Nearly 1000 Combs. Our aimi has always been to give our enstomiers a lîttle better goods at a littie less money. . Few people realize just what this meaus in the fuillest sense of the teorm. Jirst we exereise great caein seletiug oulyth most reliable manufacturers and then -Ne have to buy lu îN, sueh quantities as will entitie us to the elosest jobtbers' -e pr ces. Even af ter takiug these tbings into cousideration you cannot fully appreciate the advantages we eau offer our ,lx8~utomers unless you caîl aud compare our prices with -s<hat you pay elsewbere. This week we are sbowig uearly 1000,Oombs at al nrie.p. f hr nrdinra~ rv 5eComlas (u1ich wes eil ut. Se. emýacb) upto the large heavy hard rubber Combs at 75e each. These Combs-.are ail Special Value and have al been imported from the best, European maniifacturers. See thelu our windows. STOTI & JU RY. N. B,.-We are stili offering regular 40e Cream Tartar Baking Powder at 15c a pound and the best Phosphate Baking Powder at 10e a pound. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. Pearline 3 for locts at Nicholl's. Tack hammers 5ets each at Nichoils'. BowmANviLLu STATioN, Very ]atest styles ln gents' bats at M GoINU EÂST. GOiNG WEBT. Mayer's bat store. Ervýress.... 9.s2 a. m.1 Express .... 5 15 a. ma New subscribers cari get THE STATES- ?assenger .... 3 46 p.m.1 Local ...8 30 Locl... 655 P.m. 1 asener.i 50 p.m MAN to end of 1901 for 50e ...r.n.u025 "il Express .. . 7 38 ' See the Mason Co's. Bicycle Bals, just E-xpress gce west at 6.o5 arn. on Mondays. the slîoe for Warin weather. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents Division Court meets bere on June -~ ---24th and in Newcastle on the 25th. South Ontario Farmers' Institute tlttUn excursion to Guelphi, Tuesday, dune 18. The waterworks by-law was defeated in Oshawa Tuesday last by a majority BOWM?,.ANVILLE, JUNE 12, 1901. of 75. _______________________Repairing neatly and promptly doue if-lef Lat Fred _R. -Folev2s8 Parlor-ShoQ dune 26 and 27 aie Oddfettows' days Storeo. Pt the Pan America n. H-igh Sebool foot ball team -%ent to Thec, grand Lodge of the 1. O. O. F., Witby Saturday and were beatea in a -vil meet in Guelph in August. bcore 4-0. Canadian Jubilee Singers-Wednes- Ted per cent off at M. Mayer's Hat day, June 26. Reservo the date. andi Cap store for cash custorners. Two new and two second band bicy- Corne early. cies for sale very cheap at the Mascu If vou are 1looking for a nobby boot Co's. buy McCready'j 83.50 slioe on Sale at Mr. R. l3randon Greenaway was ie the Miason Co's. Toronto last week a-tding the annual Sece Cawl;er & Tait's advertisernent meeting of the Cougregationai Union. this week drawing attention to house- Mr. Geo. Wight, Toronto, wha has cteailing Supplies. been visiting his mother at Providence The Commencement exorcises of gave THE STATESMAN a Cal! on Satur- Whitby Ladies' Colleg'e will be held dayi Thursday, dune 2t. if you require a dressing comb, see Orders taken for (0 different news- Stott & Jury 's window noariy 10 O combs papers and magazines at the STATES- at prices from S ets. (for the regular 5t RAm office at lowest prices. hue)ui t 75 ts.Mrs. M. Cryderman, Beech Ave., M L r, of The World Staff, offers lier brick residence for sale on C'oxwas lu town Saturday with reasonable terms or wilt rent to a suit- thvd base bal teami and -ave Trua abie tenant. TTEMNa eall. Prayer mething in _Methodist churcli Mr. Levi Annis,, and Mr. A. J, Rev - is withdrawn this week to permît ail to noids, Scarboro. are the newly elected attend the induction in Trinity churcbl, President.and Secretary of East York Thursday uight. -farmers' Institute. We carry the finest stock of dress The ordination of Mr, R. Brandon goods in blacks and colours showu by Greenway will take place on Tnursday any house in these counties. Couch, 4une 1.'th in Trhjiit ' church at 8. p., m. Johnston & Cryderman. Att are cordially invited. The Standards weut te Cobourg Sat-1 Do not let a picture get spoiled for urday opay the returu game with the the want of a frame Tk i O osBrigade base bail team. Score 22 Freelaud's who maltes ait kinds of to 16 lu favor of Cobourg. picture frames and givos good value. Are you at ail particular about the The famous Canadian Jubilee singers eut and fit of your clothes if s0 leave Will give an eutertainmnent under the your order at Coucli, Johuston & Cry- aupcsof BowmanviLle Methodist derman's and vou shall be satisfied. Eupworth League on Weduesday dune If you are a reader of TuaE STATESMAN 26.oPrticulars later and yet fait to read its advertising col- The program given at the open air urnus regularly, you inake a mîstake. concert by the D. O. & P. Co. baud OU There is rney to be made by a weekly the stand Saturday eveing- ,vas mucli perusai of the advertisements in tisesei enj(>ved, Notwthstanding the chilly columuis. evening a goodly uumbercougreg-ated. Our readers kuow they can atways Special attractions for the childen ! depeud on what M. Mayer says about A large consigumeut of boots and shoes the goods lbe selis. His uew spting for theý littie ones just arrived from j sty les of hats, caps, ties, cottars, cuffs, Montreal nt Foiey's Parior Sboe tore. gioves, shirts, drawers and other artie u rceiieakdvryco, les for gentlemen's wear are now ready EnglBsh hair liue tweeds a special for inspection. Ris pricca are O.K. purchasýe matie up partieularty welt to ortier; pants lineti wouîb3i.O0 now offer- eti for 32.00 by the Mason Co. This q uality were nover solti t this prico ho (ore anti not iikely that thoy ovor witt again, The officers of Clarke Tlownship Sab- bath Sebool Association are : Presitient, Mu. J. W. Bradley. Vice President, Dr. MeKeuzie, 2nti .5ice Puesident, Dr. Tucer;- Sud Vice Puesident, Thomas Shrp)e; Secîotary Treasurer, R. Mom- Zu.Executive committoo, Miss Bruti loy, Chas. Thompson, Miss Eva Coucb anti the superintondents ot the seboots anti officeus of the association. The fellowing officers of Exceisior Couneil R. T. of T. were electeti bîst Tuesday evening fou the ensuing terrn: S.C., Bro. T.C. Jewett.; V.C., Miss Lois £dick; R S.. E (ii.Foyev F. S.. Miss F. Jewell; Trous , Vrs.W.W.Alliii; Rer. aid, Jas.Htebîhson; Chapllin, 1ev. B,.( E. Hadyen; Guarti, Frank Morris; sotEt. Jobuston; Organist, Miss, Louai Keys; Auditors, F. R. Dunham WV. W Tamblyn; Press Reporter, Wm. orrison, Those wbo sa# the base-bail game lieue last Saturday afteuuoon betwedn Cobourg anti the "Stars" of this town, ait was ;3 fine game anti cetaiuly leservod botter patronage. Botb teums playeti puetty dean bail," Catiy' Lunut pitcbiug a gooti game stiting out 14 nien R Brown gatheroti everytbing for Cobouug lu lef t fielti Btter- base running by thee Stars"' would -have improvoti the game. Franki Colwili umirt the game veuy satisfactouity. ý coe(-6 lu favor of visitors. ThJuiy number of 'rhe Delineator is exceedingiy fiue. The coloueti il- lustrations for dressmakeus anti mil- liners besides the usual descriptive articles are quite up to-date anti wtl be founti of greut value to ail interest- eti. A veuy fine article beautifully il- lustratet!inl cotor anti other pints on the Pain- Arerican ut Buffalo witl inter- est the -wliols family. Everyue( will waut to see this number. Sei-iu t once to Buterili Pblising Company,'7.17 West IBîli St eW York ity 1e Year; ,15ý, 5wr copy. .Ct.s e Wbeîî le Town, stop ut Nichotis'. Gilletts Lve 3 fou 25ets ut Nîcelt's. Caupet tacks,Tack puliers ut Nichols'. The price of TuE STATESHIAN is 31.00 oniy wben paid. in advance otiseuwise Ladies requiuing bair doue over shoulti cuit on Mus. Dickinson, King street. A number of otit linos in boots anti shoes uow on sale at cost puice et the Mason Co's. Until fuutheu notice Tait & Co will inake chic photos on Wetieosdays anti Saturdays only. 'sV, bave a large stock of Quartereti Oak Furnîture lu Antique anti Golden fluisiies. L. Morris. Having a large stock of Rats anti Caps ou baud, ant inl ortier to roduce 1t, have decidedtat take 10 peu cent off for cash customers, so corne anti get a bau- gain. M. MAYER, Hatter. Mu. anti Mus. Lyman D. Revuottis, 29 Vernon Place, Buffalo, N. Y., are pesnlykîoavn tu 'TmaSTATIismAN Editor. They bave a comfotabto bouse, about 15 minutes walk from the Pan Amrican grounds. Ou reatiers will finti gooti lotiging, there ut 75 cents peu niglit witlî breakfast if desireti ut 25 cents extra. Better make arrange- ments by tetter lu ativanco. Take trol- 1ev near station-Main Street. City Line-to Vernon Place. No change of cars. It is tbs tb bouse west of Main on nortli sitie of street. 22 tf Unitedi States Senator Dolliver con- tributes to the dune issue of " Suceess'" a britllant dissertation on the new gospel of wealth, as exemlilfiet inl the tife of Mus. Pboebe Apperson Hearst. Lyman J. Gage wites on the qualities which are esseitial to success ln bank-. ingý Govrnor Voorbees, o f New Jersey, puts lu a protest against trying ta make a square peg fit a round liole, mea3,ningtt a boy-,'s (ecitieti leanirge towarti auy ptarticulaïtr vocation shouiti be weill oster umaking a choies6 BuiÀlding, NL'ew York. OFlorence Nighingate Lotige 1.0,0 F. No. 66Owitl hotd thelu annual Decoration service Wednesday afternoon, dune 12. The ,Iodgel beadeti by baud wilteave totige room at 2.30 p. m. The public are eordiatly iuvited Ito observe this as a Decoration Day. Serub brushes 2 for Sets ut Nicholis'. No change lu tihe markets this week. Perfect ]Ltver RiF-f or 2ic, :Ioîe's Drug Store. Special prices on Tootb Brushes at Tole's Duug Store. A. L. Niebhoits is iu Buffalo looking for novelties for bis variety store. Neat tweed suits to order $8,00. Ex- tra value at F. A. Cole's, Hlampton. Bujy sour ensitage corn from us-seed tested-sure of'a erop. Cawkeu & Tait. This week Miss Martin will seil ladies' white goods at greatly retiuced prices. Cauvas mat patterns this week redue- ed from 45e, to 35o ; also a nico lot for 15c. Men's Stiff andi Soft Hats, the verv tatest, styles at Coucb, dohuston & Crydernan 's. Ou prices are rigbt andi our gootis are fresh andi of fiust quaiity. Toie's Drug Store. Do you, thiuk of buving a churu or washing machine? We bave the bestý Cawker & Tait, John C. Weeks is the busy man tbese days-paperhauging. He criries love- ty put tes. See them. if it is asthmaa, bronchltis, croup, or any such trouble, use Vapo-Cresoiene. Al Druggists. A few Ladies' Suits-the balance of this spring's stock-setting off athalf price at Coueh, J ohuston & Crydermnan's Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman are selinig off the balance of their sprîng coats at lîatf price. Ait new gootis this seasori. When buing a ready-rnade suit or overcoat you want the latest styîles anti our ueadly-made suits for mon and boys are ail new gootis. Coucb, dobuston & Cryderman. The Ladies' Aid of Trinity eburch wTt srv a eaiuhe cholroom on Tbursdav June l3tb from 5.30 to btc fotlowedby thej ordination service of tbeb-, new pastor, Mu, R B. Genwa. For $-2 50 you eau buy a 85.C0 coat For $3.00 you eau buy a 86 (O cout anti for $3 75 you eau bey a coat worth $7.50 All new couts matie for this season 's trade et Coueb, Joheston & Ct'yter marn's. The Central Business College. Toron- te. with its cliaracteristie energy bas arrangedt 1 conduet a Speciai Summer Term during July anti August in be haîf of Pubtie Sebool teachers anti oth- ers wbose usual vocation enables thern to take ativantage of such au excellent opportunity to <otbine profit with ptoasure tiuring- these holiday înontbs, Seo card iii this issue. In aimost every watk of life there have been great women. But.bas there ever been a women who lias reacheti the very ligbest pînnacle ii any fildit? le the dune Cosmopoitan Etta Wbeeler Wîtcox answers this question lu the noegatiçe anti teciaros that even lu the essentiatly feninine vocations of eook- ing, dressmattiug ant i rnii-ery men excel women, 'Womeni," says Mrs. .Witcox, "hbave not the concentration wbicb gives a clear prespective. Tbey tack system anti patience antiai-e dis- tracteti by detaits or turnetieside by vanity. Mus,'Barbara Feuwick dieti from a stroke of apoplexv at the residen--e of heu sü-in-law, dames L. Iý oss, 110 1-Iaveioek street, Toronto, dune lst. Deceeseti was boru lu Markharn 78 years ago, -where she resideti untîl 18 years ago. She was a Presbyterian Sheleaves four daugbters anti four sons: Mus. John Lambert. Mus. Jas. L. Ross, Misses Jeunie anti Mary, Jas. Feuwiek, of Parkdale Furnaceo Co., George Feu- wîcki-, Detroit; Matcolm Fer.wick, now lu China; anti Murrav M. Feuwick, M. A , of Toronto. formerly Principal of Bowmanvitle Righ Sebool. The Mtbodists bore were favoreti wltb the preseuce anti services of 1ev, Rii Barnfoîth. B A., Rednersvilto, on Sunday. 11e preacheti two sp'euditi sermons takinz as his moruing subjeet, -Guasping olortunities" taking bis text fromn Nehemniab 2, 4. Iu the even *n W be preacheti fuoîu Genesis 39, 21. Ris exposition of these passages was very luciti and practicat anti the congre. gations were delighteti anti proffitoti by the adminio3trations of the day. The choir rentiereti several flue anthems at tbe evening service anti was assiste-d by Mus. C. A. Cawlcer who sang, ve-y pieasingiy the solo "The Lord is My Light." The Str. Argyle aili staut rueuieg the first week ini June andi wili mun as folnws: Moudays, excursions out of Toronto ; Tuestiays anti Fuidays from Newectte, Bowmauvitie, Oshawa anti Whitbv to Toronto ; Tbursdays fuom Cobourg anti Port Hope to Toronto. Wetinestiays are open four excursions to uny port on Lake Ontario; Saturdays wilt ruasu excursions out of Toronto; Satuuday nîglits wil take excursions from Toronto te Charlotte, N. Y. Ex cursions to Buffalo witl be announceti Iter. B. R. Ilepburn, 38 Yonge St., Toronto, is the generul agent fou the Argte HaryCan is the local lagen BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Crrected by J.Mlnrtry cacl T nesday FLOUR, P100tbs....3170 to 2 40 WHE uT, Pull, bush. O O 0 O 65 i S pring........ ci00 i0 65 S lie die ....... 000 0 83 n---- ci.on0 (1 f0l5 Ceylonandý India Tsea. GREEN OR BLACK A Quantity of Quality is what ail drinkers of Machine-Made Tea get. No Tea as pure, wholesome or economical. Superlative in actual merit. To suit alIVarieties of tastes, ~m, 5~M ùALAUA only. Blaek, Mixed. Free samples sent. Ilncolored Ceylon Green, Address '-SALAPA,' Toronto. E We always carry the -eo E choicest Unes of Pur 111V ViÂIVULiV0ViJe SEE OUR 3H IGH-CLASS CHOCOLAJESI Put up in fancy boxes. o SGrand Central. PERMONAL. Miss helen Beithbabs gone to Ottawa. Mu. Wm Brittain, Toronto, is visit. îng relatives lure. Mus. Geo. Mitchell, Toronto, is visit- ing relatives bere. .Miss Floreuce Kenner, Prince Albert, is guest cf Miss Veut. Dr. J. S, Somers, Toronto, speîît S ueday a t bis f atber's. 1ev. W. Coombe, Wooler, visiteti bis father, Mu. Chas, Coombe. Mr. J. B. Martyn visiteti rotatives ut Riie-hester, N. Y., this wee. Mu. W. W, Tamblyn, M. A,, visited frieutsin jeToronto last week - Mis. Powers, Toronto, is visiting lier sister Mus. W. W. Tambtyu., Miss Mabel Bingham is sý,pending a montýh ut heu home lu Wootiville. Miss ilooper anti Miss Carvie Martyn visiteti relatives lunOshawa rîdýay. Mu. anti Mrs. Geo. H Jt, ew ste spont Suuiday with Mu. Wmîr. Etiger. Miss M. E. Stevens left on, Saturdav for Detroit, Micb., to visit relatives. Mu. anti Mus. J. M. Joness sieent Sun- day lu Cobourg attending conference, Dr. Juîliau Thomas, Toronto, was guest of Mus . M. A. James oveî- Suntiay. Mus. Fuller, Cobourg, 19 isiting hieu aunt, Mis. Tbos. Kirby, wbo is quite ill. 11ej. 1E. Bumfortb, B.- A., was guest at tbeMetbotiist parsouage:over Suntiay. 1ev. J. R1, Bruett preachet inl Meti- caîf St Methodist church, Oshawa, Sun day. Mr>. H. Bennett, Toronto, bas oeen visiting bis daughtoer, Mus. F. J, Man- ing. Mu. John lieltyar, su,, bas been visit- iug bis son, Mu. W, Hl Hett.yar, Co- bourg. Miss Atiams anti Mu. W. Kîrby, Osh- awa, were guests off Masor Mitchell Suntiay. Messrs. F. C. anti Byron S. Vaustone are vîsiting the Pan-American at Buffa - Io, N. Y. Mu. Chsas. Cox bas gone to Condors- port, Pa., to accept a gooti situation iu a bakery. Mus. Geo. Rice anti Masters Roy anti Frank are visiting beu parents near Godeuicb. Mu. J. H1. Osborne, Mt. Pleasaut, Marîposa, visiteti at Mu. Levi Morris', last aveek. Muý C. W. K1elley, Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting heu motheu Mus. James demie- son, Tyrone. Mu. W.T. Tamblyn, A,.A.,Pb.D,, the University, Boulder, Colorado, is visit ing bis father. Mu, dames Jauvis of the T orouto police force, visiteti bis father Chief dervis tast week. Mu. Donald MeDonalti, Belleville, bas been sponding a week ut bas gone to Arkona. Mus. T. E. lligginbotbam anti Miss Brita are visitîng ber sîster Mus. G. Eti. Kennedy, Lontion. Mu. Athur Bond, Oshawa, is visiting bis grantifather, Mu. John James, anti other relatiyes bere. Miss Amunda Bond, Oshawa, spent Sunnday at LoYne Villa, gîetof heu unle Mu M.A.-ames. Mus. u(Du) ýH. H. Tyler andti tree ebildue nanon, N.Y., are vîsiting ber father, Mu. jas. Alextunter, Miss Nellie Hall bas goBe to Kaium- azoo, Mich., to attend tbe wedding of ber brother Du. Norman Hail. Mu. Ilobt. Beitb bas been ebosen jutigeon ou oses fou Western Manitoba's big fair ut Brandon July 23--26. Miss Eva Trewin bas gone to Bons- fort to assist us briciesmuiti ut the weti ding of a frionti to-day (Wotinesday). Messrs. C. Bain, Taunton, H. ilutche- son, Toronto, anti Du. J. Lee, Ennis- kilten. weue guests ut Mu. P. Treb- ilcock's Suuday. ' Rev. Melville A. Shaver, Cobourg, bas aecepted the unanimlous cati to the -,'astorute of Bethlehem Cougregational Mr. W 'Roenigk anti Mu. Bert Ash- ford îbf tetiu r ifor caml-p c Battalion ut Niag-ara. Mr. Hiarold G. Martyn, Welcome, formul-v-eaeex4N-l alntu bas passed bis fourth year exarns in Arts at Toronto University. Dr. and Mus. William A. White, New York City, have been visiting bis father Mr. Thos, White, Mitibrooli, xho bas been ili, and are now visiting here at Lorue Villa. SMr. N. McTavish, LaGrange, Ill., accornpanied the rremains here of bis father the late Donald Mc'Layish which were interued iu Bowmanvitle cemetery Wednesday imorning. At a vocal recitai gîven by M1Vr. Edou- aud Barton and bis pupits at the College of Music, Toronto, Thursday evening11 the Globe says -"5'Ass Mabel Tait accompanied with teste and judg- ment." Rev. R. P. and Mrs, Bowies were presented witb a baudsorne cabinet of silver coetainiug 132 piees by thue congregation of the Metropolitan Metb- oýdist cbu-rchi, Toronto, before their removal to Gýrace cburch, Winnipeg, M an. LADIES 0F BOWMANVILLE. I bave decided to s tay in town for the summer or until, mY daughter gets stronger and will g0ouot sewing by the day or take il lu the bouse just as suits auy customers wising my services. Att orders left ut Mrs. Wrigbtmau's King st. Yours respectfutty. Mas, A. N, GFOaD. 22 -4w SAIT, PLASTER, CEMLENT. Fresh Godericb and Liverpool sait fine and coarse; Fresb ground Land Plaster; a carload of Battte's celebrat- ed Thoroldernent; aiso Eegiish Port- land Cernent just arrived andi for sale at lowest rates at MCULELLAM' & CO's , East End Depot Cati and inspect be- fore bu.ý'ing elsewbere, 22-3w BORN ADARiS-At Yarker, June 3, toe11ev. and ie Chas Adams, a son. MANNING-In Darlington,June 2nd, the wi"'fe of Mir. Albert Manning, of a son. LuxToa-In Bowmanville, Jolie 41th le 1wife of Mr. Fred. Luxton, of a daugliter. WINAoTir-On Julie ist, at 171 River Avenue, Winnipeg, Man., the wf f e of W. A, Windatt, of a son,. MARRIED. STAiR--GuiOG At Brooklïn, Jone th, by Rcv, W. W. Weeks, assisted by Rev. R, Mc- Dlirmid, Mary Eima. danghiter of Dr. M. Hl. Starr, and Rcv, Samnuel E. Grigg, B. A.,1 Tilson- burg. VCRDEN OKR -Ii Darlington, June 5th, by R1ev. 3. S. 1. 'Vilson, B. D., Miss Aliceftlend, only daugliter cf the laie Richard Oke. and Mr. Wm. Frankt Wo, Cen, both of Darlin gtoo. McLo-HRgAan--InNewcastle, Jonc Sih, by 1ev. T. J. Edinison, B. A.. Alexander W. MeLeod and Lillie Robina, Caughter ofMri. Jas. Heard, both of Newcastle. FaaTcHER-In ilowmanvilie, June 5th, Eth ei Grace, third danghîter of the late Johnî Fletch er, aged 18 years, 3 months. CA3PBELL-Af Mouet Forest, Jue lst, 11ev. A. R. Cam pbell, Peterbore, agcd 74 y cars, f afh- or of Sirs, (1ev.) J G. Lewis, Ncwtonvillc. Govita-At Oak Laite, Man., Friday May 10, Francis Gcyne, aged 53tyears, formeriy cf Toronto. Interrcd at M leasanf, 'Toronto. FIisCw -In Newcastlc, Jonc 91b, John Rien- wick, in his Slnd ycar. Gaucczwav-Â 4c MisionAvc., Torooýto, Jnnc th, co. recnay,"ii 1is 41sf year. Rear.bClarke, Jne91h, Susan Me- Keitb, aged 66 ycars. WALTEII-At Taunton, Jonie 3rd, Richard Waller, aged 53 yçars. GLov.R -In East Whitby, Junc ist, Margaret Branton, beloecd wif c cf Samuel Glever, agcd 69 ycars. LYALL Te iroula li eneral Hospital, Jonc 6, Sirs Ly.9il, beloved wife cf Mr. George Lyali, Oshawa. Faawicîeý-AI 110 Iiavelock St., Toronto, on Junc sf, Barbara, relici of the laie Areh H. Fcnwick cf Markhamn township tunlier, 78fb year. Mother of Mr. M. M. Fenwick, formerly cf Bowmanville. A GENTS WANTEP-To eauvass lu the Eastern COunties of, Ontario for Dr, Chasc's last and complote Rececint Bock ani Household Physician. For ferms, etc , write ai once te Locit Prateer 7, SÂsM office, uow- manville.22w P ROPEtTY FORSAE-hetbe stýý'orcy brick bidn rontlng on ingSi Bowmovii~.îMnsediatelýy WeS! of Runefi Hos itdfor -ope olus ani,,[ lng bav ing 27 foot frniage, elongig t e s estat cfÏ Laven-_ia IRi eotm deaa.Forfoth Seli Only the z3estO Seasonable Goods. Iiow are Vour House=Cleaning Supplies, Soap, irooms, Whiting, Bluelig, Starches , Whitewash Brushes, Mous. Xashino' Oomnoind. Amn- monia, Black Lead, MAhbastine, Tubs, etc. We carry a f ull une of the best Household Supplies AT ItOCK BOTTOMIPRICES. .CORK N. A ca r-load just arri-ved, white and yellow horse tooth, Le aming and Red Cob; tested Seed and Prices Right. BOWMANVILLE. TuHE PEO'PLE'S1 STORE. lEale a ~Over 200 b eclear at Gets uiCllTUlay Worsted, Blue or Black, E To Order for $10. -e ete B OWMANVILLE. 411%_- SERVANT WANTED-Fou geeeual h IouseWcrki. 4.PPlY te JOHN cMuz ChurciaSi., Bewmaniiville24-if Si [EP STRAYED-5 owes, sheareti, nlamb, strayed frorn loi 18, coni. 4, Dalîing- ton, on May 7. Informatio'n as te ibeir where- abouts aIvili be rcivardeO by SW. aM.PETEnS, Ra PtdT. O. 223sw Noice to Creditors. ORA ETwo storey brick bouse d On, t tYcOfC. YcUNG, Liber-ty -St., 1~APLE t 1iOVE IO11KSHIItLS ...Fo» SALE-230 ready te wean lu Joue. Also the Berksîhire fleg that aven first ai Be- maville luit ill. The cabove Roge arc al bred frem A 1 -t&c. ritcfoi-.srrlces, or boiter sf11, cail anCd estck. T. J. Ccii: box 188, Bewmaniville f Jv o f iiie etcof Tii LI BOW A:Do you wantGimu' 2.lt14Nlate of the Toîu77-n of Bowsan- ; Celeoratet iHigh Class DIOors for. ville Zn the (ioutY o0 -Ian, that nices iew boulse s'ontare Gecleunan, deeeascd. building? If 50, tetephone No, Notice is beveby givien prsut te ChIaPpi t 15. otwttrautiina eortse i215 cf the RevisedSiates of Ontario, 1897, ittt oîrr eae tf el ait persor e having aily eaim agatins the est atir s ef thse abeve iiamed WILLIAM BOWMA.-N, illg5ad going to soul Doors, wiîo died ou or about the sxth osy cifirpril, A. 1Sas-iî, Bliuti0, Mrrttj-iuigs, Piekets anti D1.. 1901, are post prepaid uro iler- ait kintis of -- iant iluntresseti wise te deiiver te Aiber t Arnoc cfflcTu shie cf Darlinigion in ie(i , rD- 1 luItmber anti are ci tnually ueeeiv:tng- Fariner, ERiîsitillcia P. 0., GOu ,i'tc-rr i"l tc t cetaltheotimantis of of tbe said eouate or t+lie u<c - -a~tid e innn fslni solicitor, at tbe cd ,,....... j rd naines, addre-sseE aîr- ar r iOr *fwd S ouo, anti parficulars 0!f1itu --,iuyua o accoonits , uy----------ü o amouni cf Semuiii uySor ax1cr, O)rî .lOC a O smat short 1901. dt h nigaedc- g spc alty, et Imm ediaieiy after, ir i:ýr ,eresao Snige rt estate wiii hO, admins.-.1tiuuu1,eeia nt t nte an '; 1!1(,. Cl;i1.iYýC ~ rsct n tc shFot thon have ba0 1 î1 1. Pa ýW 1Uie l this Si s - A .ei at resbl rîcn erod D.alC'l iliMna. aft i --- -- ----- 'T-i- el i IL i m -mk-g-%-a - -r --Uevlon , L a - ---rm ý a 5 i m 1 ý- -1 1 - ý - - ý