Tootli Brushesa se Y' We import our Tooth Brush- e.- and if youi are a judge of 1 good qu-iality you -),will apprec-, iate tle bargainsi wýe are show- 1 fig in orwiddow-. Ma A splendid Child's Brush 5c b A niiice lune for Aduits - l -10 MAI A thoroughly satisfaetory line 15e s Theý best made(usual price 35c) 25o the ,lage Bottie of the 9f~SI Finest Dentifrice 24t]. ifà In Hair Brushes we are also Sto offering speecil discounts.< 7 Stott and Jur y il bu this RAIL'n WAY mi STi fac What about your sammer A trip'? Now is the Mime to ar- eut range for it. yoi; derr We ticket to points on igny ,, railroad on this continent at wiiî 1lowest prices and will be giad Tusq teD furnish ail particulars as to 10w( routes, etc. ne%' if Call andc censuit ns as to beSt and Summe(,r Resorts. umu The, aL peru P Î E R iu.r c1@Liu spec 0f course you want one Of day these. Prices mun from $2.50 up. boys ASK US ABOUT THIEM. Kinm Mau Stotti & Jury ls G. T. R1., C. P. and T. À.schoi 1-gents for Dominion Steamship and O Beaver Line. depe the' GRAND [UKRAILWVAY, stvle 1glon BOMNVILLE STATION, les fi ~« Â~.GOIG WBT, for i ~rpes .93 a. . IExres... 1 m, of T Locl.( 5 p.. assngr.. i5o .mSociE Expreýïss... 10 25 1- 1 Express.. 7 38 Chur Exp)reýss goes west at 6.05 arn. on Mondays. lit STOTT & Juny. Town Agzents mer after * 7.30g be gi 11110 BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 5> 1901. mee Ebenezer anniversary next Monday. aiiy1 Cartwright Pair wili be heid at Black- Mr stock, Oct. 1 and 2, nupi Mr. Geo. Haines, Police Magistrate, Thur is reported improving slowly. even, McMurtry handies the renowned nuej Priestley's Silk Dress Goods. The, and1 Ebenezer tea and reunion Mondav Mrs. niext. Bowmanville citizens are all111 Mrs vited.ý R. i Two 110w and two. second. hand bîcey- Luit ùdes for sale very cheap at the Mascn inth Co's. one0 Mr. James YMeLean is making great hlouse alterations in the MýeFeeters pro perty drawu qn Temperance, St. Thei Mn. ,W.ý R. R. Cawker is stili seriously love]3 iii withi neýrvous prostration. H1e lias satin. net hiad an hour's natural sleep for over oeo -a moutýh. pay h Th1e ordination of Rev. R, Brandon angel Grcýiwaywilltakeplac on uesdvin the plc with1 nuie llth in Trinity ehurcli at 8 p. M. as w( Aiare cordiaiiy invited, 'p11 The, f amous Canadian Jubilee singer Wh wll gveanentertainment under the W aaspices of Bowmanvilie Methodist Gi]l ) lcigsamntrout f y i ee hn riote anid wereý put in Syd3ieyhain Lake, t(in whicl thosan luVary Lketo thoIuanId touchi inWhite Laefteeni thousanud in wentt and fi-h live be eGardenilsand and P and Kingston______Caa ingoo C lcen Cjry for of sun Florence Nightingale Lodge 1.0.0 P. ,o. 66 will bold Ibeir annual Decoration rvice Wodnosday aflernoon, dune 12. lie .Iodgel headed by band will beave )dge room aI 2.30 p. m. The public oe cordiaiiy invited 10 observe Ibis'as Docoralion Day. Poarline 3 for l81cts at Niclioll's. We ail wanî 10 go to Ebenezer tea. Taek hammors Sets oaci aI Niebolis'. Vory labest styles in gonîs'hlaIs aI M rayer 's liai store, New subsenihers jean get ofr STATES- cN 10 end of 1901 for, SOe Sec the Mason Co's. Bicycle Bals, jusi ie iaoe for warma weather. A Lady enu he suited exactly lit [k Dress Goods aI McMurtry's. Division CounI meels homo on June Lt and lu Newcastle on thie 251h, Repaining noatly and prompîly done loI t ai Fred. R. Foley's9 Parler Sboe ren per cent off ai Mq. Mayer's RaI il Cap store for cash customers. me eariy. [f you are looking for a nobby boot 'Y McCrea4y's $8.50 shoe on sale aI ýe Mason Cos.' See Cawker & Tait's advontisement is wook drawing attention te boeuse- aning supplies. tIrs. M. Çryderman, Beocb Ave., frs lier brick residence for sale on asoîîabie torms or will mont to a suit- le tenant. Vo carry tho flnest stock of dross ids lu blacks and colours shown by kv buse lu these counitios. Conch;, îîîston & Cri derman. The mosî onterprising business mon A the most reliabie advomîise in TuE 'TESMAN and thoro is profit and salis- hion lu deaiing witb theni. Are Výon ait allparticula- about tho tand fit af your claties if so, bave ur order ah Coueli, doînston & Cry- mat, s and von shall ho satisfied. 'ho Ladies' Aid of Trinity cinreli I serve a tea lu tle schooi room on isday dune 1111 fromt 5.30 te bc fol- cfd hy the ordination service of theiri %v pastor, 11ev. R. B. Greonway. Ifyou are a moader of Ti n STATESMANi d et fail fo read'ils advertising col- ins renaiNou make a mislake. Lro is mnoney 10 be malle by a weokit rusai of île advertisomonls lu these i umns. apt. W. P. Milligani, assisted hy u.Angus Staikor are holding 2ial aili for No. 1 Co,, eveny Satur- yaI the drill shed bore getting the- s in sbape for Brigado Camp, ai e .gston, dune 1811. hoAssossors for Clarke, Darlington, avens and Cavan, mot lu Poulypool t tweek fur tho pumpose of equaiizing h assessmnenî0of lte difforeut union o1 sections, This roquimes to ho m ae every tlmee years.1c un meaders kio w Ibey ecau always C pend on wbat M.1 M\ayor says about - goods lho colis. Ic now' spring C oes of hais, caps, ties, collars, cuffe, o )ves, shirîs, dnawers and other antie o for gentlemen's weatr are now roady, inspection. Ris cs are O.K. 1 he Bowmauville District Conventiona y the, Methodisl Womon's Miseionany IV [oîty wiil hoclield ilu the Methodist irl, Bowmanvilie, on Tuetýday,Jnune h, eommencing aI 10,80 a. ni, A B monial service will ho hold lu tleB Bnoon commencing et 2 o'clock. At I Da ialf-lionr'c musical prograni wili given. Miss Brooks, rotnmned mis- )nry from China, wiii addmess tle ting. The Svmphony Maie Quar- S ,will also sing. Collection aI îte y uing service, The public are cordd invited. * frs.-Audrey L. Brown bld honr post- tial reception on Wednesday and aj .rsday aflernoon a ni d Thursday Il îîing of last week. A very large bi thon of oun Iowns-peole attended. L ,y wore very gracçfully reeived b, introduced by Mrs. Geo. Maxon 10 3Brown and Mme. Brown's mother, il( ;Jobhn Poster, Bowunanviile. Mrs. B. >oming, Mmc. Walton Snyder and st u Deming very officienlly prosided b( lie dining rooni. The residenco le tb of Mn. Arthur. Brown's neal 110w oes, Russell SI , and the Ilighsome Es ring noois ioolked very bandeomo. ai nicost piece of fumniture boing the te. ly bride dnessed lu ceain Duchesse p n. The oditor of the "News' wa-; M of tle last but by no moans leasl 10 of hisre:3pects. Ho 100k two pioces of Ie food with bis coffee as dispensed oi diniug room and found il agreed T( him finst-class and was touîbsome tiil as appropriat.-Leaminyton lai 1S. Cr ion in Town, stop aI Niciolis'. Iltte Lx'e, for 25cts aI Nicboii's, th~ t0' xpot Iacks,Tack pullers ai Nieboils'. sti reat variety in Seoil Corn and Tur- seeds at McMuntry's. su' eo pries of TuE STATESItAN is Sit*00 tri et. If any 0f biis relatives Ontiniro 1au u about is grave will you tell1lait . pleaso, Iliat wil l "p tbem a lu a possible way if tliey lotime know."ni ,initv sîndenit ofVicoria, is vinnen Ing a foIliowship lu ie U-T-niversity of V. nusylvania, wbili eans ýia yeaniy Can iend ot 0 500 Yand tuition. Car ian Among île topies oeditorially tneaiod Mae the, June Rvo of Roviews iareýlu aïties in thc olithu1b 'The Presil enîlu l ic Journey,," "The Cubas aI ill îsbigto,"-The New State of Mmd oi Haaa""Lord. Salisbnrv anid ire- nd," "Thie-New Briticli Army Bi, A "TeExposition Season" and *ny otlier interesting suýbjects. Toronto. Mr. F'. Downey was in Port Hope lasI week, Mr. Albert B. Couch, Toronto, spent Snnday aI home, Mn.ý Sid *Downs, Rochiester, N. Y., is visiting hbic moîlier. Mr. Colin MeDonald, Toronto, was home over !&unday. Mns. Wilson is visiting Mrs. G. M. Fnrby, Port Hope. Miss Mand Reynolds has gone 10 the lake witli Mrs. Vance. Miss Jessie Knight, Toronto, visited, relatives blieorecently. Miss Carrne Cherrv, Toronto, spent Sunday with ber mothor. Mn. Robt. Tod, Toronto, spent Sun- day with bis mother, Mrs. Chas. Tod. Miss Fairbairn lias been visitîng lier sister, Mrs.J.Shirley Denison, Toronto. Miss Margaret Yonng recontly visited MissFannyM .Eilenor,FallisLine,Cavan. Mrs. Souci bas been: visiting lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. John Blow, Whitby. Mrs. John Hellyar is visiting lier daugliter, MIrs. (Rev.) S. T, BartietI, Napanee. Mrs. P. H. Joness wiil receive on Tbursday and Friday dune 61h, and 11h. at ber home on King St. East. Dr. J. W. MeLaugwhuin wiil attend tle annual meeting of île Medicai Conneil next week in Toronto. Miss Bertha Sing bas boon appointed organist and ehoir-mistress of Mill St. Presb 'vterian clinrel, Port Hope. -Miss Benson who lias been visiîing; Mrs. Wmi. Cryderman the lasI th1ree weeks lias retnrned 10 Belleville Miss Mary Hohbs wa:s home from d. r oronto last week visiting lier father, ir. Isaac Hobbs, wlo is quite ill. fi Mr, Hlarold Pýearu lias roturned fromn Cuhicago Dental Colloeo aving passed vi his first y ear's exanis successfully. 11Rev. W. J. Jolliffo, B. <C. L., and Dm. th W. E. 'fiiley are aîtending Bay of Quinte Coîîference aI Cobourg this j week. Miss Lanra Jacksonî, of the Sanatar- te num, Dansviiie. N. Y., is enjoying lier vacation at, Mr. Wm Courtie's, Sci'W g'og St. Mr. (Geo. P. Grabam, M. P. P.,. wase again unanimonsly chocun the Liberal 1 candidiate 10 contest the riding of 3roekvielle. -- d 11ev. Richard Bamforth, 13.A., Red- bc nersville, will preach in the Metbodist chnrch Snnday morning and ovening-. Ali are welcome. s 11ev. S. T Bartlett, Napanee, was P gnest aI Mr. John Hellyam's ovon Sun- day and gave TmE STATESMAN a ploas- ar aut cal] Mondan. Di Mr. Jaines Grav, Manager of the Staindard Bank, H-arriston,: attended we the funemal of his aunt, the lateMrs Ce MeFooters on Saturday. .- Mn. W. W. Tamblyn, M. A. and OF Misc Victoria T1amblyn visited Mn C. Se C.Tamnbl*vn of the Standard Bank, Colborne, Victoria Day. W( 1Rev. Dr. George, Princýipal of the Or Congregational Coliege, Moutreai, is Cxpected 10 take part lu the ordination da f 11ev. R. B. Greenway on June 111h, ]Y Mn. and Mns. W N.« Tiiioy and Miss Dorothy, Toronto, have been vicitin,- len Dr. W. E, Tilley and other relatives, ehq NIs. Tilley wiIl romain for a couple of weeks. chi Mm. Thos. Hoar, "Theo Wandering ah Boy' id vsiting the Pan.American aI 3uffalo. Ris tirst letton on the exhibi- 1hi on lias been rocoived and wiil appear pri iext weok.11 1 Dr. A. E. Wniglhtman left town y 3atnrday morning for damestown, N. viý Fwhere lie wiIi romain for a few an eas before going to Mansfield 10 take p practice. sel Mr, David Irwin of Cartwright lias coa Lalu decided 10 visit bis old home in soi reland. Ho sails on Satumday dune 8 1 )y tle S. S. "Auistralasian" ot the Aiben Ma Âne for Londonderry. He was bookod tea iy M. A. James. 1hi Messrs M. A. James and P. C. Treb. se( Iock, Bowmnanville, anîd Messrs. Thos. ýaker, Solina, and J. IL, Devitt, Black- Chi tock, County Counciliors, are iu Co- wa ourg Ibis week ai tle dune session of woe eo Counues' Council, pas Anumber of fniends of 11ev. S. H. viil iîwaîrds of Ailiston mot aI tbe parson- g'e and prosented a liandsome silver Foi ,a service-10 Mrs. Edwards, and a for irse of gold and an address to Rov. Ai. Ir Edwards Mns. Edwards is a sister Ira, fMrs. Thos. Tod of thîs town. me: Special pnices on Toolli Brushes aI Ju: ole's Drug Store. edý Meu's Stiff and Soft lRaIs, tle verv 1Y î dest, stvles at Coucli,- Join.ston & ha' rydermals. GoI Mn. Fred. Nicliols, Courtice, found 1Thi We always carry the choicest Unes of *ýD5 SEE OUR j HIGH-CLASS CHOCOLATES. Put up in fancy boxes. Grand Central@ --- -- -- -- -- -- Serub brushes 2 for 5cts at -Nicholis'. LADIES 0F BOWJVANVILLE. No change in the mankuets Ibis wveek. Miss Gertie Saunders is home from I have decided to 8 tay in town for th( T'oronto. suxnmer or ntil my dauglitor gelî PerfectLiver ili 2 fr 25e.Toandswil I go ont sewing by thE )rgc Sto r l o 2e Vl day or take il in the bouse jnst as suitE Drug tore.any enstomers wisîng îny services. AI] Miss Edith Crnickshank lias retnmned orders tcl t r.WrgtansK! o ler omeaINiaaraFals.St. Yours respectfully, MRs. A. Ni Mr. don. Bray, Eccfieid, is vis-1iting bis GIFFORD. 22-4w danglitor Mns. M. A. James. A. L.NichoIls is n Buffalo looking SUIT, PLASTER, CEMENT. for nove] tics for bis variety store. Misses Winnia Jones and Ililda Reid Fnesh Godericli and Liverpool salit isite freU i saw atwe. fne and coarso; Fresli ground Land ý a d f iens inOshaa lst wek. Plaster; a carload of Battle's celebrat Neat tweed suifs to order 88.00. Ex- od Thorold cemnent; also Englicli Port- ta value a I F- A.Coe, Hampton.- land Cernent just arrived and for sali Miss Buniner iier e brother 11ev. aI lowest rates at MOOLELLAN & Co'S, W. A, Buiuner, Ameliasburg, recentiY. East End Depot. Cal] and inspectt ho Buyj our ensilage ;orn froni us-soed fore bu.'ing elsowhore. 22-3w essîed sure of a cr-op. Cawker & Tait, Thcis week Miss Martin will seli ladies' COURTICE. white goods at <reatly rodnced prices. Canvas mat patterns Ibis week rednc- d Mr. S. S. Brooks and Mfr. A. B. Courjice are ,d froni 45e to 35c ; also a nico lot for don uffe a business in veal calves Ills spring 1(2. Mr.Cameren-Truli te circuit delegate te the Confer,, ce je Cbourg.**,**A nuinher cf plr We received a pleasant cal] on Mion. ical-enthestasts wiii a i end the Thoreten dc sy~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~to frî isEîl .Mcin o ltriai in Cobourg Friday. _.TIhie cencert )urg. w011, MaY 31,owing tounavraeweafher lias April ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ be aîdMyhv eo ot plostpenced teFeune 21. Remnember the date. Apri an Ma hae ben mre5..... reparaîtons are being made for a large bowery and clondfy than for 30 years gathering at Ebenezer anniversaq'nxiSn is.dav and Mondav On,, ntfSun Our pnices are right and our geede re fresh and of lirsl qnalily. Tole's mrg Store. Do von tbink of huying a chumu or vasbitig machine? We bhave the beet. 'wker &'Tait. The D. O. & P. Co. bp~wiil givo an len air concert on lhie Ranci - LII 'anrday night Miss Thonipson and Miss Mc4Wain Fero gllosts of Mms. Andnow Pollard, )rono, ovor Snuday. John C. Weok e ý stle busy m ï,-an these ays-~papermbaUgiug. Ho10arnîes love - 7pattonus. Seo tieýn. To cure aa cid iu a nigh-t..-nse Vano-oreso- =e, t lias heen used exieneively dnning more ian iwenty-four years, ilmugt. A. L. Nidliolis bas f, bios si in l ange of bis vnnioty store during hie bseuce at lie Pan-Amerî.can. A fow Ladies' Suis-tie balanceW~ is spring'cs tock-seli,ing off ai bhaIl rice aI Concb, J obnston & Cryderman c, Mr. and Mrc. A. L. Nicboils ad fam- yare taking a few wýeok-s holidays icîing relatives aI Buffalo ýand Naa ra Faits, Doucli, Jolinstou & wCmyderman are lling off tho balanceo athi bm pring )as at hall prico. A il now goods Ihis ,son. The basebali game played bei-e on îaY 241h betweou the Boys' Brigade îm, Cobourng, aud the Standards of is towu, was won by the viciions lu a ire 0f 18 te 18. AI theJdue session of Disciples of mrist held aI uwe n Sound a recôl ulion a" pasced expressing approval of tho ,k dloue hy 1ev. B. R., Iaydon, islor of the Disciples drI Bowman- hoe F'or $2 50 you can bny a $5.00 coat Dr $8.00 you eau buy a $Co£ coat and 8 75 yon eau buy a othlb$7.50. Il new coals made forib is soaeon's ado at Couci, Johuston,, & Ct yder- Mothodist Magazine and Review fon ine containéi no boss Iban ton illustrae- articles, sovenal of them very copions- illnstraîed. The Jnly'number, will te iblusîrated articles by Professor ildwiu Smithî; Sir John Bounînot and oers. NZowîs a good time to subseribe >e poniodicals odited by Dr. Witb- w repart an increase of: sevon thons- id dnning the past'yoam. William .ggs, Toi-onto. $2.00 a year $1 00 fort Smouthe. Readers of Mn. Jacab A.,111e' Autabi- ýaphy, which, undon theL, tille, "The king of an Amemican," le being pub tod iu tle mouthls iýsues of Tbhe i tlook, will lie ospociably attmaeîed by 2 5instalmont lu the JuneMagazine imben, as il consiste of a clapier tIen by Mmc Riis,entitled "Elizabeth il Rer Slory,'"and gîviug tle othen te of corne of the oveuls, the telling whicb by lier hnsbanid lias bon fol- ved with wide-sproad ,symprýýatliy, $83 year. The OtokCma 287 c utîl AeuNew Yok it. roe liner piece o-f antistie Pnntig ae ri beeîe seenl }nalu tla han, ile indrotb Numbon ol-)fThe Cnda tg-Iazine.Isbadoeavrpeus aI wart young ,man haingmdcoin- d ;ed thoebisellng- -ý ouasau ;f the ires "10, iÏ w ofaIMn. D..F. impona anaiandeignr.Therel a nmben of gnr arilsand lu numerous poompstkndur- r. thelaie war; ACnda er C.," iilnstrale ;"ACetuy f nadiau Magazineýs";ADecade oCf- tadian Prose";- "A ýDecado >of' -Caad - iArt,"; "Tbeo nurposoý of a NaLàional gaio"etc. Teiubncnan strlioe. ntaioPnbishing Ce., îý ronto, Children Ory for %CL S ASTORIA feafures wtll bc the E. L. concert on Menday night wben, Miss Fieldlicue, leadingsBoÏran,' Carlton St, Churcli, ToronieMise Itiossice 1, lieuse and Miss Jennie Jenkins, eiocutlonisî. Teronto, a nd s. J. J. Liddy, Osliawa, whà se satisfactoriîy ettaii-ed bW're lasi year, wiil he snpplemented liy Miss Duncan, eleentioniet, Toronto, and tegeflier wili present a pregraun et rare menit. Admission 15c and 10c. Partie- niars on pregrams ...Messrs.If. Gay & Sent are b ildin gah ouse for M es r.N esh itf, C o m, " 'teun 0i0f1.. <ts w r neputfor 'ne Mr . Mdçayt . anu date maircand - wearcsurisain he oesc vble epftiewneru eiÎly b factor Miss May Inwin, the inimitableï singer of coon soogc, whoso hobby is cooking giv7es in a sparkling interview in Goc Rousekýeepinz- for Jung some of 1- original mecipos. Tlono are valuabi,_ sugge,4tions ou Tho Came of Ibe Bbyin Warn Wathon. The Death-hninging Ronce Ply, A Summer wihh a Gas Stove, Stmawberry Festivals. Publicli- ed by the Ptielps Pubbisbing Ca, Spring- field, Mass, MOCAcsT-vIn Kingston, May 27,tlie witet o Mfr John S Meorcraff, Bowmaavilic, of a son,ý STÂALTER-4n Oshawa, M ay 25, fhc wite cf A J Staifer, etca son,. Ttu'.w-ii Oshawa, May 24, tlie wif e of Sain- uci Trew, et a son, MARRIED. Raan-BISIOP-At bhc Meflidit parsonage, Brookiin, by Ife' John Harris, Msy 29, Mr Charces John iieed of East Whttby and Miss Ida Alberta Bîshop, Oshiawa. MÂYNARDFENTON-IIToronto, May 22, by Rev C Manning.Alberta Louise Penten,Osliawa. and Gcu A Maynard, Brantford. BANT-CooK1-Af the residence of flic bride's parents, Whichnrch, May 22, hy 11ev C Il Hainer, Miss Annie Cook and Mfr W Hant, Stouffyjile, tormrncny et Oshiawa. W.&na WILsON-At Knox cliercli, Torento, Jonc 1, by 11ev H M Parsons, D D, assisted ity Rex' A B Witchester, Mary Millicent, oniy daugliter of the laie.David Wiiieoe, Esq, New- market, andSIl G WaSe, Toronto, soui cf Henry Wade, Esq, formenly ef Port Hope. FeSnILEsuHxALEYAt thile reeldence et the bride's tather, Bowmanviile, hy- Rev W J Jeliliffe, BO0L, May 29, Theodere Fîshîcigl and Maud Mf, cideef dauglifer of Mr Lewis Hamiey, Ootli of Bowimanvjllc. DIEO. ABaÂxas -ln Oshiawa, May 24fh, Hannali Minel, beloved wiic of Lester Abraham, agedt 52 years. H-AaRis-In Newcastle, May 23, Mrs SOoon Efarris, sged 86 yeýars. SPEitCE-Suddeîely. ai Manchester, May Sotli, F'rances, yonngeef Sanglifer cf Wma Spence, township of Reacli. MRIfN-i t-Ihe Township of fHamilton, Mfay 28, aged 6i ycars, Vimi Martin..,, HIAntas-Af Wesieyviilc, May 16, rhiza Ann Iliford, witc cf W H Jlarres,Esq,aged 74 years. F.Eaouse;- At Milihrook, May 28, Alex Fer- grison, Esq. agcd 69 years. MoYSE-In Bowmauviiic. Ma 31, Albert Leslie, the infant son cf Mr an Mrs Thomas toysc,aged 5weeks. MCFaaTFRaS-Io BOWManVi,,lltMay tt0 1Mary Gray, relict cf flic laie James MeFecters, aged t1 years. TAîr-Near Camiden, ieieware, June libli, )api sinCGeorge 'isit, ageS 70years. Formeriy tf Bowmanvtlle , unce ecf Messrs Archie sud ferry Tait. MeTAvisH-In La Grange, Ill, June 8, DonalS McTavisb. Funeril viii takre place trous (lie G B Sftaiou,IBewmnviîî, thîs [Wcdnesa j ocm in t sarrivaofettIoe 5a. i.trahi tefic,ý II~'R SAE-.-1'wostn.moy brickhoe wih1:5 acres et land, ,god rchard, liard1 and sfwanad gond ban wltl sten oniý U)i-1 ation. Oiprerty oftC. Yeuse, Liberfy t,, leýwmauviîe.21 tf ~4P il -1-G o VE YRKSIE L3..FO~SAL-torcadly te )wean inJue Atise flicBrsr efHg that wenfirst I a B tavll as a. The ab;.vcoga areCIail Pred from A 1 stoc.k. \V,-ecfr neor iter- eul, ea d sec1,. stock. TbJcCi, ox Dr. GhvsHaeCr ario f0!uq oit[ acndu to direto! îo id 5160 RiducydaxS AueCuliPwes f týers :-Gý. NMfis, 0urrikhiI1e; T. Warrcc, ol yJ. Hi gglubtlam&S0u, ne3mvi, Tlie Dr. Mqc(*ahey MedieCo., Rmiil,0 4 9 e e w w n e e e w e w w w w w w w w w f5 e. f. F f5 i. c- s. F a i. p p p p p s p p p p p p I p e s i s How are Vour House=Ceanin-g Suppfles. Soap, BýroomsWiigBuig Starches , Whiitewash'- Brushes Mo0ps, Washing Comppounld, Arn- monia, Blaek "4Lead, Alabastine, We carry a f ull line of the best Householdl Supplies AT ROCK BOTTOM PICES. A Ca r-lead lust arrived, white and yeliow herse tooîh, Leaming and Red Cob; tested Seed and Prices Riglit, EOWMANVILLEI. CAWK'ER & TAIT. "I IRE POPLES STO'RE. g iS:peeial S,. .012000 yards Print, fast colors, regular 10Oc a yard, 8 yards for 50c. 600 pairs Seamless Black ilose, regular RouerToweling,17e per pair, 2 pair for 25c. Roler owlligal unes, regular 8e per yard, 1 yard for 5c, SLadies' Spring Coats, latest eut, regular $5.00, for $.0 ~ELadies' Spring Coatsi, latest eut, regul- ar $7.50. for 1500 h cý',ndie s 1sinus for Blouse Wit E i ~E Black Crepons, regulai'$1 1 yd for75c E Fanc-yý Blaeki Crepons, reg, $1.25, 1 yd, for 95e.,, SFaney Black Crepons,reg. $1.50, 1 yd. for, $1 25 , LA CIE CURTAINS E From 25c a paîr up. Special Values. Ladies' Wrappers and Bn l o uses P LATEST AND BEST, Ready-mlade- lothîng for Klenlanld Boys Q To elear balance of stock At CoSt. e î» The People's Sto re.',011 Next Door to Standard Bank. q, Be WMAN VILLE. S ERVANT WANTED-For general iiousework. Gond waesAplatB- MorAL IIOTEL, Bon Maull .21-if S EEP STRAYED-5 ewes, sheared, in arb, sire yed [rom lot 18, coli. 4, Darling- ton, on May 7. Information as to heir where- abouts will be rwarded by W. M. PavaîcS, Hiampton, P. 0. 2 2 3 wS Notice to Creditors, 0 r Nl Ce fte Twn fBoïnan Notice is cre-by given ipursuant fa Chatpter ail personls having any cdaýim a , 1 ins tescee 'f elicabove narned WILLIM BOWý',ý,MAN, who died on or about the s1 xfh dycf April, A. D.. 1901. are rcquie b ..p p id o ohe wieto deliver te Albert -litofce Town- hietDarlingtin!lu h onyc nhm of thcsaid estate , t te 1u1d1rin(t. isý nilc(,itor ,, , attheLu dncitt -nd ddrss siatment DAwrti:gOF ,hîrch, ctn a. ur accnsd ty C1 ifil ad te nturel cc d amontcfsceriyil ny hi by il 'e. on o befoe fic TflDAY It ULYNE, A.If., eC201. tIeiti fc h si aetes Dsate ifd 9eU a-m1 01Ig arroi f rOCK WANTED- Any quantity of KSprmlg Lamubs, Veal Caivfs, Hogs and ail knds of fat stock wanted ai once. Parties h ving saile will picase notify by card. W. R. R. CÂwIÇER, box 189, Bomnvie 10-Sm FARMI TO RENT OR FOR SALE- ionaces, being te south-eLfai flt1 in 6tts concession of township of Cartwright, on the premiseS a frame house, a good barn, stone foundation, a creck rlnnuib rouhlibe farm, a good weil of water. 8 or fertheý,r particulars apply f0 Mr. Nesbitt, Biackstock, or GEoaon. 13VLAND, Oshawa 2-w êý -SAY:IEo yn atGiru-'- to thecentr ,vaweare stiii soe- al kindS of dressed and Iund"7reseci lubrand are ntinuaiiyrcevn rehstock tc netail thedem ni the 'rade.Acnig enofsldd N.1 doors arriveýd fron the ilou factov aITrenon a few aysago. and wý réIeprpof u L supiyan gad0o iooS aufct0e b otemaISht(A notig and I resonabe prc. Pand Seil On1~ the w zest.