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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1901, p. 3

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ThE UPl, WRITE ELÀPIIJE Jl DR. KNOPF SAYS CONSUIdPTION CAN BE CURED. Voutb, aived to a Gooii Oid Age - ReespiMyf uIplteSOlC (inu About ihe aatlonai Santarlil AsoCiei ion. Can censumaption be positively cured? Dr. Knoepi, who i3 one of the gre-at- est authorities on the suljcc pulraenary tuberculosis, says that bbc foregoing quersion ean ho an$wered cwVitli a very decided "Yes." 0f e- . -ýt in ofetthe pas w ho lin their yý,L1 th or early manhood were declared te lie consumptive, but who attained neverthales a more or less advacCed cge, nlay bc ementioncd the German poet Goethe, Napoleon IL, and Peter Cooper. Dr. Hermann Brelimer, one oft thi' toramost German physicianq nias a censuwmptiva when ho started tb-. firet sanatorium, for tubercules- 15 patients in 1859 over whiclho pre- sided for more blian thirty years Nwith great succcsq. Hie mcst miee- brated pupil, Dr. D. T. Tweiler, eter- ed bis sanatoriumn as a consumptive, biecamne Brehmer's assistant, -ad bas r-lacc ean ever twcnty-five y'sars ac- tive as a madical directer of the Fal- leenstein Sanatorium.- Francis Cop-. pee, eus of thae greateat poes of mod- ern France, takes deligltin la elling that more than twîenby years ago a litre insuranco cornpany refused bo ini- ýme h lmbecause he e-cC delared con- î1imptive, and how badly thie cern- painy ought to f ee new on accouai of having leist bis preilumg, for the in- Ltrvenfing years. There arc tIncs- ahdâs et snubhoae wbere, people, once declared consumptive by competent physiciens, bavc ultimately receovercd and pursupd theIr vocation la lite for yeare afterward with unimpaired vi- The satisticjg of sanatoria for con- aumptives chers patients inalal stag- os f the"dicae arc received, show thatt 25 pa-r cent leave as "abisolubely cured" and 40 te 50 p3r cent leave anucli impreved, meny of them being agaie capable et carning their liv- ing. In institutions where, only Pa- tients la the e-nly stages et the di- mease are received, as many as frein 70 tb 76 per cent have been curcd. Net oaiy th"ý living, but the dead, give us abaolubîe proof cf thes curablîty cf tubercul-se cf the lungs. In the pest-rnortern examinatiens cf rnany ladividue-Is whoe bave died of thler diceases than coonsurption, healcd ecars are touad in th.-a lungs' giving visible evidence et bealed tubercu- lo. Stetietios coacerning this c- cuorrence shbew that bbe number-cf ýEu, tŽ cceec diacovered at psL-mortern 1 C>mIrnations la nearly 25 per cent. Dr. Kaopt le responsible for the toi- loewing: "I de net tbliak it an ex- aggere-tien te say thot cf allironic dfiseases, tbuherculosis le thse nost curable, and et late yeers the rnost frequ.cntly curad." Af ter the-se glasil idinge ceaccrniag the ourabi- lîty cf tuborculosis in generaland particniarly et the form &eo ncry much tceared-tubercuLosiis cf the iscege, ihme-y be intercstiag te kaew hoîw cons'e.mption is tre;atcd and errd. It ie netcured by quacke, by patent medicincs, notstrnos or other secret remadies, but soely and ex- clrei-evly hy sciintifie and judicion5g us-- ot freseliair, sunlight, sater, eb- tsndanc etfgeod tood, mlk, eggs, meat, vegetablea, fruit, and the belp cif certain constructive medicinal subtanýees, tegether with very Daretul .wetching and nursing by skilked medical attende-nec. Net bbc mo,t batiful climate-,,neothIermosi, cigtuireisort can cure bbccon mptive patient if h enet isely_ ~iddin bis Ireatmnent. Strict -me- j;ioci1Luprvision la absolutely se-n-1 liai te g.uairantec a cure, lMývfay pepearca, ehikng to-day "'Wh't ji-.a imoe sanatorium for V0onsuntpt ivcs 1 TIt is a"n institil- tion Usueily atue-rd a a balthy le- cetlity'socwet lotA, relaiively f ree frein )1dust anaL t rafflo, Only Pa- tiente saffering tfrointuheroulosis arercie.Te greateast care le exercise-d ever1w here, in buildings and in eurroundinge, te avolal urne pos- sible transmission cf the disese to employeas, visiborà, or aeigbbors et tbc institution, and equally great cars os exercia,-_d te preve-at bbc re-intectien oi _tebbc-patients theielvcs. The ia Canada, pre-tically thbconi., trtissinstitution for consump- tives la thc' Muskakea Cottage, Sana. torium situabeal near Grovenhuret ci bbe s-bare et Lake Mu,,koka. Tlhi, fameï,istitution bas tr",ated ove- 409 patLents in tb thrcc yeers et VÈ hi3tory a-nd lise sbswss nresulis oethb mrs t surprieing and encouraginý cç1iaraciter. It's repuatatfion lias be cer' uorld-wid '. Patie'nte bav ea reacte ifrem tbbc var'bosaiProv ocfc tih3 Dominion, trons soin parte cf tili Ucitel Saefret fuI îand aSoutb Atnica. Oin t the ppculiarly excellant clime ats sd bblu exp2rt nmedical ekili cmpioed, it Le napidly takiag tiret place ansong bbc le-ading sanatoria oethbbc nrlal, Ib seem3 tt tat lisuch institutions shoula brecomo far more numercus la thits ccinntry. Lt les very much het- ber fer public haalth anal for thc pati- ents tbiseelveg tblat tliey shossld lbe gathereal into hospitais wrliere thiso e disjese-c j tre-abed. The majerity wilI net only lie c-ured, but will ra- tura ttelir homes as naissienaries cf ge-od bee-tth, iatorrning their f riendq os te bbc truc nature cf ceasum1,,pton and instructiag Ilium hliew,-tîýe cck ibe ravages. The educe-ienai value et modemn sanatoria is cf bthe greatest importance 'and only wiscn.bliey itc- coen umerous sund are pabronizeal by tic, great majDrity of thoeattlict- cd will there bece-ny assuranceý that this plague-tho greate-et anemny cf maakînd ce-n lc stampeal ut. MvUNICJPALITIECOS AND CONXSUMVP- A municipal'lty bas exceptional op- penîunity for effective work la chieck- iag bbc ravages et consumption. IThe Statubes, cspecially in bbc Previncea ot Ontario, are, suggestive et lecal mneasures which if adopted by thae ma- jerity et miuaicipalities would eftec- bually chîeck bbc apre-ad. et tubercu- loiiel. be-re is ne reeson whly the local Board of Healt ln a cdirn- munity sbould net be, empowe-rcd te examine :for tubercuiosis al fereal for sale and wiseneven cny is feuad diweasred, lb aliould lie destroyed. Thie situation Ibreuglieut lice coun- try demande a mocisi, rigid pieriodicai inspection cf cli animais furnisbing milk and butter te consuincars, the prompt removai cf iii cuepicious casesl anal aboeve ail, a blierougli control ot the dairy- la bbc -intarests oet-public gn it atiOn. Each mrunicirpality shoulal ente rc strict prehibitory laws with reter- ence te expectoration in public places, e-epecially cia the sidewalks, la public balle, conieyaaces, etc. Eacb local cemmuniiy sdsould me-ko provi- sion for the proper diïsiafertion efthbb reom3 ead berneso et daeed sud siak consumpîiives; aise fer Ébb, cpri- calice-i inspection oethibischildrea go- ing te school, and thoce tounal te be latrîctea sicoruid bc removedan -d piac- ed under treatinent. The National Sanitanlui A serlation suggssts iliai e-e-ch muinicipe-lity erganize e-local brac ofethe Association for tbc pur- POcO ýet creating public opinion witb retereace te thelse very e-1tiers ead te facilitaI bbce distribuiona etlitera- tueeandal bb cdelivering et lectutres, healite-Iake, etc. 1Tbis wili mean practicali co-eperciLea with bbc na- tional nmovemeat la clieckiag bthe 'ipre-ad efthtbs dre-ad dise-ose. NATIONAL SANITARIUM ASSO- CIATION. Great pre-ise le due Lerd SIret-lb cone- e-d Meunai Royal, Sir William R Mveredith, th,,laeeHaert A. Massey, W. J. Gage and Ibisme-ny eblier le-ed- ing Canadien phi leathe-opists wbe bavec inaugure-ted ead puséled sea zeal- cindy Ibis ,essovement lanliche-ltf lose otof urntaleraciiizea wbo ae suffening treeoori monary tubercu- lesis or consumption. Ia a short secries et articles p-race-ding Ibis, we, have ecadeavoreal te bhruwcorne iigbt on ib-e character cf the disease rabih tbis Association le strîving te com- be-t, Eminent physicians tlireugh Canada arc bcginîng te, realize bbc me-gnitude ead importance efthis un- dent-king ead are gre-duaily awakea- ing te tbe tact that Ibere Le noi ques- tion ae-t bbc egîýnniag cf Ibis cen- tury oft greater nmoment thai thi-. Lord Beaconsfield lias prcperly se-id "ýtis-tpubio ieallhio e cfouna- tien on -whicb reposes bbhe happinese crf' tise peopie an, the paer oethbb country;" Whlsena h le rememberea th'at 40,000 or 60,000 of oun feshow cibles are annuaily affliteal wltb ibis druealdiss- ofetwbom perhaps 7,000 or 8,001 die, wre ce-n begin toeas- timtate cxteat ef ils destructive power upon our cornpare-tively meegre population. Il me-y becle-ken for graated that dnring the le-st Ian ycars, lhetween 6U,000 ead 70,000 et eur people, the majority of wbom werc ln the primaet oflits, bave cuccumbeal to Ibis terrible ec-urge. If we sup- poD2 ibat ee-ob individuai we-e werbb $500 yee-mte cState-do.btlesp: màeny ehft îesm were worib lindreds oft tisouqanals et dollars te lb' Ste-te -tce actuli ecnomc ba lsscalcule-ted mon Ibs asic le enouiglite "sIe-gger hnme-aty." VWe ce-n mensura tht 'utenig, bcpr-ive-týin, übbc poety en4 lie dstresfolloraiag lanthe 3wa.kî"ofet ccli ppalliang merte-lityf' 5Tice National Saniite-ium Associe- 3 ir n lo h c initiative ja becoming ine-erporated by a sÈpacial Artoteb Dominion Parliaieni toe aabuieli in- stitutions for bbc treatint ead cure, otfpensons affliotealwitli pul- mna e-y disease. Tha trustees have cauiieusl1y but zeelnuy pusicealthb ['Nr@r.WinFIow'5 SocthingSyre bas becnue-l r-millions et mothers fo h-r cildren whil - testhirg. If diiturliie- t night ead brokeno your test by a sick chilal suife-rie g anal, cryleý Ot wth le pain cf ecsttieg tee-lb enS e-t once arn s, gel e- ttis cf 11s. Wicsiows' Soothisg Syru r or CidreS Testhieg. It wili relie-vs the pe uitiesuiffereruai oece. Depenalupea it mothbsi ti ters ene miýL-elaoe-ient. Il cures Pie-rni h0 I regnietts t mauci e-aldboweis. cure-s Wiîi g Colie, sotteOS lie ge-ms, reilces ifiamme-tii e-ald gives tocsead ensrgy to the whcie systeî Mmi. WcSw'Scotbuîîg Syrop for chîlde 5e îeelhicg Lle e~-t te bte-t -a etsp ,V_ sel-ipticîs cf nsuofthbeolde-sianal be-st te-me e pysiieeS -camarse Là tus Poteal St-tu n -ice 0a botle. Solidl'y eil2r11 îethr(o it 111bi0,oid Be Surse -ad akfoi r PLs. o LI îaWiSoobn y Afi T me-de la agriculture in Canada lias CA AB A AN-A1II1IDTIIAN1heen very apta. Frorn 1881 to UÂNÂBA 1891, the date cf bplist census, the icra tainlead uncter crep wae THE ROYAL CANADIAN SO- 4,792,542 acres. The total queabtity l CIETY'S EXHIBITION. cf lead inîprovedan -d la use by _____ te-mners ln 1891 was 28,537,242 eI acres, et wliicic nee-ly 20 million WA Otly a Smae-l Space Allowed ticse-ce esunlrcaiabo ib Artiste-But They MNake a Fine grain. Large additions lie beau ?i Showing-Our Farasers JYIeke a me-de to tic lead ln cultivetien. Splendid, Exbibit. siace thnt ine. Wibli the nore-se M ln the area under cropis associe-ted ce a meaintelligent systeiofftnminig st, (13y Me-mile-Crag.) than tormerly; greuter eliort e eesic The directors of the Pan-Amerîcan me-de te mainte-la the tertility cf blie Il Exhibition coulal only givea e-sîali lead; more ce-me is taken in thc se- Pl galicry te bis Cane-dîna artiste, lectien of seedl; aise i cloosie-g w whici bliey have concpltely fil leal. lices varieties for sowing wlic anx- t Eighly pictures in ale-me exhibiteal. panicicce bas glieuv to liee ncet pro- ni Tic exhibit was tmede througli tih ductive. Forfferly Canada we-s ae-e- etforts et Mr. R. Ile-mils, president cf large exporter et coame graine; now bbc Royal Canadian Academy.- The mac e. langer part ot 1155e cropa pictures wore coilecteal by tleie mm- aes ed te eaineais onbisete-mm. 1 bers. The Ace-demy aise pe-l alelt the More blian ninc-benblis ot the satiré e expeness entailsal, with bthe xception crop et cee-mss grains grown in this se ce- a inelt grant me-de by the Gev- country le now used ile- tit way. Oi cramient. Amongst tbbec coletion Tic value cf bbe total exporte et ai bbe portraits by Mm. R--.Il1-tris R. agriculture-i peoducte, iecluding e-line 1 C. A., anal Mr, W. Grier, Rt. d. A., sorts cf grain, seedesad fruits, wae a ae unusuaily goed. "Tha e 3îîtsL_,js-in 1899 nece-y twety-tliree million fi, by Blair Beruce, R. C. A., etof -nl dollars, et whidh wlieat anal fleur e-, tee-, anal "Londen Bridge," by Bail- formeal thc largsst item, ue-ny ot Sithl, R. C. A., are vemy fine. A eleven millions. Tee- yeams previcus, te rportrait cf lituseif, hy Monsieur in 1889, blase exporte were aearty n( Dycanet, of Moabreal, le baie-g very 131, millions. It willt huse ha eca, rauch admeireal. A vein-np,leý,7-ag bliat notwitlistanaling the large lu- bie mandolinie by Monsieur St. cesel'bcae 0 eadudv u- Chare, l. C. A., cf Montreal, is a xivetion, tics exporte cof coarse n, fieeproduction. Monsieur . f 1,Èau- graines-ad fodalars hava liss e a-- i cbcre's "Litle Epicure," anal ûani tivsly muci reduccal. Tîsis, lowver, ti Bsau's 'Sprie-g," e-me already - et-,hli elen atome-tian compenseted for el Ire-ding attentbion. Mm. G. A.' Ib,4id, by thc large inecoases in bic exportsele presideat of the 0etarie Society cf ot animais ead thair producte. Tliesc e- IArtiste, le epresenteal ly eome de- lan 1889 anounteal ia value te $23,- Cý corative panais. "Workems cf tics 894, 707; ia 1899 bliir value vas ed Field," by P. S. Chle-loner, R. C. $46,743,130.. Tisa increasa a is hedg -A., the youngest mnember of the Aca- experts et deiry isoducts lias basa tr deny, te fuit et promise. The se-ms sumpisiag. In 1889 dhease vas cx- vý young artist je nov etwork on ai porteal 10 bisvalus cf $8,915,684; li ceave-s antibleal "IIiawtlia's De- Itan yee-me laea,le- 1899, tiss ad ie-- e- parture.- Tliis le inteadeal for bis creaseal te $16,775,765, anal in bis ti arcliacolegical enhibit. It measures 1r saie tiens li 31e9i58îins18f9btter Le- ,h 6x4l tact, anal tle conception is creaelfin 31,8in89te1 mnagaificent. Ilie-vetha, the grant $3,700,873 in 1899. This extension U e-aen Messie-i is raprasenteal cf dniry vomk lbas producedal n apial E standing je bis ce-nos, vhicl isj devetopinent'et tice sine industry. n: about te pe-s inmbtheliafemy sunset. Pork factoriesabavaelise- ostablisica l The purpie vapeurs on bbc rigît are in me-ey parte ettlise Dominion, anal c, pepled by tlie siadovy forme cof In-- muci attention is sew, paid by A daen varricre wlio have cons e te-famers te tic bncedieîg cf those T take bis grant Iliavatia te bbe classes cf pige beet suibsal tor bthe happy liunting grounal. On tise let, production cf tb i hlesb quality of tirough bhec nists of cveniag appoar bacon. The experts cf be-con anal dimly bis branchas et pinsead pep- be-ms have nlsen tron a value etf le-r. Tlie ertlsb neceiveal hie inspire-- $381,293 iu 1889, te $10,416,1478 la t] tien frein Lengfellov's peen: 1899.* P 'Westward, wesbward, Hlie-ve-bl The samplea cf tic fine cecal pro- sý Saileal into the fiery sunset, ducts dispiaea - the Pe-e-Aierican 8, Saeil ao tha pumple vapors Exposition afford conviesing prot f Se-lied intobbcemiste ot aven." of bise tertility et bie soul, analbhere Mn. Cie-houer je aistinguisihal fer ce-n liadoulit blie-tCanada viii d th& beauty et hie peebic conception,. befora long become cas cf tbbc ciiefG wihlie habes bthegenlus te carry foal-proalucing couatnies cf bise outinlapartect f color. Lanvorlal. 'R-iavtia's Dapantume" lie finals fuîtl--ci- scope for poeai, color, anal idealistie NOT DELIVERED FOR REASONS conception. This viii eto aoulitlesil cesof lus greabeet picturas. STATED. fl The vomI dons by the Royal Cea- Thal soie of blie postai officiais e-dîna Acndamy demie-g tic elgitean ye-rs ot ite existence ie nov videly ta country pie-ces disLLyayen unne-- ke-ovuead tioreuglily apprecie-teal cesse-ny amouat of intýerest in bliir by tlie Caneaie-n public. The imlpe- auties leslihown by lia tolteving tus given te story, whicl be-esîet mte t fbaie-g INDUSTRIAL ART rus. t enbiy Ce-eadis manufacturas, sncb Ina e-cerbein vilagebicpostage -t e-s furilure, carpets, ve-it paper,buiess rnat ..h3gnrld ead general dacome-ions. Ticebhappy bsiness wisbact.a al rtbicul g aneri ldao f foundiag a Caneaie-n Aca- sipe-vsciaPariuerfnnl demy wae first euggestsd by Rlis En- ar e- in. e-bib t obltainîng blair ccllee-cy bis Me-cquis cf Lomne, anal provisions. Rer Royal Illginesbic Prie-cees On oue occasion tle ce-ual weekîy Louise. The schime povided fer order lad beau giveil. bbe tormmetien cf a Dominion Art Iu duc course bic goode Werc deliv- Association, îe-vîng for its object bhe crsd vibi oae exceition-viz., a li-n. f exhibition etf10e-n pîctures, pictures A member of bhc faemly celied e-ba of arits not previousiy enhibiteal the shop 10 inquirs bbe eason cf tle ete-ny Doiinien Exhiibitioneaer- omission, ead vas semevwhat amiuseal chiltecturat dmewings, desiguns for te isar blia proprietor's expie-nation.f menufacturers ead ae-ilicueSa cf use- Oh, seid bie, me anal my wifs rend t fult bilga for housalolal purposee; bite pesbce-rd adalmasseal te you, se-y- t eadt11e-t hase exliibitions blia lcir eg île-tfbie friands you expecteal 10c in Ottawa-, Hae-itan, St. John, ban could't comae. We theught you- Frealerickbon, Quebec, Motrean, To- would't we-e- bbt eena, se va dîdn'b - rronto ealdWinnipeg. lb vas visa sanal iti ie iEncelcncy ead Rer Royal Rigi- Je-ckh Rercup- (iii unwcuted fe- s inasse vsibe ealblale-isy of bis On- lihusiae-sm)-By Jove. I ses bial be-no Society of Artiets île-t thee- ons tellow la be-iking ebout intre- i iproject ferrbics formation cf ean Aca-- fducing e- bihleto tbeis ous mking demy vas discuasedalne-altbe tollov- lb e- miedaeneor te sendalenneying iug resolutions adopîsal: lattera te auybody. 'Very claver Resolvea ltint the asembers of bhls lidea 11e-b. l'Il hava my btallon teck- r ociety, li-vie-g listomîcal bo bit val t d niefor six imoitis, bly Jove uabe sggeilins f Iis xcelenýy Jolnay-1 se-v a figlit b),teae- .a in uelsg stoh n 0fRieEncaofltec aeteadnarat boday. Se-ll1y-Row Soiet' sflesbyteetb ,1hdid if enal? Jiet-A hcle se-, iment etf a Royal Ce-nedîna Acade(ny cond rounid bbc ce-t we-sî't in il. toe ambre-ce bise viola Do1inie-lon Sal-Nouasa oen- - (Icavng al preÈe-iar Tic ri, vas in lb, blint is, la lions intact), dasira te express hielir the cnt. cordial approvat cf 111e Exciec' Me-mme-, seid a saeil gil, vy * ve, ad aise tint an e-nly meet- ca'b shv e-dpao e iug oettbis-Society liecelied fer t1e ce-use va cae't nforci lb, alsarlber purposa oftte-ie-g pmacticat stcps in moblier anevwereal. Veu must wish Jtint direction." for e lien tînt ce-e-le-y golden eggs. Thc Acedeny vas toundeal lu duse ut, nemme-, pretesteal this literai e j-course andi Ilis Encelleacy me-de bis young lady, vbile yen are ebout lb, foliovie-g appoietienst: L. R. i vlivnet vial fer ae- ýi hantn e-n lay O'Brien, ýprasialsat; _M. Mattleve, a grand peanne? or culture overeladove e-l ether lu- tirdaley yen vere 100e-teeg eut et r, dustries. About 46 per cent. eftthbe bcsare-ma idov 'anal fe onut ead ma cal e-lire populatien -e-le blair living struce- your lieal ce-nbise pavement c, directiy ftnm the producte cf tle sevsn stoeys beiew e-ual ers net in n. soul. Thenefone ail questions vli-tics least injunsal, ve- ovulal you e- influence tise pos oit f agricui- celt- it? ale, burc, are a gi-et intercat btiste Ce-e-- Tliree buss? eid the vù itei-cs. ie- eaie-npeepie. Ve lane-frein W M. ireale-g a iitte tron luds apaliy. 'gh Se-undece, L. L. D1., directo: oci o-Welildc-l ita hbt r perîmentai farinatînt the po-sa Ceuncel gave il up. LIT1ERARY NOTIFS.- Aie ,women becten thian mena? Tis e' a question lise-tB. S. Me-e-in asks e-cl ansrrSinlaue-narticle, eaitlea, fomen, in McCturc,'a5 Magazine for June. No, be-hier, only diffament . on if be-lier, marelyina anegativete-eh- on. Tlisly drink fise, e-mole becs anal urbain roftheïn emobions ara tess t:oaig Ihan cemneLspend(ing emoioas n mca, Wàescaxre wbat mon mae-e sein, ead vbuil meaare dtlap- )reily fan frons perfection, vhy, vomon yull bi stiti a lutile ihert et sec auigelss bbey are soîrntincesrap- -eeesnbed, eand vice-bLi- cere, enpect- ti te, le.-- A carafe-i gtudy oethIliafathen's duîy :o hije siîudren, an lnd eurgh blianste scieby le-givega le lie deportinant, f Iabeeet tle FatherÉ; la the Juns iumbes- et The, American Mothar. So nicl iý ,e-s lissaseid oeteayears ibout tle duty et e-acibae e-t t iv refrecliagte oce-asionehiy nee-d an rticie, tînt )ner-ents the- duby ot bbc :ter be-if fethtie famce-ly. We e-na glead eses tliet Thc Amenican Mother -dose- eot forge- the Ameriicun fe-iber. Ana .rliom, Midi. The foareign articl-S la -bhe.Jluac aum-ber oet'The, International ISlonlb- [, are f ulhy Op te bbc h*igi levai oit h-air pradecaesurg. Dr. Richard iM2y- ar eftîle-eUfiýverL-ity of BeriCn con- Inudes, an csay, îi ittn la is liee- ald incj-t pose-erfu1i vols, on "Germean Cr!ticim.'; M. Aie-cre. Leoe, Minister td Commerce uinder bbchlaePregi- cent Flaune, toucilis e-w1;Ilidaicae-b iony on lies enest atteimpîs te "nre- jviv tise Dealeration et Riglits of 1789; anal PriOtesteor Carl von Noorden ompiebesa avaleale ead aeaus- tive, articlei on Thea Principies et Mocaern Dieteticii. ' Thesa Riiivay AL le-n-ceand Trade, Districts et tise JUitel Stae-es by Preasor Chas. Hl. Hml leý eaterniinlaglywvrnittaa anal la e-est *mmediate I lais lie-rings. îA pecýai feature OethIbis aun-ýeancon- sst5 la tise, l-kIravie-vsly Cie-ries !. onnut, Baîs-Sturgis, e-ald 1arny ?icnrstetn Pieck; lirief but indepea- dent andaleutbloilative. ChaireqJ Bulios-kopens bbe Juna Aile-aie witb a tIncliant article oe- he quetion cf bbc d-y-trusts andl Publio Policy; H'. W. 1-1011w,1 de-mon- Iýrae tsiiesaient OppoirtunitY Ot Smia;lh Geiliegete; Conigneisesian S. 1W. MéCe-t writs î etWashrigboa during iRcrcotructioa, anal Etheil D. Iuff cm dicusses Aellheics ead Criticien, Gldra Smitis gIve- a deticions e-ne-c- dobali ske.tch oe thbc BaeoetWel- i'ngtea; Pauel B. More mýÀe-les'Thsoreau bic hippy bopie et A Hermmits Notes ou Thoreau, anal Mre,E. R. Peaneli'- My Cuiokery Booka is lieth ealorIe-mn- ang e-aldinstructive. Miss Jehnstou's tal Mis 1Jieitt's Seaie-mre-sein itcrcel:t W. R. Liýglibon. Katharine iceal, ead Maximilian Enlier ,cou-, nianute Shrort Storie3; Madie-on Ca- visin, Arthcur CaDiten, P. MeAnthur, alý othiers sonal Potins; tlie EdItors ýie-ýuess(Th-- ull Soedao la IPolitics, ,qd Tisi' contr1buborW' Club le- brUl- leutes -isvays, espsei-i ally rag be ree-lanal vital' to.pis ofethbie le-y, nul ovýr1lokiang Mark Tsvlýaine- OUR DEAR LITTLE FRIEND) ONCE MORE. He vas a chaermîiag Little felv of fourm, prebty la bis ve-ys, good te .ok at, butte-s naughlt3c e-s conillis. Ha. se-t on tisiebottom ste-p hicking hie fatI tlle leigs, and refuineg ubbsriy eo obey bs aleteher, wlio hlieold hlm eo go apetaire ie-veirneI tîneý-s ia la- sce-eeng -degrece.etfîavaily. Afier a 0ev mainutas of thbis dieshin.g- et ville bis exasperatcd parenb picled hlma up scomeW-yiat sarideinly, carried lin, and se-t hrlim dean vsry tirmly ou a hi in bis reemw, anal thea vent caleand sfiuL the doonr. Sileince reignea. Net ta so-ualfrn Mm -mfor e-I is-sI l-f su n ilie-r, Thaethe, deo peneal, anal a. swee LitIle veica ce-lied eutz "Fab- em, brava, yoUagui ovar your Isubruin yt'aI f or Il ssoalal Ie te corne Sovl? Six eut et 1,000 Bricu inbarni arges are etomr in syagogwc,j685 ln Anîglican ucùrches .1 1 Gold medale lia-oe been presentved toi fllpLrhe,rt G ablche ceasuan, I.M.S.I Orlando and fEd'ward Turner, leadirig se-amn, H.M.S. Centuriýon, la recog- nition of their berýoisan, at Taku on June 22, 1900. A ChineSe junk filiýed wvitb Brtish and American wounded caught fixe- and ivag drifting, the oc- cupants5 being ln grave peril of an awful death. The qaifors at great pexsenal risk swnente thp, junk and boarded ber. 'fheir action iaeiped to Save nany liveg. - )urlng the inspection of a draft of about two bundred Duke of Corn.- wali'e. L4ght Infantry, by Colonel W. S. Clarke, at ]Jevonpo)rt, previous to the!ir departure for South Africa, a Iance-cowopral bteinped forward and made a compîciat ae te sýeparation alorwance% te wyee3 of mnen who had retureaed froma the war and having marricýd off the gtrength were order- ed, to thei front again. Colonel Clarke promised that the matter obould be inq.uired ie. LAKE ONTARIO, NAVIGATION CO. Str. "RYE Season of 1901 to eI1OMMENCING ABOUT THlE 102H u OF JUNE and continuing every TUESDAY and FI{IDAY througbout the season, will leave Newcastle at ....6.30 a. M., 65e 1foyrmanville at .. .. 7.00 a. m., 60e Oshawa at ......... 8.00 a. m., 500 Whitby at........ 8.45 a. m., 50o Cldren ilf Faro. Arriving ln Toronto at 11.15 a. m. Reluring leave Toronto aI 5p, m Tickets may be extended t".wek upon application to the liburser and payment of 25e additional. Low fr eiglit rates. Freight handled promptly and carefuily. For tickets, ,excursion rates to any point on Lare Ontario and general Information, apply to H. CANN, B. R. HIEPBURN, Agent, General Agent. Bowmanville. Pnone 270. 88 Yonge St., Toronto. 80-CALLED STRAWBERRY COMPOUHOS ARE NOTHINIR MORE OR LESS THAN IRANK IMITATIONS. (Put up in VefZow wrapper.> CURE$ Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cle Cramps, Pains In the 'Stomlaoh, Choiera, Choiera Morbus, Choier>a lnf'antum and ail Surmmer Com- plaints. Safe, Reliable, Harm- less, Effectuai. LINIMENT FOR Sprains, Strains> Cuts, Woisnds, Ulcett, Open Sgres, BEmiste, Stiff Jints, Bites and Stiags of lscs Coug'h£, Colds, Contracted Cords Reue-lsNeuralJgiîa, B?.nchit4, croup, sore Terfoatý, Quiaey oop!ag A LARGE, -CymL, 2 BINDER TWIÏNB FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, Limited. BRANTFORD PRICES FOR THE SEASO F 1 901 I iRed Star, 603 ft................. 1OCq Red Star 550fÊt.................. 10 c Special Manilla, 500 fI ............ 9je Sisal, old ...................... 8 c Sisal, standard..........7 c Thiese latter two fltou*wn makes, We have just a word to say to you. This the first and only truly co-operative company in America, is offering yoii to-day its stock in small holdings, one and two shares at par. Il is also plac- ing its splendid twnes with you for the coninz harvest, at prices raw material cannot be bought for. Your loyalt.y and intelligence will hold us in- exist- ence; your scepticismn and in4iffersuça will drive us from existence, which means a death blow to ail future 00oop - eration of farmers and will surely b e one resuit, a Cigantie TwineCo ke from the influences of which you wil be absolutely helpless to help yourselves. You have your option-pay your money and take your choice. Stand by this greatest and most perfect co-opor'ý ative movement in the world and 50 bring a continuation of relief throulth its unquestionable influence as a twifiQ price regulator. Desert us or treaS our -agents witli indifference and you have only to wait for results. No botter twine was ever made, on Earth or furnished to the Canadian Farmers than has been supplled you b# this your own Comipan. IfElwo were flot an intense elemrent of protection to you as Farmers thiere would be no on- position whatever pitted against ui. Remember the Sait Deal. Don't waste finie wrestling with thw question any longer. Look il straîiglt in the face and identif y youriie1vc8*ftj us as shareholders. Buy youc r Tw4,ie i(rom this Mother Company wlth its splendid past record of years and yot iwill have occa2ion to be proud of yole action and loyaltv later on. If yoll use but a particle of judgment y d wll eeaIa glanegý that lothe« Compniesgoig into e;xi.5teiiee are simly radng n ourgrarid reputation and ohti mn f Chese cases-Voit will be exceedingl.y disappointed. *a have pleaded for eight years for you, to corne in on the ground floor and join hands with this old establîshed Twlne orgauization Buy our Red Star 10o Twine and you will make no mistalté. JOSEP'H STRATFORD, LGeneral Manager. qs BINDLIR T W1NB. Farmers, bny ydur Binder. Tw«jue (romn the Farmerr ,Co-operative CO., Brantford, Best 1wine 1Qcts per b PMTItvaWERRY, agent forlN orth ani Eai't Darlington, Tyronc. 6-tf lIAS me EQUALO H~S KO EQUALI

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