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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1901, p. 1

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17ERMS :-6l.5OPER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND, COUKTY FIRST THZ WORLD AYTEEWARDS. M. A, JAMES, EditeradPopitr NEw SERIES. BOWMAN ALL ABO-UT î u. DE goes without saying that COU CH, JOHTNSTON & ORY- DRMANhave now in stock the finest selection of Carpets of l kinds ever shown in town. Union Carpets f rom 25e up to 50 SOcum . Two-ply Carpet s from 60e up to 85e Lioem e Etasuper three-piy Wool $1,00 From 40e to 55, per square yd. STapestry Carpets 40e up to 75e Brucsse]s Carpetsý 75e up to $1.25 Veve ad xinistr 1 o 1.0 Lace Ourtains. AtSquares. .. NEWEST DESIGNS-A big Wve buy these goods direct from the makers-both foreign and domiestic-and guarantee our prices for the same-class of goods tob as lwas,'i Dot lower, than any house in Canada. Coud Jolllstn & rydeman *uu ChWMAlNBIhi mummmmmIa~BBa~ahaaa~ AaA~~Aa&&m~.aa j,. ]Vlast Fy. fWe are offering yen thr, largest assortmnent of Chairs andj IRockers for your verandah, lawn and summer cottage ever f o,'fzred before. We have- 80 Reclining Chairs that we are Igoing to clear at a'Special Price of $l.lO, Ask to soe them. IThey are the rnost eomnfortable Chair yen ever sat in. Don'tj b uy until you have tried one. ~ M D.WILLIAM S SON. N. E Undertaking receives pro mpt and personal attention,. t:BoWMANVILLE.- ]VanWho Pays YoaU The Highest.Wages Secures Vour Services. But dees the man who sols voit goods with the least profit upon thenmseere yý qui ? ,Ask- yQurseIfthe question and, you will ielize that to really obtain the highest wages you must buy in the best -seel the Point ? yustraight te T. N. IRICilAÉD'S, whero atths er tme yen eau hiy Genuine Amerrea-nWrniw~eraytwl-b 3;r pro id te carry and own, for less money - than yen e-ver lheard of- before -for -tise samegoods. They are the VERY BEST at the samne prices te ail from Monday rnorning te Saturcday nigbt se long as the present stock lasts, T. N. Rick911-(. a 1-d, Wateismaker, Optieian aud Je-%Yelier. BowmAqviLLE, THE, HARMONY MALE QUARTETTE. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. P. H1. FROST, First Tenor, A. E. MOLÀUGHi.,iN,, Second Tenor, 1-, J. KNIGHT, First Bass, T. E. lIGNnîBOTHAM, Second Bass. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Address al, correspondence, to T. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, Sec., Bowmanville. 16-6m .OUR. Summer Sehool Offers asulendid opportunity for teachers and others to develop increasefi earninig power at a Iimnited expense of time and mnoney. Write us about it. OUR REGULAR WORK Continues rilt aiong from month te monfli. Students entering hi June or July finish a course Iu the fall when maiy are jut enter- ing. We have no vacations. We do thoroungh work every month ln the year anid aiecuistantly seidiig uut youuîg people intogoofi positions. Central Business College, TORONTO. W. H. SHAW, Principal. GOINO FAST!' Tise car e! Carniages I received of late. People who are looking for a good thing do net ho rasedaseled by agents whoeiai.mour geods are trash. Seo for voursel! and decide as te the untrutis fulness of such aoents. See mv Mikado and varions styles of Single Bug-gies. Ternas te suit custemers at the Enniskillers, Ont SUPPLY EQUAL, . , TO DEMAND. z Tisough our harness sales 0 bas been double that of former z years-we-ca--vet- lns-h--y-ot witis one or more of Courtice D Jeffery's hand-made team or Ssingle Harness, aisoe Fahuers-- ton Co's beautiful Buggies, C 0bossitt steel. spike teotis Har- Z row or Root Scuffier, machine 0 and harness 011, Castor 011, zAxlegrease and other articles r z tee numereus temention. M Remember tIhe stand--Ea s End ilarness Emiporium- e opposite T. Tod's store,. NVILLE, ONTAÀRIO,: WED.NESDAY, JUJNE 12, 1901, VOLUME XLVII No. 24. COUNTIES' COUNICIL. The June session of Couinties' Council was of more thaîî ordinary Importance this sear owing to tise efforts made by Warden Rickard, strongly supported by councillors Geo. Mitchell, Jo h nMil- ler, J.- P., Paul Trebilcock and M. A James, to secure a more just and eëguit- able adjustment of the as-ssment of the scveral municipalities, for county purposes The council went into Com- mit tee of tihe whole for disc.usIsion of tise subject Warden in tise chair. Warden Rickard said lu opening the discussion that this was a very import- ant matter and heeisad collcd thse council together on the flrst day of the weekz that there might he iam.ple time te deal witis it iu accordanwc witlî a resol. ution of thse council in tis e Feruary essIon, Owing techanged counditions relative values had verv maýtoiallv changed and it was onlv thîat the equalization should ho chan ged accord ingly Tcpplto a locag ed ; some municipalitie*iadinrese for instance, hadl dccreased frm ,8$00 to te 500 while the equalization hadr- mained the samne. This wvas miot fair. Its assessment should ho3 redlucodl at least $253,000,.'I f ino cha-.nge> -ould bho mnade hy this Council th nan pea would he made. Heo hý,oe that theý counceil would go into the malter lui a business-like manne.r and wt a sii of fairness and he aIre te rrv at a satisfactory solution of the iffctyat, thlis soason. Mr. A. A. Mulisollanid, (Camp bellford,l said tihe Warden had ut this niatter very nicely advisùiug a sitof lairness, thea singling out Newcistle as having a great grieventce and as heing un! airly dolt withý Mr. Rickard persisted lu hi s;complaint, as a positiv e fact that w-as clearly evident fromt the facts and fgrs M. A. Jamses also put in, a strong dlaim to have Darlingtonýî'.tass,ýessmient very, materiallv reduced ;asIt is now tise most highly assessed. Tnuicipality la theso Counties, boing flxed at, $>5 an acre while the real assesinieot this year hy the assessor is only t,85 t5 fHe was charged witlibeîng a "ie"but lho said he intended tecontinu0 ýý'kicekiiýg,", hecause if llaldîmand had caue fr a kick, Larlington surelv ha,', go(odcause fer two kicks. After considerable discus ýion vwithout resuits it was suggeste- tt VDarham memisers try te arrive at a ï7ir b-asis for Durham and Nirtisurberanmemisers do the saine for otubldwth eut changing relative lu,àe, T, i P Warden suggested that -son o onie stato or mark down what thýey ,ons;Iered a-, fair relative value. Thse!r ing no resiueuse to this tioeWre said hoï would venture te o ý)sei) m ~ marked as fellows as a h .ï t L4art (en :say Darlington .......... peu acre Clarke............... ; Cartwrigit .............1 9 Hoepe ................ ; Cavan ..,............ 4 Manvers ..............~ -l.e,-ged to-submit ho' fgre or- discussion ; hoe had enideavpred, to dio as he.had advised to ho fair -jnd if lie nad erred it was in net putttinýg Clarke as low as it should be Tis woýruld ian- taiii the tGtal amourit el scset Coitn. Baker also ctooL au active part in tise dehate, coprg arling- ton with otiser townships d protost- ing against tise higisrtigof lis township. - Warden Riekard ,Yb&odwy ho rofused te sigu tise repoýrt o! tise3 coin- mitteo on equalizatiori), Iot favoring delay. Wlhen it was mýoveýd hy Coun- cillor Trehilcock and seenedhyM. A. James that tise clause b-e epne fromi the report, and tise committee rise' and report progress, i.zid asic bave to sit again. n lisa asingular tin1that fin the popular view o! tisease. tise inte-rte- pendence ef tise several opgans ef tise ,body is lest sigist of. Tie it, foýr -example, is-tisseaseti an?'i ïi-.s treate--d as if it were entirely'sepatrat,,etifrom a independentrof, evecry- otte ra. Tise fallacy e! this oiinis sisown by tise cures ef.iscat 1nt l u lc, iver "trouble," lddney "rin "anti other so-callet "troubles," effectet ;-Lby tisýe use of Dr. Pierce's Golden l\etical Discov- ery. Primarily tlise "lDi,-cevcry"I is a mnedicine fer tise cu re ocd ýiseases e! tise stomnac]h anti blooti. Bil ià cures dis- eases o! organs sesigyremote front their enigin in a tiseaseti condition o!.ý ' thse stemnacli anti its aýssociatîti organs e! digestion ani1 ntriion ,I doctored with lirdiffretdctor)s for weak heart, but bbey !id me ï,(gnd,"writee Mrs. Julia A. Wiicox, o ynt odC. ho Box 52.t"I waesu tired and dil-"Luragcd,3ifhe hai my choice tao ive or (;eiwoid haýve pre- ferred to die. My hus'band lîcard 1of Go,!len Medicai Dlscovery ' an(,, he btghta ottez tooic that and the fdrst basf seeed a 'heip)m : 1 took six btties before ist1 pd.Iamnpr fecetiy weii, andi arn cookîng ,or sxba-es lb has beena ood-seil n 5 e,, Dr. Plerce'leaan Pllt cure con- Coun Trebilcock said hoe could ne approve o! trying te get aflidavits as t( value o! land. %Ve would have te taks th, opinion either of tise assessor ei pnivate parties. Percentages will nei lie. Tisee is an injustice, why net ne cti!y this unjust equalizatien at once and net put il off until December. HE~ thougist we ceuit sit down and fairly 1eV'el tisem bp. The law says we must de se. Tise motion was lost. Or motion tise committee rose and report et progress. Other inembers took pari but we have ne room fer furtiser coin monts. Thse discussion w as warm and pro tracted but a! ten the reprasentatives of the two counties iatinmet in separate meetings for a time it was anneunced tisat tise rate for 1-aldimand and Cram- aise had been adjusted te tise satiafac- tien o! tise members from tisat district and it was agreed te defer ail tise othens te enable thee mrmbors te advise witis their respective tewisship councils wiso are te be askedtoteplace a value on tiseir own townshsip and te report attse December session. S.WARDEN s ADDRESS - Wisen tise council ýmet fer regnian business Wardeîî Ridant ;ead his ad- dress as follows . GENTLEMN :-I isa veO ciiiet yeu tegether for tise transaction o! businiless at a littie earlier date tlîan the usual lime for the June session. 1 have donc se believing it tehe in tise best interests of aIl concerned, There will ho some important huEi- ness ta come before you. (1) You will ho requinedto equalizo andi nevise tise assomsmenît relis o! tise miner municipalities. For rny years past at tise mue session tise attention o! tise Ceuncil o! these Unit.ed Counties lias been called te this matter, as im- portant business, but 1 think 1 amn safe In say ing that for more than twonty s cars ne matenial change Isas been made in tise equalization Dunring mv- tive years in tise Ceunties' Council I have aiwayîî maintainoîl that ewing to changed conditions, bucli as tise clearing up o! tise land. tise making up e! new roads, tise building o! rarîroads, etc.,, lu sonie cases resulting in an increaset pepulatien, that there isas been a veny material change in tise relative value o! property in the varions municipalities, and as a censequence, In ail fairness tiseresliould be a chla 1nge lnthse equal- ,izatioîýn. I maintain tîsat tisis is soliti ground and a !act tisat cannot fairly ho nisposod, and muist ho adînitteti, net onyby tise mombers of this Cesîncil but b)y tie conistituents as weil; anti wiile it is reasonable an mnd da ,tisat lokwell after tiseîneesso! tise dvi'si on whis lihe ersnt-Ivete tu hiap- thast<,î Spirit of !aL--iess anti juice iliseprevail t; 1hat attii ssion od tise Counilhsu a re-arraugeen e! tise equalization may homde as shahl ho satisfactory to ail cnent (Il) Tise keeping o1 tise indig;en1t poor attse gael is again a matter for your caneful consideration. As yen are ahi awane, at tise, February Session -o! this. Council tise Counties' clerk was - structet to netify ecd anti evers' Council e! the inesr municipalities, tisat owliîg te a chansge in tise law, hy anîending tise cnimninal code, indigents couit no longer ho committedtot tis e gael antidtisat tisey must ho prepa rot te take back tiseis owes peer. While tise Ceuncil foundti tss action imperativo in keoping witl tise lawý, they wore nanimous La the opinion that many o! tise olti people were se feeble teat te tura tisem eut turing tise cohti weatiser woulti ho a spocios of cruelty anti decid ed ly wnong. In tise ments o!Apnil ifading tiat thene hati heen ne response -c,te tsenotice of tise clenk anidne prroii mate by !hg minor munici pahities fer recreiving hack tisein peon, 1 visitedt tis gael in company witliCom ,sonnMitchselh anti in considening tise feeble condition o! many o! tise indigents wo were fencedte concîndo tisat te tun the peor oit people ont witisout having some ples pro videti for thom te go te woult simply ho inisuman. As a resuit o! tis cenclusion I determine t t formuhato a a phan toeliminate ontirel 'y tise indigent part o! tise gael fnmtise administration o! Justice, placing it entirely undon tise management andt contrel eof tise Ceutie' Cunclprovitiing the Gev- "-rament wonld consent te tise arrange- ment, ani flaIse? that ecd miner munîci. pality woldk be willing te pay tise actual tosit ef the maintenance e! their own poon. Jnterviewet t b eo'Provincial Secrotorv anti mot witi sosme enceur- Agement by his saying "Go on anti see what yoe au de." 1tison instructeti thie chenk te ask tise varions Councils if tliey wero willîng 'o comoly witistise arrangement To isis, I believe, ailt or nearly ail have replieti in tise atlnmý- ative. It was my intention te nofen this reatter te tise Le'G-ishative Committeo ýte, completo tise scisote, but owing te tie telay lu hearingf-frornail -tiserCoun ti is, I rne)reemendthat this Cucldo paFsJU14 E DLlDi41Q a esoluîtio)n notifying the sherif thiatj pesos e ontted as tise action is WORDEX-OKE. in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h dietvoaino ie ttts Iilo, isrsidence of Mn. and I ere o have te say tisat the-water- Mss.A lley-Oke, Darlingten, near suppl athtie gaol iii seime respectq is Ebenezer, wa's tise scene of a verï, sil an unsatïsfactorv condition. pleasaîst event on Wednesday last, Cemmirissioner Mitcell and mysoîf on when his sister. Miss Alice Maude Oke, visiting tise gaol found an abundance and MVr. W. Frank ývr erden, son o! Mr. e! water and tise windmill in good E, Worden, near Harmony, were uniteri working order, tise elevateti tank, heing La marriage. Tise wcwdding mancliwas fulil o! water. Everything abouït tise played by Miss Aliceê Wordeni, and tise weil appears te h o an and ig 4,3Isebride was given aa b.v ber brother,, water clean and sparklîng, moine of tise Mr. A. Hedley QOIe. RevJ.S I. Wilson, mon drinking freoly and sayîng they B. D., performed tise ceremeny in thse enly wisised tisat tisey nover'get any- prese.nce <if about 35 relatives andi thing worse. In view of these facts wo friends,, the bridai couple standing determinod te have another test of tise hefore a bank o! heautiful plants. Tise waten hy analyVsists, and ivo procured bride was prettily attired lu white silk two betties e! water wiih I personally trimmed witis chiffon and poari tnim.- delivered to Mr. Bryco, Toronto. These ming and carried a beautiful bouquet samples were objected te as net being e! white roses. Tlie-voung couple were a suffilint quantity. I thon precured unattonded, Alter congratulations tise two large glass s'oppor bitties fill ld-uests sat down te a splendid wedding witis water fremntise windmill well at d'inn er, seîved fnem, pr ettily decerated tise gato, sealoti the hetfies adfn tables on tise lawn, and tise evening nisised a swenn centificate, ah ! hiisws spent very onjoyably. Tse young regulatiens roquire, sont them by couple took train for tise west te spend express te tise Government analysists. tiseir lionevmoon aud laten will reside About twe woeks ago I neceived a letter on a farm nean Zion. Tise bride who is frem Mn. Bryce with a report outise qirito popular was tise recipient o! a analysis staling tthat tise waten was chie assertment o! gifts, detrimontal te healtis. Commissioner Mitchell and myself tisougist favorable o! hoing for waterMLQDHA , andi instructedth ie clerk te cemmunicato evpesn vn lc f with a Mn. MeCutcheon o! Petrolia,iso Athe rsplasatoveM. nd toek place is engagodath ie business, alter con. Ileard, on Thunsdav, June 6tis, wisen sidorable delay tisis gentleman viegted thoir second daugliter, Lillie Robina, Cobourg but owing te net isavin g ne- was ursaitedîin. marria£re with Alexander Ceie, ayntieo i ema sleW. Mleed, Newcastle. At 7 p. m. tise hat agreedt tede, I titi not have aubia ytenrethprl tth oppertunity of seoing iim but -haven briaIpftheneret ise ar le t th witten him for a report with estimatd Msain mso h eng maencideplookd cesta, etc., whicli I hope te ho able toepetMsM.Edin. Tiseofbrielooksh- lay !sefore tissCouaicil before tise close vory prmetty la asaono!cifn eacs- of 'the prescrnt session. Ia accor dance are at rled, t an ciffon, poenl witi tise statutes yen wiîî require anboaque fwi oe s lae, a d ari a siwer pasa by law te lovy a s"peciai rate for buuto ht oe it ll ht ill'il ~satin ihbon. Miss Min nÎýi',eanti, sisýter srnkýing f und on account o! debent-uree- h rdatta ndsadad detanti aise a rate te nraise ie rse nwht nadetimd necessa.ry funts for currnt epniuewt l-vnlc niwst ai iio also a bv law te appoint aacbuuquet of of eamiesforteac1era'ees-"fia tes esiry-n abu__ > o! -nk oses- e. a itspink satin ih1!bon LttlemIs The udi resoet o!receiptsa; ,Fera (Wl ic o iebie acte~ expeditne ill be laid beiere yen fo1asa d o ionerTsgomwa t your insal audits. ltendled bv Nir. rd rlev e Tise amo-,untequal te o eLg tv athelev . hie sF, iial 1sBt îas totie gnt lfor-Higis Sdisools amount te tIe, e.T JEIio, . ise o s-um o! $1,546.06 wbicis sum may obicrcie h olwîg14o it iany timo at tise pleAsure e! tis r Ieens:Mrs J : 05Her ,tzn Coune il, up te Decemrr (r1-14, ýY ill 1 e1 nx-sadtcs;MCBon isandome iisie-et ; 1i!s CBKown, takle tis i atter inte yourcniealalr apihsM erd, ilxr celd tion. in~yeat forI; r MLetchese disis; --rna)e -sd-t-'o a o Stat tliat M . Dcrïd1î ,-T B tisefinaceso!fhs Uitet ounties Clark, ch'i Ia tt o a1 taij r1 hae oieha ipovdehave Ilcash A. Ierlnntbecei nanti andtinindettns esc etaccellrîjoaluhen ArCaols TKerr, t'oto ire have d,'eposîjted lu tisCeF Ban ,i oP dzenbrat aila 'C plst';lf Toron,,to tise sum o $216 t ts PquBrw, rutse; r ai'As Dema.sive utter kn1fe calid su car Yourobudent ervat, pon; Mc. A, Fead ,vs-.a WM. 3IIKÂR, seeli Dr asit rs. Pars ce nis, 5c E ti b d r c ti t c s( c fi si f( ti t( WEST DURHAiM 'VACANT., $ .0a Vote the'Standard Price.--Election voided for Bribery and Corruption by Thornton's Agent. On Friday last the trial of the much After hearing the evîdence the Court talkeld of pe itiors,- respecting the hield that the charges against W. Gerrie election in 'A est Durham, started ho- were fuilv proved and that hoe was au agent of Mr. Thornton. As to D. FP. fore the Honorable' Chief Justice Fal. Walsh, the evidence was thought to ho corihridge and Mr. justice Street, at overwhelmning, but, on the earnest Cobourg. Great interest was disclosed, appeal of Mr. McPhôrson, counisel for notonl onaccuntof he ria ofan Mr. Thornton, who stated that the Dro. net nl~on acout ofthetria 0f ceeding was of a quasi-criminal char. eleclion petition, but of the proiience acter, Mr. Walsh should ho given the of the mon agaipsL whomi charges of henefit of the doubt, and the Judges corruption and bribery were laid. adopted this view, and in words Mr. N-ims suh asS. C BowJustice Street said that hoe was not manville, D. F. Walsh, Orono; and for the defence, but lie would adopt thse other prominent Conservatives in the the words of Mvr. MePherson and "1give, Riding were chalked up In him the henefit of a. douht" It seemed the particulars of the corrûpt acts to tlise who heard the evidonce lilte al1e2'ed hy the petitioner Burnhaml to damning with faint words. have heen committed by the agents of I'hornton Two charges were înserted The charge against James McLaugh- also alleging a corrupt bargain between lin of Darlington having been dismissed the Patrons or ladependents and Con- on the ground of inability to prove servati%,es. ivith thse knowledge and cou- agency ag-ainst McLaughlin, the peti- ulrience of Mr, C. Jonas T.hornton, tioner proceeded to try thse charge of thse udrwhich the Patrons corruptly v hit argain hetween the Patrons agreed to a4siet in procuring the office and Conservatives, but had only got of member of tise Legislative Assemhly but a few minutes into tise examination for Mr. W. il Reid, la consideration of of Thomas H. Powers, the Hecretary of which the Consýervative Association was the Patron Order,- when thse white flag te assist in procurink the office ot mem- went up, consternation was shown to ho ber of thseflouse of Commons for a ean- lanthe camp,ceounsel was asked torelease idato from among iePtons or In- Mr, Powers for thse purpose, of consulta- dependents. Tese latter charges, if tiôn, and in a few minutes an uncon- proved, it was contended, would effeet ditional surreeder was handed lu. They r.Thornton personally and disqualilt'v were evid.ently afraid of ths ubsequent iim . Scores of interested parties went charges and quit. Thev consented te to Cobourg to hear the trial. The the election heing declared voidl on the County Council whi-h lhadt heen in -,es- charge of brihery hy Gerrie, an agent ion, adjourned at noon, having got of Mr. Thoruton, uutried charges to ho through their work. The Method ist dismissedl without costs. The general Conference was aIseo being held in costs 0 obths petitions to bc settled by Cýbourpg and numerous were the minis- thse Jud gos The curtain thon went trs in attendanco from that body The dowu and the Court adjourned. Court room was fillet witis anxious We eau net with tise short time at our faces. disposai malte a full report of th'le evid- The first contest was over the four once, and comment on the case, but we býeaarges against D. F. Walsh 'and W. ivili do so in our iiext issue, and wilI ~erea gents of Mr. Thornton. o! publish la ful tha judgmeut of thetwc avin, as to thse former offered $10 and Judges on thse Gerrie and Walsh cs~e subse quently $16 to Jesse Woodward 1 with mnchi other evidenco adduced "at and Franle Woodwarjd for their votes,,the trial. Dont, miss seeing nex tweek's; for Thortuton and ts influence with STATESMAX, the other sons ýof Jesse Woodward,' and Messrs. A. B. AvlIeiworth, K '. C , and s te, the latte!o hvogad oJ esse D B. ,Simpson. K.C., atdfrts Vowa rd $ý*.3nd Frpuk VW"oodw'sard-$8 e t itÉIonr, aud NMr1. W. D.MPhro to vot-e fo r T t~.frIl. hrtu

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