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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1901, p. 5

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Nearly 1000, Combs. Our aim has always been to give our customers a littie better goods at a littie less money. Few people realize just what this means- in the fuilest sense of the term. F'irst we exereise great care ln seieting only the LI most reliable'manufacturers and then we have to buy in sueli quantities as will entitie us to the elosest job%)ers' ~~ pres *@ Even after taking these things into consideration you 0 eannot fully appreeiate the advantages we can offer our e j;ustoersunless you eall and compare our prices wlth 'I% What you pay elsewhere. k This week we are showing nearly 1000 Oombs at al pricesfrom the ordinary 5c Combs (whleh we seil a t 3 eaeh) up to the larg,, lieavyhlard rubber Combs at 75ec eaeh. These Combs are al Speelal Value and have al been îmported from the best Enropean manufacturers. See tliem ln our windowb J RY N. B.-We are stîll offerng regalar 40e Cream Tartar Baking Powder at 15e a pound and the best -Phosphate Baking Powder at 10e a pound. THEFAMOUS ClaiiadinJ ubile igr 1'j TON HALL, BQWMANVILLE WA7 ELY o', 3t7 FEA2Oth FieYears -tour oi Grua:t Britain, Ten of UT-nited States, Seven of Canada. AM.aision.25 ots l oseOet Sc ats 35 -ats. The Epwo. th League lias been fortunate in secuiring t'his Com~pany, who are being greeted wlth crowded houses1 iii all the !nrcrn towns andi cities. Scruh brushes 2 for 5ts at Nicholis'. Perfect Liver Pîll 2 for 25C. T ole's Drug Store. Special prices ou Tooth Brushes at Tole's Drug Store. Local matter-5 columns on page 2 inside. Turn the paper bow we may ahl be happy-read Dr. Talmage's article onî th page. <Aý L. Nicholîs is ln Buffalo lookiag for no velties for his variety store. Canadian Jubilee Singers-Wednes- day, June 26. Reserve the date. The, Law trial report has erowded out over 2 columas of iateresting news. Heal Bros'. new store looks neat, bright and dlean. Sec advt. on 6th page. 'New life for a quarter; Miller's Com- pound Iron Pilîs. Sold at Tole's drug store, Men's Stiff and Soft Ilats, the verv latcst, styles at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Otir prices are riglit and our goods are fresh and of first quality. Tole's Drug Store. Canadîan Jnlbilee Singers,Town Hall, Wedn.esday June 26. Ad- mission 25e. Cawkcr & Tait have sometbîing véry nice la Colonial Biue eups, saucers, plates, vegetable dishes, etc. Newvigor and energy are soon at- tained by the use of Miller's Compound Trou Pilîs. 50 doses, 25 cents., Trin STATESMAiI will be sent to any addrese in Canada or United States, tg a newsubseriber for 25e. to Jan. 1 1902. A few Ladies' Suits-the balance of this sprjag's stock-selling off at hall price at Couch, Johaston & Cryderman's Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are sellîng off the balance of their, spring coats at hall price. Ail new goods tis season. Whcn hblîdren are pale, peevish and restlcss at niýrht they require a dose or two of Miller's Worm Powders. Sold at Tol&'s drug store. The Mason Co., say last weck was the bcst for the season liu the clothing department. Sce their new advt-they have man y snaps now offering. Tlhat bot. dry, eczematious condition of tie skin will disappear by the use of Millcr's; Compound Iron Pis. 50 doses 25 cents. Sold at Tolc's drug store. Are you aecding any neat light out- ing shoe.s for the summer. for camping. tennis, ece? A nice variety is kept at the Parlor Shoe Store, Bowmanville. When buing n ready-made suit or ov ercoat you want the Iatest styles and our readly-made suits for mcnanad boys are,, iew gods-(Couch,-JhnRt)n& ryderman. . Bowmanville Amateur Mîinstrels willi give an entertaiument in Town Hall, Orono, Monday J uly lst. Several new features bave been introdaced and a botter show tha n ever may be expected. Diminished Vitalit- Some people calk very flippantly about diminishcd vitahitv. They don't stop to think that vîtality is the principle of life-that it is that littie understood sometbing on whÎch evcrv function of their bodies depends. Diminished vîtaiity is early indicated by loss of appetite, strength and endurance,-aad llood's Sarsapar- ila is the grcatest 'italizer. SOLINA. ________________________________________________________ Sol ina Division No. 40 S. of T. GRAN FRNK AILAY. earine3 fr iSts tNihoi's. prcscntcd Bro. Rev. H. Thomas Pridav GRAN FRNK RILW Y. earlne for13es a Nicolls. ight with an address -and a Grand When la Town, stop at Nicholîs'. Division regalia. He made a suiahie BOWMANVILLE STATION. Gilletts Lvc 8 for 25cts at Nicholils. repiy and gave soine good, sound, 601qG EAST. GOING WEST. Carpet tacks,Tack paliers ai Nieholis' practical advice to the members. Bro. Ey p e ...... 9 2 a. ur. 1E xpress. s5 1 a. m Thomns bas been a vcrv active and ~asne.... i 46 1Locali- S 30u Tack bammers Sts each at Nichols. wiliag temperauce worker since ,be Local.... f; 53 p.m. 1 passenger.. f 50 P. M Couties' Council report coatiaued on camec on this circuit .. .. Solina Division Express ...10 253, 1Express.. .i758 9 Express gos west at 6 OS an. on Mondays. Pa--( 2. attcuded cbiureb Suaday in regalia, SroTTr &,JTRY. Town Agents Editoriais on page 2 (inside) lef t over They paradcd fromn their Hall to the _________________last week. cburcb whcre the pastor delîvered a Specal eetig o Ton Conci-onstirring temperance sermon te a crowd- pesec r eptn fTwCueort. d bouse.... Mr. H. IHooper, Oshawa, paeI e eot visiLed lu the village ..Miss Ada BOWMNVTLEJUN 2 19 1 Very latest styles la gents' hats at M Harris, Hampton, is visiting sit Mr. W. Mayer's bat store, Ok's. -. ..Mr. Gco. Awde, Uxb'idgc, bear the Jubilie Singers la Town rcceatly visited fricnds bore. Foundry By-law on inside page. Hall, Wednesday 26th. Notes and Commenta on an inside New subseribers eau get THE STATES- UNION PICNIC AT TYRONE. page. HAN to ead of 1901 for 50eAoeniescsswtbevrcto Tee cire& a ithelkeeer igta Local news, correspondence and ail wh, oattended the union picnic-West Cawkr &Tai's.edtorials on inside pages. Durbam XO'ornon's Intitute, Farmers' SedTHE STATECHAN 10 your absout 25c,-Any niew afibscriber cari get Iinstitute, and Tyronie societies ai-d cit- freas-2 ~esfor 25e TiE STATESMAN to end of 1901 for 25e. zenis-la Mr. Wm, McLaugblin's grove Sehool teachers and trustees wili find Th~e tnli Family Pienie wili be bcld Saturday June 22. The TD. O. P Co. anaril on slre inside. on Saturday July 6 at Oshawa-on the- Band furnisbed abundance of inspiring St, Joha's Sunday Sehool picale wihl Lake, music, the refresbment bootha did a be el aItacie Lake ýon Wedacsday Canadian Jubilce Singe5rs, Town rusbing tradc in cooling drinks, bananas, J uly lOtb. Hall, Wednesday dune 26. 25e te ail etc., the people grouped themselvos for Ladies' sboes-sometbîag very nobby part of the bal. social converse and the commitice con- aad omfrtale or ot wathr-a Do't et oerhatc cokin-weducted the sports and games to the satis- Frd R ofrle fr otweahr-finnt e uehof dcookd me-faction of ail wbile the weather kept as FrdRFly.'..carry afn ieo okdmas pleasaîît as it culud tfli nearly 8 o'cock Tf you requii'e a dressing comb, sec Cawker & Tait. wben a tbreatening thunder sbower caus- SttA& Jury s windowanearly 1000 combs Canadian Jubilee Singers,Town cd the vory large crowd to seek their wt prices fromn Sets. (for the regular et. Hall, Wednesday June 26. Ad-. homes or tome frindly shelter. At 6 p. Jiae) up to 75 ets. mission 25c. mib e ladies spad tbe immaculate H1avinZ pnrcbased at a big discount We carry the finest stock of dress linon covors on the greeusward and the a oberiagtofr i25 eli.Somwe aofgoods la blacks and colours shown bv feast was eojoyed lu roal picnic style A theciin l ote forb2neaair. doub e Toea nybouse la these counties. Couci, btter uatured or joilier company would Mason Co0. Johnston & Cryderman. ho hard to find. Tbo winners of prizos in TriityS S annalFloer ervce Are you aI ail particular about the the contests are: TrîiJtyS. . anua FlwerSericeeut and fit of your clothes if so leave 50 yard race, boys. 7 yoars and under, next Sunday nigbt. Good programu your order at Couch, Jobaston & Ci'y- Lorne Sanders, Bruce Honeywoll; 50 yd, mad a special scene "Througb Thc dcrman's aad vou shall be satisfied. girls, 7 years and under, Edîth Lari, Ella cwa e" wll epesac. Wamw Mrs. James Milîs, aged 113, a lady of Liday, 75 vds, boys, 12 yoars and und- corne 10 ail. Woodhain, Ont,, cotmlte,1 rAllun S-lvester, Fred Wib;75ys Lake steamers ot King and Cas- siid, visiting the Exhibition at Baffaio girls, 12 ycars and under, Ella Sanders, plan for Pau-Am., Buffalo, 85 00 retura accomnpaniied by bier infant son. who is'Pearl Skinner; îoo, yds,boys, 16 yoars and tckets good for 30 days;-9$3 70 for re-, just 76 S cars oid. under,C Meon, - Wilkins; 100 yds,i turai tickets good for, 3 days . See girls, Hua Sanders, Addio Lindsay; 200 advt n inside page., Having a large stecu,ý of Ilats and yds race, open to ail, C Wight. MI. S -,iarticles of great value from a Ca"o ad ~dl re 0rdce it, Wight; îoo yds, 40 yoars and lover, John SP-C~ have decidcd te tak10ý ý per cn off for Mutton, Thos. Creopor ; 3-leggod race, scntific authority appeared la TIIE ,utmr seinjad b- STATES1M1AN Cf Janie 12 ýand 19 on Cncs utmrs comeage a- 50 yds and re-tura, A H. Moore and Ed. supton Teyar ntadvertisemients gain. M. MAYER, 1batter, iheige -Wgrand .Wg but are tnaube 10ail threatcned -Tear vaeriinesngthe1 Boot raco, 5o yds andl returo, Percy wihIe WiePlgc" ~ 1mn frco 9s re ,F leyCemens, Percy Woerry; Sack raco, 75 11e. . homs adfailyle tonis sbowing sîe-rr_ gooid values aall a yds, L. Rice, Geo. Byarn; Barrel race, last n-if, gbtasanfor P ic L en 1;, ' Or L'l route Pa orti ai ,1OxforsPt the50 yds and roturn, Porc3' Clemons, Geo. the boat is h o itne ot alrSboe Store, Bowmaaviile. Bvam; Egg race, ina yds, John Tait, H. tri Piainflcld is new circuit. Bro., Thoriîs bas donc a grand work on the Mr. Rieh. Wctaway is firsù ilia the Scott; Ru long ump, t6 years and und- .Ilampiton circuit and bears the respect fielid again. This morn ilg be îlefI with or, C, McKeen, F. Robbins; Tun, hop, and zood will of maay friends 1e bis ns a mess of new potatôce. Who caa and jump, i6 yoars and under, C. Mc- nw.bom0rne. beat titis? 'Tbey are not as large as Koon, F. Robbins; Run long jump, for tbey will be, but the chances are for ail, A. C. Wight, C. McKeen; Run, hop, >benriy Layton was struck bv the G. some fine murpies-Port Hope Guide. stop and jump, for ail, L. Robbins, A C. T.Rluflver Sunday aiternoon acar the . Wight. A pretty swift foot bail match- far ofMr.Jon A Gabrith whîere ON MAGNETIC HEALING-MîICh 'S Bowmanville Intermediates vs. Tyrone lie worked aad was nstaatly kilied.* spokea and writtcn duriag these limes Invincibies-was spiendidly contested ile was walking along the track and about Ibis mysterions method of treat witb no goal'in an bour's playing. Mr. steppcd 1t0 one ide te let the train pass ing disease h osrl rmr-FH.Frot, B . A., was referce. Two but the sution seems te bave drawn able cases of magnello bealing wbicb junioiîeams contested the field later buýt hlm against a car wich fractured bis have corne under the notice of the th esit bas bot reacbed us. skull, soie and arm. bis co.mpan- writer bave been hos l wn hDy,. lon, Thoýs, Luany, Who went te tbe Chas e's Olaîment w-as used, This! No borne shouid bc withiout il.t Paina- othr ade fthe track, fudLayton preparation scm,is 10 bave mgîcl iller, the best ail-rournd edceever9 iyinng d(ead beside Ibe5 traek aflerib e1 powers la stoplag ,,tbqédread1fnl btbig ad.sed as a linamenýt forbrse -,ra î had pa8ssed. r. ,A. S. Tilley, iburaigsenatins t>i2 SaIt e I lhe u lad d wllns.Tternallv for cap coronier and CbJif4arvis wc(1re sm-Eczemaï, and wblen used reuîrî ad (darrboea Avold subsýtitutes hr mon'ed buit no nu was considred 1makes the cure t oubaad Dperman- 1S 1but on PinKiie, erryv i. neesary. et.,2e.and SOc. 1PEllON At, Miss Anie Cale is home lrom Tor- Mr. And. McSorley is home fron Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Tod speait Suaday lui Oshawa, - Mrs. John S. Pinch is vlsitiag rela- tives la Ottawa. Miss Ida Nuan, Coîborne, has beca visiting relatives here. Mrs. E. C. Southey bas, heen guest of Miss Furby. Port Hope. SMiss Gertie Grigg, Caaningu.ton, bs visiting rclatives la towa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Tiein visited fricnds la Oshawa Suadaýy. 2Miss Louise Hanson is liiîn er brother in Rochester, N. Y, Mr'. Henry Hoeken, Sali, was l Lindsay last week o uîe~ Mr. W. R. R. Cawker caausverv, iii with sligbt hopes of re,,overý,y. Mrs, Alex Boyd and son, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. W, G' Glovyer. Mi'ss Leila Logan, Lindsay, ta visitiag lier cousin, Miss Hilda Loganl, Salem. Mrs. J. Shirley Denison, Toronto, is guest of ber father Mr, J. B. Fairbaira, P. M. Mls dith L. Macklinanad Miss Pierce, Cobourg, were guesis of Mrs. R. W. James Monday. eRev, A. J. GT.Carscaddca and bride are gucsts off bis mother, Mrs, _James Carscadden, Beech Avenue. Miss Josephine Williams bas gone tc take a - ood position la the Jackson, Sanatorium, Dansilîle, N. Y.' Miss Lulu Saadercoek, Riverside, Cal., î8 la town aftcr au absence of aine years, guest of ber aunt Mrs. Buekler, Mrs. Thos. MeLean and: daughter, Toronto, and Miss MeLachlin, Nor- wood, are gucsts at Mr. Jas. ýMcLeaa's. Mr. Jno,. Ayre brougbt to town ycs- terday samples of rye whieat gýrowa on his farm thîs spring, whicb measured 7 ft, Miss E. J. Hooper and Mrs, Fred, Coucb left on Priday via the "North King" to visit relatives la Rochester, N. Y. Master Roy E. Werry came up from Montrealalone on Moaday to spend the summcr with b s graadparents at Solina. 1ev. D. N. McCamus was !presented by the Mthodist coagregation before leaving Cobourg witb a puese of $100 ln gold. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad and two daugbters, Detroit, Mieb . arc visitiag bier father Geo. C. Haines, Esq., Police Magistrate. Mr. A. A. Mulholaad, Finance Min- ister of the Counties' Council, bas beca lected President of East Northumber- land Liberal Association. Misses Maud and Kate E 11ii o t t, daughters of Mr. Jas, Ellïott, have rcturned from Brooklyns, N. Y., to spend the summer at home. Mrs. James Clarke, Holland, Mani- toba, is vîsitiag ber sister Mrs. R. Peate and other relaatives lu towa after an absence of ten years,( Miss Julia Jenîags bas passcd-the examination ln Water Colora, at the Ed.ucation Dcpartment, Toronto, ahd received a teacher's diploma.' Lieut. Garnet B. Hughes, son of Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P., Lindsay, bas won the Goveraor-General's Gold Mcd. al at the Royal Miitary College, Kings- ton. At the Midsummer At Home at St. Margarct's College, Toronto, Miss Ethel Younie King, Bowmanvillc, performcd la two departments-vocalist and pianiste. Dr. Frank C. Trebilcoek, E niskillen, and Dr. F. W. Marlow, lackstock. have passed the finalý examîination of the College of Physicians -,and Surgeons for Oit ario .4f1111edged(dCtolr S Mo w. Dy spepsia in ts wrtforms illv-i yield to tle use of Crter's Littleý Ner%-e Puisý, aided by Carter's Littie Liver Pilîs, Tbey not ol eheepreseaut distîress but strnghnste tmach and dig-estive apparatus. NEWCASTLE. Mr, Thos. Douglas was at Cobourg as juryman .... Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and daughter, Kirby, visited her sister. Mrs? J. M. Cobbledick.... .Miss Britton, Newtonville, was guest of Mrs. E. L. A. Osborne .... .Miss Dora Dickson visit- ed Miss LizziO lt.. .l Mabel Rickard,Hope, was home Sunday week. Mr. Fred. Hancock, Newtonville, was guest at Mr. John Clemens'... Mrs. A. J. babey and daughter, Tor- onto, visited at Mr. W. H-utchinson's.. _Mr. Wîll Law is home from Ottawa Normal Sehool . ... Mr N. A. Pickard has returned to Norwood. . . Mr. H, A. iRowland, Toronto, visited a, home recently ,,,, Miss Emmna Beman! was recent guest of Miss May Rinch. .- Miss, Leslie and Mrs. Spence of Toroiito are guests of Mrs. Duncan Arnot .. .. Mr. Bert Mclntosh is home from Trinity School, Port -Iope, .. .Miss C. Rose visited in Port Hope last wcek, ... Mrs Henry Adams and daughter, visited here recently.. . Mr. Rfoss MeLachln, Traders' Bank, visited la Bowmanville recentiy ....Mrs. Drummond went to Toronto and will, go to Oakvillc to visit friends. . ...The foot bail gamne betweea Leskard and Newcastle at Orono, Wed nesday resulting in a tic. The game between Orono and Newcastle, at Newcast!e Saturday evening was 2-0 la fa-vor of Newcastle.. .Sheriffldilbeck of the Yukon and his son Jack are ex- opectcd here in October.,, Mrs. Vars is in Buffalo on a visit.,. Miss May Kimbali, Port Granby, isguest of Miss Winnie Eilbeck ...,. Miss J oncs is guest of hier friend Miss Leah Chaplin ... .Miss Anale Douglas, milliner, is home f romn St Mary s'.. . .Miss Ciara bedges was guest of Miss Gertie Pearce. Sunday,. .Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bryans are camping at the Lake . ...Mr. George Eilbeek has rented Mr. W, H. B. Chaplin's summer cottage... . Mr. and Airs. Hiddlicae4on visited 'n Pickering reccntly. Miller's- Worm Powders correct al such troubles as lack of appetite, bul- iousncss, drowsiness, sallow com-plexion etc., alcecto take. BORN YELLOWLEES -III Bowmanvtlle, Jone lsth, to Mr and Mrs Neil Yellowlees, a daoghter. BLOOMER-TO Bowmanville, Jue 20, the wif e off Mr Wm Bloomer, off a daugbter. FLETCHER-Io Bowmanville, Jue 23, tu Mr and Mrs A H'erbert A Flecher, a daugliter. KENED Y-In Londonl, June 19, to Mr and Mrs G Ed Kennedy, a son. GAT NLeaLr Hampton, June 18, the wife of Mr W H Gay. o1 a son. MARRIED. SIIofliRIDGE-]3RADLY-At the residence of the brides parents, Thorohili, Man, Jue 5, by 1ev W Ri Hughes, B A, Mr Thos Shortridze, formerly of Solina, Ont, and Minnie, daughtcr off Mr W Bradley, CALE-VEALE-At the resideece of Mr Wm HI Aldred, Carroll, N W T, Jue 19 b)y 1ev Wmn Elliott, John H Cale, Antier, NW T eldest son of Mr Itobt Cale, Bowmanville, and [da Mahel, pouugest daoghter of the late Thomas Veale, Bowmanville. DIED. LÂYTOX-Aceidentally killed on G T f RNy, in Darlingtin, Jue 23, 1901, Henry Lay ton of Clarke, aged 32 years. S ERVANT WANTED-At tne Meth- odist Parsonage, Courtice, at once. Good wages. Apply to REv. JOS. WARD. CourtiCe. 25 tl So ERVANT WANTED- Good geacr ai kiservant to go to Toronto, Apply to W. V,' ALLES, Beeeh Ave., Bowmanville. U5t Pý EUS ON AL- The undersigned wouldltîke tohear from his mother,Mr,iý Wm, Lynch, formerly Mrs, Watt, Toronto. Lasýt heard off at Hampton. ERNEST WAT,', Bolton. Ont. .263 w ENCE WANT D -Fr m 10ta 100 Feetoffnc ssable rgadeorlan One with iron rods preferred. Apply to W. WV TEULL, Orf 00. t1 w ,QERVANT WANTED-Abouit second iiwekt Ango-Lst as generai seran a 'reliahie middle aged or stroog ldri woman Honlseeprs wages Appiy immed- tately to Miss McCîaomz High 'St, Bowmau- plaIyer for pipe o)rg"an Metho iu hch, salaury e',peered ,nns)t' Ief-,wrv, og ud nmay he settcithier C. M. CvvwxEca,M.AJAE or T. C JEELLChor Comttee.on or hefore Frîday, Jniy 5. ervirces te bgi frs nda.y ta Anusi.w Talkst 0 e, Ceylon and India Tea. GREEN OR BLACK A WISE HOUSEWIFE looks out'for the family health and the family pocket- book. if she uses Ceylon and India Machine-made Tea she gets the purest andi most economical Tea to be had. DA eyion Teas are soid in Seaied Lead Packets LAoniy. Black, Mixed, Uncolored CeyIon Gen JK LA ree sampies sent. Address 'SALAD.A," Toronto. Try the Grand Central duo- -ALSO- *O * MeLaughlin's Hy gela, GInger Aie, Cherry Sour, Peacho; these are put up in qurt botties, very fiee to serve at * home. Orange Phosphý-ate saveyppular and healthful Sbeverage. Refreshi yourselves with. any of these at the =3 : G ad Cn t ral. PICKLES. Cross & Blaekwell Pickles Hleinz Pickles Morton Pickles Evaporated Horse Radish Tomato Catsup Tomato Chutney F1511. Can Salmon Can Lobster Can Haddie Freucli Sardines Kippered Herriug Bloater Paste SOIJPS. Mock Turtle Royal Worcester Sauce Juliene Mulligatanny EuglishWoreester Sauce Royal Salad Dressing .Breakfast Bacon, Cooked Beef, Cooked llams and llams eured speeiaily for our tr 'ade need no commenting upon. To buy once meano colitinuoins buying. GOO DS flELIVERE0 DAILY TO THÉ LAKr:. Cawker &Tait. BOWMANVILLE. 0I~11 EPEPESSOE j ISpecial SaieE -a Over 200 to elear at OUT PRICES. EU Gents' Suit, Twill Clay Worsted, Blue or Black. E To Order for $10.' m 0 - GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASH* 41 'î S;1 A SO0N &SONIN el The Peopl&s Store. BOWANILE.Next Door to Standard Bank S ERVANT WANTED-For general lîousework. Apply to JOHN MCMURaTv ChurcO st., Bowm auvilie. 24-tf T ENT TO RENT-The W. C. T. U. JL adies are offering their dune large tent on reasonahie tere. Appiy to MRs. L. A. W, TrIE, Bowmauvtlle, 15-tf D11OPERTY FOR SALE-The threa JLstorey brick building ffronting on King St. Bowmauville, îmmediateiy west off Benuet Hoose fitted for samnple roome and dwe Iling, having 27 feet frontaze, beloniging to the estate off Lavenia Rnebottom, deceased. For f urther particillar-s apprly to J. X. GALBRAITH, executor, Bowmpnvile. 2-w Ooxrected by J.-Mo2IurtrYIeach Tuesday FLouR ' e100Ib5 ........ $1 70 to$2 50 WHEAT, Eaul, bush ....... O Os l" O65 ..... . a 0O il O 65 Riled Elfe....0 001 0 8a Goose ....0 60"il0 60 BARLEY, e bush, No. 1 ... O 40 il O 43 il i 2 ...O040"si0 45 o i3 ..,ý0 251 0 30 ilTwo- rowed 0 40 si0 41 OATs, white si'... .... 0 25,1' O 30 liT, s..............0 fil0 00~ BuCKWUvEAT Il.............000" O 50~ PUA&s, Blackeye, ?P bush.. 069 i O 77 il Canadian Beauties ;O 69 fi, 7 il Mum.mey OO iO6 lSmal " OO "O6 ýBUTTE.R, bs al,~1, 0"O1 C- 'v do......00 01 POTTOR, ~bush.. .OQOnO0 ý;e77DYollr Atention For a Moment! Tf you aro building- or repaîrlag we oaa perbiapa help yon ta solve some of the difflnies incident ta tbe under- taking. For instance :-- CUMENTS-We bave BaItle's Tborold for concrete walls, cattle stables and celiar floors; English Portland for pave- eanad CisternE. Bit. Srur-Pinean d bemloLCk Joiss, Santinad Boards. TîsuiEn-Pine a nd Cedar Square, Timuber and Sheepers. FLOOP.ING,--Red and White Fine and White Maple. CEILING and WANSCorî'G-Paiatîed and Graincd, Beaded and V-Joint. SIDING-Beveled, Cove, Shipiappe and Clapboarding, SiiNxGL@s-Ail grades, Native Fine- and Cedar and B. C.lied Cedar. DooRS-Giimours'paîcnî iumber,hard- wood and pine Doors-ailj grades anti c prices. SAsH, LiirS and MOULDiNÛS.-G il. mor'âadRtbbun's Manufacture. Sait, Flatteý4r, Wood andti BesI Cicau Screanyed Col-bHard and Soa". lnse~ton nvied.PricesResnbe MCcJLELAN l'C , Most every one will take a littie outing this mouth and lunch. goods will be ln demand and these days wheu so mueli trashy goods are on the market disguised with the name of Bargains, it makes one ask where eau. we buy reliable goods at reasonable pricee ? We have a reputation for high.class goods whbeh we mean to maintain and goods bouglit from us that are not as reeommended are ckeerfully exehauged or mouey refuuded.

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