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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1901, p. 8

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fedicines. A fulstoýck of the best Blooci Parifierslat,'C1T iRATIE PRICES. Try a bottie of our Perfect Ton.îc BîtterS; Containing CIASCARA, BTJRDOCK and CELERY, together with other valuable remedies for the Blood, Stornacli, Liver, Kidneys a nd Nerves. $1.00 size for 75c, J. Hliggînbotham & Son, B OWMIAN VILLE. 5ý DRUGGISTS. LISeeýTýEN! Our Goods Speak For Themselves. , We only a-k-you to corne and. go through I our store. We buy the nattiest Furniture on the market, made in best woods and we seil at close prices. If you intend furnishing a home, see our Une s and get our prices, and compai e with Sthe goods of any cîty store if you wish. If you Scontemplate a fancy chair or any piece of Fur- Sniture for the Holiday season, see our display, the largest and prettiest evershown in town. KEEHP VOUR EYE ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOW. BOWMANILLE.Furniture and Undertaking. tf tg to advise myý patients and the publie in general 1iht about June 12 I will move to iny new building, 208 Woodward Ave. Privete Entrance for Patients, 7 Wjicox St. m lave leased the enîfre building abave th(ý dî-ug store anS shah ltny la give satisfaction ln the future as 1 have lu îhe pesi. I amn île only spacialist on Cîronie, Pnb-aie, Non ans, Deli- cale BlootI, Skia, Kiduey, Liven,Bladder and Stomeel Troubles wha ivili cure you finst and yon PAliY WEN CURED. Question blanli for-haine treatineni andI bookitra Iiours-Da!ly, 9 a.m. 108 p.m.: Sudays, 10 a.m. t 1 ,m. Lý.~GOLDB ER G Now at 91 Woodward Avenue, 9AFter June 12, 208 Woodward Avenue. P!ýients' Private Entrance, 7 Wilcox St. .ADIAtN STATESMAN is published evcry ~y morning at the office 26 Si-Axs- King Street. Botwmainville, Ont., by .rs, Editorasnd Propitor. SnbscriP-ý ,r annum, or $1,00 if paid strictly mn Âdvertising rates, transient adver. cents per ine, first insertion; Oive _me each subscqucnt icion. '-on- on application. mu any article yem osiet irter ? Try a small ad in TIE AN. It bxings buyer and seller 'at a trifling expense, anti .o trouble. Id Parrish's 41lne decarative n the- caver -of The La dies' urnal for Jnne fnrmas a fitting Ion te a remarkablvy attractive Among the mast interestlng À this number are the first ila cof a fascinating new serial, b Elizabeth K iht Tom- tocigfuill-page pictinie of _tiig of the Farm_," bv .W. L. 1~pl have Mai -ed," by thý- N. st0eele, and a vi orous "oenac 'Poor Pay '11'bv 3oký and numerous other arti- Cuti pblshing Company, hia. edollar- a year; ton 4pT, VEeDSLi Detroit, ïMých.1 BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 5, 1901. ENNISKILLEN. Mr. Ri H. SIephens bas.retuorue danom Hamit- to aincopedbIlcure aithe School of Pedagrogy. o- 1%v.12.GR acy, .AB D.,Chames Cnrc, orontovisteShis uncle Dr. Mitchell ....- Mr. and Mrs. AilfreS Mutche 1l, Newtonville, have been visiting here. ... Mrs. B. Sylvester, Fenelani Faits, is Enesi of bier daugh- ter Mrs. J. J. Virtue.. - Mr. H. Rogers bas gone to llacistack for the sommer. Ors. H. Roger-s Ts visiiing in Brîightion.... Miss Lanra Rauton, Havelock, has lic omune.... Dr. F. C. Trebil- cock bas heen oot....Tyru anS Enniskillen pisye ae ractise gamne of foot bail Saturday e' eing. Humons fbcd on humos-île sooner T-angai id oat tora île boilen-HootIs Sarsepanilia is île inedicitie ta take. F A. Coe's is tle place ta bny chîeap seeds af ail kinds. laceC wira as cheap as the cheapesi, machinee ail, exie -greasa, etc,, et F. A. Cole's. Beady- to-wear coitonade pentsSOc., ai F. A. Colas, Hamptori. Vîsitors: M r. W. Wý. 1Rom.-t 'oronto, ai home; Misos A da BonS, d.Tarant,,'a 'i r. A. Peters'; Mrs.a Bris, Seafùr-b,;t:. Ir.Kl'A. Co1e's- MIv-anS Mn. orneFran, Bamanvie; M. nSevri W.g Rabbis u AnOtelri>Claî-a, Ramanviile an Mr1'.Rabns A, klen i r Lv SOLINA. Dr. Mason, Toronto, will preach at the Advent dhurcI. on Sundav next at 11. arn. and 7. pi.m...Mr. T Baker, C. C., is attonding the Counnues' Council at Cobourg ...... Messrs Vice & Ca have commenced work on Mr, A. L.Pascoe's barn., The In.iepent Order of Foresters wîll hold a public meeting in the Sons' Hall bere this (Wednesday) evening when there will be recitations, violin select- ions and other instrumental music and addrosses by High Chef Ranger, Geo. L, Wilson and High Vice Chiot, E. J. Hearii of Toronto. The public are cor- dially invitod. Miller's Drink Cure has made thons- ands of happy homes, For sale at Tole's drug store. CLARKE UNION. Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Parker spent tle 24th la Port Hope.... Miss Ida C. Souch has rotnrned from a pleasrnt visit with Mrs. Truman Power, Maple Grove... Mr. Eber Thomas bas been, visiting friends ln the nighborlaodý..Mr.and Mrs. 1ruman Power, Maple Grove, Mr. Ed. Soucb, Miss M. E. Thorniton were visitors in the section Victoria Day .... Mr, John Berry, Bowmanviile, visited at Mr. R. Thompson's on the 24h .. Mr. S. D. Souch has purchased a hand- some Foster buggy. EBELNEZER. The anniversaiy services of Ebenezer Sabbath Schoal will be hbld as follows : Snnday, dune 9, sermons will be preach- od ai 10.30 a m. and 2.30 p.m., by Bey. E. Roberts, Lindsay, and a£ 7 p. m., by 1ev. Wm. Jolliffe, Bowmanville Collection ai each service in aid of scbool fnnds. On Monday, lune 10, 1901, at 2 n m exercises will ho resum- ed when an interesting prograin will be given by the schô-l consistibg of an exorcise entitled ' A Gem of Days" describing Snnday School Life; Fancy Tambourine Drill, Singing, etc , and addresses by Reys. Roberts and Jolliffe. Tea tram 4 o'clock. Everybody invit- ed. Admission 25cts ;. Children 15cis. J. S. 1. Wilson, B.A.,B.A., pastor. W. E. Courtice, secretary.. OSH{AWA. Miss Winters of tue MeLaughilin Car- naeCompany office staff bas gone ta Montreal to train for a nurse ...Mrs. W. J. McMaster, Lambton Coutyv is vîsiting 1er mothon whom sbe has ii seen for nineteen years at Mn. D. Clarke's, Courtice. . .. Mn. W. Il. Bant, Stouif ville, son of Mn. W. Bant of this town, was united in marriage with Miss Ananie Cook, Whitclurch, on Mav 12.. ..Tho milk vendors of Oshawa must have cows înspoected bv a veterinary surgeon and tl milk tosted before be- ing otfered for sale. .OshawaHarbor is to ho improved ta the extent of $20,000, the grant of the Dominion Governmenî ...Mr. and Mrs.d.B Reynolds,Gnelpli, O. A. C., have been visiting Mrs. dos.j Reynolds .... The oddfellows will decor- ate the graves of their deceased breth- ren dune 23rd.... Mrs. S. E. Milîs, No r- CarzswefI ORONIO. Mn. ThosVinson, Toronto, was home recently.. .. Miss Hutchinsan sp ont 24th ai 1er home la Bowmaniville..Mn. andI Mrs W. L. Lýong visited the iiy recucntiy - ..Lviiss LyiaI5 ottVje "ais The Misses RBa se visited at Mn. Thos. lame lasi week. . . Messrs Percy Don- Gibson's lasi week. castor and -rinank Boddy, Toronto, aie home.... Mr. John Mili eî-, Sr., was mn Mrs, Chaýs. Sil, dimes, Ufia, says : the ity recently.... -Mn. J. W. Odeli B. I have nsed eveney remedy ton sick head- A.. Cobourg, speni Victoria Day here.. ache 1 cauld ttan ot for tle past, fitteen .Mr. and Mrs Milton Pollard neconîîy yeans, but Carter's Littlo Liven Pis visited relatives iu Peterboro... Mn. did me more good than all e rosi. Morgan visited ai his dau-hier's Mes. Mn. Bickenion Edinison, Triniiy Gea. Msgrove .. .. Mrs. J l. Moaý, To- Madical Colloeo, is home, ronto, visited lier ftler, MnNF. Hall The wheelman's friand. Na bicyclîsi ...Mn. and Mrs. W.S. Stïnson visited shonici be withoui a bottle of llagyand 'S relatives in Southl Managan._Miss Yeliow Oh. mIttakogsoui alle stiffness Dalla Doncaster, Bowmanvilie, ls visit and saraness of the joints and musclas; ing relatives haro...Mn Lau Dancasi- relieves pain andI takes down sweliing en, Toronto, formeriy of the News, was tram bites of insects. 25 cents, home aven 24th.... MnT.J. Sharpe, Mnad ithlNwoilespt Newtonî 11e, visited bis brother, Mn. A. r n ithl,-wonle p Sharpe recentl .... Miss M. E. G. Wad- Sunday at Mn. W. Jacksan's. del, Univensîtu-, Toronto, is home ai Na athen nemedy cures Summer Cam-. hon father's, Mn John Waddeli .. . .Miss plaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentry, etc., sa R.A. Gifford lias laS a savane attacli of pr.omptly ,and quiets pain Bo quickly us la grippa,,,.... Miss Minnie Connisl is Dr.- Fowier's Exiract of Wild Sinaw- anaund again, afien a sovere a nd benry. ,lu s a packet docior tan tour- iengthy illness .... Bey. T. W. Leggoti isis, travellers, etc. bas beau snffeing trami lumbago_.....Messrs A.Wýý. and Bussell Picliard are Mn. and Mrs. Howand Glenuv, Janet campiuw with a parvet Stoney Lake. ville, visîted hon tather, Mn. John Buck- Tuin the rascais ont. We raton bo loy, recently.' Miss Ettile Buckley ac- sud neascals as dyspepsie, baS blood, comî'aniod tibm home.. Mn. James bilionsness. consti'pation, sick beadacle ilalleit, Tononto, was homo recently. etc , infesting the human system. Turn Hoe now owns a pr-ofiable dnug busi- them ntu and keep them ont by using dess on Queen St.... -Mn. A A. Tucker, Burdack Blood Bittons, île naturel f 00 Pont Penny goos ta Brigade Camp ai to dbsase, which invigoraies, toues and -Niagara on dune 111 .... Mr. Edward strangulons theeantima systein. Piuder's young son Hanny while play .Mn. Harry andI Misses Gontie and ing Seturdev evening week gai knoc-PalPac iie tSln eetv' etI do-wn euad necuuved sorno bcd CutPTHanieNe vS Ai HE e eniv about île lead ...-. Mn. A. A. * TuTIDES uD nuSje-n l las gone ta Blonbeim, Ont., ta Tonrgea sprng, île kidneys lave mach ta do. a tin and hardware esalsmn.. If thoy are weak on tarpid, they will nai Mn. Caence Vinson goes wihî 6t do it well, andth îe skiîi wi!il e pimaly Batu, ta Brigade camp et Kingston, -i or blotchy. That is tellipg' île stony lu Jane. Pie, Vînson le necognized as a tew wonds. Hood's Sansapanilla anaof lehas luios l îl Cnadansinengtbens and stimuletes the kidneysi Militia .. .. While Mn. Ait. Cabbledick, and cures and pro vents pimples, blotcl-1 Cowanville, wes passing Benwick" oes and ail cutaneaus erupilons. Don'ti icorners -on -îte- way home tram Baw- feu to taeke it, Bay a, baille to-day.-- manville recenîly île antics of same Mn. J.W. Bradley ls île new Presid- horses in the field caused hanr hanse to eut of Clarke Township Sundey Schaol1 whirl anound Sa snddenly tlai îhe bug- Association.f gy wes upset and consequntly damag- BiiEumATiO WARrED Li)ms-Mrs. H.1 d.Mns. Cobbiedick escapedwithout Wllls, Clelsey, Ont., savs :-My boy serious injury. was ail crippied np witl rhenmaiism., Alibough we doctared, ha was in th*s way fan about ana yeer, andth îe pain 'westerbe Bedgofancas wher(, Dr. Cbase's Kidney-Liver Pilles lad cured eheumatisai, we gai a box, Croup.Betane tley wYere hll gone ho began Ii's a terrible thing, isn't to imprave, ande is naw quite weil. I1 it? Somehow, tînt avoful amn varv giad ca recommrend tIero ta cough, that 'bard struggle alllers." 01ne-pihi! a dose, 25 cents a box. fon air, can nover be for- Bev. T J . dlmison preaellod to ltae gotten. Be a little fore. Sous aof î Landoge oNewtanville, handed and peet .ing tram île ors Wlî at ath Keep Vp-rsln in thc bouse, Wnronght." About,50 orbî- en! and when île chiîdren take cold let altendance. "lem breathe-in thc vapon during tle Now 1 FuEL BEAL i, L r-Vn'W.-H avening. Ih goas ight to the lIront, LaBmcBofedOnwitsIwa just wlere île croup lies. Alone. sui earfro . ali-rh , atvw1il irritation subsides, île couigh quiets nîgD.tase' Cat r.Cr 1w dowu and serions trube"s peenc.Nar o l bau îtlesvemM It neyer fails t3cure-woop!1g11coub.e areswee xhusedani I was tocz A vapo-cresoleneoputlî, ;, hvapoizra.11sin l. ad ow I arn srn Lamp, wh-mich sanî1lsi tlfepinesda botî 'leo alh CreîsleJ,,1 ý,cltc.. , r up Ies - of Creso - sdt-lrs w l r CR cLEEG., sIa "fulton St, NwYrU.S. A, htiii h eisrniee nIn For qale by Sioti & jury, Bwavi.soaieban.l. "Neyer QOsét Certainty ForP Hop. You may îake Hood's Sarsaparilta for aff dliseases arising tram or promo led by impare blood cwith perfeci -confidence that Il 'oeu do you good. Neyer take any suh- silt aie. It Hood/s Sarsaparilia you have Mhe hesi medicine money can bay. IB cures, - compléet y and permanent ly, - vwhen others fait io do any good. Tonic-"I/iavre aken Hood's Sarsa- parilta as a tonic and generat buder of the system ',-vilh excellent resoîts. R tre- ut ores vit atity, drives a'way thaï tired feel-. ing, quiets the nerves and brings refreshtn.g sleep." John Y Pa,terson, Whtby, Ont, PROVIDENCE. The Sabbath School annivensary sei vices on Sunday were vory successf nl fine congregations gneeting a fonine pastor, Rey. S.T. Bartiett of Napane( 'rIe sermons were very appropriai and ful of practical thoughts nicel presented for the cilîdren in the, afte: noon andI parents in the ovoning Tih school under the' leadership of Mn. E Dowson sang suitable Iymns and weî ably assisted bov Messrs Allin Brother of BowmanviIle anti Mr. Norman Alis i-'ewcastle. Oin Monda.v evening ReN Mr. Bartioti gave an illus tnated tail an the life of Christ toatho scîolarso the Sabbath Schooi l wich- was fuil enjovotI by ail. Collectionis on Sunda. amounted ta a3bout $30. We, theunudersIgned, ci., hereby agrea t refend the money on a 50-cent baille of Greene' -WarranteS Syrup of Tarif it fails ta an, yaur cougli or colS. We also guarsuie 15-cent baille to prove satlsfactory or. moue: refunded. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON ST.O-TT & JURI-Y. iN'%EWTONVILLE. Mnl. Spencer Wý%ood, Toronto, is home Millen's Grip Pwescr.Sol d a Tole's drug-,store. Master KcîenolWüood who has bei sick; is imlpraving. Miller's Drink Cure is safe, effectua. and can be readily taken., Sold at Tole'. drng store. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth visited la Bowmanville Sunday. New lite for a quarter; Millen's Com. pound Iron Pilus. Sold at Tol&s dnug store. Mr. Workmain is around again af ter lis receat soveo illness. The best phiysicians speak well ol Milier>s Compound Iron Pis. SoitI ai Tole's drng store. Mrs. (Bey )ý Lewis was called to Pet. erbono lest we.-ek on accon.-nti serions illnss o honfather, Mn. Camp- bell Manyý pensons suffering frora rheuma- tism have benpermanentIy cured by Miller's Compjonai ron Pis. Sold ai Tole'iidu soe er 1, ,y r- S. n, ik of ly ly ts ýy t d 1- Mue ps.year.9as tjorlI Receipte-Osa on bu,$113.46; Membera tees $49ý 25 ; Municipal grant $25. 00 ; Legislatoret grant $25,00 Receipls from, Excursion $5 00 Miecel. Int. on Depoeit la Bank $2.60; Total 220 31. Exp and Iture-Ex pense for Committees, &c.. $12 25 ; Ofiicer'ei salaries and iDrecior's expeuses, 32.00; Printing $43 35 ; Leat. Expenses, $23.14:; Miacellanous $27-39 ; Totasl $138,13 ; leavlug e balance on hand of $82« 18. The followlng were chosen as Direc. tors for the enueing year- Darlington-R. E. Osborne, Il. J. Werry, 9, C. Hbar, T. Baker, J. J. Smith, J. M. Joneze, W. E. Pollerd, H. J. Werry. -Clarke--H. R. Pierce, F. Allan, N. T. Selby, W. iclkard, J. Stewart, T, Maffat, F. BrImacombe, D. d. Gib. son, fi. Gilson. Bowmauile-A. 0. Bolman), Jas. McLean, M. A. James, Jas. Gile., Cantwrlght-Wes. Mouaîjoy,1 R. Phelp, J. H. Deviti, J.3fMalcolin, d Wright. Lt was decided ta lid 41le0anuel sud supplEýmeatary meetings ailhe an places as lest ye&rsn, Keudaîl meetingý wiil be In the afternoon and 0Orono et niight, tle saine day. An extra suý,pe- meuîary meeting iwïil l eo le leld, the' prograus for whlch wlll be turuished by local talent. 1A communication was recelved froin the Ladies Insitule Soclitï, teuderiag bhanks for donation of $10,00, Moved by M. A. James, Sec. by il. C. Hoar, That the members of île West Durhamn Farmer's Inet. lu annuel meeting assembled, senti fraternal or parent,,i greetinRe ta the uewly oran- izsd Woman's Imat. for ihis district, and trust thathe efforts put forth ta hld mneetings for mutueli mprove. mentamang tle ladies will b. fully &ppreclated by ail the fâriner',s wlves anIdeughters, and ail ailier ladies in the district. W. wiel you a succestul Years operations this lirai yean of tle new, Century. Mr. E. Monden, Niagara Falls south, addreased the meeting f'ad asked, for suggestions as ta parties ta haudle fruit lere for the Pan Ainerloan. on mnotion P. Murdot-k end T. Burden wvere liamed. Oùn motion of 'Mr. J4me, ,seconded by Mr. Weýrry. a vote of thanks wV-,E Condered the afficers and the sum o $'20 voited, ta the Secretary and $5 ta tlie Treasurer. The folloWing were elecled as fficers; ýpnea.-F. Allia, NewcasýIle ; Vice- P c'lrd, Bwnail oiasH R. Pearce, M. J. Wienry. Metn heuà adjoutred. FrInfanits adChildr2en, THEMASON Go. BOWMANVI LLE HAYDON. Mr Anrehie Camplbeii spent Suuiday ai homue., -..Miss Alma Trewjn visited wjth friends in Mariipsa... Mr and Mrs Robbins have returned to their home iu Toronto after a pleasant visit with iheir daughter, Mrs Wm Trewin, ... Mr and Mrs John Rundie are visiting friends in Toronto, Tliey attendeS Trinlty Convocation on Friday afiernoon when the degrea oi M D C M was confer red on their son, Howard.' Con- gratulations to Dr Rundie... . ,.Rev S Crook- shanks filleSl the pulpit here very on Sunday evenîng .... The pupils of the Suuday School are' i n course of training for their annlversary on July 1 ... Our inhabitauts are tlred of "the useful trouble of the main" snd longing for a glimpse of sushîne again. THE PLUIVBERS 0F CANADA INYITED. John S. Morgan's Letter Open Forj 1 Their Perusal. Nova Scotia Member of the Guild Wants His Case Published-An Eight Year Snfferer From Backache-Cured Recenily by Dodd's Kidney PlIls. BRiDGEWATEuR, N. S.- dune 3 (Special) The case of John S. Morgan, plumber and tinsmith of this town, should be put vrominontly before everv union and non-union man in Canada, Inaa matterliko this there shoulai be no dis- tinction, the benefit blongs to ail. John S. Morgan for eight yoarS was hampered in his work by backache. Stooping continualiy at 'work isa the cause of a great dea] of backache, though not in the way most people imagine Mr. Morgan's lettor expiains the truth of the matter when ho says Dodd's Kidnev Pilus cured lis backachie. It was realvy Kidney ache that Dodd's Kidney Pil cured.' It was reniiy Kidney ache that tr oubled Mr. Morgan. Backache is the commonest SyMDto M of Kidney Diseasa. .Kidney Diseaseý ls the commonest of human aliments, and Dodd's Kidney Pis are the one infallibie cure for al] Kidney diseases. Read what Mr.. Morgan says about thoîn himself. " 1 been been subject to lame back for ight years. The. diffrent remedies 1 tried wero 1no good. I got sothat, 1 was crîppied up entirely and couidn't do a tap of work. Another thing was a frequont desire to urinate altogether unnatural. "About a year ago I commenced to use Dodd's Kidney Pis. I had run down in weig-bt to about. 140 pounds. During the time 1 was using DodO's Klidney-Pis 1 gaiued 23 pounds. My back got botter as 1 continued takink- the pis until 10 day I arn as free tramn backacho as ovor 1 was in my Ille. This after eight years of it means an awful lot ta me. I realize the danger 1 was in and know what 1 awe to Dodd's Kid- ney Pis, 1,I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pis to anyone who las backache or any other Kidney com plaint. FARMB'SINSTiTUrE. Annual Meeting was held on Satur. day afternoon lest. PreiBldent J. M. 0 Jouee,,in the chair. Minutes of lit d meeting read and confirmed. Mr. Pal. Both Soft Christie's: Hats and Stiff Felts; a full rangee at closest -prices. We have opened ont this week 4 doz. paits Special Value hair-lined English tweed. and worstecl pants. These are well made, lined and are worth $4 per pair. We shal, seli them -at $2. If you want a Suit in tweed or worsted or anyVthing in the Clothing line. Our values defy competition, - * * n .rnaiOIE I ou r 8 8 g. ê g. a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i ,,,.,, WOMEN'S INSTITIJTE. The annuel meeting of Wonn's Institute wes bld lu île Boyal Tem- pln'hlon Saturda afternoon, Mrs. J..Spariing, Vice Presideut, occupi- eth îe chair., Miss Haycratt, tle soc- neienyv, prlesented her repart showingm thai sincoarganDization lastOctober eigt meetings lad been bld. Good pro- grains, cousisting of addresses or papers on ni3etul 'subjects bad boen given with musical-selections intenbpons- eli. This bing île lest meeting for year, the eleciion of afficers iaak place as, tallows: President, Mes. d.W. Spari- ing, Bowmenviile; Vice Pros., Mes. W. H. Peerce, Newcastle; Secy-Treasurer, Miss E. E - HaYcnatt, Bawmeîiviile; Directans , Mrs. Jas Bradley, Leskand, Mliss Sparling, Pan1typoal, Miss E. Leak, aunonMes. G. C. khaines, iMiss Jane Canscaddeni, Mrs. Jas.Veale, Mes, P. MCGilI, Miss C. Stephens, Mrs. S. Aluin, Mrs. Thos. Smala, NMrs. S. S. Bnagg, Mes. 1. Tabb, Miss Goode, Miss ESuth 'Goode, Bawm'anvîie; Mes Thos. Baker, Sauina; Mrs J. J. Sinîil, Ennis- kilien; Mis, j. R Fisher, -Newcastle. Grcetings were roceiydt( ramn île Farions' Insttitte thon in session whicl wetre sniiablv anwagdby tle sed aScomimitteaes appointeS 10 omake aangements ý(ý1i;to n hldnga union piC'c e ith tîeFarnos'Insitle !in Mr, 'Jonathi teln'7Grave inorîi- wes o Bownîanivhýeon dne22. Musical slciu eenicelyvrentIer- gav-es1alninumen a It1waodecide meeting îllst Salurdv us Octal-r whnaUod ragihramf whiiornno. pas- an e ee of L25c. RE ADY As soon as you are Yon nover lave to wnit for' the fine when Yoau are co)okiug an baking-it ý ou lave GURNEY'S lImperial Oxford RANGE It c e ho Saqnickiy andI easily negniated that ît rmeets alnequire- monts an shantest notice-and as soan as yon ara thnaugh yoin cen doeck the fine insiantiy, so that no hbai or tuel is wasted wheunoiit required. SOLD BY Mason &Date, The GUuNEY FOUNDRY CO., LimýriteS, Toronto, Winî ýOwman ville. iPee and Vat-couver. Navigatioll Companly, Niagara to the Sea - - - - Hamilton- Montreai LUne, The PalatialI ran Steamer1s, "Ii~ litait" "Alenian antI'Spaitan" *MII dallibite a ti.eki enio i r Jane 4th, laigDrhgo *>p., M. aasibonnd. , edasT Iay nti Saturdays waîbiîclW ays, FIdyars antI snays, 4.0 pl. . eig tiaighitI asnosfroin al wev boatitîlo-ana-yaI heBe," Of (Qulinte, anaI Thoaud Isiads!bytIslgît. Low I reight BalesanSdQ&W Dspaich. For funther parýIticulars ep~ta JOHTN MCCLELLAN, Bowmauvîle, Oi TIIS. HENRY, TnflcMnager, Mantreel. 22 A Boa ta Calisi. A ottie f Hg- s cîhit' il alt s l mas effctv iont, anractian of the rmuscles0 , crmpýqs ilu îlelegs , etc. Tn - -, s'ai Il r cd tf-t Et t. - s E. t -'t 4- t - Specials for the week in Dry Goods DepartmentU Cotton VýeStS, 10Oc 12o and .150. Plain Cotton Hose Fast Black from 7eà to 12, c. ]Ribbed 'Cotton 1H1ose Fast Black for Boys, ail sizes, from 10e to 25c, Ladi'es' Fine Black Cotton Hose llermsdorf dye at 15c, 20nr and 25e. Specials for the weok 111 Gonts5' Fnrn ishing. W. G. & R. S hirts Boys' and Mens, both soft and starched front. King Edwar-d Bows The Latest Fad in Ties, in Blacks, Navy and White, Royal Blue and White, and Plaids. Special Value--Cashmlere Sox, 2.5 r- --l u hnr .4 y m GOTHING DEPARTIENT

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