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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1901, p. 6

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MLLfIONSîeeuse OTCURîAxOAP, asShteti ly Cct:staa Ohitaeut, for beautifyhng 'tes ahin, for leansiag thescîabp, andt hue itppisg cf fllisf hais, foreofOitng, Wiiteattug, anti sooetiulg reti, rougis, and es-re bands, fer baby rashes, itchlags, and irriains, anti for ai the pus-poses of tite tolini, bath, sndsuses-y. Mlhihons cf Woiaea use (cs-smnme SeAPn l hali for annoyiag irritatioas, Inflammaions, and excoriations, er toc fsee or offensive pes-spis-atfon, la washes fo laschesath-e weak- aessese, anti for mnay F5iaive antiseptie puis- poses which s-ea i uggesi tbiuseeiveî h waneis,epeisl nutri. No ciber sucdf- Catd soap is3 tele omasetith ilfor prse- srvisn, pcs-hyingc, anti ieauifyhag ils sis, scalp, air, tanntiLus. Ne eties- forelgn or tatusesiha ollet seaIl howcves- expeneive, le te be compas-ct wi i CoUTcURisoSOAoa-fr ail tle sutpeFese of îteileo!ýt, bath, atnt nurses-y. 'i'ue imocbins luOseSOAS aiONE PuICE, the aîE-rskis anti copiexhonoap, and, the BaS-toilaianti btfbY îopp i ths w-os-id. Complets-1 1raimentûl'or ci-es-y fumeur. CorîcceuA osi-, tu cieasies tbe ski ofc siss and i-aiefi, anti soflen tle thluck-csej cuticie, CUTI. CURA OINs-MENT, te hssiaaeiy allay itcbieg, in- flanination, anti irrihatlen, andti steuisand bliai, anti CasUTccA RaeSOaVsss-te cclastidrclene th l Ieet. A SNGLE ET ev iCtes suflibeent 10 cure tae mcies- turing, tiiugring, antd burniii. ating skia, scalp, and Itotdi humours, Wltbics cf liais-, wiuen ail cise fale. Bt., London. P5'oRr Dais Ceas., Bouti . S. A. Lady oIf thc house iookhng into the empty flour barrel said-"O, I1 C. U. R. X. T." "Weil, I an glad as naw 1 can get ail my Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Luttrell's and save ail the bothcer of bakinig myseif." King St., Bovwmanville. Teleplione 97. "Wool 7 ïanted At the Cambrian Woolen Milis, Hamipton. The undersigi eg (--s te inform ai] his oitfs-ents tist ho la ýprepas-et to do Wcel Carding,Spviining, Weaviiîg, etc or exab-cange goots for weol Wbhl alsc' pay tise Higîet Prîce for ail grades cf Wocl ant ilviipay - e iban any other baver eau aIles-t f0 do for Mattet \Yocl. If it le any benefit te las-mers ta lave a Woolon Mill ln the Tow-nshtp ton't go past it with yout, Wooh uvlen yeu cas do bettes-fIes-e ail rouet than eisc. whre. Trusting for your support as in the past. 18 8m. Dj. Taylor, PROPIIIETOR CHANGE 0 llaving learned the art osf Ens- balming and Funeral 'Dîrecting with 31r. B. D. Humphrey, the lead- Ing Tuonto undertaker,and having taken possession of flic business iatly anaed y. l.-R Katerson. ail orders entrusted ta my eare wili receive my prcmupt and cai'ef ni attention. A fulll hue aofueful fur- nîture will aiso be kept on liant. 14-6m HMTN -The GreatesC Rglfîlt le ufy. 'D oldeand rucomma ddtbli-,C~ tmug-gissha canada. On]y sel aIle methiute tueoveret. Six se g gs guaronei to cure ,I femecfSec -ca uskes, ail elziTcfabse or exstesib, Mtal Worry, Excess!,i;ue c To- bacce, opium or stimsulants. Mahet o rcep 'fDl oe snepae $1, shx, $5. Oewfmfee .sf1r seU ee-. PaphltS fs-sroa- t 1 D,'d] eiî, The WodConpas-,Widso, n;. SiWcd Pb~psisite bd n nwmnviîeby It Is An Awvfo.l Thing to Laugh inj U-od's Face. A despatoli 1mani W a.3ingtcni say s: s illanies hîgher and highcr. Good -11ev. Dr. Talusage preaeiîcd ircai men almost pity Ccd because bc is thc fol] owing texts. se scheomed against by men. Sud- -Thn ws or mut, fle, wthdeniy a pin drops out cf theo ma- "Th' wm ur aouth1~V01 'Wjîi ciîary of xicked imeif,or a scret, laugbter."-Psatin cxxvi. 2. is reveaecd, the fouadatîoîî begins te -IBe that sittethli'n the Ileavens rock. Finally the whole thirg is de- 'hl aul.-Psilin ii. 4. m f0i1lis 110 d. Whvt is the matter?1 shahlaugi. Iwiîî tell you' vsat tise matter is. Thirty-eight tiruos doos the Bible 'ibat crash cf rein fa only the rover- inke rmole o this uonfiguiration hesation cf (iod's laughtcr. cf tise foatumes ý,,nd quick expu' sien i If your liver £3ont of order, eausing Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart- burn, or Constipation, take a dose af On retiing-Ad tomorrow your di- gestive organs wilI be regulated and you s'viii be bright, active and ready for any klnd cf Nwork. This has been the experience of others; it will be yours. HÏOOD'S PILLS are ~od by ail medicine dealers. 25 ets.- ataflash. Xo ii icte talk ever l bat baýs happened sinco we have 1 cen separate-d, the one that jhas heen i on iears ini heux en teliing ci breoth whihsws cxi uliter is gieat ciffee cetwc 'n us ail mhat las iapIperredin athe ton Scnefîsss f s oracf ues;ns1i 0 Gd's laugli andi bis smî'le. Tifs ye'ars of bis beavenly residenice, and anid socictimes tLici'sidight.. So iie-smriie is cterfial Leatifude. Hie sild weo teliug isa in retumnanil that has tusses it sfbs tise symnpatiso f an- "hcn Dav id saïn' , andi Miiain cia- happened duig tire ton yoars Of lis gels nnd soisscdnyns the cmhiaiusled the cymcbals, ccd IHannsih made absonce froni earfl. YG shall laugh. of devi ls. Ai] hcalthy people lasugh,- î~nsfor bcr son, and Paul J. tbiak George Whiffieid and John nhethber if pie-uses the Leord, or di S- jpicaci cJ, anad John lsieid with Wesley wilihave a lnuigh of contempt piease,,.im lial, atdnpends upon whenaaP--c-tlYPtic visions, and whon iny for their oarfhly collisions and Top- wvý iaughi andi at wlsaf we l- isgh. V-' nanri ]as anything te do and dees lady andi Charies Wesley, will have tbeisc- tîsis nscmning, i-,fi th ýcr-' it well.I.lis smAi l! B. is rorning a laugh cf ccnempt for their earth- cf -he Bible, naittv: t-arah"s iaug i .bra igon 0c rippling s ,a. Tt is ]yîni suders tandiags, ucd the two or tbxt cf sc'-ppfcIýsii: Bavid's laugis, hr thgslnon, ail the bonls farmmrs wbo woro in a law suit ail or that of spiritual exci- ringiag. B-t bis langbteî may ift thor days wllhavo a lmugh of con- tation; the f001 s inughi, nover fu on us. It is a condGnsns- temipf overir earthiy disturbaiice ror that cf sinful usrrinient; God's tion foir oui- si-r. If is a was ring about a lice foence. :Exemption frora laugh, ci- thaf of infinite condoînna- aa.W'e may let the safirist laugh ail annoy,,ncýe. Immsersion in ail tien; FTeavcn's iacgb,, or tbat of zat us, andtiail oui- compaioîss lacgh gintiness. ',o shah ilaugh. Christ, etci-iail tih. limone: an oriental at us, and we o asmde the target for, says, 'Ye shall laugh." Yes, if wil tont. The occrs f es, olt Abraham the nîorriinent of e urtis and bhil; but hc a lacgh 0of trfcrnplî. Oh! what nnd Sarali, iîcrhas w~~riiîiied anti Cod femhid that ixe sherîlti oser cor-ne a pleasant thiagfi wiih ho f0 stand decrepit. Tiroir thr e gcsf s ni-o to the fulfilimeeit 0f tise prophecy on the walh of heaven anti look down thîoe angols, the Lord Almighty is acainst the rejectors of the ticch: et Satan, and huri at hinm dedianco, of fbor. n.l iet cru fer tise hospîtai- i'"I il laugli et yocr calansîfty." and sec hins ciig-cd and chaied, andi ity shown hy tire oit peeple, G-o d 1Theother feu rbter me'siiol i e forever fre Ironis clu cichs. promises Sarali fisat site shal be- 1'the Bbltie oniy onie 1 shahl speak Aba! Aha! Yes, it wiii bc a maugh corne thse aneeafross of tise Lord (o0f, lB Ileavea's iaughter, or the ex- ef royal greofing. Jescs Christ. Sarah laughs fa tise!prossiols 0f tr,al triuiph. Christ face of Goti; she does not believe if. said f0 bis disciples: "Blesset are: She is affriglited at what shrelias yo that svcep îîow, for ye shah i augh k~ffhP donc. Site denfes if, she says: -I ye that weep now, for yo shlil AUmI TTITH UN LTT SAX11 didn't laugh." Then Got retotted, laug ." That makes me hnow pose- ~JxJ. with ais emphasis that siiencet ail tiveiy fIat we are inot te spend our- disputafion: "But fhou dîd'sf days fis beavea singing long metî-e- PER SONAL ANI) POLITICAL NOTES l.acgh." My friends, the laugh of songs. The forisslistie and stiff no- ABOUT THE BIJSY YANKEE. scepticisrasla ail the ages is onhy the fions cf iseavea that somse peoplej ceiso of Sarah's laughte-. God says have would make use miserable. I Nel-îiou.liqîierest litIilUs Do1nigi-314tI ho iilaroînhis atiîngaa isOn.1cmgiad to kawthat the heavea of tOi-S 07 flinent and SItrth Galberr-d say if canîsot hc donc. A great Issul- tbe Bibleis i no oniy a plae ocf hoiy Froni l eords~. tîtutie laugh at the miracles. '1hoy worship but cf magnîficont sociaiity. R ev. Dr. L. Marriil Miller, ex-mod- say they are ontrai-y te the laws 0f "Whlst," says you, "xiii the ringing nature,. What is a iaw of nature? larugh go eroîînd tise cîrmeecf thoe eator of the Preshyterian synod cf Tt is God's way cf doing a thfig. saved?" 1 say yes; pure lauglitor, iNcw York, will thisk year asiobrate The îîoxt ]aughfor usentioneti inithe hoiy iacghtcî-. If wil ho a laugli !rthefiftieth lyeax' of bi-, ministry in Bible is Bas id's laughter, cr the of ceao au-tin haw aetaithtcu-h expesson f pirtua euitifos.frieîstiwiio bas suddeîily ceaie 'to ai Ms-s. Luscy Il.L Eardmnan, of New "Thon was our meirfis dled witb 'fortune, or who bas got over socoHynfude fte Brina laughfoi.-"He gof vo-y lunch dowis direncluacas do wcfsothshak liants -soirietimes, hut there are other chap- dorec ieisfldoghwfitshabu i ad, Masiual iTraining Sehool in that city, ters wbere, for four or five fîmes hie wehegft rae c 0 as imaie a g-fît of $12,090 toeeet an Icalls upon tire people te iraiseanad 1fricîsts tee, omheavo tîdse isa i addition te the building. teui it wasc a meo ti h cocrne ne eout cf great tribulation, Rev-. Dî-. W S. Rainsferd, rector cf the lip; t ws adesonfraio w'ny wo xiii say fooncecte i: St.GeorgFee's lpsccpal chural, New fIat tock boid cf bis wboie pyia telattn a yryubi nnature. "Thon was rur moutflil te bat img orJsaxw yosu, yoc at1Yokis mentoneti as the most pro- witb laugbfter." My friends, b£3 ton ufra o i ck cirahbecandidlate fer the place cf ýy ý~lw intermsittent,-' or ro aitl,' svue1 al worid xviii nover ho convorted fto isy1"e 'm nc iaiebisbcp-coatijutor cf Minnesota. GoCd unfil Christiatîs cry less'and wlmpin,' witi forth e ecn r scu ac laugh and sing more. The horro~~rs ipngwtthad M. i.Gertrude cýAthertoïn, the nov-el- langî ccdullsifgommore.tlIeefborrors, isat presosu et, St. Thaimas,Danisl taro a poor hait. If people are f0 o u were u l cf TCOmpLiatweae st ivitgainsi ho persuadedti te dopt car hoiy r a o t r girtlîoyU Ws stemkn netgtosi 0 ligion, if wili ho because they have on this efernai recvery." Me shalllNev-is anti St. Cro(ix'concemniog fhe ronde up their mmnd if is a happy laughi. Xes, we shall coagmatchatepas-entage cf Alexande'r Hamilton. religion. Tlîey do acf iike an cltra- ail those who have corne cp oct cf Ms.J.Y if f$6,0 bilicus Chrisfiaîify. JI now tisere great financial cmbarrsiliî'nls f amîasglI f16,O are erbii pepie iîo njcya fu- 'crneworld, because tlîey have hoe- ~inslndti tethe IUniversity cf Chicago oral. They coine eaîîy te se, the;re milicaa'ros in hsaven. Yo 1s'. te ha put to an immediate use, anti frientis taire lave cf the corpso, anti shahl laugh. Iftxiii ho a lautgîs cf !plans for the ne1w building te ho lo- tbey stoal a ride f0 tise cemtery; ! reassociation. If is jusf as rauml àtt on it as-e already well under but ai heaitby people enjoy a mur- 'lfor us f0 laugb whewe îet ay niage btter than they do a buiai. a frionti we bave isof seen for fen Dr. SanIes-t E. Chaulle, dean of the Now, you naalc the religion cf Years as anrythîing is possihle ob medicalilteparîment of Tulane Uni- Christ sepuichral anti iearse-iike from wboss w-e bave been parte tetn,1 anti ycc make it î-opuhsive. wialrîest rtsit er , ii it neft ves-sîty, New Orleans, ba s been given planît the Rose cf Sharon aieîg ho b witis inflîsite -ongraitii'tioîî?COrI thedegreo c f LL.D. by the Univ-ersity cbcîch waks, anti ceicabie to e Prception qicicenci, our knowlege 011 is corpetin f fifty years le claîsîer over theo durcis wai, ad fiprovet, we xiilkiow each thêr ts sesvice. hsavo a salue on fIe ip, anti have tise Major____ _____.__ _________ - mcouth fihed wifb uîoiy latugbteir idiet a lew days age a. nPttslurg, ITheme is neo asan fa tise weu-îd ex- ! was onecfof te hast knowair avyes-s in cepftishe Christianat if as a îiglst ivestes-a Penasylvania. Hoexvas a dole- tobel an untrminsoieti g-e. I-Jo is gate in 1880 tte I epublican nationali promnisoti that evcî-yfhicg is the best h lt -cnetoat a u ftelmn t ebre, andîtiehois On tire way f0 a de- VY lt 396 who reatinedi faithîtil tfhGenos-sI light whiî- i xii take ail the promos tutltewthswlo i stoas wli palm-hi-anches, anti aili te orchestras bai-pet anti cymsbaied nl e 1 g h - name, te express. O! rejoice everoî-ssse bors and tAithcugh le ivei within 130 mileg Yoc know how if is fa an arry-an . QÀ ofDts-oit for sixty-fiva years, Alfred armiy la encaîspipsent. If tctay, f r i e ni d s B. Husteat, apsciet farmner cf acws cornes thaf 0cr sido lias bat a tik~U GoeatTweiOkat ony «defeaf, anîd foisors-cx anetiser por-tîky GovlnTünsdO ladCuy, tien cf the tidiags cornes, aayiag: . e ,h eetiy de ,bat neyer_ visitet "we bave bilsatnofîerdoen,"ife is-cpolis but once. That 5vas ia teisoralizes ahi the bost. But if the-' 1836, w-hon le walket teto the city news moisies of vicf osy today antiyed s 1te file a dee oti te e asm ho bat pur- vicfou-y tomorrow, the wîsoîe rmy r ifthani you are? chaset fsrum the Goe-rnaient, us impassioneti for thie costcst. New, YTh~~ m osbl berTe are esc-w living the witews cf la the kingdoai cf ccv Lord Jesus Yt1'simosibetO hefomrPsintofh Utd Chistif report fewerm ftest; tel us > look young with the trefre rsduec I ntt I tatee. Mrs. Has-ris lives siluin--i fhe victoî-ies. imtcî-y oveî- sin antirdf7 years Ii dianapehis, Ms-s. Grant makes ber deafh anti bell. Ilejoice evormnore,> coloro >il anti agan1 asy rejoice. I helieve i the hair. It's sad tO bomu, Ln Wa.hington, anti Mrs. Gar- flore is mîore religions la a laugh se>on esn bdiv~f etr .Bcsa' thaîs ii a g-oan. Anybody anl 4seyugp ro s f.l ieýi etr .Bcaa' groan, but te laug-b in the midtf 0f oo0k pentrl minent in WashissgLon during fIe ad-- hscisissnî andt poractiona ndsin a i thîs way. Sad be- ministral ions of these Presideuts, arc tecsrihablo trials fIat îequiros ncs a living. Bavidi), aniell, a Parul, a modem cause ts l unnee- .Flero e. Dr. Chaarhes McLean Andrsews, lest Tise îîext laugliferm seitiocet inl sary; for gray hair of fIe depastme-nt o-f Bryn Mac-r Col-- thle Bible niai 1i shah spoal cf,is tise May always .be re l ege, las been choe officiai ropre-- fool's laugister, or the expression of store d setatve e Ie Amos,-ican Histes-ical _meî-riasoîsf Solonrion wa-s vcryi etivtol quimk af sinifle; w-,vile,- b imsia ~toitsaýsseciation at the Alfred milulenaryr ('mosIprisoî w-e tail atch if. What n t- elbatica by EnglisI acholars at la the langhier cf efooh lilýc? H i Re -'M latter part cf July, Soya "ift is e eramklsng of thoras >, u r a ito e, led elpariiy ta Oxford anti part- ' unde a ot,"Thekette i swug c0 i iy in W7inclcsteir, Englaut. Dr. An-- uce pt"Tb oti au sg, rO Io r rewe' xiii prepare n papýs- on a sub- andtitheî-o *aa groat noise anti aus- hîg Iced blaze, anti mispuifes-antidscaio c- ng.- t5-totHaIs-,, w-len agksti recout- tinglahnon. Ton i lataneur'iyb voti-but letis support of a thian if w-se hfoc ooi's laugfrWTmse cu-1>î ht ewa The io efnsiserahlc tling on OCi ils For over rha1ch ., a cen-iewa is abad an'sfun.When1 wa aaLpacu ama antigave w-bati ttle le lit, a boocmne ouftoîîfiftid"Dow tury this has been he could te île Sappeirt of fhe chus-ch Jr's Patenf Sermone-s." TtIf ate a standuardi naîr pTp I 4- ýva u eh eattentat. Ha offes-eti,how- g-ba sur a pry cite haughuail - to, sa e v-ei ,to e -5ys > te s olhitos-, île ovor rhe countr-y, tînt bock didt. I * 1ev r.Jams BydBraanif bi xvas a caricature of the Chistis-îs Cressing, hstops ýîat ocit s-0- BGydrad-, eentire rnisifîy andt of fIe Word cf 'ot, i1ý i rUeÉi and tihle day l utgofnt h! un f îî air; nakes cfa Iymn -nfte7'heaîing the Sonates- CAKES ANI) FROSTING. T'eliy Ju.mbless-Cream eone-liaif cup Of butter, add gradually one cup of -sugar, one egg well baaten, one-haif t'eas'PeaDn of soda dissolved in one-haif cp f sour miUr-, one-quarter teaspoon cf saft and fleur to make a soft dough. Chili, roil out and shape with a, round cutter. On aua-hall' the Pi-ce,3 put currant jotly; I the re- nzLaling peces cnttfree small copen- Pns ut the piacas Le'gelher, press the edges slight[y and bake in a ra- accp in a gens silap. mhes w-es-e secamm,,nded for piamims. Webster Cake-Croanu ene-hal euj of butter, att g-aduahiy oes cupo sagas-,;.the yolks cf three eggs w-el boaten, a-ne-bal cup, f ailk, eue an( three-qua-toss ccp cf flous aixeti an( sifiet w-ith twe anti one-baîf tes s'pittas cf laking poix-ter anti th whites cif ibree eg-gs heston suiff. Ti a trille lees than ono-haif cf thsr mix tus-o att one-ihird ccp cf w-amui nies brokon bu piecos, oua-ibis-t cup o figs finely cheppati, fw-e fahiaspeon: Of moIas&S-~, oe-quarter toaspeoo escis cf macs anti uutmeg, ona-hal. tea-SPoon ofol ebnsme, oae-eighsh tes spcon of s-aIt d antidn-'sutca-bal tnbhespeusns cf flous-, g-laver citi ou' tableepecu of lbrandy or xviueî sut as-rangse in spisonfuis iu a deep 'pan Bake Lna aslow.v- c-euforoeus bu- Coiver witl a niapis frosiing. Maple F rois ting.-ake a peunti e seftmaplie ecgar lie opiecess aut ad( oes-hall cari of beiliug wats-, a fev grains of sait anti confectioners sugar andti aielutil tle mixturi wfill tfIs- es ln droppeti fs-ouift tip of île SpOon. Pour the sys-ul gs-atualhy ente, the sxhbtes of twî eggs heston stiff anti continue beat ing uutih the rmixture jes siff encugl to 5aproat. Straweh.isy Baskets - Creani cno quarter ccp cil butte- sudatt g-rat uýaiiy cn.--quas-tas cup cf sugar, oui cgg eightiy basten. txe and ûnecas i c-cames Chf fleur a-id es-quarter tes- panOf v-alua. Bake anti sohl up fli wvith wbippet rms-as wesionec sud flavoes-e, anti sts-asxberriae. Serv at oce. VINEIGAR FOR FLIAVOIIING, FIsvoring vinogars as-e easiiy ps-e pas-et, ant ilapart a piquaacy anc s-ch-ý,h tei colt mosi., tontuc' salade gravies, sauces, etc. Hosse-rdish Vinegas--The fissi o the season tii is especialiy nicejfoi col-t roasut l eof. mie ta giss;fs-cii jar Put 6 tabhiespoons gratet bs-rse- raiil, a pineclofcf ayena5e pepper anc 1 tablespecta ecga-, F111 te;ambrin xvîth krn cite- vinagar ani seal., Lei Stand two os- thrie xveeks, sbakiug th( can daily, then strain ant iottîs, s'ai- ing the ces-kg. Mini Viusegass-Fill a wvie mossi- et bottIP iaesely with freslly pick- e-t sp-st-inii or peppermaint leaves meves- witb vinagar, ces-k closeiy sud in tbs-e, w-eeks straîn, bottie sud seat. Parsiey vinegar is. prepa-eti l the csama w-ay. L,2moRi;Put ithe-lad cf a î,as-gE lacn into i Pi vinmgar. Let stand îw-e ivweks, strain anti nitIe. Os-angE le- mate in tht-' same mnannes-. 1Nasturtium-Fiii a can w-iltiseh hlciFsGnisUanti gre-a seets, meves- witl vînagar anti in e month pro-c-etas, directed abeve. 1111 MJIRROR DOES INJUSTICE. Ono'e refiectien in a mais-e-noves tesonestie, Consientabla i hougîl fos fIe plain anti pretty ahkel Cern- Phtienc,, expression sut moles- are ai] reahhy latter, ilan ile séiaing glass mîakes fbs-m appoar, Leit nt bes- ta Wlc-m nature bas boen spas-lag ft iber charme týesýpair. Isho w-tsald see bas-self in ithît tieceptivo misreor as others seebir with île cys. or as n'early as Possible, laine lias asen te a, draper's, ebep anti buy, a qcautîty ~of Fonît, pure wh iteniaierial-gauze if poissiblie if net 5wles or Intiun muslin wbih ausw-er v-es-y vel. Be s-ae anti bave if pu-e'wbite, ani, aI- tes- pehishing ils sus-fac- of themi- s-os, g-ai-es- the mate-l aaitfe con- ter cf the top t-ut bs-ing if dolw-n sothy ai eibher stie, framing the glass la fold cOf pas-.0 wlite. Wbcýn tlis le'on- te artisiic satisfaction, peep in anti ssp-w-lai ssa r os- tî in. 5The- Is-c tiuts cf tb- ýconi- pi-xicm, tie expression of thýa mouuiOen- asic' antid h2cys, the co&s-sOOcecl- er cf tils- hai-, viil b v-ery amours noiy refhumcti. Tbis is usas e-f the atihlin- es-'s ciltest secrs-oie. TMIny cf che mosi ariful aI tIi-m tis-po il-r glas$- os in ib sifiesi drapes-y cf pus-s wvhitea. h te tubs ivi'thfe viow- cf giving ibi- ispaten'-'. i- ba v-jo f tîýsevGs P-sihh-, at-an- î-iest-riusg in tbfs w-ay a hitesubtle flatte-y. THIE FEQUENT IHE DAC'Hi'. T ry ùte tiscaver sut rtlmovo ils case, ani 1-sure c-f l his, fIai the causa Of ev-es-y ilcf Ilo-adach-- is dieeverab-b anti -sm-,v-ahie Doni s if caka; a mixl us- a f aug-ar, spice, -ggs anibuttas- leatoti cp ta- the We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have, lots to dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at -very small Driea. Oui carry a gaod assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîored and biack sýt 81.00. Ien's Caîf and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, fromn $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Buttan and Blmns 25c, 50c, 75c, wortl' 50e, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' ta correspond lu prices. We wiil tell yau what the stock is in each and every pair. Tho reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles nqw in stock in ev'er-y ne. The public is iuvited ta inspeot aur stock; - trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchýe1S; Shawl Straps, fancý and plain; Dresbing, the very best that can b- baught. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed ta. Repairing donc in ahl its branches in first-class style. Fine work madle ta arder, sure fit or no0 sale. Thanking my customers for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the ,aine. Bicycle Repair Shop $1.0 1 arn prepared ta do ail kind& of bicycle repairing. Old wheeh thoroughiy renovated and ntswly enamellet, New wheels miade tc order. A il w o r k guaranteed. Get your wheel iun nw so as tu avaid the rush. Grinding aof ail kinds. Enanîeling donle. W., HSHLEIGH, Market Square, Bowinanville. a year. The Best lllustrated Monthly Magaz - a copy. me of the Kind PubHshed, Ets pagres are filledi by a brilliant array of writers and artists. Its authoritative and independent reviews of Books, Plays, Music and Art, its 'clever st-ories, strong special articles, huinur andt verse, with flne illustrations, makeit a ne%,ssity in everýy ittellhigent hcme. Tie very low subscriptioîî price-$l OO a year-puits it witiu thei reach of ail. Reliabie agents wanted in eveiy townl. Bxtrordinary iquceent. Fi e for particu1a",'S. J~Atrial subse-riDtion wvlil prove it, Write to day for sample cpy GRITERION PLI CATION Co., Subseription Depftrtment, 11-6w 41 Eatst Slst St,, New' York City. The CRITERION fs-siue anti tushls .sshing ev-asy day, liýaitoeMention ile fifel -ess ais- cf ccp-- bai s-deý, ciseîîs anti osihas-. fo lonhcg uutas- tle cenditions ivouldi tle bs- fore ho 'liscoers-o that cestain arti- clesc-f food tii net agrea wiib him? AU liner w-erkies muet 1 oni-- eul-s- uhaîr huags os- ilh- i r stûic'micba. itis bettes- o-I rocs-e te, g;-re fl -in ho-Il a lais- chance, lut cb huissIl p -ai'simpassible, spscial ai nuf ra brut l g-v-en te ou- or tIe~ ot r Wîav-r ulave aF. gulars-i h tsameantinu-, anti noie tle tiffes-sacs. One bnch of lacs-ase .in min-i expînision wil temore toi pus- fy thi- bleedti iln alh tise alhegeti biotd purifies-s in ihs mas-ket. TIen observe carofliy fle effects oh tii-. One w-cmin curot 1r r-,'a keatach,- by aetigta-o a--aie aU tsY. Aneibes- Irei kn ' elif frein tise ettny ud of vihm-ed ut tes- os- lard(' , sciarorlk format g0! pr. At iîl,,itet (p'a fa- alehng edchutahymt- catet by an onor ubesapiip.i- on bs-eun bs-caiJanti Mais oI a qp. 1 Beaver Block. Powmanville. ioc

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