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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1901, p. 5

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-4 le_ _ Nearly 1 000, Combs., Our aim lias always been to give our eustomers a littie better goods at a littie iegs money. Uew people realize JIlst what this means in the fullest sense of the terna, i'irst we exereise great care in selecting only the most reliable manufaeturers and then we have to buy in such quantities as will entitie us to the closest, jobýoers' ~ S prices. ' Even after taking these thins into consideration yon cannot fully appreciate the advantages we can offer our L.~customers unless you eall and compare our prices with Swhat you pay eisewhere. This week we are showing nearly 1000 Oomba at al Primesf rom the ordinary 5c Combs (whieh we seil at 3c * eaeh) Up to the large heavy liard rubber Combs at 75e eaeh. These Combs are ail Special Value, and have al been imported from the best European manufacturers. See them in our windows. S-jTO&TTý & JURY. N. B.-We are stili offering regular 40e Cream Tartar Baking Powder at 15e a pound and the best Phosphate Baking Powder at 110e a pound. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.I BowmANiLL» .nSTrATION. GoING BAST. 'GOING WEST'. IcipresB..... 932 a. M. 1 Express....' 515 a. m 3asne.. 46 pa..1 Local ..>8 80 1 La.6 55 p.m.1 Passenger... 1 50 p. m Express.... 10 25 l 1Express..,.7388 & Express goes west ai 6.05 a.m. on Mondays. STOTT &JuRy. Town Agents BO1WMANYUILE.JUNE _19- 1901_ Canadian Jubiles Sinr,6S-Wednes. ~day, June 26. Reserve the date. 'Pthe steamer Heraofe Kingston was burned at her dock Tbursday night. Mii1ler's Kidney and Bladder Pis are so,-id at Tole's drug store. 25 cts a box, Whip-cord' Tweed suits wear like iron. See them at The Mason Co's. The Truil Famiiy Picnic wili be held on Saturday Juiy 6 at Oshawa-on the- Lake. Strawberry Festival at Mr. John Wight's, Providence, Tuesday evening Jiuns 25th. Mr. T. Nîhan, jr , freight and adver- tising agent for the S. S. Argyle,was in town Friday. The Elford family picale will be held Saturday J une 29th at the Elford Home- stsad, Providence, Time of assemblng iP. M. louse3 goods, in washing materials, wicand colors. We are showing a 4eiddassortmont of patterns. ,Tfe* Mvason Co. M'iler's Kidns.y and Bladder Pis are oxpressly for weak kidneys, bladder, pain in the back, etc. Sold at Tole's d1rug store. if you recquire a dressing comb, se Stott & Jury's widow ucarly iO.- eombs -a t Prices from Bts. (for the regular 5et. lns) up to 75 ets. OQwing to several altérations being mnade in the water power theà electrie Iights wîll ouly run until i a. m. from June 24th to about July 6th. If your every-day duties are a burdent ît is becauise you are unwell. Millsr's Compound IronPui ills correc this condition, Sold at Tols's drugÏ store. Major Sueigrove 'told the Cl'ountiesl Concil the other day that these Unpitsd Counties shipped one-twelfth et the total expe rt of apples from Ontlarlo Province. Havineg purchased at a big discount a joloto f purýe 1incn t owels, we(3arle offÈering th1cm for 125c a pair. Some of the lot are wrth uearly double, Thet M1asonCo The Entrancse !,amriLationito the Ilili ehelI be held lru the High 3 Sehol uidinsBomanville,on J une 263,27, and 28, eomncn at 8.15 a. m. Exmnation free. Th aosCanadian Jubiloe s ngersè -'rill give an entsrtainmenît under thet auspices of Bowmanvilie MethodIstS Epworth League on Wsdnesday June 26. Particulars later. Special attractions for the childreu A large consigument of boots and shoes for the littîse nes just arrived from MQntreal at Foley's Parlor Shos Store. Our prices are marked very close. At the last, meeting of Durham 014 Boys, the energetic secretary of the Association, Mr. Thos. Yellowlces, was0 Lpresented with a case of cutlery con- rninn.Q ,aa nnrontanfH past services. Mrs. F. A. Phiip, Coiborne, writes te e' lady tind lu tewn: 1"1 read witi miuch intenest the uews in my eid home* paper (TEE STATEsmAN) which is like a goed long letter every week. If ehl is weli I hope te go te Bewmauvilie on AuZust ti te perticipats lu the Dur-- Liem Old Boys and Ginls' Re-uui.o.' )ccial Mid-Summsr Excursion te Euluby S. S. "WJarsawi" frromi Motreal et day break July 5, Cebin: passengers only-to 4iyverpdool $40 or 1London $1,50, Ail state-roems are amidships., No cattie cerisd. This is a grand chance ton ceblu passage et intermediate rate. Appiy te M. A. JAMES, for bertis immediaely et Bow- menvills. TYRON E. Peariue 3 for iSets at Nicholl's. Taek hammens Sets each et Niehoils' Very iatest styles in gents'hats at M Mayer's bat store. Hear theý Jubiles Singers in Towr Hall, Wednesday 26th. New subseribens eau get THEi STATES- MAN t end et 1901 for S0c Fully 6 colums ef correspoudence and other local matter crowded eut. A portrait and obituary ef Hou. A. S& Hardy eppears on an inside page. Repairing etly and, pramptly doue if leWtat F-d R-Flvs-elo-Se Store. Tea per cent off et M. Meyer's Hat ana Cap store for cash custemers. Came sarly. Canadian Jubilce Singers,Toivn Hall, Wednesday Jusne 26. Ad- 1mission 25c. Ses Cawker & Tait's advsrtisemeut this week drawing attention te lieuse- cleauing supplies. Orders teken for 30DO differeut nsws- papers and magazines at the STATES- mAm office et lowest prices., Rev. W. J. J olliffe will preaeh Sunday moruiug on "Anger without sin"and ln tic sveniug ou"Hanenieh's eharacten." Tie Mason Ce. ane shewing white pique and linon skirts, plain and trîmmsd, flue assontment, special valus 75,. te $2.00l Mrs, M. Cryderman, Beeci Ave., offers her brick residence for sale ou reesonable tsrms or will reut te a suit- aIls tenant. We carry thc fluest stock et drcss goods lu bleels and colours shown Iy auy bouse lu these counties. Couch, Johîîstou & Crj-dermen. Those. unsightly pimples eau be su- tinely removcd by the use et MilIer's Compound Iron Pis. ý 50 doses 25 cts, Sold et Tols's drug store. Are you at ail perticul ,ar about the eut aud fit et youn clothes if se ieavs your erder et Couch, Johuston & Cry- dermen's and vau shall be setisfied. Mn. Job Greenaway, Fîrst Chunci et Hamilton, and Mns. Greuaway wsre here ettsnding the induction service et their son Rer, R, B. Gneeuaway lest wesk. The Entrene Examination into Higi Sehool will be hld lu tic High Sehool Buildings, Bowmauviiie, on Juns 26, 27 end 28, commsuciug et 8.45 a. m. Examinatiou free. .1 Two columus et importent evideuce given in ceuneetion witi the WestDur- ham electien trial appean on au insi' de page with much ether iutsncsting mat- ter. Don't miss neading il. Thalt,>tired feigwill -disappear; your appetits will imýprove; yeur diges- tion will be perfect, if vou will tae Miiler's Compound Irn aPuis. Sold At Tele's drug store. Our readers know- tbýy cau eiways depend ou whet M. Mayer says about the geodshs seils. fis uew spiug styles et hats, ceps, ties, cehlars, cuifs, gloves, shirts, drawers and other artie- les for gentlemesn's wear ans uow reedy ton inspection, fis pricr.s arsO.K. When lu Town, stop et Nichoils'. Gilstts Lys 3 for 25ets et Nicholl'Lz. Carpet tacks,Tack puilers et Nichoils'. The priesetfTnE STATESMAN !S $1,00 eniy when paid in advane otherwise $1.60. should eau ô-u -Mi's. Dickinson, King street. Until furtier notice Tait & Ce wil make chic photos on Wrsduesdays and [Seturdays oniy. We have a large stock et Quartered Oak Furniture in Antique and Golde finisiies. L, Morris. Best prints, fins assortment regular 14e. a yard, your choice et 75 diffenent patterns for 121-c. e yard et Thc Mason Co's. - ~aing lare stet~ t- -t u ;Ceps ou 'leud, and lu order te reoducesit, have decided te tae 10 per cent off fer, cash eustemers, se come and get e ber- gain. M. MAYERI,flatter. Dyspepsie lu ts wonst forms will yicld te the use et Cater's Little Nerve Pilîs, aided Iy Carter's Little Lirer PuIs. Thw aJ., I nleva pit5unL iF. Everbody and lia neigîber cornete the Union but strnrgthen the stomach anud digest. 2ienilnluMu, M. McLauhlin'a8grove Scir- ive appematus. .Say 22nd. Besides athlet!e Sports anS ame;, the . 0. & P. Ce. Band, Bwmnillc, will e le attendance,.. .Mr, RoIt MKitli, new, SOLINA, lias been viilîng lits brother-tut, 1 Mr. James - Bingliani.... Ctizena werc tartled te hear ol 1ev, E. Thomas wtlu preacli tlite Sons, cf ,thie sudden denise cf Mr. RiharS Barreit who Tenu erance Suuday nexi at 2.10 Ip.n... Messrs. -dreppcd SecS on Sunday aflernoon, Decease- W. L. Law T. Pascoe, F. Ordliard, A. L. Pas. -was oeeof thc mosi venerable anS hg113 cee and W. Lennex, attendeS coonties' Court respecteS ciizees efthl ocality. Hearticît ai Cobourg at week. .. .Messrs. John Vice, S. vsympatliy is extended te the wldow ands orrow- J. Wiliams, Levi Arnot cnd W. Lammiman lng- friend . . .. Rev. J. S. MeMulen lias pur- attendeS the Thoreton trial at Coborg.... Mr. eliaeed a new driver frenu Mr. Colwlll, New- Walter 'Vince who has been confined te the cstý'le. H1elias driven te Oilla this week fer lieuse wiili aciatica inuproves very lewly... Mis, MeMulen and daughter Razet wlio have We, weleome Mus. Frank Werden ie oui been visittng there two wecks,..- .We besteak coenitunlty and offer oui csniratulations.. a1. hearty weleonue for Mi. Brown of Lakelleld Mr.Robi. Van Nest wa h1ome over uda.y who succeeda Rev. F. J. Chapman our htghiy fronu Kedron... -.,Mis DellaWrry ta home estee'nied oucerpstor .... A letier from Nellie azain. .MiaEfle Boos l home f or vacation Er. Wtapeann au n muSepage. tamîe ef n Dn , ntute ' ai Bellevile. Scr ub brushes 2 for 5cts at Nicholis'. Perfect Liver Fi 2 for 25e. Tole Drug Store. Special prices ou Tooth Brushes i Tole's Drug Store. A. L. Nicholîs is iu Buffalo lookin for nevelties for his variety store, Buy y our ensilage corn from us-ses tested-sure of a crop. Cawker & Tail This week Miss Martin will ssii iadie* white goods at greatly reduced prie Canvas mat patterns this wesk redue ed fromn 45e. to 35e ; also a nie lot fo 15C. Some evidence given in West Durhau eiection trial appears on an. insid page. Men's-Stiff--and -Soft 1Rats,-the-ver, ilatest, styles at -Couch, Johuston ~ Cryderman 's. Our prices are right and our good, are fresh and of first quaiity. Toie'ý Drug Store, Can adian Jubilee Singers,Towy Hall, Wednesday June 26. Ad- mission 2 5c. Canadian Jubiles Singbrs, Towr Hall, Wednssday June 26. 25e to ail part of the hall.. Do you think of buying a churn oi washing machins? We have the best Cawker & Tait. John C. Wseks is the busy man thesE days-paperhauging. Hie carnies love. ly patterns. Sec them. A few Ladies' Suits-the balance o] this spring's stock-selliug off at hall prie at Couch, Johuston & Crydsrman's, Couch, Johuston &' Cryderman are sciling off the balance of their spring coats at haIt pries. Al ucw goods this season. Salem anniversarY nex t Sundav. Servicesat 3-aud 7p. m. Attend and tass a quarter on the plate te help the sehool.. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Tuesday, June 25, at the usual time and place. Everv lady welcomse.-, The Mason Co., say lest week was the best fer thc season i the ciothing department. -Ses their nsw advt-thsy have mauy snaps now offsning. Ladies' and children',s summer vests largest assortment ever shown lu Bow- mauvilie, bouglit direct fromn makers. Prices from S5c ech. The Mason Co. When buyiug a ready-mads suit or ovencoat you want the ietest styles and oun neady-made suits for men and boys are ail new goods. Coudh, Johuston & Cryderman. Tue Entnance Examination into the lligh Sehool will be held in the High Sehool Buildings. Bowmauville, on dune 26. 27 and 28, eommsncing at 8.45 am. Examination tree., Smart Weed and Beliadouna, comn- biued with the other ingredients used lu the lest porous plasters, make Carter's S. W. & B. Bachache Plaster thc best lu tiie market. Prie 25 cents, A nFor $2 50 you eau buy a $5.00 coat, For 83.00) you eau buy a 86..00 coat and for $37ý5 you eau buy a coat worth 7.50, AluW coats mde for this season's trede et Couch, Johuston & Cryder- man 's. Merdhants a nd o t h rs receiving freight should order it sent -from Tor outo or Montreal by thc Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co. Their boats cal] here eeery Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Annual Stnawberry Socialinl counection with the Methodist Churcli will be held et "King',; Retreat" et the lake side, Port Bowmanville. Dominion Day, July 1. Ice Créam ou the grounds ail thce aternoon. CANADIAN JUBILEE SINGERS. Town Hall, Wsdnesdey June 26. Admission 25e te aIl parts et tic hall. Press comments: 1 8toufft'iIIe Trz7.une-The concert giv- su lu the Auditorium by thc Canadian Jubiles Singers ou Thunsday evsuning last was an unqualffied success. The hall was packed te its utmost capacity,, many et musical proclivities being pnss- eut tramn long distauces. The members of thectroupe were al1 in geedl formn and they nendsrsd their selectieus with ex- cellent harmouy and imprsssivencss. UNIONPIC'NIC AT TYRONE. TieFarmers' and Womieu's usttutes, et West Durham will -unite wtithe Trne people and held their pienie in Mr., Wmi. MeLaughiin's grove ou SaturdaY uext June .29ch, Time ef assembling 1,;ý0 p m. Goüod pregramn et sports and 'abundauce ot music by the popular Dominion Organ Ceo.' ,band, Everyone wisther members or! net, cordially iuvited ta come and enjoy the occasion. Bring your lundih basket. Rot and eold watern sapplied ou tie grouuds tre. Admission teadil maies over 16 yeans et ege 10e. Ladies and ail ethens tfree. Owuug te pressure et tarm werk I stock lu the proposed packing Com- pany. My feith lies net weakened lu the enterprise non iâ the farmens as I have tound a great deal et euthusiasm among tism. If e canvassen canet be zet, I propose te the farmers and towns people, that if tiey sincsrely wisi tic scheme eaaried te la successful issus that they eau eat Tun STATESMAN On LewsofflcsBowmenville,and subsenibe tor' fnom 4 te 10 a hanes, and se îeip thus farmers' mevement enwerd. W. J.- BRAGG, , . . Bowmanville. HURRAH FOR BUFFALO!- Ou Wednesdey dune 26t1 the S. S. Argyle wiii mun tic frst excursion te tic Pan-Amenican eonnecting et ulcott5 N. Y.. witi the International Traction Co's test Electnie Lins direct te the Ex- iblition Grounds. This is sure- te le the most piesant way et visiting thc Fair as weiî as tiecheeapest. Tic Ar- gyle is fitted Up witi statenoem accom- modation, and ou her first trip tnom Cobourg te Toronto preved henscît the fastest boat that ever ru ou the North Siens Route. Tic neturu faesess placed t at rate thet is sure te meet witi publie eppreval, a-nd tic ruu tram Olcott passes thnougi the Ounest section et -New York stete. A representative et tic steamer will aecompauy tYic ejt cursien, andi patronso et t i nmy tfest essured, that everythiug zll l attedt te for their satety andi comfert. Ses advt. I __ Ceylon and India Tea. GREEN OR BLACK The Choice Rests With YouÉ Will you continue using impure, hand-rolled TE When a better article, grown on British soil, is, at yo disposai ? .Both Greens and Blacks have earned a rer tation for. quality. iSALADA our Ip- Ceyion Teas are soid in Scaled Lead Pueckets eoniy. Biaek, Mix-cd,. -Uncolered- Ceylon--Green. Free sampies sent. Addrcss "SALADA1 Toronto. Is a- - Try the Grand Central FOR~. Ic beCreaffialld Ibe Oreani Soa -ALSO~ MeLaughhni's Hy geia, Ginger Aie, Cherry Sour, Peacho; these are put up in qua~rt bottiles, very nice to serve at home. 01 Orange Phoý-sphate is a very popular and, heaithful t beverage. Refresh' yourselves with any of these at the a- -aff Mrs. TF. J. MlcMunitry is visiting Mrs, A. Gallaneougfi, Thlonuhili, Miss Tnindîse, Chattanooga, Tenu., las Issu gusst et Dr. Bimecembe. 11ev. A. J. G. Carsceddeu wiil b. stationsd et Widsrmsne, Muskoke,next year. Mrs S. Alvin Sheutz, North Adams. Mass.,,us visiting her fethsr Mn. E. L. Wslsh. Mr. M.M. Feuwick et, the Publishens' Syndicats, Toronto, wes lu town lest week. Mrs. McKay, Indien fHead, N.W.T., iS gucst et Mns. D. Gaibraith's, Qucen street. Mrs. Thos. Burton, WVhiteveIe, 18, visiting ici" daugiter, Mirs. T ho s. Pinglo. Mn. Chas. Lewes, Ceourý,g. atteuded the induction services of R1ev. R. B. Greenway. R. J. Kennedy, Esq, f Front St., Toronto, spent a few dÎays here with lis Brit tain fiends. Mrsý Chas. Wright and Mliss Minnie McDona]d, Toronto, have been visiting their tatier Mn. Wmn. McDonaid. Rer. Gso. MeCullocI , formerly et Enfleld , i s eheuuman etf Brantford Distr-ict, Toronto Contenence. AIr. John Cunningham, Manager et Guelph Paviug Ce., was, lu uown lest webk iuspecting the pavements. Mr. and Mrs.J ohu MeFes, Minnesota, who have besu visiting the Peu -Ameni- eau, arc gusts et Mn. John Reid. Rev. and Mrs. J. Lambert Alexand en, Middlevills, Ont., have Issu visit- ing his fathen, Mn. Jas. Alcender. Lieut . Col, J. Hughes, 46th Regi- mient, wil l e eue et tic brigade staff et KîngstonCamp thet opened dune 18. Mn, Alex. Lawrie, Maple Grove, was ln Weodlnidge lest week ettending the funerel et his cousin Mrs. Wm. Browný, Dr . end Mrs. William A. White returned te their home et 46î1 W. 48nd St., -New vYornk City7, Frïdey etter e week's výisit witi neIae.s lu Canada, Prof: Eugene 1-f iml, ae tmer pro- fesser in Ceboirg Universît-Y, aud ton thirteen yeans hed et the dspartmsnt et physies lu Syraeuse Uuivensity, ies Issu eppeintsd Supenin tendent, et Mines lu Canada.> Mrs. Parker andi twe daugîters, New York, have teken 'rairview Cottage," Port Bewmenville, for the summer. Tires other daughters wio are attenlding Onterio Ladies' Colege1 wili joîn them hers leter. Miss Aide Syivester,second daugiten et Mn. Richard Sylvester, Lindsay, has won tic goid medal lu the recent ex- aminetions in vocal music et Loretta Aooey, ronte. jfluss ,5ylvesters Bow. manvilîs tniends eeugre'tulete lier on hen success. The Associa-te Editress eft tus journal is plesesd to acknewlsdge tis receipt et e very artistie invitation te tic fit teunth annuel commencement' af thefligI Sehool et Grand Fenks, N. D. Ameng the graduates is tic neme ot Miss Bcu- lai M. Hswitson, yeuugest daughten et thc late 'James -Hewitsou formmnlv et Heydou and neice et Mrs. J. T. Cois, Hampten. Miss fiewitsen apusears ou ti pxognam for&n essay-on,'"Tie row- er et Habit. We cougratuiete tisý yeung lady an 1cr suecess andi join witi her ma-uv Canadie n tnisuds iu wishiug that sic .may neaci tic top et tIe leddsr and wiu mauy laurels lu 1er educationel cancer, Messrs, John W. Loud, Genenai Man- ager et the Grand TrunkFroîgit Tret- fie Despantmeut, Jehu Pulien, Genenal Freig t Agent, Montreal, and Arthur White, Divisienal Freight Agent, Ton- enta, annived et Bewmauvilie lu their pivete ca-r lest week. Tiey dreve aneound town elonz wif i Mn. W. Woods, Station Agent, and inspeted tic route eof tIc' proposed Railway extensiou. Tiîey aise visited the Dominion Orgen & Piano Ce., and tic Durham RuIler Ce., and lad a-n interview witi Mayor Mitchell and Mn. J. W. Alexaunder, and discussedtheticquestion et better ru'iiway tecilities for the tewui. Ma-yen Mitchel is endelavolnugte arrange with them tor anusiectnie road te StatiÉou and Her- bor, same as. at Oshawa. Mies Edna Muir, Toronto, spent Sunday ai home. Miss Clara Necads la visiting the Pan-American ai B-cffal. Mr. and Mýrs.,D. Wallace Dewney, Uxbridge spent Snnday here. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed Osborne haye been visiiing relatives at Lindsay. Miss A, J. Mollon and Miss Gertrude Pronit, Toronto, are ai Mr. E. Mollon's. MISS Louise Hanson lias returned fîem a pleasant visit at Toronto and Niagara. Mr. Chas. P. Blair attended tha wed ding cf Miss Starr and and Eev. Mr. Grigg at Broc klin June 5th. Mayor. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle were guests cf Mr, Wm. Adams, Oshawa Snay. Mis.J. .Lane and two ebtîdren Miss Hilde and Masto~r RuEsell, Farnham,Quebec,are visit- ing her mother Mrs. W. H. Hanson, Miss Nellie Pattinson cf the Normal Training Sehool, Hamil1ton, ia home accompanied'byr her covusin Miss .W!unie Beer- cf Brantford., Mr. and Mrs Wm, Quick, Miss Vann, Dr. R. Young and Miss Margaret, Mr. McTaggart and Mr. H. Osborne were Sunday guestsai tMr. Rît Osbcrne's, Ehenezer. SBORN MORRIS-In Bowmanviîîe, Jonc il, te Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, a son. SNOWnai-At Maple Grove, May 12, the wife of Mr W J Snowden, cf a son SNcWDEut At Maple Grove, June 13,the wif e of Mr Sanmuel Snowden, jr, cf a son CLARKE-In Darlington, June 13, the wif e et David Clarke, cf a son MARRIED. JUDGE-MARSHALL-bn St Gregory 's Cbnreh June 10th, byEev M J Jff,.tt, MiJames Judge and MrS M Marshall, al cf Omhawa Sr'zaeLEY-PASaMOaz...n Hanuelton, Jnne 12: by Rev Mr Aikins. Miss Emmua Passmore, dauzht'.r cf Edward Pasamore, Esq, Hamilton, Harry Spencely, Oshawa DIEO. KIaRLAuto-At Boîketon, Sunday, Jonc 9, Mary Kirktand, reliet cof the late David Kirk- land, Orono, aged 68 years. KIRnnV-In Bowmanville, Junc 17, Elizabeth Ann Tremaîne,rellct cf the laie Thomas Kirhy, aged69 yeara. 1WILLîS-bn BowmnanVille, Jonc 11, Williamn Willis, aged 62 years. MPTCALI'-On Jone îlîh, 1901, at 179 Crawrord St, 'Toronto, George Metcalfe, te lis 75th year, fcrmerly cf the Massey Mf'g GNewcasle EARDY-At Toronto Generat Hospital, Thora- day, 111h Jonc 1901, Honorable Arthur Sturgis Eardy, K C, L L D, laie Aitorney-General and Premier cf, the Province,«f Ontario, in bia 641h year Interred ln Greeewcod Cemetery, Brant-, ford, Sunday LuKErn Oshawa, Ju2ne,,il Edgar Gibs on Luke, aged 34 years, son of Joýs Lake BÂRitETT-11D arlingion,, Jonc 16t11 Richard Barrett, aged 86 years ERVANT WANTED-At tus Msth. ojdist Parsonage, Courtice. eat once. GooS wages7. Apply to REv. Jos. WARD. Courlice. 2.8-tf TnEN TO RENT-The W. C. T. U tULdes are offering their fn ag tent on reasonable terras. Apply to Ms. . A. W. TGLE, Bowmanville. 25 If: SERVANTWANTED-About second week in Aognst as general servant a reltable middle aged or strong elderly ,.m.n Ecusekeeper's wages Apply mmcd- iately to Miss McCoNocHiE, Rligh i S, Bowffn- vilue2-t ~ROPERTY FOR SALE-The tires -a- im ug n n ie l J Bowualie, ummediely weat 0f Bennett Hoose itted fcr sanuple rooms and dwe llteg, liaving 27 eed frcelaage, beloeging le the est aie cf Lavenia Ruebcttonu, deoeaaed. oer furthci particolars spply tb J. K. GALBR,41I, execotor, Bowma rovule. 24-8w. Visitors to the Pari-American. ýVisitors to tlie Pan-American Exposition cao accore pleasant liome-like quartera wittl pivate famiy by addresslug Mis. J, B. ERxs- mERE, »57 Bird Ave., Buffalo, N. Y- Modern lieuse, evcry convenience incledlng telephone, withie 5 min utes ride, or fifteei minutes walk cf the Exposition groonds; atreet car evcry four minutes. Correspondence selicited. Ternies BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J.MoMurtry sa-ohTuesda-y FLeUR, e 100lts ........81 70 te $2S50 WEEIAT,'Faîl, bush .... O 0 0') O65 Sprn n........(0QUO 0 65 Red Pife.......0 00"fi0 8j et Goose ....0 60"fi0 60 BARLE&Y, e~ busi, No. 1 .. 040 il 0 43 19 et te2 ... 040'le OJ1 et if i3 ... 025 et0 30 0 tTwo roed 0 40 e0 41 OArs, white "....O25 il 0 RYB, c........0 00 il0 00 BUOKW-HEAT fi............O000 etO50 PEAS, Biaeye, P busi., O 69 eO 077 tg Canadien Beauties O 69 fi O077 fi Mummeu e O0O0'fiO060 il Sma! 1 lu 0 O0 i O60 il Bitue 0 60 t0 6,F BUTTER,blest table, r lb.. O O0 fi ï) 11 EGOSe67do..... .... . . Ô oO':0 10) POTATOES, P bu5h......000. 0 20 HAY, ?P ton., _... ,,,,9 00 il 10 00 t. - M Sel Only the z3est. Seasonablo Goods. How are Vour House=Ckeaning Supplies. Soap, Brooms, Whiting, Blueing, Starches , Whitewash Brushes, Mops, Washing Compound, Amn- monia, Black Lead, Alabastine, Tubs, etc.- We carry a full lune of1 the best llousehold Supplies ATRfOCK BOTTOM. PRICES. A ce r-ioad just arrived, white and yeliow horse tooth, Leaming and Red Cob; Lested Seed and Prices Riglit. BOWMANVILLE, CAKB& AT IS ecial Sale' NIADOIES' WRAPPERS3 Over,200 to elear at e CT PRICESe dm- IORDERED OLOTHINO Cbi-a Gents' Suit, Twill Olay Worsted, Bl.ue or Black, - a- To Order for $1Oé. - -e As SN. Th PepeeSoe e OCNVLES. U IL AE SCS *Pli e 08 SERVANT WANTED-For general O SLE.TWOSee rc os requiring narhoose erk. Appuy to JOHN MCM1ÀUFFR1ru. IV'" uu.ur n ni., juwx ,luv,,u .L AGENTS WANTED-To canvass in Athe Eastern Conues of Ontario for D, Chase's last and co'mplete Receipt Book and Househld Physician. For terms, etc., write at once to Lock Drawer 7, STATESMÂN office, BOW- mia nville.2 24-W Notice to. Creditorsi MA,l-,ate of thee Town of Bowmnan- 1ile m the County of Durhtam, Genltleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursact te Chapter 129 efthîe Bevtaed Statutea cf Ontarie, 1897, that ail perseus having any cdaim agateat the estate et tlle aboya named WILLIAM BOWMANx, who died on or about the a xth day cf April, A. D.. 1901i, are requireS hy post prepaid or other- wlse te deliver te Albiert Arnot cf the Town- shipe of Dcrington ie the Counlty' efDurhamu, S'armer, Enniakillen P. 0., Ont, the execor cf, île saiS catate or tc thee ndersignes, hi, selicitor, at the ondermiltioned acldreas a statenuenl in wrîîing cf ilicir chrsitan and sur- names, addresses and descripions wiîh ful particulars of thiC. v. .:.'a ote~v f heir accoonts, duly verified, ced îhe nature cedà amouet of aecurity, if aey, helS lv 10cm, on or- before tlie STE DAY OF JULY NEXT, A. Dý, Immediately afier the saiS date the saiS e state will be adininistered, havine regard only ithose dlaims ofci dih le shail then have liaS Snotice anS thc satd execetor wtlt net b li able for île asset ,s or n part thereof se distriboted Ù, aCF persen or persmma cf wbose claimes ie ýýacîl ecthen have lad notice. th a 2lG,7tli day cf May, A. D. 1901. DtS R. RUSSE TL l 7oScompF, 22 5W King St., Bewmanville, Ont. und sof w -ean- d bar'i ah tone fon.. Soaceihe rortY Of C. YcUut, Liherty t., Bewmanllle.23 if M UA PLE GROVE YORKSHIIRES FOP» SALE..50 rcady te wean ln Jene. A18o the Berkshire Eeg Chat won firai ai llow- manviule lest fani. Thc above Hega are ail hred froni A i stock. Write for puices, or licIter silîl, cali and sec stock, T. J. UoLE, box 188, Bownuanville. 23-3W.~ r Celebeteti igi CiGasa Dmors for ta nisnew Lbuse yuare Pulig If se, telephone No 15. Niýo9îwltlsuendin1g all reportzS toeoentrary we are stili seii- ungad gaiug tesoei Doors, Sasi, Bliuds, Mouldiugs, Pichets auid ail kînds et dressed andi undresseti lumber aund are coutunuaily rciig fresi stock te meet alilthe em of e fhe trade., A consigumentetf s-plendidc No. 1 deers erniret tram LticGimu' factory a,. Trenton a- tew da-ys -go3aiLC w-e are preparedti t supply a-ny grade 0cf gectis mauutaetured by them etshort notice and et neasonable pnices. Peinteti and Lriainedcicilings a speciaity, iead- qu1anfe n,s aise or Shingles - British uciimba- e.1 -Re.d Cedar and a-l gradesoet&Pins anti tve Cedanr; Sait, Piestr end Pordlui Cemeuit alweys lustc Ca-il aud inspeeý,t our stýck anti pnicess beore pieciug yeur Qentiers 'elsewhere. MCuLAr& , Bwavi 1 1 - 1 7r -r -b -r -L - -r

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