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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1901, p. 8

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GEl READY FOR ummer, ii : TonUp Your Blood! 8 . . Our Sarsaparîlla . O DOES IT EVERY TIME. * Wortli Its Woiglit InI Gold. 100 O Doses In Each Bottle. Pt4ee 75e. J.figgînbotham &Sn Bowmanviile. DRUGGISTS. ~sItv ~,cc-.wc-~sw~ar'---me'- on' on' o~ oic on' ~n' qr~' LIS-TEN!l Our Goods Speak For Themselvesil We only ask you to corne and go through our store. We bwy the nattiest Furniture on the market, made iîn best woods and we seli atclose prices. If you intend furnishing, a home, see our lincs and get our-prices, and, compate with the goods of any city store if you wish. If you contemplate a fancy chair or any piece of Fur- niture, for the lloliday season, see our display, the largest and prettiest ever shown in town. LREY13 KEEP VOl 3BOWMANVI LE. lISBnciio tee.Bw ii, O1. sunt.,by M. A. JisEIE j;er ai Propietor. sUbscrip- to C.5 pr xn,uM or510if paid sq[rictly in advanee.Advcrltsng raie,trniGeit acver- tiln, t0n cnsprliný,, fiit n se l'lon ; fve Havetonauyartcleyen desire le selh or brber? sTnallmaîed lu TriE ~TATEMAN.Itl'cingebnaer aeud seller togeter, 7ta rilng expeuse, and very Utitroule MARRIED PEOPLE IIELONGEST ! Try It so metime. Iiuy the __ Marriage Lîcense Ibom M. A. JAMES, a poinied by the Gov- ernmen t, Pssuer for the County of Duflham, and wtth poper cars willilest a life-rne sud MOIAL.-Don't remain un- mnrried. Ynu clan also arrange t. have tueý Weddtng Crds and comple outil printefi in orLhodox feshton bv vour obliging humble Scr vani M.L A. JAMESIssuem of Marriage License at bis residence27 Centre St.. or ai Tmm STATrES MAC lioffiee. Bowmanvile. ~~rrvc~ moi loi lui ce I9ý- ON OUR DPISPLAY WINDO W.. RI, Fumiture and Undertakiug. 130WMAN VILLE, JUNE 12, 1901. MAPLE GItOVE. The anuiversery1 services o! tlie Maple Grove Sehbathx School will be hld as fellows :- On Sunday Jane l6tii. Sermons willie preachcd et 2 30 p. mn by Rev. J.J. Ree, Oshawa, and 7 p. m., by 1ev. J. S MeMulion, Tyrone. Col- lections et ecI service lu aid ef the achool On Monday et 2.80 p.m. eor- cises will ho resumed when music, me- citations, dialogues, etc., wihl be given hy thtý achool and addmesses by 11ev. W. J. Jolliffe, B.C L ,eand J> S. I. Wilson, B D., and others. Tee served, from 4 o'clock. Admission 25e and 15c Jaceob Stevens, Supt. E. W. Foley, Secy. NEWTONYILLE. Mm. and Mms. D, Heddon, Mt. Ver- non, visited Mm W. J. Trenouth over Sunda . . .. Mm. S. Pickup occupied the Methodiat pulpit Sundey -evtening -. at Mrs. Bragg,,.. . and Mrs. Jnon IPesco)e and dauoelter MissBay SliR LUi?. I !1U~. 1-iiICU ~, Liunuay... Mr. Ed. Hughes, Toronto, hmb o visit, ... Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell Arc- now arriving at Mur- visited frionds in Newcastie recently.. doch's. Look for advertise- Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mitchell visited at Enniskillen. . .. Miss Amy Smith has rn rit next week. Leave gone to Whitby ... Glad te see Mrs, -rders for Seed or "Gem" Smith out to church ou Sunday evening W irt Fence atafter ber long ilîness. EN FIELD. u rd O C h S X itors: 1ev. E. A. Tonkin, Belle- Nî u d o c h % mville, a Mr. R. Campbell's; Miss S. ____________________________Powell, Toronto, at Mr. B. Puwell's;- Mr and Mrs, Senctt, Enniskillen, with r'1 ~Ko friends; Mr. Arthur McCulloch, Asb- -lfgBW FTHE hEK um, at home: Messrs Albert Niddery, A. Stacey and Clarence Nidldery have "The Bow-leggeii Ghst anld Other Storle.," goino to Niagara with the volunteers. . With au .r. ,,Mr. Frank Campbell lbas secured a uctnby - positionwt rfaknOhw, Jae Wi- . loader ...Councillor Pascoe.goos to eonb R ley. &n lllmtratedvol- . Cobourg this week ou, Mr. W. Law's1 Umne nior1%nal suit. hum. jus The Sabbath School anniversary ser- sketcea, re fâcetolsrpra- vices wlll lie held as follows: On Sun- rapýt rd ffi da.y dune l6th at2BOp m.Rev J. S. I. q "' ÈboýLz Wilson, B D., Courtice, will 'addressj dhiappotte the school, and preacli at 7 p. in. Col- 1 r eade1ï,r, f, î lection at each serviceMnate and hretoore 7ti, at 2 p. m. a proa-ram wihl be given; nneplï d v tfie children ennefsting of songsi me-, lleld of hunor. citations, etc., an dmessb-Ies A book to Se - ýJ. B. McLaren, B A. Colambus, andl ea od and Rg Thonmas, Hampton Tea served at your friends. CnansT Bfow-eggedGhost,I 4 o'clock, At 8p. ,,Rev. J. J. Rae, "Wheu Ezra Sang First Baïil "The Man Who iOsbahîwa, will his new lecture Couidn't L'auglih Psil Tiles of Future 1"4LUIe's Ins and Outs" which everyono Bookf," "eligLok o air,""No MWoran, Ne Fa,"ASclty Ècresses Il etc., etc. Thisfirst. ilwn ohai diso:Po bdou 'oPon tioh, prnted on extra fine grain, tea and leu,îure 35c;, lecture Ouly1 fppr, a bsolielyî hebest hnmorousbook pub 5;cilrntc gihed. '701th $2,50, niailed postpaidfo$LO Orde, etcureSef fr our new apecil 1118 tre& c1cme riild fea.Gives yu the low. onaUgod oo~.Address ail orders te 0chidare n ry Toir rH~E W~NRCOMPANY, ssd ixL~ A iturru. Akron, OhlA DARLIN GTON. Mm. Jesse TrulI was in Cobourg lasb week atlending the election trial.. Mme. Claude Burkz, Mrs. Jas. BarI endý daugibter and Mr. Bowen, Oshawa, and Mr F H.Fmost, BA., town, wcre guests e! Mies Vida VanCamp.... .Mr. Fred G. Trul lieas pumdliesed a Dominien piano ....Mr-. Jolin Medeal! aold 16 liead et catîle to Mm. D. Clarke, Courtice. SHAW'S SOHOOL. Report a! May: Sm. IV, O. Cobble- duel, N. Allin, R. Peu!ound; Jr. IV, R Rîclard, IL. Kightl, M Lovokin; Sm., III, G. Moses, J. Galbraitli, L Gel- braith, N. Trewini, G. Tewin; Jfr. III, F. Bragg; Sm, II, A. Soper, W. Allin, M.Darby; Jr 11, O. Bragg, B.Allin, K. Joneas, Bowmaubriet; m.CSr ogers'; 1 Mr.etý JME. Afef i ssJr t M. Gal- bth ,eddtu'I, M. Cre, R.MiseAnEt anFdWMis Ltaheon t mJ eales Mm. nd rs M. du. PAscoeand MisA Ruby ascoeret m ST. AllnMrNeWtou. JoisHvnie. eud Mrs. .Rdon eme' MewlJnvilbe over Mssand ey; MzeF andgMisEs ill, eatbale atMra: Mm. Hdoar, Br.tCesrk, eMm. H. AaanM ie'; Mm. adMm.- . Btanu' Mrd Masters. Edge ad o -nMBss- menvîlle, e t M. . mdlid's ton MileM.r-emt MLauD.bin an Airs wue-eof r.ecentguesîs et M. TWm. Mc- Laugnlîl....Enniakillnayfootbll te, winni, ng a gol,. . Ourplpiternere. r.msy.W.C. aBy audaF. Crd. H Mbahm;Mi.F. Gs . Bemviitd rindel Tan tersEgadLrecnty. Tle igiwd tuanvailed on M.SJ.rciay dSane pMryd -Roetli Lanme ian frui trocý,Sithisndlacelity.. Trone we welrepeente estsEbeneMr ennive.a ayserices .ndeskilIQuRemeberl e Union P fien to lie hel Jane 2nd Aoysilet ga e o! ahi eitions, l- cinludi fotbal cntesteby eso!.A Ramigynriug. RhanFihh hoîle eder. Whtpe île uderoned, fri> ey aeSu to pl-efod the mo ey o 5-et boit fruint' Wallr ned re p of t bnam f t eu 1 cre your cngiorbllcontet W ealngaants oa of -hetbitet poesaifctr r o refund te mfio.-%0cntoteofGen J. RIGGINBOTHAM & SON, STOTT & JURiY. Mm. Jos. While, Osliew., gucat o! Mm. W. MI. Wettan; Miss Hooper and Miss Mary Heriig, Bowmnanvilhe, were guesta a! Mm. W. Hering, Sunday .. Dm, Marton Riggs, Chicago, Je home on e brio! visit. . Mrs T. Elford la lame1 aller an ejoyNe iei luWeton and SI Cathrlue.., rs. Cý. W. Mounitjoy, lS vîitiug in Tarante,..,, Mme. Overland bas returued le Toronto for En, ..No service lu Methodial chamel uext Sun- day ou accut o! Enfield Anniversemy. ,..Ennisklhen foot-bail teani pleyed Tyrone in that village Saturdey, ne goals.... Mm. George Wilson (colored) eddmessed a meeting Sa bath efltemnoon lu Bycre' Hall, ou Slevemy hinIthe Seuil. 11e la a vemy good singer.. . . Wcdnesday niglit some persons breke mb oAndrew Smithi's boeuse, Cartwright. anîd demnand- ed lis oneY. Tley were maaked and alter misusing Mmr. Smith, somewhat, Mrs. Smith gave them what meney cie lied, nealy ilvo dollars, and lhey took Ilicir depemînre. EBEXEZER. Our Sabbatl Selool waa tavored wiIl Kigeweather and the auniversary services où Sundey and Moudey were a grfatem succeas lIeu ever. 'rIe charch looks quite flue wiIh ils newlv papered eiling and walls and pretty ealored glass windows and le e credit te those, lu charge a! the arrangements. Rev. E. Roberts, Lindsay, whe le high hy esteemed -here, peached et tle morniug and aflernoon sessions giving the parents and chihdreu. Bru. R,-berle thengh out of the active ministmy le men. ln tue oveniug . W olliffe, Bowmanville 1 gave a fine sermon to a crowdedt house. The collections were larger than any previous year. The singing by the choir and school was excellent. Monday afternoon's pro- gram was listened to by a large and well pleased uudience, treated as thev were to an excellent program. 1ev. j. S. 1. Wilson, retiring pastor, occupied the chair, and the following took part; Instrumental, Miss Rundie; recitations, Misses Velma Morrow, Flossie Osborne, Evelyn Wilson, Irene Worden, Stella Richards, and Master Otis Worden; solos, Misses Vera Werry, Elma Pick- ell; dialogue, Masters Charley Fouad, Roy Penfound. singing by primarv class and the school and the closing address by Master Carl Fol heringham. The Tambourine -drilli-b3, 12girls-and- the exercisoe eitffled " Su -j~six -oys -were splendidlv given aud wasa new and' iveiy attraction. Short ad- dr-esses were given by iievs. Roberts and Jolliffe. The reports of the s(ecre- tary, Mr. W.E. Courtice, and treasurer, Mr. James Coartice, were very satis- fact,ýory and the school under the super- inîendency of Mr. R. E. Osborne ib do ing rrogressive work. The tea served by the ladies was quite ap to if not above the usual excellents itandard and the waiters were kept verv bus.v for several hours serving the eager,hangry crowd, A packed house greeted the Epworth League concert ia the evening when Miss Fieldhouse. Miss Flossie Fieldhouse. Misses Jennie Jenkins.anid ayDuncan o)f Toronto, furnished a very excellent program The two for. mer furnihodýf the vùca) And the two-, latter the lîterary part f, t1be program. 'Nrs PRev j -J. M'yOhaa ho is al11wS 1a.favorite here, sang with mach acce'ptance Thepoeesof the ani-i versary were $6.0 Preoeedq 0f the ",&Putt Money in Thy Purseo."e NVobody suffering front brain-fag, lach of energy, or "that tired feeling" e'oer puis rnoney ini bis purse. Lassitude and Itsttessness corne from imipure, stuggih blood thai sirnpty ooses through the wvens. Ikod's Sarsaparltta rnakes the btood pare and gi'oes itl[Ife, 'ulgor and vimn. Pim pies-"ffly face 'ras covered erwith pimptes and btacklieads but afler fAktng Hood's Sarsaparitta a short tine, 1 quas enth'ety cured,. and My skia 'was srnooth and c[kar./' &ffay Ryan,. North- St., Chathan, Ont. COlVING ANNIVERSARIES. IVAPLE GROVE-Sanday and Monday, June 16 îand 17. ENFIELD-,Sanday and Monday June 16 and 17. HARiPTON-Suxday and Monday, June 30 and July 1. NOTICE -f0 PATHMASTERS. AIl pathmesters requiring tule for culvemt building may get the same by gettiug au order froni the Councillor for their division, ou Mr. Jecob Goud, Byý order cf the couticil, A. E. CLEMENS, Reeye. MARIKET JOTTI.NGS. Readv-to-weem ciattonede pants 50c., at F. A. Colo's, Hlampton, Eggs aold asat week et Monrcal for il. te litc with faim demaud. Butter aropped haIt a cent lest week. Montreel shi ppers are peyiug 19c. Cheese grevitates b etweeîî 8 and 9c et Montreal. London f Eng] prîces 48s te 458.- Heorse markct ' id feirly brisk and prices are i'nhiing some better, Army emoutnts are ivanted. English prices for hîay are 'tending downwad-ls te la 8'd lower. Demand for Seul Africa la goed., Cttnediani bacon in Eng land la sellinig well-59ýs ite628. Fanc.y Lean aides have broagh t la te 2s more. Inceesingý demend for Canadien new gra'ss'butter iu Great Britalu ex- iste. Next tu Deuishours is peferred. Experts o! cheeso are only about laI as large as et this date lest year. Celer- ed cheese is 110w showîng strongest demand. This is, ntdcedI, ea peculetive age in whice'i prices a-re ruled more liv future uncertainties then by known fada of the present. Exchiange oýr accommifodation paper la the great bneof modern trading, as it enables liav(i-up and insolvent concerna te prey apon .hoýnest tredersnd secume their cstmes)y underselling. Canad-ien fod dem butter seems 10 have g-iven gonda satisfaction flu Enghand this 1,pr:ng, and buyers there appeerwi. ing,Î to,,pey etr en.yfr I;a1lgrass- tedeceamemv, 2l20 en trcely, paid iu Montreel b.- chuoice lresh gond against 18, lest yer. There carn be ne douibt thet farmiers1 lave had one cf the best yeams known for many yeama past, and this lias given a soliditv te the business situationi thet has net been e-'perienced for some ie peet. The prospects o! a gond wheat crop in Ontario and Manitoba bas alsn helped things materielly. The money merket appeers te be stiffenig.- Mn treal Trade Bulletin. PITIFUL CASE 0F A LITTLE GIRL, Chlild ut the hge ofT Tirea eipple d Vietim of Diseese, Edna Rattbumn 0(f Hamipsteed, N. B11, feland broke two ribs Injured the Kidneys and fliabetes develolied-Oodd'a Kldne 1uis n' curiog Kîdneys straightened injured, sPIne. HAMiPSTEAD, ly. B., June 10 (Specîie.) Little Edue Reth buru o! this _placlis lad e sad experience for a child se yoang. She'la uow nearly eleven years possible in lite. an accident which lef t ier with two ribs broken, spiit off at the backbonâe. Though they wereset and healed her littie body did flot strengthen. For eixht years she could hardly walk, be- ing almost doabled ap. The accident affected her Kidneys and Diabetes set ini. Diabetes is a particularly danger- oas form of Kidney trouble, in this case particularly severe by nature of injuries to the spitne. The family doctor was, of course. consalted. Lie diagnosed lier case correctly but coaldn't cure it. She was sent to the Public Hospital at St. John, in the hopes that the greater skill and facilities there woald avail. They coald do nothing for lier. The authori- ties advised the mot her to take the child homo to nurse lier and give hier good zare -ile sho iv-ed, -which wonld pot be very7 ! ' 'g '. - The saffer7ingý of the littie one was he-ýrt-rending- to the mother and f cionds. She cried with pain niglit and day. The mother grew desperato and determ- ined she wonid find a cure for hier child if it took every*cent she possessed. She satwDodd'ýs Kidney Pilîs adver- tised and immeiately purchased some. Fromn the first they were beneficial. True little girl commenced to get better. Every day sýa animprovoment. Dodd's Kîdney .Plis iwere doing the work. Six boxes in a-il were usod and once more Diabetes was conquered. Not only that bat with the retarn off health tne spine coýmm(qnced to tig- en, The littie girl is now almo St pys icaiv prfet. arsthe gratefa)l mothl- "There s l ohinýg to hocompared to Dodd's Kdney is. We thanikGo wo~~~O evr Éldofterna. Edfna is 10 fll lfeor, rtm uns ad pvs ýabouit àas srt a whp, here onceshio ,vas a punylitie hingas aleas fi.ghOst." OSHAWA. The wime fonce feclomy bas commenced opcratious - Miller's Gip Powders cure,. Sold et Tole's drag store The Ontario Chmistian Conference opens home J-aue 12 Milher's Kidney and Bledder Pilla cleenses the systemu and purify the blood. Mm, John James and Mr. John Ver-, cee, Bowmenvihle, weme lu lown Tues- day. You should net feel timcd ail the lime -healthy people don t-yen won't if sou take Hoed's Sarsaperille a while. Mm. Ceikiea, ledger keeper lu theoDDe minion bank, las beau trensformed te Gravenhurst. For ahl Kidniey end Bhedder troubles, tyMiller's Kidney and Bhadder Pilla. Sold et Tole's dmng store. Mr. Milton Tembl.yu bas compileted his eppmeutic-eship wîth-Jury S & Greg- gemy, draggists, and gene ta Teronto. That tired feeling wilh disappeer and vou wili ho able teocal; well and sleep welh by asing Miller's Compound Iron Pills. Sold at Tole's drug store. Mr. John and Miss HIttie Nichiolson, Toronto, and Miss Minnie Flint, PilUa- burg, Pa., are visiting ut Mr. Edwin Worden's. A Boon te Cyclista. A bettle e! Heg- yard a Yellow 011 sliould lcienl every evclist's kit, as il la tle mosl effective reeyfor spreins. braises, cats, stiff joints, contraction 'o! the muscles, crmîps in the legs, etc. Miss Go mlle Pearce visited et Ebenez- or Sundey. Miller'sCompound JronPilhs,onlv 25e. or 50 doses. Sold et Tnhe's drug store. Miss Mabelle Clemence spent Sundey et Newtonvitle. Broken down systenis, sI attemed nerves, and emaciated ferma are me pid- ]y rstomed by Miler's Compound Iron Pille. Sold et Tole's drug store. Mm. N. A.Pickard,Nomwood, la spen d- ing vacation et home. Those unhappy persons wbo sufer fremnenrvousneas and dyspepsie should use Cartem's Little Nerva Pills, which are mà-ade expressly for sîceplese, luer- voust,, dyspeptic siifferers . Price 25c. Mm. end Miss Uglew, Hope, were g-uesîs et Mr. J. J. Ugow s ecently. There le ne one article lu thl ne of medicines lIat gives se large a etu !or the money as a gond pomous strengtli- plester, sucli as Cater's Smart Weed and Belladonue Beekeche Plasters. Mm. John Douglas and femily lave been visitin g W. H. Cree-per, Hayde n. The well knewn stmngtlîeni'ng pmep- orties of Iron cembined witli Cher ton- ies and a meet perfect nervino, are f eund lu Carter's Imen Pille whicli strengiliens the nerves and body, and improve tle blood andi complexion, Mm. Walter and Miss Flo Rickard visited et Mr. T. H. Clemence's, Kimby, Sanday. STRENKSTH AND ENDURANCE-are tact. ors o!flte greateet succegs. No perse» eau doe bull justice te himsehf witthout theni luneoseason oet liteyeam are 11uev mnore easihvel asy than in thie sprîugi-. We nleed no)t diseuts elre- on foýr ibis bore. Jt's enou)Lgh 10 say theme leonue, and tIliet Hood's Sarsaper- 111e givea strenglh and endurance, as thousende annuelly testity. Mr aud Mmc, T. Jackson, Hlope, visited bis brother, Mr. W. Jackson, ovex- Sunday. COUL» SCARCELY WALK-Mr. George Thomnpeon, a leading merchant o! Blentinim, Ont., stetes-"1 was troubled witli itching piles for fit tee» yems, and et times tîey were an bad I could scarceiy walk. J tried a great many emedios, bat nover foud anything like Dir. Cliase's Ointment. Atter the third application i abtained relief, and was cempletely cumed- by using ane box " Ask youic neigliboma, about Dr. Chese's Oulment, the only absohute cure for piles. Mr. J. Lester Davis, editor Beacon, conducled the service lu the Mtlodist charc Suildey memning. CuniRicBaoNguTs-Rev. J. N. Van Natter, o f Streeter, Ill., wites: "Anaut ue yer ago obteined from Linseed and Tumpentiue J gave two awey andti balthe aller four. J1lied beau seioualy affiicted with Cîmonie Brondhulis fam ton.veers and cenld gel nie relief. A leading physicien tbld me it would wear me out, but the,ýnka 10 Ibis wondemful emedy of Dr. Chaese bUottie, ai da.Irs Mr. W. H-. Pearce delivered 12 head of cattle te Mr. M. D. Williams, whicli averaged 1800 lbs each and reahîzed $750. STREET INOIDeNIT-"Myv Dear Sir" exclaimed ýLawyer Bartholomnew Liv. ingstone, meeting the 11ev. Archibald Windham on the village street, "What doos this men?1 thonght Von, were laid up wth ail sorts of bad diseases !" "And se 1 was,"I replied the reverene-d gentleman, I had an attack of indi- gestion and from that time on my whole system hbas been lu a disordered condition until I begau taking Hlood's Sarsaparilla which lias put me on my feet and cured ail mny stornacli trouý bles."ý "I don't doabt it," said the lawyer., "This samne medicine cared my -wil e of rheumatismrr and- my little- girl- o! -seref- cine monev can bny, they only tell the truth." "Yes, yes they do," rephied the minister, and thie two passed on. Mr -John Renwick, for many years a esident of this village, dieu nt the home of lits daughter, Mrs W. T. Lockliart. Suaday evening after a brief illness. 11e was interred iu Bow ma n- ville cemtery Tuesday. ChilrenCry for CATORIA F or Infant-,-and ChI dreen, TIho fi:- THE ISQ GCo. BOWMANVI LLE Specials for the'week in Dry Goods Department Cotton Vests, 10c, 12e and 15e, Plain Cotton Hose Fast Black from 7c to 124ýc. Ribbed Cotton Rose Fast Black for Boys, ail size S, fronà 10e to 25c. Ladies' Fine Black Cotton Hose Hermnsdorf dye at 15c, 20p, and 25c. Specials for the week in Gents'Frihn1 -W. G. & R. Shirts Boys' and Men's, bloth sof t and starched fronit, King Edward Bows The Latest Fad in Ties, in Blacks, Navy and White, .Royal Blue and White, and Plaids. Special Value--CashmereSox, 25o ýBoth Soft Ohristie's FHats and Stiff Feits; a- full rangie at closest prices. aeCLOTIIING DEPARTMENT l Wehave opened out this week 4 doz. paiLs Special Vlehair-lined English tweed, and worsted pants. These are well made, Iined and are worth $4 per pair, We shal seil them at $2. If you wa-nt a Suit in twe. or worsted or anything in the Clothing line. Our values defy compýIetition., T o. r e- e e o e o o e e g' e e- e e e o e j, o 4,, READY As soon as you are Yon nover have to wai tfor te tire wlieui on are coeking or baking-if onc have GURNEY'8 Imperial Oxford ,ANGE Il eau ho se quiclly and eesily eglated that lil meets aIl reqaire- monts on shorteat notice-end as seon as yen are tîmougl yen eaui check the tire instantly, se Ihat no heet 'or fuel is wasted when not required. SOI.D BY Mason & Dale,' Agents, Bowmanville., T he GTJRNEY FOUNDFtY CO., Ltntited, Toronto, Winnipeg and Veccouverl. I i'** I = F. A. Cole's is the place te buy clieap seeds of ail kinda. l'ence wire as clieap) as the cheapest. machine oul, axie grease, etc., et F. A. Cole's. Left a lezacy. Lest winter left a legacy of impure blond to meny people,1 causing tired feelings, lack of energy, indigestion, constipation, biliousuess, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters neyer fails te cure env of the foregoing diseases by unlocking the secretions and remov- ing ahi impurities from the systeni. Visitera: Miss C. Dyer, Port Hope, at Mm. J. Clatwomthv's; Messrs. Thomas and Philip Allun, Cameron, at Mr. W 'Allin's; Mr, N. McTavish, LaGrne Mm.r C. mnand daughtrsMînie and Nonie, apent Sunday w ih fmîends lu Plicker-ing.. ,A large congregetion grceteAi Mr W ontgomery who Oc- cupied the pli udyeveing.... The members of the , Sunday Sehool Committee hîave aecuýIre l the well known enterteiner, iMmJý . W.Bengrough, for Messrs. Nomman ann and Fr.enk Redlmau wheeed fro BrokiaS-atur- day spending SundIay at Mrs. llien- nam'8 .. .. This we we are pleesed te note that anothier of our West Dnrliemi boys lias been eppointed te a position o! trust, We refer te Mr. J. Hloward H4oidge, son f !Mr. J. J. Hoidgefoýr-m- crly o)f this village, who ias been a'p- ooiutcd manager of a selc _fe l hotel ;1nBufflo, N. Y. Chloicefes gmcisawys i stock. Nice linops of cr'oceryf. at popu- 1er prliees at F. A. Col's, You shonhd Sc1ee F. A. Cole s stc"fo paigyoum order for a sping Suit. OBCONO. Miss Coffee, Hamilton, is vlsiting ier shster Mrs, Chas. Black.,Mrs. A. Leîgh, and two chiîdren, Jamecs and Alice, are in Belleville visitiug relative.s ...Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Long, Port Hope, visited bis brothers Messrs, .M and Wm. Long, Sanday week... . ,Mm. Win. Lockharl and famihy, ofi Newton-. vijie, recentlv visited at' Mr. J. S. Robertson's. .Mm R. C. McCullàgh, travelling salosmnan, Western Otmo for the C Biscuit Co., was home(- recently ,Mm Henry Jaynes, 'NýýT- tonille, is dangerouslv II..Mm. Geo, Jaýmieson of the silk department ef T. Eaton Co., Toronio. visited lis parenits Po(rt H.ope, who was a guest ai m.,' L- Long-'s, lias returned lime aecon~, panied by Mrs. Long,.... Mmes. (Rev'.,fl' H. Adams and dav-htier Miss Edmia Claremont, visited fiedslere 1Ist weGk.DTr Farncoeb, NewcastIe, Minen.Bob~ygonNorwood, 1Lak- A.F. -anid AM., . .ThoEmp)ire Day cel- ebration' was uite a succesa'ý. The p7rgramwas given i» the drillse, r ITD Allinbeing in the chair. IJuter.- esting7 speeches were givea by v e. Anderson and McKeen eandMm oet and Elva Tucker recited very niýcely, jongs by the aichool and selections by the baud ehiein he p edns Gamies were pleyed% andlucsee. CherrenC1yfo r i o o i o o nl&el-rlll:UiN. qe:ý;f ýp:9f "Iý;f wwý t, MI fi%, MI 1 k- ýulek --ff JJ .jý jý

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