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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1901, p. 6

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1, etn ha loaned hy the said the Ca ýporation cf ')ffiae, for tht, Nrth 'Ward a!;theDiiHAHNADBUV 3'f à l f omnil o h adW O- J o L. !%h'gýds h "11,HAHNAN BLEEs pany 'il make the sum of $7,000 ta be con- ced corn - ncinr3 a' th a h'u 0 nnaoîeed dtov' c goBa wuieaitai o. frhee of hWad i te iall a;deed sd tken s sworkug epît) aftho in the farenea sud coitinu;ug outil the ecnaeo eilu eaîa Fi E s au lth ad Company, against iwhich it ha a s. beur off ie'ckl u h ï.,no c h By au o te orortin f ieTo a îah!iehed that there shall be no obligations or ov um D tday, tans ofthefTRliro gionsthe World, 01 Bowmneville, ta purchase land and iabhitiies of the said Campzpey. aoJOHN LYLEhrugbu te or Bowmranville. erG t on sanne liuildii'tqs suitable (f) It hall b8 apn tO theMnicipal Coun. hl1.rnTnCek.--- latquaotnakdAe aD L-u r-% rnd le=-ecsar1e el' 'fthe tOwn Of Bwavleto waiva thig Bowmanvihîe.jn:1 90 ~VYiij1ji o6j9 Ma î., «Sc deheatureg ebai l be han-ced over ta the said BoIwnanville at .. .. 7.00 a. M., 6Oc The Bownaanville u'iidcy Co'y Limit ed: Orhayya at......... 8.00 a. in., 50c (a) That Chi'tia Ilader bas befire the WhlitbY et.......... 8.45 a, n., 5OC . Passin hezecf ec.auoed ta Le executr-d aud de« Children Raif Fare. îivered ta the Municipa!ie-y ai the town ai ko~wmanville a mortgýge aecurity on, Iha Arriving in Toronto at 11,15 a. m.- plant and PrAperty with ehch the said Reluming leave Toronto at 5 P. M. Christian lieheder ja noce aperating bis huai. Tickts ay u etendd to weksnasa as a manufacturer lu and ebout Tii. Tickts ray u exende tw wee~oad, whichl, ahail ha sigued by aIl and every Upon application to the Purser and persaon having any interest in sad plant aud payment of 25c additionai. property and hll pravide far payment by Low freight rates. Freight handled the said <1rporation af the tacen aofIlocmau- prornptly and carefully. For tickets ille of $5000 ta te recovered as I;qiidated excursion rates to any point on LaK &mLtages in case thes said Christian Rehder d-s ntcerrY eut bis agreement sitar the Ontario and general information, apply Copoa ai ofthe towvr, of Jowmarviîîe te ýshall have contructed the buidings roi erred H. CANN, te hereiu. B. . H PBUN, 1A.(nt, <b) That the sai Chrietian Re-hder wil B. nra R. HPBU n, 'omavi fùrhl ltrthe paeslog ai this hy-law Gene ai A ent take euc b tepâ as m ay e necessaty ta pro- Pnonc 270. 38 Yonge St., Toronto. cnre a charter under d-e Ontario Joint Stock Companive Act inecrporating The llownian- ville Fauadry Company, Limited, as a Cier- portia which will have ita chief place cf zîbovines a!; the town cf Ilawmanville. and ~shal have pewer ta conduet a genertd Ma- chine sud Faundry business aud aiso Plating cf Ail ecirptions, and ceiet h ail bave a capital stock af ncet e-s than 85o,000 of which nal leas than $12, 000 ehall 1-e auhocrib- Frem ed sud fully paid op. Montreal te),That the said Chrietan Rebdar, within Nuridian............. June 29 DaYhiglsht faty days after the said buildi ngs are hy the ]zarisan ............. Juy,6 ]llite-Corporation of the ono omril e Australasian new ..juiy' v13 9 a m etcnc~~wav l s 'corinthian ........... Jiy f20 Daylîght cared flniehed will insao aud properiy set Tun.isian .............ily 27 9 a m up lu the said building, go that e-ha sama Nunidian ,...........Atg 3 Daylight cao e rosi sud aPeribted, a pIlntconsiaî1ing Pariian.............. Au7 ii 9. of au engiue, baller., cepula or iran meitiug RATES F PAS AGE. urnace, ehaftiug, heleing and machidery, af at cash value, et the tirne of instalsîlon of a!; F1rst Cahiu$52.59 andi upwards; rTOtem 89,01 least $11,000O, wbich shah tbethe ahaote and upwards. tSeçondi Cablu 35ta $ý42.50 PoetofheB mayl ond C . London $150 6tra. Thîrd Cla ss $25 md$-6-poprya!teBwmuiieFudr en Liverpool, Londonderry, London, Ghasgaw and pauy, Limited, with no claim, lies, charge Bielfast;. or encurabrauce against it, and noa iiahliiîy For tickets and every normatoa due or awiug in respect'cf it hy the said Itiy to CompauY Or hY ny peraon Wbamsoever, M. A. JAMES, (d) The said The Bewmanvlbe Foundry Allan LUne Agent. Bowmanvïlla. Coumpany, Limlted, ehall însmediately after _________________________________the installation of the @nîi plant andi machin. -. ay accept s lease of the said premises from Albert as sen down wn by his ebeCorporation cf thq town of Bocemauville AI-rerl wa set don twn y b sud e-recule sarne for a terr a o 20 yearsat a!a mother to get somne horsemadiali rentai of ona dollar per annumn condîtioneti wlîich she needed for ber pickles. Af- an the terins af this in snob mannes ter quite a long absence lie came as Caunsel for the Corporation of the town back home, tired anti empty-handed. af Bowuianvi)ll may advise. Well, where is the horseradïsh? asked (e) The siai Bowmauville Fudry Com, bis mother. Why, inother, 1 went ta pany. Limited, abat! fartbwith sitar axecut, every livery stable in town, nt he ng Psaitilease,dapasiî in entas charterati hank didust hay-e bit anserad Aibeynt ethe towu af Bowtnauvillae-oufficiant mou- didnt a ve a bgi,. wr Ya tathe credit oi the saiti Company which wit a ear sili.lwith the e-ocf $0900 beraluafler referxed to Fife Hail; in the aaid wardS Ou the eleventh day Of JUIy inuIlle Year af our Lord 1901, tram nîne oVctinl the forenoc o t iee o'clock in the afternoon, and that the foliow- irg persons ehall be, returniur ci tgler fer takiug the votasss!; tha sti poiling places:- for the Wgs-t Ward John Lyle, for the Na'rth Ward Rnbeit MuD)olgaîl, iat rte tieulli Ward 1R. W. Scohail; that the evîthl day of July linetbe year cf our Lord 1901 a!; tweive o'cbock noon ehall ho the day andi heur, sud the Counui Chamber in the saiti town the place, cehere th3 Mayor shali attend tO appela!; pacsons ta attend a!; the Varions polliag p!aces for the final aumiuîug- up cf the valehy tbe Cleik an behalf ai te persans interaaled lu promaîing or appraving the Passeiug af Ibis hy-law anti on hehali af the persons interasted lu apposing e-be pae-iug ofi ib y-law, 10. Tha!; the fourleeuth day cf Joly lu the year of aur Laid 1901 sItan ' îck lu the forenoan, ehll he the day sud bour, aud te Conucil Chainher the place, where the Clark saal sum up the nuinter c-f votes glvu for aud agaius!; Ibis FCEDuisa SEFElRCO TO IN PARAGIAPe-iTWO OS THEE OSIEOING BY-IAW. y ear Total. 1902 $735.82 1903 7,35.82 1904 735.82 1905 735.82 1906 735.82 1907 735.82 1908 73582 1909 735.82 1910 735.82 1911 73582 t 1912 735 82 1913 735.82 1914 735.82 1915 73,582 1916 735,82 j 1917 735.82 1918 735.82 1919 73582 1920 73e.82 1921 735.82 VTOTIGE. TAXE NOTICE that the abovea fa0a true COPY Of a proposad hylaw which ehall ha taken into cousideratian hy the Councilicf the Miirçipality of the towu of Bcwinu Yill.e -r oas onth frmthe fies!; publi- cation lu the Bawmianville News necspaper the date of the firet Publicatioa being Thora- dey the twautletb day af Jue 1901, sud that ths3 votes of thse qualifisti electéra cf thse sai, 'nicipaiity will ha teken tharan , 1 or thea Wast Ward aItisae Police -~ ~ ~ -; U lw-mae c cadi wru--tc-e bginniiîg 0flithe inetecnth century, ave obs , ee a vonderful anti enormn- ous change ini the cost af protiucing a ton of iron o)r steel. Among the agencles chiely ta ho crediteci with the resait Mr., Whitwell direc-ts at- tention ta Neilson's application of the host blast, to the inventions af Desmer and Siemensa, to the great increase in the sizeo f furnaces and in the power of machinery, andi, fin- ally, to tihe botter undeî-ataîiting of the varions phenoînena 0 o smeltilgand to resultant altemations af treatinent.. Notwithstanding the groat ativance witii respect to econ- omny oaimanufacture, there are stili imîny problemns in the iron andi steel industries awnîting solution; pro- blenis conceirne 1d with the prevention of waste lient anti with the utiliza- tion ai waste praducts. There are, for example, tava sources cf avaste lient un bat furnace operations, ta wit: the loss of the heat cantained in tihe iron andi the lass ai that con- tained in the slng. It is flot dîlli- cuit tocomput e the amounts of heat thus dissipateri. In a blnst furnace plant, for instance. praduclag. lot us say, 100,000 tans yeanly, the heat ioss in the iran will equal 4,125 tons af caal. ' alro the prablem to bce solveti is how ta cast the iran int pig, anti. at the same time, ta tamn its lieat ta account. Tihe iseat bast in the slng is n stili more son- ious item of waste, Ir, a blast fur- naco plant producing 100,000 tons af Clevelandi pig iron yearly tise heat bast ia the slag- is equivnlcnt ta 10,- 300 tonls af coal. Mr. Wlsitwell re- cogîsizes that ib would be im-possible to ecoaoi-ze ill af this waste Isent anti npply iltot, oma useful. purpase, -but lic hiolds tha t a large proportion discovering new rmeanas ai utilization wlsiclî aill use up ail the slag pro- duceti, is stilh uiioolved. lna aword, bbe developmýeat ai the Iran and steel industries, notwithstnnding the enor- mious progressîntie duning the inie- teenth century, lias by rio0 meana Coire, ta an end. A REMAJIKATILE OCCURRENCE. A remnarkable case of a mian re- gaining bath speech andst lenning lins accurreti at J3rkýing, Eiiglnid. Jean Matfurlia, when a sailor, fourtecîs years ago, was ahipwrecked aif the Coast of Asia, and feîl froni a nst inta tbc sen. Hoeavas unconscious for faurbeen tinys, anti an recovenlng Wns unable to spenli or hear. For somie coasiderable tinse lie lias been in thse emiploy af Mr. Josla, a mar- -ket gardener, at Barking. About a week ago lio receiveti a figlit fram a gon goiug ail nccîdantally, anti ran home la a vcry excitcd state. A few days aiteraývard isis heariîsg returised' andti isn bis speech. Hliecaun ow bear penfecbly, anti apenk fluntly in Italian, Frenchi anti Porbuguese, and somiewhat inipenfecbly ii Eîglisls. Visitor-What becamneai tisat man who l ad twenty-sevea mnedals for snviag people fram drowning? Boant- mian-He feula an ne- datywhea he lad leni alais, andtih-le weight of 'emn sunk hirm. New W'fe-Tomnomrow is youu- birta.- day, tianling, anti I asi gchsg 9 -ta stop at bIse jeweiler's ai buy y.. n pro- sent, ler Hubby-Get somothing chep, pet; I haven't paiti .hlmfor myý hast birthsday present yet. U -~ TaPrave ta Yau tisa!;Dr. Chase's inîmen t Ila acertain anti absalute cura for each and evemy farm af itching, bleedlngand proîrnding piles, the manuiacturera bave guamanleet il. lSes tes- timonials in the daihy press and ask yaurneigb- bers wbalthoy lhinîakaii.Yaîî aause ilanfi gel saur moey back if ual cumed. 60e a box, aI ail dealera ar EDmA&N5soNBATEs & Co., Tarante, Dr. Ohase9s Ointment] simply tradiug- on Our grand reputation sud e-bal in moaoy of those cases you willble exceedinglv disapîsaiated. XVe have pleadeti fer, eiis years for yen te corene uon le grauânt i lcor catijoie bauds withi Ibis aId establisheti Twino organization Buy ounrled Star 10e Twine anti yen wii make ne mistalie. JOSEP'H ST'RATVORD, 198 Gencral Manager. BEN'DER1 TWINE, Farmers, buy your Binder Twine from the Farmiers Co-operative Ca., Br-antford, Best Twine 10ýcts par lb. PEaTERt WELORY, agent for North anti Eau L's.rliingtoo, Tyrone. 6 if The original kidney speciflo for tie ciure of Backaehe, Diabetes, Bri ght's Disease and P-11 Urinary Troubles. Don't accept something j ust as go00d. Seo you get the genuine Dy USING MIBURN'S uIS, VICTORIAC, March 8, it901. The T. Milbura Ca., Limited, Toranto, Ont. DearSirs,->Sarnetimeagamydaughter, aged 19 years, - was tranbled $ I ,with bad head. in chies aad laoss, ~v Shewas t th Ge tlie, and 1 rlsem- gat PîiL highly spken f 1 prcured abo'x, and y the tune she had used therin she lad gained 9ý bs. iin weigh tand is n00W lai perfect heale-h. Yaurs truly, Mas, P Hl. CURTIS. AFI,.SHJiLIIM4N'S LTJCK. fayha"ïbeâi woll by an old fishr- mia, whao is ory-ar ix . y years of aga amd ha, al mýlscd a day fi-rn fish- iing for over fifty years. Hol can neith- or rend for write, and alIowe-d hie littia, nieco ta choaouote numler iof the ticket foýr him. Whena avesse! la on 0;i triadlitnp she runs fou ir tinies ny-r ;a 1 e(a suredf ,f mlle, twice xvith and twt 1a ist the tide. Lier average spoed 1 ths arrivcd at.

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