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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1901, p. 6

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w S OTES AND COMMENTS. Th1e Canadien Gaveeru-ent recently ,w-,'iive4od.ojectLon t-o the preaence uf the Anueican gunboab Dorothea and Hawk in the great lukee, where tboy Nrn ta bei used. by the naval mililia pr-ganiz&tLons<! of Chicago and Dtroit. 1ndei th)e- treety of Wusbleigton, the aumbor cf arme-d soea Great ,ritain un-J thbc Unitci4 Stahes: iu tbe gwoat lakea la limited and in this case- it hecame flnecessata'y ta request us, 'through. theBritish Gaornment, to t-a thelir rerpective destination,,. It ,waS aepreeented that tbo'y would ho usecd PeabQy for purposes cf diii, end ,We gave a prompt as,,eent. We for- gat thie ve-i.laacoavn pirleciple thal BritIlh naval etrongtb sbauld bha equal ta lb-uat ofai y two filast-claess powers. Canada elbould bave demnended four gunhoate. an-d IClaut tlion -have pro- eee-ded ta cshablieb a naval militia. Ae' i s-ltl ur portion off the, great lakes lonova i5na sucb organization' Canada hue net proved, in Ibis case, the ,wor- tby son of a nobleý sire. A &jcol for- Wîves Cîle 'ha late st proposition lb the Londo-n eduea-- fientul world. Tii' -prj'el bas Oniîg- Ïnated i l h'Sluc wi ti î-olytecb_ ,hic Iitit-ution lu Chel- e. Il las bucen evident for s'orne lime thîat the, average yelnng girl of tire 'baver iddle"' class, e cal if she has licen cmp-lc o (cerniiiber livng a a sihop asi-stanti, typiet or üerk, le lamentably nnfilbod tua eaumne et Oncetho esIosblli of dniestiG Lfo, 3 Mny niqLhers to, negicet to eivea their daugbters pra-ýtical- expeni- ee-ca l In ueeaineven 'xvere the latter bave s-cSme hours lu everyý day etai, hmcn, îenca tira average sisop gLIl ý -a arsout on mutnri- nrony doces so biindly, wllb littie ides of th-- manaýgeýment of money mat- ters, ai thie propar cure of the oiui DW ax t-hI i-'sij-e-sîtprinnipii's af eonk- cry. It 18 tbIî,s fBelil-7ofai doeneStic iniompeence onfesed to on tha part of a fcw individuel shop girls whawere tbunklng of marriage ln thea near future, that sugotdt ,the pTiielipaL o£ the, insitution refor- wed ta, bbieidea f ai-aa gLng the, soupe aofIbis carniculum, -s-, as to Lclude a course Ein cookory uc-J -c,,ier prectical matters eu ,rete aitb homne ad- ininiltratio.. t, Le >sýaid that lin the so!outliwesetir ~ duotons of thoaisande a glila aa ew hours Lua the cvenng ,ta themteives, whilc thousande have un-st of the day at theàlr disposai. Only a nanority of those girls will fail ta Mare-y ultini- Waly, an-J f e:w of tb-'mare naw oquip-. peel fr doaneztie duhy. The brxainlng-e-Cb(oal aforementiono-d accarWding-Iy PLans ta widen its counrses inid cIpen ils doîcinîso loas to provido a donuestic practice5 wJiabwill ha cal- cFUlaitd ta traXiiefanrartheaamateur iintoi the professikinni horiÏekeepen. The 'à4im ofai abc seoolbisLeta propane1 noet Gnly fùg the dwtbe of wlfehood, but, a.1-6, for thçi civbioin of ai typa of bhürQuigbiy traý;icd lwamen who sha-hl ho fl-Lied aftee-grdu to, ta creaa competenco ais "bîuiokeopers" pro- par un the aply f mon of moder- ato meamu. Il le deýIg-nad tai gi-voan all-around traliig, including thé euh- jects of cokeFr, necdlawcrk, dresis- me kfng. mLilineiry, luii y-irk -- oàuant Ieepiag, bsdsasnitation and bodIlg lilt, aiid bbc physical train- iug Tcf eîldreu.Tiefunlcourse ne- qwpifres two ycureý, but h-Lfer eourses aaprksvded for thoý,se wbo woulid talke a&sbîrt cet ta do hsIc blus. A coir- tabn na«iL uf i asitàîy rmuet of e ourse ho glîAn ýtac LKýWhole ýarrange-- ment, A gniinle oftieeroughnesis oi appl.icaon c onta prtoai students i-ta te cecokery îde-,par-bm2anît fis affcrded 4ythie prUviso tha etbcpapis3 go ont e-nid biy tha mDateîriaibs fJor thair luncheo(neý and eutthie luncheons thcy thems9elve have cooked. Ibfis asec Pot aiaile rgre fin multiplying the number af happy, miel-odered bcimies. il tillcertain- Ly desearvo tîhe graleful support ai al p-ubD.ýc-spiriteJ Lcndonbers. Tihesubboirn anJ prodoned esis suce. eil,,pp, adto tire Pritish forces LuIS fuihAfrica!, by ecoa aa tively anual bcdy ai lrciaia '00ar IF NOT TRUE. An advertisement rnay in- duc person to try an article a FIRST tirne. Bu nadVertisemenLwônýt induce a person to use that article a SECOND time unless it gives sats faction. Sunigh t I as a -ale larger fi anth combiied sales of any other three soaps. An advertisement may in- duce people to try SUN. LIGHT SOAF once. But it is quaIity and quai-, lty aIo#n,, that niakes people use SUNLIGHT SOAP continuously and et_ always. L13VER U, RZTIERS LIMITED, Boews, hae opened our eye to the xv!tal impoatânce of akili with the ri-1 fia on the part 'of the ordinary un- is,7e iplined citizen. The impcArtance of thie cannot ho overestimated when we cona1deir the Iatest reports from the froýnt, whîich tail usý that five-sixths ofKtcee' force, Le tied up guard- ing thoetoLres an'd flnes of communi- cation -and that the. creaining sixtih hg cure-ntira strength for aggressive operatione. The Militia iDepartment at Ottawa ha& Icarned its lessonù, and Lei doing muclU to encourage rifle clubs. [t lbas been decided to issue teon riflese to eacà association of for- ty membeire, a'nd f lys additional ri- flae to every twenty additional mem- boire. Where no Goverument ranges cneiit, helP towaxde the maLtenan1co1 '14J irent of a piv-ate range will heý giranted on a hasLe of onea dollar par bufxr un Peueociatto n of 40 mem- bexe. Maniy men to whom it is in- convenient oe ianposesible to undorgo the rogular nilitia drill will welcome the, oppo«rtunity, wbich this arrange.- ment will provide, to ronder thene- eiel-es efficient to swell the ranks of the activa militia ini time of emorg- mecY. Fuch clubs, linterfening inl no way with the vocation of the citizen whobcoe a member, will make possible an ideaal system of defence. A qualified mnilitary off icear will be placed in charge of each aseociation, oçud undea- îiie supervision a stated niu4ber of rounute of fra ammunîtion wil5be, fire'd annually by overy mem- ber. But ýrifle tlubs, sucli .as these, will alwaye heb auxiliary to, and can neyver supers-ede, the militia- as it 110w 15. Ve iey regard the mailitia az the ketonof uair defence, and, to sus- tain the inetaphox, tJhe rifle clubs woul d ho tie sineive of war, lunthe milit1i a .bave an uarmy cor psain'min- Latuxo; with the an'toial affordod by tho clubs a foiTriidab)le body could beý bujlîtV 1atSCort ntc.Besides, the ieddywhicb might Pbenef-icially talke place more frequently then they (1o, givo off icer8.a practical and ne- cossary, of -tactires, and %Cn- able tbe'm, to !recognize ond to be propareid to mect the difficulties of moving their commanda' in the theatre of war. Thoe, nnual c&mpei too, are of imeratimable malue to the commis- antagoniet took long and deliberate aim. At Ottawa "running deer" tar- gett3 b avPe been. installed ande similar targoetS could well ha gonerally adcpt- cd. Thieirad'opticÀn Would maeet with eIpprovýaj lu a hghquarter, At Beliey this yoar Lo rd Robants presehtsa a silver cup as a pnize, wbich is to ho hýot for under military conditions of a very practical cher- acter. Thoa comptitors are to fine ten shatà oach fronu the magazine rifle. Every Man will bave a targot to hlm- soilf, placed on the gron-nd line, -the tarýget being a Life-sizo represienta- tion of the, head and shouldes of a manin l the act of fLring. The men 1wIll bha placed, tbree paces apart, iu rear of a sunali breaetwork tbree foot high, wliicb may ho used as a rest, thb, mon taklng caverhbe-J Uich avoSk 5.o completoly ae ho concoal theémie vesand , ir Iriit rom -ïiew fmcm the targete. At a whistle signal ech Man will vinbta any suitable firinig pos.ition, fine une sbot et bis tergot, and drop down under cuver. The, remaining sahs will ha fired in the saeamanner' witls an intorval of' but six k-econds between each. Local rýanges might rend, markc, and in- -wwrdiy dulgeat. The recent deatb ai the French Pbilenlth.ropist, Pierre Lasserro, ut the aea of 101, bas prompt-a.d tbe Paris papers ta, rake up some queor records 41 regard ta longevity. M. Legouvo, th ýa Dean of the French Acadomy Le, perbape, the: youngest o 'mue in ,lbe world. Ho, bas turned ninety, but is tle ah1 fair billiard playorand an jacconuplisbod foncer, able ta lun.go and rocovor witb lb-e vigor and activity of e you4ag man. Ha, isç a professor in the, art of " gr-awing old," or natb- oýr-of exlending youtb, and t would j ho dificul ta find a professor with pupils, thut cen bouat lus lu their ilin,-ne,ýseta baiTn. fileprescription i s kindnoss, brothcînîy, love, optimism, gayoýty and bappiness. "Be happy," sys Legouve, "for beppinoss pro- longe Lee." Who that wants to pro- long lifo, could desire a more deliclousd Medicinec? But it xralis the peromp- ' R],ATUý 0F HON. MB. ffRBBI Long Conneotion With Ontario Legisiature as Mernber, end Minister, A qespatch. muni Toronto says : Surýrounded .by the membere of bis f anily, 1Hon. Arthur Sturgis Hlardy died et ton minutes paet ton o'clocli ou Thursday nigit, of lest week, af- ber-a i aiternJzittlefor ife -nLici are-s only prolonged- as fan as lb wae ,hy the splendid constitution, andI ebeer- fui courage af theecx-Premier. Ma-. Hardy, wbose goneral benlth bcd improrod since boiug relievod oi bhecacres of office, had latterly heen troubled wibh appendicitis, and ou Setnrday ovcniug lest bis case ho- camne suddenly citical tbrough tie burslingofan an bscess about the ap- prix About 9-oc~k S'dx morning, on tic. adriceocf Dr. Mc- Piedren, thc family piysician, Mn. Hardy avas rermored froin is rosi- douce ho the C encraliliospital, wbcrc during Suîîday an apeaeion ho ne- mrc bbctheappendix was succcssfully performed by D)r. Irving H. Camoxon and Dr. Starr. During Sunday eren- iug Mn., Hardy was criticalîr' il, auJ bis family wcre summoned ho bis bcd- sida. Mrs. Hardy, Dr. E. A. Hardy, of Toronto, andI Mr. Arthur C. Hardy, of Blrantiard, sons, Mise Gladys Ha rdy, daugiter, andI Judge tory order ho the jester, "Be funny Langevity le a subj-cet that ha$ been Jouit anti by nuany enthins auJ aie-a hy niny irumbuge. Dr, Moire in-istoid tiret tira surest wnay ta ilve long vers bu uvofid dactore. B-ut it wase after hoie ad niadea bis fortune TI-E' LATE MR. HARDY. that ho, pro-ninl-gabeJl that formula. Il ___________________ wa-s Fioarenre whro salJd, "Man Jas not dîe a naturel death iehokilîshnsi. Hardy, Brantford, brabluer, wero pro- 1 sent dnnfug Sunday and Monday, anJ Moist of btse docturs cf iongevity 1 ail but brie lsme snlianed ancre pre-- preaîh te-rprance, but bbe tostlmony sent wîen lie passed aanay last eren- daenot alîways aupport bhir ergu- iug. mentes. As a mater ofi met, thora Only thie stnong vibalihy of the soi- is nu, nulle for living long. Many ýforer sustaiiuod ila durng tise inter-i a-nes rav beu lid clw, bt toîing days. Ou severai occasions rle3ae bur-enaJ lalids wnmbuy axe thap t end fi- phy siciens said bluet lie tiat ticy ali may bha con-dcined lutoboe, but a e poiad afimpraremeont tbea rathen anbtrery precopt, Taie Jwould set iin, aviel would revive tIfc garaIcaneho bve îng-Ivod ethas baci bhc watcbers auJ encourage goo caeto av log-ive fathrsthean bu beliovethiat Mn. IHardy' and maias we-avilugrandiati- wauld again ho no rstored bu icalti. ors anid grannothîers, unelios and Tioso poniaide anen lue ae able hoe auntetaie nounishnment anJ bis vibaliby wes -- incrcasiuag, becenie lees moequent Wcd- Iu tireý "Galerie des Centenaires ucsday, auJ on Wcduesday bie passod Ancins t irlbderes, wefi ,th-e .eriy rostiess audJ nsaisfectoa'y Ancins t Mderns,"we ind nigiht. At noce Tbursdey bhe dcc- ne-imes «iiThomas Parr auJ Henry tors anucunced biat lue was siukiug, Jenkîns, -salu are credited ro.sPec- andI duning thesafaiernoon bie stebo. ively witb tic ag0s of 152 and 169 cf uncchîsciounss ahiclu bad been year, sud hatir of wahoi Jied by ac- intermittent dnnlng thc day becae cl-dent. 'Ail investigut-ans havenut i 1mast complote, andI lue seadily sank unuil thie cutIcamne pecfnlly accepted tira allaged recarde of tiesa i banc banne bfore miduiglut. veinerable Bnitons'. Mlle. Jeanne SEC FII AER Se-rliphen -was mare-led avion--sua SKTH FH ARE w-as 127 auJ JictI wicisic weg 128. Ihon. 'Arthun Sturgi s Hardy. was DriDufurnl iarl-a aum a auebore eh Mount ,Icasant, Near Dlr,, Ducuni-11marie ih3 li wsBrantford, ou Deceniber 14, 1837. a iraixdred sud eweot sixtean, sud be- Ho waes tic sou afthe labo Russel- cama iathi hppy fatier aifhano chil- Hardy by lils wife- Juiobte Sisungis. dreo. But headiotIwle h aas only Bath. parents avene natives oi Brant e undred auJ twenty. -Merle priou caunly auJ descendante af Uni ted ai tic H- aute-G-uronne reacied bbc Empire Loyeliets ania came ta Can- agý of158 Mbe. e Vlmeang ofý(aailuthie eightpeoubi century. ega i 1S. ure dcVaienage irAthur S Bgi ard *y wes educet- Melitz diedJ uthie ega ie ,!100. Sia etI ahMount Pesetgramnier -sa-astbe moirer uf taveuty-fuur cii- Jchool antI aitoravards ah tic Rock-- drain.- Surgeon Polilmaxi, a native uf Iwaod Acadamy nen ucîpl. Ha 1,,rriaie, ýccbatd ,!, 40h irh-began thie sahudIy af law in Loran~,cccbeodhi 10 brb-Bri-ito-d nwitli lbis unicle 1H. day . Tik, re IrLsBlu-abecard, Pa 1,k . -ady, at opee i 0"~l- buîed gerven wivies befare lue course in thie office ai the laite Clief' fiarlly dieJ at h te ga aif 120. The Justice Harrison antI Tios. Hodginis nec-onde alisabell ofai aNoraegLas ILL.B. IHo aes caîbedtI o the bar et pc--set aIsodid e lO), aavug the aston- terni lu 1865. ha 1867 peliset wD ded t 1ý, eavng ro he ber-e City Solicitor af Brent- so-us tea rament bris. us, anc aged 108 jfordJ ho was elected e beucier af snd tire athor a proniisling litfti chcap the Law Society cf Ontario je 1875 ai n'ne sumimers. auJdanas madce aQGC., in 1876. His - - caroon ah hic bar wae vory enceese- fut ; hoe atheined a provincial repui-- Gami-gdo-vu bumare recant tuaes, talion and as e criminel lawyer had ave fi*n-J tiat tirs inata Qucon Victoria e spocial distinction. For ycans lho i1898 iilled Mn. Robent Taylor e n anas bead af tic fin c f Hardy, h as a ude n hryfu yWilkes and Jones, hî~ara e ienredauJtbity-ounby Mn. HardJy entcrod public life lu soxdlug hlm hon pictuno sigued hy Apnil, 1873, boing eleched ha hie On- ireal ia o-i-J d.feiloiaai aseso de- tario Legisiebune ce bie reprosonha- Iligbted that ho died finm motion, tIre 0f South Brant, upon thie 'nsig- An Iishniin nmed row wh liednation, af Hon. E. B. Wood, aiher- An Ii-hmen ame Bnwn wo hvedwards Ciief Jhustie of Manitoba. Ho ta ha a hun-dretI auJ bwnty avas an couhinnod ha reprosot thie sainenid- habit-uni druxiiand. Sa9, vas bbe ing nutil bis resiguehion in 1899. Freoncbmran,REspagxiae, avb dircd a i Is abbliby soon btoltI u incheLogis-- lehure fon in 1877 hoe was nae ti- age ofi a isundred sud tavelve. fIe Provincial Secncteny. In 1899 lue hrad a deily "jag' for iniuoty years. succeeded bbco labo Hou. T., B. Par- Dnu,-ii dJ' Etiývel ofGai-crs ettri- d, as G oajnissioner oai Groanu year-s ta taiig an occusionel dose u f Juiy, 1896, wbien ho bocumo Premier aud Atbaneiey-(Gue(rai upan Sfr (Oi- guunpcwder instead of castor ol. IA ver Miowat rosigniug ho enter bthe wamaiofai a iudrcd aýnd twenty- Laurior Goveramient. Mn. Hardy four cLainoùc tiret ber great ega alvas wcnb bu tiecocuntry ie Merci, 1898, du-a ho strong coffeae imbibaS lu groat acd returnod wlthba niajority cf five quehicea.A mxi f oo hudrd fe anas ailieg ah the finie anad tie quntiiiý3.A an f oe undedlabour cfthie campaigu anas no and fourteon years naely etoa iy- S cuit au ordeal. i)ning lis last thig axcept fruit, principally melons sassicu, hiat- cf 1899, it anas muani-- auJ hi- caastantly cbewed lemon ir-at sthis icciti aras broicu anS poo. Niv to u ai tosequex on liat iehasuffered a, gocd- deal ah pool Niowtut up il tioso quer-conp- huas, tIaougih b aras as rigor- t'~aictoncauJfin th niil cecrip usaaid ca-t iiia mmd as ee ndat tiéu for lcngevity. Tb-a conclusion aras unreatfiiug lalis -parliamenit voill pre-bably b- tliat, if is ea f rea ary dulies. IH resfgaaed bie Pa-aicri agent, haehbn2rd a canful lu lb- siip ini October, 1899, acceptiug ti rcabiiacd affices af clerîr cf îproes saietituci bs paante But sian-da surragate clerk ah Osgaad - b, ail ail, fhbre le greast cnsolation iluthie Inbis Icîter ai faîcancli ta ilýs cr oe~tin f pbýi]aeoph2-sIlie Flour- si itue11a, -1 -. Hardly s-id: -n3, Jean Final audJ uhiirthl htb- - on im ~ b c hmmgin acine lintnadb Ics fsaacl cx, o- i fl ta lest ut leasoneaabdrdyrs cept.amotbttrpa-yril auJ wbicb I cennuot canceel from rmy- - self impairs My eiy for theful 7 andI satisfactory discina-ge of tic a ncrons duties of my present posi- lion, and wici elso compels anc On December 121h, 1900, Mn. Han- dy was presented wit a purse of fconstituants lu Southb Brant and bis 1 friends anJ admnirars lu bhe Province. 1lu replying ho theae ddrcss, be said -Iluat tihe office wbjci be ield was anc af bis own cbaoslug, ýind wicn laie fnieude et Otawe iad suggested a -ogreater digrxity unnd - uiuu- -msent hé replied tint it was ual in bis power ta accepl. Afler bis release franu public canes, -Mn. Hardy appeared ta, take e keoner onjaynit of life and as e citizen cf Toronto was a f amiliar figure ai rar- fous functiocas lu bhe ci ly. He was ana of tbicocmmittee wiich met anîd adroceted bic erection of e great or.gan iin Massey hall ns e memniai of athbi labo Qgccaa. Mr. Hardy was maaied on Janui- ery '191b, 1870, ta Mary, daughter af Mnr. Justice Monison, ai th On-- tario Court ai Appoal. Mrs. 11vrdy and tireebhlîdren survive bime BASTER EUU8 IN RLNSIA1 HOW THE GREAT YEARLY FESTIVAL - IS CELEBRATED. 18 ]EeId in That Country During Easter Week---Some of the Customs Which Have Oiung te the Muuscovites, Altiaugh many uati-ona haro, udopl-- cd bbc egg-givleg custome, nowbore le, il carrîed on wil:4 bic lavieju and pic- buresqua zeel that prevails in Russia wbereReaster Le bbe groat festival-' religiane, national and social-cfthie Russian year. -Thora bath great anJ Iowly arc -lvers aud necipiants ai easter- cgg, thie Czar auJ Czarina loading tic merry-making hy giving, undea- thie tame ai "a little rod egg," cotatly presýeuts ta their uttondanle, Tie ehape ai Russian cities provide verýy dalety Ilaster noveities for tbc wealthy Jonor-goid and ailiver eggs frosu Vienna, f-ormmleg a match-box, a vinaigrette, or a bnhonniere; oval -cabes aofivaryfroni. Paris, hinaid witb a stîvea- monogruru and f illed witb- jglovos, or rici lace; exquisite, crystal j cons made, inMscw a délicate de- sign out upoin theru aad eontaleing a e-are jcwel-but wbabever the git may ho., t i sset'undee tic nutional titie ai "a. littho ed cgg." -'1 EGGS AND INDIGESTION.- Russia Leic culiet homeofaitbb esateT- cgg îustoan; it ean ha hraced bnck ta enuoteet antiquîhy tiero. Tbis May ho atbnibutcd ta bbc piety, ai theo Muocavites, wbo fast rigidly dur- leg Lent, refralelng from. egg-s as well us frun meu't. Cousaquently eggs forra a lue-rgo part of thie -aster meals. A Ruaeian physician iroceatly ne- imarked ta an Rngisi friand thut le thi, domnioln of the Czax a doctor hec hwa barvaste iLutbbc year. Butter weck--be carnival which usions in Lent-and Ensteirweek, wbieh folloave i t; foc- these twa festivals nover fail ta i rlug le their train indigestion and It le ýdifficuit foc- us ho roublze whab Euete4- men e theti devant Ruesian -wio bas faithfuîly observard a black fueqt cf forty Juys, during wiicbha - as bean wcaned fireail meut, di- vorced from miii, cheese, eggs4 and îbutter, and at duaggei-le, points even 1 aiti su-gar, fan bbc, Ruesian fuet is ïtricter tien that ai any iother nation, anJdie obsewve-d by- the rural classes jwith a !rigcoitawbiob old and young. oit-en 8succumh). Due-le-g te ic lut' fortinight li Lent p(oople, be-glu ta thini of nuerry beille , aun-Jdtau- nifi tic'fragrance or savory viande, for binal early bbc Rnssiaau h oujewlfû maiesj daring excursions boyond bbc pale ai Lenten restrictions and beglne ta prépare dolicucies for tioso. neur and Jean ho han. Thora arec TWO SPECIAL DISHES, .1 called packha uad iooleetcb, whlch aine bar pide. Theso muet ho made cmu GooJ Feidey, ai aurds prcssed Lu a dalety manneir, mmced witb clotted crearu, flayoured with butter, eggs, vanila, and a-,gar ; thby arBecaben witb a slceofai ard-balcd, bîoseed.,egg et tic, beginhng ai ero 'ry Imeal every day le esgter week. On Rester Satur-day evening, pasihe sud kooleetcb, arc pluced cn plates Jocoratod witb'flow- unsa and carried ta the church inclo- cuire, thero ta ha sprnkled with boiy wielr anJ ble-sed by bbc priest aiter midngit. REMVALNOTICE Itbeg to advise My patients and the public in general ~ h.t about June 12 1 will move to my new building, 28Woùdward Ave. Private Entrance for Patients, ------------7 Wiicox St. I bave Ieused the entira building~ above tha drug store and shall try to give satisfaction iu the future as 1 bave in the past. .ram tho only specialiet on Chronic, Private, Nervous, Del-. cate Blood, Skin, Kidney, Liver,Bladder and Stoînach Troufbles- who will cure y ou first and you PlAY HEN .à.URED. Question blank for home treatment aud book free. Ilours-1)aily, 9 am to 8 pr.:. Suudays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. L"'9After June 12,-208 Woodward Avenue. Patients' Private Entiance, 7 Wiicoxt, D rot V ch q001) PA cTl RAUGJi Iu good pasturc ragions il 1.5 n M)leiotaatby feet tiat most oaitbbc delry ca-ara shoaw hetten h-altb tien tiras-a i-pt li ragions avirathe grs Le lc,,s luxuriant and pleehiful. lnu som' ai tire sections aviare grues pas- tus-es avera natnruîîy gaod years ugo, tihe cowre preseulod a fan bettor up- pearenfe lieu thoy do to-day arien otb-er crope hava crawdad cul the grass fichde or poor farmng hbas per- nitJ lb-ni t-o degenarabe. Un- questinubly tire grecs question bas -mucli la do ai tirahei-alti of aur dainy c0use. A fin-a bread cf Jniry cobws a enver yet produced in n_-ý g lon s avire th e g ras e aw as poo en- au- ceunot du btter tbban bu go bnci tao first prnxcipires iu aur efforts ta improvo tia stock. The prima essen- tiel is go-S grecs., wibrout tbat nlo emaouint of gcod feeding or cana avili quIte niake Up for il. Good gras pastures maen good saLil anaîel--aa- erai land. To obtaixi tb,,se there le n-ecded god faxnlng,, gouea n xd dairy fenming. On-e ta, a large ex-- tout supplcmnts the otier. We, cen- ual imagina a goad Jainy farmen ne- gl-ccting bis sai andpastures, on fon that natter any ai the cropa biat are nais-ad an tira fanm. Yet a greal mnxy wbho pretend to bc oo airiy farm,ýrs inelw su lilîle about thea gox- oral nature of fana crop3 tiret it le sunprisiug tiret thay' cuccecd ah ail. They do not succeed; bbay ratier livo upon thre ccii, thoe ccumclatid rec-lb neso a et ages, auJ thraxi renthe fcrtility giries ont biray grow pour- or and pacrer, complaining hhat lb-no Le ina longer auy monaey in tira busi- ness. Thora Le not, eccondixig ta biair ideais ai fanmiug. Mare tban auytie lse aur aviole Jeiry intercale naquir se-me change in mLethade anhici aili bring aur ferme huLata 1-iraeold. nicb pasture- proýduction period wlici matIe. tiem anlginaliy s-o profitable for tIeinying. Let grassniai and succulent pastur- age, ha miade tie feundulion ai tic whiole matten, Devote more bimo ta 1mceaeinmg bisagrase yield ai cvony acre ai land, and thora aili be requin- cd tise- tees kxiaaaidge about animai ailmrcts and Jiseases. Recausa ave do net bava sufficext pasturage ai the igit ibd fan aur datry eaws arc bave ta cun-sider, avays aun e-us ta f-ccd theni so they arjîl k-ecp in belti anS y1ld bbc grcutet amnount of ii. We bave ta, mix foodci lu dif- feront proportions ho increaso 1-ha butter fats on nicbinsg of milk antI cean. Ah lte is e tteirded ta hy nature wben the pastune is e-ci and mucubent. 1 Tirat L tire fauxidation ai tie avide systýeni aidairying. Let ne bava het- ten g rass, bo-tter pastunes, auJ- tien w, ilîl ireva .botter Jairy coave. POULTRY POINTERS, Fiity birds iêept avel are mare pro- fitabLe heancneiundnad biat taie car-a ai themerîaves. Suxiuiotraseeds fed in sniall quan- tIlles lapant a benutiful gloýse ho tha plumage c-f -haav bcrds. Au-aid liose avho adventice "the Lest and only good stock lu the coun- try," auJ offer il et u-ary 1-0,w pni-cos. 'ho pouitny kaeper who succecds lheb-' hasLe h aiexorcises the ost judi«ci-aus cane of bis bîrds, allowixig natural proclir itieho taie their coursýe. SUMMIER SOING. The chiof obj--ction ta groan- ing -ai cuman forage crops, is tirae lima anS bubon coneumed lu bbain I production. It icamas neeessary toj preauSe roqpepnu 1ero vomaletI--- of axindnav emal qetiis ifodiderl ta tira hmeu-eny tvi an thnee Jaysý. Wr Wof a tus chbaraneronîs tinm Con- sumiug auJ frequently interfenes j aili morc oxtaudad fan aoparations. For Ibis rn-ason coma fermiera prof-n ta, ,upple-nturpisturaga aih bey auJ gr ain, b-eieving it tla ha iôro 'ec uiaà- - nical. No definile raies eau hoe laid doavu cccanixg tie muet suihablo methbd hi folloav. iu:s c orreuy do--j sinail- tiat animais should rocaive etj 1 I-met a portion of Ibeir daily ration lu ch- fana i green feud durnu- thel oxposed than du ring thue winter mconths. The wrîter dces not favor silage a$ a sunmmer foud wluenever other for- age cen he economically supplied. Tir' cern as i.s well 'known, undergoeg fermentation in the &ilo, and among other producl-s, a considerable amount of aeie aid le formed. It Le thLiA atid which rendors the ensilage C13ouri and ià doiel bacinb~ asi a food ingredient, epcia'1y if fed contLnuouýly. Ih ½ therefore prefer- able from. the srandpoint of health, ta supply thie animais during the aune- mer, witb freshly grown grccn forage aýnd Leave the fermected matai for, thie long p-riod during which othei(r, morDe desirable green feed is not tu ha obtainied. IIINTS TO FRUIT GROWIRRS. The dangerous nature of blighii li, not eiways apprýeciated byr appIý and pear growers until it le tooaIoata te remedy it. Cut it oint et once when- ever a twig shows itÈ. presence. The peecli trea borer reachas full graivth in June. The worras then- Ieava ý1tiiir bLurrdivp and spin brown, coroons et theŽ base of the tre-_, Usu-, ally mer the surface of tha groundî, Late in Jonc the moths begin to ap- pear anud Lay their cgga. Dig eiut 3n1 deastroy ihesa wvrme duriug ths n-xt few weeks. Every eno destroy- i'd no1w oa-y Gave th2 wurk naessary ta dig ont a bundrod or maore later. TPhe , revention of black rot in grapes le especially difficult undor normal coudjtion'ý, Bordeaux mix- ture should ha us"d in normal SoIn- tien. First spraying as buds are iwellingý,; second,, just before blos- eomng~mdtlird, after the blossoa falI. :.,is treatruont applies tao ail vaenelles. It le not dasirabl,3 to ap- ply borde-aux ai 1er July 1, on accounüt o ai ager of staining fruit. The ume arai fpiuuý,ce p.eclýally Japanese varilie, aand peaches, should b-idune vory r- f 1:1Y. The weaker solutýins ioz hiordeaux unly sbould ho used, T111 Pu iple fcrmula go succeesful o peacb Le as flow:3 lbs bine viti9o 8 ibs good Stone lime and 50 gels wa- ,ter. Defodiation f ranithe attacles of pocl eaf curl uually occurs in, Juno. Be on the lookont for it. The a4tire loss of leaveg dues not necessar- ily mean the death ocf the trac; but sucb trocs shc>uld bave spacial atten- tion to force new growth. These pis are a spécifie for aï! diseases arising' fram disordered tiennes, weak heurt or watery blood. 'They cure palpitation, dizziness, smothaning, faint and weak spells, shortness of bneath, swalhixgs of feet. arn-d ankles, neérvouseese, sleepless, nese, anSnauia, hystenia, St. Vitus' dance, partial panralysis,I braie fag, fenile complaints, genenal debility, and lack cf vitality. Price 500. a box. Tha T. MilbunxItG o., Lmtd Toronto, Ont. Somne tblaugo mny blood got ont ci îorder and nine large boils appeared on i my nîeek, besidee pinra ssýi'ta l nes on Mny shoulders. nao irs.' FoC n ruingi sore uppeared on my foot and lgi i aecil a terrible stuta. A friend ad-nised Bord-oci Blaod Bitters, s0 I pro,ýcurdd irec botties, le. liin ie6e ~tct~ bulle started ta disappeer and tlie Ce-res tc beal up. Aien tuking tihe third btI there avas naL a bail or Coenta hbe cocu. Besidles this, itise 1beàa'rces fmc1mn arh b1 suffered le4f me and I icmprovod su micci tiet I anà noas' strong euS ro,!ust ig,-,;r, Ycurs toy MIss MCI oxeca~ Foi. 3rd, u 10.GlS- i

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