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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1901, p. 4

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BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. FIRST DR.AFT 0P STATIONS. ______________________The following is the list of stations o the Bay of Quinte Conference, of the ~N Methodist church:- Folwngaesoeo orr glrprcson Medicines. Belleville District-Belleville Centre, _ [ T hé e B u sy S to re.ffI[tIl IO F WmJrrohrscesidnto Confer- L Paine's Celery Com-pound 75c, A y ers' Hair Vigor 75c, ence; Egerton R, Doxsee; Tabernacle, Ayers' Sarsaparî11a 75c, llood's' Sarsaparilla 75e, ~J Il Locke; West, J R Real; North, M Dr. Williams' Pink Pulls (G-enuine) 40e ur 2 for 75e, J Bates; Sidney, E A Tonkin, Bayside, W Y Se'xsmith; Foxboro', R M Pope, Dodd's Kidney PiIks 40e or 2 for 75c, Butter Color 20e. Plainfield, H 'Ioms Canîfon Live IPlis20eThoas'ElecrieOu 0e. Rîch Duke; Shannronville, G E Ross;il~ Carter's Meirose Mil 20c Thosmas' Mccri i 2c We have always sold these standard preparations a4t ,ny Napanee Vest-ae, C E Mate- these prices. Deseronto, W A MeDiarrnid, Morven,------ This tu.eék tue atre giÎ1ing Speeial Prees on Odessa, G W Mc.Coll; Bay, E Farns- worh;Sely.D Balfour; Wilton, D0l1 Tootb 13trshes frrom Se to 25c. DayY,'arker, W 1-1 Bucekier; Bath, il SM bpence; Adolphustown, R Allun. IMP OFRTEID GQODS Picton Distrizt-Pictoln, First, S i field, A L Brown; Wellington, W B When you make your purehase here you cnawy Tucker; Consecon. A IH Foe;ter; Carry- Kde ilseil20,ing Place, C Adams; Ameliasburg, F depend on getting the best styles. Our polieyofw thn Kidny Pis, pecai, 0eJohnston; Hlloweli, J VW Shier; Demn Perfect Liver Pis, special, 2 for 25c. orestville, R T Courtice; Northport, J the market for "plums" and turning theni over to -the people at a fract>ionalavneie TOLE'S ~~~~Barnes; Cherry Valley, C H1 Coon; brinigsie dbuesorwy T L E S G F Metzeler; Cressy, F Woodger, Red- IT% Ir uTI s %W ersville, R Bamforth. PRIESTLEY'S BLACK DRESS GOODS.-We carry a range -of Priestiey's Black Dress Gooda o upasdi ~~W EST~ EN D R 'IG s Brighton District - Brighiton, J C this eounty and our sales for Biaek Dress Goods are inereasing every week, prices are smali, $2 dow o5e Wesley, Thos M Campbell; Trenton, Grace, J W Wilkinson; Grafton, J C THE FINEST 0F COLORED DRESS GOODS.-Our eoiored Dress Goods Department wasner n etr 66Anderson; Castieton, E E lloward; shape A extra fine ilenrietta in Ver. Rose, Myrtie Green, Pearl and Stone Biue shades, just passedit tok5e King Salem. F B Sttton lilto M Meth- corut SmGtHoried Tolr W MCKe e; n BLACK~ FABMER'S SATIN.-There is a big eall for Blaek Farmer's Satin at the present time. W a ie~o Cobourg, J B Saunders; Port Hope, extra values 25c to $1.00 per yard. ~~Quai ity." ford. S G, Rors; moornoG.$W. COOL FANCY MUSLINS.-n ail the dainty effeets j ust ot-Nue Greens, Mauves, and Pale BIneG' nswt M11arvin; Gore's Landinz, A It Delve;ri sam tie unn through, beautiful goods, 25c a yard. Btiore, W iliot Centreton, M Esai tperun, Sexsmith; Rosenieath, T S Snowdon; FIT W I AdeileWTobi. FRENCH FLANNELS.-The purest of wol Plannels, -Iu Black Grounds with faney in spot desigslopaebn 'sno awas heLOOk Bowrnanville District-Bowmanville, mauve and navy bine grounds, with stripes or spots. MoStomfrt-Newaste, J dmizn; ron, TW P ETT ZE HERGINeAIcaste hve aT bi ErdI i oon;ah Godonoat Tt W abe-t epnd ~Le,,gott, Neh'oZ llmJ toLewis have stili in stock some of those de licate tint, pink and pale bine Chnmbray's-scaree goods. on te Coîc ofStyes.Anderson; Enniskillen, S Crookshanks; - Choice Cartwright, J R Butler. CORSETS, GLOVES, COLLARS.-Sneh weil-known makers as Crompton in the Corset liue nenoeome. Witbv DDtrict-Whitbyý,V Rl Emery; dation from ns. W-. kTeepa the Ereet Forni Corset, Pewnev's Gloves in ail colors. Ladies' Collars E W .&R EVER WEAR ChiC of PrîCeS. Port Perry, G H Copeland; Brookin, J make. If% ý KlHarris; 1Âyrtle, J Il Mears; Ficker- K m u ft-y -winzr, A C Wilson; Greenwood, D W~il- 1ECIKWEAR, VESTS, HOSE.-The ne west eolorings lu Ladies' Neekwear. The finestinueol Laie Vf we liamns; Clareniont, W H Adams; Prine hd-o shouid see onr 121c line, Hlermsdorf Dyle Rose are alwaxrs good-we keep themn. Limnbert;ýScugog,H T Lewis; Seagrave, Sannti FititCann n Dion BLOUSES, RIBBONS.-A good stylish Blouse for 50c. Our pure white ones are beauties, trinimedwihtefus V & FIQ F ~ I U~ ~WJoHff; Maill, GRobîson Litieof lace. Our Silk and Tafetta Ribbons are selling fast-pale bine, white and pink shades, BrititiJlE obeson; Oakwood; Ok wood G R Claie(; Woodvilie,W G Clarke, B A; Beaverton, J P Berry; Atherley, F. R Foey,- Bwninvile.J A Conneil; Dalrvmple, A M Irwîn; ________________________________________________________Victoria Ro0ad, A J Terril -Coboconlç, WV P Rogers; Norland, Hl E>Cnrts. ..M O ~lbridge St, T Manning, B A; Queen Sath Tr d ___________________UN 12, 1901 A J Strike; Omemee, G Brown; Bothoef rrr uu e ____________________ BOWMANViLLE, JUNIl B Rowe; J anet,7illo, W A Bunner; TaefrPolc.0ra ait fmriSe.Cs o ol ______________1unsford, M W Leigh; Cambray. T H Cash or i pd o r lc.Ge East Durhamn Liberais meet at Mill- McDonald; Feneloni Faits, J Garbut;~- brook June 2utli to select n candidate i3obcaygeon. G R-orton; Kinmount; G BoulsIl' Mrbi Wrk...1 for the local Legislature. Mone;MndrJM Whste; Stan- Good Work, Co -1% Wilberc, Caiutn E C1-1 oodWokThe Wi est Durhami seat las beeni do hOoe, ilbefoile,' H aguron B es t Materia is, ciared vacant-anothor 'accepted Peterboro Dist r ici -Peterboro, chek "or r.l'hrntrl-Tooýjto ýar Gorg St JP Wilison; Charlotte St, Artistie Desic ns Dhek0frMThontn-Ti'otoav. Mark St, C L Thompson; Rev, J. J aegave a. \erY fille ad ME., HOAR %T BUFFA]O. GRIM1SBY PARK, ~ 1ARM O AE7ýar'ogo Millbrook,~~'nd bel, par ofney CaotiS Iln VDadmg-,tve ln Prices iReasonable, W bv shonld Gerrie be discredited for MoeiokRBKenyCanlVdrs ai the Frîay ý enn session. sworig hatheni nt kowCona Munee; Cavan Souith, L S Wight; Rev, Dr, rrka preachod thetr.Oupenisr afmeho whgo South Monagban, T P Steel; Lakefield, oriainS -DEAR EDITR,-Jiist a few iines from TlieGriiînsby Parki programn for the Cellar, trami an~t tn onain ta Il Ihortons polie? B chritaleJ AMcCmus; Bridge nortb, G Nickel- semo 1ua monIing- the Pan Amerîcan ait Buffalo, land the seasoni of 19M1 gives abundant evidence bar 8n ay aneirntoongocad LL kind reader, could y1ou swear definîtely Tt acres;De,\,ýt 65coe bv 'rs rbl, aane atu E .B0 iilS A LL9tiiat you knew bais politics? -Warsaw, IlMcQuade; Betbany, ' E SO Cr.CeaW HurebYaO route there. lu eavbig Toronto, three that seasoi 1901 will well sustain the possessiontSt. ma1yetdw 15BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Wesley, A R Delve; Cbomong Lake, Mlessils. R, E. Fhndlay, A, R. Hoare steamer te Lewisîoo, thence by eloceti bas ]ong enjoyed for providing the best HANNA, Peeb1 o _____________________ By rqet Roi'. B-11- HaLYden, M.A-, teobe supplied from Wesley. -1 and 5. H1. Coone were ordained for the car np tbe Gorge to -Niagara Falls sermons, lectures andi concerts ihat the 1~1iT wiîgîve istlecture on "Things inter- Campbellford District -Campbelif o,,, Northwest. Stop off bore te sec ene of the wonders continent can fupply, Since la-t season LAKE OTBONVGTO O wII 1 stig to Young people" ai the Disciple B Greatrix; Norwood, R Taylor; South About $26,00 of theo Tweiatieth of the world. Whe' yenr eyes become the Park bas cainne1, under new manage cburch next Sunday evening. Ail Dnammer, E B Cooke; Stirlig W Century Fuud will bo applied on .the dira sight seeing here, take tbe elodure ment. The grOwýoud bave been onla'ged s I young people specialiv invited, Jobuston; Rawdon, W D P WilVÉson; Superannuation Fund. car for Buffalo. Second, by train andi beautiflid and. th,,e facilities for ont Seymour, W J Sa.uders; Havelock, J C Rey. J. C. Wilson, Brighton,lîas been aon hy Hamilton to the Fails. You door spor ts af any kind have been large TELEPH NE 57The Mail and Empaire yesterday does Bell; Warkworth, S McCauley,Norbnm, elected lresien and o' .T thon can gel a sight of the Falls wbiie lIv inereaised!. This oldest and best SEasno 91t TELE HONE57.1 Prsidnt ad Rv. S T.crossing Suspension Bridge.- Third, by kneovn et ail summer rosonts in Canada Mr Robt. Beith very groat injustice, J ElPeake; Hlastings, A L Adamn; Blair: Bartiett, Napanco, Secretary. rail tb Fort Erie. 1 tooktelte.i'vr ergoigi ao li ' jbecause lio bas declared repeated y, >as ton, J W Bunner; Riawatha, to, ho su- Wi W Dk Che latr-seeyya rwn nfvr l Illve 01e >01? s iwell known bore, that onî no consider. pîied under the superintendent of yd charmno Uoboaurgd:strict ieîf ver e s fcess, a lîeaithful and T (~ Q ~ T O l e O eD o Eatation wouhd hoe take the scat ifawarded Keene. fpor te remaider f Cobeoutrg ditins a Fort Eri reahedNagr thon rs ca if"obtion ram y srrendi We Have Three Specials h10 on the technicality of irregular Madoc District-Madoe, L Phelps; frthe mtind ofus the yres version Fo Itrtoa Bri sr d t e lack R c n osa 1a tbe Mangr 11. B.nin a O ECIGA UTTE1 WeHv he pcaSdeposit made for Mr. Thoruton, The Tweed, R MeCulhoch; Thomasburg. W instead of the authorized version of the and a few minutes run hrings you to drews, P. O. Box 584, Toronto. (c 01 UEadcniun vr 10 ~~~~ for ~~~~ Maîh's reasoning is erroneous and pal- 13 Seccomb; Ivanhoe, W D Hlarrio;bbefrpbi ednwsls. tegetPnAeia rRibwTEDYaf RDYtruhu to rrive fo at.urday. pably uufair. West Huntingdon, N Harris; Marmiora,. __________"'; Cilio ulerednwsls. te Bualo as gmrwn r aiysncew edigcdsadarglinestIJe seaowi v n -_____ D S Houck; Eldorado, F W Wbite; The executive of the Epwor-tb League CtBfaobsgonrpdysne.edn ad n araeiesstesa VERY SPECJIAL There is probably no one to-day living Queensborougii, N D Drow; Bridge- decîded to bold their next convention my visit-to it in 1866 wben a largoe, STATESMAN Office.Niesla.....0~m ~Quakr Tafy~~wbo newfenryWardBeceer i a wterJ Baîtone Norli Mrmor, c t Deerono abut Fbruay or archfnumer c se alieFeenansn rossd MA. JmesiA.ovrnamesisuor shaw et.,-,--t..,.-8,QO ,Ney Quakerdiith -aw Rel4ckSv(M theAag4CriverRe eifexX ,pastr herieroxecing10lae onro etofMarigeLienss.flwoanile e,,. .0 a i." lic per lb, vho mnarriefi bis deughter-the Rev. ilCGai'butt; BacotTilPAd- of Bowrn anville cburch, rcceived a goed ofi tSr brvon diers ofnnsur thé ue5R We take subseriptions for ahI news-_ Whîte. ....84>a i Presdeny ad o on brie sldirs f te Qeon papers and magazines et club rates. Sairs'DatesSamtielSeoville, Tho Srn day Sebool so F,~ Sews,SAK ayot, number of votes fou the PrsdnyadOwn closed their eyes hn deetb fromn See our club tists. Arrivin aTruoa 11 .m Saes paers, b Times bas taken advantago of Ibis faci I Shephord. should stand first nexi year. their bulhets. Wbat a change hes taken WeaeaneWbses teato RenîngeveTotot5p.m 5c pe lb.and bas secured fromn Mu. Scoville four Tamwortb District-Tamwortlî, W J Eight youngz men wvere ordained place f rom WVar 10 Peece. ehvanw WbtrItraio Rtu Molasses Snaps, rominiscont articles on thé family life Young; Enterprise, W J Weetherill; Sundav morning-Revs. L. S. Wight, Now fou the Pan.Amenican. Evy . al Dictionary (Unabridged)priceli2 50 Low fuegtrts rih ade 1 and personaliy of the groal preacher. Roblin and Marhbank,S A Duprean and A. 11. iloare, G. H. Metzelor, W. J. M. tbing is unin quaiity but nol in quanîa.-y tbat we offer et St0 cash. puomptbyefl ~ eul.Frtces 4lb. foi 25c. _______C W Baruett; A edn, P H Neville; Crag,S. T.T'uekor, C. E. Cragg, J. comparod with. someofe the big fairs 1 Ti-iuSTATES,-MAN wîih introduce an ed- excursionrts1 n on nLa Editor Toronto Teiegeam, Sir*.- Mountain Gro)ve,Wý, L Boyce;Pleveua, W. Coone, R. E. Findlay. have vhsited. On tic grounds aie 40 vertiser irîto more first ciass bomnes and Ontario adgnrlifrain pb BOTTR nd GSW N Pbease note that West Durham bas baen G MeConnell, Vennachas, A W Coone; Four ministers removo te other con- largo buildings and 89 smah Onles. will reach more of the dlass that to B Uîtt aldWANEDdeehered vacant for corrupt puactices Flinton,W H Clarke; Cioyno,W Higgs. ferenees-Rev. W. R. Young removes Cost o! the Exposition $1o,W0o,0oo. demands the, best waues than any other H AN Deiee and not on a tecbnicality. Bebieving 10 St. Thomas; Roi'. D, N. MeCainus 10 Among the sights are the Eleetrie two newspapers in ibis district, B. R. HEPU~,Aet 10 bac w i up ai Mu. Thouento wa s NOTE. Saunia, Rev. C. W. Walcb to Shelburne Tower 509 fi high, Goddessfof Lighl SÉrÂmsîAN, readers in anypato GeeaAgn.ow nvh, to al n if's, Tan t SASMr.pus the poli clueVjn s1 ad Rov. J. S I. Wilson 10 Flesherton. surmoutiig the tower, 18 fihigber. Canada or United Statesbhavuîîg friendà nn 7. 3 og î,Trno

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