t~ -- g Banik Burgiars Make a Desperate Effort to Escape. A desi)atci Inoinu Toronto scyq:-j "Dici" Doads analJaseseSpaclton, As au esuit of à despemato effort of twe gaoi guards,weecogs tic ubra unea lnibueglars, iboso wio icard tis sontin3g, anal i,ruaei Lilealgo, Fred. Ruco, aalimmedietely inmied to Stearct's Tboimas Joncs, toesecape freina us assistance. Constable Bogart had u~,in which ettempt revolvers also joineal in the ctruggie, anal weefreiy useal, IVu. loyd, île Jouaes, wio sufferedal geuizicg pain teîelI iaowa coucty, constable, lies frocs Ils liroken aeruu eveny t1iana Rite dealc tlahe Geusoual Hospital, \aialnd eveal, finaily gave up tise fight. A a-os eue of tic bue 'lars, lu' in th~e mimnte later the other iwo weore la cles'ef lis flugers cnd turced unu- ensiiy la lad. He s sept htfuiiy, cloviesg areunfiacgoofi deal, lut pcssed c fairiy goed nigit, ccdhis chances for recoveny ara cousidoreal goed. IDEATU 1 PJONES. On Fridcy Thomas Joues, who was shot lu the arsu ccd groin ly Cou- stalle Walten Stewart, died sientiy after 8 o'coci nt tic Generci IHospi- tci. Tiare wero presesît ct the timo Dr. O'Feiliy, caverai bouse surgeons ccd nurses. Joues, wiosechcacces for recovory ware cocsidered bligit ou Thursdcy eigit, cIter lis crue s ameeputtted, scci grcduaiiy early Fniday morc- lng. At tiree o'eioekhils vitaiity wcs very low, aed he hapsed inito un- ceessciousasese.Ile grew; wccker cnd wecker, ccd lu spiteo f stisacus is hoant ccii ceation at 8.10 ca. coulity gael aitîs two ;suiel ous overpoweeey s er v-ebt0PiTiý lu lis body, and, eoayut recover. bers. Stewart and the gaol guards tien, andi bis vitclity was at a 10W Boyci nus sille6 lu a cabi ou Ger-' bad used their batoce freiy, cnd ebb l 'e without the wouuds. The rard sireet eat liy Fred. Lec Rice, wUheu the iast biow was struck the wouud lu the groin wcs net parti- who, with bis compasions, wero lia- threeamina y breatilase, bepless, lu culariy dangerous unless bloofi pos- ing traessfarred frona tise court bouse ithe bottoi of the car, each bllading souing set lu. te tie goal citer tie adjourninant - of1 frou ala a dozen wouads. their tril at 6.15 ou Tuesday. More. JONES BADLY WOIJNDED. thcs twenty shots wera fired by, the Meanwhile the trolley car took the S11E 18 A GIREAT LOBTER, tiree desperadoos ad Walter Stew- prisoner across the bridge to the art, coother of tie constables, siho warsguadin tbm. Sowct ~îotgaoi gate. Jones was'by tîsis time GETBIANA H QL' Joe ues twlce, e I.wStewargte bis faint frein loss of blood, cnd iad to GETBIAÉA H OL' 'Joestwce ad.t ,vs wig e i casssa du the driveway to tise CHAMPION PLAGIARIST. prompt and claver work tiat tîatee SSistacd up ons eeirie were cot more fatalities. Stewart otaci,-l ouswaeim-- save hi ownlif by blff, dlateiy excrnined by thesa gol doctor, 33ritish Syndîcate Wifl MalLe Steel Yrom sAuefi ls oftebyaobutfte m cead wero found to lie se serions ccd Edisons Patents-Brltain's Cotton was'o icoufef together, Jonas, theia p ful that ho -was ebloroiermafi Trede-Sme Carriez TivoThirds of the tail mnac, hl tise centre, Rice to the 111e arcs was temuporariy bicudagafi, Worlds Conmmerce. iglt, acd Rutiedga e tiste laIt, but the break wcs se baid ccd thea 'A stniking illustration of tic, celer- cric isad beau se severaly wreccid iu the filgit that it wlll luclli pro- ÎtY witis uvhch- John Bull snape up bailty have te bec mputated. I the foreîgners.' industriel ideas was Whieu the enyst.rieus uîskuowc sbown thevaliser <sy ln connction thraw tiha pistole istote ts cab ha with Edison's disccvery of a methoal turufi afi au owu usi'ch ir of Utilisinlg liew grade non-Bescemer Mr. Iiliai Ilyda, who kceps a gre- cary store on tihe corner, foliowed c trou crac be preduce bigi-grede Bes- P i sholret distance, but wcs unsabl te semer steel. The invention le, cf keep Pace. Turciug jute Sunirachicouwse, an Amenican one, says Lan- place the fugitive rcn uctil ha recl- dau Answers, . d a lana runuing soutis. Dowc this ~ eprsdcaegigt ho wcat, ci-d lecpad a lance into an- otier lace, which mus eutonOealc revolutacuaze, tie nteel trade. But is Street. Rigit haro ail trace of the it, thon, ta le need toa cavance tha mari ls lest. interegts oI aur American r;vai5 ? Not i ~~JONES AFM TAKIZN OFF. c i fi.' atsi syndicate bas 11f Joncs sufferefi aevereiy frein his secuirefitieSole patent rights, ccd breken crin ail Wednesday meruicg, lsae curf r-srn sae and at noon il, was sean that the a.asacuieor-ainetts 11mb ouldhavate lacmpuated in Nooway andi Portug al, wbieh, for- se the police ambulance was seat for1 mewiy velueioss, wiii shontly ha, se te couvey hlma froue the gaol te the the diractors essent acd believa, More County Constable Stewart, Boyal, Genral bospital. As seeu as hol valuabia tien n goid-m:.na ofI imilar and Bogant were sont witi ticen as reacied thora ha wcs preparod ion rsa gad.Tiare -,vas only recrufsr tise operation, n hici asce lgun at'aea five lu the back, cand Bogart usouateal3 beioc, Jouas heiesg kept under It baa beaun frequoutiy eaid tint the cal driver's seat. As île vehicia the affects of etiar. Dr. ingicin Amenrica grows the world'ýý cottan, and turuefi the corner oi Parliament andi was tisa opratiug surgeon ccd ho tint Engiand manufactures, it. This Gerrard streets tie trio were Sitting was assisted ly Drs. Powell ccd assertion, iawaver, le onîy pantiaîîy ou tis a bci seat of tiecabc, ilico u iado.tu.Anranolge mite tic seti, Joues noxt, caldFutiedg3 Toebullet whici struck Joues i lu cýtru. mnrn agrMaiae ou tise north. Boyal set opposite the forearia bd siattoroal eue of the tcrwcta ianket, for lie dim- Fice, ccd Stew'sirt was on iis righti boues cil tie way up te the lbow plierauson tirai we bave tainen to fncng iseotiar wo Tb prsocrs oet, while the buliet itseel we wcngutheus acd wa.Thul e inucsfud ubde l lsh3111t tîs Igra-ving Cotton on env owc accaunt we.canxousandwathfu, s Muli oun crbeded n te feshnex th - n udi-we praduceal 2,410,000 halas se tint Stewart uoted tise fact. loue, about twe luchas train the ,ai RLWLX R5TLIOWNINO TE ow joint. Amputation was mado thire le!st Lear, as, ageinsi Amnicae .,R'VLV11 TIRON NT T E t. tie joint very successfuîîy. 9,439,559-anal in Zgypt. Tic, industry CAB. in te rn asof iedotaslatter country ile yet Atthe corner os Suesaci ccd Gar- expiorcd ticeavoucd whiclh Jouas ONLY IN ITIS INFAINCY. rErýd streots-c parcol flow inte the recoeived inluthe groin. After tiey More tirs four hundreal yeane ega wiusdow of the cal. The prisouers ucdoultodly expecteal it. Fiee se- cureal it witihbis uccugaged bcad, anal tore the paper open. t cou- taie a ebat ad two or iree loal-. ed revolvers. Tic prisocnes ccd Stewart scrcsalied fer tie weapons. Fiee, wlth ouly oue ancîalfree, wae the iret te gai one. Wthout ac me- anost's warciusg bc levelheal it at lloyd ccd fireal twice. Oua buliet passeal through the centclle's heal, ccd ha 1011 forward mortaliy evounal- ,d. Stewart f ailing te get oeaof tic guns tirowu lu tbe wicdow triofi to drcw île ewc freinlis hup pooket. Futlealgo saw thea nove anal yelled te Fiee:- "Dive it te ticeuse eune." Stewart reclizefi tiat resistacc mneant deti. Throwing up his bands he sheuteal,-I guve up. Gar. eut of br." Fiee lawared tic gun anti opeciesg tise aber of thecabc, tic tiree mou, suiicaldcuffeal togtier, junnped ont, Ruthealge mnaacwhiie baicg secureal a revoivr , eviici be "amicallails laIt hacca. ""le moment Stewart saw thir Liecis ho dresv hie owcnrevolver from bis pochai ccd commnecceal te empty it le tise direction of thc retreating figures. Oua bulet strucla Joues lu tise igit foersandsa broie It. Tnrning round Futlealge canal Flac fired six or sovea sisots backi leta the cal, but fortuuately te shuts wcrc nilal, cad ine of tiacusabut Stewart. Carlton ccd Colieoge car 486, bbndal ct, cme aieng, anal tic trie nmade a dsi te lioardl i. Stewart was close, bebind. tici n cd firafi $igain, the buliet entaring JLones' bac , anal passing dCccrtireugi tic Pody. Tiesa sot dlsabled hlmi, andl -ho wauld have falieu, but Futiedge ,acd Fiee chilef te lina ou itier sida, dragged the woucded miac deuoig iy ecain force. They jusssped ons tic frocnt platiorin of the car assd tried te everpewer the notormian ccd sacure centrol of tisecar,, whicia was speoding aleug at a goofi rate. Stewart, howvever, uvas ou the claeti. He jumpeal np léincathe car pu1Ied ofCfia etrolley polo ccd lirougit tho Pcen rte 'a siandet-ili a 10w TheaIse ra'J'cis noc tie asis tunc r tc moerma. Hi ow WjRDJ 0Nfý% ALjA$ SdN hal proeoaluesucceccfully fore ti luliet wiici causofi tus teounal, they decideal to beave it wiere it wcs, lu tise iope tisai llood poicecicg wonid not crise. At 4:15 p. ni. theoapera- tien avas ever, ccd cos citer Joncs began te ecovor frer thesacnacs- tietie. IHa was inamadlatehy remov- ed te the second fiai of tic oaci wieg 0f île hospitai, andal paceal lu teard No. 21, wici is previdoal wth bheavily baunofi wiudows, ou account of is being kept for violent patients ccd teuaprcrily insane people, wbilo County Constable Frank Brown moumteal guard ovar hum. Tiare was littia rosistance hua Joues, isoaever. He iay wlth the stuuap of lis arua cwatbed in bandages under tise lad- ehthes, wsiiele ococtinuully eonil draw bis igithbecacerese lis eyss, stroke lis foreiccal anal groan. Oîly oei eue occasion aid Jouas huave uothieg te Scy te tic people arounal limncd that wes liefor is operatien. Te Oone of tic medical amn teiseavre attendieg liss lic acesavacalthe exps'esced opunion tîsat Stewart must lie c pretty geed siot, by ccyhug- "blsy, ho wscs ely c foot or ce "But I undersianal ho says hle dot yen as yen n e rumsing as y froîsa "No, le dld't. L wcs inside the cab," scial Joncs, anal thon relapseal icte a stolial silence. Beside the aveundeal arcs anal the bulot w ound is tise groin, tisa ociy mark of violence fonsa on Joncs wce a large Inuise on tiseeigbt hup. CUNŽeLNG OF THE MAN. Tiat Joncs is e desparate, con- nlng anal daugorous mac evea in lis condition, with one cries off aitich oiliew anal a buihet-isole lunlis groin, was shewu qulto cioariy citai lu, came eutirely eut of bis stupor caused by the cucestictle given ilsa during uis operatloc.' He iaynmost of tti ue witiis rcmaiuiug lanca covering iis eyes, anal as hic guard tieugit, steeping: but c sualden movossact causeal un to wvatchu Isiisur'wyfer corne intes witisont appeaing te do se. hoewly asw Joncs )ýoe Ie fias gare ,ýof 'île , iacal thatcovcu',ed his' liyss 0f tic the ic crof spinning ction nus known anda pactiscalin tely, anal about tic licgiunng Of tic seventeenth cetur.y the Dutci liegaun mnnnfacturing Imi- tations cf tic caotton falunes which ticy imapooteal frein India. Several ouh- er Coninental countnies also triefi ther bandes et tic ne1W inclustry; but Ecghand just wait cd. Lt wee flot un- tiiihe tclosing year cf the eigbteouib century tint we liegan te apply the knowhedgc gaineal ly foreigu expemi- mcnters teaOur aten uses. Lest ycar w, useal up mors tien 3,5W,000 bles, anal menopoiised isixty-six per cent. of tic, wprla's traeltle manuufactureal Coton. lIn tic, èrear 1768 a pcoar Notting- hams frameAvork knuter, reinrning home Iran 'work in the evs-nidg, wae accasflteal ly a stranger, fviso expiain- ed by 'signe-for ie coul speak na E'ugi.h-tiat isa was hungry cnd ired, anal desireal foodi anal shelter. Tic, kindiesanica workman teck hlm home tai, humble cottae , anal tiers resteal hlm ,ucny days, lu nture, tic wanderser, wie preveal iaalbe a Hugue- not refuges, preecteal ils henef acter with a piece of fine lace, teiicihihe ln uw mm, ava tea biceife, wia gewed il an Iser cap. LuI course osf time, tiraugi constant we.anT, tuelace liecame Ircycal. anal tic en4te:rpmisin.g artisan, siudying cane-. fnliy tic texture anal -manipulation cf tic, revahheal tireada, inventedal mode cf epplying hbis stociing-framse io tie, inanufacture aI a similar ar- ticle. Suci is the' truc stony of the oigin cf thec Englisi icce-makiig iu- dustn-y-an indus tmy wiicb citise. pre- sent moment employa dirccthy mare FOHTY IIIHOUSAIND PERSONS. V/e are net ebove aven iaiing a icaf oui of tihe oo of lie w ily Cales- iLal, wien it suite car purpose, as wtneasstle staLtiig revolution wiicb hec cane ove"' île3 tee trade. la 1877 net a cingle punal of taaa was in-. pos"teal ia lýEngland froua Ceyho,acd only c paltry 27,852,0001b. tr-oua Ldia. Laat yeau'rIsdir anal Ccylou sent nean- iy 270,000,0001b. The, firjt practicailiboad oble pro- pehleal by steam-pe,vc" -,vas icucbeal au tic, Hudson Ri Y-,ew Yenk, ly anAianicaIn multobin, in 807 Lt nas pot untL la ve ycersic ua ie "ComaiL," lIe first Briîish-buil steamer, was put upon île Clyde. Eng- landa aI al urne d6i6 not awn a cin- gle specimne tic e55ýw crafi, car suas anc. seau until 1815, wben Mn. Dodal, af Glasgowv. icuncal bis firel steantboat on lia Tiamies. Yeî we n-ote etei 11,513,759 tons of steamers- os.ay nctbing ef eailicg-siips-in cf tic, woniai'e commerce. No; Englanal necal noi lie afreal of Amenîca or Germany, or any cuber eountry filciing Irons us aur indus- triai cnprensecy, se long ce we are nat toc prend ta lean. Chocolats Frosting - Miat t'wa aquanos et checahale, edal an-quarter cup et boihnig avatar, e few grains cof alit anal ýiýcetiocenrs' Sugartamk cischal ieapoo ofvanýile. et lias is j S NOTES AND COMMENTS. AcIde frToitic, inquiry as to whrt sources cf Cheses revenus are te be set eside for interest andl sinking firad, tic nueetion of thea f er:m f wbicis thse lan requiredfor ev icpay- ment cf the, indemcnity siehaeiýsee le itcf enatter cf cauntnoversy.. Tiseera W no doubt tint the propos- niltirade by Fassie anal indotssal liy Prence le9 inadisislle, anal thet Ecg- iand's niternetine, puggcstien le much more acceptable. Wiat Ruýsa pro- posas is 'tiat China siscil issue 4 par cent. bonds,enutidg id tice ggre- gate ta 0337,000,000, wiici bonds sali haý jointi'y tguaranteeiffily al of the craditor Powers. Wortilass, for iu- ý4 -t 1 1 -1 stance, wou i he usguarantea cof- Italy and Spain, bti cf whieis Powcm.s are vintuaily banirupi, wbiie the valufe of Auc5tia-H-ungary's promtise, wôuid, praellcniy, bhang upan tic, ifs of tic, Emapegcm Francii Joseph. Tic twori.> vw5,tiec redit cf whicl con ticý steak pxchfinges cf tise world standshiL-asi, are the Unitedi States andl Great Britain. If they wIeh ta iniaintinn thair ceal it, iowever, liey ishaulal carefuily avoid making lboaga-lves esponsibia for ehenicomings. on tic part aI oti- a"Possers, whviase finanaulal resourees aire justiy vic'ced with cuspicton. Ln a word, if tic Chinsas be lan nequired for, ticpaymesnt aI the aggregate in- dcmnnit~y le enly procurable by mecus 0f a joint b'uarantee, it wlll neyer le prccnred- et ail. Ties is raecomnmon sense in Ecg-. land'e suggestion. The Iritish Gay- erumen t repudiaies ltic notion oaI e joint gua'rantas, andl, in lieu, cf it, alvises tint China shall issuete ec cf tic, traat'y Fwerýe 4 par cent. liond, ,tic, face valus acIfwhici chahl lic e4uah ta that P,(we'r.q specifio de- mndce. Tic, bonds tins reeivedal ay le,,ic 'urer teolal vi ticherecipient's in- dividual igunrantea, or tiey -may hac kept in its tmeasury. This latter course w1ould lia mors prudent. Bui, it unay le aad, uppoetiat China shbonla defauli !a îles payment, cf interest on tic bonds deLiveiriealte r given treai'y Power. Shah tisai Power bave th irigit te callepti us daîts by ter- ritorial aggression ? Haro we touch ticweak point cf tis enJýitisi pro- posai, 'but it ,nny lic mnei l y an aga'eevaent, thai, in ibe avant af a default id tic paynent cf tnteresjt cmany ny 'vencamn of bonds, tic menszuzes nee4dforfanhesentmes- meut of Ciina'8 oliatIn nl liLe tnkain, not by tbcpaatilarPower wir-hi,,uffeïrcaldamgb ut by aeh tic cred;tor P4wrsacting iin concert. If s9,uaiar gma nt ýliallhave been made,tc letiofaIiuter,ot eau be lirougit about vithout seubjecting China ta ticeirJ cf Afunther dismein- bormnt. As5 fox'the ouce f Chlcr'e rev- enue, ta he a- araeforfantic inter- esýit anal lunking funal incident te tic paymieut of the iudsassnîty, tic latesi proposai mde, li i Hung Chang, ougit, iLt 3 sis, ta sîatisfy Great Bri- tain, whiic, it wifil. e rJemembaned, ha firmiy rabjected tei au inceaseof tic, cutorsdug e at treaty porte ta 10 par.cent. aýd valorem. Accord- ing te a ilegran frein Pain, Li Hung Chang eiuggs t hat tisa pre- cent duty cf 5 par_. ceci. acd valoremn, levisda a treaty ports, ihah bc pay- able id gald instenal cfscuver. Toibis be Would addaiL(,hrevenue derivalle frein nativesimsimposed& et non- iunaty portis, and aise two-fiftis of tic 10,000,000 taeis now collected rein tle sait tax. In, tibis tay, ih lse x- pacteal, we axe tolal,. un 14,000,000 lacis ennuaily migit ha precuredifor tic, interasi anal inkîng funal requin- ed for the payment of tic cggrogata Lc&menity. Lt le plainicwevea', tînt Ig,000,00O lacLýis et70 ents par inel,' w ouid ciniy bc equivailent ta e9,800,000 ccd, liaefrde, wou14 nat suxffce for tise paymenniof 4 par cent. interesi ccd e s3nking funal cf anc.-belf par cent on e337,000,000. Macifeetly, it wili be iiecegsawry te apply ta tic pur- pos5e mectloncd tic wiale procecals of tic, maritîime customs levicda t troaty pins5, cIter the îsumneeudeal for tic public e dciicardy exLýiiic babeau previ-dealfor Canada lico dangerously close ta tic bUiÂteal Statein. Tie danger uc's not îm ti' directionaiarcteoî o haiva l1ittie ta ba,-r on tiat score, cf coýurse-hut ni lshe diretcn ai aur r,.aut anal easy cojnrmuncation as ex- iste biwri n tatues anal otn owu eýounlry, hit1s onhly naturel tliai we 'in-eild lic rc r,,subj2ct to ther lu-. flu'enc,3 tha'u Ata a ofaIthi stant _Mfethcer-iand., S rcIy uy probiem confronte us but wve turc ta mac boss ; ,Il r 41 - 1-c 1 mý .- lu1,tiC Sic4-ca. Too theP city radiuq ta about thirty mlej or an arca ein oter vondis', aI 2,8001 mlles', neaxiylyan ibrd of the size of Belgium. The warker, thatle ista say, may dwali at aniypitwithin that cirele nA ~'etha çnlyaunordit fi' Cmi thle »aýit were is uins cails h17i i diy. 31,17.W'lsores t bat by t ensd Dl-,tisecetrwt getle, progres>sive Young country like Canada, is not only out of place, but it should lia huniiliating. Inhfis mad racezo corner th3 dollar th's're are niany things which U,[ncle Sai overleoks; among these neglect- edthgel the terse sayîng, "'more haste, les( spiced." Ha is eo1sumed witb a feverish anxiety lest anyone shah libe blaOre him with h!3 goodle on the market. To the desire to turn out bis goaods with record destroying rapiîdity ie cf ten sacrifices solidity and thoroughnesjs. A slap-dasla job is weil covered with paint and is on tbW naarkat, while the varnii is stili sticky. This hurry fever ie couata- gious and Canada must take erra of herseif or she will fluAd that othar natiLon-s - lasal-1 ura-nTîne] against ber products. Not mauy muý-nthis ago we were readîng how Bni- tain çvas laciuîg ber 14,ad Ln the manu- facture cf mach'inery. Ski was tue slow; lier methods were antiquated. Orders for raibnay engines ere plac- ed by preferenice, aven by the British Goverumeut, lu thaeTUnited States, whlere they could ha filled t.o mranh more qui-,kiy. But now tha- tala bas changed. John Bull will place ne more railwcy englue orders witb Uncla Samn. Thase quirkiy-made au- giees3 have beau tried lu Burmah and Egypt, and thaey have been faund wanting; tliey require imorFe cccl aud eall for more repairs than the more sIa'wiy-buiit British englues. We muot not let oursetves be cearriad off &ur feet by the rush whLcb 0mPai- tien raes. Th-.xligrelecigether too much burry; sDM-e, but sura wins the race. Another matter lun hidi we couid advantagecusly follcsw British rather th-an Unied Stateis' modal;s, le that 0f expositions, Ou thig sida of the Atiautije there je a iendency for the sida-show ta occupy too promninent a place in thc., exhibitiou. At the laist Paris Fair this wcs carried ta sncb an ext3ut as to mlake it au arduoue task la secparata the wieat froin the ehaff. In the Glasgow exhibition av- r'rytbing nùn-eaýsential bas' lisn aliiminateid, thus mckiug it very comn- pact and more rcadily compreheuded. As a resuit tira exhibition je abla te fulfil its true pua pos-tb2 education of th2 publIc. The first day of the Glasguw Exhibition was attendad by aven oue hundred tbousand people. The entranc,.-fee isn eashilling, iu- etuding ail sida shioiis. The honest Cockney is takeu froinLondon te Glasgow and 1beck, a distance of over 81>0 miles for '«a quid," $4.87, which coiers admission. Tira admission at BJuffalo l îe fifty ce,'nts; sida shocws, al tcd, L1.2. Ufalo migit appar- entiy lernu a littia frein Glasgow. Mr. Hl. G. /ls an autiroLr well knsswu by tihe ingeniaus raanner îin whicbhi he hs llended scenptce and fica- tion in hie tails, exercises hie ura- aginetion on more fferiaus tapies lu the FotnightiyRaview, andeavoning to propbesy wbat the gnon cities of tise twentieth century may bce. EHa is allways iutereeting and bis surmises about the 'future of town and country population are plausible and suggestive. Hlis e gnealza- tions are necessariiy vary broad aud for ali isis statements obvious excep- tionis wil lie dieeavered, but tisse do not affect the points ha w'ishes ta make. The greet change iu the dis- tribution of population that mark's tie nineteenth century is, as Mr. Weails points ont, the unusuai growtb of great culaes and a sli.git tendency ta depopuintion iu tisa country. Nov- er liefao, outsida of China, with tba exception of Rome sud possibly of Babylctn, isad any city had more than a million inhabitauts; naýw tisera are ten tc<wns with a population of over a. millicneancb, tweuty more tbat pro-. bahiy wili tjaon reaci that number and a ýgreat numibar wLth as many as a quarter of a millio&n inhabitents. Tisey ail differ essentially frapam the tcwns of previotas centuriesý. The chief factor lu thie grQwtb bas beau doulit- A despaicis freinDrampton scys:- '- Benjamin Parsons, at prosporous Ten Thousand Men Will Parade Before tilt svhoesahe butchar, cut bis wife's Dake ef York. tiroat ou Fnidc'y moricg witi Ca dsac ru tacsy: buicier knlle, iineg ber iustautlv, Adsae ri taasy: anal tien eut lais owc timoat. Lûfi The greatast gating of Cacadian mmnd ial ,given way. The Parsons tre ope sixsce co ufatleratian is te family liveal iu c fine bouse, situatoal taie Pince in Toronsto durng the an Quesa street, in tise avesenal of hit of thee hue anal Duciece of ths towc. Pacsons tece 36 yecms of! Cornwall anal Yenr. Lt le nudar- cgc, weil-le-do anal especteal, ccdtodttti Gveautlssel wac always very fond of hie wiîe anal ift imving an nueuber of revlew' s ai% his threc childeen. At lire o'eîockî diffementt places willi aaciatic mili- Friday mercing lue arnad bimusaîf 1tory lecture of thc trip au attrac- witi a sharp butcuîer'e kciie ccd at-I tion at oua peint ocly, anal 'omenta icekal is ile Ticearcevieuc s lethe cisosen city. Not haus ticu of c struggie, but tie caascuce ea l 10,000 mon are te lis asseinbleal la cd lu hic mcdacet anal eut his aiîe's 1the Queeea City. Thoy teil l e tiroat, iiillcng 1er lastcnthy. Tîcu, brongiat frein every part of the Pro- ie teent upsîcirs, secmingîy witîstisevucce ef Otaneo, ccd ichude cl icteet of killing hic tîsmea chihleren, i crues of the cea-vice. Pcy anal cul- but the oidest daugîter, a girl of 12 i sistence eil le f'eruisbad by tisa Do- yecrc, pheaedal tit i biaanalhole d- l anion Goverasament, thea cost of ciscal. Cinig deten te the groumual transportation, etc., 1er tic two or flor,leo cnt hic own tinoat anal ex-1 iha'e ays tient tise msen ssill le pimeal. Ictauay frousilîchir lhomnes liaiig ntc Afier c tusse the fr igiteceal cildren 'lacs tIsans S40,000. The im'portance crepi alewstnirs ccd rau otehîe of tuis gctiscring te Toronto canmaei bouse ef a u'ihbor usoseal Kcunay, le ovarestîmateai, ns, il tise vecth'ar ccross tise sti'eot. île, witî acother b e tine t, 11. laica cd that lu adali- neig-labour carneal Broavnavant te thse' tien te tic trýoope net lacs ticu lieuse and. feu-nalthe twe Iodlas hy- -900,000 visitors \avil le lu tieCcity, ing lu pois 0f blood. Tise decal hss.s-cIL came 1te Ii pteaï 25 yeams cge wtiahic latbar, anal OUR DEAR LITTLEFIEDO H was wideiy iîaowc. Ho cad hic' aile, MORE. Iwho teas a Mise Ciceti-ans, an Ecg-J isi lady, belongeal te tic Angiicca t H'as as eclnmmÜng ltIle fellosa" o4 ciecla., four, pretty Du bs waysý, ged ta, look ------- et, but as incuglhsy' as conhal hab. Ha THERE ARE MANY SUCU. i cnt oas tic bottons. step îicîiug ii Mire. Giiiemaigy-Altarfat Little legs, anald fsc tal ail, oes bll of tic wos'id doas net te oahay hie latiar, tboIrl tolal hla bcuow bot tli.aeir hall ivea. ta go trpta'irs 'ers.ta,5 u Mme. FEnt, gnýLMly-Nevermind! 1vrecsint~dgasa evr>y. tr Tin t je net ycltar tueuR, deur! an' mlinumt es af thiï elcuhig of ailIs bis easperaled parent picical hlm up Lt le a pon plan te mcprovcea mais someaviat 51,dd--ily, canruo-d n anal for w'a7,iliisg lame by kuaakiugo dira cal J.tun alcevveî irmlornu a chair deen "in hie ndooca anal l hen axentt LU -d coud ranPien0fr1et ltl ii ýveea e i 1 b r 1ssae ,a îs eaileeooernE ±_v & C(.Tr ci'rhaeyngivryurtanrn aeedeveryormaIiueiiuîg, y , r ciuA uto Lae, dsy t tic aunesiser hae itsd i e MI -'- <Becauise ytou eat and drik too much you require a pre- paration that will cdean out the blood of humours and put the stomach right. Powley's Lîqufed Ozone will do that. ï ture's greatest purifying elle- ment. It won't sicken or weai- S en your S oac0mae 50e and 81.00 et ml dugs Write the czone Cofo cf tic, city ccixeewiii beccoene a in- &dra mile5S, anal t ane equal te tic wbole, of Irelanal. Lu otier words tisa "s ubuis" for île Landau citizen wili extenal ta IN'ttingbamn Luticnoti anal Exeteir in tic wos t. Tis points te a treanendotas mneuse lu oity pop- nirtio'n, au idoese tint muet be limîtefi y otier cousidenatians, bew- eve'x, anal Mn.V/cils figureal oui a linsuaif20,000,000 for Lonsdon, St. Pet-. sirsbung analBerin analof 40,000,000 for New Yorkc anal Chicago. NeverihYe- lacs, tuLs dae net men a greater congestion af population, for 40,000,- 000 iprerad over 31,000 square miles of tctrnitany, is, a mnucli more; diffuseal population 'tian 4,C100,010 cetilcal an fifty square miles. Tisee s neocuse for«chem in lutiese iremendous aggnagatieuus af buman- ity. By tic aile oI tise farces aI at- traction tic farce et dIsjpersion le ai work. Airerdy un ths great citlas,the business centres, tic ragions for pier- sure, île, shoppling, social anal liter- axy districts are distinct. Seondary centres for ail mattens cf immediete nas pridig up. Morever, withi u- provemente, iu modes of comimunica- tion, liuea pXertcaltelephona syÉ- tens, wiih liciter matiads of collection anA distribution, the nasal cof appeer- ing in parcnaitichePlace cf busi- nesa may haý donc awey wiiir, anal without ieaving ilS hanse, a inalea miles away tic twentietis century man may trangaci hlie business, siop, go te ciurcis anal attend tic ticatrae or opera Factas-ies may mise wiarsver it te meet convenieut ta have tic wariing-mn d~weiI. Mr. V/elle drrwe a a neful, but deligitîni pic- turc aof suburlian distri.cts. egricul- tural districts, inalustriai districts, "horTey" subumis, artistie ana liiterany subunlis eauna sebools anal enuscume a place fatr every mac accerding ta his testes,ead tic wisoie country in ce tenci jvitis tiss city. 'Hii fendes alrcady existini spots, anal perinps wath intelligent organisation as mari- ities tbey iney become conmni. BRAMPTON MAN'S MAD ACT. He Cut l'ils Wife's Threat and Then Com- rnitted Suicide. SOLDIERS MAY CHOOSE NOW. The Townships Set Aside in Which the Governaient Wil i low 15cm e6a Acres. A despatai frein Tenante scys:- Tic Ontcnio Goverumnect ics just set celde the townsips lus whici tise sol- allers evie foieghinl South Aisa anal tic vetorans of 1866 sncy secnro tiair grausis. Elghty-slx townsliips are opeea for the soldiers te ciroose freaus. Thesotowensipsareans foliows. INiplssing, Arcsstrong, Brotisour, Briic ,Caldweail, Casinair, Dymiocal, LIilceard, Hudson, Hugai, I-irk-ý patmick, bondon, AMcttawcn, oli, 'Fattan, Springer, IViadiflehl, Alar- dean, Baldwin, Balfour, Bridgiand, Brigi, Bu'ight (edalitiocai>, Day, Foster, Galbraith, Gladstone, 1lai- lana, Heugistoc, Johmnsoîs, Kirisu ed, Korai, bLeroy, May, Mcmriii, Pari- inson, Pattonu, Pluieseer, PLuicaner (adtionel), Rcyside, Rose, Schter, Sîseaden, Tarbautt, Tarlutt (adali- tional), Tie'.spson, Victoria, Wells, Blcke, Ceusmea, Crois, Darion, G-hules, Gonleen, Lybster, Marks, Neiing, O'Connor, Oliver, Scole, Strauge. Flàiny River District - Atwood, Ayioswmortb, Bcrwiei, Blue, Burnsse, Campeuter, Crozier, Cunrcu, Devlil, Dilie ,Dobie, Lasi, Morley, Nllis, Pettuiho, Foaldici, Hosoerry, Sien' stoce, Tait, Woodyctt, Worthiigtan, Van LHonne, Zealcufi, PARRY SOUND'S BIG FIRL, Leimber Yard of the deeger Luniber Corn. peny Destroyed. A despatch Iroin Ferry Souned scys: Fine broie oui hors lu tha iumber yard of the Couger bomber Comepauy aetiwsivse ('coci ou Thuns- day ulgit. De(,bra appliacces coulal le brougit te tie spot tic fine mal meacleal suai dlinssusons tiat it wes quite beoe ccntnoh. Assistedas ce was by c breeze frein tic soutiecet, it swcpi deung the pilies of dry huisa- ber te tic ecd of tic circuler tram- way. At seveus o'checi Fnldcy mornlcg the finsevwas under coutrel ccd dan- ger te the remnainder of tIse huinber is the yard, e qucntîty of about two million feet, another entire trami- 'way, the stales acd otier property,. wcs averteal. Tie greater part of tle lumnber burneal was owaîed by Sillinge, Whitney & Bannes, of Ogdanslurg, N Total loss on urmnier, trncsways cnd <docks ile stirncted ut 90> Lt le thougit tic fine origine tecd froua spanis froin c pcssing stpjeen TORONTO'S BIG REVIEW.