MEDICIN ES. FAolowing are somle of our regutlar prices on Medieines. Paine's Celery Cmon 75c, Ayý ers' ilair Vigor 75c, Ayers' Sar,,aparî11la 7elood's Sarsaparilla -75c, Dr. illims' ink Pils (Genu-ine) 40c ur 2 for 75c, Doddc's Kidneýy Pilis 40e or 2 for'75e, Butter Color 2iie. Carter's 1Liveî Pilis 20c, Thomias' Eleetrie OU 20c. We hbave always soid these standard preparations at Thixceek tue atre qivtinq Speeia1 Prrices on Tootb t'tishes from Se te 25e., IMPORT~D Ki1.dney Pis, GOODS speelal, 20e, Kidney Liver Pis, speciai, 2 for 25e. TOLE'S WEST END DRUG STO0RE A 1. ig is not alwavs the - most c o Soe abe-It depends EVER WEAR l"King VQual-ity." "King Quai ity." FIT, WEA RV Choice of Styles. Choice of Prices. Pcerr1iior Shoe Store. Weianoboues about sIViMl- that the ýincreaS SeOffSssonld emnty a Ott"awa, is tbe miost u1njuStiîfisaXble piece off leisaio hat the Liberals ha1ve been a party tosic they camiie into poe. ici oinember wer e a1lwdV speak over 3') lminutes toan nlv0le reso1- lu1tion and olv those speak wh-Io have somethaing rea1lly new to say thessso could be shortened easil y one hall . If thie Commoners wouCld have an ese single to the goed oet the counitrýy in- stead0f always seeking Vo gain Some pelitical advantage, from one to two months would be found suffiient auJd and au immense saving would be eff eet- ed in sessional expenses other than members'pay. We wouldn't say a word against cabinet ministers getting more pay as the duties of their depart- meuts have materially increased, but the common members were already getting all they earned. _-FRUIT GOERJATTENTION Al Our lives fruit growers wvll spray their trees and thin their fruit in order to produce niee samples for the ilorti- cultural Building at the Pan Anierican. Those who find tthat they have choice samples are advised to ceunsuit with Mr. Peter Murdock off Bowmanville or Warden Rickard of Newcastle. These gentlemen will at the proper time make occasional ship)ments at the expense off the Ontario Government. Each variety should be arcompanied by a card not- ing the naine and place off resideuce off the grower. Visitors will then know who priduces the fruit. MEK.N DURHAM B JOYS. W hile we so often find occasion to 1Say a comPlimentary word ýabout the boys front th is couuty, we regret to say that tive whose names we could give and whio beloug to very respectable familles are detestibly maean and unprincipled, and we neyer thinkz of them but their meanuess cornes with strong insistence before us. 'Ihree off them ordered this paper after they- left home, promising to pav when they camne home or would send the money "af ter a while. " The paper was sent in goed faith. vears rolled ou but the moniey has neyer corne. Another asked a frieud Vo send the tiaper to him and af ter gettiug it sever- ai ýecars lef t for prts unknown and we are ont the amoinut due on subseription. Anether equally mean case as that off a son whose father geV several vears be- hiud iu paý ment before hie died and ai- though the whole family goV the read- ing off the paper for maay years at Our ex pense lie theugh left comffortably off refuses to liquida te our dlaims Fortun ately, we have net mauy such despie ablymeucso rsadsoeme we feel proveked tc advertise these ac conuts' for sale, to the highest idder just te expose the rogues, because a IDAINTY IAEF01.. t lish * RESE . Pisteys Dressed FOR Mkd Ladies:0x, A ND misses TE EE Bly PiOtley's Disappoint their Dnl ,-Wearers, and are Ba rssGos Rolledon theThe founder of the house -of IPriesýtley's BOARDï,"and Year after y ear through thick and thin lie Pestamnsly" eF'ashionlable. persîsted. S uceess crowned his eff orts. , ý 01 ied evedge ards To-day the sales of Priestley's Dress G-oods of ver ~Yars.exeeed the eo mbined sales of aillits rivals. Whýy this popularity ? Beeause Priestley's Dres Goos from every point of view are the most satisfaetory Dress Goods on the market-. The b est finish, the, best materials and the best workmanship have fouiid favor with, the best dressed 1 adies. Priestley's Silk Warps - - Priestley's Eudora Oloth Priestley's Silk Desehanes- Priestley's Viola OCloths Priestley's Poplins - - - Priestley's Henriettas, Priestley's Lustres - - Priestley's Tricot Cloths Priestley's Cashmeres - - - Priestley's Serges ARE THE LADIES' FAVORITES. We Seli Priestley's Black Dress Goods arid Can Recommend Them. 'M W ESTEN RqTi-n-- mi-n àai ni