandIe in their coin- pany bu gave suadry gif ta, amecg whicb wexe, a costiy parasol antI a decoratud mirror.,,theîr jey tbey oried oui andI SAGAIN RENDERED HOMÂGE to the "abcadaw" of British roya hty. Next day ibey began te preparu for the long journey, np the Wisite Nila andI back te ibeir own country. Itî appears tisai neithier tise sheika ner the othur membeas pf the Dinka cJan are eiîhur cf the Arab race or the, Mobemmuda religion. Tisey are an nutochihonous people, aed it la probable that thýey are desceaded froni anceators whelilved in ibeir country long before Moues lad the erÀalaved Hebrewa ont of Egypu. They worship onea GotI antI posasas sacred rites that antudate aay bistory. Tiseir anugreligioiin, cd customsacru pecaliarly ibeir cwn. Tlise interestLing feot lbas been brougblt to notice that sucis cure- monTea as ocecared during Lord Cro- mer'. lasi durbar cf Khartoum ivere but repetitie>ns of ceremonies that bcd beau witnez.scd ia anoient Egypt un- duer -tise mie ef the Pisarneoha. Tie foilowing quotatien fxoni a latter de- acribing the sauna hure spoken nf muy ba takesi aa direct proof cf the fet : "The scesses depicted on the Tem- ple cf Amenophis III. B.C. 1450, at Seieb, antI aise those on the temaplcs cf Ramesea Hl., D.C. 1330, la NnbL,-Iaad hileaie thee ou the temples cf latex Egyptian kings at Napata, ibat. axactly the sae kind cf cre- Dr. PL1tchamtzis la cagaged toi an ami- able yc-nag lady, wh-hieb is permit- ted 't-c, visil iliraeatuas a aveai. Hem mother, a parsaon wils e' strict sesu ofpropriety, dsD)--vso nc fmlaiy, cspuoiaily SissLcg, La- twca,,n tisheantias., Ualarlnaately han dmasidties Prevai in rf notaeeiigse clotse a isupurviiover tiaouple as .ýsha: -coultI aisis, aisreforiý Ju ai arrcng- ed to bavea ahtiaaeawitb bier on viiting (laya te meii >,tguardila tise dniwing roin, feelinig assured tisut tise prasenaeo? tise isid aili suf- fieu te, keep tise youn.7g lovera wilbin thé. boanda o? ducoruta. Onu dey amarnabd so&metbhng o? importance te cemmunicatu te ber dangister, andI, geIng s ýtraighis m tise rooni, chu avas horrified to suee br suated on (tise ycuag îman's kaecw-us ber arma round bIs neS, avhiie uitile Eiiy avas greping abàai tise lumni- turc with ber oyes blintIloldetI. Docior! se angriIyý exciaimed, an1 E11Y, apparnaly vexad ai thba ia- Oh, aun-ie, ave area eyicg -"BlintI Mc's uff gas se nbcely It irn-y net h genuraily kn)w-n that, bdeI_ aranUnlialitud suppiy of' freeý stctionery, the tiaxpLayer aise, proivides for ontbr f tseBrItiabi Parhiamant a grentla ai-,d taad tiseir rfease TLus us-ed te Luýe 85,N00 ayerIbtLaîe et decade Kitohiea Comitta luntI1ty cenî1d tise pneu csre d are --jý abouittise sa ýe s ibosu --c f a1la1e3clb. îe food -a ntIcoIkîng cru gecd anIîLe aacy bun a di"fficuli probluni ei! O? tise 1M6 Pro'Ltsca bssonie - thse Bnitisis ýnîpiru, 73 are eln ï --,l TTTi TT fi «n ri m T Ti ri ri ri à rr T m ri -o.1 1 LEARNING TO LOVE THE PIPES. FAMOUS GENERALS. wby h:ecie e DahlrFrieiad-Peýrhaps it la is tteth cmigtbrough. Ycnn Mob>urNe.he is.'Ët-teet-. Baci"rFr icndc-Ma ybIl'itCs his huir ecomiaug hrough that ihartýs bim,