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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1901, p. 7

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Dout ase im weslilgwitti the Fir t, by belng inhaled or breatbed Iin this Lregard. It bas been stated Canada wil Os wellrepre3ente l t gthr Ntonydomnyotte qulestion any longer, Look it straight, titottetha modeseontendencyn to ovc- thýExhibition. T hý3Doion67stdatt edofhegatt The talk hrad fallen on the knack su~~~~ th ae n detf Qurqeves with notaln;sendbyengat heat pivate dwel]ings is, very injur- ernurent is'erecting a pavilion, which fribes Lan the States, but- themselves that some, pef ple have with hens,while et us a, shareho1ders. Bay your Twine en with tubearculosis food; and third, icu,, Leal Popeshud o tO ealh.Peole hold otor their ances-tors have e g'red proml- othexs., try as they ma y, never seem fromi this Mother Company with its by the. penetration of tuberculoais sub- breathe the s.uffocating air whieh is rapîdly advaneing und*er the super- Cnnî n'h îtr ftecu- ah bet oayhn ihter.n spenidpat ecrdofyersan yiistancese through ut wound in 'the, kin. cornes trom the ordiinary hot-air fur- intendcace otJ lthnsn SIty.Mr. G&inc,ý, the managing direc-r: action and loyaltv!Inter on. T~he et rmedicine jçnown to modexm stant inflow oit-_ pure air int the liv- .o wilî contain someý very interesting tiente and peiceverance he hasc dis- satd Giles.. "Motheir's had lem, and had ti Iftuuebta atceo îgmn oac s peoin.-In iighting snc iLag and t ~Ieping rooDms. I people Playcd in eatherirg together nearly 'e-m eagj, but nover seead to me ~o wllscat a glane.thtoteradieaeacnsumian oomCh Iwould sleep with their windcws open exhibits. I400 Indianas froira -2 different tribes. asifh vswthterk~jYe opnesgilto tit Oth a ieuoetancecnnot haattaheto tnhe ai9 s f hywa uhthi -e.W rrpytrading' on ourgrand',rputationl ne'.eýssity of lkeeping in good ihealtb £rom consumption wouid bhareduosd four exhibits. Th'ý fruit. live stock ise to the Indlan so often tl'at th,_ eýgs arehgte o' a and that in many ofths cases you ado oraigte oywl l e eust 25per cent. and agricultural produets are being red mai hesiïates hefo>re leaving his "That',s. the, trouble 'Lon Snow 1had," ei will he exceedingly disaplpinted. We good food, sunlight and fresh air. Tub- As an illustration of the, beneficial srperintended by C. C. James, Ecg., reserve ; but Mm. Gaines. makes no said Sila Andrews, throwLing the core 91 haepleaded for e cht~ars for you to orculosis or consumption a ffects frein fresh air during sleeping DePuty Miister of Arclue and f aise epeenaioiss and al eSoft an Eppla ho' had been eating into con'e in on the ground ficor and join infect ions disease. but wheni its cb eus, athahid n is.anc o Otaro ommssonr fr hu an kepshi prmye.Forthe racn hands with this old estalblishIed Twin6 acter le properly tunderstood and in the piincipal oft one of the ]eading Amierican Exhibition,. The_ minerai Iha k the id31Olt s red proteges; thine Nyrhar'au ycui orgaizaion Buy ouriRe(d Star 10e teiligent precautions taken, it may cOllages of Toronto who was suffering exhibits have been ccilected and er- they tr7us5t hlm impiicitly, a.nd with- 'lon ?" eaid fie, turning to, me. ta oranzaio ram everwiork and general debility ranged by T. _W.Gibso,Esq., Direc- ont queet!ýigo with hinm wheiever il was. ia to ha abla, to saay I had & T'wine and sou will make no mistaae- readily ha guarcled To check ivho loft hia bcd ons sultry nighi: tor of th2 Bureau of oie f Ont ario.hawss. hsasmby o relntfrIk hamenane JOSEPHR STRATEORD, i n eyrqie h obnda-h se.Ti sebyO oint o n,ý htmatanwn: Lteniel rqirs te obl sumrmeïr nnd stretched himsecf on Thj2 forestry exhibit lbas heen prepar- Pan-Ame.-rican.q ie inlemesting froffi ana Gencral Manager. tion of a wi,,ee Govarament, trained a cot ont on bais veandab. iHe feit 50 ed by Thoaneas Suthw,ýorth, Esq. Di dctea swela ma t- story framr Mr. Andraws, and 1 knew 19 8Thysensndaninelienrpopa.nch better in the morning that he rector of forestry for Ontario, and th'c îog:caî -standp&ý-int. Ibpay l in from experience that he had what the BINDER TIVINE.The dsase is tatethrhte re- decided tae, psnd the riext evening in arch.aeob&ogical exhibit bas been ar- their tep'ees,aund aýs many as 15,) war- crities eall «"geod $crnisofselection." l3NE WN.qeatly sofconected throrhthe n-the saineplace. IHe hascoentinued the rrg<2d hia~ hvid BylE q., Cura- alors,hava, brought their ponies. Tfhey lie leaned torward and rested bis Ir riarmers, buv your Biuder Twine 1crupulo>usness aiofmeat dealers, fer- Precîlce not enly through tihe sum- tom of lrthe h"olgialIpartm .. 'entertejn the public with warlike chin on bis band and said - mel- orda,._ryuýe, orthrilghthenmer and 'fali monthse, but every night Ihý Ontario, mineraI eh nitisare- I spectaclc;s in --n arena thet wiîl ac-- We.ll, 'Lon Snow wee boan nnad frointire Farmners Go-operative Co.,mr r armno honhtein spta cf the winter's storm and veatn and brîngsvivd bafore cmoit,1,9 epe Iyo h býugtu nte iy hc a La idl todt anainductriecest are represented, meîseslt tortunanoto thete--oI- wihhaian'eahesifdda PwTEPR WVita'r, agent for North antd tions. on the part oftthesaanitary au- jha enjoys rTobust health and is o andwhcie u $ 65,0 O0,000 amonst '-d ' "" tht ha adto ore can ens oebu Tyoe f thorLtiýs a-id their co-workers are i. more.wexhiih get er asetaa wotiiIn:4 sareThi enil t En~~t L'anlinigtoneTvrone.et6 tfo. For toe aJ wt retreaetanwrh etoya,190e hsjweaving are in evidence, whilct the MOr'an a lhe-" whokareto ndcepasdtcth i Frthe wac eveïr possible during thic prev- cdliI convines tho Ameýrican public 1Indien potter and silversanith turn '«An' lhawas.all-fiicred pig-headed, _________________________ wo re redipoedbo hi dseseion s histi rtSw tat n egrc ir im Canada iý out coma veimy arttii; ae. inoe tGOa,"put in Sam nBarlow. wisdom aof proper phyical xrie o.awoaepeipoe hos hehs ic o of tha, tep-3es. a mapunficent rollec- "WaIli, 'm comim't-o that. When ho itrqunthahin ad hudace f vekeedconstitutions to dsaeSLDIVSMN.tien ait Indiem relice is dispinysci; the got 'heOut vrt yars oid the doctors stogfo aa o h nto i hourd ,ipend the greater portion of Th eat-y eh -i onsi ts of tree valua i taid tahaý bc 0.tolaa l a'd a ostop workin' lu * geetive power is. well underscod. terun ateomar sa sections and plankeý, natural and fin- Amonigit the maniy disl.inguisheod an office and g. mb the country te' LardBeaaneteldoncesai thatbe occpaton, armng ad grdenng shed, and seien fmanufactur- Princeýýses Niola, Snnbeam, the 'wite cf live, oir ie'd peg aoutnashrtie atephr t hihwelvabs oecenOt ha ramrnended too highlyv. mi articles niade ýiniOntari a frora the Chiait Engle Eyc, hec ,So e hawroeeto aIr ef lha couid visit te ova hmn apnd shan al itro tactthe outrynd tthe ctpoulondifferent kinadcof imbier. Amoagst THE LONGEST PEDIGREE. userapeanIwrtbc,'Cm n, areeheuLnatry-ito.ethoï citye shouldgoon,' an' lhacorne. the ace'dents i O for-tune aial the ie, reversed and people would pro- o'ther mauutaureijid ari, ar e ua s apicaeoi ie meng Whon he rat ta the haouse he cdwuirüavs sieil eba ào canCes of has woo, cdar and birch tiebtle ohrweaTs a h h{s' ~'pnîa okn ;rs'rel', Itlarch 28, 1901. acts oit govarnmrent." These ce!'bat og thair lives and increase their en- br. Atcltatfrntr r bbtle ohrwqaTs aite htsms idi'okn The T. Milburn Co., LnÎted, edi sifrn lh rpsposd jyeti hywol pn e been made ta hiw'the memits of crrasee ~Jh lutPe-man I evei sec. Looked as if he'd clunp isoa tin" Ln the fields and Woods stndy- quant, head thief of the loquois con- taie, himýiclt if the wind changed sud- T onOn.te cornsumptio a. Fami'sin 'ahiclicon- Cnda ic o raieti il Toot, n.lmptives live shonld endea t I îng Naturals accrets and learning the Cnda icfo teb~tt ihiedemrationa. She aws aieao a niaeca oit den. Hle mcped araouaid the haouse varo irt riciiaetlit, amly hw o lis g03ýds. nt There Cstaisecianeextensive exhibit ot toGeu-arl Ely S. Parker, a full-blood aie asa'tie rp em Dear Sirs,-I write to say that have the nurroundings oait Uh os-ke ngD elh hr sasa -,tniehbtof Seneca Indien, who as Genlerai at e, a ti san' ite evenin tilm Ihaveused Burdoek Blood Bitters os anitary as possible. They should keii odhat.pulp and paper in connection with the Gf-ant's militaryseea;vrn hea eltme ninte-vnn ni neyer allen nany dampnessý or ojec- CNUPINAD ISPTO.vast pince recources of Ontario. \Ve ICivil sr n Lecrnied tar tednind the I w' tI' nerioaheup lamiws. with excellent resuits. LaSt tionable adore qto poison the airnier Ith nas Joseph Ceoke who said that ][Carn from. Geo. Johnston, JEsq., Do- a XVirardt thaIisd Statesf nd Ciabt , Unasaitultothear ic iswas spring my daughte r got a Il run shnld healthy individuais bha aliowed "d',ipated," meant - dizzy-pated," minioan statistkcian, that ini tir- e n- Attajas. Niola wae ednçated ut the killin' hlm an' hae wanted- te bake np te sleep ia the (rois occupied by con- which was hie wny of emaphasizjng sus3 of 1871, puip muIlleivera not flan- Thomas Insitute. New Yorrk, and i5tri' 1coe awnm eln down and was very thin and tSumptives., withont tirst having the anr important hygienic truth. 'o find. Ia 1881 and, 1891 the cens,ýus a w0man oitf great abiiy. She speaks fa-a' .1 h w atbuii fe eavy v~~cak~~ carpets, turnfture, bedding, etc., thor- weaken ane's systcm thraugh any returas ýshoawed the following rpulp Egi., eaa,'inhga es ann si' but rnt' e igt oa lit- ouhly disinfecbed. Cainsumrptives torm rof dissipation is practicaily sui- nmilleý: Ecne aadTuscrrafiuby, n pîystiu henbutsiness ho Mis' Adrealit- Her face was covered with red should have individual eatiag uten- icide. Ili tedifficuit enough ta sustein CarN. a andetd TouiOtottl s iffrra musicaladstrume t e n obusina' ess his' I ke m spots and a large boil fornieci on ils. n'ich slacld bes placad la boiling 1gond health with the best of cae; 1vsi s s 52000 5 $C8 3i58.Sha has'travellod thrau-gh New'and raouth shot for- I knaw ho cauldn't wateir after being used. Aiihough tub- yet. many people lreep very laie bourg, 1M 21Si ,500,oo51 1,0-95 1,W7,810. lMeioanvsiâ.l tearr lier cheek. I procured 2 botties eirculosisis a communicable dissase, deny themseives adequate rest, gorge Since 1891 the îics"ese bas bean Old exi te an ited ate rgter Parn frorn me, but Ma tilled hlmu up of BBB ,and by the tie she it is distincily preven table ; that' is theuim-.elvcs. with indigestible foad,poi- tili mura apa a during the .îast eltiefCa the Unte, tast s rmai-e gbod on the proper food an' he nod- te say, if n'a adopt simple aad easily j son their systems nith spirituons y.aar or tîxvolbit resbe difficnît to Paii cstt h ai.Semr ed hiei head, very wiee, 'sut he kneen hadfinshd ten th sotsanl apîid eacreoi ceaninSe and drinks and dastroy their physical vi- kaep track oft ire nweterprises ha- mr .og J Fesa ht atial but n'as Vlad te have ber treshen boildispperedand she haS diaintection. tality through p articipation in al gun ani -old ,esnitalihnents ea:rged. n'he liveîd am-oasg 'tha ndians ince up lbsmemorýy. Ue wanteci te go right go srngan iehyaai. THE GOSPEL 0-F CLEANLINESS. sorts oft questionable amusement and Tb2 dilt.,r antk;a11a- t nolo uitable boYÛooir-se'-ockeiret,, rn se lcTbut an' undxmedlinsutdado fer a A mo-detrcienand naseaidytha the -actual vice. If one nere enxio)uc,- to fer tier mnufactiure of ,pipare white nn'fia isera ld and bac ri; heg-s tarut. utane l hiûn tertif co idrB.B.B. the best blood gA mde f ciizt-s!an o it peope njprepare his sysbem for the germe Ot and bleck spruoa, b 1 sam, popiar, as- n oh' n-sm.- f min Shur-s-c n wi" senrte. ButyMaLn'as. i be eould me- inedicine known. bha accurately mees.ured hy the arn- leacuisisor onhmptonit voudnpn enipee; pmue ad blsan hingin udifficuit for him ta select a more tie m",cit valuahle on acrount of tete n ýýr ththane Moey Gi'-rrlide age a h ti n h ial ged ~1R. iDÂIDSN.ount of soap they use. The tnutb hei direct methed. The diseese germs do sp"cial qualiiy cf l-i fibre afid also tino aCuci ose 'er h Rcsor]rpn' egg'ns ,laysmoue, BIR_____ S.__ 1.__ DAVIDSON._______ pedgotoevard i cenins tha e -net fasten themeielves 'readilyrupou on accouat oit their colour. Thesa Miine of a uiit oli u nd maeemte- n'oc ld Biraiwny the n' ay e hei heaihyoranheesecall whn hoyfam foivlybof woods are eesîl'y de nfor tiresafe, retun nof his. Poo- ated an'et l:ast s.aid, 'Braownn eg- absolutely cdean in one's person adlndiebupot iey pue dicsiesron- POLARANDASPNpie te the aresets they lova soavcll. gings,' vexy distinct, that hie didn't te live in dean and whoiesom" sur- raeuo ekndoreîrswe ~- -knonanyteing n'batcvar 'baeut boas. roundinge is the, greateet safeguard the eystem ie, for any reason, ia an ha vce b' em' quality, but thoY are A PEKING MUSICAL "Nex' mornin' n'e vent over to Dea- ag in Thcontaiones einf retnsdis-anfe' bled condition. Alcobolisrn is Te- taulrY con a--count of knots ansd black Promt .aibv'pagoda of tha ,late Prince co nearetobuve hens. 11e he casenes.thicsu ipciilr mu *ithne- pansibla for predtsposing a great vopins aabicb slmail the, color of theL uWo ehar tais u -und e lÀ n ho eher trie -' neerisjfaim ndred n'alkhyý in fareCeEte cnupio rpion- 1many cases tepulmonary consump- Paper. Pin", whieh in t"cle t rane nWoodiud usl.oroknd ihysfimc- n'Re'op. stceydd dividual aven tta peried ivien lbe is pxat r atclryssetbeplw,,uz2 nfrtigets odýt ih'm ea h FOR net contined to his bed may expec- paet r eiclryss"tbeplw- ,'" atnii raetWbet causeisthat pecuiiar eladyt edabnîh'c.isak h tatsermusuaibeoihali.te tuhercular diseuses. Those cyho proportion, L3,c(nq emu-lioniy la tha l ecahw me edcag of bcili. mmufctue ofchimica pup. L Wjylhe eplaed picce and the deacon .ays, 'Seventy-1 If this expectoration or spittie is came- , ecu e e dtaroaly areîef dssiap t vsatgionup uttr poss e ori soîdors playing on bis bot. tv et, htsraosbe's Paervousness, Sleeplessiness, Ner- lessly deposited baeeand thene sa tei pefoal abts paents,'yqunc"tabluacal Isao anba _________________________ ther ero-aThait, ariclalbaure t an to i i sidry x-'ban, thongh ha dida't knon' if h secs vous Prj3 ration, LOSoAflEerby,, that it a. ncpportunity tedr wtb eterence te cleanhiness. This Pasve ieu'ides, thaen'ood is too ornot. Then hc looked 'raound n'îth Brain Fag, Faint and Duzzy Spelis, and beccneepulverýzad, the least draft odto ae hmdul ucp .g roioib-a.3 rftbyin71-,aewtekly a'iess, coniton aks hemdobiCsuce-eghprairt- h us'dpreiauh laa rite, kaye a n eys:n heo Loss of Mernory, MYelacoa, r motion oft the irmy ese it j Uile and ut thecarne time highly dan- tir" manufacture it paper. 1B b vy Ionyaatieoe Lîtiosses, After FIetso ate mingle wxith the duel and thus garons. to those '.ith whom they With tho 105V raües th2it bave ruled 'n'ihi fu ie tee ihereý. 1 neyer cared'fer ~~stiesenetsnof prove a manne e t inecting thosa nho crai otc.Ddainmasfor pap'r for some 'years oaionhfaIur- the little ïober anes.' Grippe, Palpitation'ôof the Heart, ar iebemararly oipcrannntyct-."Whatdoipatmeann1 sei th An~mia Geneal Deility and eebled. Sncb a conition may b"- in- dijzýesekes means disease andcrr-qien tociivaudac. aoi roub e asi liay - ,ittr aretrecurd - "ee means deabh. A nota of wanr- canb-' obtain"d itut sacrifice oft '"c(I ma, esi.cwi i h all roulesarisng ren a rn- -itld fonaparntsor cquredîng ecanot haca unded trio laudly or lenigth oit tibre. Xvlhen the icher'ist-' en ay'Lowtalth throngha alcoholisra or drunkerness too long to this generation to ab- bit upDan sprue andi hahemaindn found Tiin I 'vnsstn.digsity ibat a ciiy man could git c-a dw syen.or tbrough intemperate habite, or sta nfrmrn ek'ýin the body and thtenasitabi'ýin everynrespect ton th" Te coug~h that hunt, tbe eug1hil thai i,'thtIattebgvx'y Sthrough privation or disce".The - eauslgygaestigbt in ths chesi ls daily getiigthi,'htlvathebgerby Ilsey wl buld you up, make ne ahw -vG,,d becccming the victim, oft production oft the lOcal .1rb"ap peper, de"saer and dPer lot'o the" bronchia the, one witb the large combe aind redblodan gveye' vm ndce raptivc, if -haie igcareseý, may "iaWiePage"at1 omurilmnraleOie1u e ail rakn ieiy tomtcthehi-g tailt eather ; net those sober enendrgy. enw in- ndd bs lei g e aî ess ar i e h o ta e.iha c omerc a varre -comaretlid y Imae, - nt 'oeaons-e ngumie, t lnor e-. c Praiorn ele a il 'ngo'n' anck 3lei, )pTrpisýr l h-ap, quick ot giuWtbh and weïllI.- tien cf telneor ronsumaptlon. eîot iisthntieigi'aa' ;Zil infected with diee : -iîns , and he ----- «> e lc fn ih2nedoti 'f Cmmre.t(,1Suc oug_"o s iire eornetime rfermn rv.etit i.--.-.- morni' t n MVay n'nen ogg. was 50 lentitul that they n'as usin' 'arn to ïtone cats witbh comasý into th., ban here 1 n'as sharpa-nin' my ax, on the itu, an' b-e says: 'Funs- ly my iens. den'i ever go near thair, nets. An' they're quar'lies' ahitire "Then I s'ays: 'bn'seys 1I, 'camec folks. neyer ean Parn anything rts cma. Yen n'as. dead gittin' that hbreedî altbough tha dacon told yomt t,, 5mai ces avas the best frcg. Naen' the eity's a goed place ta--! livoi an fer a tew, things, but yon dea't. Pan everything thar', Some coun- try foelks h-cv oe rooster to a tlock an' iouse d-on't bey auny, but your city1, notion of tiavin' every one a rooste', ain't corsducive, te eggs 1" - There are 29,000 persanr asnpioya ýn the Civil Servicoe cuit the United ingdom. '[hein eggnegate nae xj fo-un iclionssterling. FO R Diarh~aDysentery% ole Cri psPain 1 h Sonai AND ALL Sanilie Conp1in t . ITS EFFEOTS ARE MARVELLOUL. IT ACTS LIKE A, GUARMO. RELIEF ALMOIT INSTANTANEOUS, Pleasant, Iiapid, Roliable, Ellectual. Every House sbould have IL. Ask pur Drnuggist for it. Take no other. box:, or t arce boxes for $i.25, ai drug- gists, or will he1 sent on receipi of price by The T. Mi- boum Co., Liinited,:W Toronto, Ont. NO1' TIIE ONLY ONE. TL-e'sscaceirn nroalg ibh this bonne t, -se' MMir. DeStyle, as sh" an- ne-nucO ersifready for the theater. 11shaa-v! Isn't lt "viug It makes rry hIa tircd. Consiiola ocrelric. er lace- liaiti 1vca't os ih0 iakeyoAm hea Ci, j - a 'il aatre sao i net enly spr(,i-ds L',,dise",îae -L'cetver w-I nva .,g ha gees', but i i'* :o'isf-anL danger of FOR OVER W1IfTY VEAiS. cnor knof' at in'ng -î athrai te reinecin liis'1fil'buCsece lr,.Winslow'.s sothihigSyi-up hasbeen wedbyranlri'-meetingalkin , roh t thenrig te, it that lie î.u 'ani 1 do' (l ie esllioaisof imothers for thair ehiltiren n-bile ppr "cige h cuîm.t livae t ief. of "a -I s-cp- teetli -g. If distumbed ai ight aod broken of bcad bean invented. h tw as only n-c- yoom nresibv asies eildsuiter-iig andi eryle g eaeary teo fin-1 the ýland schichî hid -th'ý tiratea in 'a ret-îb.c'- 'e('-ifor wilthtpaiencffcuttiiig t1etiseid ai one nd bpsI s»ruce. ui bbc best faitlisf- the pnrpooew hjct nay "rîeto.,t- ge1a b i f Mm,. \inslows' Sooticng Syrop Cîti -: cd ateruse hireii'î us.ngu'for'Ctiiliîîeî' v"sehiîg. 10 n-l relieve tse poor lb'hpoe, chncf the mo'-t ed afteýr trse, se'11uisrdaZi ese.itspsipoîî ii,motbers. pcslpe Ma bi -t the" aam" ý2touie f1jic io a minimumn. In t thhrt-'l-soi 'e" meio'nî'î'e aboutit, il Corse Diarrisa. S- TC desàire te direct atteiiP ,-i for' -i- of g îarthe 'tuos-acia aotibuweia, cures wo b eorrmî . a' r h' the, moet uncleanty b it" i'-ilgndI h lftretcg.nq, nuce ulmainl'- f10 pn- mia tls îe inibynome, people, oi,' 5oi g yarp for ehulurea husaai I b' re vcgclahi' k. ingdonî tbat public places. Many pe pie -ph ins'v- ttu gl'plraSa!î.iuiiii'-tear.d 13the pmt' n'hcre, everyavhere and da]-vys if u itl foîo ts.ife Un cit edStaeîep-nsa' rm3atl bi ihs phiei'sa ussiîtî nts Ot~jexclLns e along bb eo'î)rihî'rn limit of the habit aereonly thy, îlavcuid MPn'"-C2eoa bbile. Sod by ait diiggi irîgh ier gre w' h. net bha ei)objectionable, but il, is one, ouitliase-old. 1Be sure and a"li for lMira' cf the meet pnrolific nîsanq cf uropa- sLoWSohi sSymup LH.-E1 S'î'1uT'rC l OFCANADA gatiag disease in eeury cemmunity. \c'as ,naluzmaihy enoaag, bh.'Yeved blte Spitting on siden'alke fo ladies' Fc~anrc 5 par cmi inmcuma irequent -t est. Exp'3riaents proveul1the l'e.e e nipe p nd c arry tata an Saoucdaysin bodo ',bin o an b"v"fte b"2oud Tha U ni aI thLu onaîs, ortrylu in40 duet at hr dy itira 'ek. But l ttseotNmh mni hv ag itotin ithe air, pitin apubi Y'tePaisF-i; yb 20 parcn.eraruCI' rate aýnt! iaveylr-d hal.,cuneaasplaces -of amlus- the a"rage1-ii]n for pi ü.i. lr~Ui -ed te s ".'-cveam 'u iS'," beacce oey lîsually I rtog thieir vliim io that last rezLlng pince. Dir. (Ihim~s' Iyrup oft Lineee'I andi TaîmjamntIno bas lcng been iîneavn as mrotaem o £a'orUlte reyady ton rcupu, brosichils, ciughs antd 1,',.Ilgains,ý In ipoa-t every day andi non' 11P.. by fart-lie largfett sale ot atiy 5iiiii It laomns t'-ae tiglatness ln the clies, 'illatc the hlftamiition, cures tle cota -ai prevenis pneunsonia, consumpion r .0 other limg troubles. 25 cents, ail dealers', or Edma'seii, Bates & Co., To- u O5 anTu ntino. ev pGûr ont-s.' We-jlI, thae deacon, lie ttepped he- biînd 1liai' barn dute corceal bis ted- i-'s', xchich wae pann'crful et the time, amoî".enhac,onesaut he waecas scabo-m hîîokiru' as 'bon. 'All night,' says ha PP 'lul'~tel! yen hone-c, it's the I ittli'zeuo 'at'Il-cay the mosi cggs.' îXIIt -o "aîldna'b hiechianged. Hs j rmg i fe-r loo-,,te he aid, an' anv- îîýow a21c pucý.e-b be'd n uc'e'm ley if casCacold. 'I don't îaoubt it,' says tim deaiconýi -with a cbeeritul Qmile, 'but e.' yeu're go'n' to take the piclz et tise lock l'h,, bey ta charge ye a dollbir epiece 'L'bo-n n'a't no avay semahl, ais' h-a agree"îtut the terme an' aranged te cone at nîglît an' git cm." "Irememjoiber dm, ed Banlon', "As pnty (ý,a tlckas 1 a ec s7 ec 1vi'tb their hlghstcppi' nays. JI used to guup Mas. 1. SEVS Edgett's Land-' inga, N.B., wr:ites on Jan. î8, egos : 4 1n the fail of 1899 1 w a s troubled W;ith a -severe pain in thse lack. 1 could scarccly g-et up ocut of a chair and it gavr, nie Freat pi.hs te' move about. 1 zok c -.boso if Dw, ' Kidney PIlleas 'sCanpé tl Cnred.Ihv eo eintobe Ul>% - ýAà

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