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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1901, p. 7

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One of the best known men in East Durham ceunty is Steven Oý Taylor, Charlecote, Ontario. His suffering5 from rheuma- f i inthe bac1k knonteey / cuntýy. It was ~* ~*iwth the greatesi o' . TAYLýoR. chfficulty, and ,,ý 1 y with agenizing pain ~a be 'sat down upon oraos froïm a chair, and waiking was Si.Mp(ly torture; neither the ski-ill of physicians, nor the enermous quantities of patent., medicines he took, gave him anv relief until he triîed Dr. Hall's Rhe(urna.tic Cure. Af'ler taking the firstfe doses of this wonderful medicine lheob) edrei, and,, centinuing thne treatment, a complete cure wa'ý effected. Fie has netbeentroubled itan achec or pain sneani spasin paswotyterms of themeicnewhich rsordhini to hea-Ilth-Dr. Hall's REheumatic Cur-,e. Dr T Halils Rhettmatie Cure is Dut ut, in 50 centL byttIes, contàining ten days' treatinent. For syalval dringzists and deaIers sei inedicirse. The Dr. Hall Medicine Co., King- 4ton. Ont. Ladyi of the bouse iooking into the einpty floeur barrel sid--."O. 1. C.- U. R. -).LT." Weil, I ami ,glad as now I car. get ail my Bread, Buins, Cakes and Pies ai Lattrell's and save ail the bother of baking myseif." King St., Bowrnanvilie. Telephone 97. Telephl3onre No, 517. We are going te move elle door east about the 25th of this month to thiat fine store that was newly flxed Uip for Edsall & Co. where wc will take possession. We will be in bettev shape than ever te attend to the wants of our custoiners. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED, Cash or Trade. CASH FOR WOOL. 1 OWMASn t., LE At the Cambr ian Woolen Milis, Hampton. 'hbe und ersigned begs te inform al His old frien«1s thiat lie is prepared te do WIV CariogSinsgWeaving, etc, pav tm fHigbest Price for ail grades oÀ W%,ool and wi!l Pay moi(re thalan y othe"r buver can affOrd te dIo for Matted Wool. If it is anv -benefà t t farmers te have at Woolen Miliii lite Townimp don't -o past it ywith yurVool when. you eaui do botter there ai1 round than cisc- where. ruisting for your support as in the past. 8 S m. PI-IOPRIET0R BUSiNESS 0 0 Lhtving learned fhe art of Em-, bmigand Futicmali Drecting witS Mn. B. D. Humphrey, the load- hungTiironto undcrtakerancd having aleîpossession cf tise business iately înaged by MR.Ktso ai urosetrusted te min-i eWH l~ciemy prcmilptan rtu attention . A fil lino11 e, ful ýfu,1f1r- ilifurec il iebe kpton LtandL 14-6m IlI4MPT OŽ-. I e JT4TkTqLSiFST fiPi TRev. Dr. Talmage Talks About Your Present Condition and, Eternal Well-Being. Roause te tor pi- liver, and cure bilionaneS8, sick iseadache, adie amsea, .Indiges ,ýýtionD, etc.,TiseyareInu valuabie ta preveut a cold cor breakil up a ---'--" . 6-ii sayts. : ta axe, oi r u ia, and tmccc fever. MilS, gautle, certain, ibey are wortisy I-e.Dr-. Ta!ma g-e preýched ti ram tise words Mngle in tise strife. . i yorr ouficenceý. 1'reiy vgaabetay fiwig î> tx: 'Aud Solomnounuum- Hciw few mesutisera are wiso kuow eau h-e taki-n h hlrno elaewmn bit-d ai thestragerstisa avae inh-o4v, ta k,,-epý th"_ý Lord's- Day away Price, f,5. at 1mduuceaa5obmî ai!th Lia wreinfrecin hpm-'. A griat many 'a-hoaore Of C. 1. 1'00D &C!D.,Lolî a, tin -afotlrel'- Chrcn. iil17.c oa~-n utha tbanks oftifelis-St. _____________ If, -in the tirnie wjfen. people trevel- Lawrance, or ili' Alab&sma, or the - led afoot or On camaIý, back, and vacil- Mississippi, ara flot consistent rwisýnu they gt s far off as tha Bast River. I bik l a.Sau;day night isa latlien fr-n ciiy tO City wais seldoinaIt repoa-,t-tisaugis il is putting' it en goS ihi omieihome sud put' wa- ,imptÉant ihai Solomon recog-j a l' ruiyucannai financially 0£ ar ods , yet1ithalimbs ache and 1 tise pre,--rico of sýtrangers, licow afferd ta break th!a Lordta day. t is TUH EA i EA a,' ci m a re im portan t n aw , lu tiese cn ly a i, ath1 r w ay off ta ring - p your buIytiLtm a s h athV i i i e a~ , --he byrairod sd seaboa goernn-ut ecuitisand puttiug 'crniewYareresteS. We-have beau 1ýy i-alIrca'd andwntthe pries a f goods, anS blo- i l a nCl nsci-yadc the oulto of thse eaith are ai-' fug up yoar store. 1 have frieuds val day hi- tian W' ieynd ie- way lu motio ýn, aud from oue, year's vho are ail 1tho, ti.m2 eiiciug off pieces tbrouigi Our mi-S sd when thse e-rd Lta tie oLnher, our citles are c 1d e h'Sbat. Ta utalt veniug serviesciesasd weas- cd 1iLvîtos Multitudes of tisem ecitise Sabisatis off tisai end, anS a sembleý in cliuricis, tsars is nat a littL of th3isa Sbbats off thIia eS.groa at cl c.f idfifrne btween earth com lto ur morniug sud evening Tisay do not ap tisetwnt-fr ansd haru alus' 3augeL3 cf God services. l'arn causcbous tisai I stand 12,urs. ,Thra BiWtas ays: "luen flyiug tar sud fra eau hardly find in the preaeuce of many of tis'm to-Li2r tisc Sabhath day, taý keep a io Ly.týisouar is stwaui tvuo uig-ht. 1 desfira mare especialiy ta I beyé gcd Ifriends w ha are lquite- worids sud aur dparted kindreci custcimed ta !seaviug Albaay hy ise pakto them. May Gel giva me tise uidnight trin -on Saturday nigh ii eemt n v' Sa1 nib, -rgi th in f-g-tord and 'hcýp m-e to uatter . i suad getting home before chiuchi. gc u ay J1x;hhgo lu ils rndigistit s ; waygD in he rgh wy.Nota, tbarea ay haiec-ýasious wavie a eiir Tbc'e have klided imb 1h15 abouse i -srg1 i btAu-!sou amen cin' taIth, verge ýof tisseunnou o tbe's wos lis GNERA,ýLLY ]i I ROG iiy lite nauj say: "Jc wtllok tory, if tcVl d wuld ha more trill ng Hio ,îs- f hÏ rinsoI m[ of ýCan-,yuu-lou du"b than BQOoi's 'tragedy, amore excýitiug hp erfinswduten am oloasdio- ni Ie ,hl tisan Nilaso's snmore h rigit a rec yurfuerlsemo.rtiSttn-me su 11d pu ýis an nesci tlian a spxing snorning, more awfuil wouýlda wwr hu o torii2i tisu a-lwiniry midnigisi. ILthey could caSb în id n rai a Steysyitlcvirtivjyu staind -pLi'.î(,eaand tell tise siory of tav cin Il aSndyma nu Il slmpl tiseir escapes, and iboir tomptations, "'R-emmberthis Ilbbtsday ýta keep,arfcdhsf>luicîvy- A sud their isereavementsý, sud ibeir dis- hise-lýy." -Wh iitdoeIhat ruosu? Lt Ysiung is OiSl rmts o asters, and tiseir victorias, andS iboirý means tweuty-feur iso, Iurs. A man tr Ulag'ýg;n ia -ciig& do iswe yo e. ollr. ou ctî ~uîhim. auy hauin. H,,ku-a-s aout al deteets, tisera wauid hlue in uahouse wt uain ollar. , you iaiy c-suis; you tr*ehaci ik- ~iswy, ~hi sucis s eoamngliug of groans sud sc- aat lis" dollar. if GAd demnanda afI r'sys, ddua reav' irculer su clamations as-aniS make iLs place: y,-'u iweniy-fliur isurs oui of tisa tisae -uri'Il ' tisi rameisea- unnurbe.I'tek, bie maatwenjty-for hurs they foumdi j Iwa51e shrp buslinessýý unienduilblee awd natnt ei, Olis, ae waut ta M,il, asud if", 1a-culS anly senS a co- Thisehoteis 0f thia icoury -7fer ba-kep vig-1ýil 1 uibsc'niy iatain am (ni"f muyb alor eax- ty sud ciegance are nots-psehy mrcnýabah n t have express,chrepapdiey-ol tise l iiotiau sr ohrlaud; but: transýpianted Ibore tie Cerfn or tiese ii tisae tsai re ent elsisrasud10<Fris SuihSît Is , ý1,If iany of you imike ia torue u asaunuts.;bo ij'ban iu Paris, y-ou kuai wtvtaddnthles . Mnuhsrsi, Oft vestyasd inirror eau- eu Ssbbath limoriugtise vert popula- Ibut 1I diid'. Wiynoancul nit g-lys toitise guest atiy eostly tinrchettt-aticut tak. my,,m--. aryh ine aparîment unleýs e be au affard a-us thha jk"is sud hundle;s, sud te-aerS 'k' alsm vsr ais o pariar i addition ta is lodzing. Tise nigisi tisey icoinsback fagged out,î lak,- à. N-o imnu euld Chat im ai crouse snd inioxicat-ed. May GoS pro- tise fa mou table. Don't 1 know al atranger, theretore, aill generaily serve te'ns car glorious, quiet Arn- about tisa'oa-bxasd use 'deslerts- E:nd assigneS ta hlmi a s'oom, witheui enican ,-abbath',.box,' sud tlis' card.a stuck tagetis"r asý tisougis is"hy woma r-, uand i-n f any pictures, euS perissps sny rack2 Ntsye-u are ln tsi-a iotel, sud îh M bauýd lu My Cisechi? Oh, sisay ca't luT chair 1 Ha, wîll finS a isox 0ý ,Saisatisins YegXu asako u],easd1 oSe-ut ue. 1 kncwwasa1m about." matchessy tayourseltf: "Wýhatev-r otis2rs - s i-pa- u n'ý,,tivery mth on a bureau, sud au aid m'sy do, I ain,,(,ing to aisv-' a day I iýnÉut hte nevepaper laIt hy tise previaous accu i f rost for muy jbody >anSdfor ny sau',." ,snbuaarsu-ibugt piant, anS tisati a-hIbc about i out anS - ebj Curcis ronewh-r uste artJ.1 h ALL THE ORNAMENTATION. Xou -a-il find scuuathi u si cuit- simple tact liat Ihey re -ifot - observe. Ne- if s n r aamen At -even 'cieck la the sveuing, af- cf ta ycur taste lu architecture, oaius- suîg ownmash naIl- ter issv'ng taken his repasi,hle oks ir reciîandnaîhug craîay qi'gfor tia purpe"I 11a'lvef rm;ug- over his smemoranidum book of tise hetavPesu St. Ab a'. nsd tise plain nn Udi'nsn-t a i ,ciyalw da'saor,_. las a-hi vries a lte ukr meetin-h J)uise. G-e la. Ifl ie, homeasd tsua desperatian aiitise 5-crament, is spmead, 'svlîeuî anS, c-r E'i ib' i l , rsau Me rU smo uan hm togsi oi. Yu îie img- akai, if you are prepared, suit 'l'go d wnaogtb bno for il-W psp a, ivigsus tlbg-'t O:ty tldeig udr e'donaih y bIdecomiug Itsnî-ay hahtaGi -raetci n anndw, uSylluu-ay',"imuai loi ntoiatise dining-raom, neva-r ask lie h WIî oa u 'trr isu tsiprocessioni," -u ntnmntswis-t1irtisey can ---fit aitis' table. youbae *5~ ~ 'ie ouTity knoav hw y have a rigii ta 5dsi-tht-y wr-ut le. Butif o oon t is _,w lave jind iý rela uthr,. ýiAwhe m fýi ,ý rpred w-'ork cf rxisîo osi or tise gog-t"Ohs," you sa, Ii vui sr~iuiwd~u~at-r~raspurpo u of at0y4g, mrs5curi- maSs n, p my mind yet."Better L miak'L i t aba1as mue a is asoitltie..Joieity, Ïsili lk -mtypr et off up youir mini before yen atari. Paýr- lui yLbca uh a i.Ji cr' benpc tisevery way yen g0o uaw yeun t 2 su-giug, usatilaif tue "aty>rmea iaat'.Osrnas avll alway. go. Tas cnîy îearui ago ii i tyen! And isen ta tIl, WE.LCOMETO Hl REA CITY. tiseraavare 'founT mm e-b-o came preacising, sud las-i ai ho-e m-, Chr7ItMey yen lin h-lit era sd net doav tise Aster le s sepý,a tîncruthe' hanta Ot th,- -E,t Riveri ny pisysical or mrldmg.M saxeteS outinlua direio(n wise 'mt îbey ju3t fis' saine Christ as î cib' b anka iacrmýng trmilnfondsatc- bave asu aîagaven ince sud feuaItise Ria Grande. And fis-n hav- Iticshv aoluSGiaSbu million years train now, if yen ebeuld îng ounS tht' Sabbats day ti3,ýs'b tisulonsrvc.Mytsa eyu metihi cutieisglîa a te-day lu tisa city, finS tise Sahiath is i uý evoYo ibouIlbi I avre nisy, yau wouid tinS thein goiug-inlu nigisi tise basf ulgis ifcull hetis- avak. ,, ii laeni-eyfor tise tise saine direction, anly ta star. -,,1.,, pli" Iogaiseu- Pmsp o "Well, a-Tara are yoýu g:n-'saytm rougsi entfi5romg-tud- one in. -I oui g-ig- tatise Aca-,- J Lng City lifQX h iisprpo of£vorking denmy ta larser ame mu, le." Geai. - oui Youer ee(a:alaion. Go bsck wauld like to job nyen ai tisa daor. l arlou nit~lianha o At the fap aI tisa orcestrai helen, al rJ et Christ br-ieivptet tiseý gies of saTrnu-ny î and bhaaay --Wealhà pirdaniug anS :,ynapathetic Christ. liii open haera yaýur 1ni Icongrat- -- of hair is fWiso knouWs but ltise 4ity aviicis liase laie yau. Wse ar,, you g-ing- i -h ie trcii,ï ý1ýmany Mayt tWeiI"yaiu 1e, I cmgoiug- up ta w e a I t hayQur eeraire'deopicm. A good sec, sdvelia piciiros." GeoS . i nd ee d mvay yen 'iago, BS'a -d Stanley, tisa I ghsould lkota ýga alang a-us yau . Engii comne, ii is regi- J and look over tlis euCe"atalogue, anSe pcu u, to ot Ts otaanu 'study a-us you Knseansd Biarsiai - IVy t 0 a dissaslseisdr Snars anSi Cisureh aiS i rn.Nethiug - mr Eaed tney"e lie pt'the l eaIevaýting fheu acipioluras. \. Wiee» WOmaf at laig luis menas heu apn--a aire you goineiWell," yau say- -E"I lr isutu nisoi sspmraine lea ami gorng te the ýYa)ung- Men'sn5ýsCbl--'Ladelo it-I utSine egs issu A,,sciation roame." GooS. You Ot44 r bl ufts peraSthse Spanrii j - will~~hoý of ttieregymastes a sreutb-- muscin tlas msud h oaketairove phsicalattraction is in atieiptLing la jerk tliese pear sa-a;is en te mýcls ad bOksto mprv-tra i Stanley, lifeS i inuthisebt mh, ni-S, and C'rlsliaa influence ti secofdlafY to it, c, ii enni NO $001,37 bildStanley 1tek- ~~ave tise soni, Wisaira~~ are yen going- have a book w il- o spsto uts silmas tWell,l" yau 'y l ain g-ing tu t tsars bie funug isis savodnduihie ake ls a avalk p Bree-dway, sud i giauiy senu ,YOU tla ahaleregimeut uiPaiup ofir ltin - ma tur areund mie io he Bolery. I teUs just how to care ,anS tise.tort 'a-as >caku. Si, may i h A a.m g-oing- te sindy isumanhIfe." Good.' '-a-is yen. OErege.The-se eiiy ru-n A a-alk thýrouig-5Bro'iadway ai sigisi' fo the hair.fleesahe hvedtryd o o'lock et n-ighisi nitermiting- adn- i oUr hair Itg o , inany anS SacýheS the o can terevar, fi cstiasg, ts naîu- ppa îing-, exIilar- I -,lie, haetie sans aflifting yoa up f ating fa the lest dgrea Sîo un routil i hn u tise iow- of Godsi'e harcy sud e of tisai ibeaire a7nS 5nM'hso gise m,1 or1 --s~gtyu olmre tisan cou- tomes au~~ , 4 artls- yoicioue ras aiorhh elyou ;am--ing Lisekalvadsudiorvar , [ltr anSs, lo: )i ,e eating cg-ainils marbie of tisec. w aeui, .afug9- 1 a-as aý strauger aud5c rbstons, sud addlnug eD ye tolsme ilu."' ( c JJ5J51iN I'j 1THE ZSALOOUINSI ýWisai latisai blateis on tise face of htisaiSehucisea? It La tise haceM'ly flusis af tarnal deatis. Wbit- la ta wca' augiteri Il LeIse S'sifek G"q r ow thb-ors aI a leost îoni. Who is tisat C-is0an- inumain gaiug- ;Ath a pisial of ana- goosadai-diî dyne ta tisedying- pauper ilu ln druf is reoicved. Streei?' Wh ts uai haleai nou - -awysrsoe a" bxat bih hr I i e g yohir ean ean e tuhsuelHie I bigsisu lacauhfni aces 'beyare ging l youh; don'ft lookod Wi htie m-n aaha wshoots ca foeoutme B3r(oadavy Is hay l aiiey 1i t l z'! sîo1, batisAi drggCI is th murarenI Ille iss wiafte lai khuileutl it vnul euti bra y ud h tilaayeseyumIur jingles lu hie bh sypokai. Wh l buntYSpenddsaS itieory ai sforuec a& mll stresi.9Ho uieo iyfiessut l l q esne tr. fcy hetme mionngit W aviL -ie vu diffa- VgrImiiCranym mn ucesta bia ahetsr-aiseare app u o leygthtLc woiA"-'u deqa ca nCisnietian youaaman * PU foctisa me ht isaenSdtk"hc& ffh Éàansui- f andaS bu i i: 'î v'tu' ana et nigh befa-an tis B-> t:~ry ed fiseLasaiMai .a CYCLE 0'lEPIC TRAGEDIES, T tiabu--v Cia-ary-sine4s; AWFal mosos. joute -gil, Box AI ens Souks hem b-s John-tise saluts Bigg--sbohy, Crurnbh'ng- rocks, H-àlhiy bhomi, Munittiotigisi, Eaxrhy toasb. NO NEED 0F EJiHER. isîîos hter, ccieg aeud is aplsoiai.Yaeclnldn -qui EL OP1MEN EXIÂY DISEASE CAN BE DISCOVERED BE- FORE SYMPTOMS DEVELOP. A deatc~s.h fs-rm Wasiý-tn as: DISCOVERY 0F MANGANESE ORE. Work of Unoavaring Depata on Sout Shore or Couasczpt1on Bay Begun. Tise reporteS disaocvery ob mangan-, eel cuva an fisc ianthsahana of Concep- tioýn Bey, £L fea- mitea broui Belle Isle, hconfIrmeS. Arrangements bave heenJ -laSshy o mepreseniaiva of tise Do- riion ]lroanduSSisiComnpany iwii at numse- of pesos ais iolS tisa cl .,id aSgangs I i ý'mnuare uýo- ai)-or uncaveming fise8 dapQasts. The extent of tisa Seposif ts already under ioneia v-amy lange anS h la cex- pacteS tisaI mareavilI ha discavared. Tise avenrage percentage of maugan- ose lu tise are Sas 'faf ta hadater- mineS, but lias importance, of tisa dis- covary lu cannection a-m utheba womk- ing of tise grieet trou mines on Belle lie sud the iran industries ai Sydney a-ill proabty Le. very great. Tise ne dsupply of mauganose, aviicis tsi, requined as a flux lu fise mau- sein' -e ocf the best steel, hns beau f ad closeheside tise iran, sud appar- entiymin lange quantities. Lt h remankaisîs tisiavisîilatise arcs ona tonSont ibeir value nil me- ce.atly, Thse diecavamy hs expected ta ar-i-s a revolulian lu tise district. Tisa osav1- s ureof employnins ascomae jusi lui fuma, a5 the fisisonies of Con- cepticri Bey Lave long beau declin- iug anSdfiseishahifanis, have beau Eccreled art tu distant Labrador ta ern liseir ana af livalibo. iTS MIOTIVE POWER. birt ibis ts tisa di.ia] cicsa of aot iuvpav viesclyfuan ifs any Witia cs tp Inuan mÀias mc- --a ntLiy, Isa a-rimernoficed a disahiaci motr",n. lah Bverai m-n w-ors tayl-'----eax -iia-- tion. cas'ý --goa n opast ýýai hatie pro- peliîag oave aI istediscsia heicle taune. Eietriim, sgg-isfedOu .11il Oh, -ou a-tntaiaach.-r I ioul say]1 d' avc cU. i ( doM-, n-ro, 7aýf - -A fu-'. Are Invainable te Surgery - With Newa Appianes Physicians Are New Able te Eteveai thse Cndtof Any Organ. iXlthough f ive tyears' work by thse S9cientists has neot given to the wo-rld any more tiafinite knowledge of the charicter Itie X rays, thail -ivas, disclosed hy Prfesor Roentg :i whea he 'announce:,d thýeir discovery, remarkabLe and interegtiug advdnces have been mnade in their use ana in the apparatus% for pr-oducing and util- izinp tisem. As adjuncts to thse wrk of puysi- clan and qurgeon, the Roentgen, rays have, ound tb<eir m~ valuable uses, and it îs uow passible, t make exam- inatîons which for- the definite char- acter of thair dLi"cloahures are of the 1.heiget val.ue, flot only for the de- tection of bane fracturee and thse la- tcaion of foreigu substances' witii thse body, but even thse ti.scovery of IS05or changes iu thse softer paOr- tiGns of the body whicis indicate or accoampariy disease. Vsihthe Jeater forms of vacuum tubes good pic-tu-r,seau a cohtained of tise thIscka portions of the body mith an xpseacf but ;j few min- Utes, whare ouy za year or Jtwo ega s;uch ipcturea w'ý ýere iipý,sI;hl, a nd Jthe m~igof ImIah iss lficulit expa arasa ruatt ier afImany iniutes, and ofteq-rC'ited la n j sinjuries D3y thie aider apparatue ih was only posible, at thse hast ta get the loca- tiLon of troubles IN ONE DIRECTION while naw tisera are aeverai designs of apparatu5s hy whscn pictures are madesmianosyf rom two poInts C"f vlu-w F(>oftiataininiiury or a fore;igu substnce mbedddluthse flesis cen like- reci-t isy anathe2r ingealous de- vice. fJis appararus takas îwa X ray pIctures at once frcm points of view twoa 'sd ahisf incisa part,iise resuit bcbng steL-eos,cpie raiograuts, wisicis are, very effective lu giving the min- deliad forin af ail thse parts heneats the skie when viawed ibraugs the proper lenses. Wisen radiagraphy vwas firsit undertaken it saemed as if it muni remain impossible ta get dis- tinct pictures -of apy portions of hid- dens snatcmy except tise houessud peT- isapei a few of the cithur fluer parts, but thsis diffituity bas beieu over- came. 1t lt sas hben found that aimasi every organ or fzJnd of tissus lun tiehe bd y bas its ewn distinctive> affect upanth X rays, und tisaitithsse au Lbe cau-gh isy tise kilful opecratar l ictr ftsrin. The varions calculi ofblddr gail oT- irdney cen ha laeated \itis certaint y ; au IX rsy picture will show a eavity in a, lung,dicsete pres- enca eLafa pace f illed with liquid iu- stead of tissus or claarly indicate an adisesion. Careful ohservers tasri that they cagn sccampliah even maïre than this. A study of tise raiograps, isay say, 1wilil enable the ,,skif!,ul man ta detect tise, exis5tence of certain diseases,even hefore thair symptarna hava made theinselvas manifes>ta tüetiser pastient SBeaver Ilock. Eowmanville. e Bicycle epair So. a year. Tlae est Ilustrated MnyMgz o y ime of the Kind Pubilshed. o y Its Pag es are filled by a brilliant array of writers and artists. Its authoritative and independent reviews of Books, Plays, Music and Art, its clever stories, strong special articles, humor anci verse, with fine ilsrtos mftake it a necessity in every ifitellionent hcurne. The very 10w subseription price-$1iOO a year-puts it withiin the reacli of ail. Reliable agoenlts wanted --uiiiever~y oa Ei~trordîary nducrnens, W Itfor particuflars. eý- trial subscription will prove it. Wri t to0-d1aY fo sam1p10e Co ' CRITERION PUBLICATION 00., 1-wSuibseription Dep artmient, 11-6w41 East 31st St., New Yorký City. Î, nId gea- vated, a-d w sls yc hs11bGrade 191 Wide JBICYCLE sLjtct e l'yinaio . Ca presa ff. and if fo, "d rfcl stiaîry Aet týhe balanIced e-~ 9.cG - amdi pe~ NC, , 7, d5f Qrr1s huepes cage ae',"î0ta7 cens fr ech055mils.Na xr Carg fe Ldie BIY e', YïIE nOW5THE EA l' hI-YleS, Tl~yaretiseliihes Grae weelsmad; n Bicrlehas a- eaI t;nuBclelabek 2505 icel aveîiedhyth nmlir24ba bv urts-hhetBcyl lus helain halw rdea. Beîaan ar ahj ill , fnetha1 .S--hu --dbarn. ihsa de -n aiet. itsd wîh ictr Sngl Tue Tres $20 -cia fr Mrga & rigt TresfSéS eDraf, Lttaap ire. Heght cffrate-M a's20, 2 asd 4 ii.-Ldi-' 2 sud22 n -nameledBlaT.1 ià .E FE peddcac aago gn ueahtw.Sn o aaauadakfrAet I aun prepared te do ail kinds of bicycle repairing. Old wheels thorouglsly renevated anid newly enamehled. New wheels made tc order. A Il w or k guaran.teed. Get yenr wheel in now se as te avcid the rush. of al kinds. E nanieling donc. W. FISeHLEIBHJ'l Market Square, Bowmanville. 1- Castoria fa Dr. Samnuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant c and! Children. It contalns neither'Opium, iMorphine nom other LNarcotic ubtnc.It is a liarniless substituta- for Paregorie, Dropa-, Soothing Syrups and Castor 011, Il is Pleasant, Ifs gpuarantee fa thirty years' useb- illions *of Mothers, Castoria destroys Wormsau ,ahlays Feverishness, Castoria, prevents vomiting SoDur Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle, Castoria relieves 'Teething troubles, cures' Constipation and Flatulency. 4jastoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomacli and Bowels, giving ýhealthy and natural sleep, Castoria is the Children's Panacea,-the Mother's Friend. Causto.ria. Castoria. 4'Caatoria ilauanexlieu ediclse for Il >5s s well adapted to chidren cbildreu. Mothers have repe3atedly toid use tOut 1 recomÛmendi h as seperlor t auy r- of its goodaffPct u1pon their cîirn" scuiption ons to ie." Du-. G. C. so, Lowcli, Mass. IL A. ARCHLr,, M. D. Byooklyt, IN. Y. THE FCSIIESIGNATURE 0F - - .m- APPEARS N EVERY WRAPPER. We have soid piles of Boots the iast five or six weeks and have lots to dispose cf yet, and very cheap-flrst-elass goods at very small flrices. Out carry a good assortuient cf Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cerdovan Bims, seived and rivitted, from $1.40 te $2.50, worth $2.00 te $3.50. Children's Button and Bluis 25c, 5Oc, î75e, wortb, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in priceb.1 We wiil ttell yen \vhat the stock is in each and every pair. The reasen we do that is because we know. Liatest Spring styles now in stock in eveîy Hue. The public fis vtdto !inspeet our stock; no trouble te show goeds-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, ]3ags, Satchels; Shawl Strapsý, fancy and plain; DYressing, the 'very besi that can be bought. Cheàp trash dressing is dear, il wlIruiîn the boots it is appli- ed to. Repairin.- donc in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work made te order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past favors and hepIng for a contilluance of the tame. 'l ioc The CRITERION cul tli N PJI

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