Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1901, p. 6

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platt r.. Fi11 tbhe' conter with very 11 1 - ana icet znaa,wnte r"u s~ ~~ i 1 suer aoc nalf a paunnaofr heur-pra- -~- S baka rhubarb, sud haap aver arza lamoss. ta ta ta 'c gr en that in addition ta tCha. rat-catcheir's iui ia ibeag ie e W h _,n a very daintiiy-writtau lit- ON A I ,BA K hhJippad croans. aonex or laie bill there cvas aisal na to ba met 1peevent it beiug iumpy-to caunuer- tic b -, d ai bve Sa'ng,3" cama Oui t o t lI s ~ j ~ R a d li c P t i î n - P a c " o r n a a i y - 5 y a : ~ , h ~f r om t h . l u b e . l i m a t e y t h e j a c t t h a la x a t iv e t an d e n c y t a t h e ]l - _s e m 'a f U r r ir C y a r ,3 a g o , a n i no a n ai ~Iss~ ustnasa i r cF k lin baileti nos iu a but- "scen tiats bave inown that the baLr ~ et nitemntas et.eac~1dgsscs uhro hs buse te i _;znesss alsevbare. lyýiositwas for atimc gaýneraily) be- i, 11 ýi disu, ,caver with a layer of persans employeti in copper works Soma years aanrn burgiar lievetdhtteDcesa onat b eu in aii Ipiecea, andi L.sapt to .ceme grean-n curtuns act I POULTRY NOTES. cungther atl Y v, ait itr c f the puera., iecelvetilaain cgs affl Dopas iMent an-I sprinkie thîckiy witb sugar anti bitsadan hc aepcayltrctcacigbees.isntprsivsjNeretteyugukesgt Aadawl-anwnanf -f,a. . .1r ....-.1 a d. ncwr.s.s ....ecall it I s- reasarderi nundl ha eas ensasdt i e- 1on..I ...tersi-as he ba ,- v i-h. -oras tv siilalueijvý....e 9a su Conlsn......... 9 a.i Tuîsn............ " 4 C c -RAT ES 0 F ASSAGE. Belfasi, For ticketg autI ,%ery ifrainap- Alian Lice Agent. Bowmnaavtlle. yo'ur dr*uggist far ÇCeaka, Coton Rooi Cota- ond.Take no1 teras Ail MIXtures, pille andi box o. 210 dgrees strnger, $8 paýr box. o 1 o 2. saiem nraepi0 ri, e anti dLt7o -cant stms ho CoAk Ompaayindsor, Ont. a is.i ad '2 ,id aia ne raomsasosricled by al respnsibe Drghits la Cuanadî. Nos. i1antiSsold iin Bu-manvil b< I1L rGt 'ona,&SN, 5-Tort& J uai; ()rono10 ey J. GLI XiLi;ewvcastio by Dn. FARNcÇOMBr. Sandwic s Na.1.-To each cup1- fuicf aIi matadd twotalso- fuisaf bic, wect cream antdila lit- tic, ,ait. Work f0 a snioth paste. Sprc-ýad t-hia sufccs of braad liihtiy ith butter, anti betwae w ioao breai place a tik layer of the pra- ptirod meat. SandwchasNo. 2-To each cupful af meat add a littL2 sait, on" table- spaunful of lenson jules antithrec ta- blespDonrfuis of butter. Let this last ba uaft enough so the whoio aa be n~~'r~s~a .1 fi 535U0ULC jOfiote. z4j5Jtaa the breati with this paste, using noD butter. Scalapeti Salman-THeaýýt nscup- bil epafu ffursiee ab- apoafalcf utteri- ih hIVeea rbeI tagether until s Ioct. Put the otentsafjsone powunti caui cf ject digcovrered iimors -green at the rootg of the, hair thLau anywbere -else. The colour ilseIf I found varIed from theihts green to tlhe very dark-1 aid people agree that Seott' s.L1."mul1' sion of cod-liver oil is thse betit thing to take for c"do6iiïtI-Ueëwell and- don' t know wliy,"- especially babies -they Iuse i-mnand woiým-n dj' iidi,bubaesatal JUGGLING LE [TERS AND FIGUnES Littie punnirig ,catcýhes a-re appreci- atled by a gacd mjay peple. Rare tas an oa ipna 'hait ta good; Ifafnh aa entee f bt sens nimatee centsanti the other six conta, m-attn oulild Ut bof Tih anwer la Quarter to, two. And berne ta une of mare recent If a pcatmasttaer went to a mena- wKd batcha vcad the bour? Perbaa yoa'libaveta tiuk this ovat a itta. st he nsweýr La3very Anti istr lisLite atea yat la ta'steiplot nmber he? IL wüuLn be 81- until! thaýy are reaponably well fea- th(ereti.1 1 Where the fwls ara canfined t i vaLry 'import anlt that s gooti duat bath ahaulti be provideti that the fowls oaa use as thoy see fit. It sbould ha, changai safficiently eften ta kaep from becomiug f oui. AYRSIIIRES 'AS MJLKERS. Whan qusntity rather than quai- ity of milk i5, tho objeet to be aimeti at it iLa very bard to beat an Ayr- shixe cow a f a good monlkiug strain, Though of cmaatvi-mall eizo, animais of tiL3 brea-ti. ara reý,matrkably deap mi'l-,rs. Where a gaiprice "oj tta ornwmIuk, it is, con~ioxedan unsuairesuit, foria 25 prsnu.Onu f hagreat1 ganm2 is now fir~iy eautrenchýýd in puiofavor, andi bîisý fair ta ecstab- iish ils-if as tha2 favorite pastiine af býraen-y men in every landi. At the chamIý,I4Cnuýip contiet lnUlveratone ibis ycar conio4irars frota Victoria, IN,-w South Wales, and Ne-w Zealaud. as1 weli as from Tasmania, tc:ok pa- t, For months bafore the grcat avants wero settIeti, deep-chcsted tbt)c]i set sxcemen .,pent ail thair time davalop- iaag marvelIaou,3s p'Ld andi strangtb. T! rïsToorcsxis andifitnatl in th, cbaminpionship >chapping race, whic wasdessn"d rimily ota st ing ihon t 1,hapin g n. bi yearth"axenn' ani sawers'cb "A Gfck "vides" r,holding sokthe Pae"is heasi ralbekiad. h is ssda S aga ~e as that la other fe,, înces and Sett-rglo.zd u Fracig Ais ippd frýorfaceor rad-mde sud aur l ocal reresetative a 1.p tru f it f,r you ila short oruler. P iCes Zwe tis 3year.7 The PAGE MIRE FENCE CO. (Ltd.) WALKEflVI1L, ONT. Arc voat you wan fory ai omae Y 7 v eaetculs a naloi ao c; ulal 1t, i-, ly ei I1 a nvatiVb Autn~ I puB î inctour, OntCem, : 1 ut - L ýt

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